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Nu  Empty Nu

Post by Dubloon August 6th 2015, 11:39 pm




The Bio

Real Name: Nu
Hero Name: Stardust
Title: The Sentinel Prime
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: Nu physically appears to be 18 years old. Her actual age is 7(It took 5 years for Nu to develop and 2 years since Sionas rescued her from the facility she was born in.)
Gender: Female
Race: Artificial Being(Ynirian/Overseer)
Hair: Black with copper ends.
Eyes: Neon Green with cat-like pupils
Height: 5feet 5inches
Weight: 117lbs
Blood type: N/A

The Looks


As a result of the combining of Alien DNA and ‘human’ DNA(overseer DNA), Nu was given life. Nu’s body and frame are rather small, giving the experimental being a rather petite and innocent look. Nu has brown skin and black hair with copper ends. Her neon green eyes have cat like pupils which are also a result of her genealogy. The overseer DNA coursing though Nu’s veins leaves the young girl looking very lean and athletic. Nu’s frame is supported by a body of well toned muscles, a result of her alien genealogy.

The Personality

Nu had a very traumatic "birth", which initially left the young artificial girl unaware of how to percieve the new world she awoke in. Not knowing how to perceive all the new faces around her, or their intentions lead Nu to be a bit stand offish and timid. The memory of when she broke free from her tank is all to fresh in her mind still and because of the way she was treated she is very shy and cautions of people when first meeting them. 

Nu's disposition aligns perfectly with her appearance, a frail and timid girl, but when provoked, she becomes a fierce and relentless combatant, having a psychotic killer as a savior and latter combat trainer, Nu doesn't know when to quit, and often if not always over does things, couple that with the devastating powers she receives from her alien DNA, and the serum she was injected with, and she is like a wild animal let out of its cage. 

Nu is also a mute, this was done to prevent her from spilling any secrets if she had been caught while out in the field. Since she can’t speak, and doesn't know how to sign, her only way of communicating is through body language, crude signing, and writing/typing.

Nu tends to be very naive and understands very little of how most of the world works. For the most part she has tried to counter this herself by studying and reading things on the internet, but of course most of the meanings and explanations go over her head despite Sionas’ best efforts to raise and teach her before he went missing. At this moment in time Nu has shed a bit of her timid nature and has grown to trust a few people, these people include Travis Masters aka Alpha, and the rest of his family, whom Nu is very found of.

Nu innately feels compelled to do good and protect those that are too weak to protect themselves. Despite her origins and her initial purpose of being a weapon, Nu sees her power and strength as a means to bring peace and defend the innocent….A lesson she learned from the World Mind Ynir.

The Story

A couple of years ago, an alien crash landed on earth. The extraterrestrial did not survive the impact, and its remains were recovered by the United States Government, who then passed the body along to Project Perfection, with the hopes of being able to clone or at least utilize the alien DNA in their program to produce a powerful Meta human super soldier, capable of hunting down highly dangerous targets. The cloning process failed several times to produce a male subject, before it was suggested to try and create a female subject instead. The experiment went through without a hitch and the DNA took to the genetically modified embryo. 

The Program, as it was called, reveled in their success, now all they had to do was monitor and record the growth of the embryo into a living being that they could weaponize further. The only drawback to their experiment was, they had no idea what kind of role the alien DNA would play, in the embryo's development. The next year flew by in a flash and the embryo, to many of the scientists surprise, had produced a normal looking human child. Two years passed before the scientists began the second phase of their plan, since they had to wait for the girl to fully mature before finding out what she had gained from the alien DNA, they hooked her up to several tubes and pumped her full of a super soldier serum they had developed from the blood of one Sionas Lockhart. 

Finally the day arrived when the child had fully matured, thanks to a few of the modifications, the embryo had matured rapidly up to this point, and would now be rendered ineffective, giving them the perfect specimen, an agent with the physiology of an eighteen year old, that they could train and program. During one of the night shifts, they discovered abnormal brain activity coming from the girl, it was off the charts, and without warning she woke up. Nu's first sight was blurred outlines of mysterious figures through some murky liquid and glass. Nu's brain immediately went into shock, its primal instinct telling her that she was drowning she took in a breath out of instinct, and rush of water into her lungs sent her into shock. With so much going on at once, and the fear of dying, Nu's alien DNA kicked in, it had given her the power of telekinesis. In an instant, Nu sent out a powerful telekinetic burst that shattered her tank and caused the circuitry in several of the machines to explode. 

Nu looked up frightened at what had just happened. Just then a scientist began to approach her, has he did, guards kicked the door in, startling Nu once more, causing her to flinch in fear, which set off another telekinetic pulse, which sent the scientist flying. The guards opened fire on the young girl, thinking she was the aggressor. Nu placed her hands up thinking it would shield her from the bullets, instead she had summoned enough psionic energy to halt the bullets in mid air. Now angry that she had been attacked, Nu aimed her aggression at the guards, causing a small concussive explosion at their feet and sending them flying. Nu saw the opened door and booked it, using her psionic powers to deal with anyone in her path.

Nu was eventually lead out of the facility by Sionas Lockhart, who coincidently had been recovering in the same facility from after being in a coma for some time. He stuck by the girl even long after they had escaped the facility. Nu seemed to remind him of his daughter that he hadn’t seen in years, and being around her, brought him some mental stability. Sionas eventually left the girl on her own, but not before teaching her how to fend for herself. He taught her how to fight, how to read, write, and in general live. Fearing that he might one day loose control of his sanity again, Sionas left Nu. He had managed to set up a small hideout for the girl and even somehow managed to set her up financially so that she’d be able to go on without him.

Not too long after Sionas left Nu’s side, she was contacted by the world mind, of the Alien who’s DNA she was cloned from. The world mind explained to Nu that the Alien DNA she had in her, was that of an Alien named Delta, a guardian of his home world, that was sent to earth to protect mankind. With his DNA flowing through her, the world mind was able to establish a link with her. Nu agreed to follow in Delta's footsteps and continue his mission, and because of this the world mind has granted her Delta's title and has agreed to watch over her and assist her in learning more about her powers and the planet that her shared DNA comes from.

In time Nu would stop hearing from the world mind Ynir all together. Unaware if something had happened to the ancient being or if something had changed in her. Nu would continue to live a rather sheltered life in the hideout Sionas had set up for her, but as he had requested, the young girl made efforts to get out into the world and meet new people. This eventually lead to Nu having a chance encounter with Travis Masters aka Alpha. For some reason or another Nu felt oddly at peace or at least calm around the young man and decided to tag along with him. Nu has since continued to hang around with Alpha and his family, while occasionally trying to get over her fear of being around others.

The Priority

1. Agility 4
2. Endurance 3
3. Reaction 2
4. Strength 1

The Powers

Power 1: A psion like no other!- Nu’s power of telekinesis comes from the alien DNA that was used to create her. A power no one at The Project could have foreseen her developing, the volatile mixture of Ynirian DNA and Overseer DNA has given Nu the ability to to psionically manipulate and control the physical aspects of reality around her effortlessly. Because of Nu’s incredible psychic power, she is able to form constructs of telekinetic energy including barriers to defend herself, fling and manipulate(lift) objects as large and heavy as a tank with a simple thought as well as herself to perform a simple form of flight or levitation, and fire blasts of mental energy in varying forms, ranging from a small concussive pulse/bullet, to a powerful string of concussive explosions that happen along a path.

Power 2: Super soldier cocktail or something more?- Near the end of Nu’s development, once she had matured enough, The Project initiated the second phase of their plan and injected the young girl with a strange serum aimed at giving her superhuman strength. This added in conjunction to the Overseer DNA coursing through her, allows Nu to perform impressive feats of strength. This gives Nu’s physical attacks a great deal of force behind them, allowing her to exert and lift a total weight of a few hundred tons.

Power 3: I saw that coming!- Thanks to Nu’s advanced muscular system and insanely overclocked brain, the young mute is able to react to incoming attacks with lightning quick agility with little to no effort. Nu has the mental capacity to see an action being started and then react to it.

Power 4: Accelerated healing.- Nu’s body is granted the ability to rapidly heal itself thanks to a combination of the serum injected into her during her development as well as her Overseer DNA. Through this combination, Nu’s cells perform their functions at a higher rate allowing the mute’s body to heal from injuries quickly depending on the severity to the wound. Cuts, bruises, and broken bones healing in a matter of seconds or minutes. More severe wounds such as severed limbs or damaged and destroyed organs can heal given hours or days and plenty of rest.

Power 5: Tactile telekinesis.- Through the use of her telekinesis, Nu can envelope her body in a thin layer of telekinetic energy that mostly doubles many of her physical abilities including her strength, reaction time, and durability.

The Weaknesses

Weakness 1: …..- Nu lacks the ability to communicate with anyone vocally or telepathically. This makes it hard for her to get her point across to others and also hinders her ability to warn people of any incoming danger or communicate during combat.

Weakness 2: Emotional instability.- Nu is very young, despite her outward appearance. Though she may be physically 18 she has only really been awake for two years. Nu lacks any of the parenting or experience that most normal children would have gained growing up and as such has a hard time controlling her emotions, this is most noticeably when she loses control and enters Omega form. Nu is prone to falling prey to her emotions and is very susceptible to any sort of emotional manipulation.  

Weakness 3: What does this button do?- Nu is in every sense of the word a child. Despite knowing how to function on her own, Nu is prone to random spurts of curiosity. Like any child if she sees something that catches her eye she most examine and toy with it despite any warning labels that may appear. Nu’s naivete can also lead the girl into bad situations as she can be easily coursed into doing something against her better judgment.

Weakness 4: Its gotta be TK!- Nu is completely unaware that she possesses her other powers and attributes all her abilities to her telekinesis. Because Nu believes everything she does is tied to her telekinesis she is unable to properly gauge her own strength. This can lead to Nu unintentionally causing serious harm to people that otherwise might not be so durable.

Weakness 5: Last ditch effort!- Due to Nu’s lack of true durability she is only able to maintain her tactile field for a short time. In the event that this ability is used, Nu will be left in a state of great fatigue for some time after.

The Items


The Minions


The Fluff

-Mental shielding: Nu’s mind is mentally blocked by something which prevents most outside forces from taking a peak. This also prevents the young girl from communicating telepathically.

-Longevity: Do to Nu’s rapid healing and overall genealogy, she ages much slower than a normal human.

-Immortality: Via her Overseer DNA and the access she has to omega mode, Nu’s body has the ability to reform or come back from death by reforming out of cosmic energy. (occurs outside and after a thread in which she dies.)


Nu’s Advancements

The RP Sample

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Last edited by Dubloon on August 9th 2017, 4:24 am; edited 1 time in total

The Characters
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Nu  Empty Re: Nu

Post by Bliss August 11th 2015, 1:01 am



Mitsy's Boutique


Nu  D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Nu  Empty Re: Nu

Post by Shadowoof August 9th 2017, 4:22 am

Moved for edits

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Nu  Empty Re: Nu

Post by Shadowoof August 9th 2017, 5:01 am

Moved for not editing

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Nu  Empty Re: Nu

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