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The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

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DBL XP The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 28th 2018, 2:35 am

It was a time of the year Jake hadn't thought he'd be celebrating at all with everything that had been going on around him. But he had missed the celebration he attended last year, and he had missed the chance of doing it better this time. Perhaps with someone he actually enjoyed the company of rather then a half angel that turned out to be a bit of a.. Family drama problem. Also that lust demon wasn't exactly a great addition.

But Easter was here, chocolates were being spread about and perhaps literally bunny people were jumping around the city of new York, a city Jake found himself visiting more often then not, considering this was the city he lived most his life in. It had taken him only a while to get here, a mix of jumping, flying, speed and a few truck roofs and here he was. Now what was he going to do...

He had a plan, of course he had a plan, but enacting the plan was something else entirely, because he was here for one person only, and even he knew the challenge would be pleasing her of all people would be tough. He'd need the best chocolates he doesn't know if she likes or not. A rose... Maybe not a rose. A rose felt too cheesy. He'd need something. Maybe just chocolates.

Thankfully, being the day it was, Chocolates were easy to come by. Very easy to come by. Almost too easy. If Jake was a paranoid mutt, he would have thought the chocolates were poisoned... Thankfully he wasn't some of the people he had met. Far too many if you asked him. But he ended up with a parcel of ordinary, dairy chocolates and he swore he felt about buying randoms for several minutes before just carefully jumping away. He was limited on what he could buy anyway.

But, he didn't. In the end, he was standing atop a clothes store, one that she worked at, one he frankly, didn't want to remember all that much, even if the memories of that night brought a smile to his lip... And then a shameful reminder of woman's clothing. "Jeans, check. Shirt, check. Chocolate, check, rose... White rose... Check... I should throw it, she won't want a rose. Why did I take the stupid rose, Damn it. Umm. Under clothing, doubly check. Arr crap. I should call her. I have her number... Right? I should.. No. Surprise. Surprise is better." Pacing the roof, Jake frowned sighed. He wanted to make this right. Johanna had been though a lot recently and he just left, went back after they'd gone out. She seemed strong, uncaring. Showed that this revelation hadn't affected her, but he knew people could hide things inside them. His mother sure did.

So he paced and waited, keeping an eye out for the ashen haired girl, his hand moments away from throwing the white rose in his hand, before he began to reconsider again and again. He really should throw it. But what if she liked it? She wouldn't like it. She'd laugh at him... But perhaps that was just as good... Laughter was good.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 28th 2018, 4:43 am

The sound of metal clicking against a faux counter top echoed out in rhythm to the sound music. Johanna sat behind the counter of the quaint little clothing store, looking bored as ever. All she wanted was for her shift to end. But why? There was nothing for her to really do after she was done with work. Swinging around the city was only a good form of stress relief for so long. Work was the only other place where she could spend time away from her traitorous parents. The two people she looked up to the most as a kid. She shook her head. Thinking of them only angered her, and she didn’t want that.

It was roughly midday and the shop wasn’t all the busy. A sigh escaped Johanna’s lips as she propped her head up with her metal hand. Her eyes glanced about the small shop. The teen sat there and judged all the costumers in silence. *That top with those pants?…You’re going to need a bigger size lady….Oh god those shoes are ugly, why do we even have them?* she thought. The time seemed to just crawl on and on. Luckily she wouldn’t have to suffer long and a young girl would appear from the back of the shop. “Oh! Hi Jo! I..I didn’t know you were working today.” came the timid voice of the girl who had just entered the shop. Johanna glared at the girl out the corner of her eyes, not even bothering to turn her head. “I’m filling in.”

The timid girl known as Olive quickly approached the counter. “Well it is Easter.”
“Yeah, speaking of, why are you here?”
“I don’t know. Just kinda grew out of it I guess. Plus I could use the extra money. Trying to find my own place and all.”
Johanna found herself arching a brow at Olive’s last statement. She had always been timid and never seemed like the type of person that could thrive on their own. Hearing her say she wanted to get her own place peaked Johanna’s interest. “Oh? I didn’t take you for the type of person who liked flying solo.”
“I..I don’t, but I….I want to be able to do my own thing you know?”
“Amen sister!” Johanna would say as her and Olive switched places. Johanna would start to head towards the back exit. She’d stop in her tracks and spin around to find Olive staring at her. The girl began to blush from embarrassment as though she was caught doing something she shouldn’t. Johanna shot the girl a smirk and flashed finger guns at her before finally leaving the shop.

Once out into the alleyway behind the small clothing store, Johanna would look have a look around. What was she to do now? She’d let out an almost defeated sigh. She wasn’t ready to go home. Besides, it was only mid day. Johanna finally settled on heading up to the roof of the building. She could sit up there and think about what she wanted to do. Using her web shooters she’d ascend the building in no time at all. Her languid expression would suddenly light up when she saw a familiar sight pacing back and forth on the roof.

“Aw man, if I knew there’d be pigeons up here I would have brought some bread.” she said with a slight smirk. Her gaze then shifted to the items the boy was holding. A white rose and a parcel of some kind. The ashen haired teen arched a brow in curiosity. With a flick of the wrist, she’d snatch the flower out of his hand. She’d bring it up to her nose to take a whiff of the flowers soothing scent. “Who’s the lucky lady?”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 28th 2018, 5:24 am

Midst his pacing, Jake never thought to look inside the building, then again, he wasn't exactly keeping an eye out midst his pacing ether. Not exactly the best idea when you were looking for someone. Which is why he was surprised when Johanna appeared on the roof, even if she too, only for a moment, look surprised herself. She was just a lot better at hiding it then him. No... It looked as if she... Looked happier. That surprised him more then her sudden arrival. Her looking happy was good. Good enough he could forget the pigeon nick name he had received from her, much like how he called her spider.

But only for a bit did his surprise last... Or maybe not, cause when she took the rose and didn't laugh, in fact, asked him who it was for, Jake suddenly felt like sweating, running away and just calling it a day. Or dying. Dying would have been preferable. But he couldn't do any of those, in fact, he needed something to say, to respond with something cool. Be cool, Be cool, Be cool, Be cool. "I'm staring right at her." Naaaaailed it? His response came out a little like a choke, as he also handed the parcel of chocolates her way, trying his best not to look at any sorts like a young boy right now. He was a grown teen, he could handle that

"I was passing by and thought about you and today so... Yea. I came by to see you." Jake finally stated, giving a smile towards Ann. It wasn't just that. He had really, really thought about today, what it was he was going to do today. It was something he never thought he'd be the one to instigate. But... This was Ann. After what she went though, she deserved to have some fun. "And... I may have a place I want to take you to, a bit of a surprise, if you'd like to accompany me."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 28th 2018, 8:30 am

Johanna immediately shot Jake a look that was both a blank stare and a look of confusion. She was not expecting him to just flat out say something like that, even if he muffed it just a bit. She instantly lowered her arm to the side, the flower still tightly held in her metal grasp. She attempted to clear her throat and quickly averted her gave to the ground. “It’s uh…It’s lovely…I like the blue ones though….” she mumbled very quietly, hoping super hearing wasn’t part of the boys arsenal.

Her eyes moved back up to Jake as she caught him moving out of the corner of her eye. He was holding out the parcel for her. “Oh is this like a thing now? You just happen to be thinking of me and show up in my city huh?” her free hand shot up and she snatched the parcel from the boys hands using her web shooter. She looked back up to him with a sly smirk. “Valentines day was like two months ago…..You’re late.” she said, tucking the flower behind her ear. With her other hand free she cautiously opened the package as to not spill its contents all over the rooftop.

Again she found herself slightly touched by Jake’s thoughtfulness, though she’d never admit it. Then again she didn’t have to, her slightly rosy cheeks said it all. She reached inside the parcel and pulled out a piece of chocolate and popped it in her mouth before hold the package out for Jake. She motioned for him to take one before she began to speak again. “A surprise, for little ole me? Why what kind of girl would I be if I turned down such an offer?” she managed to say in a southern accent.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 28th 2018, 9:46 am

"Well... Happy Easter anyway. You know." Jake said, knowing that maybe this was maybe a little more Valentine like then Easter... But he had missed it. This was making up for it. He guessed. Maybe he only thought about that now because of Ann. But he was going with it anyway. Mostly because the idea seemed really nice now. Even if he hadn't thought it first.

Taking a chocolate, he popped it in his mouth with a nod, smiling to the mock southern accent that Johanna had produced. He pursed his lips and looked towards the city, knowing that his plan was out there. He just needed to get there. "You wouldn't be the girl I know. I'd say keep up but. I'm pretty sure you're faster then me." Jake said with a small laugh as he ran forward and lunged towards a building, but quickly bouncing off it towards the next. He didn't need his wings right now, and after that he didn't really want to take his shirt off around Ann right now.

Quickly lunging from building to building, running, flipping and jumping as he went, he expected Ann to be behind him, or along his side with her webs, maybe even ahead. But eventually he would stop, a building across from one rather large bank. He held his arms wide as he stared at it, he was going to do this. This thing that he said he would stop back when he was younger... Back when life was just a little easier then it was now, black and white. Not Grey. But this time, this time was for someone else and he was okay with that, for her.

"This, is a well guarded, secured bank that has a number of guards both day and night... I assume, plenty of walls and cameras for two powered teens to break though and sneak past. And if I remember, something about a ancient and newly discovered jewel locked deep in the bowels of this particular bank... I think because the owner was planning something or rather, I can't remember. But... we're gonna break in and steal it tonight." Jake stepped back and looked to Ann, a smile on his face.

He was in this beginning to end and he wouldn't let any doubt show in his face nor rise in his chest. Ann didn't steal because she needed too. She did this for the challenge, so he found one of the most secured banks, with something worth stealing and when he had found it, he came here and all that happened led to this. "I know that what happened back then with.. Madeline. I know it sucked. And I know that you perhaps haven't had a great time since. So. That is going to change tonight. If you want..."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 28th 2018, 7:08 pm

Johanna nodded in agreement with Jake. She indeed wouldn’t be herself if she turned down such an offer. She wrapped up the package and sealing it using a bit of her webbing, then pulled the flower from her hair. There was no way she could take it with her while swinging through the city. The wind would tear it apart. She also didn’t want to just leave it behind either. If she just dropped it on the floor that would have been awfully rude, not that she cared or anything, rude was her thing. Before the boy could leap off the roof, Johanna motioned for him to wait. She turned around and headed for the roof access door, where she’d cautiously and gently web the flower to the wall.

After making sure the flower was secure she’d turn around and gave Jake a nod. Once he leapt from the building she was to. Rather than pass the boy up, or hang along side him, Johanna lagged behind just a bit. For once she was following him, and it made her chuckle. Every other time the two had met, it was always her taking the lead. Being led around was a nice change of pace. The two traveled quite a distance from the little clothing store. Their journey took them to a building that sat opposite a large bank. One of the larger ones in the city.

As Johanna strolled up next to Jake, the boy laid out his brilliant surprise. Everything he said just didn’t sound like him at all. Was he smiling? Johanna arched a brow. She was slightly taken back by his sudden shift in moral compass, but she didn’t want it to show too much. Had she corrupted him? He was obviously doing this for her. It was his way of trying to cheer her up after what happened a few weeks ago. The fact he was just trying to be nice, showed Johanna that he was still somewhat the ‘good boy’ she had somehow grown to like. Johanna would take her eyes off Jake and glance over at the bank. It was still midday which meant plenty of people and plenty of security. They could use that to scope the place out.

“You had me at ancient jewel” she joked, avoiding having to mention anything about her mother or what had happened. The ashen haired teen would crouch down on the edge of the building. Her turquoise eyes remained locked on the bank as she nibbled on another piece of chocolate. “We’ll go in now. Scope the place out. Then come back tonight to rob it.” she said as she stood back up and held out the parcel, offering Jake another chocolate. “Oh and let me make this super clear. You don’t rob banks. I do. Last thing I need is you changing on me to. Jeez, making me look like a terrible influence.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 28th 2018, 9:52 pm

Jake smiled to Ann as she seemed to be ready to do this, giving him the plan he had already assumed and offering another chocolate. Taking it with a 'nom.' He was a little surprised by what she said right after. Changing on her too... He sure hoped that didn't happen. He wasn't sure how he'd think of turning to a life full of crime. He was only doing this for her and that was it, but he wouldn't stop that from allowing himself to have some enjoyment out of this.

So he simply nodded and finished off the chocolate, not sure how to respond to that verbally, but he managed to think of something to say instead. "Well. Guess that's why you're the boss of this operation." He joked in a way that was also serious. If she didn't want him to do this like it was normal for him, might as well make her the lead. That was his plan anyway, make this her show. No point taking over when this day was for her. He simply brought her to the hit, it was her who directed it from here. That was his plan.

Walking to the side of the building, Jake looked ready to jump down, he knew jumping off a roof onto a main street would not be the best course of action, and if he knew, then Jo knew, so he expected her to be close behind. "Alright, I'm not sure how we'll look inconspicuous, walking into a bank and looking everywhere. But I'm sure we'll be fine. But do lead the way." He finished with a smile as he jumped down, slowing his decent by using the walls of the buildings, anything protruding off them so that he didn't just land with a loud thunk.

With that, he'd start walking towards the bank, of course, he didn't move quickly. He wasn't use to this, feeling. The pressure of knowing that this place was going to be staked, the chances he could be caught and ruin it all, sure he had felt the feeling when he was with Lucas, escaping Red, but this seemed less life and death like. That made it scarier, and he was going to look to Johanna to keep his head on and his toes sharp. Good thing he decided she'd be boss.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 28th 2018, 11:38 pm

“You’re damn right I’m the boss, and don’t you forget it. Now lets get this show on the road.” she said while following Jake to the side of the building. She had nearly forgot it was the middle of the day other wise she might have actually just jumped straight down to the sidewalk. Once the two teens were down in the alley, Johanna turned to give the boy a rundown of how things were going to work. Jake had other plans as he was already walking towards the bank. Letting out a sigh, Johanna would flick her wrist and catch the boy by the waist with her webbing and yanked him back to her side.

“What happened to me being the boss? Look anyway. It’s gonna look suspicious if we just walk in there and start looking around. So take this.” Johanna reached into her pocket and pulled out two hundred dollar bills. Johanna shoved the bills into the boys chest and continued to go over her ‘plan’. “We’re going to go in there, and pretend to open up an account for you. We’ll pretend your grandma or something gave you birthday money and you want to put it up. The whole set up process should give me enough time to sneak around the place and scope it out.”

Once she was done speaking, she’d take the lead and start heading across the street to the bank. Once there, Johanna took note of the hired guns sitting out front monitoring the entrance. She proceeded inside was was met with a metal detector. She froze in place at the sight. She began to curse the fact that she still had her web shooters attached to her arms. It wasn’t till she was waved forward that she remembered she had a metal arm. It was something she took advantage of, but rolling up her sleeve to reveal more of the arm. The guards running the machines stared at the teen in shock, to which she replied with a shrug and smile. “Car accident.”

She’d be cleared to enter the bank, and once in, her turquoise eyes immediately began scanning her surroundings while she waited for Jake to get through the security check as well. Once that was all said and done, and the two teens were finally inside the bank, Johanna would hook her arm under Jake’s and lead him to a long line. The ashen haired girl would lean in and whisper to the boy. “Think you can do that eye thing you do and see if there’s any surprises hidden behind these walls?”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2018, 12:50 am

Okay, he was Whoa. Jake found himself by Johanna's side and looking just a little sheepish. Right. He was focused so much he had forgotten about the whole plan. Even he himself had said he didn't have an idea on how they were going about it yet he just walked right on in, good thing Ann was here.

Taking the bill of notes, he nodded and wadded the cash into his pocket before following the girl in. The plan was rather innocent, which made sense. He didn't have any ID on him. But he could play the dumb part long enough for the 'Boss' to do what she does best.

Their first problem laid in the security metal detector. Which Jake hadn't thought much a problem till Johanna pulled out hr metal arm. He hadn't really paid it much mind. Having decided that it was just going to be apart of the girl from now on, and she seemed to have a good cover story, almost as if she had been saying that reason since she got it. Which was most likely true. But at least it didn't hole them up, Jake himself had no issues with the metal detector. Metal free.

Next, when he was pulled along by the girl, he tried his best to keep a straight face as they got into the rather long line. This alone would give Johanna, a curious person enough time to look everywhere. And who would blame them, but he had a mission to use his unique sight to make sure there would be no surprises, or at least so they could prepare for them.

Not wanting to give his ability away, seeing that his ability would be rather giving away to their intentions. I mean, who wouldn't be suspicious of a boy with glowing red eyes looking around. He closed his eyes and gripped his nose, before rubbing his eyes with the same hand, turning his red vision on as he did. If one paid close attention, they might have seen a glint of red that Jake couldn't hide, but for the most part, even with his own body in the way, his sight saw though everything. And nothing was going to surprise him because of it. Just what he saw, surprised him a little.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 29th 2018, 1:35 am

While the two teens stood in line and awaited their turn at the teller, Johanna continued to peer around. There were security cameras all over the place. There was an abundance of guards to. Jake’s intell must have been right. This place was set up like a fortress, which meant they had to be keeping something very valuable in their vault. Johanna’s mouth practically watered at the possible payday that could be had here. The line continued to move extremely slow. It was almost worse than a DMV visit at this point. Still, Johanna couldn’t complain, it gave her plenty of time to formulate different approaches for breaking in later on in the evening.

Jake had even listened to her and was doing his best to conceal his glowing eyes while scoping out what lurked behind the banks walls. After getting her fill of the place, or at least her fill of what she could currently see, Johanna gave Jake a nudge. “Jake, what do your pigeon-eyes see?” she said with a slight snicker. Her laughter was cut short when she heard an elderly lady just a little ways away speak out. “awe what a cute little bunny. Where did you come from?”

Johanna peaked out from behind Jake’s shoulder to see what all the commotion was. Johanna and just about everyone else in the bank looked about in confusion. There was no sign of where the little white rabbit came from. Two of the security guards that had been tasked with patrolling the bank were dispatched to handle the little intruder. The fuzzy bunny would not be so easily detained. It darted about the bank with rather remarkable speed, making it almost impossible for the guards to catch.

The people in the bank began to laugh at the show being put on. That laughter quickly gave way to confusion and gasps as the bunny was captured. No sooner did one of the guards finally catch the rabbit, it burst into a cloud of smoke that quickly dispersed. When the smoke cleared the guard was no longer holding the rabbit. Instead, the guard now held a young woman in his arms. She was of a slender athletic build. Her skin pale, her eyes almost a glowing violet color, and hair as white as Johanna’s.

“Hello, hello everyone! I see you all know entertainment when you see it. That’s good.” The pale girl leapt from the confused guards arms and landed gracefully on the ground. She was wearing a white and pink bunny suit, ears and tail included. “I want everyone to just sit back and relax. The real show’s about to get started.” she said as many of the security guards rushed to her location and drew their weapons.

Johanna found herself burying her head in her metal palm. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. This is the last time I try and rob a bank with you.” she’d mumble to Jake, referring to what happened to the two teens the last time they attempted a similar feat.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2018, 2:47 am

To his surprise, nothing. Well, not nothing. There were layers of security. This was, if nothing else, going to be a challenge. But that... Was when he noticed a life, small and incredibly quick he almost hadn't noticed it. "More security... What the hell is that?" Jake asked as his red vision turned off and he dropped his hand to view the spectacle of the lil rabbit.

He honestly couldn't help but smile at the sight of it. Small, adorable. But his smile dropped and all the paranoid people he had met rubbed off on him. This bunny was fast, it was wild like and it was here. In a bank. With a rare Jewel. But it was when the bunny was suppose to be caught that his paranoia took the form in a slender woman in a bunny suit of all things appearing.

And Johanna was quick to be annoyed by this, with Jake raising his hands in defense. "This is not my fault. Frankly, I feel like ruining their day in their attempt to ruin our day. You with me?" Jake mumbled back as he grabbed at the hem of his shirt reflexively. Saving the bank you were planning to steal from? Yea, made sense. But he wasn't sure what this woman could do, he just knew that if she threatened lives, he was going to jump into action sooner then later. Of course.. There was a chance she over stepped her boundary and the guards would deal with it... Yea.. A very small chance.

Still, he was ready to move on Johanna's order, or move if he needed too in case this woman got just a little too dangerous to these people. After all, he was a stupid hero when he needed to be.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 29th 2018, 4:35 am

All of the banks patrons stared at the scantily clad young woman in both confusion and befuddlement. All except Johanna. She knew all to well what this woman was here to do. She was here for the same exact reason that Jake and Johanna were. She was going to rob the place. The fact that the bunny themed robber decided to act now in broad daylight meant she had been planning this score for months, or she was crazy. Johanna went with the latter judging by the pale woman’s complete and utter lack of care for the weapons being pointed at her.

“Now I see a lot of you are very confused. Don’t worry. Act one is just about to get underway. I just need one tincy little favor from the audience. I’d like for you to place all your valuables in to a bag…Oh wait, you don’t have a choice.” she’d say with a slight giggle. Johanna was in the middle of turning to Jake when a wave of motion crashed into her mind. The mall lit up like a Christmas tree. There was movement all over the place.

The amount of information flooding Johanna’s mind made her a bit dizzy. She furrowed her brows as she tried to focus. Her eyes eventually located the cause of the info overload. There was another woman, one wearing street clothes, a leather jacket, and a pair of bunny ears. She was moving a normal speed, at least to Johanna who normally saw things in slow motion when her precognition kicked in. That partially tipped her off that the other woman was a speedster. The woman was reaching into everyone’s pockets and taking their wallets, cellphones, and any accessories they were wearing.

“Oh hell no.” Johanna mumbled to herself as she thought of the massive wad of cash in her pocket. She’d be damned if she was going to let some two bit criminal steal her money. As the woman approached Jake and Johanna, the ashen haired teen remained completely still as if frozen in time. She had safely stashed her cash into her bra and the woman hadn’t bothered to check there. If Johanna didn’t like either of these two girls before, the look the speedster gave Johanna’s metal arm was enough to drive the teen from annoyance to anger.

She waited for the speedster to finish moving through the bank. She picked the rest of the patrons clean and then proceeded to disarm all the guards before stopping by the bunny robber’s side. Johanna’s precognition faded and everything seemingly returned back to normal. She gave Jake a slight nudge on the arm. “Oh we are so going to ruin their days.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2018, 6:38 am

Jake hadn't reacted fast enough, and he wish he had. But mostly he was surprised. Not by the speedster power. But by who the speedster was. He had noticed the flames and unprepared, he found he was sluggish, and by the time he even had a chance to move, his pocket felt just a little more empty. And that was annoying. That. Was Johanna's money.

But in the next second, the woman now stood beside the rabbit dressed woman, a frown on her face as she dropped one of the many weapons she had taken from the guards into a bag, before the hand flicked on the bunny ear she wore in detest. "Bon Bon, honey. Do I really have to wear the ears?" She pouted, red fire shaped horns appearing around the ears as she eyed the now what could be considered hostages.

Jake however, lost interest in the bunny woman, his eyes solely focused on the speedster demon, they narrowed in what could be considered anger. A lot of anger. "Yea... Lets." He practically growled out, refraining from moving only by the inch of practicality. He needed to surprise them, he needed Johanna. "You know how to ruin ones day. Got a plan... I'll follow in my own way."

He had a score to settle with the speedster, and it seemed that if she looked in his direction, hell, when she stole from him, she hadn't recognized him. Then again, he was a bit more bulky back then, and a little younger. What mattered is that she didn't recognize him, she would soon enough, but for now, she didn't.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 29th 2018, 7:10 pm

The pale young woman gave the speed demon a wide smile. “Of course you do. You want to get paid right?” Her violet eyes shifted back to the bank patrons. There was really no need to make hostages out of them, but claiming they were hostages would give them more time to look for the ancient jewel. The police wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and rush into a bank full of hostages. The bunny girl turned to the demon and gasped as though she had thought of a brilliant idea. “I know! Why don’t you hand out a pair of ears to all our guests. It is Easter after all.”

The speedster would let out a groan, but in the blink of an eye, everyone inside the bank was wearing a pair of bunny ears. “See! It’s looking a lot more festive in here.” The bunny bandit would leave the speedsters side and head over to one of the tellers. She’d lean on the counter so that her cleavage showed in full force. The male teller couldn’t help but stare at the girls figure. The young woman let out a small chuckle. “Hello there handsome. You seem like a smart man. You wouldn’t happen to know where they’re keeping the jewel now would you?” The teller sat there is his mouth agape as if entranced by the woman.

Johanna could feel her blood beginning to boil. She was stuck in a situation where she was about to play the hero. That wasn’t her style at all. These bunny ears weren’t helping the situation any either. Her metal hand tightened into a fist. She had an idea. Do to the recent revelation that was dumped on her, the ashen haired teen had acquired some new tricks. She wanted to act now, but she also wanted to hear where the gem was being held. Maybe, just maybe should could at least boost the jewel, while also liberating the bank from the bandit duo. *Ah fuck it!* She thought to herself.

“I hate to say it, but I picked up a neat little trick from my mother.” she whispered to Jake. Her gaze remained glued on the speedster and the bag of money she was holding. Johanna was a thief first and foremost, so she was going to make sure she got paid. Johanna stared at the bag of loot with intense focus. A tendril of darkness would spring up from behind the speed demon and knock the bag from her hands. Johanna reacted in kind by doing a back flip out of the line and high into the air. Her hand quickly shot forward as she attempted to snatch the bag out of the air with her webbing. “Don’t just stand there le-” Johanna’s words would be cut short as something flew in out of nowhere and tagged her in the jaw.

The ashen haired teen was sent flying up to the second floor of the bank. There floating in the sky was a small bunny in what looked like power armor specifically made for it. The bunny would catch the bag of loot and fly it over to the pale woman. The bunny bandit would take the loot from the bunny and nuzzled it as it landed on her shoulder. “Well that was awfully short lived. Let that be a lesson to anyone who even thinks about stepping out of line.” almost as if on queue, a few more bunnies in power armor showed up, as well as a few plain looking rabbits as well. They seemed to be mad dogging the line of people. The bandit’s little furry enforcers.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2018, 9:57 pm

Jake remained silent, nodding to Ann's words about a new trick, he was a little surprised that Johanna would even consider using an ability of her mothers but perhaps she just saw it as her own now. Or more useful when used then complained about. And he got to see it first hand, and he enjoyed it so much he resisted trying to take those stupid ears now on his head. The shadow tendril came and he watched as the tendril went and knocked the bag of loot from Aideen, who looked about as confused as would be expected when the speedster was surprised by something she didn't see coming.

Jake in turn looked to the surprise of Johanna jumping high to get the bag, his eyes on her, right till a iron suited bunny knocked Johanna onto the second floor with what Jake felt was far too much ease and retrieved the bag for the bunny bandit. But Jake had just about enough. This day was meant to be good, not perfect, but great, for Ann. And now this, a robbery where he planned, Johanna attacked in his watch. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, Jake pulled it off along with the ears, freeing himself so that his wings could easily come out.

Stepping forward towards the smaller rabbits, the speed demon took notice of the now shirtless boy and frowned, right before her eyes lit up in recognition and she looked to the bunny bandit. "Bon Bon! Tall, shirtless and surprisingly... Better looking then last I saw him is dangerous." The woman called out, stepping back with narrowed eyes at the boy, her feet had been leaving small prints of fire behind everywhere she had gone, not taking well to the floor and never seeming too dangerous. But now with each step, the flames she left behind seemed just a bit bigger, and looked a lot more dangerous.

However, her alarmed call reminded Jake that she might not be the biggest problem, the bunny woman was, glancing the bunny boss, Jake primed his feet and quickly lunged towards her on all fours, doing his best to keep low to the ground so that he could avoid any of the smaller problems that presented themselves in the shape of the rabbit minions as he moved forward, using his closeness to the ground to maneuver when he needed too. They were quick and the metal covered ones were surprising strong. He was quick enough and strong enough. He just needed to get close enough so that he could deal with the main problem in a way that was mostly him trying to crash his shoulder into her. A test to see if she was strong, durable. Or full of surprises.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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