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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof May 27th 2017, 9:48 am

Opening his eyes from a deep slumber, Jake stared into the roof of Sam's. He felt uncomfortable here, this wasn't his home. His home was back in New York, mostly with a missing persons case on him and his mother. Seeing as he had a somewhat normal life till only a while ago. Now, he kinda just slept here, on Sammy's couch. If only Nathanial could see him now. Then again, would Nathanial try to kill him if he learned of what he was now? It was something settled deep into Jake's thoughts ever since he... his mom, went a little insane and.. demon. But since that day, Jake had been going out day in, night out, he had to keep himself busy, sometimes he came back with some cuts, other times it was just his suit that had some damage taken. But today would be no different, he was going out and he was going to do... something.

Getting off the couch, Jake found himself some clothes he had gotten so he didn't have to keep burrowing Samaels, who's closest composed of leather, white and jeans. Not his style. He preferred looser jeans that allowed him to keep on the move easily and a somewhat tight dark grey shirt today. His suit was.. shredded, he could patch it up with pieces here and there but that was going to take too long, so he just took the training mask he had made to hide his lower face, but he hadn't put it on yet. No. He did have something else planned today. A break, a small break.

Leaving the place, Jake found himself on the rooftops pretty quickly, not willing to ruin his shirts with a knife for his wings, plus with the new city layout, he had to get use to jumping over the place, and it was now or never. After a couple of minutes, Jake found himself atop a large building, museum of sorts. He hadn't paid attention when he discovered it because he was a little busy but he felt that he should spend some time looking at stuff that didn't require his fist. People felt satisfaction collecting old things right? So there must be a good reason to just look at the stuff, to relax, to see the history or the really cool things that humanity had found. Who knows, maybe there would actually be something that was magical in nature, while he didn't have Samaels magical sense, he could probably tell apart something plain from magic, right?

Climbing down, Jake saw that one had to pay to get in. Cursing himself for not bringing any money, he considered leaving before looking to the roof of the building. Little arches and a not metal roof... Finding a quiet and somewhat hidden section of the lobby, Jake dug his fingers into the wall and began to climb, it was slow, it would be damage costs when they found it, he didn't care. Making it to the roof, Jake began the same process across the roof, passing over the admission station and dropping down into the main museum. He felt two things in that exact moment, a passage of excitement over the idea of breaking into a museum and the giddy enjoyment that someone was going to be bewildered by the many finger holes in the wall leading to the roof. Maybe being bad was enjoyable, even if it was just a little breaking of rules, he needed to take the enjoyment of it, it was better then punching people for satisfaction. But now, now he had a whole museum to look though. A prospect that was.. neat at the very least.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 28th 2017, 3:02 am

One skyscraper lined skyline was swapped out for another as Johanna’s plane came into view of Chicago. It was the first time in her life that she had traveled outside of New York. That seemed to be the theme for the previous evening and today’s trip, a bunch of firsts, such as lying to her parents, and taking a flight by herself. After doing some browsing on the internet, Johanna had discovered that a museum in the windy city was going to be playing host to a rather expansive collection of ancient artifacts and jewels. The teen had dabbled a little in thievery back home with a pick pocket here and there. She had also managed to steal a rather pricey statue from a local museum, which was the first time she had felt a true rush of excitement. The idea of being chased after, and the thrill of the escape was enough to fill the young girls mind with lavish dreams of becoming an accomplished thief.

As the plane touched down and Johanna departed, she found herself in a sea of unsuspecting targets. So many unguarded wallets and valuables lied in wait for the taking. Johanna took this opportunity to ‘warm up’ and slowly made her way through the crowd and out of the main terminal. The white haired thief hailed a cab and asked to be taken to a hotel near the museum she planed on breaking into later that evening. Along the way Johanna perused through her loot. Among the small pile of valuables were five wallets and several rings.

Johanna used her newly acquired wealth to pay off her cab fair before turning to face the towering skyscraper that was going to be her home for at least the next few days. The young girl clumsily made her way up to the counter of the hotel, bumping into more unsuspecting targets along the way. Her next biggest challenge was trying to book a room for the night. One one hand she looked old enough to do so, but on the other hand if they checked for an I.D. she’d be exposed. Johanna had to find a way to get behind the counter. If a window opened up for her to do so, she could easily just check herself in with no problems.

Feeling slightly dejected and also waiting for her miraculous window of opportunity, Johanna took a seat in a comfy armchair in the lobby and reclined into it. The white haired teen pulled out her phone and decided to go onto the museums website to check their hours of operation. The young girl wanted to have a chance to case out the place before actually making an attempt to steal anything that might catch her eye. Johanna for as smart as she was had all but forgotten one of the easiest solutions to her problem and it wasn’t until she had finished looking at the museums website that she had made that realization. The young girl quickly dug through her luggage till she found her lap top. Quickly she got to work breaking into the hotels system. Once in, Johanna simply falsified a check in form under her fathers name. Once the deed had been done, Johanna approached the check in counter with a look of distraught on her face. When she approached the clerk at the counter she asked for a key to her room, feigning that she had miss placed it. After finally getting settled down in her room, Johanna changed her clothes, swapping out her all black attire for a pink and white stripped hoodie, faded skinny jeans, a pair of gray sneakers and a pair of prescriptionless black rimed glasses. Johanna also took a pad of blank paper, a pen, and a camera with her, to totally sell the whole student vibe.

Johanna had finally made it to the museum she had been dying to visit. If the online virtual tour had proven anything, it was that this place had plenty of goodies for the young girl to get her hands on. With that in mind, Johanna kept a small checklist on her phone of possible targets she wanted to get a closer look at. Seeing them in person and the type of security they had would help her eliminate things off the list that she deemed to much trouble to get to, or things that were just to big for her to easily escape with. Johanna’s list included several ancient idols, priceless paintings, and extremely rare gemstones.

The stones stood out to her the most. They were much smaller than the rest of the items on the list which meant she could make off with more of them, and she knew a person or two that would pay quite handsomely for the stones. And it wouldn’t hurt if she decided to keep a few for herself. The stones would be the last thing she would check out before leaving. For now Johanna simply wandered around the museum taking pictures of things she wanted to steal, and a few things she didn’t. All this was in an attempt to disguise her intentions.

Johanna eventually came across the major exhibit that was being showcased online, and via large banners hanging throughout the museum, and its entrance. The collection consisted of small idols to an unnamed goddess of war, small clay pottery that was either smashed or mostly preserved, a few suspicious looking stones that appeared to be obsidian but judging by the title card were anything but, and lastly a series of ancient weapons made of a strange blackened marble-like stone inlaid with gold. Everything in this section of the museum was just screaming for Johanna to take them, it was actually strange because for some unknown reason the young girl felt strangely attracted to these objects, especially the weapons.

Johanna approached one of the displays that housed a small buckler with a slot in the front that acted as a sheath for a sword that lay on a velvet covered stand just below it. Johanna felt particularly drawn to this set and the several idols of the war goddess that surrounded them. This was it, this was what Johanna was going to steal. The young girl couldn’t quite tell herself why, especially when this stuff didn’t seem like it would fetch a high price, but she just had to have it all. The white haired master thief in the making slowly backed away from the case and reached down for her camera. She attempted to lean back to get the whole set of idols and the sword and shield in one shot but accidentally bumped into a young boy. Johanna quickly spun around to face the kid who appeared maybe a year or so younger than herself. “Hey watch where you’re walking will ya?!” she said in a slightly annoyed tone.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof May 28th 2017, 6:41 am

Jake found himself staring at just about everything. This is the... first time he had gone to a museum on his own and just being able to take the time to view everything was.. astounding. He got to see everything, from the paintings to gem stones and more. It was worth it, it was a break from everything else and it was so, so worth it. He kept walking from display to display till he found himself at a rather unique area, a place dedicated to a goddess. He had not paid attention to history much, but he knew that this war goddess was not something well known like other gods. That or she was forgotten to time. Seeing as they had no name but quite the number of artifacts, he assumed the latter.

He moved from the sculptures to the weapons, finding the design to be rather interesting. Gold laced obsidian weapons, something he never thought he would see. He tried to think of the uses for such a weapon, sharp, strong yet brittle, the gold could mean wealth, or have other uses like Samaels blades for certain creatures. The gold aiding in the fight. But, would that mean the goddess was just a normal woman? Leader of a city, village? Like how the Egyptian pharaohs claimed to be gods. Or was she an actual magical being of immense power? Seeing as he was a... strange mix of holy and unholy, he didn't see why not.

Deep in thought, Jake was not paying attention as walked, finding himself suddenly bumping into someone. Turning to them, Jake took a step back to make distance, looking down on the young girl... well, older looking girl. Even if he was well over her height. But he assumed she wasn't too older than him. That and her eyes, which were a teal color and slightly off... Not that it bothered him, seeing as Samaels own eyes were a pitch blackness, that didn't bother him, it was looking at his moms eyes with that darkness that did. "Sorry. My mistake." Jake responded to the annoyed girl, before he let himself get caught up in too much thought, he gave the girl another scan, she seemed like a average person, a camera in hand. "Was just invested in the art of this... War goddess. Along with contemplating if she was an actual goddess or given the title and remembered till she was forgotten like most history is." Jake tried to explain the reasons for his rude accidental bumping, that and he didn't see why not to throw his own thoughts on the subject matter, maybe she would chime in her own thoughts on the subject, maybe she would tell him to get lost. Considering her previous words, he didn't expect otherwise.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 29th 2017, 6:32 am

Johanna’s turquoise eyes scanned the boy from head to toe as she slightly leaned back to take in a full few. Without any words or warning, the young girl quickly brought the camera up to her face and snapped a picture of the boy before turning around to face the display case of ancient idols. She ran her hand across the glass as she walked the length of the case, eyeing the little description cards at the base of each idol. It was strange to see so man depictions of a single individual from so many cultures. Some came from Greece, others from Egypt and southern Africa. There were a few idols from Europe, and a few wooden ones from Japan.

Johanna’s gaze found it hard to look away from the case but when she finally did, she turned her attention to the boy she had bumped into. He was awfully chatty for a stranger. The ramblings were a bit much and honestly Johanna hadn’t really cared what his excuse was for bumping into her, but something he mentioned about the goddess in question merely being granted the title seemed too far fetched considering the origins for the idols. “Something tells me whoever this was in tribute to, was definitely the real deal. There are too many countries represented here for it to have just been a title thing.” Johanna’s eyes shifted back to the case and the sword and shield that hung above the idols. “Real question is, if there really was someone that powerful what happened to them? Why aren’t they around today?”

The young girl gave a shrug of the shoulders. “Whelp I suppose it doesn’t matter. Answering that question isn’t part of the assignment.” she said almost gleefully while waving her camera around in the air in an attempt to keep up her disguise as a high school student there on assignment. Making sure no one was walking behind her, Johanna once again backed up to get a much larger view of the display case for a photo. The white haired girl turned back to face the boy one last time before giving him a quick sort of salute wave and flash of the eyes. “Whelp I’d love to stay and chat and all, but there’s still other exhibits I must finish. Adios!” she said faking a smile.

Johanna quickly spun around and her chipper expression changed to one of pure annoyance as she slowly walked away. *Hopefully that’s the last I see of that nerd.* She thought.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof May 29th 2017, 6:49 am

Jake panicked in surprise when he realized she had taken a picture of him, but calmed down when she started speaking and to be fair, she did have a point. He walked up to the many displays of this war goddess and realized that there were far too many cultures depictions of this woman to be just a average person. Christianity didn't spread everywhere, but this one seemed to have gone from place to place, almost if the most charismatic spokesperson spoke to each and every county... or the goddess herself did.

He was about to talk more to the girl before she suddenly spoke up about a assignment, for when he looked at her further, saw that she could indeed be a school student. A nice one too. "Bye.." Was all Jake said as she turned and walked away, feeling somehow at a lost. Now he missed school, his theory's with Scott on everything in the world, from history to a teachers choice of clothing to what kind of coffee was the best. Just talking to the young woman was enough to get his mood both up and down, leaving him exactly in the mood he was when he first entered this place. Up and down. But now, he wasn't sure what to do, the student was off to take pictures elsewhere or whatever kids did in Chicago and he was here, staring at a war goddess.

He was mixed between leaving and staying, he enjoyed his time alone in the museum. But he also enjoyed a far more cruel activity for reasons that he alone decided. But he chose to stay here, for one extra reason. The war goddesses weapons. They had a flair about them, a certain, sense. It made him wonder what else in this museum was dedicated to possibly magical beings. Keeping an eye on the layout, Jake left the displays behind in search for other artifacts, hoping to return later to double check on them.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 29th 2017, 7:52 am

Johanna continued to hang around the museum a bit longer after her encounter at the war goddess’ exhibit. She played heavily into her fake visage of a dedicated student there to study. Using her cleaver disguise Johanna moved throughout the museum mostly uninhibited and took advantage of that by photographing anything she found useful, such as emergency exits and surveillance cameras. With her reconnaissance now complete and her target picked out, Johanna left the museum with a rather enthusiastic spring in her step as she made her way back to her hotel room.

Once the young thief was settled in back at the hotel she began to cycle through all the photos she had taken. There were definitely things she wanted to try her luck at nabbing but something kept drawing her back to the war goddess’ display. With her curiosity peaked, Johanna quickly leapt out off her bed and rushed over to take a seat in front of her laptop. Search after search, Johanna tried to find out anything she could on the goddess in question. For someone who had gotten around as much as they did, history sure seemed to have had forgotten this infamous goddess for some reason or another.

If it wasn’t for an alarm Johanna had set on her phone designating the optimal time to sneak out of the hotel and into the museum, she might have actually spent all night trying to do fruitless research. Closing the lid on her laptop, Johanna made her way over to the bed where her suit and a duffle bag lay in wait. Slipping into her suit, the young girl would sneak on to the roof of the hotel undetected and from there she would make her way over to the ledge. Her turquoise eyes fell downward as she took in the sight of the bustling night traffic. From this high up everything seemed so tiny and insignificant. With a deep breath, Johanna leaned forward and let gravity do its thing. The young girl fell effortlessly through the sky, down several stories with her eyes closed as she let the cool rush of air blow over her face. Her arm quickly shot out a second later and a thin strand of sticky thread shot out from the wrist mounted device on her hand and latched onto the side of the hotel.

Johanna used her shooters to swing between the buildings high above the city. There was something soothing and peaceful about being this high up and just hearing the sound of the wind rushing all around. The young girl didn’t worry too much about about being spotted from below as her black suit helped her blend in quite well with the night sky.

After turning a corner, the museum came into clear view. With one final swing and rather athletic twirl, Johanna came crashing down on her feet into the gravel that lined the roof. As she had noted earlier, the museum possessed a skylight, and it would be her method for getting in. Slowly approaching the glass, Johanna would hold her right hand up and bare her sharp claws. She placed her left hand on the glass just above where the lock was for the skylight and traced around her hand with her index finger. After the circle was complete, rather than the glass falling to the ground below, it stuck to the girls hand thanks to an ability she was all to found of. Dropping the piece of glass onto the roof next to her, she reached in and undid the latch and thus allowed herself to open the window and slide right in.

As Johanna started her decent down the walls and to the ground floor, she couldn’t help but stop and give a puzzled look at the wall beside her where it had several small indentations made. Upon further inspection, Johanna noticed that the holes were finger sized. “Well that’s special.” she mumbled to herself.

With a soft tap the young girl dropped off of the wall and onto the cold marble floor of the museum. The first order of business was to make her way to the security office. From there she could check out where most of the guards were positioned and she could shut down the alarms.

Johanna snuck around the museum till she came up to an oak door with a frosted glass window that read security on it. Johanna quickly did a take of her surroundings before lightly knocking on the door. The security guard inside definitely seemed displeased and confused thinking that it was one of his colleagues on the other side of the glass, but as soon as the door opened, his mouth was met with a quick burst of webbing which prevented him from calling for help. Johanna quickly kicked the portly man back into the room and shut the door behind her. With a swift spinning heel kick to the head, the guard went down, allowing Johanna to web him completely to the wall which would ensure he couldn’t call for back up even long after she had left the room. "No hard feelings eh pal? After all you didn't really stand a chance." the young girl taunted the guard before turning to approach the console so she could quickly get to work temporarily shutting down the security to all the exhibits. Once she was done, she would only have a short window of opportunity to steal what she had come for and get out, before the system sent out an auto warning for being deactivated for too long.

Johanna turned around and flung the door open. With a quick flick of the wrists, she shot webbing onto the door frame and used her impressive strength to slingshot herself through the air in an effort to cover a good chunk of the distance she needed to travel with little ease. So far things were going just how she had hoped they would.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof May 29th 2017, 8:15 am

By the time the museum had to be closed, Jake had a pretty good layout of the place, along with new found knowledge for many things ancient and otherwise. It really opened his eyes up to a world beyond what he knew, from the ancient war goddess to paintings of ancient animals depicted to be taller then most buildings. If angels and demons could be real in this world. Why not these things that are a couple centuries or thousands of years old still be around, still alive. However, he still had a few things here and there he wanted to check out, such as the war goddesses weapon set once more.

While the people were leaving, Jake found himself a small corner to put himself, free from the sights of cameras, strapping the training mask to his face, Jake jumped to the roof of the room he was. Clawing his fingers into the wall, Jake lifted himself up and placed his feet against the wall. He wasn't the most blended in thing, his jeans a grayish white and his shirt a plain grey, but as the lights went off, he could avoid detection as long as he kept out of any lights from the guards. And that was what he did, keeping himself to the roof, Jake moved slowly around, avoiding a camera here and their. Staying completely still as a guard passed by him.

It had become a game at this point, a game and a learning stage, for if he was going to be doing this stuff more and more, he needed to know as many skills as he could learn, and this was just one, stealth. He had an advantage in that his strength and stamina allowed him to quite literally look like he was doing push ups on the roof so that he could sneak by, still a slow process but a fun one towards the war goddesses exhibit.

Not sighting any nearby guards near him, Jake decided to turn on his red vision, the red light emitting from his eyes was bright in the darkness but that was why he wasn't planning on using it for too long. That was, till he spotted something strange. A figure, smaller then him. Inside the security office, another figure was there but they were seated against the wall, his sight allowed him to see a strange see though substance covered them, which meant that the person still standing would have done something. So much for avoiding violence tonight. Watching the figure, Jake watched in amazement as they did something with their wrist, shooting out another see though but string looking substance and flung themselves into the air.

Seeing that they were actually coming towards him, which was close to the War goddesses display room, Jake turned off his red vision and moved on, trying to keep ahead of them. Man were they in for a surprise. Making it into the display room, Jake would wait till they reached the entrance, to which he would drop down ahead of them, stopping there progress. "Sorry. But the museum is closed." Jake said, letting the mask muffle his voice as he stared at the darkened figure, eyes scanning for anything such as weapons or anything obvious before looking to their face. Maybe his sudden appearance alone would be enough to scare them off, if not... Well. He had an alternative.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 31st 2017, 1:28 am

Johanna’s mighty tug on the durable sticky thread had done wonders for her. The young girl soared with ease high above the floor of the museum, and out of the guards’ line of sight. If she had judged her trajectory right, which she most certainly had, then she would land safely and quietly on her feet just at the entrance to the exhibit hall where the war goddess’ display was located. As Johanna sailed ever closer towards the entrance a sudden shift in the environment triggered her senses. Time almost seemed to slow down for the young girl as her brain began to fire synapse after synapse as it began to puzzle together what it thought was going to happen. Her turquoise eyes took in all the information in a matter of milliseconds and in that time she had chosen what she thought was the best course of action.

As Johanna began her decent she stuck out her left foot and pointed her heel towards the ground. Just as she had assumed, a masked figure descended from the roof just behind the doorway, as if he had been waiting for her. Johanna was not about to give him the satisfaction of allowing the masked person to get the jump on her. Just moments before her heel was to touch the floor, Johanna stretched out her arms and fired her webbing at the sides of the door way. With another forceful tug, Johanna allowed her earlier momentum to carry through to her pull. She quickly turned on her side that had the outstretched leg and slid across the slick marble floor and right through the mysterious figures legs, flashing a wink into the eyes of the mans mask as she slid by and sneakily left behind one of her homemade sleep gas mines with the hopes that if the person was caught looking down as she passed, they might get caught with the initial dispersal of the gas.

Without skipping a beat, as soon as Johanna had cleared the masked individual she pushed off the ground with her left arm with enough force that she was propelled to her feet. She turned only for a moment to briefly salute the try hard “If you’ve got a complaint you should take it up with the guards!” she shouted gleefully. This person may have just provided her with the one thing her plan sorely lacked…a scapegoat. Johanna quickly turned around and made a mad dash to get to the display case before the museum’s back up alarm kicked in and alerted the police. The time gap was getting smaller and smaller, but Johanna was confident in her abilities and she would not let anyone get in her way.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof May 31st 2017, 2:00 am

She was a hell of a lot faster then he thought and she knew he was coming. Strange. He didn't have much time to react ether for by the time he was fully able to understand just what was going on, she had used... web? To fling herself forwards and under him, he glanced down out of instinct, catching two things. Her eyes were a teal like color and she left something. Forgoing the first sighting, Jake held his breath as the gas exploded from the mine, his mask doing little to protect him for it was not made to filter but it did help even if it was only a little bit. Jumping backwards, Jake turned on his heel towards the black clad woman, he also recognized her voice. And with two pieces to put together...

Running forward, Jake jumped up to the roof, flipping mid air so that he landed feet first before pouncing off the roof and right at the woman, hoping to knock her off her feet with the full force of his jump. He had to be quick about this for she was right, commotion would draw in officers and security and he was beginning to feel some affects of drowsiness. An act of her mine? Maybe. If so she could not only predict, use a... web thing, and be very nimble but also have traps set for him mid action. She was going to be a tough cookie if he ever met one.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 31st 2017, 4:41 am

Johanna had jogged down the hallway quite a distance before she heard the sound of the mine going off over the soft sound of her own footsteps. The young girl immediately spun around to see if her trick had worked, only to find herself being dove at by the masked vigilante. When their bodies collided, Johanna hit the hard marble floor with enough force to momentarily knock the wind out of her. She took a moment to compose herself, before looking her assailant in the masked eyes. “This how you get your kicks? You hang around spooky museums after hours and stalk any innocent girls that just so happen to cross your path?” Johanna said with a cheeky expression. While she had been taunting the masked individual she had sneakily tucked her legs up towards her chest. firmly planting the soles of her feet against the mans lower abdomen she would use all of her strength. Johanna unleashed a powerful kick with both of her legs, freeing herself from the mysterious figures clutches.

Having freed herself, Johanna performed a quick kip up and was once again on her feet. The young girls heart beat feverishly in her chest as the excitement of the moment began to mount. This was the very reason why the young girl had decided to do this sort of thing. The rush she was getting from this whole experience was almost euphoric. The scenario was playing out like some sort of grand fantasy of hers. The threat of the guards getting involved would only continue to rise as Johanna and the vigilante clashed. Any minute now the back up alarm to the museum would kick in alerting the police. And lastly, there was the mystery man themself. Though Johanna had only been doing the whole thief thing for a short time, this was the first instance in which she had come across someone of the more heroic variety. There was something about this encounter that only served to spice up the situation further.

“Look I’m sure you’re a lovely individual, but I’m not really looking for a relationship right now. But don’t worry, I’m sure there’s someone out there that’s totally into the whole shady masked figure thing.” Johanna quickly reached down to her belt and grabbed another sleep gas mine. This time she took a deep breath and activated it while it was still in her hand. The young girl then proceeded to chuck the mine through the air and down the hall at the masked person, creating not only a hazardous path for them to traverse, but also a convenient smoke screen.

Johanna turned around after throwing the mine and took a look at the cases around her so she could get her baring. She wasn’t far from the goddess’ display, not only could she tell by her surroundings, but she could feel it. The sensation was there again, much like it had been earlier that evening. The idols and weapon, they called to her. Narrowing her eyes as she stared down the corridor, it was time for the young girl to get serious. She knew the gas wouldn’t hold her foe for long, so she had devised a new plan, on the other side of the smoke she’d lay a nasty trap. Johanna would use her web shooters to zip back and forth between the walls of the hallway. What remained was an messy and crude looking spider web that she hoped would slow down whoever it was that was trying to stop her from stealing her precious treasure.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof May 31st 2017, 5:09 am

Jake got closer to he and he was certain that she was the kid.. no, young woman he had met earlier, thankfully, she had yet to recognize him. However while he wanted to make a witty retort to her, she had used his focus on what she was saying to get her legs under him and kick him hard, sending him flying off backwards. He hadn't expected it but he was able to balance himself mid air and land on his feet before he crashed.

Seeing she was standing and ready, he took note that she was strong, maybe as strong as him. Maybe more. That was actually awesome. However, her words distracted him more, mostly the part about relationship, like why would he be? Shaking his head, he had to stay focused, like how she got another item, another mine. Prepared for this one, Jake held his breath when she threw it at him.

Seeing that they were also harder to see, Jake decided to turn his red vision back on, his eyes shining the red light that allowed him to see though everything. Jumping past the mine, he gave chase, slowing down as he saw her... interesting trap, would have worked if not for his ability to see like he could. Seeing that the design was.. crude, not effectively covering every space, not that he could expect such from such a quick job. He ran towards it, aiming for the biggest hole he could see and jumped into it, curling up as he passed though the hole and landed on the other side. "I knew school was rough. But to think you'd go so far for an assignment." Jake called out to her, hoping that would surprise her for a moment as he ran to catch up. Also hoping that the sight of his red eyes would be a surprise on her, not that she could know what they meant or did. But just the idea of them doing something to make her wary.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe June 1st 2017, 6:56 am

Johanna was quick, in the short time after she set up her makeshift trap, she had already used her sharp claws to cut a hole into the war goddess’ display case and had slipped three of the idols into her bag. Her hand came to a stop and sat hovering over the fourth idol when the mysterious figure said something that completely ruined the whole mystery part. The young girls head turned in the direction of the boy as he came into view after clearing Johanna’s obstacle course. Her turquoise eyes narrowed and a smirk crossed her face. “You should hear how much the extra credit is worth.” Her hand slowly descended and took hold of the fourth idol. All that remained was one more idol and the sword and shield.

Johanna knew she didn’t have much time before the boy got to her and quickly retrieved the last idol and slid it into her duffle bag. He was definitely straight forward in his approach, opting out of any sort of theatrics as he just rushed her down. At the last second Johanna leapt onto the top of the case and kicked off of it, propelling herself onto the opposite wall where she would land as though she was leaning up against it. “You know that’s twice now that you’ve bumped into me. Do it again and you’re going to owe me dinner.” she said with a wink.

Johanna’s arms quickly shot forward and a barrage of baseball sized projectiles of her webbing were unloaded at the boy. It was all in an effort to get him away from the display case. If she could manipulate him out of the way it would open up a window for her to retrieve the two weapons. Time was running short now as the back up alarm system for the museum was just minuets away from kicking in. At that point Johanna would not only have the boy to deal with, but also the guards and most definitely a squad of police officers. Just the thought brought a sly smile to the girls face. This whole evening was turning out better than she could have hoped.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof June 1st 2017, 7:12 am

Jake continued to ignore her, set on just... what? Stopping her? He mostly left people alone after knocking them down. Maybe the police would handle it.. maybe not. However, his surprise grew when she stood... standing on the wall. Huh, lucky girl. "You'd have to pay for diner then, only fair for catching you." Jake called out to her as the first of see though projectiles came at him. He wasn't sure why he spoke like that, maybe the idea of it excited him, maybe because she had been so chatty the moment they came into contact.

Dodging the first ball of webbing, he kept at it. His body kicking into instinct as he looked to each orb and ducked, side stepped or just turned sideways, having stopped to a walk as he continued to her. In a moment of reprieve he noted that she was here for a reason, some of those war goddess idols taken, the fact she was still here must have meant she wasn't done yet. "I do say. Is the spider not done with her collection yet?" Jake said, keeping still but on the move to avoid more of her web projectiles near the displays of the war goddesses idols and weapons, but also keeping his eyes on the girl. He couldn't jump at her, she would avoid him and come to the idols, a similar situation when it came to Chroma, every leap towards them was just want they wanted and his reward was metal shards to the back and chest. And with the young woman in front of him was most likely faster because of those web slings. His advantage would be making her come to him and that was his plan. It was that or wait for the alarm, something he didn't want himself as it would ruin the fun... No, he did want that.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe June 3rd 2017, 6:10 am

Johanna’s attempts to force the masked boy out of the way proved to be a wasted effort. The boy was quick to react to each of the sticky projectiles and did his best to not drift to far from the display case. Eventually the barrage came to an end as Johanna had to now rethink her strategy. If he wasn’t going to move out of the way, then Johanna would have to find a way around him, or possibly through him if things got that drastic. The young thief surveyed the situation from her convenient post on the wall. The back up alarm was set to go off at any moment now, and from the sound of rushed footsteps filling the hallways, the guards had overheard the commotion or perhaps found their tied up colleague.

“well that all depends. You got something you’d like to donate?” she said in a quick retort to the boys words. The situation was beginning to rapidly devolve before Johanna’s turquoise eyes, she had to act quick and most importantly she had to act smart. Being left with little other options the young girl decided that ‘through’ was much, much faster than around. With a quick flick of the wrist, a strand of webbing shot out in the boy’s direction. With a second flick of the wrist, Johanna fired a strand of her threading at the open hole she had cut into the display case.

Johanna wasn’t so much concerned if the masked kid decided to sidestep the webbing or not. The whole point of her actions were to at least get a strand of webbing stuck to the display case. In the very instance where the strands landed on their target, Johanna would give a forceful tug of the thread, flying at the case and the boy feet first. If she didn’t kick the poor guy through the glass, then she would go through it, which at this point was okay to, since it would put her right next to the sword and shield she was after.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof June 3rd 2017, 9:35 am

Jake slowed down after her barrage stopped. He needed to think of a plan before she could think of a plan. A stand off between them took place as they both thought, he couldn't get to her, having no way of range, but waiting wasn't ideal, she was fast, strong. And that webbing only made her stronger. He could think of the many ways one could use it in a situation like this, using gymnastic knowledge, you could fly though this entire building.

However, his plan was not yet formed by the time she acted, which meant she won this stand off, two stands of webbing came in his direction, one aimed for him, the other for something else. Knowing he could dodge it, he stepped out of aim of the strand, light on his feet, he kept his eyes on the girl, an idea on her plan because of her previous actions of lunching herself into the air with two strands, with him in the middle of these two strands, he would be the slammed into with both her strength and the accompanying force. Not good.

Seeing her fly towards him, Jake jumped up the roof, turning his body so that his fingers crashed into the roof, busting though it and giving him a hold, weaker because of his force but he was certain it would hold him for now. Looking down, Jake cursed at himself for not realizing that he just left the displays, something that she was now right next to. The sword and shield. "How about we forget about the artifacts of a goddess take a nice night stroll?" Jake called out to her, not willing to drop down just yet. She would get her hands on the weapons before he even got close to the ground and with her skills, she would be on the move just as quickly. Rather he waited for her to move, so he could be prepared for it. Hell, Maybe she would listen to his advice and leave. Easier ending to all this. Not as fun.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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