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Night at the Museum

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INV ONLY Night at the Museum

Post by Miss Valentine August 4th 2017, 5:58 pm

It was a still night in the city of Chicago, stars gleaming proudly overhead. While life flourished without pause, a lone vessel made its way across Lake Michigan, its sights fixated upon Navy Pier. Coastal guards were well aware of its arrival, however they had little idea as to its true purpose; for the ship steadily approaching Chicago was no ordinary ship at all. Quite on the contrary, it was the means of transportation for an all too prolific weapon; a weapon that had been stolen a few days prior from an electric manufacturing company somewhere in Detroit, all for the single purpose of fulfilling the demand of a so called "god".

What was aboard the looming vessel was a bus sized battery. What exactly it was capable of empowering was virtually unknown to even the men who had played the part in stealing it, however all they truly cared for was what they were promised in exchange for it: money, and lots of it. One such mobster popped open a bottle of champagne, openly cheering out into the waters as he leaned his frame against the railing of the ship's main deck. "We're goin' ta be filthy rich!" he exclaimed, addressing his partners that stood behind him, "when I turn back to look at all of ya, all I'll see is a bunch of rich folk!"

Only, when he turned around to acknowledge his fellow mobsters, what he saw instead was entirely different; in his drunken state of mind, all he could comprehend was the largest rack he'd ever seen, jiggling there right in front of his eyes. "Holy Christ!"

In the next moment, the man found himself laying on the floor, shards and pieces of glass floating over a pool of champagne all around him. Raising his head slightly, he shook himself awake, finally realizing what was taking place: they were being raided! Or rather, they already had been. His men were all unconscious, their sleeping bodies tattered around the deck like torn pages out of the dictionary.

"What… what's going on?" he wondered aloud, before his masculine gaze locked onto the set of wobbling breasts once more, as a particularly curvaceous woman dressed in dark colored tights lowered herself into a squat on his chest. Her gloved hand gripped his shirt, and as he was forced to look at her charming face --a thin mask worn over her eyes-- he thought himself to have fallen in love immediately. Such magnificent beauty…! There was no doubting it… this was none other than… Miss Valentine!

"Who's put you up to this?" she spoke out to him, rather calmly at that. Seeing as though he offered no direct answer, Miss Valentine shook the crook back and forth. "Tell me, who!?"

It wasn't until she threatened him with a tightened fist that the man finally spilled the beans. "It.. it was the Voltage! The Voltage!" he cried, covering his face with his hands. There was a noticeable gap between his fingers, so that he could continue to simply stare at her glorious physique.

"'Voltage?'" Miss Valentine whispered to herself softly. Who… nay, what the hell was that? Some sort of mafia boss or something? It wasn't exactly a name she was familiar with. It had never come up before, at least, not in the Chicagoland area. "He made you guys steal… a battery for him? Of all things… a battery?"

She looked at the man in disbelief, as if trying to make sense of out what he was saying. And it was in that very moment, as she was lost in thought, that she realized she had shamefully missed a goon, for the sound of a man hollering could be heard from behind her.

"B-Boss! I put a hole in it! I put a hole in it, Boss! If we can't sell it for money, neither can she!"

"Y-You what?!" the man in Miss Valentine's grasp exclaimed, "You moron!"

Miss Valentine slowly turned her head over her shoulder, glaring at the one goon she had forgotten to handle. But just as soon as she did, her glare widened, an expression of surprise overtaking her face. Deep within the confines of the ship's storage, the bus sized battery had been penetrated by the babbling imbecile, who so proudly proclaimed to his boss over the deed he had committed. The battery's body chiseled into cracks, and it wasn't long before it detonated.

The whole of the ship exploded into a fiery mess. Lifting up her arms to cover herself, Miss Valentine was blasted off of the ship, and unfortunately for her, into the ocean. Sure, she had somehow managed to escape the explosion without so much as a scratch; but now she was headed straight into hell. For a woman who hadn't the slightest clue on how to even spell the word "swim", the ocean was just that.

Falling into the ocean with a triumphant splash, Miss Valentine covered her mouth with her hand and puffed out her cheeks. She wouldn't be able to hold her breath forever. Looking upon the remains of the ship that drifted away toward the bottom of the ocean together along with her, Miss Valentine painfully accepted her fate. Was this truly the end?

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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INV ONLY Re: Night at the Museum

Post by GamerXZ August 4th 2017, 8:28 pm

"Come on, we gotta go faster!" Alan urged through his and Aurora's mental link as their fused form, Siren, streaked through the evening sky towards its destination. It was rare to see him or Aurora be in any sort of rush especially considering their philosophy of sitting back and enjoying life but considering the current circumstances, it was more than necessary.

They had gotten a tip that the supervillain Voltage was aiming to steal some sort of artifact from the Chicago Museum Of Natural History. From what Siren had gathered, Voltage was a VERY powerful and dangerous entity, basically being a living generator, and if he was on the prowl, there would likely be blood on the streets unless someone did something.

"Alan, we're going as fast as we can! Any faster and we risk getting air sickness!" Aurora argued in their shared mind space. Despite her tone, even she knew the seriousness of the situation, "There's Chicago in the distance! We shouldn't be far now. Ten minutes, tops."

"Good," Siren was suddenly alerted by the sight of a huge explosion in the middle of the ocean, "What the?!" Stopping their flight, they hovered in the air and began examining the area for survivors, "HELLO! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!" She waited several moments for any sort of answer...and then suddenly, they heard splashing and saw a figure just vanishing beneath the surface.

Taking off like a blur in motion, Siren slammed into the water, causing a jet of it to fly into the air, and not even several seconds later, the surface exploded again as she reappeared, carrying the figure towards a nearby shore. She sat her down gently and began performing CPR on her, "Come on! Come on! Live!"
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Canada
Age : 31
Job : College Student
Registration date : 2013-07-23

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INV ONLY Re: Night at the Museum

Post by Miss Valentine August 5th 2017, 1:47 am

It took a moment for Miss Valentine to regain consciousness. Her tongue awakened much sooner than her eyes, and based on instinct alone, the woman found herself wrapping her hands around the otherwise slender frame of The Siren, feeling around the hips of the joint entity. She remained like that for awhile longer, reciprocating the resuscitation with some liplock of her own until at last she had enough sense to pull away and sit up.

Wiping her soft pink lips promptly afterward, Miss Valentine breathed hard to gather herself. All the while her magenta gaze shifted to the green haired… woman? "You have my thanks," she said with a smile, "if you hadn't shown up when you did, there's a good chance I'd have seen my last breath."

From head to toe, Miss Valentine was soaking wet. Her blonde hair was simply drenched; thankfully, her latex super suit was especially prepared to take on the ocean, being directly resistant to water. This was, of course, done by design; because she didn't know how to swim, Miss Valentine wore a suit made of pure rubber in order to give her a fighting chance against large bodies of water. Even so, the earlier predicament she had found herself in was more than she could have ever prepared for.

"I take it your another super?" she said, trying to ease her way into a conversation. By the look of it, this thing was hardly human. It possessed powers and well, if it was going around saving people, it had to be a hero of some kind. But sensing some sort of inner presence, Miss Valentine couldn't bring herself to conclude that it was entirely female. "I'm Miss Valentine, local hero of the city of Chicago. You wouldn't happen to know anything about a man by the name of 'Voltage', would you?" That name was stuck inside of her head, being the last thing she heard before the explosion went off.

"I can't bring myself to piece this together… but that ship I was one earlier was trying to bring a large battery into the city. Do you have any idea as to what's going on?"

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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INV ONLY Re: Night at the Museum

Post by GamerXZ August 5th 2017, 2:06 am

Siren breathed a sigh of relief at seeing the lady was alright, said relief being enough to help her suppress whatever awkwardness had been generated by her CPR stunt, "No need to thank me. Just doing my job, Miss Valentine. You can call me Siren by the way. Don't worry, I'm nothing like the ones you hear about in mythology," She giggled before suddenly hearing the rest of her explanation which caused said chuckle to die pretty quickly and a return to being serious.

"...Voltage...from what I know he is a powerful metahuman with control over electricity. I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain why control over that is so dangerous. Anyhow, he seems to have made Chicago his little playground. I got a tip saying he's planning to steal an artifact from Chicago's Museum of Natural History, and, well..." She glanced out at the burning ship with a somber expression on her face, "It's probably a good thing that ship and its cargo are going to the bottom of the ocean. If Voltage had gotten his hands on that generator...well..." She was sure there was no need to finish that train of thought.

She got to her feet, "It seems you and I have common interests right now. If you're feeling up to it, I can fly us to Chicago. However, I'm not gonna force you to put your life on the line..." Siren held out a hand, "The choice is yours."
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 344
Location : Canada
Age : 31
Job : College Student
Registration date : 2013-07-23

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INV ONLY Re: Night at the Museum

Post by Miss Valentine August 5th 2017, 2:15 am

"He would've sucked that battery dry and empowered himself. If the guy's already superhuman, just how much stronger could he get..?"

Miss Valentine nodded and tightened her fist. "But of course. Chicago is my home; I've taken oath and sworn to protect it until my very last breath. If my city is in danger, there's nothing I won't do in order to save it."

Despite having just regained her consciousness, Miss Valentine was more than ready to go. "Please, if what you're saying is true, then we haven't a moment to lose. Take me along with you; I'm almost certain that with our combined forces, we should be able to give this Voltage guy a real run for his money!"

Raising her arms up to her sides, Miss Valentine exposed her hips to The Siren, allowing her to do with her as she pleased. Flying there would certainly cut down on the travel time, meaning they'd be able to confront Voltage as soon as possible.

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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INV ONLY Re: Night at the Museum

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