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Bunny's Workshop!

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OPEN Bunny's Workshop!

Post by OhNoesBunnies! August 20th 2019, 9:23 pm


Instead of some big flashy sign here that says "BUNNY's WORKSHOP!" I'm just going put words here. Like these!

All this place is, is a little place I'm gonna put my ideas and hopefully garner interest in them. Like making NPCs, Minions, Characters, Events, anything that comes to mind will be plopped here like a soggy washcloth.

H'okay! Somethin' gonna pop up soon, so stay tuned.


Status :

Quote : "I need one of those long hugs where you kinda forget whatever else is happening around you for a minute." - Marilyn Monroe

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : A dry, dusty place!
Age : 36
Job : Currently unemployed - Hope to change soon!
Humor : No, you! >:c
Registration date : 2019-08-01

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OPEN Re: Bunny's Workshop!

Post by OhNoesBunnies! August 20th 2019, 9:24 pm

Bunny's Workshop! WcNda93
Bunny's Workshop! ZlvhXSF
Bunny's Workshop! Xxr7ax4

The Enslaved. Products of a bygone era of destruction and retribution, forgotten and left to die without any directive or chance to survive. No one remembers who or what created them, but their purpose is clear: To wage an unending war across the galaxy. They do not negotiate. They do not accept surrender. One must fight the Enslaved, or become one with them, assimilated by technology in horrible, agonizing bondage to an unknowable mind that feels no pain, no remorse, and shows no mercy. Like a plague, the Enslaved have spread from world to world, harvesting all life and stripping worlds bare of their useable resources, leaving little more than planetary husks in their wake, and in their crusade to burn the galaxy, they have found Earth. 
Bunny's Workshop! ZlvhXSF
Bunny's Workshop! SqA9ZlT

Bunny's Workshop! MRpfRwp

Though the Enslaved are comprised of countless assimilated species, the originators are a human-like race known as the Hyrokken.

The Hyrokken stand on average at a height of 2.7 meters and possess a standard bipedal humanoid shape but with noticeable differences between each individual depending on their purpose and age. Their musculature, due to the number of cybernetic and genetic enhancements made to their bodies, is typically very dense and compact, giving most of them a bulky appearance, and their skin consists of several thick leathery epidermal layers that overlap one another for increased durability and impact resistance, making them incredibly difficult to harm. Hyrokken typically come in a single palette of colors when it concerns their biological makeup, making it difficult to discern one individual from the next, and their cybernetic (and otherwise inorganic) organs and limbs are typically black and several times harder than steel.

Beneath the layers of compact muscle tissue all Hyrokken share, their skeletal structure is a highly complex combination of cartilage, tendons, metals, plastics, and more than six-hundred individual bones creating the support their large and powerful bodies need. As much of their anatomy is comparable to the anatomical design of a human, their bone structure is highly durable yet malleable, capable of bending and twisting without breaking, with tendons that have slightly more 'give' than in most humanoids. This unique limberness allows them to stretch and/or dislocate portions of their skeletal structure, either to free a trapped limb or squeeze into tight, awkward spaces. This makes the Hyrokken physically durable and difficult to harm, letting them fall from great heights or take considerable physical punishment without injury, all without even considering their massive cybernetic implants and endoskeletal reinforcements.

Hyrokken internal organs are not that different from most humanoids, they possess a singular, multi-chambered heart, two lungs, and a complex digestive tract that keeps their metabolism strong and their body-heat regulated. The Hyrokken are hot-blooded with an average 'safe' body temperature of 62 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit) and prefer extremely cold environments usually below -150 degrees Celsius (-283 degrees Fahrenheit). The Hyrokken are capable of surviving in slightly warmer temperatures with minor discomfort, but temperatures higher than -20 degrees Celsius are generally considered unliveable without extreme genetic engineering and/or cybernetic augmentation.

The Hyrokken themselves are sterile and unable to produce offspring, and with their genetic and cybernetic modifications, rely solely on their ability to assimilate organic tissue and sentient beings to continue artificially swelling their numbers. Unlike most sentient beings, the Hyrokken do not consume their nutrients via digestion and instead absorb bioelectric energy as sustenance. They often get this through means of "Living Batteries", by harvesting the organs and/or body parts of other sentient creatures and putting them in Bio-Farms, where their bioelectric energy can be maintained and siphoned safely.

As the Hyrokken are now more machine than flesh, with some to more extremes than others, many of the Hyrokken can survive temporarily (a handful indefinitely) without their organic counterparts, making them extremely difficult to destroy. The Hyrokken rarely use external weapon systems, often integrating them into their being.

Bunny's Workshop! ZlvhXSF
Bunny's Workshop! SDe6xP5

Bunny's Workshop! 86bwldO

3981 BC - 255 AD ( Earth Calender )

The Enslaved have no known history beyond their emergence into the Milky Way galaxy six millennia ago. It was a time of great strife amongst the southron alien empires of the Milky Way, for their worlds were relentlessly targeted by these seemingly soulless abominations. Wherever the Enslaved went, they assimilated all living life from a world, before stripping them bare of any natural resources, leaving them dead and barren. Cities and even whole civilizations were uprooted from their colonies, and entire empires fell, crumbling to dust against the unstoppable onslaught of the Hyrokken war-machine. For thousands of years, the Enslaved conquered the stars, unopposed and unwilling to show mercy. Until in 466 BC, the Enslaved were met with a highly advanced and ferocious civilization known as the S'Jedanni. For hundreds of years, the two empires clashed, and for a time it seemed the Enslaved had met their match. Their war-machine was stalled, their fleets broken, and eventually, the cyborg threat had been scattered to the stars.

For a time, the S'Jedanni and the galaxy at large had a respite from the destruction the Enslaved wrought.

While the S'Jedanni rested, however, the Hyrokken rebuilt. Minor civilizations on the outskirts of S'Jedanni territory disappeared one by one over the years, and in 88 BC, the Enslaved returned with a massive fleet pointed at the head of the S'Jedanni's homeworld. In one night, the Enslaved conquered S'Jei--the S'Jedanni homeworld--and instead of assimilating its inhabitants, they began massacring all that they could find, using orbital weapons that would ensure the surface of the planet would remain uninhabitable for eons to come. In a ruthless campaign of death and destruction, the Enslaved ensured that all of the S'Jeddani's colonies followed suit until the entire race was extinct and their monuments were turned to glass.

256 AD - Present Day ( Earth Calender )

Though having achieved victory over the S'Jedanni, other species across the southron edges of the galaxy turned and marched against the vastly weakened Hyrokken Empire in what would be known locally as the "Great Extrastellar Crusade" translated in any language. Suffering defeat after major defeat, the Enslaved eventually fled their conquered worlds, once more scattering themselves to the stars to avoid total annihilation. Even then, they were hunted by the other civilizations of the galaxy, until they were thought all but extinct. As time passed, despite the death and destruction in their wake, many among the galactic community had chosen to forget they had ever been real, and others even began a massive cover-up, destroying all signs of Hyrokken technology and history, to ensure others could not take up their monstrous mantle and begin anew what the Enslaved could not finish.

Unbeknownst to them, however, those surviving few found other worlds, distant and isolated from other civilized races, and began to once more rebuild. Though their tactics had changed, the Hyrokken, in general, became more subversive. Target worlds had hidden cells established upon them, and when they reached an age of technology that could advance the Hyrokken's own, regardless of how primitive it may or may not be, the Hyrokken would invade, assimilate the species and siphon their tech. They would do this from world to world until their numbers had once more swelled, and towards the end of the 20th century, began prepping for another crusade against life in this galaxy...

In 2019 AD, the Hyrokken discovered Earth.

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Bunny's Workshop! C3yIQRt

Bunny's Workshop! Gy9QmWE
"Inkara S'kai - The Last S'Jeddani"

Lawful Evil



Former S'Jeddani

She "stands" at an impressive 46.2 meters tall.

She weighs several hundred tons.


Mother is a former S'Jeddani of sinister intelligence. Devoted to the single idea of creating a perfect society, she is cruel and without mercy, relentlessly leading the Hyrokken and the Enslaved into a future in which she can create the perfect balance between chaos and order. Though she claims to hold no ill will to other races on this dark crusade of hers, she shows little regard for their existence, never hesitating when it comes to committing genocide or assimilating unwilling civilizations into the ranks of the Enslaved.


Originally an idealistic scientist from the S'Jeddani Empire, Inkara was the sole individual that devised the appropriate wartime strategy that ultimately led to the defeat of the Hyrokken and their Enslaved. Though celebrated by her people for ending a Millenia-long war, Inkara organized an expedition with several others to discover the fate of the scattered alien invaders, setting out in a converted colony ship named "Victory in Elsadara" to the furthest reaches of S'Jeddani space, searching for clues as to the whereabouts of the Hyrokken remnants. After nearly fifty years of traveling through the stars, following clue after clue, Inkara and the crew of the Victory encountered a lone Hyrokken warship, still fully active and armed to the teeth. Instead of being attacked, however, the Victory was hailed. The Hyrokken aboard requested to speak to Inkara directly. Pleasantly surprised by the formal communication, Inkara left the Victory in a shuttle to meet a "representative" aboard the Hyrokken vessel. Days passed without word, and just when the crew of the Victory was getting all the more anxious, Inkara returned...

...As something else entirely.

What followed was the end of the S'Jeddani people. The Empire crumbled after Inkara herself led the Hyrokken to the heart of her civilization, and it was she who ordered the complete and utter annihilation of her species--with only herself as the sole exception. In time, Inkara was changed. Her body stripped of organic material as she was converted to a "living" core of her former starship, the Victory in Elsadara, which as a part of herself now, merged with her to become "Mother". Since the destruction of the S'Jeddani Empire, Mother began to restore the former glory of the Hyrokken, even raising them above a simple mindless horde to that of an organized and efficient war-machine. Now with their gaze set upon Earth, Mother has laid out plans for Humanity and its myriad of anomalous heroes and villains, planning to use them and their likeness to create a new species of Metas... a new race to inherit the galaxy.


REACTION - Mother's thought processes and reaction speeds are superhuman, allowing her to respond near-instantaneously to any situation, regardless of the speed of their change. She possesses a brain the size of a small house, making millions upon millions of calculations a second. Though her knowledge is easily rivaled by more wisened beings, her intellectual capacity is unlimited.

ENDURANCE - Mother is massive in size, built using only the finest materials throughout the known galaxy and housed within a massive starship nearly ten kilometers in diameter alone. She is difficult to harm and her destruction would take significant effort. Supported not only by the pure tensile strength of the materials used to design her, she is protected by legions of Hyrokken and highly advanced shielding technology.

STRENGTH - Mother's size and construction means she is quite capable of crushing a freight train with her bare hands with minimum effort. Thankfully, she doesn't get out of her vessel much.

AGILITY - Mother's primary construction is somewhat slow and bulky. Though being a pure robotic entity at this point in time, she is capable of extraordinary feats of dexterity despite her size, but she's not going to be able to fit into any small spaces anytime soon.


LIVING FORGE - The Mother's starship has long-since been converted from a simple colony vessel to a massive forge, and being directly under her control, is capable of creating anything from small legions of cybernetic monstrosities to gargantuan warships, assuming she has all the appropriate materials. As long as the resources needed to build something are had, she can continuously supply the Hyrokken war machine to no end.

TEHNOLOGICAL OMNILINGUALISM - The Mother is capable of interfacing and controlling anything with a primary operating system, such as a CPU. Robots, machines, and even certain types of aircraft and vehicles can easily be taken control of when within range of Mother's communication devices (either directly from her or her starship), which can span lightyears between stars. However, taking control of a device she herself has not created, or that is not of Hyrokken design, is limited. Such as, she can only take control of a handful of human vehicles or electronic devices at the same time depending on their complexity.


Bunny's Workshop! W80YsMX

From the blood-soaked bowels of this massive ship, Inkara resides. It is here she oversees the entirety of the Hyrokken war machine, pushing them from one star system to the next as they enslave and slaughter the helpless denizens of the galaxy. It is also within these halls that autonomous machines, older than Inkara and even the Hyrokken themselves, experiment and create, constantly constructing new machines of death and destruction for use in the Enslaved's crusade. From head to tail, the Factory is approximately 26 kilometers long, less than half that tall and wide, while bristling with countless weapons and defense systems. Massive factories within are constantly active, churning out legions of warships and cybernetically altered Enslaved grunts to fill them.

Bunny's Workshop! Xf2vzbg

From massive pillars of metal and rot to small maneuverable darts no larger than a human being, the Enslaved Fleet is massive and varied, possessing a vessel for nearly any occasion and the souls to pilot each and every one of them. Mostly everything the Enslaved use as starships and transports were taken from other civilized species, their ships themselves being a mish-mash of parts from different eras of technological advancement all forcibly molded to look similar in design. The same hallmarks are seen in the weapons they deploy, from projectile defenses, to energy-based cannons, and no less, missile-based systems.

Last edited by OhNoesBunnies! on October 6th 2019, 5:35 pm; edited 12 times in total

Status :

Quote : "I need one of those long hugs where you kinda forget whatever else is happening around you for a minute." - Marilyn Monroe

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : A dry, dusty place!
Age : 36
Job : Currently unemployed - Hope to change soon!
Humor : No, you! >:c
Registration date : 2019-08-01

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OPEN Re: Bunny's Workshop!

Post by OhNoesBunnies! August 25th 2019, 12:54 pm


Status :

Quote : "I need one of those long hugs where you kinda forget whatever else is happening around you for a minute." - Marilyn Monroe

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : A dry, dusty place!
Age : 36
Job : Currently unemployed - Hope to change soon!
Humor : No, you! >:c
Registration date : 2019-08-01

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OPEN Re: Bunny's Workshop!

Post by OhNoesBunnies! August 26th 2019, 6:38 am


Status :

Quote : "I need one of those long hugs where you kinda forget whatever else is happening around you for a minute." - Marilyn Monroe

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : A dry, dusty place!
Age : 36
Job : Currently unemployed - Hope to change soon!
Humor : No, you! >:c
Registration date : 2019-08-01

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OPEN Re: Bunny's Workshop!

Post by OhNoesBunnies! September 3rd 2019, 9:05 pm


Status :

Quote : "I need one of those long hugs where you kinda forget whatever else is happening around you for a minute." - Marilyn Monroe

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : A dry, dusty place!
Age : 36
Job : Currently unemployed - Hope to change soon!
Humor : No, you! >:c
Registration date : 2019-08-01

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OPEN Re: Bunny's Workshop!

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