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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 9th 2018, 8:57 am

Eyes closed, no red sight active, Jake left himself sightless, nothing but the pitch black of his eyelids. He only had the darkness to allow him to think, to ponder. So much has happened and yet here he stands, a strange being in a stranger world that allowed strange beings like him to even exist. And what did he do with his strange life? He punched people. He used his fists, his... power. To punch people, things and everything else that he was required to punch at times. He loved it. He also hated it. Many a time, he was left wondering what was he suppose to do with his life. He just used his fists and the people around him to give him a purpose. But what happened when those two things... Were gone in some way or any form.

"Or maybe I am just overthinking it." Jake let out a sigh, opening his eyes to look at the night sky. Perched on a rooftop as he was, the boy couldn't decide what to do. He didn't want to actively use his fists, albeit if the occurrence came about, he'd be the first to jump in. Maybe he should get a job? But he didn't have a resume... Or a address. A phone number. He had that. No documents ether... He really hated his... Mother. For that part, for all those parts. Except the resume. That was his fault alone.

"Could be it. Could be I am simply. Overthinking all of it. I mean... It was gymnastics. Sports. Education. Or punching things. And meeting people... Lots of people. Some good." Taking his shirt off, Jake jumped from the building, allowing his wings to expand as he fell towards the ground, letting them catch the wind so he could slow his decent, so his feet didn't do any damage to the ground as he landed amidst some surprised and annoyed gasps. He was nothing new, sure, but he supposed he was still an annoyance, a surprise.

Letting his wings slip back into his skin, however that ever worked. Something he still wasn't even sure of himself. Jake put his shirt back on and proceeded to walk forwards, not letting any disgusted looks or the like bother him. Seven billion... No... He wasn't going to start overthinking the difference of meta to human ratio now, not even counting the possible thousands, millions of inter-dimensional beings that came this this planet... This world. Oh, and not even thinking about alien lifeforms. "I need a job. That's simply it. I need. Some kind of job. Maybe not something to do with my fists... Not stealing..." He wasn't even going to go into that bubble that concerned Anne. Not yet.

The end result of it was... He needed something. He had so much... Much power, he hadn't yet to want to tap into, and he didn't know what he wanted with it, without it. Stopping for a brief moment, Jake let out one more sigh. Unable to decide what to even do, at this very moment.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 10th 2018, 3:31 am

Pyrrha, an outsider to this planet and more so this entire universe, found herself unsure of what to do. Ever since she had arrived on the planet Earth she had felt out of place. Sure there were others with similar looks or abilities to hers, but for some reason the alien girl found the stares directed her way more harsh. She was pretty sure no one knew who or what she was, so there was no cause for alarm there. She felt isolated, alone, without purpose. Purpose, it was a funny word. To her people, their sense of pride and purpose came from expanding their empire across the cosmos.

Pyrrha wasn’t like them. She never took pride in conquering other people or planets. She did however love a good fight, and even that was missing from this strange and alien world. In her travels she had met many unique individuals with powers she never thought existed in her wildest dreams. The encounters she had left her wanting. There had to be a greater purpose for her. Pyrrha was never one to believe in fairy tales or stories of gods, yet her presence here in a completely strange and altogether different universe that hers, left her thinking that maybe she had been sent here for a reason.

The young alien originally thought that reason was to protect people, but the more she looked around the more she realized this planet was crawling with protectors. There was no reason to add her amongst their ranks. Not to mention the fact that not everyone she helped was happy to be helped. So if that wasn’t the reason for being here what was it? What ever it was, she wasn’t going to figure it out just sitting around doing nothing. She had to press forward.

This lead to Pyrrha traveling from one place to another, which eventually lead to her winding up in New York. From way up in the sky the city shined like a giant glowing jewel. It was certainly breath taking, even for the young warrior. Pyrrha could hardly contain her excitement and had to take a closer look. She was not expecting to be so blown away by something as simple as a city, but the moment her feet touched the ground she fell in love. This was perhaps the one time she had been around this many people, and this many buildings. It was quite something.

It didn’t take long for the young alien to get acquainted with the colorful residents of the city. As she walked down the crowded sidewalks she could hear the muffled whispers and could feel the eyes of silent judgement fall upon her as she walked. That being said, she was having far to much fun exploring this new place to let any of the hushed voices get to her. Instead, Pyrrha found herself gravitating towards a shop window where several mannequins were lined up displaying some of the latest fashion. “Who would ever wear that? That’s not even proper battle atti….” Pyrrha quickly lost her train of thought as the smell of food danced through the air and eventually reached her keen nose.

Pyrrha soon found herself salivating and her stomach growling. *Right, Foods a thing! How could I forget the best part about living!* she thought to herself as she followed the smell to it’s source. A hot dog stand. The idea, sight, and thought intrigued Pyrrha greatly. She had to try one. This however would lead to the owner shooing her away like some kind of alley cat the moment she revealed she had no money, let alone any concept of what money was. Feeling dejected and quite hungry, Pyrrha began to roam the streets with her gaze set on the ground. The young alien would end up bumping into another individual. This had happened quite often this evening, but something was different about this person. They were a lot sturdier than the others. This small detail brought Pyrrha’s attention from the ground to the person she had bumped into. It was a boy? A young man? The alien girl wasn’t quite sure what terminology to use here, all she knew as he was male and that he seemed to radiate energy, or power. “u-um, excuse me?” she said puzzled. *was that the right phrase?* she thought to herself. Completely ignoring the fact that what she said sounded more like a question and less like an apology.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 10th 2018, 11:25 pm

Think Think Think Think think think think think think, "Think... Think... Think." Having been left to think and yet unable to think of nothing but the word, Jake frowned. What on this earth should... Oh. Leaning forwards slightly in response to a smaller body bumping into him, Jake turned to find a young looking... Woman? Woman. Her face and hair distracted him for a moment, strange as it was, but eventually he managed to find his mind to tell it was a woman, smaller then him. She looked strong however.

And when she spoke, Jake felt his eyes widen. Right, he was standing in a pathway for people to walk. " Oh... I'm very sorry. I shouldn't be..." Looking around her, Jake noticed the stares of people, humans, seemed to be in his direction more now then ever, but then, his mind realized, they were not exactly at him, but the young woman in front of him. Yes, she didn't exactly seem... Human, fully. A meta with features that define her. He'd seen worse, and he expected they had seen worst. Must have just been a bad day.

"Right. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't just be standing here..." He stepped to the side as he spoke, giving another glance to the people around the two of them, before looking back to her, trying to give some sort of reassuring smile. "Don't mind me. Just contemplating life and where I sit in it is all, and don't mind the humans around us. Worst they can do is stare, and eyes don't hurt nearly as much, as many other things." That made Jake chuckle to himself, giving a genuine smile of slight amusement. Oh the things he has suffered. Really. What could a stare do.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 11th 2018, 2:42 am

Pyrrha shared a confused glance with the boy? Man? Guy! She was just going to stick with guy for now. There was no reason for him to be apologizing. She was the one that bumped into him after all. He was quite apologetic. It almost made the young alien feel bad. She held her hands out signaling that everything was fine. “No, it is I who should be sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” she said to the tune of her stomach growling. She was really hungry. Sad too. She couldn’t believe that rude man didn’t want to give her anything to eat.

This person was strange. Not the strangest she had met in her travels, but he seemed weird. Pyrrha found it charming? Or maybe that was her curiosity getting the better of her. That or it was confusion. Whatever it was, it had distracted her enough to make her oblivious to the gawking people around them. At least until the guy said something about it. Then Pyrrha became all to aware. She noticed every judgemental glare, every hushed conversation. Just what was it with these people? She thought.

Pyrrha Turned her gaze back to the strange boy. Something he said, had caught her attention. He was contemplating his place in life. She could relate to that. After all, it was similar thoughts that lead her to this place. Which reminded her. Just where the hell was she? Deciding to take his advice and ignore those around them, Pyrrha directed a question in the stranger’s direction. “You wouldn’t perhaps happen to be from around here would you? You see this is my first time here, and I’m not quite sure where ‘here’ is.” Her gaze darted all over the place, it was almost like she was doing her best to avoid eye contact.

She didn’t like making eye contact, it made her nervous. Instead she’d glance at the guy occasionally as she spoke. As soon as she was done, her eyes danced about, locking on to anything and everything that wasn’t a persons face.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 11th 2018, 6:10 am

Ah... Strange, when the woman first spoke, she had sounded rather annoyed. Might have been the way she spoke, but now that she said some more, her words had a slight... Ting to them, something that said, not from around here, she confirmed just as much when she asked if he was around from here, as she was not from... 'here' Very defining.

Stroking his chin as he frowned once more at the humans around them, Jake then looked up to the nearby buildings. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't sure where here was ether. He kinda just jumped or flew without any clear direction sometimes. Maybe not his finest feature. "I can't say exactly where 'here' is. We're in New York city, but unless you came here by flight or foot, you'd know that..." Considering if she was a meta of some trade, then yes, that'd be true, but he couldn't assume. He could however, still see a bunch of people that seemed to have focused all of their hate into the young woman in front of him. It was starting to annoy him.

With a nod of his head down the street away from prying eyes, Jake turned to start walking, pausing only for the second to say, "How bout we walk and talk. I can normally recognize certain places where food is sold. I'm a big eater, always consuming what I go though with my daily activities, you know how it is. But maybe I'll know exactly where we are in New York by the sight of some place or rather." He finished as he started walking, old eyes would become new, but maybe those new eyes wouldn't care as much.

"So, where you from? I was originally from Canada but I moved here some years ago, then I lived in Chicago for a while, but ahh... Been sticking around here for a bit." He had someone to be here for... Not so much in Chicago. Not much anymore. But he was curious as to where she was from. Something about her voice and the way she asked her 'where was here.' Course, that was if she walked with him, for all he knew he could be speaking to thin air. He'd learn soon enough.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 13th 2018, 12:47 am

“New, York?” the young alien said in a confused tone. Not understanding that what she heard was the actual answer to her question. “If this is New York, what happened to the old one?” she asked, unaware the guy had already started walking off after saying she was free to tag along or not. “H-Hey! Wait!” she shouted to the young man as he began to walk away. She was intrigued by him to say the least. Or rather she was more intrigued with the energy he seemed to be radiating. It also helped that he was the first person to speak to her nicely since arriving in the city.

Pyrrha caught up and joined the young man in a nice stroll. Pyrrha initially perked up at the mention of food but remembered she had none of this “cash” the hot dog vendor had asked her for. “Daily activities?” she murmured. Did that mean he trained like her? He seemed fit enough. And this energy he radiated wasn’t exactly ‘normal’. This made Pyrrha think of home. Wherever that was now. She didn’t even know if she had managed to save it or not.

The young woman shook her head. She had saved it. There was no way she couldn’t have. She had to start looking past her home. She was in strange new alien surroundings. There was so much potential to be had. So many things to do that she’d never do if she was still back home. Of course no matter how much she wanted to avoid thinking about her home, it came up one way or another. This time was when the young man asked where she was from.

The answer just erupted from her mouth. There wasn’t a single moment where she stopped to think about how crazy or weird she might have seemed giving the answer she had. “Space! I’m from space! Well not this space….I don’t think.” she had said with a rather chipper attitude.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 13th 2018, 10:40 am

As they walked, Jake found himself letting out small huffs, more choking his laughter every single time the woman spoke. Lot of people know about the event that smashed New York. Destroyed it. But some called it the New, New York, the way she sounded, was as if she believed... No. Couldn't be. "Ah, some evil guy destroyed the city a few years ago. After that I think the nick name was new, New York. I don't know." He decided to say so anyway, see what he got out. Not that he needed it anyway. Not with what came next.

As they rounded a corner, Jake spotted a Sandwich shop, his eyes widening in surprise. He actually knew the place, location too, if it was a little confusing, 140 on east or something. That'd mean... "Space?" The boy turned to the woman and frowned. She was from space? Not this space? Huh? "Space? Like... Space, Space? Outer Space... Heh... Hahahaha." He started laughing, griping his stomach as he laughed more, before realizing that him laughing might have been a bit rude, and he sobered himself. Keeping his grin and laughter to himself. Didn't want to scare off the possible alien.

"Space... Cool. Tell you what. You tell me what your not this space is like, and I'll buy you a sandwich. They're pretty good, filling and tasty." Jake said with a smile, quite serious about this. If she was from space... Well, that would explain. So, so much about this strange woman he had just met. And hell, he wanted to know about an alien race from space. Just the idea was cool. But this time he wouldn't just walk off like last time, no. He waited for her answer before he made any move. He was buying himself a sandwich ether way, one just came with a lot of cool details to be explored.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 14th 2018, 2:37 am

Pyrrha’s brows furrowed, her eyes narrowed, and her nose wrinkled. “What’s so funny!” she said, stomping her foot into the ground. The force of her stomp caused the sidewalk to crack and a small arc of electricity ran up her body before dissipating into the air. She couldn’t help be feel insulted. “You asked where I was from! What’s so funny about space!” It was hard to take her to serious. While she might have been annoyed and a little angry, her expression was more of a pout than a scowl.

The young alien folded her arms across her chest and turned her gaze away from the stranger. She refused to carry on any further until he apologized. At least that was the plan, but the mention of food and the subsequent rumbling of her stomach through that plan out the window. “I don’t know if I feel like saying much about my home if you’re just going to laugh at me.” she said, trying to guilt trip the stranger. Maybe she could get two sandwiches out of him. After all the traveling and training she had done, she was starving. So it didn’t hurt to try.

Pyrrha quickly realized that even though the boy had spotted the shop, he hadn’t taken another step. He truly was going to wait for her to talk about her home before they continued. She had to now think of a way of explaining why she felt like this wasn’t home. She had never been the technical type. Despite receiving some of the best education anyone one on her planet could, she was still a simple gal.

With her arms still crossed, she began to run her fingers over the scales on her forearm. “I don’t know how to explain. The stars don’t seem to be in the right places. Everything just feels off here.” she began to trace the the fine details in her scales with one of her nails. This was truly the only explanation she could think of in terms of the space here not feeling like her space.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 16th 2018, 3:12 am

Jake stood and listened, not getting everything he could have ever wondered, but getting more of an understanding of this woman. She sounded so unsure, unsure and more unsure. That and his laughing had touched a nerve, yet, he wasn't sure if he should be sorry or not. He had just thought about the idea of space, of aliens and the like and here was one, claiming to be, and seeming more and more like it.

Sure, he had expected an alien to at least know about the place they had found themselves on, but she also didn't seem to know anything at all about... This world. An alien from another plane of existence. Talk about weird. "Alright... Alright. Sorry... About before. Ah, food? Yea, food." The boy mumbled as he walked towards and into the store, nodding towards an empty seat at an empty table for the alien... Woman... For her to wait at. He'd have to get her name.

Getting to the thankfully empty counter, Jake thought of something she... Well if she's an alien, what would she eat? Deciding not to overthink it, Jake ordered four sandwiches of random assortments, but two with plenty of meat for him... Well one for him. Christ he was overthinking it. When he got them and paid the required amount, Jake walked back over and placed two for the alien, two for him, before sitting opposite of her.

"Name's Jake by the way... And to explain... I guess we don't get many beings from space. Aliens, the popular name is, however, I guess I'm alien to you too... But hey, I can believe that you're an alien. After all, I'm not exactly a human myself. Ever heard of angels?"

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 16th 2018, 3:38 am

Her stomach rumbled at the mention of food. Something it had been doing all evening, so there were no complaints from her when the young man began to head towards the deli. Upon entering, Pyrrha’s nose took in all the savory scents the different kinds of meat gave off. It only served to make her stomach growl even more. Despite how hungry she was, she’d have to wait for the stranger to buy the sandwiches before she could eat. She also refused to sit down like he had motioned for her to do. Instead she hovered slightly behind him and watched as the man behind the counter put the different sandwiches together.

She gave a slight startled hop as the young man turned around and scurried over to the table quickly. The young alien quickly took up her seat. Her eyes glued on the boy and the tray of sandwiches. Sweet, sweet nourishment was withing her grasp. Without a word or thought, Pyrrha would savagely tear open one of the sandwiches and began stuffing her face. The only time Pyrrha stopped was when the stranger revealed his name. The half breed alien would quickly swallow what was in her mouth, which was roughly a fourth of one of the sandwiches. “J-Jake! Nice to meet you, Jake! Im Pyrrha!” she said putting her hands on her waist and puffing out her chest in pride.

She wouldn’t hold the pose for long and immediately dug back into the sandwich in front of her, while Jake spoke some more. The term alien was familiar to her, the Aeterans used it back home to describe any race that wasn’t from their planet. The next word however, made her pause. She had never heard the word before. And even though Jake had just said it, she had to repeat it several times in her mind to get the pronunciation down. “Angle?” she said with a mouth full of food. She took a moment to actually chew her food this time before raising up a single finger and reciting what she was taught back home.

“Where I’m from, there are us Aeterans, Aliens, The gods, and the cosmic dragons, who are responsible for bringing light to the dark in the form of galaxies, stars, and planets!” It was short, simple, and no one ever questioned it or dove deeper into the matter. That was what the Aeterans knew, and how they chose to leave things.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 16th 2018, 3:49 am

Jake wasn't one to be left behind, while he wasn't as deadly towards his meal, he ate with a hunger and speed that many would find disgusting, but he only reserved a gentleman like way of eating for those he cared for, and this... Pyr... Pierrya? Ate much more like an animal then he was anyway. Still, while he ate, she spoke and ate, which he had to hold back another laugh.

Some point of the story, he narrowed his eyes, a natural reflex whenever he heard the word, 'god.' So many beings he knew called themselves such being, he was simply annoyed with it, but he gathered that she was an... Aeter-an. Not one of the gods from wherever she was from, and yet the word angel didn't seem to have any sort of significance to her.

"Hmh. Fair enough. I guess it'd be hard to explain an 'ang-gel'. Some think them servants or something of a singular God that made this earth and such... But from what I know, what I've seen. Their are many that claim to be gods, and many with the power to act like gods..." Jake paused for a moment, to think of all the dimensions... Maybe they were gods of their own little worlds, but did that make them a god? Or someone with an ego.

"Doesn't matter. I'm not even a 'full' angel. Half breed an more... If you're not from this... Space. This world in that sense. How'd you get here and in fact. Why this planet?" Jake had to ask, had to know really. Who wouldn't want to know? An alien being in front of him, a woman of the name... Pyrrah? He had to think how you even would write such a name. But while he waited, he'd eat more. All this thinking was making him hungrier.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 16th 2018, 4:33 am

Pyrrha nodded along to Jake’s words, pretending to understand anything he said. Seemed there was a lot she still had to learn about this place. When Jake mentioned he was a half breed, Pyrrha’s eyes lit up. She was so excited she almost didn’t take a bite of her sandwich. Still, girl had to eat. And eat she did. Pyrrha was so eager to share with Jake, that she stuffed the remaining half of the sandwich into her mouth. How? Even she didn’t know, but she got it in there and proceeded to spend a solid couple of minutes trying to chew it all up.

After getting the remains of the first sandwich down she pointed to the scales on her face with a great big smile. “I’m a half breed to!” Her smile would fade into a pout as she leaned back in her chair. Her brow furrowed as she thought about Jake’s other question. She had a flashback to the battle she had with the alien tyrant. It made her think about her mother. While she tried to hold back her tears as best she could, her emotion showed in other ways.

Her expression was one of sorrow which slowly turned to anger as she pictured the tyrants ugly face. The building would rumble just a bit and her hair would begin to billow as if moved by a breeze that wasn’t there. Pyrrha would quickly shake her head and it would all pass. She’d looked up to Jake with a smile anyone could tell was fake. “I honestly don’t know. I was in the middle of a battle, there was a bright light, and then I was here! Well not here, but here in space!” she said with a small chuckle.

She’d begin to unwrap the second sandwich. The happy facade would eventually shift to a genuine one. As the thoughts of her home and battle slipped out of her mind, her happy demeanor came back. “This planet is one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen! There are others out there, like this one that was like all water and stuff and the people there lived on islands and their buildings were all shiny and stuff! They didn’t like me though. They had these glowy beam thingies that they shot at me. They stung.” She sounded rather chipper about the whole getting shot at thing than one should have.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 16th 2018, 4:57 am

Moving onto his second sandwich, Jake watched as Pyrrha somehow shoved what was left of her food into her mouth, a feat that left him gobsmacked for a few mere moments, before he decided to eat, not letting his eyes stare, or the sight of what happened turn him off from food. And when she was finished, she added that she too, was a half breed, and while it took Jake a moment to remember all the races, and hoping to... Well, hoping she wasn't a half breed 'god.' He took in her scales and made another assumption. Dragon. Cosmic. Dragon. Yep. She was an alien dragon. Awesome.

What wasn't awesome, was when she finally seemed to think about his question, the way her emotions turned from this free spirit to... Sadness. Anger. A whole swing and mix of dangerous emotions that seemed to affect the very building around them, her hair. It was enough to make Jake worry, before she tried to throw them to the side with a smile that left Jake staring when he shouldn't have been with a serious expression, one he threw away himself. Maybe he shouldn't be asking an alien from another dimension about her past mere minutes after meeting them. They might make the building explode.

So he decided to chuckle at the fact she told him another planet in his universe contained life with beam rifles that stung her, his chuckle much more light then the laughter he had when she first told him she was from space. "Well. I must think this planet is unique with all the metas. People that can shoot fire and ice. Shadows and light. With demons and angels and vampires and werewolves and everything. You don't know a lot of the words I just said huh?" Jake asked with a smile, already knowing the answer to the obvious.

"Yea... Heroes and villains. Evil and good. Martyrs and tyrants. We have those too. Don't really see a lot of good from ether side as well. I use to think myself a hero. Save people. Really all I do is punch and get hurt. I know you might not be too concerned with a stranger such as I, and that this might be out of nowhere, just... People, no matter where from or what are good to talk too. You know?" Jake finished, putting the rest of his meal down and frowning at the table, mostly frowning at himself. Truly. He overthought too many things.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 17th 2018, 2:58 am

After returning to her normal chipper self, Pyrrha began stuffing her face once more. She nodded her head to Jake’s words, and tried to repeat all the ones she didn’t understand. Each time, the word’s pronunciation came from a mouth full of food. “Demon!?” “Vampire!?” “Werewolf!?” These were as Jake pointed out, all words she had never heard before. They sounded cool. They peaked her interest. Once her mouth was clear of food, the young alien leaned towards Jake. “A-are they strong?” she asked with an inquisitive smile.

Heroes, villains, good, evil, martyr, and tyrant. Those words she understood, especially tyrant. She listened to what Jake had to say about doing good and saving people. She felt the same. She liked helping people, even if they looked at her funny or didn’t always appreciate what she did. Pyrrha then leaned back in her chair and covered her mouth. The sound of her laughter barely muffled by her hands. Did he just say he got hurt when he punched people? Her laughter eased into a lighthearted chuckle. “You get hurt when you punch people? Shouldn’t be the other way around?”

Pyrrha picked up another portion of her sandwich and began to nibble on it. She really hoped he’d elaborate on it a bit more.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 17th 2018, 3:24 am

Jake smiled. He wasn't sure but, this woman just made him at ease. The way she seemed excited by everything... It reminded him of... Hmm. Maybe this wasn't exactly the first alien he had met. Well, alien wasn't the right word, but someone not exactly of this world. This land. And he had his own laugh when she asked whether the things he had spoken about were strong. A warrior she was indeed.

But, then he had her laughing, his own words having wrought that, even if at the time, he had not meant it in that way. Still, it made him laugh at himself, if small and slightly defeated. "I don't mean it like... Well. Actually. Hmh." Jake looked to his fist, opening it so he could stare into the palm, before looking around the store. Some eyes drifted here, mostly at Pyrrha, but they couldn't stare forever, and would eventually stop... No. They might as well stare at him too.

"To answer your first question. Yes and no. Some are super strong. Some are not as strong. That is the range for a lot of demons. Some are given titles of lords. Those are the stronger ones. I myself... Well. It's hard to explain. Angel, demon. Human. That is what I am... However. Dragons are perhaps the greatest thing to fear out of all of those, as you might know." Jake said, nodding slightly to the scales of hers. Being... Being a dragon herself. Even if only half.

"And the punching part... Heh. Here." With his open palm, Jake focused the red energy into it, till his hand grew alight with the chaotic energy. Sparks of it reaching out to everything as if trying to zap the very fabric of being. Yet never really making it. One bolt got close to the remains of the boys sandwich, yet it seemed as if nothing happened. Well, besides the fact a new hole seemed to have formed where the zap had been near. "This... Energy. Increases my strength by a stupid amount... At a cost. It drains me... And it can hurt me. I'm plenty strong without it... But I'm no lord." Jake finally finished, shaking his hand and letting the red like energy vanish.

With it gone, he pushed his sandwich to the side, no longer hungry at any rate. "What about you? I can tell already you must be strong. I'd even bet stronger then me... A lot of people tend to be stronger then me easily. I only just get by with my red energy." The boy explained, waiting to see if his guess was correct. He did think that Pyrrha, a alien half dragon from another universe would be heaps stronger then he... Somehow that was the one thing that made total sense.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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