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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) - Page 3 Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 6th 2017, 5:27 am

Johanna found herself rolling her eyes at Jake’s disbelief that she believed in demon’s and as a matter of fact, found herself planting her face in the palm of her hand. “We just ran into a pack of vampires, and used a magical portal to get here from Chicago, so yeah….I guess I do believe in demons. Christ you’re slow” she muttered, slowly removing her hand from her face. When Jake gave her the rundown of his actual heritage she couldn’t help but laugh mentally. She tried to show an impressed face, but this only proved to prove her overall impression of the boy more. He was so open and willing to hand out information, not once taking the time to think she was joking with him when she called him a pigeon.

Still, that didn’t stop her from opening her mouth and joking once more. “So like I said, part demon, part pigeon.” The devilish smirk disappeared from her face as she began to focus on the fact that Jake’s eyes were now glowing red. She took a mental note of this when he quickly rushed out the hole in the wall, only stopping to mutter something to her about the vampire she wanted to mutilate, before doing so. The second the boy bounced out of the hole in the wall, Johanna followed suit. She found it odd that Jake still refused to use his wings to get about especially after being outed as a half bred demon/angel.

Johanna pulled herself into the air via her web shooters so she could keep an eye on the boy much like she did back in Chicago. “You know you’d probably be a lot faster if you just used your wings!” she shouted as she followed him. As she swung though the air she couldn’t help but wonder just what it was he could see when his eyes were all lit up like that. She had already come to the conclusion that it let him see through things, but she was still curious as to what it actually looked like.

After dipping down and out of sight for a moment, the ashen haired girl swung back over the ledge of the building to see Jake taking a nose dive off the side. *This must be our stop.* she thought to herself. Johanna didn’t have much time to think about how she was going to approach the vampire. She usually liked to have things planed out in advance, but she was never known to not improvise on the fly from time to time. After all, in the business of thievery there were always unforeseen events that could occur at any time, and a good thief always had to be able to think on her toes.

Using her current upswing, Johanna tucked her legs up and then kicked out of the swing to get some extra height, she didn’t want the vampire to know she was coming till it was too late. At the apex of her jump, Johanna would reach into her back and grab a fist full of the shield shards before raining them down on the alley way below with a forceful throw. Johanna then crossed her arms and fired a strand of webbing at each of the tow building that made up the sides of the alleyway.

Pulling with all her strength Johanna would rocket herself downward towards the blonde vampire like a vengeance seeking missile. The clinking of the metal from the shield bouncing off the walls of the two buildings was enough to draw the vampires gave upward, a few of the shards embedded easily into his shoulders while the others provided just enough cover for him to not see Johanna till there was almost no time to react. Johanna would come crashing down upon the blonde vampire like a bolt of lightning. A sickening thud filled the alley as his body weight all but caved under the speed and force of Johanna’s body. Once she had the vampire pinned, she reared back her fist and began unloading into his face with all the anger she had welled up within her.

Johanna Sharpe
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Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) - Page 3 Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof October 6th 2017, 6:56 am

Hearing the rather wonderful sound of a second body smashing into another in a mere few seconds, Jake let go of the vampires shoulders and let loose a quick few jabs into his face, aiming all for sore spots that would keep the vampire down. Looking to the second male, and seeing the state of him and the rather angry white haired girl atop them, Jake easily concluded that the second vampire wouldn't be a problem for a while... If it even lived. He had doubts about letting Anna just wail on the guy, but then remembered that they would not have been all so kind. Not many in his life would never be all so kind.

Eyeing the third vampire, the female, all alone, looking both scared and confused, Jake noticed the patch of blood around her mouth, his eyes quickly glancing to the young man who laid lifeless or just about near her before going back to the undead woman. The woman in question must have felt this was a losing fight because of her stance, which suggested she was about to make a break for it. Not willing to let her go again, Jake grabbed the male body under him and threw it at the woman, before lunging at her himself. She dodged the first body but was left open to Jake's tackle as he pulled her to the ground before straddling her, delivering punch after punch to her face.

While not at the ferocity that the teenager near him would have done, it was enough to keep the woman dazed, what he needed. Leaning in close, he grabbed her hair and asked the question he wanted answered. "The demon your looking for. Where?" Tightening his grip, Jake watched the vampire consider her options, before realizing no easy way out of this was going to be achieved.  

"We don't know. Sire said to find him. Please. Just let us-" Jake slammed her head into the ground three times before letting go of her. She remained on the ground and while he was unsure if she was just waiting for him to leave or simply unconscious he wasn't sure, he didn't care. What she said was at its base. True. They would not have been at Sam's if they did know. Which meant he was left with one lead and nothing else, crap.

Looking back to Anna, he took a deep breath, and realized he had not answered her questions, mostly because he was so focused on the guy being hunted by these bloodsuckers, he just tuned her out, so he took a second to remember what she had said. While making sure she was done playing with her food. "To be fair. I first learned about demons when this lady kidnapped a guy to a underwater base, only to then claim to be the evil side of this guy, trapped in the guy's daughter, because a bunch of demons... That was a crappy day." Jake finished as he patted down his shirt, only to find some tears, a broken nail. Crap.

"And I don't use my wings. Because they remind me I'm a mutt... That and I only have this shirt. What else you want to know? What Hell looks like? How big a dragon is? Go on. Ask." Jake bit out as he pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing he should be calmer then this. But he was just annoyed. First Sam, then her. Then vampires that don't know squat and ruin his damn shirt. A mighty fine day this was turning out to be, and he had to fly back to Chicago eventually. Now that was going to suck, not just because the trip was going to take ages, but because he wasn't lying about the wings.

They made him feel dirty. But he also knew he had to get over it and accept he was forever going to be what he was. Angel, demon. Human. It was why he gave up the nick name, repairing the suit. Why he didn't really care who knew his name. However, that one might have to go under advisement. Who knows what could use his name against him.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) - Page 3 Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 8th 2017, 3:05 am

A strange sensation filled Johanna as she unloaded on the unsuspecting vampire. This wasn’t euphoric, this wasn’t adrenaline, this was almost pure murderous intent, and for whatever reason Johanna found herself relishing the feeling. Her turquoise eyes were wide and her mouth contorted into a sickening smile as her fists rained down on the blonde males face. This was no longer anger channeling through Johanna’s body it was too cathartic for that, she found herself enjoying this beat down even more as she saw the panic and fear in the vampires pummeled face.

Johanna’s brutal rampage might have continued if it wasn’t for the sound of two bodies crashing into one another followed by a more commanding tone from Jake. Johanna’s fist hovered in the air as her eyes drifted from the battered demon to the scene of Jake manhandling the female vampire. Seeing the violence from the outside was a weird experience. While she couldn’t care less about what happened to these vampires, the sight was still rather eye opening. *Is that what I look like?* She thought to herself as he gaze drifted back down to the vampire she had nearly beaten to death.

Her fist tightened a bit and she let out one last groan of frustration as her hand descended down into the blonde male’s face, rendering him unconscious or at least that’s what Johanna hoped. Rising from the motionless body of the male vampire, Johanna slowly approached Jake and the female vampire he was rigorously grilling for information. “Not exactly how I’d go about getting info out of someone. Usually want to leave them conscious or alive for that part.” She said, folding her arms as she waited for the boy to finish with is mini tantrum.

Jake wasn’t done with his tantrum not in the slightest. A clear sign the boy had a hard time venting or regulating his feelings as he rose up and just no decided to address the question Johanna had asked him while they were in pursuit of the pack of vampires. “Oh boo fucking hoo. What good is having a power or ability if you aren’t going to use it? So you feel different. News flash people aren’t perfect. Nothing matters except for the way in which you handle those differences. There’s no reason for you to be all mopey about it. And fyi you’ve got to talk to someone bout them emotions of yours.”

*You’re one to talk.* she thought as she looked over her shoulder to the vampire she had punched into oblivion. She began to have an inner monologue with herself about why her fit of rage was justified and why Jake’s wasn’t. Her main argument consisted of her knowing she wasn’t a good person while Jake on the other hand was obviously trying to be a hero. Despite her lack of sympathy, Johanna could only think about how damaging this would be to the boys image if someone were to have seen the way he was acting. *Stop being such a softy!* she mentally commanded herself as she looked back to Jake.

“Look I aint the type to go out offering help to anybody, but what ever these guys want with you, it can’t be good. So I’ll cut you a deal. Since you helped me get back home, and what not. How about I help you get to the bottom of whatever this is?” she said in an uncharacteristic show of selflessness and kindness. Of course there was also always the off chance that whoever these vampires were working for, would have something of value that they were just looking to have slip through their hands.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) - Page 3 Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof October 8th 2017, 10:37 am

The first commit from Anna, he could ignore. Jake had gotten what he needed from the vampire. Nothing more was needed, not that she could even give him that. The second commit from Anna, annoyed him somewhat. It felt cliche and it made him feel cliche but it wasn't like she could exactly know how he felt about it all. He was indeed conflicted, but those wings... They just... The other part of it all was the entire fact his shirt had to go if he wish to wear the damn things, just fitting his suit with a big enough cut in the back was hard enough, for every shirt? No way. It was take off the shirt or not use the wings.

However, he could not deny the logic in her words. He was eventually going to have to say screw it and just get use to the fact every time he was planning on using his wings, he'd have to take his shirt off. If he had the time, he could put it back on, maybe he wouldn't, heck maybe he wouldn't even have the time to take the shirt off, then it'd be torn as the wings outgrew them. One way or the other, if he had to use them, the shirt had to go. Of course, leaving the inner argument of shirts behind, he had something to say about that certain commit. "Your one to talk." Jake bit back at the girl, he was a hell of a lot lighter when he attacked those vampires... Maybe not for the one with the collapsed lower body, but even he looked better then blonde vamp.

The third thing from Anna... Well it surprised him. In fact, this day she had seemed awfully different from when the two had first met. Maybe it was because there was nothing for them to punch each other over, in fact they had other things to punch. Of course the most she talked about this was stuff she didn't really know. It wasn't really that Jake was in the road of trouble... No. These vampires were after another demon. "Thanks for the offer. But it isn't me who's in trouble..." Jake walked over to the female vampire, deciding he was going to ignore the recently dead body of the victim to these three undead blood suckers.

"A demon prince, sent a demon to kill his son, Sam. I was there, so was this vampire, who went missing after... The point is, this missing vampire, Sam is looking for, it's the only thing that makes sense." Jake bent down, grabbing the vampire woman by her hair and lifting them up, staring them down for a moment before dropping them.

"And to find one vampire, find others. And seeing as blunt force trauma is all we can really do, I don't think these assholes will give up there sire. Best we can do is leave them on a roof to burn up... Or just let them go, which if..." Jake would look to the dead person, kill three, save who knows how many. Or, let them go, and possibly let more die.

Deciding on this, to be decided later, Jake stood up and turned to Anna. "You've done enough, and I've even cost you your shield. And what I am going to be doing next... You might as well go back to your robbing and stealing spider. I no longer have much time to play such games." Jake was decided on this, if he was going to find Sam, make sure that damned cambion didn't get into any bigger trouble... Didn't do something stupid, he was going to have to find him... And to find a demon, you find other demons.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) - Page 3 Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 10th 2017, 2:08 am

Jake said everything it was that needed to be said, and as he explained the whole situation to Johanna, the more and more her previous selflessness began to fade. Since he hadn’t accepted her offer of help, she quickly reverted to her nonchalant attitude towards the whole situation. As the final sentence escaped Jake’s lips a very coy smirk appeared on the young girls face. Placing a finger to her lips and slowly walking towards the boy, Johanna let out a sigh. “Awe that’s really a shame. And here I thought you liked games.”

“Seeing how I’m now down a priceless artifact. I thought we could play one more game to make up for it. You know, you drop the little edge lord act and loosen up a bit. I’ve got an idea, and I think you’ll love it.” with a slick smile, the ashen haired girl turned her back to Jake and began to swing out of the alleyway. She had hoped she left the boy with a big enough lack of information that it would at least spark his interest and cause him to follow her.

Johanna made sure not to swing away from the scene of brutality too fast, she wanted Jake to be able to spot her against the dazzling backdrop of New York. He had called her hobby a game, and she was going to show him just how fun this game could be.

After swinging several blocks away from the alley Johanna landed on a roof across the street from a rather large bank. Her mouth salivated at the thought of how much money was locked away behind the marble and stone exterior. While Johanna waited to see if Jake took the bait or not, she took the time to scan the building. Her turquoise eyes scanned every detail of the building’s exterior.

Under normal circumstances Johanna would spend a little bit of time casing the place out, which was usually like a day or two, but in this case she was feeling a bit lucky, especially if Jake decided to cave in and participate this time rather than get in her way. The young girl began to envision all the steps she’d have to take in order to get to the juicy money inside. She’d have to break in through the skylight, disable the alarms, take out any guards inside, and then find a way into the safe. Seemed easy enough, but it was the challenge of having all those steps go smoothly. That was where the real fun began.

After she had a rough idea of what she was going to do, Johanna plopped down on the ledge of the building she was on, her legs dangling off the side. The young thief brought the faded duffle bag up onto her lap and she began to rummage through it’s contents to make space for the money that she would soon be stuffing into it. Her legs kicking back and forth gleefully as she waited a few more minutes to see if Jake would join her or not.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) - Page 3 Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof October 17th 2017, 7:48 am

Continuing in part 2...

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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