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Green Ranger

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Green Ranger Empty Green Ranger

Post by Vorik July 21st 2024, 4:59 pm


The Green Ranger

The Bio

Real Name: Frank Marston
Hero Name: The Green Ranger/Verdant Knight
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 6ft
Weight: 182
The Looks

A young man with light red hair styled into a faux hawk. His dark green eyes soften his sharp angular face and give him an innocent look. He has a near-constant slight smile. He is athletic and muscular from years of intensive combat sports and training.

He is almost always in his hero identity as the Green Ranger and is hardly seen without his combat armor. His sentai combat armor is mint green and color with white and black accents and trimmings. Various tiny cameras line his armor and a full-scale helmet with a dark visor hides his face. He wears a black utility belt stuffed with various tools and gadgets and 2 electric batons are holstered on his side.

The Personality

Frank Marston is a troubled man, dealing with a lifetime of trauma and regret. The death of his sister and the discovery of his power gave him a sense of purpose of honoring her memory by being the best hero he could be. He is extremely dedicated to being heroic and has all but abandoned his identity as Frank, instead viewing himself as Green Ranger first and foremost.

He blames himself for not being good enough to save Isaac or stop his father from killing Sarah. This guilt drives him to push himself far harder than he should as he goes deeper into his role as the Green Ranger. Frank hardly shows a genuine reaction as he is in a constant state of using his power to stop time and process events happening around him and thinking through his emotions and thoughts on the matter. All emotions he presents are a mask he wears to put people at ease and give the impression of a steadfast hero and leader.

The Story

Sarah and I giggled as we ran outside, throwing dried leaves and shouting cool-sounding special attack names they had heard from the latest episode of Ultra Rangers. We collapsed as our 5-year-old boundless energy was spent on yet another day of play. Sarah looked at me and smiled.

“When we grow up, we’ll be just like the Ultra Rangers big brother! We’ll wear cool costumes, beat up the bad guys, and have superpowers! I just know we will!”

She said this with the same passion for everything she put her mind to. I wish I could feel as self-assured as she was. There was a fire in her eyes as she continued talking about all the little details about what kind of heroes we would be. She’d wear white because the White Ranger was always the best and I would be the Green Ranger because she knew it was my favorite color. She never could decide what powers we would have, but her gut instinct always told her we’d have them.

As the sun set and our parents called us back inside to wash up she looked at me with a serious expression.

“Pinky promise that you’ll be the best heroes with me! That no matter what happens we’ll always be there to save the day and make people happy, just like the show!”

At that moment, I could think of nothing else but to say yes. As we locked pinkies together I couldn’t have been happier.

Sarah and I turned 8 years old just last week and she was buzzing with excitement. It was her favorite day of the year again, Halloween. She loved everything about that day. The cool weather, the rustling of leaves, all the free sugary snacks that would keep her up for the rest of the night, and best of all, she got to dress up as her favorite hero, The White Ranger without people calling her weird. Even though it has been years since we made that promise, she never once lost interest in wanting to be a superhero. I still liked watching Ultra Rangers with her but it just wasn’t a big thing for me anymore. I was more into fantasy stuff like knights and dragons. While she wanted to be a superhero, I thought it would be cool to be a gallant knight like those in fairytales.  

Still, it made Sarah happy to play superheroes with her and that was all I needed. I never had the heart to dissuade her of her wonder like our parents did. “You’re too old for this.” They said. “You need to act like a proper young lady.” They lectured. Sarah, of course, was undeterred by their efforts and remained steadfast in her dreams.

This day was perfect. Sarah and I went to the county fair and met a girl and a boy who would become my best friends, Caleb and Eden. They too had a love for Sentai shows and their wacky antics. The rest of the night was a blur of fun and the years that followed were filled with sleepovers, hanging out, and many adventures with their new friends.

There was something very, very, wrong with Sarah. It was all I could think of for the past 2 weeks. I didn’t know what was happening but my sister was very sick. My parents have not allowed me to see her, fearing that whatever she had would affect me. They offered little update on what was happening so when my father told me he wanted to talk, I was anxious.

I entered my father’s study, a luxurious room with walls covered in books and a carpet with Persian rug finery. I never did like that place. It felt too artificial, too… Organized. It was clear even then that Father hardly used the room for anything other than to appear dignified to the various lobbyists, reporters, and campaigners he talked to.

My father was sitting behind his large oak desk, sipping on a glass of some kind of exotic brand of alcohol. He looked at me with tired eyes.


He motioned to the leather-bound chair.
Sitting down did little to ease my nerves, if anything the silent stare he gave me made me more unnerved with each passing second. I knew better than to speak before him so we sat there in silence for what felt like forever. After a while, he sighed and leaned back in his chair.

“I appreciate you being patient and staying out of the way while we dealt with Sarah and her…Issues.

He swished his glass slowly as he considered what to say next.

“Your sister is…Not well. Now you are a smart boy so I'm going to be forward with you but what's happening and what will happen going forward.”

He gave me a steely look that broached no disagreement.

“Sarah has, for some unknown reason, awakened a superpower, much like those the caped freaks parade around. However, her “power” He said the word with disdain.

“Her “power” is uncontrollable and she’s a danger to herself and everyone else.”

He set his glass down and sighed, his shoulders sagging.

“We have tried everything we could for her. Experts, miracle workers, even some of the more put-together “heroes” but nothing worked. By all accounts, Sarah is doomed to her horrific existence and will do nothing but hurt those around her.”

I could feel the weight of his words pile on me like a choking miasma. I didn’t want to believe she was doomed, that my twin, my best friend, would suffer. Surely, surely, my father would have a plan. He was always the smartest person in the room. He must have something planned. With bated breath and racing thoughts, I looked at him.  

He stood up and motioned for me to follow him further into the room where a line of family busts proudly stood, showing our long line of hereditary.

“Our family was built on the backbone of your great grandfather’s oil business and every step of the way he made, my father made, and even I, have made hard choices to keep this family growing properly. Success is never without a cost but we have always stood by our own and family has always meant everything….”

He put his hand on my shoulder.

“Which is why this has been the hardest choice I will ever make. Your sister can’t be allowed to run wild with her uncontrollable power. She will ruin this family if we allow her to go on like she is.”

Father nodded to himself as he spoke these words.

“Your sister is gone now and she will never come back. This is the only right choice I have left to make. To protect our family, our history… Us.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I wanted to accuse him of lying, of this all being some sick joke and Sarah was just waiting outside, ready to jump out and give me that goofy smile of hers, thrilled to have fooled me. I looked into his eyes, searching for anything but all I saw was a stone mask. I could do nothing but look at him in abject fear.

He knelt at eye level with me and tightened his grip on my shoulder.

“You always were the more mature one and I know how hard this must be for you but there is no other way. You are a survivor like the rest of our family and we will all move on from this. Soon it will all be in the past and you will think of this moment as nothing more than a bad memory.”

He stood up and led me back to the desk before taking another sip of his vintage. His soft, reassuring smile, vanished as if it was never there. He stared at me with cold eyes.

“I want to be clear with you, my son. Your sister is dead. She is dead to us, dead to the world, and nothing will change that. This will be the last time anyone speaks about her as if she existed. You will never speak of her again in any context to protect this family. If you so much as whisper her name, I will know and you will be dealt with harshly and severely.”

His words could barely be heard over the pounding of my heart, and the throbbing of my head as my world shattered. I could not, would not, process the cruelty of it all. In a blind panic, I fled, from that too-organized room, from the manor, and ran until I could not anymore. I ran until I collapsed under a tree by a small river bed Sarah and I used to play at. I wept.

The next year passed by a stupor. Caleb and Eden knew something was wrong but I couldn’t tell them. Fear of my father killing me and the pain of talking about Sarah was too much for me to even confide in my best friends.

Life had lost all meaning when Sarah was murdered. I was lost, each day reliving the same events over and over again. What hope did I have of moving past this? I finally found my purpose the day my power awakened.

I couldn’t fly or lift a car as easily as a man could lift a toy, nor could I leap buildings in a single bound. What I had, offered me more than any other power could, time to think.

I was in math class, lost in my thoughts, staring at the whiteboard as the teacher rambled on about some pointless formula I would never use beyond the class when the most peculiar thing happened. The teacher, students, and the ceiling fan started slowing down like they were all windup toys slowly losing power. Just as quickly as I focused on the slow motion of my teacher talking the world sped up, back to its normal state.

I chalked the weirdness up to a lack of sleep and would have dismissed it as just that but as my mind wandered and I became unfocused, the world slowed down once more. For several minutes I experimented with this new and bizarre feeling before curiosity got the best of me. I let the world slow down, not focusing as time grew ever more still before stopping altogether. I couldn’t move in this frozen world. I was part of the same hold everyone else was but only I was aware, only I could think.

At home, my mind raced with implications. I remembered as if it was yesterday the determined expression Sarah had. She was so confident that both of us would gain powers but I never believed her, no one did. A wave of remorse stabbed my chest as even now, a year after her death, I failed her and didn't listen. I made a promise to her that day. A promise that I would be the best of heroes with her. It was impossible to do it with her now… But I could fulfill my promise to her.

That day, I swore I would fulfill her dream. I would become what she always wanted to be, a shining light in a world that seemed so broken. I would be the very thing she loved and keep the memory of her alive. I would be a hero.

I trained relentlessly. I took every combat sport I could. Boxing, wrestling, martial arts, anything I could think of to improve. My power gave me all the time to think but what good was that if he didn’t have the means to apply myself? If I wasn’t training I was prowling the dark streets, stopping any would-be purse snatcher or mugger. It was exhausting work but for the first time since Sarah’s death, I slept soundly at night.

After a year of living this double life alone, I was exhilarated when my best friend Caleb confided in me that he too had powers. One thing led to the other and soon the both of us donned makeshift costumes and made a difference before even Eden developed powers as well and our crime-fighting duo became a trio. As the years passed, what started as a dream became a team as more people joined such as Caleb’s brother, Isaac and Marcus. Dressed in colorful spandex and adopting a style similar to the cartoons Sarah and I watched as kids we all had such high hopes for the future until it all fell apart.

We had graduated high school and Eden was excited for a concert for her favorite band in London. She went all out to celebrate not only our graduation but also us as a team. The day of fun quickly became a challenge of survival as a supervillain with godlike power called Erebus attacked, holding the city hostage. Matters became exponentially worse as an angelic “hero” arrived and caused far more harm and destruction than the villain ever did.

None of my team had their suits and tools and even if we had, we could hardly do anything more than watch these godlike beings fight. We were like moths to them even had we prepared for this. The only thing we could do was survive as destruction rained down on the city and tried to save as many as we could. The rapid response teams evacuated people in droves from the battlefield that used to be London but there were too many people and too few helicopters. We did everything we could but exhaustion, injuries, and fear broke us. We were all strapped into the next ride out when Isaac gave his spot up to an elderly woman with nothing but a reassuring smile, telling us that he would get the next one.

As the helicopter sped away from the battling figures who wielded far too much power, the “angel” unleashed an attack of unparalleled might. We all watched in abject horror as London was hit with a thunderous attack that sent off shockwaves that toppled buildings followed by an explosion that could rival a nuclear bomb. We were one of the few lucky ones, just outside the blast but all we could think about was Isaac. We held out the smallest of hope that despite all odds, he had survived the calamity but it wasn’t meant to be. Isaac was dead.

It has been months since the horrors of London and the team is still recovering from the loss of Isaac. I see the trauma my teammates hide behind forced smiles, the tension in the air as none of us have truly talked about what happened. I know they need me, their team leader to act, to be the strong one for them but I don’t know where to even start. How can I help them when twice now I’ve been powerless to protect those closest to me? How many more do I have to lose because I simply wasn’t good enough? I do not know the words to say to them but I will not lose another. I will, must, be stronger. I have to be more than I am, not only for the memories of Sarah and Isaac but for them. This will never happen again.

The Powers

Temporal Perception: Frank can manipulate his perception of time, slowing or speeding up how quickly time appears to him. He can slow down time to the point that time stops giving him all the time he needs to think, plan, and understand what is happening around him. He can also speed up time which puts him in a trancelike state of absolute focus while he works through a task.

The Weaknesses

Bound By Time: While he can manipulate his perception of time, he is still physically limited to it like everyone else. Regardless of speeding up or slowing time, he will still move at the same rate as others.

Baseline Human: He is a baseline human outside of his Temporal Perception and has all the limits and weaknesses of one.

No Kill Rule: He follows the strict belief of not becoming judge, jury, and executioner. Even if killing would be much easier and solve the problem, he will go out of his way to risk himself not to kill.

Martyr Complex: Due to the events in London, Frank holds himself responsible for the Yellow Ranger’s death. He believes that if he were a better hero he would have been able to save them. He will always put the needs and safety of others above his own, leading him to risk himself far more than reasonable to help others because he believes others have more value and that is the price to pay to be a hero.

The Items

Sentai Armor: A suit of armor stylized after his favorite children’s superhero shows. Built by Blue Gyro, Caleb Garfield, the suit provides the following benefits…

HUD/Vision/Communication: The helmet comes with a heads-up display, as well as IR, Nightvision, Thermal, Zoom, X-ray, and Motion Sensor). They are also outfitted with an encrypted communicator.

Weakness: An EMP will short out the more delicate systems of the suit. The suit will need 10 minutes to reboot its software.

Rebreather: The helmet is outfitted with a custom rebreather, allowing the filtering of air pathogens, and can even be used underwater.  

Weakness: They are connected to an oxygen compressor installed in the back of the armor. If damaged, it can no longer function, and the rebreather will switch two air canisters located in armored pouches on the belt. This gives the heroes a solid hour of oxygen before the canisters are emptied.

Armor: The suit is armored with a segmented hardened ceramic/titanium alloy that withstands small caliber rounds, fire, and mild electricity.

Weakness: The armor can only endure so much wear and tear before it must be replaced, and is still weak against armor piercing, and cannot stop explosives.  

Panoramic Surveillance System: Micro cameras line the exterior of the armor providing complete visual awareness of the area around them with no blind spots.

Weakness: An EMP will short out the more delicate systems of the suit. The suit will need 10 minutes to reboot its software.

Utility Belt: A standard utility belt containing various mundane tools ranging from multitools, zip ties, a first aid kit, pepper spray, a flashlight, lockpicks, and paracord.

Explosive Marbles: Green Ranger also carries numerous explosive marbles of varying strength, ranging from nonconcussive flashbangs, and firecrackers, to grenade-like ones.

Weakness: The marbles will not detonate when wet.

Dual Stun Batons: A set of 2 military-grade metallic batons that can shock on contact. The intensity of the shock is adjustable ranging from a mild and relatively painless zap to something more extreme that can knock out normal people and mildly affect those with superhuman durability.

Weakness: If the batons are used at their highest shock intensity it will need up to 5s to recharge.

The Fluff

Peak Physical Conditioning: Frank has trained since he was 11 to be his physical best, lifting up to 700 lbs, and running up to 30mph. He has the endurance to work nonstop for an entire day straight before exhaustion starts to affect him.

High Pain Tolerance: Frank can endure inordinate amounts of pain before his body starts to go into shock or he begins to pass out from it. He can maintain his focus much better than a normal person can when in pain.

Mixed Martial Arts Expert: He has extensive training in Wing Chun, Kali, Krav Maga, and Kickboxing.

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Green Ranger Empty Re: Green Ranger

Post by Arcana July 22nd 2024, 2:17 am


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