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The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2018, 9:57 pm

Jake remained silent, nodding to Ann's words about a new trick, he was a little surprised that Johanna would even consider using an ability of her mothers but perhaps she just saw it as her own now. Or more useful when used then complained about. And he got to see it first hand, and he enjoyed it so much he resisted trying to take those stupid ears now on his head. The shadow tendril came and he watched as the tendril went and knocked the bag of loot from Aideen, who looked about as confused as would be expected when the speedster was surprised by something she didn't see coming.

Jake in turn looked to the surprise of Johanna jumping high to get the bag, his eyes on her, right till a iron suited bunny knocked Johanna onto the second floor with what Jake felt was far too much ease and retrieved the bag for the bunny bandit. But Jake had just about enough. This day was meant to be good, not perfect, but great, for Ann. And now this, a robbery where he planned, Johanna attacked in his watch. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, Jake pulled it off along with the ears, freeing himself so that his wings could easily come out.

Stepping forward towards the smaller rabbits, the speed demon took notice of the now shirtless boy and frowned, right before her eyes lit up in recognition and she looked to the bunny bandit. "Bon Bon! Tall, shirtless and surprisingly... Better looking then last I saw him is dangerous." The woman called out, stepping back with narrowed eyes at the boy, her feet had been leaving small prints of fire behind everywhere she had gone, not taking well to the floor and never seeming too dangerous. But now with each step, the flames she left behind seemed just a bit bigger, and looked a lot more dangerous.

However, her alarmed call reminded Jake that she might not be the biggest problem, the bunny woman was, glancing the bunny boss, Jake primed his feet and quickly lunged towards her on all fours, doing his best to keep low to the ground so that he could avoid any of the smaller problems that presented themselves in the shape of the rabbit minions as he moved forward, using his closeness to the ground to maneuver when he needed too. They were quick and the metal covered ones were surprising strong. He was quick enough and strong enough. He just needed to get close enough so that he could deal with the main problem in a way that was mostly him trying to crash his shoulder into her. A test to see if she was strong, durable. Or full of surprises.

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 30th 2018, 12:09 am

“Oh look at that!” the pale woman said, biting her lower lip. Her violet eyes tracked the shirtless boy as he moved towards her. The banks patrons had no idea what to make of this whole situation. Where the two teens trying to stop the robbery? None of them bothered to act. Each more concerned for their own well being and using ‘I can’t do anything’ as a mental excuse to not get involved. The security guards on the other hand attempted to do their jobs but were surprisingly toppled by the small bunny army that began to amass in the bank.

As the boy went airborne, in an attempt to crash shoulder first into the bunny girl, she’d puff into a cloud of smoke. This left the boy on a collision course with the teller window. She’d reappear where she had initially revealed herself. A small squad of armored bunnies hovered at her sides. “Go find mommy’s gem.” The armored battalion would all fly off in separate directions to scout the bank. “Sweetie, it appears to be as though you have some history with our would-be hero. Care to share?”

Johanna sat on the second floor of the bank. She was laying flat on her back in between the halves of a table she crashed through. As she sat up she began to rub her jaw. Whatever hit her packed one hell of a punch. Speaking of, what the hell did hit her? She thought as she crawled out of the rubble that was the broken desk. Initially she thought it was the speedster, but if that was the case her power would have kicked in. She’d know, she was staring right at her. Whatever hit her, came from out of her line of sight.

The teen stayed low and crept to railing on the second floor. “Are you serious?” she mumbled to herself as she saw all the security guards basically being mauled by a herd of rabbits. Even more confusing and absurd was the group of bunnies that were actually piloting miniature power armors. From her perch, Johanna watched as the little iron bunnies scattered. This was her chance. She just needed a way to get around the speedster. As the teen waited for an opening, she began to notice that it was getting somewhat hard for her to breath. A few beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. “No, no, no, no, no, no.” she mumbled to herself. She could see an inkling of black flames rising from the ridges in her metal arm. She closed her eyes and began to steady her breathing. “This isn’t me. It wont ever be me.” she whispered to herself.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
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Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 30th 2018, 1:06 am

Tricks. She was a bag of tricks. Awesome. Catching himself on the edge of the bench that led to the window, flipping so his feet helped to slow his impact with the wall by placing them on the window, leaving him in a hand stand on the counter, his eyes back on the bunny woman who was back where she started. Ether she could teleport on a whim or she was much faster then she looked, using the smoke to cover that speed.

"History? He just impeded a hit I had to do. Kinda totaled the whole island I was on alongside a dragon. Oh yea... He's some sort of half angel thing." The woman stated, reading herself to begin running in the boy's direction as he flipped back onto the ground onto all fours.  Don't worry Bon. I'll handle him." She said as she turned ran towards like like a ball of flame.

Seeing the demon speedster coming his way, Jake focused himself. She was fast. If he didn't move, she'd be here in a second, no less. If he did move, she'd be able to stop him just as easily. So he just needed to move faster. So he focused himself, focused his power and in the instant of that second, his skin changed to a red shade as he lunged forward, overhead the woman.

While it was clear she was still faster then he, her surprise threw her off at just how fast he was, had become, which surprised her. Not as much as when she felt bone crunching grips on her shoulders and her feet leaving the ground as Jake used the woman to flip himself back to the ground as he threw her up and into the roof with so much force she broke though it while his landing caused the ground to crack and shatter in a small radius around him.

As his skin cleared back to normal, not a ounce of red remaining, a thunk could be heard from the small hole in the roof, as if a body just landed. But Jake found his eyes scanning for the second floor. With one problem seemingly down, the second could wait. "Ann? You okay?" It was the first time he had used her name verbally since he saw her and it was a time where perhaps he should have remained focused on the bunny bandit, or her small army of dangerous rabbits. But instead his narrowed eyes searched for her, he needed to know that at least she was okay.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 30th 2018, 2:00 am

Johanna sat on the second floor, her knee bounced up and down and she rocked back and forth. Her head felt like it was caving in on itself. All the movement happening around her was causing nasty feed back with her newly developed power and her precognition. All the bunnies on the ground floor writhing around the guards to keep them pinned down. The armored bunnies flying throughout the pank in search of the precious gem. And now Jake with his mini battle with the speedster. Every bit of movement was like a tsunami of pain slamming into her head.

Despite her best efforts to calm down and resist the urge to fight, she could feel more and more sweat forming on her brow. “N-not good.” she mumbled through tightly clenched teeth. She hardly doubted Jake could hear her, but that was beside the point. She was trying to do everything in her power to suppress who she was, what she was. All this came from just a single hit. Her inner lust for combat, ignited by a single tiny uppercut. “Awe what’s the matter honey bun? Your girlfriend skip out on you? That’s ok. You can hang out with me instead.” the violet eyed woman said, taking a few steps towards the shirtless boy.

That little taunt and advance towards Jake was the nail in the coffin for Johanna. She knew Jake wouldn’t do such a thing, but just the tiniest amount of doubt in her mind was all it took for her control to slip. A rush of air accompanied by a wave of black fire washed over the second floor as Johanna leaped onto the railing. Her turquoise eyes honed in quickly on the young woman in the bunny suit. “Oh! There she is. Isn’t she just precious. You two look perfect for each other.” she said with a playful smile. Johanna launched herself off the banister with an incredible amount of force, but the bunny bandit refused to move.

Instead of poofing out of the way, the pale woman stood there and allowed her bunny army to come to her. They quickly clamored all over her with incredible speed and formed a makeshift barrier of fluff and adorableness around the young woman. Johanna might have had a a mean streak but she wasn’t a monster. Refusing to literally pulverize a much of tiny innocent creatures, a pair of pitch black bat wings sprouted from Johanna’s back. With a single forceful flap, the ashen haired teen managed to bring herself to a stop mid air. The wings would quickly vanish and Johanna would allow herself to fall towards the ground. As she fell, she’d bring back her metal arm and encase it in black flames. Her metal knuckles would slam into the floor of the bank and send out a tiny tremor which caused the wall of rabbits to topple. “No hiding for you!” the teen spat as her eyes looked at the pale girl with a profound hatred.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 30th 2018, 2:35 am

Jake frowned at the silence that came from the second floor, his mind racing. Was she okay? Do those little bunny's hit harder then he thought? He was almost prepared to jump to the second floor to check if it wasn't for the voice of the bunny woman popping up behind her, the taunt was not lost on him and he turned to correct that. Ann didn't run, she wouldn't run.

And it seems the ashen haired girl was out to prove the bunny woman wrong as well, the sound she made drew his attention back to Ann, and he noticed the flames that seemed to hang off her. And she was quick to move, speeding towards the woman, who in turn was defending with her own rabbits as a meat shield. Yet it seemed Ann still had her mind, showing off her own bat like wings as she stopped midair and fell, a earth shattering hit to the ground followed and Jake found he had to keep his balance as he watched Johanna. Surprised, intrigued.

He wanted to say something. He wanted to make a joke. Something like, you never told me you had wings. He didn't even have time to see if those wings were as clothing destroying as his. Not that he wanted to look for any sort of reason at all, it was cool if they didn't. No, instead, he used the moment the wall of rabbits began to crumble and fall to lunge towards the bunny woman, a fist pulled back and ready to strike.

Right before he felt two hot feet collide with his ribs at such a force he was sent flying into a wall, crashing though it while a dull ache echoed itself throughout his body, right from where he was kicked, two footprint shaped fires trying to burn at his durable skin all the while. "Fuck, that was like kicking a freaking brick wall!" Aideen yelled out from the ground a bit away from where she had collided with Jake, as if she pushed off him and slid away, her clothes looked a tiny bit torn and one of the rabbit years had been misplaced from her head, but she looked somewhat fine besides that, some scratches could still be seen, but it was as if the flames that coated her were licking the wounds, healing them.

Still, she was yet to be done, as soon as she stood she ran towards Johanna, looking to push the girl to the ground in the direction of her boss. Her footprints left behind small fires that looked dangerous to touch.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 30th 2018, 3:33 am

These two wannabe thieves were beginning to prove to be a pain. The speedster recovered and retaliated to Jake’s attack with incredible resiliency, and the bunny girl was just out right annoying. Johanna’s body quivered with anticipation and excitement. The last time she had gotten into a fight was when she found out her real mother was a demon goddess of war. This drought of action was causing her Arcadian blood to almost ignite in her veins. While she retained her sanity and ultimately benefited from this combat driven form, it still drained her, and hurt her in other ways.

Despite the pain, Johanna wasn’t about to be out down by two dweebs in bunny ears. This was her score, and damn it if she wasn’t going to beat their asses and rob the place blind at the same time. As the speed demon’s muscles responded to her will to run towards Johanna, a ripple was sent outwards. The headache Johanna received from the activation of her precognition was nothing when compared to her desire to embarrass the speedster. With her unnatural reaction time, Johanna rose from her hunched over position and preformed a clean pirouette to move out of the Aideen’s path.

The bat wings on her back vanished in a wisp of black fire giving away their false nature as Johanna dodged. The second Johanna had sight of the demon’s back, she’d flick her wrist forward sending out a strand of webbing to trip them up. To her surprise and annoyance, a white bunny would leap out of nowhere to take the webbing instead. It was pinned to the floor in place of Aideen being tripped up. A few other rabbits would quickly swarm their downed companion and nibble at the webs to free him. At the same time a tiny but powerful beam of energy would fire at Johanna from the side. The teen managed to get her arms up quick enough to take the brunt of the force which managed to push her across the floor a few feet.

Smoke rose from a small scorch mark on Johanna’s arm. Another one of the pale woman’s armored bunnies had flown in to lend it’s master and her accomplice a helping hand. “Way to go Hopper!” the girl with violet eyes cheered. “Guess that’s my queue.” she said before vanishing into a puff of smoke. The two heroes were distracted. Now was her time to shine. With chaos being rained down in the lobby, she could sneak off to rob the place as intended.

Seeing the bunny bandit vanish before her eyes and being bullied by a rabbit of all things was enough to get a demonic roar of anger from Johanna. The black flames around her body flared up and grew more intense. “OH HELL NO!” she attempted to move, the the armored bunny rained a series of tiny missiles down in her path, causing her to cease her advance. This day was turning into one giant joke and Johanna was not laughing.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 30th 2018, 6:25 am

Groaning a small bit, Jake would sit himself up, patting at his ribs. They felt like a rock being sent at so many hundred miles an hour into his ribs and bloody hell did it hurt. The fire did not help at all, even if it wasn't really burning him, more a hot water like sensation. Patting that out, he'd stand and stumble a bit to the hole, right before righting himself to the sight he had left for a moment thanks to a certain speedster he was going to be paying back.

Aideen had slid to slow down and watch the girl that had moved just a little faster then she expected and almost got the upper hand on the flame speedster, get attacked by the iron bunny as her boss left to get the job done, which just left her to handle to the two kids with the rabbits. And the woman looked just about ready to leave the rabbits to it, if it hadn't been for a red blur that suddenly shot by her. The red blur would slide in the way of the many tiny missiles and then shoot right into them, each one popping and doing their damage to the unyielding blur as it caught the iron rabbit and slammed them into another wall.

Now still, Jake was prying his fingers into the metal of the rabbit suit, his skin, once more a red, crimson like shade, attempting to tear it off as his eyes scanned the walls, his red vision obviously on and working to find the bunny woman now that she was on the move. "She's that way. Find it first. I'll catch up." He yelled to Johanna as he lifted a hand to point in the bunny woman's direction, his skin turning from red to his normal skin tone as he threw metal parts away and stepped from the rabbit. His eyes on the other rabbits and the speedster demon, who was looking unhappy at the outcome. His call might have seemed a bit strange to anyone really listening, rather then say find her, he had said it. And he hoped that Ann didn't just decide to be a hero about this now. This, more then ever, was the best time to perhaps steal that jewel.

"When the flying pit of hell did you get strong you Mutt of a being." The cambion snarled out, pointing a finger at the boy and hoping the rabbits would do their job as intended, otherwise, she might have to start thinking if the pay was worth it enough to deal with this trouble she had found herself in.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 30th 2018, 8:42 pm

“That literally doesn’t help me!” Johanna shouted at Jake. As far as she knew, the armored bunny scouts hadn’t returned to the pale woman’s side. This meant they hadn’t found the jewel yet. This also meant she hadn’t found the jewel yet either. Johanna found herself grinning at the thought. If she lived up to her own self proclaimed title of master thief, then she’d find the precious gem first. That being said, it wouldn’t be an easy task.

Before Johanna could even thing about pursuing the bunny bandit, she had to get past the small fluffy army that stood in her way. She found it quite comical that the rabbits seemed to be mean mugging her. As much as she could just sit here all day and revel in their cuteness, she had a bank to rob and a jewel to find. She wasn’t about to let the bunnies stop or embarrass her any more. Despite the pain brought on by all the bunnies moving in unison, Johanna managed to put her acrobatic skills to use and dodged around them. Each time she moved past a bunny she’d web it to the floor, but instead of using the webs from her web shooters, she’d use webs made of dark energy.

Johanna knew the rabbits had already shown they could chew through the webbing, but if they tried to bite through the dark webs they’d get a small sting. “That otta hold ya.” she said. She looked around the lobby. The guards were still being pinned down, and the patrons wanted nothing to do with the fight. Jake seemed to have things under control here, which meant she could finally give chase to the pale woman.

The entire back half of the bank was designated to large safety deposit box vaults, as Johanna would come to find out as she disappeared behind the teller stands and into the back of the bank. The vault doors were all open, and Johanna could here movement coming from within. As the teen peered into one of the vaults she found one of the iron bunnies working feverishly to open the safety deposit boxes by using its little palm mounted laser to melt the lock. In the vault opposite that one, another iron bunny zipped around the room, moving cash and valuables from open boxes into a large bag.

A devilish smile crept onto Johanna’s face. Pointing her hands in opposite directions, she’d snatch the two bunnies out of the air with dark webbing and then yank the stands. This caused the two armored rabbits to collide with one another and fall to the ground. Acting quickly, Johanna would then web them to the ground. *They wont be going anywhere for a while.* she thought to herself as she stepped over them and walked into one of the vaults. All this money and loot was hers for the taking, the only downside was the utter lack of space to keep it all. She’d take what she could fit into her pockets before heading into the next vault and grabbing the big of cash. With some loot in hand, it was now time for Johanna to find this special jewel the bank was holding, and to get to it before the other woman did.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 1st 2018, 11:30 pm

With Johanna on the move, a multitude of lil rabbits webbed down by some form of dark webbing Jake didn't even want to attempt to understand but sure hoped Ann knew what she was doing with them. Things were going better then not at the very least. Except for the rest of the rabbits remaining and a certain speedster he had some time to settle something with.

Stepping away from the rabbit he had disabled, he turned and moved towards the speedster, who was waiting patiently for him. Some of the remaining rabbits moved in his direction, but much like Johanna, he could be agile when he needed to be. Weaving between them, his goal, the speedster demon, who was starting to look more and more like she wanted out of here then ever, till finally, it seemed she snapped. "Okay. This? This isn't worth squat. Sorry kid. But go and dance on another grave." She'd state as her flames covered her and she took off in the direction of the vaults. Before Jake even got close.

Growling in annoyance, Jake turned his red vision on and followed after her, avoiding the rabbits when he could, not the easiest task but they were not exactly his focus right now. The ones holding down the guards seemed to be just doing that. Holding them down. Which meant they were not a danger to anyone's life. Not yet at least. Running into the heart of the bank, he scanned the walls for life, finding quite a number of little fur balls doing their own thing, hunting, looting. He saw a fast blur collecting small bits and pieces here and there, and assumed the speedster woman was simply collecting before leaving.

The only other forms of life where perhaps, more guards, protecting the more important valuables, Johanna and the Bunny bandit. But Jake couldn't exactly tell who was who with his red vision, he knew the guards were bunched together, so that left two alone for him to follow. "Okay... Just pick one and follow.." The boy said to himself as he began to run towards one of the red lights, knowing to avoid the rabbits when he could and the speedster... He could always deal with her later, for now, he had someone to meet up with. Unsure if he was about to find friend. Or foe.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 2nd 2018, 12:06 am

Johanna walked out of one of the vaults with a massive bag of cash on her back. At this point she was kind of content on just leaving. She may not have gotten to the jewel yet, but the amount of money she managed to acquire was almost worth not venturing any further. The bunny bandit may have initially gotten a head start on Jake and Johanna, but that only served to be a boon for the ashen haired thief. She walked down the hallway with a massive grin, but the more and more she thought about her haul, the more it seemed less appealing.

There was no challenge or finesse put into acquiring this loot. All the bravado and thrill was gone, which really sucked the fun outta this whole thing. At least, that was Johanna’s point of view. Still, despite that, she wasn’t about to just up and leave the money behind. Instead she created a new challenge for herself. Not only would she keep the money, but she would also find the jewel and beat the bunny bandit to it. She’d do all this one handed as she decided not to relinquish the cash.

As the teen stepped over the bunnies she had webbed to the ground, she’d come face to face with a pair of security guards that had come to investigate some strange noises. “YOU! FREEZE” one of the guards would shout as they drew their weapon on the teen. The ashen haired teen would calmly go to lower the bag of cash onto the ground, while also holding up one of her hands to ‘surrender’. Just as it seemed the girl was giving up, one of the guards began to advance towards her. He reached for his belt and grabbed a pair of cuffs.

Johanna let a smirk creep onto her face just a split second before she’d throw the large bag of cash at the guard. Using her web shooters, she’d pull herself over the distracted guard, launcher herself off the roof, and dive kick the guard who had his weapon drawn. As soon as she landed, Johanna would quickly turn around and catch the other guard by the back with her webs. She’d yank him off his feet and cause him to come flying towards her through the air. The guard would hit the ground face first unconscious as the teen tagged him in the back of the head with a swift kick. She’d then retrieve the large bag of cash and head off to find the vault where the jewel was being held.

Meanwhile, down another hallway, the bunny bandit moved from room to room. She checked in with her bunny scouts to see if they had found anything special. They didn’t. Still, she wasn’t mad. She knew the two would be do gooders were distracted with her associate. This left her free to wander the rest of the bank in search of the jewel….or so she thought. As she left one of the vaults after consulting her furry friends, she’d notice a familiar sight out of the corner of her eyes. The pale woman turned to face the shirtless boy. A large grin appeared on her face. “Well, well. If it isn’t the handsome one. I was hoping you and I would get a little alone time.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 2nd 2018, 12:18 am

Hallway, hallway. He was getting closer. Why was this bank so freaking big? However, as he got closer, he began to suspect the one he was coming close too, was in fact, not the one he hoped. If evidenced by the small life forms in the shapes of rabbits. And that meant he was in for a fight. While he had hoped to find Ann, so that they could do this together, he also knew she was more a thief first, not a hero. The only reason she'd fight the bunny was if the jewel was on the line. Sometimes he really didn't like that he had to be the good one in these situations.

And as he rounded the corner, it seems the bunny woman had caught onto him as well. He slowed down and kept his focus on her, his red vision turning off so that he could get a clear picture. And that, left him frowning at the grin on the woman's face, her words not doing much to elevate the frown to anything else. "Wish granted then. Might not be like you hope however." Jake stated as he lowered himself to the ground, the halls were too thin for his wings. That made his losing of his shirt, which he hoped was left alone in the lobby, pointless. Wonderful. He really was beginning to hate that he kept losing them.

Mostly when he was around people, girls, in general. But he wasn't looking to let this bandit distract him. Johanna was looking for the sole reason they came here. He was here to make sure Ann found it first. It was he that would distract this lady, in that sense. Running forwards, Jake would then jump up to the roof in a flip, his feet pressing onto it, he'd push off in the direction of the bunny woman with force, quickly pulling his body into a flip before throwing his heel out in her direction, aiming to slam his foot down where she stood with shattering force.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 2nd 2018, 1:11 am

The pale girl frowned at the boy. All work and no play. Seeing him bounce about with remarkable agility did make her a bit giddy though. This was her first real tango with a hero, it was so exciting. Perhaps this was the reason all those other villains did stuff like this….It was a rush. As Jake kicked off the ceiling and tried to deliver a powerful axe kick, the bunny bandit, did a series of acrobatic back flips to avoid the danger. She was much quicker than she looked, and probably just as nimble. As soon as she was out of harms way, the girl would throw one of her arms forward. She had thrown a hand full of razor sharp daggers that were shaped like carrots at the boy.

Her violet eyes stared with intrigue as she brought her fingers up to her lips and whistled. Several of the bunnies that were raiding the vaults, flooded into the hallway. There were three iron bunnies and six bunnies with a slight blue tint to their fur. Two of the iron bunnies would unleash a salvo of mini missiles at the boy, while three of the blue bunnies dashed at him and began to shake their bodies. A cloud of powder would billow off their fur. It was a potent sleeping toxin.

On the other side of the bank, Johanna would hum a tune in her head as she peered about. Every hallway in the bank looked similar. It was quite confusing, and was no doubt done intentionally to throw wouldbe thieves off guard. Unlucky for the bank, Johanna was no ordinary thief. She had seen layouts like this a dozen times. She wasn’t about to be fooled now. The ashen haired teen would eventually round a corner and find herself face to face with 4 guards. They were all standing near a large metal door. They appeared to be on edge, well before Johanna had even gotten there.

Before any of the guards could speak, Johanna began to lower the bag of cash onto the ground. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, freeze.” she said in a sarcastic tone. She stared at all three guards, none of them seemed in a hurry to actually apprehend her. This created a bit of a challenge, a challenge that Johanna was in dire need of. The corridor was narrow and the guards were all bunched together. This meant a head on attack wouldn’t work so well. She needed a way to spread them out. This would have been the idea way to fight them, but there was that word….fight. Anytime Johanna came face to face with a situation that involved combat, she could feel that ugly side of her start to rise.

She could feel her right arm start to tremble just a bit and sweat began to roll down her face. *Great, it’s happening again* She thought to herself, biting her nail.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 2nd 2018, 1:48 am

As his foot landed and cracked the ground, Jake was a little surprised by her own agility. That and the fact she didn't just teleport like she had before. Ether that was a two time trick or she was saving it. Ether way, he recovered from his position in time for the bunny woman to send projectiles his way in the shape of carrots. Only a handful that Jake didn't think them much a threat.

But he wasn't going to risk them being sharp enough to do damage. Placing his hands in front of him, Jake weaved the first and smacked the second one away, moved past the next and caught the carrot that came last just barely before it cut into his chest. Hmm, seems his reflexes were getting better. Smiling to himself, Jake looked to the bunny whistle as he realized he maybe patted his back a little too early. That and he should have thought about the rabbits before this. They were still a threat, and even those missiles stung before.

He wasn't sure about the gas and he didn't have time to think about it too much. Jumping forward to avoid a series of missiles, he lunged towards the other iron rabbit, only to feel a series of pops along his chest, pushing him back towards the blue mists, grunting in pain, Jake tried to think a way to get out of this corner. He was in an enclosed space and these iron bunnies had too much strength and were fast enough that he can't just jump around... That and he was starting to feel just a little too woozy.

Shaking his head, Jake decided the best way to deal with this was to handle the boss lady. Jumping to a wall before he could get attacked again, he tried to aim towards the bunny woman, only to find his footing fail him and he fell to the ground. Feeling a heavy weight fall over his eyelids, Jake tried to stand himself, only to find only his knees could reach a stable ground. Not letting this get to him now, Jake focused his energy into himself and for a quick second he turned red, and in that quick second, he lunged forwards towards the bunny woman like a ball of red power.

Only the red energy form seemed to make him even more tired, leaving him like a tuckered out cannon ball, the carrot dagger he had prepared to throw had fallen from his gasp, digging into the ground because of the force of speed he was going at as he rocketed towards the bunny bandit.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 2nd 2018, 3:38 am

The bunny bandit found herself delighted to see the boy put up a fight. Or at least what constituted as one up until he took a whiff of the sleeping dust the blue bunnies let off. Still despite the potency of the powder, Jake tried to resist it. This actually caused the pale girl to look surprised for once. Before she knew it, she was biting her lower lip. *I want one* she thought to herself. She even contemplated standing still, just to have Jake collapse into her arms. The red glow around the boy was the clear sign she shouldn’t. Thusly, as Jake flew at her, she kicked extremely hard off the ground, hard enough to leave a few cracks.

The boy would land face first on the ground where the girl once stood. The powder was or did do its job. This caused the pale girl to jump up and down several times and cheer. “Good job guys!” she said kneeling down and petting the blue bunnies. Her violet eyes looked up to the boy. “Awe he looks so cute when he sleeps. Make sure he stays that way my lovelies.” the bunnies nodded to their leader and formed a circle of fluffiness around the boy. Once in position, they began to shake, once again releasing their powder. The bunnies remained on standby as a way to keep the boy from impeding her any further.

Johanna found herself beginning to really hate her mother at this current moment in time. That wasn’t to say she didn’t already hate her, but in this very moment that hatred was at an all time high. With her body temperature on the rise, Johanna knew it was only a mater of time before her power burst forward. If she reached that point again, it would be very difficult to deal with these guards. Her gaze shifted to the guards. If she was going to make a move, it would have to be now.

Letting out a sigh, the ashen haired teen began to try and slow her breathing. The lower she brought her heart rate, the less likely it was for her demonic powers to activate. She turned to the guards and began to slowly approach them. This would have been so much easier if she had the time to prepare for the actual robbery. Then again, the lack of preparation presented a challenge, and Johanna was always one to try and one up herself. As she got closer to the guards she could hear them cocking back the hammers of their guns. She was well with dodging range. She knew how fast she could react, and knew she even had a few more feet to go before she was out of that window of safety.

That all being said, Johanna had only ever dodged a gunshot from a single person. She was now staring down the barrels of four guns. It wasn’t until Johanna was about ten or fifteen feet away from the guards that she remembered she had other powers at her disposal. There were no armored bunnies or speedsters here to throw her off guard this time. She could once again take a page out of her moms play book. “Look, don’t take this too personal, I know you’re just doing your job and all, But I really want that jewel.”

The guards all shared a confused look with one another. Johanna would squeeze her metal hand shut, and a series of dark tendrils would spring forth. The first set of tendrils had a razor sharp point and would pierce one leg of each guard causing them to drop to one knee. Once the guards were downed, Johanna would throw a sideways punch. This caused a large fist of darkness to explode out of the wall and knock all the guards out. It was no just her and the vault door. She could have easily ripped it off its hinges, but that would have set off an alarm. She had to think of how to get through the door, and quick, something wicked this way hopped.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 2nd 2018, 5:37 am

When it wasn't something soft he felt his face impact into, Jake knew she was very fast. And very careful. Feeling a heavy, massive weight in his forehead. He started taking a long, drawn out breath, the muffled voice of the bunny bandit sounded distant but he had a sense it was close. And so were her rabbits.

Holding in that breath, the boy fought to keep his eyes open as the little rabbits came and surrounded him. A powder kept coming off them and one more breath from that, Jake was sure he'd be out of the fight. He couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let that happen. But every action he wanted to take felt like it would take too long, every thought felt as if it was going at a snails pace and the tightening feeling in his chest was growing ever so slowly.

So that left him in a bind and he was running out of time. He had one hell of a record in holding his breath, but with his already tired feeling and the seconds passing, he could already feel his heartbeat trying to break out his chest. So he had to act the only real way he knew how. Brute. Force. Slowly inching his hands close to his chest so that he could get up quickly and began to focus the red energy. He hadn't really thought about this much, this form. It just happened back with Madeline and Ann. Ever since then he pulled it out for a few seconds, that was it. He just focused his body, pulled the red energy everywhere then just one place. Rudimentary but it worked.

And he needed it to work now more then ever. Sure, he could let his slowly constricting chest go, breath in this powder, go to sleep. Wake up to whatever problems occurred after that. But he never gave up before without a fight, and this would be the weakest fight he'd have put forward if he just gave up now. So he let it work. And it was like fire and lighting. His body burned, like it was draining energy faster then ever, but it also crackled and popped, as if he was going to touch something and it would explode.

Raising a fist, instead of getting up, Jake slammed it back into the ground and watched as the ground cracked open and the wall broke apart, the bunny's were forcibly bounced away from the force. Rising from the ground, Jake turned his red vision on, his eyes scanning though the walls and finding who he wanted, two athletic but female forms. He had no time to guess if they were correct or not. And he had no time for hallways. Jumping into the wall, Jake broke into it and he kept going. Punching though concrete and steel. It might have seemed that the entire facility was shaking at this point with every contact he made, and Jake himself felt like he was shaking, breaking apart and exploding all at the same time. Too much power he had barely ever thought he could use. He hated it. But he needed it.

But he had enough. This was meant to be a good day. This day was meant to go very differently. This day was meant to be good for Ann. He wanted it to be good for Ann and this bunny was ruining it. And he was going to ruin her if he had too.

Meanwhile, Aideen sped around the bank. She was about to leave... Still is. She had indeed, made a deal with the bunny. And she for a moment, Aideen had seen the beast walking though walls. She needed to get Bon Bon out at the very least, which resulted in her speeding about the bank, fire like footsteps hunting for the Bunny woman... Why the hell did this place seem like a Maze?

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 2nd 2018, 6:34 pm

Johanna stared at the vault door, trying to figure out a way to get past it. She could have easily brute forced her way past the massive chunk of metal, but that would have set off alarms. Alarms that would bring cops. Which would make escape a lot tougher. She thought about it for several seconds and then shrugged. Having the cops show up was part of the fun. It make getting away a challenge. She brought her metal arm back and curled her hand into a fist. Just as she was ready to bring her fist forward, she heard a voice call out from behind her.

“Freeze! Stop where you are thief!” the bunny shouted, trying to imitate one of the guards. Johanna chuckled and lowered her fist. She turned to face the pale girl, who was aiming two handguns at her. “Your voice is far too annoying to forget. You couldn’t possibly think I’d fall for that did you?”
“Awe that’s so sweet you remember something about me! I feel like were bonding. Not as well as me and your boyfriend hit it off though.” albino girl said with a large grin.

Johanna felt her hands tighten into fists. This one was overstepping her boundaries. If she continued to try and play cute, it was going to get very ugly for her. “Kidding, kidding. Though I can see he does have a type.” she said, referencing her’s and Johanna’s similarities, even if Johanna wasn’t aware of them. “Look. How about we cut a deal? We’re both thieves after all. The jewel is useless. It’s just some sort of old gem it’s only here to be transferred to a museum in a few days. How about you take all the cash and stuff that my little furry friends have gathered for me, and I take the jewel?” For some reason the bunny bandit seemed to think that, that was going to work.

“Or, I have a better idea. I take ALL the loot, including the jewel, and then leave you and your little hot footed friend to take the fall!” Johanna said with a smile. This obviously didn’t sit well with the bandit at all. This was her first ever bank heist and it certainly wasn’t going how she had hoped. “No, No, No, No, No, No! That’s not fair!” the bandit stomped. She raised the guns once more at Johanna. Suddenly the entire building began to tremble and shake. The two ashen haired girls began to look around in confusion. The rumbling of the bank was then followed by the sound of an alarm going off.

Johanna planted her face in her palm. “God damn it Jake!” She mumbled to herself. That boy had gone and done it again. He had somehow managed to turn a bad situation into an even worse one. Granted, Johanna was about to do the same, but she wasn’t going to literally tear the bank apart. With Johanna somewhat distracted, the pale girl launched herself forward and delivered a very powerful kick to Johanna, which sent the teen flying into the large metal door.

The collision caused the door to cave in slightly. The bunny girl was about to leap in and strike Johanna again, but the heir of Arcadia would not be out done. Raising her hand, a thick wall of black energy would form between her and the bandit. “Whoops. Probably shouldn’t have kicked me.” Johanna said with a slick smile. The pale girl began to beat on the wall in frustration. “NOOOOOOOOOO! THATS NOT FAIR! THE JEWEL IS MINE DAMN IT! GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!” she shouted.

Johanna turned away from the girl and looked at the caved in vault door. With a hard punch she knocked the door off its hinges. What she saw next only pissed her off. The pedestal the gem was on, began to slowly sink into the floor. The hole then sealed itself up. Johanna stared somewhat dumbfounded. “Are you shitting me! There’s an underground vault!” she shouted in frustration. The bunny bandit sat with her ear pressed to the barrier. Upon hearing what Johanna had said, her look of defeat turned to a wide smile, the hunt was still on. “AIDEEN!!!!”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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