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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Silus June 29th 2015, 2:35 am

The phone rang and rang, but Silus would eventually answer it. Silus learned a long time ago that when someone called him...they were generally in trouble. That being said, unless he saw "Matt", "Victor" or "Gadreel" on the phone he didn't bother saying hello. Primarily because the second he pushed the answer key they were freaking out about something or other. Well that and Victor was right next to him at swim practice, enjoying the lack of conditioning they had to do because they were in the top three fastest students. Silus reached over and pressed the answer key and brought the phone up to his ear. Being that this was a non-registered number in his phone he assumed that he'd answer politely. "Hello!?" Silus asked with his usual chipper tone, though he tried to not let it known that he was otherwise distracted at the moment by the rest of the swim team. Not sure how effective that'd be because of the whistles singing in the air and the coach yelling at the other kids for being too slow.

  So Lucius was calling him? That was actually entirely expected for some reason. Thought it explains why earlier this morning he drew a picture of Red Tide with a phone to his ear with a bunch of horrifically hellish looking creatures in teh dark and looming background. He also drew a picture of Matt training a polar bear at the circus, though that didn't seem very likely. "Uh yeah...yeah sure just...just say where." But just after that the phone line clicked and went dead. "H-hey wait! Where!?" Silus quickly shouted, Victor looking at him with an arched eyebrow and a little smirk of amusement playing his features. Silus hung up the phone and twisted it before punching in a code to his self-made app and started to trace back the signal. Though apparently Hector got an upgrade, because it was advanced enough to crack and center it. Silus mumbled under his breath about Hector being good at his trade before resorting to good old fashioned thinking about where Lucius would be.

  Okay. So when I painted that image there was a different guy there. So...let's say that If I were Lucius and I had someone there with weird demon stuff...where would I be? He sounded kinda worried...shaken? concerned? Do tough guys like him get those things? So either this guy was tryin' to hurt him or was someone he didn't want to see die. Well Lucius kinda doesn't seem the guy to call for help from strangers 'cuz he's got dat pride... Okay so. If I were ten years older and ambiguosly evil where would I be? His mind began rapid firing ideas around, eventually he decided that if he were Red he'd feel safest in his lab. Then he just had to find where his lab would be. If I had a lab...I'd put it in a place closest to where I was molded into the person I am today. A reminder of my failure, forever. A reminder I'm not worth loving, that I'm not worth saving. So where would that be for him? His eyes widened before he closed his eyes and cleared his throat before looking to Victor and smiling before waving and walking off to the locker room. Removing the goggles from his forehead he swiftly removed the swim cap and threw a towel over him before putting on a shirt, throwing his jeans over his shoulder with his towel. He then would grab his hoodie and void walk away while he was still in his lonesome.

  His target would be Red in New York City, the place that molded him. Now it was time for the artist to meet the scene of the sculpted piece. It might not take long for him to search all of NYCs underground, or all up Zell...but he'd be there soon enough, appearing from nowhere as he looked about at all the high tech lab equipment, and then to the screens and then finally looking for Lucius. Silus would set his pants down on the nearest available surface and finish drying off his legs quickly before putting his jeans on over his swimming suit and then drying out his hair completely, acting as if nothing was awkward or unusual about this at all. Then he took the towel to the floor and dried up his footprints.

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Shadowoof June 29th 2015, 2:52 am

Shadow continued to look around and about as he waited, the man seemed to be doing something and he called himself Lucius. So now Shadow knew his name but why did it sound so normal compared to his. Shadow, Lucius, Dark. Huh, now he thought about it he sounded a little weird. When Lucius was done talking Shadow would walk towards him and tap him on the shoulder, a question in mind. "Hey do you know what these flames are? Dark said that their my hellfire flames. But I don't know." Shadow would wait for an answer before going back to sit down and wait.

After some time a kid Arrived who began to get dressed after drying up. "Lucius who's this?"

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Red June 29th 2015, 6:12 pm

"I'm just as clueless as you are." Lucius said in response to Shadows question. That wasn't really something he could tell the boy. He had no idea about any of it, he didn't know what the Revanants were, he didn't even know if the thing inside the kid was a demon. For that reason he called Silus, but, that of course wasn't the only reason. There were questions he had, about all that had happened. And in all honesty he needed someone to talk to, someone to...confess to. It was all eating away at him, and Silus seemed like the only person that could ever understand.

Then Silus showed up.....soaked. It looked like he had just gotten out of a pool and didn't bother to dry off and change before coming there. Though Lucius didn't really care, it was a bit awkward. Lucius just stared at him silently until he was finished drying himself and getting dressed. Silus then started mopping up his footprints with the towel he brought. Which was, sort of appreciated, i suppose.

"Glad you could make it....though, you didn't have to jump right out of the pool." Lucius said just kind of ignoring Shadows question. Now how to explain this......

"Anyway, about the...situation i mentioned. It's about the boy over there. At first i thought he had dissociative identity disorder, but now, now i believe its a bit more on the supernatural side of things. The....demon that is apparently residing in him utilized the boys shadow manipulation to appear to me, you were the first person i thought of to call." Lucius said, trying to sum things up as quickly as possible. Sure he was leaving out some details, but he didn't have all day. If they needed that information, well he could just bring it up later.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Silus June 29th 2015, 10:50 pm

Silus giggled at hearing Lucius comment about not having to jump out of the pool, but didn't pay it any heed as he tried to formulate what exactly he needed to do here. Apparently an individual suffered form Dissociative Identity disorder manifesting in the form of Multiple personalities. The first thing Silus thought of was that this person had a serious medical disorder, but if that were true that means that Lucius missed something. He didn't miss things very often, except when he did. Then the things he misses turns him into a monster and he proceeds to beat himself into submission before a Dei ex machina saves his sorry ass, and Silus' own in turn. Then again that was kind of fun. You know what, he genuinely hoped that this was all some kid that was just flat out crazy now.

Silus was slightly disappointed when he heard the comment about a demon residing in him. Awe that took all the fun out of it, well that's if the kid really did have a demon in him. That was apparently up for Silsu to appraise. You know what this felt like? In all honesty this felt like a reality show, like the one with the store where they called in friends that were experts to appraise an item. This kid was about to be appraised by Silus, who was the expert. Actually that was a pretty accurate description on his entire life up to this point. He walked over to the other man whom stood there and his eyes narrowed and his mouth opened slightly as he seemed to be looking over him in a bit of child-like curiosity and wonder. He finally walked up to the young man and tapped him on the shoulder before motioning for him to lower his head. Once he hopefully did so, Silus would stand on his tip toes and start sniffing the guy. Yeah it was weird, but demons and dark forces had their own unique smell, it was a small gift that came with being such a great occultist. After several short sniffs and then a long sniff, and the humiliation of looking like a dog, Silus turned back to Lucius with his lips pressed into a line, but drawn out into a semi smile. He shrugged and put his hands into his pockets before looking to Lucius.

"Yeah he's definitely a demon. Supernatural. I could explain it in scientific terms you'd understand but...that might take a while. Demon. Did ya need me for anything else?" He asked, still beaming his little smile as he looked around, obviously quite interested in the surrounding lab. He finally turned back to the demon-boy and then stuck out his hand. "Oh wow, I'm so rude. I'm sorry. I'm Peter. Peter Pan. Disney messed up the movie about me...I know." He said with a giggle, using one of his many pseudonyms in his introduction while trying to play to a small bit of humor.

Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Shadowoof June 29th 2015, 11:29 pm

Shadow watched the young kid with curiosity of his own, he stood to the kid and lowered his head when he asked, feeling a little weird when the kid had sniffed him but it gave him time to think, the demon which Shadow guessed was Dark's other name apparently Lucius wanted gone and the other word. dissociative identity disorder, what did it mean. Then the kid was done and he spoke of he's a demon, did he mean Dark or did he mean Shadow himself. The kid wouldn't know.

Then the boy spoke again and said how he was rude before calling himself Peter pan and something about movies and Disney. "Um, nice to meet you Peter, whats a Disney.. and a movie?" Shadow would ask and if Peter gave a reply or not. The shadows would move about as Dark took form using them, a hand on Shadow's shoulder.

"Thanks but I already knew I was a demon kid, even old human here is a Revanant.. or at least. I think he is." Dark would say with his demonic voice before giving off a small laugh. "This all Red, you send a fairy to try and exorcise me? Heh, and here I thought you were just a good actor.. No.. You care for young Shadow here." Dark would taught the man before looking to the kid, bending over a little to just bring a I'm bigger then you feeling. "You think you can destroy me kid? A demon born in Darkness, made before light. Or at least I'm one of the many demons that claim to be so. Could be we are all just pieces claiming to be the original. WHAT DO YOU THINK." Dark would yell as more shadows came to him to make him bigger all before he reeled back in laughter. Shadow just remained silent though the whole thing, his head remained down in fear. But it brought a question, for the word Demon sounded evil, and if he had something evil then was he evil?

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Red June 30th 2015, 12:16 am

So Silus would do his thing, literally sniffing out the demon in Shadow. It looked rather odd really, and just made things even more awkward. Lucius just sat their, arm leaning on his lab table as he waited for the verdict. Silus came to the conclusion that Shadow did indeed have a demon.....then asked if that was all. Lucius had hoped Silus would know he wanted him to get rid of it, or at least do something for Shadows memories.

"....I already figured he had a demon, i wasn't asking you to simply tell me what i already knew. His mind is and i quote 'broken', and i want to know if there's anything you can do for him." Lucius said with a bit of irritation in his voice. Not even Lucius knew why he was helping Shadow, but he was. He didn't like to see him like this, devoid of all that he previously was. Lucius just hoped Silus could actually do something.

Suddenly the shadows swirled and took shape once more, forming a pseudo vessel for the demon. The entity would then speak, trying to taught Lucius but failing miserably as he just ignored the words and watched. It seemed this demon had no idea what it was dealing with, trying to scare Silus by enlarging itself. Lucius couldn't help but crack a smirk at the whole thing. If he knew Silus, he knew this was going to be entertaining.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Silus June 30th 2015, 1:51 am

Silus cocked an eyebrow at Lucius and smiled a little at his irritation. He was going have to address that. Shifting his hands back he placed one hand over another and put them back against his head as he crossed his legs and just kind of stood there in an unrushed and nonchalant fashion. "Well you can never be too sure with things like this. There's many kinds of demons, there are many things that claim to be demons and aren't. There are people who claim to be possessed by demons and aren't. There's a wide spectrum of what it could be.... you guys just throw the word demon around like humans throw around "metahuman" to embody everything." Silus said, trying to put things in perspective to Lucius, in a small way rationalizing what exactly Silus was hoping to accomplish by stating the fact Dark was a demon. Dark then proceeded to try and grow in size in order to belittle him, to talk down to him. Unfortunately for Dark he had no way of knowing what exactly Silus was, or what he had such a vast knowledge of. Demons, revenants and all forms of dark entities were a dime a dozen, after all...he was Lucifer.

Silus looked to the demon. Was it seriously trying to intimidate him. He closed his eyes as his smile grew wide and he let a little chuckle out his shoulders moving with it as he was unable to perfectly contain his funny bone. His humor had been tickled in a way that only "die hard" villains could tickle it, because only they would be dumb enough to do things like try to intimidate him. Exercising his power he actually squatted down and Dark would find itself in a very, VERY unwelcomed position. You see, Shadow himself was literally transformed into a puppy and Dark? You can guess what followed. It was confound to the form of a puppy as Silus reached over and began to scratch behind it's ear.

"I think you're grumpy and need a nap.... Lucius and I just came back from beating up the Primordial of all evil less than a week ago. Since then I've face off against the Eldrithch of Darkness, the Eldrtich of Maddness, and I've gone to dinner with a Daemon as it tried to steal the declaration of independence because he saw it in a movie." Silus said with a little boyish chuckle, still trying to pet the little puppy. "I've taken apart the very fabric of the tapestry you know as reality. A grumpy little thing like you.... you're just a puppet on some lonely little strings my little Gwumpy Demon." Silus said the last part sort of pouting before letting the puppy go and then snapping his fingers and returning both Dark and Shadow to their regular forms.

"I didn't catch your name...What was it again?" Silus asked Shadow before looking back at Lucius and shaking his head a little. Hopefully Silus would be able to get the other kid's name. "Well unfortunately...we can't split them." Silus said as he looked to the creature, his indigo eyes seeing all as he sighed. There truly was nothing he could do for this man. Well there was something he could do...but nothing he was able to do without making his father mad.

Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Shadowoof June 30th 2015, 2:20 am

Shadow watched and waited patiently, the small kid seemed to be talking of a few kinds of demons until he did something and soon, Shadow was closer to the ground then he expected and when he looked around he saw Another very black, very deranged canine looking Dark. They both sat their, Shadow too freaked out to do anything and Dark somewhat annoyed that the shadows were formed into this small form until Finally Peter turned them back and spoke that nothing could be done. And All Dark did was laugh.

"Sounds like you had fun. Sadly back in my old day I wasn't confined to being shotgun in a humans head. Your quite powerful indeed, if I won the battle with those two I would have been more. Even some of the old demons were less then me when I had a host. Almost everything was mine but I swindled it on terrorizing the humans of this rock. Funny, how being confined from your power makes you nothing but a shadow of your former self." Dark would boast his own power or would be power to the young boy and he didn't care whether or not the kid cared. He remembered what he did, what he was. It almost made him saddened at the state he was, nothing, stuck, powerless. He roared in anger before dissipating the body that was simply made of shadows. Nothing less nothing more.  

Shadow looked for a seat as a seething pain went though his head. Then Peter asked for his name. "It's Shadow." He would say before thinking of what was happening.

Cheer up chump, why don't you let little old Uncle J take over? It will be a hell of a ride. The voice came though Shadow and he stood up to look for it, it was new yet familiarizing, like he had heard it before much like he heard Lucius's. Come now. We're one in the same you and me. See your just memory shocked, let me show you what we are. What the other two ain't. Let me show you what A Revanant is." Shadow tried his best to ignore the voice and sat down again, tempting was the word. Almost alluring. But Shadow didn't know what to do anymore. He was too scared to do anything.

Last edited by Shadowoof on July 3rd 2015, 1:48 am; edited 1 time in total

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Red June 30th 2015, 4:29 am

Silus would explain to Lucius what exactly he meant by demon, in terms he could understand. He could see that sort of thing happening, after all, just as Silus said humans did the same with meta humans. Lucius showed that he understood the boy with his mannerisms, then that aspect of the conversation was dropped. What happened next was pretty comical, and even more extreme then Lucius had expected. Silus literally turned shadow, and the demon, into dogs. That was the thing about Silus, he could make anyone, no matter how high and mighty, eat their words instantly.

Funny as it was, Lucius didn't express it beyond a mild chuckle. After all he knew that was coming, and he knew from experience that once Silus changed them back dark would try to recover from the shame of it all with another speech. Though he was right about that, he heard no speech. He saw that Darks shadow mouth was moving, but no words came out. It seemed Silus had relieved both of their ears of the burden of listening to it all. Then Silus told Lucius the cold truth, they couldn't split Shadow, there was nothing they could do. Now Lucius had a choice to make, and the decision was quite clear. He couldn't deal with someone like this, Shadow was at least thirty different kinds of fucked right now.

"Shadow, could you stand over there for a moment." Lucius said pointing to a spot on the floor nearby. What shadow didn't know was above this spot there was a teleportation device. If shadow stepped on the spot, Lucius would activate it, which would beam the boy to a roof somewhere in Chicago. Once that was done, Lucius would continue to converse with Silus.

"Now that we have that out of the way......  I have some questions for you. First of many.." Lucius said before swiping a few times on the holographic computer screen in front of him, pulling up a full body X-Ray of himself. Silus, of course, would notice something very wrong with it.

"Before that escapade, I'm quite sure my organs were in their proper places."


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Chellizard July 2nd 2015, 4:51 pm

Shadowoof wrote: Entai's Dad was my bitch when I had a host.

Entei's dad is Chelle's dad; which makes him my NPC because Entei chose to use my character's dad as his dad. Therefore, stating your character made one of my NPCs YOUR bitch is not going to fly.

Edit your post before this thread moves on.


Thread can move on now.

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Silus July 11th 2015, 8:59 pm

(OOC: While Chelle's dad may not be his bitch...Chelle's dad will always be OUR bitch. The one we hold in our hearts forever....okay I'm done. Sorry lol)

"Ask away, mon ami effrayant" Silus said with a little giggle as he took a seat in mid air, folding his legs like that of a little Indian boy. Silus did in fact realize that the pieces to this puzzle weren't quite in the right spot. Silus blinked as his little head cocked to the side, indigo eyes adorned with elevated eyebrows that screamed confusion. He was actually concerned as to what he had done. Of course then his escapades with uncle Roz came to mind and Silus remembered the day they went to the doctors office and Rozmer hid his heart from the doctor. Silus' lips curled into a little bit of a smile before looking to Red. "Oookay..the organs were fine...what about the muscles though?" Silus asked, probably trying to make light humor of the event to mask the shock, though his voice displayed his shock well enough.

"Well...have you made any blonde guys mad at you? About six foot something tall. Has brown eyes, likely had a cigarette or a lollipop in his mouth. Purple glasses and played it cool?" Silus asked, immediately associating this event with good old uncle Rozmer. Of course if that wasn't the case then they had a very serious threat on their hands someone with Rozmer's power set walking around with the patience and lack of discipline as an omniversal was probably not a good thing. "Uhm..okay. Well that's the only person I know with a power like that....uhm... We uh- we can fix. that no problem. I just wanna know who did that to ya" He said, slightly baffled as he let a little shrug while his hands were still clasped on the shin areas of pants.

"Aaaaand you said the first of what's next?" He seemed enthusiastic enough to answer questions, though he couldn't help but remain there floating like a fae, sitting on air itself like a sagely being trapped in an eleven year old.

Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Shadowoof July 11th 2015, 10:04 pm

Shadow simply stood their with a little shake while he waited until Lucius had asked him to move to a spot. Moving over he would think of why he was asked to move before he saw Lucius press a few buttons and he was gone or more, Shadow was gone. On top of a rooftop he didn't know and he darted around looking for Lucius but he was alone, again. Look at that, Luci abandoned you, you thought he could help you? Oh you were so wrong and this just proves that I am the one you should trust. Do you want to remain like this? Scared, unknowing. Alone. I can make it all go away and be replaced with better things. Just let Old Uncle J in. The voice spoke again and as Shadow thought about it more and more the voice made more and more sense, he didn't know anything and the voice was right. The only person who he thought he could trust just sent him away because he couldn't be fixed.

...Ok." Shadow would say and then he was no more. The body fell limp as a new mind took over, back in the reigns like he was all those years ago. Standing Shadow looked to his hands and lit them on fire, the pain from the hellfire was strange but welcomed and he adsorbed the flame back into his skin, watching as his charred hands healed with the flame gone. "This is a Wonderful day to be made, full of fear and cry's." Shadow would declare as he walked to the edge of the building he was transported to and looked down, a man stood below him and with a crackling laugh, Shadow jumped off the building and fell till he landed on the man feet first. The crunch of bone could be heard from both party's and Shadow looked to his feet that were being covered in shadows to heal. The man he fell on would have a broken back right now. "Thanks for catching me lovly but I have things to do. Family's to murder, flesh to eat." He would say crazily to the man before walking down the street, his mask forming over his face as he tuned a corner to a busy street. "Fun." Was all he would say before spending the next hour lighting the streets ablaze in hellfire. Listening to the screams of all those that fell victim to his blaze.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Red July 12th 2015, 1:23 am

Silus would say something in french, calling Lucius both terrifying and his friend. It was an interesting statement really. Lucius supposed they were friends at this point, for the lack of a better word. As for terrifying, Slius never really expressed any amount of terror for anything, at least in Lucius' presence. Perhaps the boy was just recognizing that to some Lucius could be considered scary. Regardless, they moved on to the topic at hand. Lucius just ignored the comment about muscles, he wasn't exactly in the mood for jokes. Silus considered it, likely thinking over who could have been responsible for this. A question was then asked about a specific person, which Lucius chuckled at.

"I have made a lot of people mad at me. But no, i don't recall anyone matching that description." Lucius said swiping at the screen once more, removing the xray from it. Lucius hoped Silus could fix this, because he didn't understand it, and it could cause god knows what to happen. Yeah he was alive, but with stuff like this happening at this rate he wouldn't be for long.

"Well, if you know how to fix it, then please, get to it. As for the other topics of discussion..." Lucius said returning to his chair and sitting down before grabbing his glass and then taking a drink.

"I met someone while i was.....well, dead. I believe he was responsible for my resurrection. He reminded me of you, the way he talked and held himself. I figured you might know a thing or two about him." Lucius said as he pulled out a desk drawer, removing a sketch pad and flipping through it. He would then show Silus a very detailed sketch of the man he saw, really it looked almost like a photograph.

"Do you recognize him?" Lucius asked. This would likely lead to multiple questions, but Lucius supposed they had the time. There was so much he didn't know about what had happened.

"What are you Silus? What is he? You're beyond anything i have ever seen.....and he reunited me with someone i cared for years ago. How? Are you.....angels or something? I never thought i would even consider the existence of such a thing, but after all i have seen, I'm willing to believe." Lucius asked. He had visited the question many times, but never got a straight answer. He was a curious man, one that hated not understanding things, so he hoped he would get something satisfactory.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Zell July 12th 2015, 6:35 pm

"Oh errrm... yeah in order for me to do it I'm gonna need a bucket. Or like a wastebin or somethin'. Have one I can use real quick?" Silus blinked and looked about for a moment, inquiring for something he could use. Lucius would likely point him in the right direction of a wastebin or lab bucket. Either way, Silus had what he needed now. Quickly Silus used his void walking ability to tear open teo small rifts, each one allowing him to reach through the back of Lucius' chair and into him so he could swap the organ and muscle back in their propper places. The unfortunate side effect of this was having to do more than one void walk. Which lead to immediate soul sickeness. Thus Silus had the buckets, because as Lucius then proceeded to show him a sketch, holding it there whle Silus had his head in a bucket throwing up his lunch.

  Heave after heave Silus threw up into the bucket, Lucius sitting there like a poorly scripted video game character. Silus, head still in the bucket, reached up and took the sketch with a free hand while he released his last hurl into the bucket. Coughing and eyes watering Silus looked at the drawing a moment, then wiped hims outh with it and dropped it into the waste bin. Then he'd wipe his eyes with his sleeve and blink before sitting back and claring his throat. He then held up a finger to signify he needed a second before he placed his finger on the table, dragging it down and revealing lines of paint. Because of his inherent skills, as well as his practice, Silus quickly drew a detailed bottle of Listorine and then pulled the two-dimensional object into existence. Opening the bottle he took a mouthfull and began to swish it around before gargeling and spitting it into the wastebin/bucket thing.Aaaahhh...okay, sorry. He added in, a sincere apology to making him wait. But it was that or vomit breath while he talked. Resuming his indian styled floating he'd address the question at hand.

 "He resurrected you!? I- that's awesome." Silus said, elated that he could finally twist these words to his advantage. "I've never seen this guy before in my life." Silus said truthfully. What? Don't look at him like that. He had seen someone who looks LIKE him, he had seen someone who is that person's manifestation in this reality. He had NOT seen THAT SPECIFIC PERSON before in his life. Silus may not be Fae, but they accept him as one of their own for a reason! No it has nothing to do with slurs or his messed up family. "We should totally look for clues...did Sin have anything that would be useful in trying to figure out who he was?" Silus inquired, hoping to lead Red in the right direction without direcly betraying his daddy's trust and direct, specific instructions. Red then decided to have a moment wher ehe went on a tangent and started asking if they were angels and things of that nature. Silus just smiled and sat there, levitating in air with his strange cross-legged sitting.

 "I'm Look you should really stop with those kinds of questions. That's just an invitation for trouble, for both of us. I can tell you that even though my name is Lucifer, I am not an angel and I am not a demon or anything between them. I'm...I'm just Silus. Just me. It's a long, complicated explanation's just best left at that." Silus said, trying to get Lucius to drop it. Okay actually he was trying to hook Lucius into it, he wanted his warnings of danger and his reluctance to pull Red in more and more. Unfortunately Silus' very nature made him good at teasing and tricking people into getting where he wanted them...which was generally deep inside a plot that would make them better people... or that would knock them down a peg on the ego meter. In this case he was trying to do something altogether different.

"Angels are very real but...I'm not one. You should totaly go look for angels! Think of all the stuff you'd learn from them!" Silus said with a form of childlike enthrusiam in his voice, slightly straying from the topic at hand. That one wasn't intentional...he was, after all, just a child.

Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Red July 12th 2015, 10:40 pm

Silus said he needed a odd request but it was fulfilled either way. Luckily Lucius had one nearby that he had been using earlier. He quickly grabbed it and handed it to the boy, who got to the whole organ switching business. Lucius was confused as to who did this and why, as it had no apparent effects, but he was glad it was being reversed. Lucius felt an odd sensation in his head and chest, and in an few moments it was done, presumably. The reason for the bucket then became apparent, Silus heaved into it, discharging a large amount of puke. Lucius just waited quietly for him to get done, which was tedious but Lucius did well to hide his impatience. Silus was an odd kid, really, but for some reason Lucius found himself amused by the boys odd and slightly inappropriate actions.

After Silus washed his mouth out, he finally got to answering Lucius. So it turned out Silus hadn't seen this person before, or at least that's what he said. He didn't take Silus for a liar but Lucius was almost sure they were somehow related. Either way, the conversation moved to the more important question. This time Silus didn't even answer really, he just told Lucius he shouldn't trudge into that territory. Lucius was almost insulted by that, but more so frustrated with the situation. You see, this mattered a lot to him. Not only had the impossible happened, but he was reunited with someone he believed to be dead. Blood Tithe had thrown Lucius' past up in his face, and it was almost to much to bare. He didn't know what to think, he just wanted to understand it at the very least. Perhaps then he could figure this all out, perhaps then he could decide what was next. Lucius just clicked his jaw, the calm before the storm. He got up slowly, set his chair aside, then went off.

"Oh, that's really funny. REALLY HILARIOUS SILUS!" Lucius said before he flipped the large lab table that was easily three hundred pounds, and it went quite far considering Lucius' human levels of strength. He frustratedly kicked equipment and pretty much toppled everything he saw, and at one point punched the wall. This wasn't in any way supposed to intimidate Silus, but he had to release the anger somehow. It filled his head, making him literally hot. It wasn't something that he could control, at least not all the time.

"IT'S LIKE I'M REALITIES CHEW TOY! THIS ISN'T A GAME! MY LIFE, MY EMOTIONS, THEY AREN'T TO BE PLAYED WITH BY YOU OR ANY OF THE OTHER SUPERNATURAL TORMENTORS LIKE SIN OR THE ONE WHO BROUGHT ME BACK! I swear, the universe is just laughing it up at my expense! It dangles fate it front of my face, it screws with my mind using the only person i ever cared about, it uses my past to try to get to me. WELL WHAT IN THE HELL DOES IT WANT?!" Lucius said, very aggravated and pacing back and forth, lashing out at random objects as he did. By the time he was done the lab was trashed and the bucket of puke was spilled on the floor. Lucius finally decided to calm himself, breathing heavy in quick pants with bloodshot eyes as he leaned against one of the still standing tables. In a few moments, he stepped back to his chair and pulled it back under himself, sitting down as if nothing happened.

"....I'm....i'm sorry. But you have to understand what this means to me. This is my life, and there are obviously supernatural forces pulling strings in it, but it feels like they aren't there to help me, there only there to punish me. Heck, maybe i deserve it, but if that's the case i wish he would have just let me die." Lucius said, his eyes full of grief but soundly holding back any kind of tears. He then removed a bottle from his pocket, one translucent so you could see there were two pills inside. He held this out, showing Silus.

"I've been considering something....... Ever since i left the hospital i haven't slept, i just stayed awake staring at that bottle. But you know what, she was right, Blood was right. I'm such a coward i can't even take my own life. I have no reason to live anymore. All i have is grief, anger, hatred.......guilt. It's to much Silus, it really is. Why was i so important......why did you try to save me? And why did that man bring me back? Why are there so many people that want me alive? ....I'm a horrible person, a.........a monster." Lucius said, pausing to rub his face.

"...I, i hurt someone, someone you know of. I don't think you understand truly what Blood Tithe was, what sins he was made up of. Silus, i've killed thousands, women....children.......Ryan's mother..."


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

Post by Shadowoof July 13th 2015, 4:08 am

The sound of sirens could be heard, both police and firetrucks doe Shadow wouldn't know. He just heard rather loud sounds that started to annoy him and they were closing in quite fast. Still, he was having lunch for the first time in a long time and it was his best cooked dish by far. Soon enough, the sound of sirens came close enough that Shadow could guess they were on the same street as him and that itself was confirmed when he looked up to see a car in-front of him. The doors opening to show two men, both hoping out and pointing their guns at him. "Freeze. You have the right to remain silent." One yelled to him and Shadow looked up to the man only to see a look of horror. The top of his mask still covered his face but the bottom part was gone and in it's place was a charred leg. Now that he thought about it, the meat was a little overcooked. Standing, he ripped the leg away from his mouth and started chewing on the burnt meat.

"I don't see a reason to remain silent.. Whats with those sticks in your hands? I want one." Shadow would say as his mask grew over his face and the officer fired his weapon. The bullet bounced off Shadows skin but it stung like hell and it ruined his blood soaked shirt, he spent time making it that drenched in blood. "That was rude. I was just trying to help, can't you smell that lingering smell of burning flesh. It covers the foul smell that was before." He would say with a laugh before pulling some nearby fire over and sending it at the two. "I also like the sound of screams... Sadly they die down after a bit." Shadow would declare as he walked over to the screaming officers and picked up one of their weapons. The shell was melted and it began to burn his hand from the heat that remained on it. "i need to learn how to aim. Sending large fireballs was fun.. but I wanted to know what this was." He would say in disappointment before walking back to his leg. The other cars with obnoxiously loud noises arrived.

J. Listen. I know you don't remember a lot but can we just take a break from this? dark would plead with the Revanant but only got a mocking laugh.

"it's Shadow now. maybe even Shadowolf... nah that won't stick. Shadow it is and Dark.. I have forgotten a few things but I haven't forgotten you or what I can do thanks to you. Thanks by the way." Shadow would say before sitting down and looking at his leg. His head looking up to the uniforms that stood opposite to him. A large smile hidden from their view by the mask arrived. "More... Please more."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Changed Men(Red And A now Silus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changed Men(Red And A now Silus)

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