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The Awakening [Silus]

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The Awakening [Silus] Empty The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Alpha February 20th 2014, 6:46 pm

Shael glowered at the food that sat upon plate set before him, a strange mass of black substance placed upon the plate. ”I am not eating this.” Shael grumbled sniffing the food and then turning his face from the food, as if he were looking upon some sort of….thing upon his plate. At the moment the male was taking on his younger form, so the sight of a twelve year old glowering at food was…somewhat adorable. Fera however sighed deeply, and sat down at the table that was arrayed with the food, which for the most part did look disgusting. Perhaps she was trying to make some kind of steak but that did not go well at all. It was burnt to a black crisp and radiating a strange looking black smoke that smelt horrible without superhuman senses.

”You are going to eat it.” Fera said simply raising a fiery brow, as if somehow she could force him to do so with that look alone. ”I spent around an hour making this damn….thing.” She found herself spitting, though Shael just pressed the plate away with the back of his hand.

’I’ve eaten dead things better than this.” Shael muttered growling lightly, crossing arms over his chest as her turned away. ”Make it over.”

”No. Eat it.” She growled as the two found themselves locked within eye contact, emerald orbs meeting with onyx orbs. This would go on for about a minute or so until Fera simply gave up with a great shrug. ”This is the last time I try to make you waffles.” She grumbled crossing arms over her chest as the tan male leapt from his chair and looked through the dusty window that light within the dingy apartment. The sun was still set, and yet one could see the sky line slowly beginning to light up with the rising of the sun, a slight amount of light that was more than enough for Shael to see. ”Just go out and hunt.” She would say with an off handed gesture.

The young male was dressed in what looked like a simple white t-shirt and pajama bottoms, though when the shift came that did not matter. All of it seemed to blur together as he took the form of a hawk and with a window opened, the animal took off into the sky at an amazing speed. Wings would flap as he soared about, wind whipping past him as he let the feeling of freedom wash over him. It did not take him too long to reach what looked like the outskirts of the city, and then what looked like a forest, trees bunched together in a wonderful array. Swooping down into the dense place, Shael instantly shifted into a wolfish form, predominantly a strange tan color with streaks of black and the odd silver.

A moist black nose sniffed the air for the scent of his mother, which did not come up and then he darted off, for perhaps the next most inviting looking bit of game that would catch his eye.

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Silus February 21st 2014, 2:29 pm

.    . School wasn't for a little while now, Silus didn't need to worry about homework, he didn't need to worry about how to dress himself, but he DID need to worry about getting a shower and changing into said clothing. With ample time to spare, he noted that Yancey leapt onto Silus' bed in human form and hugged him, nuzzling in close and letting out a warm and happy hum. Silus' face turned red, no matter how many times this happened it felt weird each and every time. Mostly because he wasn't sure the intentions behind the gesture. People simply were not nice or friendly to Silus... and then you mix in the silver wolf saying things like "He's got a thing for you" which makes Silus question such friendly actions, especially ones that require skin contact...which 98% of Yancey's interactions required him to be rather close and or touching Silus. Hocus of course simply dismissed it as the child was fond of having another being his age, and the boundary issues stemmed form the inability or rather, the unwillingness to recognize and distinguish the difference of the forms when interacting with his Alpha. This was most likely the case, seeing as in his human form Yancey still liked to slide his tongue across Silus' cheek and pant occasionally...but somehow remained MOSTLY normal around the others.

   Silus fixed his mop of hair and stood up, looking to the poster of Girl Alive! and then then placing his hand to his night-stand, withdrawing a dart and snapping it, sending it flying. It would have struck the blonde male in the eye, like Silus so loved to do, but the adorable little Yancey shot up and clamped his jaw shut, snagging the dart mid-air, falling backwards and head first off the bed. Silus shook his head at the doltish little wolf before throwing his feet over the side of the bed, and heading for his closet. A black wife-beater, a black long-sleeved V neck looking thing and then a large zip-up hoodie jacket that was a lighter brown. He left the folded perfectly, and stuffed them into his backpack. While he would absolutely LOVE to shower here, his family (whom hardly ever slept) chose around this time for them ALL to take showers. Of course, Silus being the last one born is the last one washed, and he was behind Jordan...the Water-Dragon-Demi-God...whom loved water. There were times he had the time to do what every other person in the world could do three times over before getting out, only to be anxious for this evening shower. So now, Silus and company took showers at the High school when nobody else was about.

    He looked back over to Yancey whom used his arms to prop himself up and crab-walk in until he could push off his back and put his upper body back on the bed with his lower body. Silus rolled his eyes and threw a tie-dye tee-shirt at the boy, pelting him in the chest and then throwing ratty torn jeans and a pair of boxers at the boy. "C-can I not see this please?" Silus whined. The physically fourteen year old human nodded apologetically and shifted into a wolf. taking the clothing in his mouth and placing them on Silus' backpack. After packing everything away, Silus took to the fridge, withdrawing strudel pastries and popping them into the microwave. The oldest male of the house, Lock walked in and placed a hand on Silus' head, offering only a smile as he began to cook food for the remainder of the house. Silus genuinely liked Lock, he was so quiet, and he was so thoughtful that it made Silus envious that the intelligent Ethereal Elect wasn't an actual relative. After devouring his strudel like it was nobody's business, he turned to Yancey whom shook his head. Silus rolled his eyes. Welcome to spring...I.E the season of hunting for food. Of course Silus would oblige and they'd take off immediately, giving Yancey enough time to get them there and hunt.

    Yancey was off on his own. Well not entirely, the pure white wolf standing about three feet tall as he sniffed the air, wondering if Silus was coming along or not. Yancey took of, darting once Silus was in sight, knowing that the blonde-brown haired boy would be perceptive enough, or at least use his telepathy to reach him. He decided to be a little bit braver, and venture out just a little farther, before he caught a strange scent. His tongue lulled out of his mouth as he began panting and his tail wagging. It was a new scent, it was unfamiliar to him but somehow appealing. Probably because you could smell it was obviously a wolf... but it smelled Ethereal too, and a tinge of Human. The smell was like Hocus, but also like Silus to an extent...smelled a little more exotic? Rare, that was probably the best word, if not the previous. Silus started with a desire to run, but it quickly faded when he found himself in unfamiliar territory. This part of the woods isn't a place he and Yancey had traversed before. Meaning something was leading the young pup on a crash course.

      Silus cringed at the thought of Yancey following his nose. The last time he did that, it turned out to be a black-bear and it didn't end pretty. They ended up having to nurse both Yancey and the bear back to health. Of course the bear wasn't to blame, but Silus refused to let Yancey turn into lunch. But here they were again, Yancey following his nose into certain danger. Silus sighed and took a deep breath in, sprinting as fast as his little legs could carry him, which was nowhere near as fast as Yancey, but he was running at least. He made sure to regulate his breathing as he ran, but ended up falling short just because Yancey had yet again taken off. The wolf-pup's eyes lit up with excitement as he closed in on his moving target. He ended up letting out a howl of warning to the creature, before running for it.

The Awakening [Silus] Lucife10
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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Alpha February 21st 2014, 2:48 pm

Shael’s ears perked up slightly at the sound of something moving within the forest, a strange sound that was akin to something crushing fallen leaves underfoot…or hoof to be exact. Nose began to take deep drags of the air around him, the smell of deer and something else entirely catching wind of his nostrils; though deer took priority. Running faster than thought possible for a wolf, he became a blur within the forest and fell upon the poor deer that did not even see him coming. Teeth tore through the delicate flesh of its neck, blood spurting as it smacked him in the face and ran down the fur in rivulets. Flesh tore apart within his teeth as the wolf greedily began to devour the carcass, a sort of primal nature running through his mind like wild fire as he ate and ate.

The deer expired quickly as it continued with the feast. However it only really took the strange wolf cub around half of the young buck to fill himself up, yet the blood was coating him, mostly around his mouth though some if it reached the rest of his body. It was then that another strange scent could be smell, along with one that was strangely familiar. Peering from the kill his tail began to wag, for some reason he smell his uncle and that excited Shael greatly. In a spring he would run towards the source of the scent, a blur amongst the woods once again as he came upon the young Atterrius following behind a strange wolf. Pausing within the clearing the cub slowly trotted forward, eyeing the whitish wolf with a certain hesitance, as if unsure how to approach it. It was with Silus, so that meant it would probably not pose any harm to him, so long as they did not see the wolf with a blood soaked mouth as threatening.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Silus February 21st 2014, 9:59 pm

Yancey growled as he saw Shael with blood. To which Silus walked up casually, smelling a familiar feral scent just barely. He smiled and waved happily, which caused Yancey to do a double-take. Seeing the other wolf as a friendly, Yancey barricaded himself in a thin invisible light shield and plowed into the wolf, hoping to knock him over and then barrage the other wolf with his tongue. Silus just giggled at what he saw Yancey attempt to do, bringing a genuine smile to his face. This event right here was just another testimony that Yancey had no idea about boundaries.

    "Shael, meet Yancey.... Yancey this is Shael." Silus introduced them as he chuckled at the pup's attempts to lick the other wolf to death...or submission, which ever came first. Meanwhile Silus took himself a seat on a felled tree, likely age or winds or some junk knocked it over. He looked to his watch, the purple hue on the horizon-line could barely be seen through the trees, but it was clear that light was coming soon, to which Silus pulled at Yancey. "It's not to be mean, but you should eat. We have school soon." Silus instructed, the white wolf whined as he attempted to give Shael one last big lick before running off in search of food, finding a fallen deer, turning back to look at Shael, perhaps as if he were asking permission. With his answer he would dine... be it upon the remainder of the carcass or new game he would quickly find and capture with his light energy.

     "We got school soon should come with us, we're leaving after Yancey's eaten. He'll sneak us in before school.... I know I need a shower...and he needs one too.." He offered up, seeing no real way that Shael could get back home and get ready all over again...especially, if Silus recalled correctly, the little guy liked to sleep. In truth he was easily fast enough...but this way he could walk with Shael and Yancey, let them get acquainted  and they could hang out a little before school, which always made Silus' day just a little bit brighter....and no, not because of Yancey's power.

The Awakening [Silus] Lucife10
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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Alpha February 21st 2014, 10:23 pm

The growl that emanated from the small wolf was viable to him even at this distance, though that seemed to change when Silus walked up to him with a rather friendly wave. A large pink tongue dangled lopsidedly from Shael’s mouth, a slow panting issuing from the wolf. He did see the wolf coming, but that did not mean he would be able to react, okay he could have but just did not. From what he could tell there was nothing threatening within how it was running towards him, granted the whole being tackled to the ground was somewhat annoying. Then came the assault of the licking wolf, which seemed to lap up slightly over the blood that was caked within his fur. The wolf would flail slightly, but not enough to push the rainbow wolf from him, though eventually event hat ended.

One last lick was given before Yancey found himself being dragged from Shael, who was now slightly soaked in the saliva. In search of food the white wolf would look to him as if asking for permission, and Shael saw no problem with it, so he nodded and let the wolf go to town on what remained; which was a considerable amount of flesh. Watching that for a moment Shael would assume his humanoid form, though what changed was that instead of the clothing that he was wearing before, now he was in the usual attire. A black t-shirt and cam-pants that trailed a little past his ankles, though he was now within his slightly older form the one that he took for school.

Wiping away a portion of the saliva from his cheek with the back of his hand, Shael still looked rather messy. Blood was caked around his mouth, and of it was sticking around his neck, overall looking disgusting. ”We dooo?” Shael found himself grumbling lightly, crossing arms over his chest as he pouted lightly. However the thought of seeing his friend Jordan was more than enough to really inspire him to go to school. ”Okay.” he said spontaneously as if just accepting the fact, one finger nail growing into a talon and Shael using it much like a toothpick to pull a few stray bits of meat from his mouth, before flicking it away.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Silus February 23rd 2014, 1:33 am

"Alright. Yancey, you ready?" Silus asked. The wolf manages somehow to turn into a near-red wolf form all the blood. He looked like he had found the dead deer and rolled in it before eating it. Silus cringed and simply led them to the School. Though in truth it was Yancey's photokinatic powers that assisted them. Yancey created a little paper-air-plane looking construct of light and Silus stepped on it. Yancey would use his cold nose to nudge the little fleshy creature of a human towards the plane. Once everyone was on it, Yancey would render them all invisible to the public eye as they flew off towards the school. If Shael had chosen to take the photo-plane then he'd soon find himself being licked by the white wolf whom continued to sniff him, interested in the scents he took in. It was when the Photo-plane touched the school-grounds that Silus would proceed to Nether an Aether things up, rendering the three of them intangible as they snuck through the walls undetected. (+2 Shael and +2 Yancey Intangibility. One post: Spells)

   They slipped (or at least Silus and Yancey) did, making their way through the school. Assuming Shael would follow of course. Silus found himself dazed off a little as he held not only his backpack, but his clothing bag as well. He began to wonder how quickly today was going to go...time seemed to drag the hell on some days...he hated it. Stupid humans and their time-keeping. They couldn't just be ageless like Ethereals...had to do stupid stuff like keep time. Silus sighed as the thoughts left his head and they reached the gym locker rooms. Silus meandered his way back into the back, twisting the shower handles and letting steam fill the area. He quickly shed his shirt and took off his shorts before laying them on the bench, then looking around and shedding his underclothing and hiding himself under a towel as he walked back towards the shower with a sense of haste, laying out a set of clothing for himself when he returned. Yancey looked to Shael as if he were expecting him to wash his face off. Regardless, Yancey himself shifted, and being that he wasn't wearing anything before the change, he didn't really wear anything now. Thinking nothing of it the slightly younger male walked off into the steam, the entire front of him caked in blood like it was mud.

    "Hey Si...c-can you help me, I can't reach my back." Yancey whined, his deep blue eyes shimmering as he looked to Silus. Silus rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. Yancey smiled and turned around, granting Silus freedom form sight as he handed his loofa to the dog-boy.  "Y-yeah! Thankyouthankyouthaaaaankyooooou!" Yancey chanted with a giggly and euphoric voice as his foot tapped off the tile flooring, like his leg would if he were a pup. Silus finished his shower much faster, quickly covering himself and walking out to change, only needing to dry for a moment. Yancey however then ran across the room and turned on multiple showers on hot water and aimed them all towards himself, where he sprawled out on the ground and sighed, rolling about like an animal. Silus heard this as he slipped into his new boxers and scoffed as is dampened hair slowly began to dry, wiping the residual wet form himself before slipping on his shirt and socks, followed by pants and the same old hoodie-jacket.

    "Trying to get him to act like a normal person is gonna be tough." Silus muttered before realizing he hadn't seen Shael. Had he been that lost in thought? "Yo Shael... are you gonna wash your face? Y-YANCEY GET OFF ME!" Silus snapped as he lunghed forward, the dripping wet blonde standing there over him with a perplexed look. Silus threw up a towel for the boy to dry off with. Instead Yancey took to his wolf form and shook violently, the water aiding in the prismatic under-effects of his white fur. For a moment he was a rainbow pup before returning to pure white and reforming into a human form, placing the towel on his shoulders and holding them there.

    "I'm super man!"
    "No you're annoying and naked. Get dressed!" Silus said as he stood up, emptying the contents of the bag on the bench.

    "DO I haaave tooo?" Yancey whined, giving off a pouting look. Silus ignored him and walked off, obviously used to the little wolf's antics. Yancey slowly and grudgingly slipped on the white briefs and the jeans, wearing a white shirt and a dark blue jean jacked over it, running his hands through his blonde hair, walking up and passing a mirror. "I make this look good....for a wolf." He mused with a shining smile before happily trotting out to meet with Silus, whom was probably about to head to study Hall...where he would have to sit with Matt and Shael.[/color]

The Awakening [Silus] Lucife10
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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Alpha February 23rd 2014, 2:01 am

So now it was time they go to school, or whatever it was that humans called it. All he knew was that it was something that he was forced to do over and over, for around five days, then they had two days off before continuing the cycle once again. Looking to the white wolf, he took note of the deep red color that his white fur had been soaked, as if the male had rolled around in the deer’s carcass for a while and then decided to actually in it. With that done, Yancey would create a nifty little construct that was like a paper air plane and when everyone was on it, the plane would take off through the air, though Shael felt like he could have just flown there himself. Winds whipped through the messy black hair that was nestled atop his head as he looked down over the city that was zooming by underneath them.

While it was not as fast as he was used to, Shael still liked the great view that was afforded them, and being invisible did not hurt anything at all. Upon touching the ground, Shael would find something washing over him, a strange malevolent energy that sent a weird sensation coursing through him. It did not take too long however for him to notice that he was intangible and so Shael would make use of this new little gift that was placed upon him, however that chalked up to him following Yancey to wherever he was going. The tan skinned face was still framed with the dark colored blood that was slowly beginning to dry, creating a rather horrifying visage for anyone that was unaware of the innocent mindset of the male. Where they were leading him he was not really concerned with, but it was somewhere.

Soon enough however he recognized where he was, which was the locker room where there were some showers to wash yourself in. So that meant that Silus was likely expecting him to clean in here, and that was fine with Shael; even if he preferred a nice stream instead. Quickly it would seem that the little boost faded away, and that left Shael once again tangible within the locker room, onyx eyes darting about looking over everything. A thin veil of steam was rising within the area as the sound of water made itself apparent, well more apparent to his enhanced senses anyway. Everyone else seemed to take their clothing off, and Shael was more than aware of what was expected when taking a shower, so that was what he would do. Removing the shirt first, the male then worked on the pants.

Being someone that enjoyed running around as an animal, Shael found nudity not that big of a deal, but humans were weird; and modesty was just something that his dad tried to drill into him. After all, Fera also did complain to him about cleaning up, and with clothing off one could notice that the blood ran thickly down the rest of his body, stopping just above where the boxers clung. With that done the male submerged himself under the warm jets of water, blood seeming to revert back to its liquid state and with some scrubbing would flow down the drain deluded by the water that was flowing down sun kissed skin. Dark colored hair would clinging to his scalp as it was pressed down with the pressure of the water, and soon enough even his face was clean. With that done, Shael would walk out from under the spray and then revert to a wolf, shaking away the water violently before reverting once again.

Forgetting that Silus was even really around the male placed his clothing back on, and shook the last bits of moisture from his hair. With a pleased smirk he walked from the locker room and then wondered off to his first class with Matt and Silus, which was like Study Hall or something.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Silus February 23rd 2014, 10:02 pm

Yancey ran up and jumped on Shael's back and let out a little howl, seemingly he was just a kid horsing around as he crashed into Shael, clinging on and hoping his primal instincts were (like his own) MOSTLY under control. "Ah-Wooooo!" he chuckled as he tried to lock himself on Shael, though with superhuman hearing it was almost obvious that Yancey was sniffing the male, perhaps trying to familiarize himself with the scent...or maybe he was just weird... The blonde looking boy's eyes strayed and he ended up resting his head on Shael's shoulder as he watched Silus stop upon hearing the bell. Yancey knew exactly what that meant, they would need to probably be careful. Being invisible and small around a buncha big dudes could end up with someone being trampled to Death. Silus was slightly amused...because the wolf thought about the problem rather easy...but never figured to simply remove the invisibility as a response. Silus walked quickly, slipping into the Study-Hall room and sitting himself at his and Shael's table. Meanwhile Yancey was still clinging as best he could, or at least trying to keep himself close to the Wild Child known as Shael. He ended up abandoning the clinging and the attempts thereafdter and shot ahead slightly and walked backwards, holding his head in is hands as his open blue jean jacket exposed a stale white shirt, little drops from where he didn't exactly dry off well enough. Yancey's little mind was running, how did humans act again? Did they act like Kaisses? He WAS a human first after all... and he seemed to be in the loop with the mortals.

"'Sup Dawg?" He asked, suddenly cocking his head to the side, face illuminating with a bright smile. "Oopsie" He said, finally noticing that he just called Shael a dog. He giggled and tried to play it cool, slipping his hands into his pockets, hooking his thumbs around on the exterior and mask his scent as they began to reach the Café-thingama-jigger for Study Hall Yancey trailed with Shael. Silus meanwhile patted the seats for Shael, but the professor stopped the blonde boy.

"Ah you must be Yancey, yes? Unique name young sir, I like it. Uhm...well we officially have more we will need to put you at a table to give you four. I understand you live with Blair Soros? You may sit with him if you like." The teacher said as he pointed to Silus' table and smiled. Yancey's tongue lulled out and he began panting a little, the professor caught onto this and looked to him with an arched eyebrow.

"Thanks person!" Yancey said as he walked right over for Silus and Shael's table. The Teacher took his wire-framed glasses from his face and sighed, noticing Matthew walk in, a rather melancholy look upon his slightly tanned skin. Matthew made his way right over, muttering a good morning to the teacher as he sat at the table with four at it. Yancey warmed up to Matt right away, leaning a little closer and smelling him, catching the scent of a rather...nice when one sniffed a sharpie.

Morning Shane" Matt said with a little smile at Shael, and then he looked to Silus and nodded to the boy. "Hey Blair." He said. He then looked to Yancey and his head tilted and he waved a little, before trying to back away slightly from the "overly-friendly humanoid". Fearing he was going to have to deal with another Braden, he decided to resolve the problem by taking out one of his books and opening them.

The Awakening [Silus] Lucife10
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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Alpha February 23rd 2014, 10:23 pm

Yancey suddenly leaped on Shael’s back, throwing the male slightly off balance as he tried to keep himself from falling over. It was in times like that that he was glad that even without using his powers that a manner of enhanced strength remained with him. However from what he could discern the male was sniffing him, something that he did not mind too much but it felt strange nonetheless. Taking the initiative, Shael decided to familiarize himself with the scent of Yancey as well, though that small amount of blood on him remained, not that Shael minded that in the least, shoulder now serving as an impromptu head rest for the little wolfen being in the form of a human. Stepping into the room that served as Study hall, he would instantly look around for where his good friend was sitting, though it did not seem that Matt was there at the moment, so he shot towards his seat by Silus. Hands fug deeply into his pockets, Shael then took notice of Fera, who slung his bookbag at his feet, before sitting down with a few guys and one mousey looking girl.

It was times like this that Shael loved his sister, considering that she always remembered things that he needed; even when he did not. Turning towards Yancey, he looked at him oddly, the greeting that was given slightly confusing him. Did he look like a dog or was it something else entirely? However, he could not help the goofy grin that would form upon his lips, sharp canines appearing from within his mouth. Silus would pat his seat and that was when Shael realized what he was doing in the first place, taking the seat that he normally sat in and offerting Silus a pleasant grin. Plopping his bookbag upon the table, Shael dug through the front pocket and his hands fell upon what felt like some kind of snack cake, perhaps something extras that Fera was hoping Shael would enjoy; which he would. While giving him sugar was not the most intelligent idea around, Fera liked to spoil her brother every once in a while, so this was that once in a while. Looking over to Yancey, Shael pulled up a seat and somewhat offered it to him.

It was then that familiar scent hit his nose, and the tanned male’s head whipped around to where it was exuding, to see Matt walking into the room. If he were within a dog like form, Shael would have tackled the male where he was, but for now he would control himself. He did take notice of Yancey sniffing Matt, though that only really made the male smirk lightly. ”Mornin Matt.” He said with a wide grin, tone cheery in texture.

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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Silus February 24th 2014, 6:15 pm

"Hey Matty!" Silus said as he waved energetically at Matthew. Matt arched an eyebrow and offered up a warning look. Silus knew that Matt hated that name, but for some reason the energetic youth highly enjoyed it. He seemed to think it better reflected the male, whereas the male himself felt it better reflected a girl. Then again it wouldn't matter to Silus, his own name was weird enough. Though the more the thought about it...the name Blair was a gender neutral name too. "By the way Shane. He likes the name Matty most." He said with no sign of sarcasm or jest. Matt rolled his eyes and chuckled softly. He didn't deny it, but that was because he knew Silus' antics all too well. Silus was far more convincing than himself. He'd simply have to grin a bear it for the time being.

    "Oh I do?" Matt asked, turning the page in his physiology book. Silus nodded as if he were telling the young man that Matty was in fact his preferred name. Silus smiled.

   "Yuppers!" Silus chirped with a nod, brown mop of hair flying about. Silus stopped slightly dizzy and he let his tongue hang out as he moaned a little "eeehhhhhyeeeehhhhyyyyeeeeah" and slunk back into his chair. Matt let out a little laugh, dropping his face into his hands as he did so. Silus arm-pumped and shot up and leaned on the table with his elbows.

    "Oh...okay...I guess I suddenly like Matty now." Matt said with a genuine smile.
    "We can be Matty and Blair." Silus said, hugging the male slightly, acting intentionally like a leech. "We are handsome girls." Silus said, knowing he'd prompt a response from Matt. It was a wonder how Silus had any friends when he played with their minds like this.

    "Well in that case it's alright then. We're girls. Hey Shane, I'm a girl now." Matt said, nodding a pressed shut smile on his face as he nodded, showing the absurd nature of the joke. Yancey however took the joke a little far, he reached over the table and pressed his hands up against Matt's chest and his head cocked to the side as he looked at Matt.

     "You don't feel like a girl... See!" He quizzed, then he motioned with his head for the others to check it out.. Matt's face turned bright red as he placed his hands on the boy's wrists and removed them from his chest. He then felt Silus poke him. "BOOP!" He giggled as he pokes Matt's chest, watching the invaded boy shift and spazz slightly with a death-glare and a smile. The violated male then shifted and moved his chair around, sliding his seat behind Shael and ducking down as if hiding behind the similarly-skinned male. "Heeeeelp Meeee!" He whispered whispily as he tried to escape the Yancey and Silus barrages of pokes. He ducked away form Silus and ended up swiping Yancey's hand, pulling the boy out of his seat, turning him around and locking his arms behind his back. Matt chuckled, before Yancey let out a pleasant hum with a smile. Instead of trying to move forward and break away he leaned back and seemed to familiarize himself with Matt's scent. He forced himself back slightly and leaned on Matt as he seemed to settle in. Matthrew thought nothing of it...he remembered when he used to get along with his little playing like this wasn't too odd for him. The blonde hair seemed to press on his cheek and nuzzle in there, which caused a slight alarm to Matt...then again with a name like Yancey he may have been foreign...where boundaries aren't always so.... large.

"Careful Matty... Yancey is kinda... ya know." Silus started. Matt looked to Silus, slightly confused. "Ya know" was horribly vague. What does that mean? He was... tricky? Slippery? He was odd, he was skilled in martial arts? IT was going through Matt's mind as he began to think things through. He went to look at Yancey to see if there was maybe something wrong with him, but when he turned Yancey let out a little giggle and a hum as he moved and ran his tongue on Matt's cheek. To say Matt freaked out was sliiightly an understatement. He let go, fired back and ran his flannel over-shit sleeve on his cheek where the warm saliva began to dry. "He's really good at getting away." Silus chuckled, obviously enjoying the antics. It was times like this that he realized that he was probably better friends with Matt than he was his brother....and he was alright with that to an extend. Cody was awesome and all, but Matt's reactions to Silus' antics just made him highly amused and happy.

"Gawd!" Matt said as he slid his seat back over, other students began to take their seats, the Teacher didn't seem to care about their antics...for now that is. After the class actually starts he'd crack down harsh. Matt resumed his seat between Silus and Shael, looking at Yancey who was closer to Shael than Silus, but still a decent ways around the table. "Any oen else feel like licking me, or am I good?" He chuckled. Obviously feeling by the events. He closed his eyes, feeling them change slightly before the power was suppressed.

The Awakening [Silus] Lucife10
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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Alpha February 24th 2014, 6:53 pm

Shael cocked his head to the side at the mention of Matt being called Matty, mostly because he had never really thought of calling him anything like that. ”He does?” Shael would asked with a raised brow, before letting the grin forming across his lips, as if liking the little nickname that Silus had given Matt. ”I like it too.” He said with a wide grin, not really understanding the joke within itself and thinking it something that was serious. Then the joke went on, with both saying they were girls and Shael at least managing to understand the joking tone behind that one, Yancey however did not really catch that one. Things somewhat went from there, poking ensuing upon Matt, who then decided to hide behind Shael, the tanned male that was somewhat just sitting there. At the end of the whole incident, Shael found Yancey sitting by him once again and then looking to Matt slightly across the trable. ”Nah.” He muttered with a smirk in reference to the whole licking his face, resting chin on his palms and sighing.

The Awakening [Silus] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Silus February 25th 2014, 3:31 am

"I'm good" Silus giggled as he enjoyed the little banter. Though the time was nearly up for that because the bell rang and Matt quickly took to his work. Yancey on the other hand went immediately to watching Shael, trying to observe everything he did. This guy/wolf was a guy but also a Yancey. It hurt his head slightly, but he thought he got the concept well enough. That mans if these people haven't figured out Shael was a wolf yet, hen that was the ideal target for Yancey. Matt did as he always did and made up a few flash cards. Today was a few of the months. Shael was keeping up pretty well...or a "different" child like himself. He was learning though, form what Matt could tell anyway. Apparently wanting to speak Spanish with his dad was a great motivator...while Matt was actually (while hating to admit it) was having fun actually bonding and teaching someone else. The closest Matt ever got to people was when helping them out through their problems...he was like a therapist....but he didn't charge and actually enjoyed helping Silus and Shael. I guess he was a friend... it was odd. He didn't have too many of them, so making new ones was different to say the least. He passed the cards to Shael and smiled before returning to his books. "There you go mi amigo." Matt added in with a rather pleasant tone.

        "You guys are weird..." Yancey said as he seemed to lean his head into Shael and sniffing, as if his nose were clogged. He was familiar enough with the scent...but Matt and Shael's scents were nice compared to a lot of other peoples. Silus gave Yancey a warning glance about the sniffing before Yancey settled down and remained comfy in his seat. Silus withdrew a piece of paper and handed it to was his schedule. The funny thing was that it matched Shael's entirely until Spanish class, which was replaced by French... mostly because Yancey had no idea what he was signing up for when he chose a language. " I gotta leave ya?" Yancey whined slightly. Silus nodded and told Yancey to stick with Shael and get to know him a little.... so the little wolf would take the advice.

"Uh...'Sup? You uh... you like to hunt then huh?" He asked, trying a LITTLE too hard to play it cool, ending up only looking adorably foolish as he tried to play the cool-cat. Matt chuckled to himself, noticing that it looked oddly familiar to when Shael and he had a conversation of introduction not too long ago.

The Awakening [Silus] Lucife10
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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Alpha February 25th 2014, 3:52 am

Once the bell rang, Shael began to quietly look over the note cards that he was learning from, the ones that Matt had written down on anyway. He was actually learning some of this stuff, which was nice for the male that most considered an idiot. ”Gracias.” Shael said with a wide grin, flexing some of his knowledge from his lessons with the older male. Chewing lightly on his lower lip, the male would then begin to read over what was on the cards. Yancey said something about them being weird, and then began to sniff him, as if there were something about him that smelled nice. ”Nooo, you’re weird.” Shael said booping Yancey lightly on the nose and then returning to whatever it was that he was doing. ”I do, specially deer, I like to hunt deer.” Shael seemed to snap from his work and then turning to Yancey with an interested look.

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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Silus February 25th 2014, 8:07 pm

"Deer is goooood! Oooph oooph, you ever had them striped African animals? whaddaya callem's?" Yancey began, his eyes lighting up. Matt looked to Yancey and rolled his eyes of course, officially irritated by the energetic youth to an extent. He sighed as he turned the page. While he oh so desired to search for the newest little Occult Item he had his eyes on. This particular item was a rather interesting item, but it would have to wait until later this evening. He had already made use of his "unique condition" regarding the memories of others, and anonymously circulated the rumors needed to gather himself an ample crew. The thought was exhilarating to be honest, but he was forced to undergo the day as normal while forced to patiently await the grandest adventure for knowledge he had embarked upon since discovering the shard of Pandora. But Patience was a virtue....perhaps that was the lesson he would take form this. Yes...patience was of virtue was it not? One would need to accept to work with the hand they've been dealt. He calmed himself near instantly and patiently resumed his regular functions.

     "A Zebra?" Matt asked. Yancey looked at him and nodded before looking back to Shael for an answer. He then nudged Silus' arm, poking the boy gently, slowly poking lower until he tapped the skinny pale boy's tummy. Matthew just cleared his throat and rolled his eyes as he smiled at Shael and Blair before returning to his work. Surely he could spare some patience for them...of all people.

     "Hey. Hye. Hey Silus..Hey. Hey-Silus, Hey." Yancey kept going, little pants escaping his mouth as he spoke, grinning widely with bright eyes. Silus responded to the first Hey, but soon he realized that Yancey was just tickling him... Damn wolf knew about his ticklish nature. Silus' face flushed bright pink as he squirmed and tried to jump back and giggled as he let out little pleas to stop. Once Yancey had finished his fun the spoke again, knowing Silus was now completely attentive.  "Zebra iz good! Can we maybe take him too?" Yancey asked with a wide grin reaching back and throwing an arm around Shael and hugging him slightly as if they were suddenly best buds. It seems regardless if Shael had been to Africa or not, Silus intended to take the male the next time they "visited"  .... ironically that would be sooner than they thought.
   "Only if he wants to...." Silus said, he liked the idea actually and his happiness was made apparent in his voice, almost hopeful when he said what he did.

The Awakening [Silus] Lucife10
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The Awakening [Silus] Empty Re: The Awakening [Silus]

Post by Alpha February 25th 2014, 8:20 pm

Shael looked at the male confused for a moment, unsure what he meant by striped animals. Perhaps they were some kind of animal that he had not seen before, though it did remind him somewhat of something that he had seen from one of those school books. Shael found himself socking his head to the side, looking to Yancey as if he were… speaking in another language entirely. Then he looked to Matt as if he would have the answer, and of course he always seemed to have that kind of answer. Which was why he was glad to have him as a friend, if Shael did not know something then the male was likely to know it. ”A zebra?” He would ask with a slight grin.

”No, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a zebra, but I doooo now.” He would say with a certain excitedness about him, looking at Silus with a pleased expression when that was said. ’Yeah, I would so like to go.” Shael flashed bright white teeth, looking to Silus somewhat excited.

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