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A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

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INV ONLY A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Shadowoof March 28th 2020, 8:23 am

"Faster. Your body is a weapon. While we search, you will not stop running until we find something." The voice demanded, louder then normal. Penny often only heard it like a whisper when she wasn't holding the sword, but if it wanted to be heard, it'd be heard. And ever since she found out she could silence the sword... Well. She tried not too unless it mattered. The yelling after that was deafening.

"This? This is abuse!" Penny huffed out. She wasn't a long distance runner. In fact, she wasn't much of anything athletic. Before the sword, if she ever needed to run, she'd break towards the nearest climbable wall or alleyway and climb or hide until the danger had past. She was quick for the first twenty seconds. After that... "You know... I can't fight if I'm too exhausted to right?" She tried to reason with the blade.

It wasn't having it. She was unfit. Weak. She could hear the mutter of it's insults and she couldn't do much but inwardly seethe. Sword couldn't work with her for one minute? If it was going to be stuck with her, it might as well get over the fact that she isn't some knight in shining armor, ready to slay dragons and demons with the flick of her wrist.

Eventually the knot in her stomach grew too much for her to ignore, and she doubled over near a wall, resting a hand against it as she breathed heavily and quickly. It'd been a bit since she felt the pulse. She had lost track of the hour, but as soon as she had felt it, the sword had ordered her to find the source. Perhaps still a little upset over the vampire debacle, it needed to kill something. Or have her kill something and she wasn't sure she could ever be comfortable with that thought.

As if sensing her doubt, the sword whispered into her mind and she shook her head, brushing her red hair out of her face as she did. "What? No! I'm not going to run and hold you at the same time. I already told you that holding a large sword isn't exactly the most sane looki- Oh come on!" Mid talk, her eyes glowed a soft golden glow as the heavy weight of the sword was now in her hand, the tip of the blade slamming into the ground as she tried to catch herself, her arms creaked from the hefty weight just in the handle.

"Stupid sword." She glowered as she hefted the blade and hugged it to her chest to try and hide it, being careful to not cut herself open as she slipped into an alleyway, out of sight of any prying eyes. "You're too heavy!" Whining to a weapon that didn't care, the girl sighed heavily before stepping back, suddenly yelping in surprise as magic flowed through her body and out her feet, but what was normally a moments respite was a sudden return as the magic traveled back through her body and wracked her head like a drum. The pulse was quick. It was back the way she had come from, if a little to the left...

Gulping. The girl allowed the blade to drop back down to the ground with a metallic ping. Something was back that way. Something evil? The sword urged her forwards, and her feet followed despite the fleeting fear that shaped itself in her mind. Onward towards the hunt, the sword whispered. That was the deal.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Jett Lockwood March 29th 2020, 12:11 am

How long had it been? Days? Weeks? Months? Vae’ett’s mind and thoughts had been severely muddled since they had joined together. They could feel their sanity slipping every time a thought or memory came into their mind. It wasn’t their experience, it was His, no hers? Or was it both? The confusion was enough to drive any normal person insane. So what did it do to the human, demon, overseer hybrid? It drove them absolutely crazy. The only thing Vae’ett seemed to find any sort of comfort in was combat. Whether it was her getting beaten nearly to death and just barely squeeking out a victory, or her absolutely dominating some punk who deserved it, one thing was clear. Pain, pain brought the fused abomination some semblance of comfort and calmness.

It was this lust for sanity and calmness that drove Vae’ett to actively seek out opponents to fight, be they hero, villain or common street thug. All that mattered to Vae’ett was the pain and the overwhelming sensation of being themself in that moment that mattered. And, as had become routine, Vae’ett once again found themself in an alley way exchanging blows with a few muggers that tried to pull a fast one on an innocent couple.

Vae’ett intentionally pulled her punches. They didn’t want this fight to be over quickly. Instead they stood there, mostly still and allowed the thugs to take there shots. Each time their fists clashed with her flash and bone there was a surge of euphoria throughout Vae’ett’s body. “Harder you pathetic wastes of skin! HIT ME HARDER!” she bellowed. These punks were unfortunately not doing their job properly. Perhaps she needed to motivate them more. The thugs had backed up, confused expressions across all their faces.

Vae’etts voice turned to a low rumbling growl as the beating had stopped. “No…no…no no no no no nononononono NO!” They shouted. The fusions fists trembled with rage. And it became very clear to the thugs that they were in some deep trouble. The thugs began to scramble, but it was too late. Vae’ett had lost it. As they scattered in all directions, the fusion would thrust her arms to her sides, portals opening up in front of them, allowing her to grab hold of the thugs and drag them back to her.

Tossing the men to the floor in front of her, Vae’ett reared her fists back and began to pummel the men into bloody pulp. They only thing that stopped her assault was the loud clang of metal against the pavement and the approaching sound of footsteps. Her gaze would look down in both disgust and disappointment of the thugs. “Here comes a new challenger!” she whispered to herself in a happy little jingle as she wiped the thugs blood off her face. Her head would turn in the direction of the footsteps, in anticipation of sizing up her next foe. Perhaps they could be the one to satisfy her cravings tonight.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2020, 2:56 am

Despite what she wanted, the sword lightly dragged along the ground, metal and stone commiserating together in a brutal harmony. Yet the sound of thuds and squelching soon joined the duet. She didn't need the pulse to find that, nor the prompting of her sword to reach it. Soon enough she rounded the corner into a different alleyway, and like prey caught in a hunters gaze, she froze.

The thing was already looking at her. Penny was looking at her and everything around her. The blood that pooled along the ground of pulped men was both sensory and visible and already she felt sick. She shook her head, not wanting to vomit at her second... Whatever this was. "That... It reminds me... Why we hunt. Kill it. Hunter." The sword urged deep inside her mind, a quiet whisper that drove her to do it's bidding, and with a small gulp, Penny hefted the blade with both hands until it was facing upwards and towards the creature.

"I ah... Don't know if any of those men are alive... But I ask that you step away from them!" Penny called out to the demon looking creature... And now that Penny was focusing on her... Her eyes once more glowed a soft golden glow and she stepped back suddenly. Strength. Stone. Energy. More. This thing had a lot going for it. That scared the girl. But the sword's urge was stronger, and she stepped back in place, but it was clear by the way that her sword started to sway to the ground that she wasn't exactly ready.

Nor did she have the will to make the first move. She felt like she'd fall over and land on top of the blade if she dared to move first. "How can you be this pathetic. A street rat should be feisty. Not dull." The sword groaned into her head, and she glanced down at it, scowling.

"Shut up! I am trying to do your job." With quiet hissing, she flicked the side of the blade quickly, bringing her hand back to the hilt and catching it before she dropped the blade in front of a demon. "I'm going to assume you're a demon... I am... Ah... Umm... I'm going to kill you." Penny tried to hide the embarrassment of how long it took to say that from her face as she stepped forwards once more, but still clearly waited for the demon to move first.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Jett Lockwood March 29th 2020, 4:26 am

Vae’ett’s golden eyes focused on a thin figure in the dark. The initial impression was a let down. No way this tiny thing would pose much of a problem. Didn’t see like it was a threat either. Definitely not worth the fusions time. But then the light from the nearby street caught the blade of the sword the girl wielded. The thin figure was in no shape to carry such a weapon. She could barely lift it off the ground. Vae’ett would scoff at the girls first request. “Definitely not alive. Not after what I did to them.” Vae’ett moved away from the bodies.

Her movement mimicked a predator. Behavior that came from her demonic side. When she realized this, she froze in place. With a shake of the head, they tried to put themself back in the right mindset. “Not a threat. Get lost!” Vae’ett said in a low serious tone. The warning seemed to fall on deaf ears however. The thin girl seemed to be talking? To her sword. “Your job?” This interaction triggered Vae’ett’s memories. The relationship seemed some what reminiscent of what Jett and Vaedren had shared.

The fusion would let out a small groan as she gripped her head and nearly fell to the ground in pain. “Not ME! Not my memories! I….Im…” “I’m my own person damn it!” A loud rumble would fill the alley as the fusion slammed her fist into the wall behind her. Her other hand remained clenching her head as if the memories and identity crisis she was clearly suffering from, caused her physical pain.

“Take your toy and get out of here girl, before you get hurt. I’m sure you’ve got people who are missing you right about now.” The demon’s voice seemed soft, almost caring for a brief moment. Another sign of the conflict plaguing the poor things mind.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2020, 6:13 am

The girl's face scrunched together when the creature admitted that she had killed the men. With such little emotion. And as she got closer, the fight or flight within Penny went into overdrive. Had this been before, she'd have left before the demon had spoken a word. It wasn't her issue. But now?

She had been connected to a sword who's duty was to kill things. But that all fell apart when the demon that had been so menacingly walking towards the girl stopped and... Told her to get lost? "Don't listen. Don't think. This thing thinks you are not worthy. You found me. You're the only one who is." The sword poked and prodded. "Or I will make it so." It then warned, and she had to take in a deep breath.

Luckily, the demon didn't seem to be all there. With a show of force and what looked like their own internal battle, the young hunter stepped forwards once more, the blade looming towards the ground until the tip was nearly touching the ground, only to pause when the demon seemed to remember Penny was there, telling her to go. And with the most contrived reason too.

"Haha-" It came out almost involuntary. The laugh. People missing her? The only people who cared about her... Was no one. Sure, the homeless shelter can say all they want that they care. But you can't care for everyone. No. Not one cared for Penny. Not even the sword that claimed her it's wielder. "I've already died once and no one would have missed me then. Getting hurt is nothing. Besides. This is what I have to do now." Penny stated.

Looking down for a moment, Penny readjusted her stance, before heaving the blade to face upwards, keeping her hands near her chest. It wasn't much of a stance, but the girl looked a little more determined then she had when first appearing. So much so that she broke her own ruling, breaking into a run, she held the sword up high and brought it down towards the demon, the three runes along the blade lighting up almost as if in excitement. She could hear it screaming in murderous joy, so much so it hurt her and she had to close her eyes mid swing.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Jett Lockwood March 29th 2020, 7:20 am

Vae’ett would let out a loud sigh as the girl seemed to posture up for an attack. At this point, the fusion still considered the girl to be nonthreatening. The girl was so tiny, Vae’ett was certain they could push her over with a light sneeze. The sword on the other hand. It seemed to be the large driving force behind this poor misguided souls actions. Again this seemed to make Vae’ett think about the two souls that had joined together to form her. Another jolt of confusion to overwhelm the confused beast, which caused her to clutch her head in pain once again.

The brief lapse in Vae’ett’s attention and the warning she had spouted were more than enough to give the frail looking redhead the courage she needed to attack. Vae’ett’s golden eyes shot in the direction the girl was charging from, if you could call that a charge. Vae’ett had more than ample time to dodge, and so she did. Not electing to get hit by that sword just yet. Though, seeing as a fire had been lit within the young woman, this would be a wasted opportunity if Vae’ett didn’t size her up.

“Got a little fire in you. That’s good. But is it enough?” The fusion would taunt. Vae’ett would thrust her arm out to the side, as it extended a blade of energy would would extend around her hand. The frenzied hum of the energy would echo off the brick walls surrounding the two. “If you intend to attack me, then do it with a little more conviction next time!”

Just the thought of starting up another fight was getting Vae’ett’s blood pumping. That being said, she couldn’t shake this nagging feeling she had in the back of her head. It was telling her not to fight. Not to hurt this girl, and instead help her. “These arent my thoughts. Not my thoughts. I’ll do what I damn well please!” she mumbled to herself. Her gaze turned slightly towards the ground. She felt like disagreeing with the notion of helping rather than fighting was somehow morally wrong and it sickened her.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2020, 7:42 am

The crack of ground splitting, stung the girl. Both emotionally and physically. Her hands felt like they were jarred, her arms throbbed. She couldn't uncoil her fingers around the hilt of the blade and she opened her eyes to find it dug into the ground. Not very deeply, but it was still a testament of the swords own power that her meek swing managed what it had.

She looked for the demon as she struggled to pull the blade from the ground, the voice inside it had grown silent. But she could feel the anger radiate in her mind and even from the sword itself. As if it was quietly seething in anger and regret. The demon wasn't very far, and now a blade of energy hung off the creatures arm. She narrowed her eyes at it. It was treating her like a game.

The throbbing in her arms died down a little as the sword came loose and she stumbled back a little, catching herself and hefting the blade back up, getting back into her so called stance. "I got plenty of conviction now." She muttered, only to look as the creature seemed to be distant. She couldn't quite hear what it was saying... The blade suddenly spoke up inside her. Urging her to strike now. But Penny didn't feel that was right.

"Hey! Look at me while I try to kill you!" Penny yelled, hoping the demon would focus on her as she charged forward, repeating the same motion as before, raising the sword high. It looked to be the same attack, but the words of the demon spurred the girl despite arms throbbing and legs sore. She allow the blades weight to drop down by itself early, only for the girl at the last moment to thrust forwards with a lunge, right towards the center mass of the demon as the girl basically dived at the demonic woman.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Jett Lockwood March 29th 2020, 10:43 am

Vae’ett really needed to get her act together. All these memories cropping up, were really putting her off her game. And it seemed her would-be opponent was taking note. This was now two for two on the frail looking girl launching an attack while Vae’ett was trying to recover. The fusion would lift her gaze as the young woman announced her attack. Was she actually trying to warn Vae’ett? Whatever her motives were, the announcement worked in getting Vae’etts attention. A slight smirk would overtake the fusions somewhat anguished face as she saw what the girl was going for.

“Whoever taught you how to wield a sword, really sucks” The demon would say, seeing clearly through the young woman’s feint attack. She also hoped this would rile up whatever was lurking within that blade the woman carried. With a simple swipe of her makeshift energy blade, Vae’ett would direct the attack away from herself, positioning herself cleanly behind the scrawny red it. It would be to easy to just wave her hand and strike the poor thing down right here. There was no fun in that, and again there was that nagging feeling in the back of her mind that really made her question her morality.

Taking a few steps away from the sword wielding woman, Vae’ett would grip her head again, this was really getting old. Unlike the previous times, Vae’ett would not voice her thoughts and instead kept her gaze focused on the woman. If she wasn’t going to go for a killing blow, then the least Vae’ett could to was draw the fight out a bit. While not the same thing as experiencing the mind clearing elation as pain, being in a fight was a close second.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Shadowoof March 29th 2020, 11:06 am

That didn't work out well. "Ow..." The girl groaned as she rubbed her head, having collided with the wall after being easily deflected. The sword itself was now embedded into the wall and she let go of it, her hands stinging as it was.

Turning to face the demon, who seemed... Still out of it. Penny looked back to the blade and focused, asking the sword to just work with her right now. With soft glow of her golden eyes, the sword vanished, leaving behind a deep scar in the wall where the sword had been engraved.

"You know... If I don't die. I should actually do that. Train. I keep telling the sword that too but it just blabbers on about how I'll get better as I hunt. I don't think it has grasped the fact I'm just a ordinary girl yet, who doesn't know how to hold a stupid oversized sword." Penny spoke, raising to her feet and facing the demon down.

"Answer me something will you. And I guess you can ask a question in return. Did these people who's blood I'm standing in deserve it? Did they really? Cause as far as I know, they didn't stand a chance against you." Lightly smacking her arm to try and get some feeling back in it, the sword would grow into her hand once more, fingers wrapped around the hilt as she lifted the blade up at the demon. "Oh god I'm standing in their blood... One moment." The young woman bent over and gagged a little, before catching her breath and returning back to the stance. The sword had been silent since she had bamfed the blade away... Almost too quiet. Normally it'd be asking her to do something right now. Had she silenced it? That never happened in a fight before... Then again. This was only her second one.

Shaking her head, she instead waited in place for the demon to come at her. Attacking was clearly not working. Her defense couldn't be that much worse could it? "Come on then. I'd really rather not stand here all day."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Jett Lockwood March 30th 2020, 2:03 am

Vae’ett’s golden eyes shifted to the dead tugs as the frail woman asked if they deserved what they got. On the one hand yes they did, they were scum who preyed on the weak. On the other hand, a simple beating might have been more than enough to straighten them out. Perhaps the demon got carried away, or perhaps she did the world a favor. These conflicting emotions were really starting to get on Vae’ett’s nerves. This slight tinge of regret she felt, she knew it wasn’t her true feeling on the matter. No this is what Jett would have felt.

It sickened the fusion to the core that she couldn’t have any thoughts that were her own. Or rather, that she couldn’t got more than a couple of minutes without feeling a sensation she knew wasn’t hers. Her biggest struggle was trying to prove that she was more than the sum of her parts. Yes Vaedren and Jett may have pulled off a miracle and fused to create this creature that now stood before a pile of bodies and a would be demon hunter, but that didn’t mean Vae’ett needed to act like or be like them.

“Oh they deserved it alright. Nothing but scum those two were. Praying on the weak just to feel powerful, but then cower in fear when someone they cant bully comes along.” Just thinking of how weak the men were made Vae’ett lust for a real challenge. Some real pain to get her going. Maybe she’d take this altercation a bit more seriously after all. Maybe that sword could provide the kind of relief and clarity the demon was looking for.

That being said, she knew the redhead was trying to bait out an attack. Did Vae’ett fall for it? Did she fake ignorance just for a chance to feel…alive? Hell yes she did. The fusions eyes would grow wide, a slight twisted look of excitement overtaking her face as she mindlessly rushed at the girl. She left herself wide open for any sort of counter attack, or at least it looked that way. Vae’ett wasn’t dumb and she wasn’t looking to die. So she’d leave herself enough wiggle room to move out of the way of what could be a killing blow.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Shadowoof March 30th 2020, 5:35 am

Penny looked down at the unrecognizable dead men, she had some sympathy. Whoever they were... If they were to die for what they did, they didn't deserve to die without a fight. But considering New York. Considering the attitude of this demon who didn't seem all there. Penny took her word for it. They were scum. The girl had her fair share of assholes she wished she could have killed. She learned to run faster instead.

Facing back to the demon, Penny found it strange how she had first feared this thing when seeing it. Now... Penny didn't feel much fear. Oh it was still there, but it wasn't what drove her. Nor was it vengeance. She cared for a few things, thugs weren't one of them... And people died more then lived in this world. She knew that. No. She wanted to prove herself now.

Cause there was no way she could kill this thing. She knew it, deep inside. But maybe she could prove something. Even if it was just to this thing. She felt her grip tighten when the demon charged at her, but Penny didn't know how to move. It felt like anything she would do wouldn't matter. "Then do the unexpected." The sword whispered, it's silence broken, it's voice calm and cool.

"Keep your eye on the birdy..." Penny spoke as she raised the sword high, the target was almost too open, so Penny wanted to make her more open, swinging the blade down and forwards... And letting go of the hilt. As the sword flung towards the charging demon, Penny ducked low and dived forwards to tackle the demon around the waist to try and keep it still. If she couldn't swing a sword, she could at least let gravity do better then her, and hope her own body was enough of a distraction.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Jett Lockwood March 31st 2020, 4:53 am

The girl couldn’t be serious. Did she really think relinquishing her only means of offense and defense was a sound idea? Its didn’t help her case that she wasn’t that strong so the blade lazily hung in the air for what seemed like forever. Even with Vae’ett rapidly approaching, the sword seemed to hang in the air for an unnatural amount of time. The fusion took it’s eyes off the sword for a moment, to see that the frail woman was rushing right behind it. “Just what the hell are you thinking?!” The demon spat in confusion.

Vae’ett quickly found themself grinding to a halt. With a forceful swing of their right hand, their energy blade would clash with the flying sword and bat it away. No sooner did this happen, Vae’ett felt a light tap around their waist. Looking down to see what caused the sensation, the fusion would find the frail woman wrapped around her waist. It would be so easy to just drive the girl into the ground, or put the energy blade through her back, but the demon found themself holding back.

“If you wanted a hug you could have just asked. Though I’d have to decline!” Vae’ett would say, attempting to pry the redhead off of her. She honesly had to have known that her weight wasn’t going to be enough to move the fusion. She was lucky Vae’ett even slowed down to deal with the sword otherwise the demon would have ran right over the thin woman. With her one free hand, Vae’ett would forcibly push against the woman’s shoulder and push with enough force to free herself…hopefully.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Shadowoof April 1st 2020, 6:37 am

When Penny connected, she was rather surprised. Mostly relieved that she wasn't crushed underfoot, or that her own sword hadn't skewered her, but it wasn't long too know her sword hadn't done anything. With a forceful push that came along with several cracks, Penny was thrown back off the demon, sliding a few inches before coming to rest, slack on the ground, the girl breathed heavily, her shoulder burned, but it didn't feel broken. Just felt wrong. "That doesn't feel nice." She voiced, her voice tight and horse with breath as she slowly sat up and looked up at the demon.

"So... Any reason I'm not dead yet. Cause I'm almost fifty percent sure you could have stabbed me... Jeez how strong are you? Like a vampire or something? Also... I was hoping to surprise you. I guess. Did I at least do that?" Penny groaned, shifting to her knees and placing a hand on her shoulder. It felt out of place... She could fix that. Better then getting a bill she couldn't pay. Heh. Speaking as if she was walking out of here.

Staring at the sword, she watched as it vanished with a golden glow, and in doing so, she got up to her feet. She was worn out. Very sore, tired. She held her good hand out, the sword appearing in it from thin air, but as she gripped the hilt, the weight of the blade came crashing down and there was nothing she could do to stop the blade flipping and clashing against the ground, her arm dragging down as it did, and she struggled to lift the blade, before eventually giving up and letting the hilt drop with a loud clang. "Well. The sword is giving me the silent treatment. And I can't even hold it. Go on then. I tried at least. Don't say I didn't." The girl pouted, her hand ripping the band that kept her hair tied up off, allowing it to flow free down her back. If she was to die. She wanted it to be with her hair down.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Jett Lockwood April 2nd 2020, 6:43 pm

Vae’ett would extend her arm so that her bladed hand was pointing that the frail girl. “You aren’t dead yet, because there’s no point.” The fusion would let her arm fall back to her side, the energy blade fading slowly away. Vae’ett would let out a sigh. Another night wasted. Not one fight she had picked served to entertain her. Not only that, but all the pain she had sustained was all but recovered from. She’d walk over to the wall opposite her handy work, the now dead and unrecognizable thugs from earlier, and lean up against it.

“If I were you I’d get out of here while I’m still feeling generous. Unless you want to try for round two. Also if I were you, I’d ditch that sword. Nothing good will come of hanging on to it.” The fusion wasn’t quite sure why she was trying to give life advice, but she certainly wasn’t in the mood to kill the girl. Again, there was no point. She wasn’t much of a threat to Vae’ett and she didn’t seem to be a thug or criminal of any kind.

She’d give herself a sort of internal shrug. This was definitely one of those moments where her thoughts and desires conflicted, but she’d let it slide. There was no need to keep fighting…At least not for tonight. Vae’ett had gotten her fill. That was to say if the redhead heeded her advice and left now. A fight would be unavoidable if she decided she wanted to keep going though.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

Post by Shadowoof April 5th 2020, 2:54 am

This thing. Demon that looked like a woman. Whatever. Made no more sense to Penny then the moment the girl had laid eyes on her. As she waited for the death of a being born of the vile abyss and hells the sword had so oft promised, the more she realized that perhaps it was as wrong as it was when it came to the vampire who had saved her before. She looked down at the sword, knowing that it at some level, could tell what it was she was thinking, and she asked it to prove her wrong. Asked it to prove why she was here, fighting a demon that perhaps didn't need fighting. That perhaps what it called vile and evil needed to be narrowed down.

Sure, the demon had killed people. People who may have deserved it, and maybe might not have deserved it the way the demon had done it. Yet when it came to Penny, the girl with the sword and the threats to kill her, the demon did nothing. In fact it tried to help her. Told her to ditch the sword. Run. Despite the girl having threatened to kill the demon from the moment they met.

It was safe to say, Penny lost. "I don't think I'm able to do a round two... Hell. I've given up on killing you. I can't. At best I'd just hope to nick you." The girl admitted her defeat. A surge of cool air flowed over her skin when she did, but she ignored it, instead willing the blade at her feet to vanish, expecting that golden glow. It however, didn't. Odd of it, she thought, but shook away the sight of it, looking back to the demon.

"Don't think it'll disappoint you too much. But can't drop the sword. It saved my life. And I made a promise. I might talk about the terms of what is vile and evil with it... But my life for it's mission. I have nothing to go back too. This sword is everything. And I fully expect to die holding it. Just not today it seems. And hopefully not soon." The girl stated, beginning to turn from the sword and the demon. If it wanted to stay... There... It... Why was she so tired? Tired beyond the exhaustion of swinging a sword uselessly over and over...

"Simmer now, hunter... This isn't over yet." The voice whispered, and before Penny realized what was happening, the girl slumped. A couple of seconds passed as she remained on the spot, before she let out a hissed breath and brought her good hand to her bad shoulder and gripped it hard, before righting it back into place, letting out a low hiss as she did. Turning back to the demon, her golden eyes were glowing now, but rather then the faded golden glow that quickly vanished like before. This glow was constant, and brighter.

Stepping back to the sword, she picked it up with some relative ease. It still looked quite heavy for her, but her lack of strength from before was gone. "It pains me to thank you. But credit is due. You made her so envious. So wanting to prove she could hit you... She exhausted herself." The voice that spoke was the girls, but like an echo, a resonant, masculine voice spoke moments after hers. As if using her to speak yet still able to be heard.

"It has been a while since I've puppeteered a body. A last resort when the hunters grew too tired. This pain Penny moans about is not comparable to the tearing of muscles... You wanted a round two? I can give it. And don't worry about harming the girl. If she dies... There is always another who will pick me up. Perhaps they would be fair easier to control. And this one will just be another body under your vile claws." Gripping the sword in two hands, the possessed girl charged towards the demon, cleaving the sword left to right at the creature before entering into a series of swings. None were trained, if more so then the girl had been, but they were the swings of something that had seen battle before, and knew what to do.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: A hungry prowler and the not very good hunter (Vae'ett)

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