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Post by Vorik September 29th 2024, 1:06 am

DANGER DAN! stumbled through what used to be a traditional vintage kitchen set. Various sauces and scorch marks stained his bright yellow hazmat suit and his apron was nowhere to be found, lost in the chaos of cooking his latest dish. The kitchen, or rather what resembled a kitchen was more like an active warzone as the oven exploded violently sending bits of cutlery and the pie he was cooking everywhere. He ducked as the pie saucer soared over him at great speeds before embedding itself into the set’s wall with a loud THUNK! On a lesser note, everything was on fire, including DANGER DAN!.

He wiped a splatter of green goop off his black visor with a burning oven mitt as he looked toward the camera.

“And that is how you bake the most DANGEROUS pie! You’ll know you followed the recipe if it tries to decapitate ya!”

He chuckled at his own joke before clapping his flaming hands together.

“That's all for this episode of COOKING WITH DANGER! With me DANGER DAN! The most DANGEROUS supervillain out there!”

Dan cackled in villain laugh #13, a low rumbling chuckle that led to a boastful scoff.

“Before you go there is a special announcement I have for all my minions out there that you won’t want to miss!”

The screen fades to black as Dan points at the camera.

The screen transitioned to a new scene of DANGER DAN! Sitting in a plush lounge chair next to a cozy fireplace and bookcases. He was holding a tobacco pipe in one hand and a book called “Vile Villain Book” in the other. He wore an oversized elaborate dark purple leather coat with a fine fur lining. The coat draped down his body and pooled on the floor.

“Hi, I’m DANGER DAN!, world-famous supervillain and DANGER to society for those who live under a rock. My loyal minions have all been informing me that there is someone out there who believes they can handle DANGERS better than I can.”

He pulled a remote out of his coat and turned on a screen that showed clips of Newtonian shrugging off pistol rounds and getting rammed by speeding cars. Dan scoffed and paused the screen.

“This upstart Diet Dan! is a cheap knock-off compared to yours truly.” He motioned to himself with an exaggerated flourish.

“It simply won’t do to have someone out there stealing my style as the most DANGEROUS! So I am calling you out Newtonian. I challenge you to the most DANGEROUS cook-off the world has ever seen that will make all the previous episodes of COOKING WITH DANGER! seem like a toddler's daycare. If you somehow beat me then I will give you a cash prize of 10 thousand dollars but if I win, which I will, you’ll have to admit to everyone that you are a cheap knockoff compared to your better. Who knows, I might even let you be my sidekick as a consolation prize.”

DANGER DAN! stood, his coat billowing around him as he tossed the book and pipe to the side.

“What’s it going to be, hero? Will you accept my challenge or will I have to put some people in DANGER for you to accept? I’ll be waiting…”

DANGER DAN! started laughing as the camera panned out and slowly faded to black.

If Newtonian answers the call, he will find a mysterious message on his social media account with further information.
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