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The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 2nd 2018, 6:34 pm

Johanna stared at the vault door, trying to figure out a way to get past it. She could have easily brute forced her way past the massive chunk of metal, but that would have set off alarms. Alarms that would bring cops. Which would make escape a lot tougher. She thought about it for several seconds and then shrugged. Having the cops show up was part of the fun. It make getting away a challenge. She brought her metal arm back and curled her hand into a fist. Just as she was ready to bring her fist forward, she heard a voice call out from behind her.

“Freeze! Stop where you are thief!” the bunny shouted, trying to imitate one of the guards. Johanna chuckled and lowered her fist. She turned to face the pale girl, who was aiming two handguns at her. “Your voice is far too annoying to forget. You couldn’t possibly think I’d fall for that did you?”
“Awe that’s so sweet you remember something about me! I feel like were bonding. Not as well as me and your boyfriend hit it off though.” albino girl said with a large grin.

Johanna felt her hands tighten into fists. This one was overstepping her boundaries. If she continued to try and play cute, it was going to get very ugly for her. “Kidding, kidding. Though I can see he does have a type.” she said, referencing her’s and Johanna’s similarities, even if Johanna wasn’t aware of them. “Look. How about we cut a deal? We’re both thieves after all. The jewel is useless. It’s just some sort of old gem it’s only here to be transferred to a museum in a few days. How about you take all the cash and stuff that my little furry friends have gathered for me, and I take the jewel?” For some reason the bunny bandit seemed to think that, that was going to work.

“Or, I have a better idea. I take ALL the loot, including the jewel, and then leave you and your little hot footed friend to take the fall!” Johanna said with a smile. This obviously didn’t sit well with the bandit at all. This was her first ever bank heist and it certainly wasn’t going how she had hoped. “No, No, No, No, No, No! That’s not fair!” the bandit stomped. She raised the guns once more at Johanna. Suddenly the entire building began to tremble and shake. The two ashen haired girls began to look around in confusion. The rumbling of the bank was then followed by the sound of an alarm going off.

Johanna planted her face in her palm. “God damn it Jake!” She mumbled to herself. That boy had gone and done it again. He had somehow managed to turn a bad situation into an even worse one. Granted, Johanna was about to do the same, but she wasn’t going to literally tear the bank apart. With Johanna somewhat distracted, the pale girl launched herself forward and delivered a very powerful kick to Johanna, which sent the teen flying into the large metal door.

The collision caused the door to cave in slightly. The bunny girl was about to leap in and strike Johanna again, but the heir of Arcadia would not be out done. Raising her hand, a thick wall of black energy would form between her and the bandit. “Whoops. Probably shouldn’t have kicked me.” Johanna said with a slick smile. The pale girl began to beat on the wall in frustration. “NOOOOOOOOOO! THATS NOT FAIR! THE JEWEL IS MINE DAMN IT! GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!” she shouted.

Johanna turned away from the girl and looked at the caved in vault door. With a hard punch she knocked the door off its hinges. What she saw next only pissed her off. The pedestal the gem was on, began to slowly sink into the floor. The hole then sealed itself up. Johanna stared somewhat dumbfounded. “Are you shitting me! There’s an underground vault!” she shouted in frustration. The bunny bandit sat with her ear pressed to the barrier. Upon hearing what Johanna had said, her look of defeat turned to a wide smile, the hunt was still on. “AIDEEN!!!!”

Johanna Sharpe
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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 2nd 2018, 11:55 pm

"Why am I bothering. I have enough to last me. Just fucking leave you stupid woman. Screw this bank." Aideen yelled out. She needed to cool, she wasn't going to find Bon Bon like this. Trying to remember where she had gone, she then realized something she hadn't even considered. Her own freaking footsteps. She could use them like a bread crumb trail.

What made that even more important, was that she heard a call, Bon Bon called for her. While the echo of the halls would have made it impossible, Aideen could move fast enough to find what halls didn't have her steps. So she ran, fast. Almost crashing into a wall once or twice but it paid off as she came across the vault where everyone was gathering, another thunk sounded off, close.

Coming up to Bon Bon, Aideen would move to grab her hand, not caring about the wall of darkness that seemed to now be a thing. "Bons, we need to leave, the kid is literally- oh my fucking god." Aideen turned her head to the exit, only to see Jake quite literally walk though the metal wall as if it wasn't there. His body was almost entirely red, with red like lighting bouncing off his body before audibly popping as they vanished into the air. His eyes were a blazing glory of red as they traced along the ground, watching the jewel they were after go under the ground.

As the boy took a step forward, Aideen moved her hand to Bons neck and ran out into the hall, stopping so that Bon Bon wouldn't be too far away from her last position next to that wall of darkness. "Okay, you called while he wasn't there... What is it then?"

At the same time, Jake walked towards the wall of darkness, each step seemed to crack the ground, only then for Jake to start fading, his knees landing on the ground had caused them to dent before his skin faded back to normal, the red lighting that seemed to surround him faltered and vanish and once more his head felt heavy, weighted. And he was really hungry for some reason. "Ann! It... It went down. What no... Now?" He finished with a yawn, before shaking his head as if that would rid him of the tired feeling he felt. Damn those... Cute, blue fluffy rabbits.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Location : Right behind you
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Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 3rd 2018, 12:36 am

The pale girl couldn’t help but smile and be giddy as Aideen whisked her to safety. No matter how intimidating the boy may have looked glowing all red and stuff. “Great news my fleet footed friend! The day is not lost. They don’t have the jewel yet. We can get it before them.” she paused for a moment and began to stroke her chin. She had overheard Johanna say something about an underground vault. Surely there had to be an entrance around here somewhere. “Turns out there’s another vault beneath the bank! We just gotta find a way into it!” She jumped up and down with joy.

Meanwhile back in the vault, Johanna found herself stating at the spot in the floor where the jewel had disappeared through. Even if she could tear the floor open, it wouldn’t do her any good. The opening was far to small for her to fit through. “Damn it!” she mumbled to herself. Her attention would shift to the black wall she had put up, as Jake’s voice echoed from the other side. He sounded exhausted. She slowly paced back to the wall, and with a slight tap, made it disappear.

Johanna’s eyes drifted downward. She stared at Jake for several seconds in silence. “What am I going to do with you?” she said shaking her head. The ashen haired girl would bend down and help the boy to his feet. She could see the grogginess in his eyes. She could almost tell just by how hard he was trying to stay awake, that his fatigue wasn’t brought on from the path of destruction he had just made. Something else had done this to him. Johanna shook her head before turning her back to him. In an instant she spun back around and slapped him across the face with her metal hand. “Snap out of it!” she shouted at him.

The bunny bandit, an army of bunnies, and Aideen now wandered the lower level of the bank. The pale girl had instructed her little furry friends to once again scout the place out for her. They were much smaller and there were a bunch of them, which mean she had eyes and ears all over the place. She was determined to find this underground vault. She desperately wanted her first outing as a villain and thief to be successful. “I wonder what other goodies they got locked away down there, don’t you Aideen?” she said, sticking close to the speedster. While she was more than capable of holding her own, and teleporting, she found herself feeling much safer at the speed demon’s side.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 4th 2018, 6:57 am

"Beautiful." The Speedster demon said right before they eventually made it down into the lower bank, which just felt creepy. Who had a even bigger underground to a bank of all things. And when Bons directed a question her way, she shrugged, before shivering from the almost cool air and creepy atmosphere this place seemed to induce.

"I want to know who owns this bank and what exactly is it they are doing down here. Actually, I don't.. I really don't." Aideen responded, wondering when the bunny woman would command her to hunt for this Jewel... Or perhaps she would have liked to find it herself. Ether way, the longer she was here, the more she regretted being here.

"Ow!" Jake grunted out, shaking his head and rubbing the sore, reddening mark on his cheek. Metal hands. Freaking. Hurt. But the stinging pain did the job it was intended for, he felt awake. Not as awake as he wanted to be right now, but awake enough. He wasn't nearly as tired as before. "Be careful of the ones with blue fur. Powder they shake out is sleep inducing, real annoying." He got out, rubbing his jaw a little more before looking to the ground.

Jewel went underground from what he saw, so they needed to get underground. He could easily smash though, but he didn't feel like using that form again, even the weaker ones. Not right now. He could find the stairs down however. Turning his vision on, he looked and saw that the opposing thieves were already on their way down, but at the very least, he could see how they got down. "Okay... Follow me. We'll get down and with my sight, we'll find it before them easily enough." Jake said as he waited for Ann to confirm before beginning to make way for the way down, and preparing to continue on from there towards their goal. And perhaps encounter two bandits so that the two teens could finish this fight once and for all.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 4th 2018, 7:40 pm

Johanna let out a chuckle as Jake explained the blue bunnies and their power. That little chuckle turned into full on laughter as Johanna threw her head back and wiped an imaginary tear from her eye. “Oh my god, I don’t think I’ll ever let you live that down. I can’t believe you got beat by a set of blue cotton balls.” The girl would turn her back to Jake, still chuckling as she made her way over to the bag of loot she had left on the ground. She was actually surprised the pale girl and speedster hadn’t made off with it.

After flinging the bag of loot over her shoulder, Johanna would give the shirtless boy and nod. The two would descend a flight of stairs until they were once again ground level. “How much further to the vault?” she whispered.

The bunny bandit and her partner in crime continued to roam the depths of the bank. It was like a maze down here, or at least it felt like one. Each turn down a random hallway ended the same as the last, a dead end. It was beginning to get on the pale girls nerves. “Oh don’t be such a scardy cat. It’s just a bank. There’s nothing dangerous down here…..I think. I mean after it is our first time down here and all…and….I’ll just be quiet now.” she said as she glanced about. This place truly was interesting, but she was only here for one thing. “Who builds this sort of thing anyway? Like how did that conversation go down. ‘Build me a bank….under the bank you already built me’”

Just as she had finished speaking. One of the fake bunny ears on her head began to twitch. Her movement slowed to a crawl as she tried to focus through the darkness with her violet eyes. Eventually she’d let out a whistle which called one of the armored bunnies to her side. A bright light illuminated off the bunnies iron suit and lit up the path before them. The bank no longer looked like a bank, but more of a museum, or collection of ancient and priceless artifacts. “Jack pot!” the bunny bandit said, her violet eyes lighting up at all the spoils that laid in front of them.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 4th 2018, 8:56 pm

"Not beaten. Just held down for a moment." Jake called back in an attempt to save some dignity. At this point he needed something to have over Johanna... Only he wasn't sure he could keep it up when it comes to her. Making it down the stairs, his sight came across quite a bit. The bandit bunny was far ahead, but the place was big enough that they wouldn't find what they all seek so easily. Place was damn dark also, his red eyes being a rather noticeable light source.

"Vaults a cruel word. More like a bunch of rooms with things... But I can take us to the bunny and her... Associate. Even if they haven't found it, might be better we deal with them so that they won't impede us till we have." Jake finished as he began to wall the endless halls with ease, knowing which way to go based on how dense some of the pathways seemed from afar, he'd lead Johanna right to them soon enough, or to a room at her bequest. The whole looking though objects part of his vision never seemed to make the most sense to him. He saw though everything to see those both living and dead. But why did everything have to be tinted red?

"I don't know Bon Bon. Lot of strange people... Lot of strange beings. This could easily be a cultists lair... Hell I hope not." Aideen shivered once more as they continued, coming across one of the vaults that held a lot more then she would have thought. Only that worried her even more.

A series of pedestals and see though cases containing all things ancient and most certainly priceless to certain people. Aideen was beginning to suspect the owner of this... Shady underground vault didn't actually transfer the real artifacts to museums. Rather, he kept them for their own fascination or rather, something else, Aideen didn't want to know, she just knew that all the places he gave to were going to be unhappy of they learnt about this. "Can we hope that this isn't protected by a dragon or something? Already had a bit with one of those and it wasn't fun."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 4th 2018, 10:14 pm

“Oh come one Aideen. Wheres your sense of adventure? Besides it doesn’t matter if there’s a dragon, hydra, or basilisk guarding all this stuff, my bunnies can take them.” The pale girl said while fist bumping the armored rabbit at her side. Still, the area was far larger than it needed to be, to house all these items. It would take the same amount of time for the girl and Johanna to figure out the purpose of the large vault. “Oh man, I totally get it! This place is an auction house.” she turned to face the speedster who obviously seemed confused.

“Think of it like this, the bank is basically a fence. Thieves and criminals drop off their valuables here. And then the bank holds a private auction with other criminals and then the bank gets a cut and the seller comes in to the normal bank and ‘withdraws’ their take. Holy fuck that’s brilliant!” she shouted with glee. Still though, with all this loot around, there was only one item on the bandits mind, which kind of made her a terrible thief. “Just keep an eye out for that jewel.”

“held down for a moment sounds a lot like ‘I got beat by bunnies’ If you ask me.” Johanna said with another chuckle as she continued to follow Jake’s lead. His weird glowing eye trick, as Johanna called it, lead them to a secret flight of stairs that took them down into the banks depths. Lucky for them, Jake could see, and he continued to take the lead for as long as his eyes were useful. As Johanna’s eyes began to adapt to the dark she could start to make certain details out, most notably was that the layout down here was similar to the main bank. The materials and overall feel of the underground area felt much higher class though.

As Johanna’s eyes shifted around the darkness, she could see a shining light up ahead. “Pretty sure I don’t need to tell you this, but I think that’s them up ahead.” Eventually Jake and Johanna would come face to face with the other would be thieves. As Johanna peered around the room she confirmed her theory about the lower level of the bank. Her eyes lit up for a very different reason than the bunny bandits. Walking over to one of the walls, Johanna found a light switch and flicked it on. The vault they were in was like a massive warehouse. Massive lights hung overhead and lit up the entire auction room.

“Oh man, it’s like I’ve died and gone to thief heaven. Only you two are here.” she said in an annoyed tone as she glanced at Aideen and the pale girl. “I can tell by the look on your face, that you’ve figured it out to.” she said, staring at the pale girl. The bunny bandit gave a slight hop as the massive lights boomed to life, but quickly regained composure when she knew it could only be the other girl and boy that found them. “Yeah, what of it?” she said.

Johanna looked around. Everything in this vault at one point belonged to someone like her or the bunny girl. Each item here was priceless in its own right, but also extremely rare or historical. This got Johanna thinking back to what the Bunny girl had proposed earlier. Perhaps the jewel shouldn’t be Johanna’s end game. Especially with all these goodies around. “Could you imagine the looks on their faces when they come for their little auction and everything is gone?” Johanna began to rub her hands together like some movie villain.

“What are you getting at?”

“We split it. Take everything, and leave them nothing. It’ll make for a nice haul. And yes, before you go running your mouth again, you can have the jewel.”

The bunny bandit stared at Johanna. Just what was this chick planning? Her violet eyes turned to Aideen as if waiting to here her opinion.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 4th 2018, 10:53 pm

"Well at least I've yet to be touched by a bunny rabbit. Uppercut... Same thing really." Jake joked back, smirking towards Ann before he moved on, leading her towards the opposing thieves and finally arriving, his red vision turning off now that their was light. And that light was certainly interesting with what it showed.

The sight of all these artifacts was interesting to look at, cool to think about. He wondered how many of these were just price tags to become. How many were really, far too magical to belong here. Or were here because of that. This place seemed way too unguarded for all this. Which led him to a problem he hadn't... Thought about. That Johanna would say what she did.

He hadn't thought about it, all these things stolen. Some perhaps brought, like the jewel. That was too public, maybe made so to keep active eyes away from any deal that might have gone down here. But in most ways, he couldn't really think about that right now, not with the offer Ann was giving the bunny bandit. Not even he was sure if she meant what she meant. So he in turn, did his best to remain silent and not let that sense of good will he tended to try and keep interrupt something that might be a good plan... Or a horribly villainous one that wasn't really villainous but close enough. So he just stared at Aideen, who was looking a little too uncomfortable.

"I'd take the deal just to get the bird off our feet. That and... Yea, no. Just that. He doesn't like me all that much and I'd rather not see him come after us right now." Aideen said, making sure to take a step back to keep her distance away from Jake, who kept his annoyed glare on her. He should be lunging at her, perhaps burning her for what she did to Adam. Instead, he was standing, about to perhaps take about half of these things that didn't belong to him because of a girl... His glare turned into a confused frown. Now he was unsure what the hell he was doing right now.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 5th 2018, 1:33 am

Johanna glared at Jake out of the corner of her eye. She was both surprised and disappointed that Jake didn’t try to protest in the slightest. It’s almost like he expected Johanna to honor the deal she was trying to make. That all being said, she was half hoping the bunny themed thief would accept the offer, even if it went against everything she believed in as a thief. Last thing Johanna wanted to do, was get into a fight. Getting into a fight meant her powers would ‘awaken’ and that was something she didn’t want. She wanted nothing to do with her Arcadian heritage, and it was bad enough she had to stare at her metal arm all day.

The bunny bandit considered Aideen’s words. She seemed horrified of the shirtless boy. The pale girl on the other hand, didn’t fear the boy at all. Instead she was more ‘intrigued’ by him. He wasn’t to hard on the eyes after all. The violet eyed girl had a lot to think about. She had to consider Aideen’s genuine concern about the boy, Whether or not the other ashen haired girl would hold up her end of the deal, and lastly how to get out of here once all was said and done. As much of an easy choice as this could have been, the pale girl saw two sides of the deal Johanna presented. One the one hand, accepting the offer would turn this heist into a successful one. That was a big plus for a girl who was doing this sort of thing for the first time.

On the other hand, accepting Johanna’s offer could be seen as failure. It would mean that the pale girl hadn’t worked for her take and would teach her nothing. She felt she couldn’t allow that. She had to make a stand here. She turned to Aideen and then Johanna with a slight frown. “Sorry, but I cant accept.”

While the meeting of thieves was taking place, the police had finally arrived on the scene. Thanks to Jake’s earlier actions, the bank manager had also been notified, and when he arrived along side the cops, he nearly turned pale with fear before turning red with anger. Not only did the help he hired get taken down by a pack of rabbits, but the culprits were missing. This mean that they either got away, or worse, they discovered his dirty little secret. Either way he was not happy, and he had stepped away to make a call.

Johanna found herself letting out a sigh as the pale girl turned her offer down. They were going to have to fight. “Your loss.” Before Johanna could even move she heard a very familiar sound approaching from behind. Leaping high into the air, Johanna would backflip over the squad of iron bunnies and they flew to their master’s side. The pale girl began to hop up and down excitedly. “Oh my first ever actual rivalry this is sooooo cool!”

She lowered herself into a fighting stance and shot Johanna a serious look. Johanna rolled her eyes in annoyance and prepared to pounce. That’s when something else caught her attention…They were not alone.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 5th 2018, 11:31 pm

A part of Jake wanted the bunny woman to accept the deal. While he still wasn't sure if the deal itself was a scam on Johanna's side, he felt they were bettered off if this ended now. Johanna would be happy, and he'd be able to put a shirt on. But on the other hand.

On the other hand. The speedster would get away. She had to pay for what she did to Adam. Yet he was willing to let her get away, he was. For Johanna. He just also wanted to also kick that woman in her small face as well.

And it seemed... That was what he was going to get. The bunny bandit didn't accept the warning, despite the speedster pleas. And that. That left a fight on their hands. Which in all the ways it was good, it was also bad. He was tired, Jake felt tired, exhausted in more ways then one and he was sure he was to blame for that, but he'd fight. He'd fight now. It was what he did.

And the first action of his was to duck low because of the robot like sound of robot bunnies flying from behind and overhead. With the bunny army on the bandits side, this was going to be even more fun, but it seemed her focus was not on two, but one. Why the hell was she getting excited about a first.. Time. Rival. Frowning, Jake thought about it. And then pushed it away, he didn't have time for that, he did have focus however, on the speedster, who seemed to have taken about another ten steps back.

Only, her attention wasn't even on him. She seemed to be scanning the place for something, the way she was ducking her head a little, a threat, and if he and Ann were the obvious threats... Then who was she looking for? Turning his own eyes to around him, Jake scanned for a possible fifth, a guardian... Or a newcomer that sneaked in.

Only that wasn't the case. Instead of the front, Jake heard a series of thumps, footsteps. Lots of them. Coming towards them, turning, he turned his red vision on to sight a dozen, more of living beings coming to them and he first assumed guards. Only this place was unprotected, which meant guards didn't come down here... Jumping away from the door and towards the two opposing thieves. "Save the fighting for later, we got company, a lot of them."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 6th 2018, 2:26 am

By this point Aideen was getting antsy. Johanna could see it, Jake could probably see it, but the bunny bandit didn’t. She was so ready and willing to hop into a fight that she and her armored bunnies failed to see an approaching threat. Johanna’s attention shifted to Jake as she spoke. A slight smirk crept on to her face. Of course they were about to have company. Why on earth would anything she tried to do be easy. Again though, this played into her love of challenges. Johanna shook her head. *No! We are not fighting!* she mentally shouted at herself.

She didn’t want to get into a fight, she really didn’t. No matter how badly this all went against her code and beliefs as a thief, she didn’t want her power acting up. She hadn’t had time to get her thirst for battle under control. Even now, she could feel her body starting to warm up. Just the thought of fighting was enough to set her off. She clenched her fist and turned around to face the direction Jake and Aideen were. “Point me in the right direction!”

At the end of her sentence an aura of black fire cloaked Johanna’s body. The bunny bandit stopped hopping up and down when Johanna turned her back to her. And also when Jake lined up along side her. “Wait, what the hell is going on? I thought we were going to fight!”

“We are, just not with each other, as much as that pains me.” Johanna said with an annoyed growl. Her turquoise eyes went back to focusing on the doorway they had entered from. She brought both of her hands to her sides and held her palms open. Black electricity began to circulate around her hands as small orbs of dark energy began to form in her palms. The flood of energy from just her alone was beginning to give her a slight headache.

The bunny girl began to frown as things were not turning out how she had hoped. One glance to the shirtless boy to her right changed her mind however. “So long as it means I can continue to admire that, I’m game!” she said winking at Jake.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 6th 2018, 2:52 am

"To the right! Wait... No... Also the left... Oh, that is a small army." Jake looked to the dozen to the right, and a shift to left showed a dozen more. In fact, as the life forms moved though the halls, there were more coming. More. A lot more. And they were getting closer. And Jake wasn't sure how many of them had powers. Powers that would make this fight much, much harder then he suspected it was going to be.

And it didn't help he was getting hit on from the side. Seriously? Giving a blank glare the bunny woman before looking back to the halls.

Meanwhile, Aideen was busy looking around. About to be surrounded. She needed to get out, and she swore, she swore there was something here. Something else. Grabbing the bag of loot from before, she began to take artifacts into it, moving about the room, till a tap could be heard throughout the almost silent room. "Tick... Tock. Tick... Tock." A tall man seemed to militarize into the room, a long metal pole held in his head, a blade on the end of it, a scythe.

As he walked towards the four from the back, shadows began to curl from him and shoot upwards, smashing into the lights above him, blanketing him to shadows till he came into the light, to which he would be blanketed in more shadows as more lights broke. "Demons to one side. A bunny to the other. You broke... Into the wrong bank. I'd suggest you run. I was hired to stop intruders. You've already intruded. Only so long I'll stay put before I reconsider my logic." The man finished with a tap of his scythe to the ground, another light breaking as he moved towards them at an almost snails pace.

Aideen however, took the threat as literal as it was. She was done. Jewel be damned. Speeding towards the bunny woman, Aideen would tie the loot together and place them into the woman's hand, before getting behind the woman in a blink. "Hun, you need to know when to pick them, and when to run. We run. Say goodbye." She quickly said, giving the bunny a moment to collect to herself, to resist, as soon as Aideen felt the moment was right, she began to speed the bunny woman to the hall and down the halls she had somewhat memorized. Speeding past mercs and thieves, Aideen took the bunny into the public bank and out of it, her eyes wide as they moved. She got enough loot, Bon Bon got enough. They were done.

That left Jake and Johanna with a army coming from the hall, and a mysterious tall man behind them. And they still had nothing, he turned so the hall and the tall man was to his left and right, his eyes on Ann. "Ann... Feel like finding that Jewel or something. Cause I'm not leaving empty handed." As much as he did want to leave so, after all this, a part of him was aligned to his words. They came too far to just leave now, threat or no threat. And he knew Johanna would not leave now herself. Even with some of the artifacts gone, taken by the speedster before her escape. There was enough to consider a haul. He just needed Johanna's word. Or action.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 6th 2018, 3:35 am

Before the bunny bandit could even address the new and very creepy figure, she felt a hand on the back of her head. “Hey wai-” She tried to speak. It was too late, Aideen had made up her mind. As the two came to a stop outside the bank, the bandit put two fingers to her lips a blew a silent whistle. It was a signal to call all her furry friends home. Meanwhile she sat there slight disappointed and dumbfounded. “Awe I really wanted to stay for that. All this hard work and effort and we didn’t even get anything for it.” she said with a defeated sigh, completely unaware of the bag of loot Aideen had managed to snag.

Back in the vault, Johanna’s head snapped to the scythe wielding figure. So they had hired protection after all. His theatrics and threat did nothing but rouse the fires of Johanna’s spirit. As much as she wanted to fight right now, Jake was right. They came here for the jewel in the first place, and while Johanna may have managed to grab a sack of loot, the jewel was the real prize. She turned her gaze to Jake and nodded. She figured by his words that he’d hold the uninvited guest at bay while she searched for the jewel.

Placing both of her hands together, Johanna condensed the two balls of dark energy into one big one. Lighting arced off the chaotic orb as Johanna reeled her arm back. With a small grunt she rocketed the ball at the man as a way to give Jake an opening. She then proceeded to make her way towards the nearest display case. With many of the lights being knocked out as the scythe wielding man had arrived, it made it hard to just tell what was around at a glance. The young thief would have to get close to each case to take a look at its contents.

The very first display case Johanna approached was empty. It left a curious expression on her face. She could have sworn there was something in there before all the lights went out. Then it hit her. The speedster. “That bitch!” she shouted. She immediately moved to the next case to find it was empty as well. This only made Johanna angry. That anger fueled the flames that surrounded her body. What had been a mild flame, erupted into a raging inferno as Johanna let out a groan of frustration. This was going to be tougher than it looked.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 6th 2018, 3:55 am

Aideen, not outside, had a quick look around and found that the street was quiet enough, holding out the bag of loot to the bunny, she tapped the barely clinging on fake ear that resided on her head. "Sorry Bons. But hey, it was rather exciting right? Also. What was my cut again?" Aideen did her best not to sound sarcastic, or annoyed. Presenting the bag of loot to the rather new villain in making. A frightful day this had been. But at least payment was on the horizon.

The tall man kept walking despite the danger of the shadow like orb, for when it even got close, a pillar of shadows rose in front of the man and blocked it with a thunk as the two forces collided, but the pillar seemed intact, right before it sunk back into the ground and the man paused, no longer taking out any of the lights. He didn't make a move on the girl that had gotten behind him, nor the boy in front of him. In fact, the tall man seemed content to stand where he was now, half covered in shadows, half in the light. "Hmm... I do believe the small man is going to fire me... White haired one."

The man turned to where she was, well, her general direction... Maybe smashing all the lights wasn't a grand idea. "The jewel glows in the presence of magic. Now do hurry. While I wouldn't harm any projects of hers. The boy is no longer a care of mine. His life, persay. Is in your hands. And don't take that as a challenge. He doesn't need that right now." The man finished as he turned his back to the girl and his sights on Jake, who was preparing to lunge at the tall man if needed, but also had an eye on the halls for when the ever enclosing small army arrived.

But Jake was hesitant to lunge at the tall man. He seemed strangely like someone the boy had briefly met a while ago, but he couldn't place a finger on it. But from the way the man seemed to non care like nature as he defied his orders, and cared little more for the two teens. Which was good because the boy was about to have his hands full when the first of several armed mercs came into sight, right before a wall of shadows rose at the door, stopping all from entering. "Yes... Most certainly fired."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 6th 2018, 4:20 am

The pale girl stared at the bag of loot Aideen had managed to round up. She snatched it out of the speed demons hands and began perusing through it. Her look of glee turned to one of sadness. She wasn’t upset with the loot inside the bag, but rather upset that she wasn’t the one who had stolen it. She handed the bag back to Aideen and looked away. “J-j-just take it all ok. I didn’t steal any of this. I have no right to claim it. Maybe I’m just not cut out for this kind of thing.”

Johanna’s frantic scrambling became much more relaxed as she noticed the man seemed non-hostile. If he wasn’t going to stop Jake and Johanna then why did he show up at all? Johanna stopped in front of another empty display case and turned to the tall man as he addressed her and spoke of the jewel. *It responds to magic?* “Who the fuck here has magic?” she questioned. Even more confusing was the fact the jewel reacted to magic in the first place. This confirmed what the bunny bandit had said earlier though.

*Never mind all that. We got a gem to find.* the ashen haired teen thought to herself as she shook her head. She once again picked up the pace and began using everything at her disposal to close the gaps between cases. She’d pull herself forward with webs and used her strength and agility to leap through the air. Eventually she’d come across a case that held an item within. It was still too dark to see what was inside, so the thief resorted to smashing the glass with her metal hand.

As she reached inside, Johanna would pull out what looked like something that came from her mother’s neck of the woods. *Welp that aint it.* she’d shrug before looking around mischievously and sliding the item into her bag of loot. Before she’d proceed to the next case she’d turn back to face Jake and the tall man. “You know this would go a lot faster if you two didn’t just stand there. Jake, can you see it with your glowy eye thing?!”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The horrible case of the Bunny Robber

Post by Shadowoof April 6th 2018, 4:59 am

Aideen looked surprised when the bag of loot made it's way into her hands, and almost considered taking Bon Bons offer. This was going to get her a lot of money. Too much she knew what to do with... Besides. She didn't earn all of it anyway. "Bons. You're the one that came to me. The one that had an army of rabbits that held off guards and freaking angel boy. If I wasn't there, you'd have used them to knock all those mercs to the ground. But you hired me and I got you out of there with the loot. I'm good help. That is because of you. Now. Take your loot... And tell me my cut. Boss. Also, we should go, in case shirtless and angry get out and after us. I did take quite a bit."

Jake frowned at the man, the wall of shadows, and the man again. Before deciding that he'd take the advantage as it came. The man wasn't attacking yet, and he was okay with that, but it seemed, Johanna wasn't having any luck with finding the jewel. He could tell, she was asking for his help.

"I can only see the living and the dead, this place is filled with things that would outline other things..." Even with his words, he used his sight to look, to really look. He could see the shape of a great many deal of things, but he couldn't truly define anything. Luckily, he did know what the outline of the jewel was, and there were a few similar outlines.

"Over there! And there! And over there. Three areas that have the jewel like shape." Jake called out, his arm pointing to each location. Okay, they were close, he just had to wait and... Where was the tall guy?

The next moment, Jake felt something slice though his shoulder of the arm that had been pointing, yet he felt no pain. In fact, he didn't feel anything, his arm dropped, as if the nerves, the ability to use it, became obsolete. The tall man stood behind Jake now, his scythe having just sliced past the boys shoulder, the blade turning to a ghostly image before solidifying back to what looked like a real blade. "Tick... Tock... Girl." The man said as Jake jumped away from him, his arm flailing about uselessly.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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