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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 17th 2018, 3:24 am

Jake smiled. He wasn't sure but, this woman just made him at ease. The way she seemed excited by everything... It reminded him of... Hmm. Maybe this wasn't exactly the first alien he had met. Well, alien wasn't the right word, but someone not exactly of this world. This land. And he had his own laugh when she asked whether the things he had spoken about were strong. A warrior she was indeed.

But, then he had her laughing, his own words having wrought that, even if at the time, he had not meant it in that way. Still, it made him laugh at himself, if small and slightly defeated. "I don't mean it like... Well. Actually. Hmh." Jake looked to his fist, opening it so he could stare into the palm, before looking around the store. Some eyes drifted here, mostly at Pyrrha, but they couldn't stare forever, and would eventually stop... No. They might as well stare at him too.

"To answer your first question. Yes and no. Some are super strong. Some are not as strong. That is the range for a lot of demons. Some are given titles of lords. Those are the stronger ones. I myself... Well. It's hard to explain. Angel, demon. Human. That is what I am... However. Dragons are perhaps the greatest thing to fear out of all of those, as you might know." Jake said, nodding slightly to the scales of hers. Being... Being a dragon herself. Even if only half.

"And the punching part... Heh. Here." With his open palm, Jake focused the red energy into it, till his hand grew alight with the chaotic energy. Sparks of it reaching out to everything as if trying to zap the very fabric of being. Yet never really making it. One bolt got close to the remains of the boys sandwich, yet it seemed as if nothing happened. Well, besides the fact a new hole seemed to have formed where the zap had been near. "This... Energy. Increases my strength by a stupid amount... At a cost. It drains me... And it can hurt me. I'm plenty strong without it... But I'm no lord." Jake finally finished, shaking his hand and letting the red like energy vanish.

With it gone, he pushed his sandwich to the side, no longer hungry at any rate. "What about you? I can tell already you must be strong. I'd even bet stronger then me... A lot of people tend to be stronger then me easily. I only just get by with my red energy." The boy explained, waiting to see if his guess was correct. He did think that Pyrrha, a alien half dragon from another universe would be heaps stronger then he... Somehow that was the one thing that made total sense.

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 17th 2018, 3:54 am

Pyrrha’s eyes began to light up. She lightly tapped on the table a few times before throwing her arms up and flexing. Her gaze was pointed up towards the ceiling. “Bring ‘em on!” she shouted. The few customers that had been in the deli when Jake and Pyrrha had arrived, all turned their gazes towards the strange girl. They gave her a slightly annoyed look but quickly returned to minding their own business. Pyrrha, completely oblivious to the other people in the store, leaned over the table and stared Jake directly in the eyes. “You wouldn’t happen to know where we could find any of these strong…..WAIT THERE ARE DRAGONS HERE TO!? You have to show me!!!”

This just kept getting better and better. She could feel her blood boiling. It was a good feeling. She was excited, and who wouldn’t be. There were tons of strong opponents out there for her to face according to Jake. She totally had to challenge them all. She had to get stronger. No, she wanted to get stronger. And what better way to do that then to battle the strongest people in this universe.

Before the strange young man could answer her other question, he instead demonstrated what he had meant earlier. As he held out his hand, Pyrrha could feel her excitement mounting. She took small bites out of her sandwich and watched as Jake’s hand began to glow red. She was right! He wasn’t an ordinary human. The energy she had felt radiating off of him was real. As the sparks danced about, and leapt from his hand, Pyrrha desperately held back her curiosity. Her eyes remained focused on the young man’s glowing hand as he spoke.

Everything he said, sounded just like how her’s and all Aeterans’ energy worked. Well all of it except the hurting part. Of course once he put his hand down, she couldn’t help but show off herself. She cautiously raised her right hand and extended her index finger so that it was pointing upward. With almost no effort at all, a small bright orb of energy formed at her fingertip, no bigger than a tennis ball. “I can do that to!” she said with a large grin on her face. “I can do waaaaaaaaay more, but it’s not safe to do any of it here.”

She’d then lean back in her chair and munch on her food a bit more before finally finishing it. And despite all that, she could still feel her stomach rumbling.

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Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 17th 2018, 4:31 am

The woman just seemed to get more and more excited at the prospect of fighting stronger and stronger beings. Hell, he could throw her at that Atlas or whatever guy and she'd smile with glee at the idea. Maybe it was a thing for her race, maybe it was her, maybe even a combination of both, but before him stood an alien that thrived on the idea of combat, and as she showed off, could make her own energy. If he was to guess the normal's of fighters. Strong, durable, a recovery of some sorts, and now her own kind of energy, plus whatever the dragon part of her, a cosmic dragon part could do... Well.

He said it before, he'd think it again. She was not someone to take lightly. Just the idea of her was enough to turn off any idea of a fight... Not that Jake wouldn't let that stop him if that was ever needed. He'd not back down from a important fight ever. That, he told himself. Was the truth, and if he ever had to fight someone like Pyrrha... Well, it'd have to be most important kind of fight. "Yea... Sounds bout same for me. I just showed you a hand... I can do so much more... But I normally don't... Too much power. Definitely not safe here. I mean... I even have a... Well. Lets just say I've never gone. Full.. Not really..."

Letting out a softer sigh, Jake looked to her and realized she had already finished both of her sandwiches, unsure if she'd eat more, he knew he would, Jake just shrugged and fingered around his pockets, pulling out a wad of cash. Not a lot, but enough for him most days. Besides. He had more. Thanks to Ann, he always seemed to have more. Shoving it to her side of the table, Jake clicked his tongue and looked to the tender. "That's our cash. Not the same everywhere on the planet, but here, you can use it to buy stuff. Take it. I don't need it right now."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 18th 2018, 8:18 pm

“All over?” Pyrrha said in response to Jake’s claim of being able to cloak his whole body in energy. There wasn’t any sort of technique that she knew that involved doing something like that. Then again, there was that thing she could do. But she didn’t turn red, she turned golden. Maybe what Jake was talking about was similar. “Oh I think I get it! It’s just like Ascension!” The young alien said, perking up in her seat. “We should totally spar some time!” Pyrrha concluded her sentence by flexing.

The look of revelation on her face turned to that of confusion as the young man dug through his pockets. He soon produced a wad of funny looking green paper and slid it across the table. Pyrrha wasn’t quite sure what to make of the gesture, but Jake soon explained. As he spoke, Pyrrha cautiously picked up the wad and began to examine it. She nearly threw the small bundle of money back at the boy when he explained that it was “cash”. It was that stuff the hot dog vendor shouted at her for not having. Pyrrha gripped the money tightly and stared at Jake with joy in her eyes.

Obviously she didn’t understand that each bill represented a different amount. Not did she understand that there was more than just food that could be purchased. Either way she was really happy to have received such a gift. “I don’t know what to say. This is such a kind gesture! I must be able to repay you somehow.”

The Characters
Post Mate
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Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 19th 2018, 12:48 am

He wasn't sure what the woman had meant by ascension, but seeing as she related it to the little information he gave about his own ability, he had to assume she was right in some ways. That'd be funny. He'd meet an alien that could enhance their own power much like he. The wonders. "Yea... Maybe." He added in response to her saying they should spar. The idea terrified him... Also intrigued him. And he wasn't sure which one had more sway. Fear. Or curiosity.

He was more curious then fearful. Almost certainly the way she seemed to be with glee over the money. Wait, did she know how it worked? Ehh... She'd work it out. Waving his hand at her saying she'd pay him back somehow, the boy smiled and looked up to the roof. "No need... Actually. When we spar... Don't kill me. That'd be all the payment I need." He gave a light chuckle at his words. Obviously a bit of a joke. But also a sign. A sign that he was indeed. Far too curious. But not for today.

Leaning forwards and out of his chair, Jake gave a frown towards the door. He had his meal. He had learned all he believed he'd get and had met someone cool... But he couldn't stay here forever. Every second in here, a second passed out there, and out there. A world of things was happening. And he was missing it all. Even if he still didn't know exactly how he belonged in that world. "Anyway. It's been a real pleasure Pyrrha. But I'm sure we both got things to do you know..." Wait... Wait wait wait wait. What did she do? Did she have a place to sleep... No she was new here. Oh damn it.

Frowning even more now, Jake stared back at Pyrrha, unsure what to do. His feet planted in the ground as if he was a tree. He'd had meant to leave, now he was worried about an aliens living space... "Do you have somewhere to stay? I might... I might have a place. Not a house but... It's inside and a bit far from here..."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 19th 2018, 7:33 am

Pyrrha tried to stifle a chuckle as Jake mentioned her repayment could be that she wouldn’t kill them if they spared. Deciding to make a joke of it, the alien girl put on a huge smile and raised a finger in the air to make a point. “I make no promises!” She waited to see the look on the young man’s face before letting her laughter completely out. It was her attempt at a joke. Seemed like it worked as well. “It’s a spar, you don’t kill your sparing partner.” She said, trying to ease any terror he might had experienced.

As much fun as Pyrrha seemed to be having, which was probably the first time in a very long time. The smile soon faded from her face. The young man raised from his seat and turned to bid her farewell. She didn’t know how to feel to be honest. She was having such a good time, but all of it was about to come to an end. Just like that her smile turned to a frown. Pyrrha slowly lowered her gaze towards the ground. “But I don’t” she said in response to Jake saying they both had things to do.

The young woman would perk up in her seat upon hearing Jake’s voice. He hadn’t let yet. As a matter of fact, he had asked her a question. One she herself hadn’t considered. “Somewhere to stay?” She’s shake her head back and forth. Up until now she had basically been a nomad. Resting anywhere she could. “A-a place for me to stay?”

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 19th 2018, 9:22 am

Oh bugger. Buggery, buggery, buggers. What the hell was he... Well, he did have a place. Not exactly his place, and he hadn't been there in... Well, years. But it was a building, one that was never really used anyway, and large, and had enough exercise equipment of the gymnastic kind that you could never get bored.

"Can you fly? Silly question I know but ah. It'd be useful. Here, come outside." Jake said as he moved to go outside, wincing at his choice of words. Did she fly, did he assume that because she was an alien? Because she had some powers like his own? Did not... Matter at this point. Walking would take far too long to get where he mentioned. Flying would lessen that time... But now he was hoping her flight would be slow. He always kinda felt that his ability to fly was overshadowed by many others because of how slow he was compared to what he could be.

"Anyway. Look, it isn't a permanent solution. You might not be able to stay there forever, but if Ita is a stickler to that password as she was, I can get you into what is basically a very, very large building. Also called a Warehouse." Looking about, Jake had an idea where they were, which meant that the way they'd need to go was that way, pointing that way, Jake grabbed at the hem of his shirt, before stopping, unsure if he wanted to do that yet.

"But.. This is up to you, just ah. I understand, not having a place to sleep safely... It, really isn't great, no matter how strong you think you are. I know the feeling far too well. And you being extra lost, least I can do." Really. He got the sense he wasn't being played with, no. Not Everything about Pyrrha just kinda screamed truth at him. She seemed like a good person. And she certainly seemed like an alien from another space and world that was lost on a planet far too strange for even him sometimes.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 21st 2018, 2:02 am

Pyrrha would follow Jake out onto the sidewalk. She had a rather gleeful expression as she stood beside the young man. With a small twirl she’d lift off the ground. Now floating a good two feet of the ground Pyrrha nodded and chuckled. “Of course I can fly! Did you need me to carry you?” she asked with a puzzled look. Jake hadn’t shown the ability to fly, nor did he say he could. Pyrrha naturally then assumed that perhaps he wanted her to fly them both to wherever it was she was going to be staying.

She was quite looking forward to seeing this large place. Though the way Jake was talking, it seemed like this was meant to be the end to their encounter. While it might have been late, Pyrrha was brimming with energy and excitement. She was in a new city. She wanted to see more of it. From the way the city looked from the sky, to the way it looked now that she was on the ground. It was all so pretty to her. She couldn’t just call it a night now. Pyrrha would land gently on the ground as her thoughts became conflicting. If she didn’t want to sleep on the street she’d have to go with Jake now. But if she went with him, she wouldn’t get to see all the pretty lights.

Sure there was the obvious solution of checking things out during the day, but Pyrrha didn’t think that far ahead. The young alien would start chewing on her thumb nail as she tried to think of what to do next. She had an idea! Pyrrha would turn to Jake with the same big dopey smile she had been wearing this whole time. “Do we have to go right away? I only just got here, and there’s so much to see! Would….Would you be willing to show me around?”

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 21st 2018, 3:19 am

"Oh... Wow." He'd suspected, but he still hadn't expected it. So when she suddenly just... Defied the law of physics. Well. He was surprised. Yes, it was a thing people could do and he was sure there was a very scientific explanation behind her ability to float as she was... Or a magical one. She could do that. "Ah.. No.. No." He finally added, not trying to let the idea that he was the one being asked if he needed a lift... Well, he didn't know what the idea of it did to him, but it did something.

Yet it seemed that just getting from point A to B would be that easy, not when the alien wanted to explore more of the city now that she had a tour guide, and it wasn't that Jake wanted to say no, nor did he have a real reason to say no... Wasn't like he wasn't doing anything important, and anyway. If he was going to show her around, it meant he'd get around, and if he got around... Then he might just encounter something, and maybe have a friend... Well, someone on his side.

"Nah.. We don't have to go there right now, we could easily take the long and scenic route. But walking is too slow, and frankly, the eyes of others are just annoying. If we can fly... Why don't we... Just ah. Don't laugh, or say anything. I already have one who does that to me enough." Seriously. He couldn't get anywhere without Ann using his shortcoming of his wings destroying any shirt he wore for a joke. But having said that, he wanted to be quick about it, in the midst of a street full of people, the boy lifted his shirt off, wrapping it around his arm as he stepped in a way no one would be in his way, before letting out his ugly grey wings.

Letting them stretched out to their full span, Jake then bent low and used the power in his legs to jump high, before letting the wings do the rest, keeping him afloat as he looked towards Pyrrha. "Oh yea... Don't go too fast, this isn't my fastest mode of transport." He called out to her,  before lifting himself up higher. Getting an idea of where they could go...

Already the city had a sight to it, go high enough, and the setting sun would illuminate the city in a beautiful orange. Nature and man working together to please the eyes. All that remained was finding a even prettier part of the city to explore. "If sights is what is in mind, then Central park... No... Actually. Times Square. By the time we get there, it might be darker, then the lights will be... Awesome." Letting out a sigh, the boy would smile towards Pyrrha, before letting his wings move with the wind and their power, taking him towards where he had spoke of, but slowly, so that Pyrrha would have a chance to sight see other things in the distant as they moved to the square.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 22nd 2018, 8:20 am

“YAY!” she ‘d yell The moment Jake caved and agreed to show her around. The young alien rocketed off into the sky without giving it a second thought. It didn’t occur to her immediately that Jake wasn’t following her, nor did he finish speaking. This wouldn’t catch up to Pyrrha till she had already blasted past about five blocks, which she covered in about a minute. As a matter of fact, the energy trail Pyrrha left in her wake as she flew, didn’t even have a chance to fade before she came to a complete stop, realized Jake wasn’t with her, and flew back to his side. “Please forgive me! I’m just really excited!”

Pyrrha looked at Jake with curiosity and confusion. He was not shirtless a moment ago. Before Pyrrha could even think or question the young man’s strange behavior, a pair of wings sprouted from his back. At first their sudden appearance managed to startle the inquisitive young alien. It didn’t entirely dawn on her that not everyone or everything could fly as she could.

Jake’s wings were an obvious reminder of this. It also answered Pyrrha’s quarry of why the boy removed his shirt in the first place. Pyrrha would let out a small chuckle at Jake’s request for her not to go so fast. She’s slowly rise into the air, eventually floating next to the strange boy. “Do not worry. I will try not to let my excitement get the best of me again.” Pyrrha’s eyes would trail to the shirt tied around Jake’s arm. “It must be very bothersome to have to remove your clothes whenever you want to fly.” she’d say, though this was more her just thinking aloud.

“Central….Park? Times….Square? Both of those sound great! I can’t wait to see them!” Pyrrha hunched over slightly like she was getting ready to explode forward, then she remembered what Jake had said, and eased out of her pose. It was probably best to let her guide take the lead.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 28th 2018, 9:30 am

Right. She is fast. Like. She was gone before he even noticed. Gave him a moment to ponder. If she can fly in space... However that works, then she must have a way to move without the force of gravity pulling at her, which means she can move in the air as she does. He almost felt like asking if she had encountered black holes. Maybe he could be the first person on the planet to actually know how those things worked... Only then he started thinking that she might not be the only alien... That and anyone with the ability to survive in space might have alr- No. He was stopping. She was back anyway.

"Yea, been though a few shirts because of it. Sometimes it can't be helped, sometimes the shirt gets destroyed in the fights I've been though. My... My friend tends to rib me about it a lot." The boy explained, letting his wings carry him towards the square, seeing as how she seemed to float behind him, easily keeping with him. It was that, that made Jake start to move faster, so that they'd get to the place sooner. Didn't want her getting bored... Which might be impossible. She seemed excited by about everything.

After a while of flying, Jake lowered towards a building overlooking times square, the night sky had caught up to them, but that was what he hoped. Billboards lit up the city, ads and other things Jake didn't care for showed, cars drove by in masses, crowds walked the streets. If it wasn't for the fact that Jake knew so many more people existed on the planet, you could think that everyone that could exist was right here, right now.

All he could do was watch. No words came to mind, no ideas, nothing to interest the alien in. He was lost in the world he knew already. All these people. All.. These.. People. And who was he. None of them knew him. He'd know none of them. He'd maybe save one person out of everyone in this crowd in the next month, perhaps even fight one of them. And why. Because he could. Because he should?

"Do you have a reason to fight Pyrrha? Besides the urge. The need to fight. What is a good reason to fight. For people you don't know. I can't ever see myself being the kind of person that'd ever want to harm any of these people... But then. Hmm... Sorry. Just thinking aloud." A truth and a lie. He wanted an answer. He needed an answer. One from someone else. One from outside his mind, because he couldn't come up with a clear answer himself.

Yet he shouldn't be asking a stranger. He should be asking someone who fights... Yet he didn't know many.. Well. A few. But he didn't want to go to her of all people for advice on battle... On war. It did seem like that sometimes. A war. A war he didn't understand nor knew his place in. Or how to end it.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 28th 2018, 11:00 pm

As Times Square began to slowly creep into view, Pyrrha let out a small gasp. All the shining lights, the flashy billboards, the crowds lining the streets, they all excited her. Tailing Jake onto a nearby roof, Pyrrha could hardly contain herself. She wanted to jet off the roof and inspect all the things up close, but she promised she would reign in her excitement and enthusiasm. So instead she landed with a small tap next to Jake and them moved towards the edge of the building before taking a seat. Her curious eyes scanned the area and took in every little detail. Times Square reminded her a lot of her home.

The young alien’s gaze would shift to Jake. What a peculiar question he asked. For Pyrrha the answer was simple. It was in her nature to fight, but then he added the bit about why she fought, besides the urge. She had to think about it for a moment, but eventually she came up with an answer that was true to her. Pyrrha would quickly rise to her feet. She raised one arm and flexed. “I fight because I want to get stronger! She grinned widely. “The thought of being able to constantly break barriers and push myself to the limit is exciting. And if you help a few people along the way, then that’s just a bonus!”

“Isn’t that a good enough reason?” she said realizing that Jake’s expression seemed lost or conflicted. “My people. The Aeterans, have this myth, this belief that our race was created for good. That we were to be sentinels of the galaxy we inhabited. Perhaps that is why people of this world are born with powers as well.?”

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 30th 2018, 4:15 am

"Hmh. Maybe." Jake responded, ignoring the fact that for that to be true, would be that a fraction of the population would be right for all the wrong reasons. Were people made like this? To have powers to use any way they please? Or was it science, as the people called those, the most normal of weird, the metas with the meta gene. That gene that allowed them to do the impossible and strange.

Letting his wings slip into his back, Jake frowned upon the world. He wished to be stronger too, but was that his end goal? To just get stronger and stronger? Why did he want to get stronger? Did he have a reason to get...

Maybe. Maybe he did. For those he could call friends. For the people that called themselves gods, and wanted to be thought of as such, to have such egos that he wanted to show them where to put such a ego himself. To fight the demons that pissed him off for any of the things they did to him and his mother... His... Impossible sister. For Ann. Who... Who Jake wasn't sure about. Did he want to get stronger for her... Or because in the end... What he might have to do against her. Because despite everything he knew about himself. He wasn't sure he could stop her if they ever fought again, not now that she had opened a whole new path of powers from her mother. And if he couldn't think he could beat Ann... How could he have a chance against the Queen of a demon realm.

That pissed him off. Taking in a deep breath, and letting it out, he removed the frown upon his face, replacing it with a look of finality. "I think. I might take a page from the Aeterans. Well. From you Pyrrha. I need to get stronger. So much stronger. And if I help a few people along the way. A good bonus..." Looking towards the alien, and then past her, Jake smiled to himself. He already had a way of seeing what kind of heights he needed to reach.

"I know you wanted to look around... But... You said you had a stronger self. I want you to show it to me. I want to see what I need to reach and beyond." Fists clenched, eyes showing a determination that seemed to burn around him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know now or wait till they got to the gym. One way was way less public.... But one was sooner.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 30th 2018, 5:17 am

Pyrrha found herself wrapped up in Jake’s sudden burst of enthusiasm. She leaned toward him and pumped her fist. “YEAH THATS THE SPIRIT!” But as soon as she said that, she realized he wanted to see her full power. Her fist quickly lowered as she thought about his request. She wasn’t entirely sure she could reach ascension at will. She had only transformed twice before and both times were under extreme duress. They were also in less populated areas. Seeing all the people below and how pretty the city looked from atop this building, gave the young Aeteran half breed a moment of pause.

“I may not be able to actually trigger my transformation at will. Or at least I haven’t tried. Not since Ive been here. If I’m gonna do this, we’re gonna need lots of space.” she turned back to the young man, wondering if he knew of such a place. While the local could more than likely be sought out easily, it was the matter of her power that concerned her more.

If she couldn’t reach that level without some sort of life or death situation, then what was the point of even having it? Not only that, but if she indeed did need to be pushed to her limit, then she’d need an opponent. She wasn’t quite sure she was ready to fight such a kind person, even though moments earlier she was eager to spar with him.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Shadowoof September 30th 2018, 5:47 am

Jake had to resist the urge to frown at her request. At her words. He did have a place, he had the place in mind, but her early burst of words had placed a high hope inside of him that he just wanted to fight. No... Not fight. Fight wasn't the right word, nor the word he should be thinking about. What did she say... Spar. But even then, they wouldn't be sparring. Right? "I have a place. Come on." The boy spoke, walking to the edge of the roof and jumping from it, going high into the air before letting his wings come back out, catching him and allowing him to start flying towards his old gym.

It was the place he could use his strength without worry back when he was younger. Where he was able to throw himself into gymnastics and physical exercise. It was the place he felt at most himself before he started his trail of being a small time hero. And that... Well. He stopped going after that.

Making it to the warehouse, Jake landed near a back door, his hands finding the code lock and pressing a series of digits that in the end, made up the word, Password. Rolling his eyes, Jake pushed the door open. Never change Ita. From the back entrance, Jake led the alien into a rather large opening of the warehouse. Pushed to the side was a series of old looking gymnastic training objects, some workout machines. Really, it was a heaven for a athlete.  

"This is the place I was talking about before. I come here sometimes. Never this late. My old friend doesn't use it as much, but she use to come by to workout. Stopped however. But you can stay here. The office has a bed over there, and if you ever want to use the stuff here, it's pretty easy to move for people like us." Jake pointed to the objects, the room and generally all over the warehouse. Before looking back to Pyrrha, a smile that made the boy look sightly younger on his face. He felt younger just being here.

Deciding he felt weird with someone, a girl, without his shirt on, he looked sheepishly to the side as he undid his shirt from his arm and put it back on, before cracking his neck and smiling a different kind of smile, the smile of someone who wanted to have some excitement. "You said you haven't really... Transformed? I don't really consider what I do a transformation but... Let me show you." He finished, before focusing on his power. His energy. That source of energy separate from every other sense, something he simply could not explain, yet could tap into.

With it, he did what he had always done midst a fight, and focused... Focused it. Huh. He didn't do this often when he wasn't fighting. Shaking his head. Jake focused it again, the red like energy from before coated his fists, and grew from there, coating his arms, then the rest of his body from there, before sinking into his skin, turning him into a light red like version of himself, red sparks lightly bouncing off him as he looked towards Pyrrha, his eyes a strange purplish. "This... Is ah. I guess the weakest style of my... Form? I really don't know what to call it. I just.. Glow red a bit." He tried to joke, yet he was waiting. Waiting for her to... To show him more.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Kaio What? (Pyrrha.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaio What? (Pyrrha.)

Post by Pyrrha September 30th 2018, 7:27 am

Pyrrha was ready and excited to follow Jake wherever he went. This was going to be an experience for sure. She had never attempted to trigger her ascension outside of a fight before. Not only would she get to test herself here, she’d also get to show off. And so, as Jake took to the air, the young alien did the same. The excitable alien took only last look at Times Square and all the pretty lights one last time before turning to follow Jake.

As they moved further away from the city and towards the docks, the night air grew crisp and cold. It nipped at Pyrrha’s nose. It didn’t bother her too much though. With all the energy circulating throughout her body the card hardly had an effect on her. Eventually all the bright and shiny lights would fade into the distance behind them. Where they were going was a little more quiet. When the two descended upon the warehouse, Pyrrha wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. The building was big, which meant a lot of space, but it was still a building.

As Pyrrha followed the young man inside her eyes immediately began scanning the whole building. She was half worried she’d bring the whole place down if she pushed herself to far, but at least there was no one here who could get hurt….except for Jake.

Pyrrha was beginning to regret this a little more as each moment passed. She found it cute that Jake pointed out the equipment to use. She doubted that it would have much use to her, but the gesture was nice. Her eyes looked about the place with a small sense of amusement. She kind liked it here. If only there was some more serious training equipment to use.

The young alien’s eyes would eventually fall back to Jake as he took to demonstrating a bit of his power. Pyrrha let out a small clap. It looked neat. But she was about to do one better…..she hoped. “Well here we go! A promise is a promise. I’d step back if I were you….like waaaaaaay back.” Pyrrha would then lower herself a bit. Arms at her side, she began to focus on the energy within her. At first there was a small gust of wind that seemed to emanate from the girl. As the seconds passed a small flicker of her energy began to show through. There was a small growing aura around her, light blue in color.

Pyrrha continued to push herself, the look on her face going from enthusiastic, to straight up concentration. She began to let out a grunt here and there, mainly out of frustration. It shouldn’t have been this hard to trigger her transformation. The young Aeteran’s grunts soon turned into a steady roar and the aura around her body erupted into a full on inferno. The energy radiated off her body with great intensity and the gust being emitted from her soon picked up force.

“Ugh! It shouldn’t be like this! I should be able to do this at will!” she growled. She was getting increasingly frustrated at her failure. Little did she notice though, that the angrier she got the more her energy seemed to flare. Sparks soon began to arc off of her body in every direction. “COME ON DAMN IT! CHANGE!” she yelled. As the weight of her failure began to sink in, she began to think of home. Mainly she began to think about her mother. The pain of losing her was still fresh in Pyrrha’s mind. Then there was the smile. The sick disgusting smile of the bastard that killed her mom. Envisioning his ugly mug and the failure to protect her mother was the trigger she needed. “ILL KILL HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!” she yelled with all her might. There was a brilliant blinding flight of light that burst from her body. The aura surrounding her erupted with tremendous force, the ground beneath her feet cracked and caved.

When the light faded she stood there bathed in a stunning golden aura. Small sparkles popped here and there like mini star bursts. Her expression was a bit more serious. The most drastic change however was her hair and eyes. Her two tone purple hair was now as golden as the aura that surrounded her and was standing on end. And her ones light blue eyes were now glowing an intense shade of Turquoise.

Pyrrha would gaze down at her hands, the aura was enough to give away that she had done it. A slight smile crept onto her face. “Sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.” Lowering her hands, she’d look up to Jake. “This is it! My ascended form.”

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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