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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof September 19th 2017, 4:22 am

If there was one thing Jake hadn't expected it, it was someone breaking into the house he had just begun to call home. It was even worse when that someone was a group of law enforcers looking for the man who mostly owned the place, or rented it. Jake never really asked Samael about it. That was a few days ago but still was fresh on his mind as he sat himself on the edge of a building, his elevation mask in hand. The only thing that remained of his suit, which had been torn pretty badly over countless nights out. What he wore now wasn't much better, worn and starting to smell from a lack of showering and cleanliness, well, the smell was mostly him but he couldn't exactly help that much. He thought about maybe going to Razeths but.. He didn't want to disturb the dragon or his kids, nor did he wish to bother Lily, not after Adam. So here he was, alone, dirty and on a rooftop. Wonderful.

Actually, he had one other thing on him, something he always found keeping close. The miniature statue of the war goddess, long forgotten in name, yet not in legend. Still technically stolen property in his hands but he didn't care, nor did he keep it as a gift from that woman. More a reminder that she was another person he had gotten himself involved with. Then again, he had memory's for that which the countless others he has encountered stayed, but somehow an item just seemed more... sentimental.

 Pocketing the small statue into his pants pocket, he stood himself up and look down the street, the light of the sun was fading, so everything had a orange glow to it, leaving Jake a beautiful view from his rooftop. How so much has changed from his time in New York, back when he had a stable home and what he thought was a normal mother who had cared for him, a school life and friends. He still had the last one but he wasn't sure if the average teen had a half demon son of a demon lord as a friend. Of course... He was no average teen, something that still left him...belittled. So little he knew. So much more he wanted to know. Yet he would not get it.

So, what was a mutt of a supernatural teenager suppose to do in his situation. Jake assumed some would consider trying to find a place to stay, somewhere to shower and a safer place to sleep. However, Jake didn't think those mundane things would really work for him, not when he had an entire city full of people just waiting to commit some atrocious crime because of some reason or the other, only to find him delivering them a fistful of pain... Or a smack, some people couldn't handle a fistful.  So, with that good thought in mind, Jake was prepared for a long night of physical therapy... Plus he didn't stink that badly...

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe September 19th 2017, 5:01 am

Johanna Sharpe, the young master thief in training, danced about her posh hotel room with techno music blaring as she stuffed some of her clothes into a travel bag. The young girl shuffled from one side of the room to the other as she retrieved more clothes from the rooms closet to pack away. She hadn’t intended to stay in Chicago this long, and by now she was running out of excuses to give her parents as to why she hadn’t come home from her fake school trip. The web of lies she had weaved was beginning to get to great even for her to handle and as a result she decided to pack up and head back home.

After putting the last of her shirts away in the bag, she turned to an arm chair that sat in the corner of the room, a faded green duffle bag sat upon it. The young girl looked at the bag, her dancing and chipper attitude all faded as she let out a sigh and approached the bag. Staring at the bag full of priceless artifacts and the stolen weapons of the nameless goddess made Johanna think about the boy that had tried to stop her. He had gone to some pretty great lengths to stop her, but in the end he pushed himself to hard and allowed Johanna to flee.

She reached into the bag and pulled the shield out, looking at her reflection, she began to ponder just what the hell she was doing. Thoughts of the bloodlust she felt when fighting, and just the overall thrill of the burglary made her hands quiver a bit. Throwing the shield down onto the chair, Johanna turned her back on the spoils and rubbed the bridge of her nose. *Get your shit together Jo.* she said before slapping her cheeks. It hadn’t quite hit her till now that she was in possession of a duffle bag stuffed with stolen items. There was no way she was going to make it through the airport security with that duffle bag hanging from her shoulder.

This was the true test for Johanna, the deciding factor to whether she was a true thief of a pretender. She needed to think of a way to get these items back home, or at least a way to off load them for some quick cash. This lead Johanna to call the old man she worked for on occasion. Cutting the loud techno music, Johanna pulled her phone away from it’s wall charger and dialed the old man’s number. “Howdy old man!…..Oh come on don’t be like that…..I’ve only been go for a few days……What? People are past due? Don’t you have people for that?…..Fine! I’ll take care of it when I’m back in town. But really quick, look, I need a favor….How’d you know?…..Oh, right…anyway, think this friend of yours will help me out?….To be fair old man, I don’t really trust you either….alrighty, I’ll pay this guy a visit. Ciao!”

Johanna tossed her phone down on the bed and let out a sigh. Turning back to her duffle bag, she undid one of the zippers and retrieved her suit. Bits of the ceiling light shun onto Johanna’s face through the torn up suit. She let out a small groan of annoyance. “If I ever see that little twerp again, I’m gonna make him pay me for a new suit.” retreating into the bathroom, Johanna slipped into her suit and then grabbed the faded bag of loot.

After making her way to the roof, Johanna would pull her phone out of the duffle bag and type in the address the old mobster told her to go to. Once she had a general idea of the direction she needed to travel, she leapt off the roof and began to swing from building to building on the way to the mobsters fence.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof September 19th 2017, 5:22 am

If there was anything Jake had to thank his mother for with her new state, was that she was the biological power that allowed him to do what he could do. Namely, his strange eye power. He honestly could not figure out how it worked but he just knew that he didn't need too. It just worked. Better then figuring out the specifics. he decided to just use it for what it was and what it allowed was that no person could hide from him. Ever. Turning on the red vision in question, the city was open to his sight, he could see every living body, bright red though the walls. Of course the further they were, the more they began to look like blobs of red light and life then red people. The other was that it was just sight, they could whisper anything to another and Jake would only be able to witness it.

However, he did not need his ears for what he saw. And holy Ravens Pit he didn't need them for what he saw. In the sky, a dancing red light among a darkening sky was practically flying by buildings. Of course, they weren't flying, they were swinging. And Jake... Jake only knew of one web-slinger. Following their movements past a few buildings, Jake pondered if he should follow them. If this was the white haired spider, then it would be a interesting reunion. And the last time she was doing something... Punch worthy. The possibility that she was on her way to such another activity was just.. So tempting. It didn't help he had enjoyed their fight last time as well, right till she did something that forced him to use his red energy, the accursed power of his that broke bones and destroyed everything it touched. If that water tower was still attached to the roof by the time he had struck it, the roof might have crackled and broke apart with it rather then his wing feeling the terrible vibrations of it as she had wrapped it in web to the damn tower.

Deciding the young woman was much better and faster to find then looking for people from afar that might or might not have the ability to give him enjoyment, he began to jump after her, not willing to ruin this shirt as well with his wings. It wasn't as fast a method as using them and she would certainly remain ahead of him, but she wouldn't escape him as long as he kept his red vision on and she'd have to eventually stop. Such a useful and nifty little trick of his, how sad it was that it came at a price of normal life.. But the more he thought about it, what could normal life do to compare to this?

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe September 20th 2017, 2:00 am

The cool evening air rushed over Johanna’s face as she swung rapidly through the city. The various high rises and skyscrapers gave the young girl ample targets to attach her webs to as she gracefully flew through the air. A wide smile was plastered on the young thief’s face as she swung from building to building. There was just something really exhilarating about the whole thing. Perhaps it was the amount of freedom she had to travel, or maybe it was because there was the ever constant threat of plunging forty plus stories to her doom, but Johanna loved traveling via web swinging.

With each new strand being fired off, Johanna put her athleticism to good use and performed a variety of playful and complex twirls and flips through the air. It was truly a testament to Johanna’s skill as an acrobat, that none of the duffle bags contents showered down on the streets below, furthermore, it was doubly impressive that she was able to pull half these flips and twirls off at all when you consider that the bag itself had to be effecting her center of gravity. Nevertheless, Johanna continued to show off for no one other than herself.

Eventually Johanna would take a break in her joyful swinging. She would pull herself against the side of a tall building and lean up against it, utterly defying gravity as she reached into the duffle bag to retrieve her phone. After doing so many different twirls and flips, Johanna had lost track of where exactly she needed to go. After a quick refresher, the young girl would throw her phone back into the bag. Johanna began to lean of the building when she got a very stupid but otherwise entertaining idea. Turning her attention skyward, Johanna measured the remaining height of the building and then used a strand of web and her strength to pull herself to the very top.  

After scrambling to the top of the roof, Johanna let out a long whistle as she looked down towards the ground below. She was so high up that the people lining the sidewalks looked like ants, smaller even. After taking in a deep breath Johanna would smirk before leaping off of the tall building. The rushing of the air against her body as she plummeted towards the ground got louder and louder as she picked up speed. Down and down she fell, showing no signs of slowing down, and the pavement was approaching fast. Several gasps and screams could be heard from below as several people had looked up to catch a glimpse of the suicidal fall.

Almost as if she had calculated her fall, Johanna tucked her body in slightly and then threw out an arm. A strand of web extended from her wrist and latched on to the skyscraper across the street. Johanna swung so low to the ground that had she not tucked her body up, she could have ran across the ground. In the blink of an eye, Johanna swung by a lady and snatched the cup of coffee right out of her hands. Turning back around she flashed the lady and wink and continued on her way.

After all her death defying stunts and sight seeing, Johanna finally arrived at her destination. The young thief lowered herself down into the alley between a rather fancy looking skyscraper, and an old brick building that was home to an antiques store. Landing with a soft thud on the pavement, Johanna looked to either end of the alley, making sure she was alone. Taking the last chug of the stolen coffee, Johanna would toss the empty cup over her shoulder and let out a sigh. “Alright, here we go. Hope this guy’s reliable. Honestly I just hope he isn't a creep” she said to herself as she slowly approached a green metal door that was in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof September 22nd 2017, 3:59 am

"For the love of... Slow down." Jake could only mutter to himself as he somewhat crashed into a building, his fingers digging into the rough surface as his eyes moved to catch the flying spider. She really moved thanks to those web shooters of hers. Didn't help his mood she spent the time to perform tricks, the safety of the air around her, able to keep on the move with her webs. It made him jealous. He use to try and keep up his practice while on the move, back before all this. But recently he hadn't been doing any sort of gymnastic skill or activity. He still could, but just to do it for fun... Just didn't seem right to him.

Eventually, the young lady stopped for a moment, climbing a building to do whatever it is she wanted to do. It gave Jake enough time to catch up and cling to the side of a building, turning off his red energy to see the speck up in the sky. Looking up, you couldn't really see her anymore, like a small bird, up in the dark sky, shaded by the darkness and her own suit. Eventually, he did see her however, her form falling fast towards the ground.

He like the many people would have started panicking slightly at the sight of someone about to hit the ground, splatting like  bug on the pavement. But Jake knew she wasn't an idiot. No this was just dangerous recreational work allowed by those web shooters and her strength. Any other person trying to perform that without her durability or strength would have torn themselves apart with the amount of speed and force at work. As much as she may have enjoyed it, she would have died if not for the powers she had.  

Turning his Red vision back on, Jake proceeded to follow her, his hands and feet colliding and leaving each building in a matter of seconds as he lunged between them or across them. Fast, not fast as her. But fast for what he had. It was finally, after far too much jumping and such that Jake's own arms might have began to feel the strain of it had he not had similar quality's to the young lady he was chasing. Guess he had them to thank for his inhuman way of traveling as well.

Waiting till she lowered herself between two buildings, Jake proceeded to jump from his hiding spot. Landing on the old brick building as softly as he could, Jake would turn his red vision off and crawl to the edge of the building where he had seen the girl drop off. He watched her, she who made the mistake of looking just to the left and right of the alleyway, as if expecting she was the only one capable of using the air and roofs to travel. Keeping close to the roof, Jake listened to her voice carry though the air, not picking up all of it, but getting the gist. The bag she carried was the loot bag he had seen before, and she was here to remove herself of such loot for her payment. He also made note that her suit was not in the best.. state. Far better then his own that was true, but it wasn't in the condition that he had first met her in. Made him think if he was to blame for some of those tears... In fact he might be...

Waiting till she went inside, Jake strapped his elevation mask to his face before beginning to crawl down the side of the brick house, using his strength and the grips available to crawl down smoothly and silently before finding the ground under his feet, to which he would wait a few more precious seconds before opening the green metal door, one that looked far too old and he hoped didn't make as much sound as it threatened to just by it's look.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe September 22nd 2017, 5:09 am

Ever since Johanna had entered the shadier part of the city, she had the sneaking suspicion that someone was following her. She had no proof, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling. As her hand motioned for the door knob there was a slight moment of hesitation. Shaking her head to rid her self of the paranoia, Johanna entered the building. The first thing that hit Johanna was the smell of old books and even older furniture. The hallway she walked down was lined with thin imitation wood panels and really nailed home the whole “antique’s shop” feel.

The narrow hallway opened up to the show room floor, and as the smell of the building had suggested, there was a variety of old looking furniture positioned neatly about the place. Curiosity getting the better of her, the young thief began to look around the shop, the look on her face suggested she was perusing the wares for something to get her sticky fingers on. The sudden sound of someone clearing their throat was enough to startle Johanna. The sudden noise nearly caused the young girl to leap clear to the ceiling. Turning around delicately as to not knock over several antique ceramic figures off a shelf, Johanna came face to face with the owner of the store.

A little old woman sat behind the counter. She wore the look of sneaking suspicion as she glared at Johanna over the rim of her little round specs. “Oh! Hello there. I didn’t see you there.” She said, pointing out how the little old lady barely cleared the top of the counter top. “You uh…You wouldn’t happen to know a Jimmy would you?”

The old lady arched a brow at the teen and then turned around and disappeared into a room behind the counter. A few seconds later she returned with a small metal box and a few tools that looked like they were used to inspect jewelry. With a wave of her fragile hand, the old lady beckoned Johanna over to the counter. Johanna slowly approached the counter and plopped the duffle bag on the counter. Almost immediately, the little old woman began to rummage through the bag. Pulling out each of the little idols first and inspecting them rather quickly before lining each of them up on the counter.

It wasn’t until she got to the shield and sword that she actually stopped and bothered to comb over all of the fine details. After inspecting the lot, the woman disappeared into the back again before returning with a few hundred dollar notes. Without saying a word she tried thrusting the bills into Johanna’s chest. The young girl looked at the old woman with an utter look of disgust.

The young thief found herself rapidly moving down the hallway with her duffle bag slung over her shoulder. The scowl on her face was evidence enough that she was appalled by the offer, and opted to keep the loot. Before opening the door back to the alley, Johanna turned around. “YOU’RE OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND LADY! YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THE TROUBLE I WENT THROUGH TO GET THIS STUFF! TAKE YOUR MONEY AND SHOVE IT!” she shouted down the hall, before turning towards the door only to walk into another person. Maintaining her balance, the girl looked to the person she ran into. She was clearly visibly angry and completely overlooked the fact that the person was a kid, and said kid was wearing a mask. “Watch where you’re walking punk!” she spat as she tried to move past the individual. She could not believe the old mobster would send her to someone so down right frugal. She went through a lot of hassle to get her hands on these statues and now she had to find some other place to off load them.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof September 22nd 2017, 8:10 am

Thankfully, the door did not betray his presence as he made his way inside. The waft smell of oldness and books hitting him as he entered, no help from the mask he wore in protecting him from it. Taking a moment to readjust himself, Jake turned his red vision on, closing his eyes so that the light emitted from his eyes did not shine so brightly. Sighting the spider and a smaller lady, Jake moved in a little closer, hoping to hear what had to be said between the two. Many ideas came though his mind, maybe just a sum of money. Another place with ancient idols to collect and steal.

However, his thought on the matter was silenced when the white haired girl began making her way towards the exit, towards him. Turning off his red vision in time for her to turn around and start yelling at the elderly woman for what must have been a terrible deal for the 'trouble.' His fault. She had to go though to get the stolen idols. He almost wanted to say she merely stole them, not went and dug them up like the people who spent their lives doing such. But kept his mouth shut.

Backing up slightly, it was no good for the angry girl continued her stride, bumping into him and eliciting a small grunt from the boy. But he kept his position and balance well enough. She next proceeded to calling him a punk. Something that... Well. He'd been called worst at this point, what was punk to mutt. "Well. Seems the spider didn't like her deal. Come on then." Jake spoke, trying to keep his voice... Normal? Not annoying, she was annoyed enough and if he tried to annoy her further, might not end well. Backing to the door, Jake would effortlessly open it and head outside in a smooth motion, turning back to face the white haired spider.

"I don't know what you were expecting of some old idols of a long forgotten war goddess. Nice to look at, sure. But. Not really... I don't know. Selling. Sword and shield yea. But Idols..." Jake shrugged, giving the girl a bored look, hoping she wouldn't go on to call him by more names. At that point she'd just seem immature to him. "Never said anything about it before. But nice skills in the air. Impressive to watch."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe September 23rd 2017, 2:31 am

Despite her best efforts to move past the individual that she had bumped into, they somehow managed to lead her out of the building. They even went so far as to remark about her attitude towards the old lady. Still outraged by the little crooks disrespectful offer, Johanna didn’t even acknowledge the nickname the individual had called her. Rummaging through her back she pulled out one of the idols and began to wave the bottom side of it around in the kids face, still oblivious. “You see that buddy? Huh? Do ya? It’s not about the idols, its about what they’ve got in ‘em. That’s a precious gemstone. Each one’s worth waaaaaaaaay more than what that crumby old lady was going to give me.” still in a tizzy, Johanna turned back to the old metal door. “SCREW YOU!” she hollered at it.

As Johanna slipped the idol into her bag, her hand hovered over the opening as she heard the boys remarks. How’d he know what she had gone there to sell? And what was that business about him not saying anything before about her acrobatics? When it finally clicked in Johanna’s brain that she had the misfortune of running into the boy from the museum, her hand quickly reached into the bag where she grabbed a hold of the sword. Spinning around to face the boy, the young girl trusted the sword in his direction, no where near close enough to actually harm him, no her intent was to at least get a small jump out of him. “Are you stalking me?” she said with a confused look on her face.

Of all the people in this godforsaken city, she had to have the shittiest of luck, especially to have ran into this kid again. She let out a small sigh before lowering her arm and placing the sword back into the beat up duffle bag. She really wasn’t in the mood to deal with a vigilante, especially one of the goody two shoes types. Looking back up to the boy with a look of annoyance, Johanna shook her head. “You look like a damn fool with that thing on your face. You know that right?” she said as she began to pace back and forth a bit. Just what was she to do now that the fence turned out to be a sham? She couldn’t go through customs with a bag full of stolen property and she sure as hell wasn’t about to just leave them behind either. The ashen haired girl stopped her pacing and looked back to the kid. “Just what are you doing here anyway? Isn’t there like a liquor store robbery or something you could go take care of?” she said, resting her hands on her hips as she awaited his explanation.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof September 23rd 2017, 10:50 am

Jake rose an eyebrow to the little statue that the girl showed him, eyeing the gem for what he hadn't noticed before on his own one. Maybe he had just not been looking for it, purposely ignored it, or never saw it. Didn't matter. Eventually however, she finally took notice of who it was that spoke to her and she decided to say hi with a sword... Jake almost gave her a even more bored look at the sight of the edged weapon. Unless the weapon turned out to be some magical or incredibly sharp ancient sword, then it was about as dangerous to him as a butter knife was.

Shaking his head to her question on if he was stalking her, he got out his own War goddess Idol and looked it over, noticing the engraved stone. In the right lighting, it would look nice. He retracted his thought, they were very. Very nice to look at. At her commit about his mask however, he just gave her a pointed look, but kept it on, thing was a pain to take off and put on, and it did it's job, despite how limited it was.

When she finally got to a question that forced Jake to answer, he put his Idol away and leaned against the wall of the skyscraper. Giving the girl, yet another shrug. "I went out. Saw you flying though the city with all your acrobatic stunts. Thought. Hey, that's a trouble maker." Jake stopped for a moment, stepping away from the wall and taking a step towards her. "Thought you'd lead me to something I could relieve some stress with a good ol punch, and no. I don't have time to stop something a million other children or adults will most likely do. Less you know where I can find a Demon princes child." Jake finished, letting her take her time to think whatever she thought of such words, knowing not many considered demons real and all. Despite what she could do. Maybe she did, would be a surprise.

"What's your plan anyway. You got a bag of goodies and no idea what to do with them. Based on how your acting that is." Jake decided to ask her a question himself. Generally curious on what she was going to do now, what she would decide to say. Despite her rude nature, she was interesting, kept him guessing on what her next action would be. And that in itself was enough to give him a satisfying distraction that wasn't someone or somethings face connecting with his fist. Just trying to guess what she would say, guess what her next action was. A small game, that could be ruined or prolonged in an heartbeat.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe September 23rd 2017, 9:36 pm

Johanna arched a brow and shot the boy a look of confusion. “What the hell did you just say?” she was completely caught off guard by his inquiry about her knowledge of demons. Shaking her head, the girl let out a sigh and then a small groan of frustration. She began to pace back and forth while massaging the bridge of her nose. She didn’t have time to be dealing with this kid right now, she had more pressing matters to attend to. She clenched her fists tight as the kid continued to make snide comments. The fact that he was having a bit of a kick at her expense pissed her off.

Rather than lash out at the boy, Johanna moved past him and just yelled out of sheer frustration, before unloading on a nearby dumpster with her fists. It sounded like thunder was going off in the alley as Johanna vented her anger at her current situation on the poor dumpster. After about several blows she remembered that the boy was still there. Taking a moment to compose her self, Johanna tugged on her suit to straighten it out. She slowly began to walk back towards the boy while brushing some of her hair out of her face. “Not a word bird boy!” she said raising an index finger to his head.

Turning her back to her cheeky acquaintance, Johanna began to chew on her thumb nail as she tried to think of a way out of her current predicament. It was then that Johanna had a sudden stroke of brilliance, well it wasn’t really brilliance and it really wasn’t her style, but she needed to get rid of these idols or at least find a way to get them to New York. Turning back to the boy, Johanna had a wide smile on her face, one that pretty much gave away that she was trying to come up with a scheme of some kind.

“You uh…you said something about tracking someone down? That just happens to be one of my many talents.” the big grin on her face more than enough to give away she was lying through her teeth, ok maybe not entirely. Johanna was good at tracking down potential scores, people, couldn’t be that much more difficult right?

“So it seems we’re both stuck in pretty shitty predicaments. How about a little you scratch my back, I scratch yours? I help you look for this demon prince’s kid. And you help me find a way to get these to New York.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof September 24th 2017, 12:56 am

If there was a silence competition, Jake was pretty sure he would win even if there was a mute competing. First was the girls sudden reaction to him saying demon prince. He wasn't sure what that told him. Did she think they were real? Did she know? She didn't look at him like he was a idiot, or an insane man. So that was something. Next, she also seemed infuriated at his words. Guess he failed to not annoy her, good thing was she used that anger on a nearby dumpster, something he chose to keep his continued silence for.

It was after all of that however, as the cogs could be seen clearly working away inside her head, thinking and thinking. That she looked at with with a smile that put a dent of worry in the boys mind, clearly seen by the way his eyebrow raised in suspicion. It was then the girl gave away her offer, something that Jake wasn't sure she was trying to win him over with a smile or down right hoping he was stupid enough to agree to it.

Taking a moment to think over the offer, Jake already thought the most practical thing. She wouldn't be able too. This was Samael, if he didn't want to be found, he wouldn't be found. That much was obvious over the past few days. And while demons were not impossible to find, they were difficult, and some were more dangerous then he needed them to be. Looking to the white haired girl, Jake gave a shrug and unstrapped his mask, taking a moment to strap it around his forearm. "You can't find Samael. He hunts things on a regular basis. It's what he's doing right now I suspect. He won't be found easily. Getting you from here to New York however. I can do." Jake said this as he stretched his arms, wondering how. Only to have it come to him. "Two ways. I can fly you there. I move about eighty miles per hour with those wings, not the most quickest way to get there. But it's a way." Jake knew however, she wouldn't like the idea. Or make some sexist commit, seeing as he would have to take his shirt off to do such a task. "The much better way, is to take you to a certain place, use a magical teleporter I somewhat know how to work, and in a instant, teleport us to New York with only a nauseated stomach to suffer for." Jake rose his hand in a second after finishing that to cut the girl off from saying something, suspecting she would like that option very much.

"However. You can't hunt my friend. And I'll have to fly back here after taking you there. So tell me. Why I should help you?" Jake was almost excited in the prospect of what she would offer as help, he could only wonder what schemes were going though her white haired head. He might have been lying about the flying part, if the one at Samael's store still worked, he could teleport back.. But he couldn't trust it hadn't been reset or whatever. No. He was most likely going to have to fly.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe September 24th 2017, 1:44 am

Johanna let out a sigh at the boy’s doubt in her abilities to track down this Samael. No one could truly up and disappear, there was always a trail to be followed, no matter how small. Regardless of this, Johanna was presented with two options to get to New York without having to go through airport security. One option the boy gave was that he could fly her there. After hearing how fast he could go however, that option seemed entirely unlikely. She also wanted to make some snide comment about the boys need to constantly take off his shirt, but bit her tongue in hopes that it wouldn’t ruin the makeshift partnership she was trying to form here. Then there was the option to teleport, Johanna perked up at the first mention of this prospect.

Though she wasn’t quite sure how it would work, the idea of getting to her destination almost instantaneously with only an upset stomach spoke volumes to her. Her rather happy demeanor soon faded however when the boy tried to turn the tables on her and ask why he should bother helping her in the first place. She felt the sudden urge to unload on another dumpster as he said this. Violence seemed to be Johanna’s natural response for when things either weren’t going her way, or she didn’t have an answer. She then thought back to the museum and the trick she pulled when she had unzipped the front of her suit, a sly smile crept onto her face, but she quickly shook the idea from her head, fearful that it would ruin any opportunity she had at using that teleporter.

The tapped her index finger against her lips as she thought of any reason she could give to make the boy help her. She glanced down at her bag but remembered she had already given him one of the stolen idols. She thought about using money as motivation, but he had the idol and she had foolishly pointed out the existence of the gemstone in the base of it. So here she was stuck at an impasse. She had no way of ridding herself of the stones, she couldn’t take them through customs, she didn’t want to get rid of them, and now she had nothing to bargain with. The kid had to be relishing in the fact that he held all the cards right now, and the frustration that it must have been causing Johanna.

“Well I mean I did help you get out of the museum without being caught by the guards. And you did ruin my suit, which I might add isn’t cheap. And I left you a gift. I’d say were more than even right?” she said trying to butter the boy up, and to get him to cave in and just help her. “besides arent all of you goody, goody types supposed to help people in their time of need?”

Knowing that, that wouldn’t get her vary far, Johanna shrugged her shoulders and shook her head slightly. “I got nothing.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof September 24th 2017, 3:19 am

He enjoyed it at first, bearing all the cards, it was a new feeling, a feeling he enjoyed. But it wasn't something that could last. He had a few choices, he could attack her, try to take back the stolen things. It was a good guy move, the kinda move that'd make him an asshole. She wasn't by far the good person herself, but Jake just didn't feel like being that big a good asshole himself. His other choice was leave, her last stand arguments were something he could have easily done, a suit he didn't care about and she would obviously have the money to fix and a statue she stole in the first place. The only thing that really offered him any leeway in helping her.

The final choice, was to just help her. At any rate, it offered him a few more options in looking, he could look around New York for Sam, could look on his way back. All in all, it allowed him something to do then punch people... However, punching people or things along the way was a sound bonus. "You should stop comparing me to others, those good people." Looking to the white haired girl, Jake rolled his head dramatically. "Alas. You make a good point. I shall take you to the teleporter. But when we get there! I shall ask you for something that I want." Jake wanted to make it a point he was doing this not because of her reasons. Plus he did have something to ask for. Would be a small favor, a beneficial one for his own thoughts anyway.

With that, Jake looked to the edge of the roof of the old building the two teens had left and jump up to it, looking around, he tried to grasp just where Lily's was, and with a few seconds of thought, he began to run and jump from this building to the next, making his way to the woman's antique store. Where that magical teleporter rested.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Johanna Sharpe September 24th 2017, 3:53 am

Johanna’s eyes lit up a bit as she had finally gotten through to the boy. He had agreed to help her, but under the condition that she would give him something once they were in New York. A slight frown appeared on her face at the thought. *What could he possibly ask for? He’s already made it clear I supposedly can’t track his friend down.* she thought to herself. One prospect was that she turn over the stolen goods, which at just the thought, caused the teen to grip the strap of her duffle bag tightly. There was no way she was going to give up the goods, especially when that was the whole point of this team up in the first place. Again thinking back to his words, she wanted to make another cheeky remark, but refrained for doing so, still fearful that this whole thing could fall apart at any moment.

That being said, she couldn’t hold back from making fun of the way he talked. “Who the hell walks around saying alas?” she signaled with air quotes as the boy made his way to the roof and she followed. “Sorry Shakespeare, but alas your friends are all stuck in the 1500’s”

Joining her unlikely partner on the roof, Johanna surveyed what she could of the city. The brick building they stood upon was only three stories so it offered little in the way of a vantage point. When the boy leapt off the building without saying a word Johanna let out a small groan before leaping after him. The ashen haired girl found the kids method of transport quite puzzling. All this talk about his wings and he refused to use them. As Johanna chose to swing from building to building rather that jump around like the kid, following him was a bit difficult. In fact, Johanna had to propel herself into the air above the buildings several times to make sure he hadn’t given her the slip.

During one of her jumps, Johanna did a small twirl in the air in order to gain some extra height. This allowed her to look in the boys direction for a few moments. Long enough to speak a full sentence before dipping down past the ledge of the building and popping back up a few seconds later. “So why aren’t you using your wings?”

“I didn’t mess the one up with my webs did I?”

“Or is it because you’re running low on shirts?"

"I totally thought exhibitionism was your thing.”

She continued to converse this way for a few blocks not sure if he would answer the questions or not.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

Post by Shadowoof September 24th 2017, 4:43 am

"People say alas, it's useful, sounds fancy too." Jake responded to the girls quip. He had an idea on where they were going, as he moved, he found that his idea became a knowing where he was. This kinda night life allowed him to survey surroundings pretty well, and as it turned out, they were not too far from Lily's.

Not long after their trip began, Jake began to hear her as they went, questions on his wings. He tried to answer as they went along. "No you didn't."

"Yes. Running low is one way of saying it."

"Sadly, I don't think your too far away from the truth of that." The final one wasn't much a joke. If he thought about it, he lost his shirt a lot. During the Lust demon fight, during a lot of fights. He even went shirtless in the pit of Ravens, stupid giant ravens.

Eventually, Jake stopped on a roof, below, across the street stood an antique store of sorts, where a patchwork of a hole in the roof, and a broken window recently repaired and new looking compared to the rest stood. This was the sight of that battle with that demon, assigned by Samaels dad to kill the cambion was. Good fun. Waiting till the white haired girl made it to him. Jake would point at the building. "That is Lily's. She doesn't know you, in fact. We're breaking in. So don't ever come here by yourself to use it. She might not be here anyway. Not after Ada... Let's go." Jake stopped himself from saying the name of the vampire who had stayed behind to hold off the demon, possibly losing his life because of it. Not as much fun.

Jumping down, Jake would walk up to the door and carefully, tug on the handle, finding it locked, he gave a more forceful tug the doors locks snapping as it opened freely. Muttering an apology before entering, his eyes on the strange looking things around the shop. He couldn't describe what everything was, but he knew the more important, magical items were hidden elsewhere. Motioning for the girl to follow him, Jake led her though the back door behind the counter and into a dark room, various arrays forming circles within the floor, the walls lined with scrolls and books of sorts. Jake kept an eye on the girl, making sure she didn't try to take anything. "Now just give me a moment. Need to remember the word."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The good boy and the bad girl (Johana) Empty Re: The good boy and the bad girl (Johana)

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