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The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 19th 2017, 8:24 am

Jake could only pout at Ann for being selfish in his own way, but he couldn't hide the smile that came soon after, for while of course he was trying to be rude, Jake was beginning to accept that this was the thief's way of life. And honestly it was just amusing, be even more amusing if she didn't have clothes that made sure she was blushing at almost every second...

Then it happened. Ann said something about them having to go, to which Jake was going to make a retort about how he might be a bit slow. ONLY for Ann, male Ann. Starting grabbing him and shifting her around his body. It was both uncomfortable and made his face bleached with the color red. She just kept touching everywhere with everything and it sucked because it also felt nice and she felt violated at the same time for feeling such a feeling in a body that was not her own. Of course, that was when she realized it. He had the mind of a boy, yes. But she had the hormones and the body of a girl. If reality shifted that much inside the two teens, besides there thoughts, hormones were something that were out of there control, and seeing as she was not use to such hormones...

She wanted to hit Ann, herself and that clown all at the same time. But refrained from doing so when Ann managed to find a good way to carry her as she moved, his face far too close to hers. She could feel her cheeks warming again and silently cursed herself, before blaming female biology. Seemed like the best thing to do now. So, now Jake was clinging tight to the male body that in all rights, should be under his skin, but wasn't, trying to get rid of this infernal blush that would not escape her cheeks while also keeping a hand on her pants to stop them from falling, her chest however...

She was thankful that she could ignore it till they got to the shop, Ann explaining it belonged to someone she knew before proceeding to break into the place. "Should ask for a key if you know them. Much faster." Jake committed, silently waiting for the door to open, and when it did, she tried to race in yet only managed a slight fumble as she still had a ways to go to get use to the way her hips and body moved. At first she went right to the male clothing, instinctive, but upon realizing she needed some more... Feminine garments. She moved along to the female aisle. First she took a... Bra. And then took a few moments to find... Underwear.

Jake found herself shivering, feeling like a utter pervert yet knowing that this breeze feeling had to go, that and she'd be a even bigger pervert to go commando. Finding a style of boxer like female underwear, Jake took them and began looking at jeans, deciding that when he turned back, he'd need bigger jeans to fit himself in. So he grabbed a slightly larger pair of jeans and a belt, finally, she got a good t-shirt. "I'm getting changed so don't come to my booth." Jake called out to Ann, knowing the man who was once a girl would at the very least respect privacy enough.

Getting into said booth, Jake began her change, removing her current clothes with eyes closed, not wanting to stare at these foreign body parts, not wanting to not see what was missing. It made changing a little slower, but she had managed to get the undergarment and jeans on eventually, fastening the belt to her slimmer waist so that it wouldn't fall so easily. All that left was... Realizing her mistake.. She fidgeted on the spot and turned her head away from the mirror, looking up and towards the curtain. "Umm.. Ann? I need... I need a little help... Putting a... b... bra on. I don't know how..." Jake hated this even more then before, wondering how girls did this normally. Didn't they have anything easier then this stupid clip thingy? Maybe he should have watched more TV ads, cause at least then he could have learned anything about female clothing. The other thing was, he wasn't sure how to put this one without looking, and he really didn't want to look or have Ann look, mainly as he was now. Heck she wasn't even sure this stupid bra would fit. Stupid clown. When they found him, Jake was going to be sure to punch them in there stupid red nose.

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 19th 2017, 9:02 am

Johanna chuckled as Jake stumbled about trying to rush into the clothing store. It was times like this that he thanked whoever was responsible for his powers, as super balance was such a blessing in this instant. After watching the female scamper about, Johanna made a b-line to the female clothes, though this was done partially out of instinct, she was actually thinking in advance. When they found the clown and managed to undo whatever the hell it is that he did to their bodies, Johanna would go back to being a female. He’d be damned if he was going to put this suit back on after ripping it to shreds.  

So with that, Johanna looked at a few items that caught his eye, a black cut off top with a sheer window for the cleavage she’d get back, a pair of white skinny jeans, a black denim jacket and a pair of black canvas shoes. He packed these items into the green duffle bag and then proceeded to stuff a bra and underwear into the bag as well. It was while he was grabbing these items that he noticed Jake snag a bra off one of the racks and rush off towards the fitting room. Not that he had been staring or anything, but Johanna knew the bra Jake had picked out wouldn’t fit, and with a sigh he proceeded to pick out one of the appropriate size.  

Johanna would then make his way over to the male clothing. A sigh escaped through his lips as he perused through the selection, everything was so boring. Eventually Johanna just plucked a graphic tee of one of the racks and a pair of dark colored jeans, she also needed a pair of underwear for the mean time and grabbed a pair of boxer briefs. “Don’t worry, I don’t need to peak. Got a few good looks in already!” he jokingly replied to Jake asking him not to enter the changing booth.

With the girl out of sight, Johanna glanced quickly around the store before attempting to pull of the skin tight suit. It proved to be a chore and the sound of frustrated grunts filled the small store and Johanna wrestled with the suit, before eventually liberating himself from it. Johanna continued to vocalize his frustration with their current predicament as he slipped the underwear on only to find they were a bit snug, he exchanged their pair out for the next size up and found those too big and eventually settled on putting the tighter ones back on.

Johanna would eventually manage to slip into all the clothing he had picked out but still felt a mild amount of discomfort. This wasn’t his body, he missed his old body. No sooner did Johanna finish getting ready that Jake cried out for help once more. A small snort of laughter echoed through the small store as Johanna approached the booth. “This is just rich.” he said, brushing the curtain to the booth aside and moving into position behind Jake. His hand moved over Jake’s shoulder, the bra hanging from his outstretched index finger. “You grabbed the wrong size. This one should fit better.” Johanna cleared his through and moved his gaze towards the ceiling, slightly embarrassed with how much he had ‘examined’ of Jake’s feminine figure.

Once Jake had slipped the bra on and covered up her chest, Johanna turned her attention back to the boy and stared at him via their reflection in the changing booth mirror. He reached down and gently took hold of Jake’s hands and manipulated them in a manor to show him how to properly clasp the bra. The ashen haired boy knew not why he did this, but he was definitely embarrassed, and his hands were obviously shaking. Johanna quickly leapt out of the booth and slammed the curtain behind him. “You uh…You can handle the rest.”

Johanna let out a sigh and moved over to a seat that sat facing the booth. While he waited for Jake to finish he went back to fiddling with his duffle bag. After brushing his hands around the bottom of the bag, Johanna felt something he had entirely forgot about. Slowly drawing his hand from the bag, he produced a small baggie with a single white pill in it. His turquoise eyes fixated on the little pill….It could very well have been the key to reversing their fortunes.

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Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 19th 2017, 9:23 am

Jake was thankful when Ann came in and showed him what to do, but mostly remained silent, unsure what to say besides nodding. Heck, she even kept still and quiet as Ann moved his fingers around in an effort to show him how to do the clasp. He really was thankful, and mumbled a thanks as soon as the newly gendered boy left. Finishing off, Jake stared at herself in the mirror, where rather then a boy staring back at her, was a somewhat similar yet very different young girl. Hair longer and thinker, skin and muscle changed all over. He couldn't recognize the boy that was meant to be facing him at all. Didn't help that the clothing made her slightly better looking as a girl, the shirt just having enough of a V in the neck to show off more then maybe she wanted but not enough she had to worry. Even she had to admit that to herself. She looked good.

Leaving the booth, Jake's peached face had finally vanished, and she took a moment to admire Ann before looking elsewhere, noting she should really stop admiring. "While I won't lie that I look good. Or you for that matter of fact. We need to get our bodies back the way they were... I have a little theory that the clown might be watching us based on what it said and the fact that it seemed intent on seeing it's work praised. I'd say we'd have to draw it out by ether force or... Doing what it wants us to do." Jake finished, a little red returning to her cheeks before hopefully vanishing.

"I just don't know how to do ether of those. Got any ideas?" Jake perched herself on a seat, looking intently at Ann not in the admiring way but a professional way. She had to be serious right now, no more hijinks. That clown had to be watching them. Why else would it do this and then say such things. It was that or hope that the boy in front of her could come up with something. As much as she was getting use to this body, even liking it a little, she did prefer her old one. Lived in it far too long to simply forget everything it had. That and when she found Sammy, she'd rather not have him laughing his rocker off at her appearance.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 19th 2017, 9:40 pm

Was a good thing Johanna’s mind was so focused on the little white pill that he didn’t hear any of what Jake had to say, otherwise he might have blushed out of embarrassment. He nodded his head mindlessly in agreement as Jake spoke, though with her voice being blocked out it just sounded like rambling. “Yeah sure…yup….sounds good….whatever you say.” he said. The ashen haired boy’s turquoise eyes never shifted from the little baggie. The pill sitting inside was Johanna’s trump card, the ace up her sleeve. Wonder, was a strange drug that the old man she worked for had gotten his hands on, though he never said how.

It was to be used as a ‘break glass in case of emergency’ type deal, and right now was definitely an emergency. Just then something Jake said caught Johanna’s attention. If that creepy clown was somehow watching them, then Johanna couldn’t let him know what the pill did or her intentions with it. He quickly dropped the baggie back into the duffle bag and the looked in Jake’s direction.

“Your guess is as good as mine. How does one find or summon a creepy clown freak who get’s his jollies by swapping people’s genders?” He then rose from the seat and swung the bag over his shoulder. “One thing is for certain. We’re not going to get any closer to getting our bodies back just sitting around here. Let’s get going.” The young thief then made his way over to the cash register and picked the lock. It was hard to see what it was that he was doing, but if Jake knew Johanna as well as she thought she did, it would almost look like he was robbing the place. Johanna was in fact doing the opposite. Before they had escaped the bank, Johanna had managed to swipe a bundle of two of cash and in this instant she was slipping some money into the register for the things the two teens had commandeered.

After that Johanna would quickly exit through the back of the boutique and out into the alleyway. Once Johanna was back out into the light, or at least what light there was that filled the city at night, He reached back into his duffle bag and pulled out his web shooters and slipped them back over his wrists. “Alrighty time to go hunt down a reality manipulating psychotic creepy clown, no big deal. Just gotta figure out where the hell to start looking.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 20th 2017, 4:20 am

Jake got a little annoyed when the young man just mindlessly agreed with her, just stating to the world he was focused on something, which Jake was now focused on. A pill of some kind, and the way Ann was staring at it, it must have been something important to take up all of Ann's attention. Finally, when Ann did notice her, he started putting away the small bag with the pill in it and then he offered what Jake had hoped he wouldn't. Nothing.

"Yea..." She had to agree with the young man however, they needed to find this clown and sitting on there hunches doing nothing would be a waste of time. Jake followed the girl turned boy out into the alleyway, where he had put his machines back on his wrist. Jake took a note of there positions, just in case she ran into him again under different circumstances, but for now, she was just happy to nod her head to Ann's words.

"And I can finally jump now, so no more need for your hands on my body." Jake at first said the words with triumph, only to feel that her words sounded a little bit wrong and she had to fight back the urge to let out a small blush. Thankfully however, a cough could be heard down the alleyway, and in sight was a man, this man, who could easily be recognized as one of the guards from the bank, only with several colors splattered onto his suit, his face a rainbow with many shapes painted onto it. Still, his eyes held that same dead gaze as before, his stance showed no threat, only that he was there.

"Miss Piegatrice sends a message for the two who are changed. She wishes you well and hopes by the very end of the night, you have enjoyed your new selves. Where she will come for her well deserved thanks... Thanks... Thanks..." The guard would seemingly seep to his knees and fall onto his back, muttering the word thanks over and over again. Jake, looking a little worried for the poor man, also looked very confused and more worried for herself. As she herself began to mutter, estimating the time.

"If light was breaking just before we went to rob the bank... We're going to be stuck like this for a few hours..." Jake looked a little crestfallen. Stuck as a girl for hours? She had just began to learn how to walk normally and she could tell you it was not cool. Must have been worse for Ann however, mostly because of who he was, and having to wait to be who you are meant to be? That would suck.

"Well. At least he'll come to us... Just... Need to do something between..." Jake looked confused for a moment more. He? Didn't the guard say she? But that clown was... Bloody hell she was beginning to really hate clowns.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 20th 2017, 5:11 am

Johanna quickly entered a defensive stance as the sound of shuffling feet could be heard in the distance. At the end of the alleyway there was a silhouette of a man. The stranger coughed once as he approached and as he drew closer, Johanna could tell that it was one of the guards from the museum. The man’s face had received a very childish paint job, a myriad of colors and shapes came into view as the man was finally just a few feet away from the two teens. The young thief’s hand tightened into and fist, he was ready to strike, but then something happened. The guard spoke up, his voice was low and groggy, he was definitely not in control of his own body or mind right now.

After belaying the message the guard slumped down to his knees and slowly fell to his back. He just laid there mostly motionless as he repeated the word ‘thanks’ over and over again in the same dull tone. It was at this point that the girl, no the boy’s inner rage broke out once more. Johanna would become the destroyer of dumpsters as a loud roar of rage escaped his mouth and he began to unload on the metal container. The news was not good. The clown wanted them to be stuck like this for several more hours, that was a few too many for the ashen haired boy.

“NO! We are not waiting. We are going to find this freak and I’m going to pound his rainbow colored face into the dirt!” He barked. This was all wrong, no of what was going on made sense and the fact that it all started with him just trying to have a good time only made it worse. “Of all the fucking banks in this city, that lunatic had to be robbing the one a few blocks from where we arrived. UGH I can’t wait to get my hands on that jerk!”

Johanna’s mini rant was capped off with a low rumble of his stomach. He hand not eaten since the afternoon and with all the running around the two teens had been doing, the boy had worked up an appetite. “Ok….We get something to eat first….Then we go find that damned clown!” Johanna began to storm out of the alleyway not even bothering to wait or allow Jake the opportunity to protest.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 20th 2017, 5:59 am

Yes, Jake was understandably pissed. Ann? He was rightfully angry. Also, she should not become a dumpster in the near future. Ever. She actually began to worry that was in the realm of possibility. First being turned back into a young child, now she was a... Well she. Of course, it seemed the ways of transformation were... Different. Last time was the work of magic, she was quite sure of that. This time however... There were just too many things going on for it to be magic. Magic was simple. This... This wasn't. Nor was the clown.

Jake herself was try keep the calmest she could because she also knew someone had too. She sure as hell didn't like this, or the extras it came with, but she was patient enough to not... Murder the dumpster along with Ann. But of course, Jake was playing the long game. When that clown finally came back...

Now with the boys furious anger taken out on the poor and innocent dumpster, Jake realized that Ann had realized the true horror of being a male. And couldn't help but laugh, more giggle at Ann's peril. However small hunger could be compared to this gender shift. "So it begins." She spoke aloud as she followed Ann, a little skip in her step. If they were going to be forced into these body's for the next few hours. Might as well enjoy it... And heck, maybe she could learn a little bit more about Ann. Nothing says bonding like switching genders now does it.

She did glance at the mindless guard for a moment, hoping that his mind control would ware off in the next few hours, that or when this clown was defeated it would. Ether way, she could only hope when they came too, they had no clue what happened, and she found herself finding enjoyment in the idea of this man waking up covered in what he was, but managed to suppress the laugh that came with it.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 20th 2017, 6:34 am

Johanna’s fists were clenched the entire way to the nearest cafe, the scowl on his face a clear sign to everyone not to mess with her. It seemed to be working as well, as everyone seemed to move out of his way as he stormed down the sidewalk. These last two days could not have gone any worse, ok well maybe not yesterday, that was pretty fun, but this was shaping up to be a night the young teen would soon love to forget. Johanna’s pace would eventually slow down a bit to the point that he and Jake were walking side by side.

“You know you could at least be the littlest bit upset at this whole situation.” he mumbled as he took note of the slight smile on the girls face and her rather upbeat attitude that she had ever since they left the clothing store. The ashen haired teen led the girl several blocks away from the alleyway until finally coming upon a moderately crowded corner cafe. The outside of the quaint little cafe was lined with several tables that were occupied with happy couples and groups of merry friends. Their happiness made Johanna just that more irritated with their situation. Letting out a small fake retching sound as they passed a kissing couple, Johanna opened the door to the cafe and held it open for Jake.

Once they were inside one of the waiters approached them, grabbed two menus off of a small wooden shelf and waved for the two teens to follow him. Johanna and Jake were led to a window side booth. Johanna threw his duffle bag down on the booth and then sat down. He immediately propped his head up in his palm and let out a small sigh as he stared blankly out at the street.

Johanna was so lost in thought that he hadn’t even noticed that their waiter had already approached the table and had asked Jake what she wanted to drink. Finally his voice broke through and Johanna’s head snapped in the waiters direction with a slight look of confusion. “Oh…right! Um…I’ll have a coke.”

“I’m sorry, but we don’t have coke. We’ve got pepsi though!” the waiter replied.

Johanna’s free hand clenched tightly around the edge of the table at the news. If he squeezed any tighter and he would have torn a chunk of the table free. “Of course you don’t. I’ll have the pepsi then.” he said with a noticeably obvious annoyed smile.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 21st 2017, 2:03 am

Jake kept a giddy smile at Ann's discomfort. Seems the tables had been turned on who was feeling the most discomfort. Jake couldn't lie, she was certainly discomforted, she just had a good way of hiding that behind all this self amusement. That and Ann was being a help in being a very amusing boy. Of course that smile died down when they finally made it to the cafe, the sight of so many people bringing back a social fear that the girl had been keeping in. As if they could see though the disguise and see she was a boy in a girls body. Something she could never let down if it were to be true.

However her feelings were unfounded as they passed by, looking like a normal teenage couple.. Eurr. Friends. Teenage friends. Entering the cafe with a small curtsy towards Ann for holding it open for her, before being led around by a waiter towards a booth, Jake sitting opposite of the crestfallen looking boy. Before she could ask him anything, she was interrupted by the waiter, and ordered a sprite, before watching Ann take there order with obvious annoyance.

When the waiter left, Jake took the initiative, peering at the ash haired boy. "So. Seeing as we're going to be stuck together for a while. Why don't we just talk. Like... I don't know. Why do you do what you do?" Jake was curious about the subject. Of course he had some understanding. The thrill of it, the danger. But why did he do it, was what she wanted to know. Of course she was ready to not get an answer, he was like that she could assume his feelings and that was that he was annoyed, and her asking for his reasons might annoy him further, but she wouldn't know less she tried.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 21st 2017, 3:40 am

As the waiter had left the tableside, Johanna returned to peering out the window. His foot repeatedly tapped against the ceramic tile floor as they awaited the waiters return. Despite the anger that radiated off the boy, and the annoyed look on his face, Jake for some reason saw this as the perfect opportunity to try and have a normal conversation with the thief. No sooner did the petite girl finish asking her question, Johanna’s head snapped in her direction. “We are not a thing ok! We are not doing this. We are not friends. We don’t need to get to know each other.”

Johanna then turned his gaze back to the window. It took only a few seconds for him to feel terrible despite being that type of person he was. His head slowly turned towards Jake, the look of frustration had been replaced with a more somber expression. “Look I’m sorry, that wasn’t called for. Please don’t take it personal.” Johanna’s voice was filled with genuine sincerity. The ashen haired teen began to rub the bridge of his nose as he tried to clear his mind. He wasn’t made at Jake, there was no reason for him to be, and his outburst was uncalled for.

Before Johanna could open his mouth once again to speak, the waiter arrived with their beverages and asked if the two were ready to order. Johanna shot Jake a glance, he was pretty sure neither of them had actually bothered to look at the menu. That being said, this was Johanna’s neighborhood, and he had visited this cafe a few times so he was kind of familiar with what they served here. “Lets uh…Lets start with some cheese sticks….Two orders! That’ll give us some time to look over the menu.”

Once the waiter had jotted down the order for the appetizer he flashed the teens a smile and walked off. Once the boy was sure the waiter was out of sight his attention focused back on the girl sitting across from him. “I uh, I do what I do because I can. There’s really not much to it. I just really like stealing things. It’s fun when you got a power set like I do.” Of course this wasn’t the real reason, but he wasn’t about to tall Jake about his whole life's story and how his parents were the two biggest hypocrites in the world. “You know I’m not normally one to say this kinda thing, so Im gonna blame it on the whole genderswap thing and the fact that you seem to be really feeling yourself. But I can’t tell which version of you I like more. You’re kinda cute as a girl.” He said with a slight chuckle as his cheeks turned a light shade of red.

Johanna realizing what he had just said, quickly reached out for his drink and tried to change the subject. “So this friend of yours, the one that went missing. What’s he like? He a pigeon like you to?”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 21st 2017, 6:33 am

Jake didn't look too offended when Anna lashed out.. Okay maybe she looked a little hurt but she also knew that this was an inevitable thing to happen with the current situation. He was a angry person, a very easily angered person, to expect any less would be foolish. What was surprising however, is that in the seconds that followed, how Ann took a one eighty and... Apologized. "It's... No problem." She responded. She Didn't feel offended, she already accepted this was who the boy was... But this nicer personality is better. She liked it.

When Ann gave the order for cheese sticks, she kept her eyes on him, wondering what he was going to talk about. What came out was... Interesting, and Jake showed that interest, leaning in a little over the table before leaning back just as quickly. It felt short... Maybe it wasn't the whole truth, but she was okay with that. What came next however, had Jake hiding her face behind a turned head to the windows and a hand. Why the hell did he have to go and say something like that? She no longer found enjoyment in the discomfort of Ann if all he was going to do was say things like that.

But soon, Jake calmed down when he asked about her friend, Sam. Whatever embarrassment she had faded away. Sammy... What was Sammy like. "No... Samael is a cambion. A half demon. He's the son of a prince of hell and where there is a prince, there is a king. Understand?" Her voice was almost a whisper, loud enough for Ann, but no more. "And he is kind. He took me in when my mother went crazy for... Demonic reasons. But he is also... His dad, Malphas, prince of Ravens. Is an asshole, has tried killing me and Sammy, and I red punched the guy. He proceeded to break nearly every bone in my body." Jake clasped her shoulders and shivered at the memory. His arm had been broken by the attack, but in almost a second, his legs and other arm were smashed as he was kicked all over the place in an instant.

Wanting to move away from that subject, Jake looked to Ann, giving him a once over. "Talking about me being cute. You don't look so bad yourself." Then with a grin and a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Don't know if I like male you more then female you, however, could be the fact our minds are being attacked by hormones we are not exactly use too. Our bodies are very changed, certain things we think disgusting or confusing, our bodies will be trying to say otherwise. Heck, you might even be finding yourself in a predicament downstairs if your not careful." Now that was a hilarious notion to think about, almost made Jake want to repeat a little sneaky attack Ann had made on him during there first fight. Of course she didn't have a skin tight suit to zip down.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 21st 2017, 7:17 am

A silent sigh of relief escaped through Johanna’s lips as Jake seemed to take the outburst rather well. The boy took a few more sips from his soda before placing the half empty cup down on the table as Jake began to talk about her missing friend. So many terms were being thrown around in this semi casual conversation that the young thief thought they’d never hear. So Jake’s friend was a half demon like Jake but was called by a different term? The whole thing was slightly confusing, but the boy did his best to keep up with the story.

As Jake began to speak about the prince of hell however, Johanna perked up. Again, he couldn’t tell why, but just hearing about how strong this Malphas guy was really got him pumped up. *What’s with these odd feelings every time conflict is mentioned?* the ashen haired boy thought to himself. Ever since he had seen the online ad for the war goddess’ exhibit he had felt increasingly drawn to battle and these violent outbursts of rage. Sure they were typical behavior for the boy, the these recent ones were excessive.  

As Jake’s tale winded down, Johanna couldn’t help but find himself drawn into Jake’s eyes. They were sharing a moment, or at least it seemed that way from the outside and for once in the young boy’s life he felt legitimately happy. From the moment he found out about his parents, he had all but been bitter towards the world, but this, this chat or whatever you wanted to call it….It was nice. The whole world seemed to just slow down and for the most part it almost felt like there was no one else in the cafe except for the two teens.

Of course it was only a matter of time before one of them made the whole thing feel awkward again, and this time it was Jake. Johanna’s blushed face only grew redder as Jake fired back with a comment of her own about the boys looks. In typical Johanna fashion, the boy quickly flexed as a smirk appeared on his face. “Girl, I look good no matter what.” Just then Johanna’s attention turned to the waiter that had returned with two plates of mozzarella cheese sticks piled high.

“Have you two decided what you’d like to order?”

An embarrassed look crept onto Johanna’s face as he shook his head back and forth. “I’m afraid not. Sorry. I think we might be good with this though.”

The waiter nodded and offered the two a polite smile. “well in case you change your minds I’ll leave the menus with you. Just flag me down if you need anything else.” the waiter then gave a slight bow and then walked off.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 23rd 2017, 11:56 am

Jake could only offer a small laugh when Ann gave his response to her commit. At first she was getting to him, his face reddening. But if he could manage such a good comeback.. Then maybe he could stop complaining about it for the future few hours they had stuck in these bodies. Besides that... Jake did enjoy his presence. For what Ann was most of the time, stuck up, condescending and really brutish and vulgar. He... She... they were just interesting to talk too.

Of course, the moment had to be ruined when the waiter returned, something Jake had not even considered expecting because of the way the conversation went. She had no clue what she wanted, thankfully however, Ann had her back, removing the man while keeping them with the cheese sticks, which she was now just nibbling on to pass the seconds.

"So. When clown face is down, we got our normal bodies back. I guess you'll be getting back into selling your loot and stealing again? Less clowns interrupting hopefully." Jake asked, already knowing the answer to such a question, but maybe he'd add something she didn't know, maybe ask a question for her to respond too, of course, Jake assumed that he already knew what her answer would be if he was to ask the same thing, she'd go looking for Sam. But she was curious to know if he'd ask such a question... Or something else.

She was beginning to like forming these theory's on what the boy would ask and then forming preexisting answers to such questions should they arise. Such as her red vision, or maybe even her red punch, even if the boy only saw that for a second or two, and mostly it was activated and controlled on her fingers... Maybe he'd ask something more personal. It was a mystery, one she was hoping he would explore. Gave her more ideas who he was behind the persona of what she liked to call, 'the spider.'. Of course, he could opt to remain silent, or even ask a question she wouldn't be prepared for, but that... That she convinced herself, was all part of the mystery that was Ann.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 23rd 2017, 9:24 pm

Johanna joined Jake in feasting on the cheese sticks he had ordered. It was a good thing he had ordered two plates otherwise he was afraid there wouldn’t have been enough for Jake to enjoy. After downing a few of the mozzarella sticks, Johanna cleaned the oil off his fingers with a napkin and took another sip from his drink before he decided to answer the girl’s question. “Well I was only looking to sell the loot because there was no way I was going to get through customs with a duffle bag full of stolen goods. But since you were kind enough to help me out, I no longer have that problem. So I think I’ll keep it all.”

Johanna’s turquoise eyes locked with Jake’s. “There is still the matter of the bank robbery though. If Ronald McDonald still has the money with them, then we make out like bandits and not only get our bodies back but we get the score from the bank. If that clown doesn’t have the money however, well then I guess we’re gonna have to pay another bank a visit aren’t we?” the boy said with a devious smile.

Johanna retrieved another cheese stick off the plate in front of him and began to munch down on it. Amid all the chewing Johanna tried to think of a way to keep the conversation going. They needed to pass the time somehow, even though he’d rather be out there looking for the bozo who did this to them. Johanna thought about it for a moment. If they were going to keep playing twenty questions, then it was the boys turn to ask a question, but what?

There was an bit of silence between the two teens and Johanna downed a bunch of the cheese sticks before finally opening his mouth to do something other than eat. “So I already gathered you’re going to go after your friend. So I wont ask you about that…I’m more interested in those powers of yours. You always get hurt when you do that glowy thing with your limbs? Sounds like a shit deal if you ask me.” He was obviously referring to the other night when Jake used a finger to outright destroy the water tower, though it left the boy, now girl, pretty mangled afterwards.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 24th 2017, 10:02 am

Jake was actually surprised to hear the boys words on what his current goal was with the bag of artifacts. To keep them was something she had never even considered, because of all her interactions with thieves in general, it was about the money. But Ann was quite happy to keep the ancient things that had pricey gemstones embedded into them, because of what they were. She started to consider the boy a hoarder now... Or a rare antique collector that took opportunity's when he could, and sold them as a last resort. Jake had even started to think better of his thieving habits.

Right till they spoke about the bank, and if the clown didn't have the money stolen from the bank, moment they got new bodies they were going to be robbing a new one. Jake tried to give the boy a pointed look, but couldn't help but helplessly sigh. Guess she was wrong about them being a antique thief. Nothing old about money. Still, it was something new to learn about them. Most things told Jake someone stole they stole for money, but Ann stole to keep the interesting pieces of work. Wasn't making the act of stealing any more innocent, but it helped.

Deciding to take her own cheese stick, she gave it a nibble when Ann asked about her powers, her red energy powers mainly. Jake couldn't decide to laugh to themselves about guessing right or to be happy... or guarded. Her powers were not something she could easily explain herself, and she wasn't always sure it was a good idea... But what was the harm now? "It really is. But... The end result is good. Okay." She held up the three fingers she had broken to perform the feat of utterly destroying the water tower and some of the water inside, sending the rest into a short burst of rain. "With three fingers, covered in red energy, I can do what you saw, or if I used them on a normal person... Goodbye them. Heck, I used two to turn someone several times stronger then me into a unconscious lump." She offered with a victorious grin, before sobering up a little, remembering the pain that had come with each use.

"Of course... I could cover my entire hand in it, my feet... The end result is... Amazing. Entire buildings could crumble because of the surrounding force, whatever hit directly would become nothing but dust or broken pebbles, with a kick I could move fast enough to catch wind, or shoot up to a skyscraper in an instant... All at the cost of one of my limbs and a whole lot of pain... Luckily I heal in a matter of days.." Her voice softened. Yes this power was great, yes it could do all those things and so much more. But to use it every time was... It was horror. It was something she could ignore for only so long before breaking. Luckily, she didn't have to use it all the time, there fight with the vampires proved that much. If she had to rely on such a dangerous power each time she got into trouble, she was never going to get anywhere. So each day she fought, and each day she avoided using the cursed power. Was a win in her books.

"What about you? Got any unexplained powers you wouldn't mind sharing?" She gave a causal grin as she snacked on her cheese stick, wondering if the boy would share. Of course he was much more guarded then she ever was... But he seemed to be letting that guard down, and while at this point, Jake asked not to gain an advantage, but out of genuine curiosity. She wanted to learn more about him, much more.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 24th 2017, 9:10 pm

A devious smile crept onto Johanna’s face as Jake held up the three fingers she had used to destroy the water tower. The girl explained how much power she could put behind them with this ‘red energy’ she spoke of, and Johanna couldn’t help but crack an inappropriate joke. “You could do all that with just three fingers? You must be a hit with the ladies.” a small snort came from Johanna’s direction as he waved his hand as if to tell Jake to pay no attention to what he had just said.

Much like when Jake was describing his friends powerful father, Johanna began to get a bit hyped as Jake continued with explaining the full extent of her power. The young thief began to wonder if he’d be able to take a hit like that. After all, he knew he was tough, very tough, but he didn’t know the extent of that toughness. He had never found himself in a situation where his durability was really put to the test. Then again it was really hard to test ones durability when you were as agile as Johanna and could pretty much dodge anything thrown at you….Still the thought remained.

After finishing off another cheese stick, Johanna reached for his glass and began to think about Jake’s inquiry into what other powers the ashen haired boy had. Jake had pretty much seen all Johanna had to show, though there was still the bad luck aura that Johanna was vaguely familiar with, but did he really want to let the young girl in on all her secrets? After taking a sip of his drink, Johanna placed the empty cup down on the edge of the table for the waiter to see.

The boy gave Jake a shrug of the shoulders. “You’ve pretty much seen all I can do already. I’m super agile, extremely tough, and really strong. I’m pretty plain when it comes to powers I’d say.” There was a slight pause as Johanna wondered if it was worth telling a potential enemy all his tricks. Sure the two teens were sharing a moment with one another right here and now, and one could say that between last night and tonight, they had bonded in some way. But there was still always the possibility that the two wouldn’t always see eye to eye, and would probably be forced to fight one another again.

Johanna decided to put his paranoia aside for Jake, but would still hold onto it just in case what Jake said earlier was true, and the freaky clown was keeping an eye on them. “I’ve got a couple more tricks up my sleeve. Maybe I’ll tell you about them later.” He said, flashing the girl both a smile and a wink.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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