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Lucius Alba

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Lucius Alba Empty Lucius Alba

Post by Red September 11th 2014, 6:05 pm

Lucius Alba Graphi11
"No, the ends don't justify the means, but to vanquish evil you must first control it."

Basic Biography

"I would never judge a book by it's cover, but unfortunately, most people don't have more then a few pages." - Lucius Alba

Real Name: Lucius Alba
Villain Name: Red, Red Tide.
Title(s): Rebrum Redemptor, Dawnbringer, The Devil on Earth.
Occupation(s): Prime Minister/Dictator of Belarus, Head of RIse, Scientist, Villain, Dad of the Year.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Metahuman
Ancestry: Romanian/French (White)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 155 Pounds
Blood type: O+

Notable Relatives: Vlad "Dracula" The Impaler, Duke Joseph de Damas.
Name Explanation:

The Looks

"He's got a lot of looks, but he always has that hood, that mask, and that flowing fabric of nobility." - Lucas Alba

The Legacy

"Give Lucius an inch and he'll find a way to shank you to death with the ruler." - Travis Masters

Personality: Lucius is a complex man who, at face value, seems like a patronizing, smug, and arrogant person. However, he maintains a sophisticated and dignified demeanor not seen in many modern men. For instance, he will never swear or lower himself when speaking, even when he's insulting someone. He simply can't be brought down from his elevated nobility—his ironclad pride makes sure of that. But when you get past the snide stoicism, urbane attitude, and dramatic theatrics, you find an emotional man fueled as much by passion, rage, and love as he is by logic.

When it comes to intellectuals, no one is as obsessed as Lucius. Sure they may be as knowledgeable, or even more so, but not many match his drive for learning. He strives to be the best at nearly everything, which has lead to him mastering numerous scientific, technological, and medical fields. He's one of those people that prioritizes information above everything else. Even all of his other interests seem to reflect this mindset. He is enthusiastic about things like philosophy, poetry, and history, while expressing distaste for things that require little brain power.

Despite his ambiguously evil actions, he is a civilized man that is as diligent about keeping his principles intact as he is his ego. He has a code of honor that is never broken. He won't lie, he will always keep his promises, and he won't indulge in vicious acts if they are without purpose. He will always aim for the lowest amount of collateral damage when going about his endeavors, and he will most always accept things like single combat. That said, he is known to use technicalities to skirt around and maintain this so called honor.

Another thing you may notice about Lucius is that he doesn't submit easily. From a basic conversation to a fight to the death, he will always remain on the same stubborn ground he took from the start. This isn't to say he can't be changed, he can be, but it is to say he can't be made to do something he doesn't want to do. He just doesn't care how powerful someone is or how much leverage they have against him, he will always speak his mind and never back down. Not even to a god....

For all his admirable qualities, Red is still a villain. He isn't above sleights or trickery, especially against an intelligent individual. His mindset justifies the means by the ends, and he isn't afraid to go to sometimes shocking lengths to achieve his goals. He does feel more guilt then he will show for his more questionable actions, but he locks it away because he knows it must be done for his so called greater good. In that sense he believes himself to be a martyr, for he is sacrificing his own conscious and soul to do what needs to be done. How true that is depends on who you're talking to, however.

In the end, Lucius is both ruthless and sorrowful; understanding, yet strong willed and set on his ideas. He just wants to see the world evolve, to see it prosper like never before and to leave a lasting impact, a legacy. Unfortunately though, he doesn't care what needs to be done to make that happen.

History: Lucius mostly keeps his past to himself, and for good reason. Ironically he was once human like anybody else, only through his intellect did he manage to 'evolve' as he says. The path to becoming who he is now was filled with tragedy, self loathing, and guilt. He had a loving family, a fiance, and all the money he needed to have a happy and up scale life. Science was his income, and boy was it lucrative. Though, he wasn't in it for the paycheck. He loved science and still does, perhaps more then anyone. For more then a decade, he and his fiance, as partners in New York, pioneered advances in science and technology years beyond their time. Still though, it wasn't enough. He saw what people with the metagene could do, what they could create. All they did was for nothing if these people could achieve it with vastly less effort. Rather then doing what most did when they had this revelation and try to get rid of metahumans he decided to do the opposite. He would evolve with the world, he would help it progress into this new age rather then inhibit it. The process to improving himself and his loved ones was dangerous however, so he had to perfect it before it was too late. Change was coming, and when it did he and his family would be ready.

Of course, some things don't go as planned. The attack on his city was swift and unexpected, utter chaos erupted. Like any sane person he tried to get out of the city, along with his fiance. He was going to take her and leave it all behind, but she couldn't watch him do something he would regret. She convinced him to turn back for the others. Once they grouped up, they evacuated together as fast as they could, but it wasn't fast enough. They hit a road block, traffic blocked their path and explosions were going off all around them. With much hesitation they decided to leave their vehicle and continue on foot, this choice Lucius would regret for years to come. Staying in the car may not have prevented what happened next, but Lucius beat himself up for it anyway. They ran through the alleyways of New York, and at one point had to go through a building. As they did though, it went up in flames rapidly, the source unknown. In seconds the building came down, bringing death to most of them. Lucius and his fiancé survived the collapse but she was mortally wounded. Holding her in his arms they had a final conversation. She told him to get away, to live for the both of them, and he promised he would.

In moments she was gone along with the rest of his loved ones, all in one stroke they were removed from existence. He was devastated, he grieved over the body of his love as long as he could, only stopping to fulfill his promise to live. Somehow with multiple broken bones he managed to get himself and his soon to be wife's body out of the alley. Eventually getting himself to a vehicle he got out of the city successfully. He drove distraught for hundreds of miles, finally stopping at a rather sentimental place to bury his lost love. He could have given her a normal funeral, but she would have wanted it the way he did it. He slept on the grass next to her grave with severe injuries for hours, why did this happen? The people he had lost were the only reason he ever got out of bed, and now they were gone. He couldn't take it, he wanted to die. He wished for so long that that building had taken him as well.

The only thing that kept him from killing himself was his promise. Upon getting treatment he somehow fully recovered. They told him he was lucky, but he didn't see it that way at all. He had nothing anymore. He wasn't strong enough to save them, not smart enough to improve them. If he had finished his research in time his loved ones would still be alive, he failed them.

He went to the bottle. He couldn't live sober without his love, the one who had rescued him from his sad existence. He drowned his sorrows for days on end, blaming himself, blaming god, blaming all the skeptics who didn't want to improve humanity through the scientific marvels the world had been seeing. He eventually decided to try his experiments on himself. A form of self preservation really, a way out of his promise. He had every intention of not surviving it, the mortality rate was so high it would take a miracle to survive. But, with his luck, he didn't get what he wanted.

He was mortified at the results, mortified he was still breathing. It wasn't fair. Was his judgement that clouded? Would it have worked on his love? Would she still be alive if he had been a little more brave? In a rage, and with his new and mysterious power to manipulate a Red Energy, he destroyed his lab. He sobbed, he lashed out, and the volatile power surging through him corrupted his ideals. After it was all over, a new Lucius Alba emerged from hiding. He was determined to do what he should have done before he lost his life. It wouldn't bring them back, it wouldn't bring her back, but maybe in his new world nothing like that would ever happen again. He was going to live, like she told him to, and not only that, he was going to achieve what they had set out to do so long ago—by any means necessary.

And thus, he began his crusade. He would forge his better world in blood if he had to. He would use his intellect, power, and resources to bring his twisted vision to a reality. This was all he had left of her; all he could do was continue to improve humanity, like he should have improved himself before disaster struck. After all the necessary pain was had, and all the evil was done, a dawn would be created—a utopia of immortals. The humble pioneering scientist had become the elitist, the revolutionist, the villain, the monster........

Codex I:
Codex II:
Codex III:

The Powers and Weaknesses

"All men want power, but you can rest assured that those who take it for themselves deserve it." - Lucius Alba


Red Energy: Lucius can generate and manipulate a chaotic translucent red energy that burns and corrodes matter to nothing on contact, literally tearing atoms apart after only a short amount of time, depending on how tough they are (It will do this to any matter type eventually, but longer exposure is required depending on the durability of the target). Lucius has truly mastered this power and has complete control over it on a microscopic level, allowing him to use it in creative and intricate ways, even negating it's harmful effects in specific areas. Even incredibly durable superhumans find it's all-consuming power hard to withstand. To top off the fact it can actually destroy cells, it has a tear gas like effect on the lungs when a person is around it for too long. His domination over this power combined with his high level of endurance allow for a massive amount of output without straining himself (The longer the charge time, the bigger the blast. So far his largest pulse covered a city block, but he rarely goes that far due to it's chaotic and 'uncivilized' nature).
Advanced Technique:

Passive Augmentation: Lucius' metagene adapts to keep him alive (RP Mech), and due to this the Red Energy coursing through his bloodstream has made his body adapt to be highly resilient overtime. Though he isn't as durable as he once was, he can take a very high amount of punishment, especially from damage types similar to his energy as his body is used to it. This includes things like heat, corrosion, energy, and physical force. The energy in his body also had the effect of forcing his immune system into overdrive to keep his power from devouring him. His metagene literally stores data on his being in his cells then works to bring him physically back to that healthy state if he is damaged, keeping his power from killing him and basically acting as regeneration. However, this too has been reduced greatly from it's old power level. It takes up to three minutes to heal wounds that aren't life threatening, and goes all the way up to ten minutes for potentially lethal injuries (2).

Superhuman Intellect: The meta gene has made Lucius's already great mind think at a rate beyond any human ever could. He can solve even the hardest mathematical equations on the fly and is a tactical genius. He is so quick witted it is borderline precognitive, even the most subtle things being analyzed almost instantly. He specializes in chemistry and computer science, as well as hyper advanced tech. He can deduce powers and sometimes the background of characters with little information, such as knowing someone has had military training based on their movements. He is known for setting up elaborate plans to achieve his goals using manipulation, technology, and general social engineering.

Hyper-Cognitive Combat: Lucius' mind calculates in a unique way. You could say it's hard wired for strategy and tactics. His brain is so quick he can process thousands of probabilities per second, deducing the most likely one and thus allowing faster reaction time. Whilst that is happening he is always thinking of ways to beat his opponent, gathering literally all information regarding the fight and his opponent to stay multiple steps ahead. The more information he gathers, the easier it is for him to predict/put down his enemy. His reflexes are superb, everything seemingly in slow motion to him. On top of this he has mastered many forms of combat through his near perfect memory and training from the best of the best around the globe, becoming particularly skilled with a sword.

Illusion Resistance: Lucius' mind is highly resistant to illusions, only the seasoned master could produce an illusion that could fool him, and even that won't last very long. This is also an explanation for mental permission based powers not working on him.


Cora Zen: A rapier carefully crafted by Lucius, forged from the remains of Vlad the Impaler's legendary blade. It houses the core of the AI Sven, and is therefor an embodiment of the relationship between Lucius and his lost love. Because of this, the special abilities won't work for anyone but Lucius and his bloodline, in fact Sven would resist anyone but those few. Besides being nearly indestructible, sharp enough to cleave superhumans, and housing the necessary hardware for Sven to operate at full capacity, it has several abilities and modes that are as follows (Takes one post after initialization to switch modes. Can't use abilities from other modes, so he only has access to two at a time):

Soul Sync Sensor System: A powerful sensor relay that exists throughout Lucius' armor.  The system allows for advanced scanning of an area, as well as telepathic control over Lucius' technology and AI. The sensors themselves relay information directly to the user's brain, hence the name 'Soul Sync'. Within the range of two hundred feet they can scan and map out the area on an atomic level, sense quantum tunneling/disruptions, track the spirit of any living being with superb accuracy, detect metagenes, and even detect strong emotions. All of this information is recorded into digital files for later use, so it can still be utilized without direct access to the source. The relay itself also acts as a computer in it's own right, creating a mental interface and allowing interaction with external technology, though this is more of a backup given that Sven or the more powerful computer in Lucius' mask can accomplish the same tasks better.

Mask: Lucius' mask is a super computer with all the necessary hardware to operate like one, sporting a HUD that displays it's operating system as well as gathered Soul Sync information (even though Soul Sync gives him that info without looking, beaming it directly into his brain the display is better for organization and visualization), a re-breather/gas mask, vision filters (night vision, thermal optics, ultra violet, magnification, ect) video cameras, and recording devices. It is part of Lucius' Repulsive Armor. It does not require Soul Sync to be utilized as it has it's own set of mental connectors at the temples.

Repulsive Armor: Armor created by Lucius long ago, then upgraded once he lost his powers. It covers him from head to toe, is made of a highly durable metal alloy, and redirects force against it much like his old gadget the Repulsive Field. For example, if someone charges him at high speed, the force generated by the high velocity will be redirected into a pulse outward at whatever caused it, likely sending said thing flying. Doesn't damage anyone of superhuman durability really, but certainly has the power to throw them around.

EMP Device: Sends out a massive EMP that shuts down or interferes with electronic devices.

EMP Shielding: All of Lucius' tech has been upgraded with EMP and water safe guards (except the ones with water specific weaknesses).

Selective Pulse Generator: Generates a pulse of telekinetic energy out from Lucius in all directions that can send objects flying with enough force to peel open a bank vault, but it can also be directed at specific objects, not effecting anything else within the pulse. Can also be re-calibrated to reverse the pulse, pulling objects in.

Whirlwind:  Small stick like device fired from Lucius'  gauntlet usually into the ground. Upon activation they can either send objects flying with the force of a category seven tornado or pulls them in with just as much strength.

Temperature Pocket: Creates a field of either super cold or super hot, range is a hundred meters.

Quantum Cycle: An upgrade from Lucius' old teleporter. Allows for basic teleportation (limited to two hundred meters for combat purposes) but also allows for rapid and repeated teleportation to the point Lucius can be in up to three places at once. (Normal teleportation is still at the same pace as it was, he can now just duplicate himself briefly).

Reverb: Sends out hundreds of different sonic wavelengths capable of killing a normal human in about a minute. These wavelengths cause intense pain making it nearly impossible for a normal person to think, let alone react. Lucius' mask protects him from this.

Movement Stabilizer: Puts Lucius in a minor subspace, allowing damage but disallowing anything that would move him. With this on, Red cannot be moved by any means other then himself. This means a truck could hit him, and he wouldn't move an inch. Or he could walk through wicked fast wind speeds like it's a Sunday stroll. This extends to the user being able to for example walk on air or through a heavy goo substance as if it were not there. If it can be moved through by a normal person, the user can move through it anyway they want unhindered. (NOT phasing, it just allows the user to walk through anything none solid without trouble and not be moved by outside forces, damage from said forces still apply. Basically, sure he could walk through a wave of lava and not be hindered movement wise, but that doesn't mean it won't burn).

Micro Explosives: Rice sized explosives that fly at wicked fast speeds and can be programmed to follow a certain object/substance. Their power level can also be changed from fire cracker level all the way to something easily able to level a small building.



Equus Bass 770: A half a million dollar car, with another couple million thrown in for good measure. It's armor is nigh impenetrable due to it's adaptive shielding systems, and it can go into a sort of hyper drive mode where it is semi-incorporeal, allowing it to move at speeds around mach two safely. Has Sven built into it along with a Red Energy generator used for pulsing outward in case collision is inevitable.


Pride: Lucius is very prideful, often walking into a trap he knows is there or giving his opponents advantages to avoid having his ego wounded. He may even not change his failing plans to something better if someone previously suggested it, as this would make it seem like that person was better then him. There are many other examples to this, but the one certain thing is it is one of his most exploitable weaknesses.

Rage: Using his energy a lot can cause him to forfeit his usual calm and calculated demeanor, sending him into a sort of rage mode. In this state he gets sloppy and can end up messing up his own plans.

Cold: A cold environment both reduces Lucius' energy output and slows it's reverse effect on him, meaning his regeneration is hampered.

Water: Lucius' energy is best diluted with water, which weakens its hot and acidic nature.

Selective Durability: Damage types that aren't listed under Passive Augmentation (Corrosion, Heat, Energy, Physical) have a much better time damaging Lucius, especelly damage types that are opposite Red Energy. A powerful ice manipulator could in theory kill him with a single onslaught.  
Damage Reference:

Past: Lucius' past is a very sensitive subject for him, one that clouds his mind with grief and, sometimes, rage (Illusions that feature his deceased family are far more effective against him).

Children: To date, Lucius' three children are the easiest thing to use against him. He would go to the ends of the earth for them, so they can therefore be used for blackmail. The same can be said about a few of his closer followers and allies.

RP Mechanics

A Powerful Man: Lucius has carved out a name for himself over the last few years (Many, many threads), starting from nothing more then a man with a goal. He is the main head of the evolutionist organization 'Rise', Prime Minister (Dictator?) of Belarus, holds several criminal operations under his thumb, is the creator of some of the worlds most technologically advanced machines, wields vast resources, and commands an ever growing following of metahumans and military personnel. It is not known if he will ever stop his onslaught, but one thing is for certain: Lucius Alba is always a major player to consider.

Universal Displacement: Lucius has created a device that allows him to partially disconnect from the physical world, moving slightly into a pocket dimension. This stops any physical or mental power from directly effecting him unless he wants it to. (Note: Does not make him immune to anything, just gives a reason for why a telekinetic can't rip his head off with a motion. Essentially to make me less annoyed with permission based attacks.)

Physical Priority
Reaction 1
Endurance 2
Agility 3
Strength 4

Last edited by Red on February 16th 2021, 2:20 pm; edited 167 times in total (Reason for editing : Clarified a few ambigious lines in Soul Sync, Mask, and Cora Zen.)
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Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Lucius Alba Empty Re: Lucius Alba

Post by The Bolt August 31st 2015, 4:15 pm

The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Lucius Alba Empty Re: Lucius Alba

Post by Red February 10th 2016, 2:40 am

Complete rework due to advancement, requires approval.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Lucius Alba Empty Re: Lucius Alba

Post by Champion February 10th 2016, 2:48 am

Post Mate
Post Mate

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Lucius Alba Empty Re: Lucius Alba

Post by Red August 2nd 2016, 10:10 pm

Removed Molecule Scrambler by choice due to the fact it was quite broken and against what i want for the character.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Lucius Alba Empty Re: Lucius Alba

Post by Red March 4th 2017, 7:16 pm

Revamped. Powers were re-added, some gadgets removed, and protocols were added.

Should be fully looked over.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Lucius Alba Empty Re: Lucius Alba

Post by Hyperion March 6th 2017, 12:26 am


Shael Atterrius
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Lucius Alba Empty Re: Lucius Alba

Post by Chellizard February 20th 2018, 2:51 pm

Moved to add additional approved advancements to sheet.

-My DeviantArt-
Lucius Alba JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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