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My how things have changed...and how little too

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by The Ranger May 27th 2014, 3:10 pm

It had been a while sense The Ranger had actually been in Chicago as he had been traveling the world on…business. He had lost count of the days that had passed since he had last set foot in the city he called home, and wondered how much had changed sense he had last been there. Sooner or later he would have to make his presence known to the rest of Knightwatch and relive Forcewave of the duties of ‘leading’ the group, even if the boy had done an excellent job at it from what he had heard on the ‘grapevine’.  While it was true he had been keeping his head down low and out of site while on this…business trip, it did not mean he hadn’t noticed the activity Knightwatch had been stirring up in his absence.

Pushing his hood off of his face the crimson archer ran a hand through his dirty blond hair, readjusting his quiver once more as he did. For nearly a year he had been gone from the windy city and although strange to be once again racing across the rooftops of the city, it felt nice to see the Sears Tower off in the distance and knowing once more that the city he had sworn to protect was once more back under his watch. Pulling his hood back over his head The Ranger stood up and took off sprinting across roof tops looking for someone foolish enough to try a crime in broad daylight in the most populated metahuman city, after the fall of New York.

On his route towards the Knightwatch Lair it did not take long for him to hear the all familiar sound of sirens. Looking down in front of him he could see the two police cars racing after what seemed to be a truck that obviously had a form of nitrous installed in it as it was out speeding two police cars all while weaving in and out of traffic. Grinning he front flipped down off the building he had currently been standing on and onto the sidewalk below, knees buckling from the height of the jump but landing so it didn’t do any true damage to his non-superhuman bone structure.

Taking off the hooded archer raced after the police cars and the truck they were trying to stop; weaving in and out of cars himself all the while going way above the speed limit at around two hundred miles an hour he caught up with the truck and removing the EMP arrow from his quiver he jabbed the thing into the side of the truck. Sure, it may also disable the rest of the cars around him for about five minutes but it did shut off the truck’s engine and battery bringing it to a complete stop, along with all the other cars around it in a twenty foot radius…oops?

When the very pissed off driver got out of the truck on the other side brandishing a machine gun Ranger groaned quickly pulling out a snare arrow and firing it off at said truck driver. He wasn’t sure why the cops were chasing this guy but stopping him and making sure that said driver of the truck wasn’t going to get away with the crime he committed was simply Ranger doing his job. Having no reason to stick around for the cops to show up he took off over to an alley way where he could watch as the cops took the man into custody along with what appeared to a case of jewels that were more than likely stolen.  All in all it was a good clean stop, perhaps a bit over the top with the EMP Arrow but all the cars would start working again in about three minutes…plus with the sound of sirens off in the distance once more it was no longer his problem. Ranger turned to face the direction they were coming from ready to take off once more.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
My how things have changed...and how little too TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by Samael Christensen May 28th 2014, 9:56 pm

Ryan blinked a few times, a strong gust of wind blowing a few strands of blond hair from his forehead, though they quickly fell back into his face. The male looked out from one of the many baloneys of the Hale mansion, his twin playing with something, likely with that deck of cards that he had discovered in an old box a while ago. Either way he was not too preoccupied with that small detail at the moment, as he was thinking of more important things at the moment; like who else could have come through the time hole thing that he came through. Perhaps Raziel had been dragged through the weird time portal as well, and if that were the case then he was worried about how long it would take him to end up destroying this world as well. Not that he destroyed the last one, but he could end up wanting to eventually.

The ethereal hummed contemplatively to himself, blinking a few times before pulling back from the railing and turning around. ”I’m goin out.” Ryan finally decided, Aaron giving him the strangest look before shrugging. Making his way through the large house, Ryan nearly bumped into Brandon who was carrying something that seemed heavy and was nearly knocked over. "Sorry dad.” Ryan quickly apologized before darting into the small room that had been set up as his, changing into something that would work better for going out. A simple button up plaid shirt and blue jeans, nothing too fancy but nothing overly simple. ”Mkay, I think that’s everything.” Ryan muttered pleasantly to himself, humming as he slipped a cellphone into his pocket and walked through the front door.

Now the question was what he was going to do today, which was a good enough question. Sure he had a vague idea, but then again the blond was not looking for a vague idea, but an actually concrete one. Stepping into the fine looking car that totally was his, Ryan started it up and drove off, not really considering the fact that it might have totally not been his; though Brandon was not the type to get mad about a car. After all, he could like just buy another one or whatever. However something caught his attention upon this nice drive, which was the sound of police sirens, something that was not so uncommon on a typical Chicago day. Ryan blinked a few times before grinning rather widely, as if he had thought of something ingenious, even if that were not the case. Suddenly something caused his car to stop, the engine dying with a great sputter as he nearly crashed the damn thing.

”Shit.” Ryan cursed under his breath as the scene of what likely was causing the whole police pursuit came into view, along with a red blur that had taken down the criminals in a matter of seconds. ”Wow, that was pretty….awesome actually.” Where were badasses like they when they fought that asshole Raziel in the furture? If they had more speedsters, maybe the fight would have gone better, unless the guy was dead in the future then that would have explained so much. However what he was not expecting happened, as it always tended to do. A loud roaring erupted through the street as something sent a car flipping and tumbling into a building with a loud boom, concrete and other bits of rubble tumbling down with it. The source of the car was…well strange. A creature of around eight feet in height stood growling with a person betwixt its jaws, dark red blood running down its chin.

Predatory eyes looked upon the people running away from it, the strange dusky color of its scales off putting slightly. A tail equal to its body length whipped about, flexible in movement as it smashed a car beneath it. The thing roared loudly as it spat the mangled body to the ground and seemed to scan for another…target. ”Shit, not one of those things.” Ryan muttered stepping from his vehicle and  seemingly preparing to fight the thing.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by The Ranger May 29th 2014, 11:09 am

Just as Ranger was about to take off towards the new sound of sirens he heard a crashing noise, screaming, and then a sort of explosion. Coming from behind him and back out on the street; which of course only left him to wonder what in the world was going on and if it was better to stay put and fight off whatever was making all the racket or go off after the other set of sirens. Better judgment kicked in knowing that in Chicago, the home of Knightwatch, Force would have somebody on the sirens thing eventually. So, staying and stopping the rampaging whatever was rampaging behind him was probably the smartest thing to do as he was perhaps the closest hero in proximity to it.

Turning around and running back out of the alley and into the street The Ranger stopped in his tracks to look at the grey scaley…well thing. He wasn’t quite sure what it was or where it came from but the fact that it could throw cars into buildings, had a tail that was able to whip about and smash cars, and had a human body dangling from its mouth only seconds ago made this thing quite the dangerous monster. He didn’t know how ‘powerful’ it was so he figured he would start small, and The Ranger removed two tranquilizer arrows from his quiver and fired them both off at center mass of the thing in quick succession. Sure, the tranquilizer arrows were originally meant for humans and low lever super powered humans but after the thing with Mirshann and the monsters they found on the island Ranger had modified them to be able to put just about anything to sleep.

That however didn’t mean it would work on the beast, which is why he fired off two of them just to be sure. However it would be very disappointing if both arrows bounced off the things scaley hide, the arrows may have been able to stab into most things but there were some supers who were a bit out of their league and he feared this monster just might be one of those. Racing off to a different position behind the monster he quickly notched an electric arrow onto his bow just in case the tranquilizer arrows had little, or no effect on the monster. In the police force they called it scaling, you start with the voice, move up to the pepper spray, then onto lethal force but only when the assailant moves up the latter as well always staying one step ahead. Except in Ranger’s case it went from arrow to arrow, and ended with the exploding arrow as his highest show of force…he learned the hard way that you never start with the big guns.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
My how things have changed...and how little too TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by Samael Christensen May 29th 2014, 11:31 am

Okay, imperfect. How did one deal with something that overpowered most supers with raw physical power? The question within itself should have been a simple one, but these things were all about overpowering with force and speed, something that even the most skilled mage had to worry about. Ryan considered the many possible ways that one could deal with such a dangerous foe, and nothing came to mind off the top of his head, other than to not let the damn thing touch him; something about the idea of it leading to his death not really sounding appealing. So he would have to start with something simple, and something that would definitely catch the attention of the brute, yet the hero seemed way ahead of him as he launched two arrows against the seemingly impenetrable carapace that was its flesh.

The two projectiles would hit the thing, and then bounced off, leaving barely any sort of scratch upon the flesh as it looked down to them, growling to reveal three sets of teeth, each different but each obviously meant to rend through flesh. ”Yupp, definitely angry now.” Ryan muttered as twin gauntlets formed upon his hands, both spiked at the end and radiating a strange energy. Okay, so not it was time to see if he could actually beat one of these things, considering that the last time he had a fight with an imperfect that ended with him nearly torn in half. Taking a steadying breath he thrust a fist forward, and a powerful shockwave would burst from the gauntlet, slamming into the imperfect and throwing it back into a building with a resounding crash. Okay, so he managed to hit it and likely piss it off, which was not good unless the hero would help him in taking this thing down.

The silence between it slamming into the building and emerging from it was a matter of second, as the thing crawled from the rubble with a dent within its dermal armor, one that was lightly bleeding. Yeah, the thing was likely pissed off, and in a blur of motion it had moved towards Ryan.

spells used:

Imperfect grid:
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by The Ranger May 29th 2014, 12:12 pm

Ranger hadn’t truly expected the tranquilizer arrows to work but to watch them bounce off as if they were nothing wasn’t what he had been expecting either. The beast was definitely pissed off now as it let loose a growl only to be punched and sent flying back into a building by what appeared to be some kid no older than eighteen or nineteen. Impressed Ranger readied his bow aiming it at the hole the monster had gone through only a second ago ready to fire off the electric arrow if need be; only for said beast to dart out of the hole in the wall at super human speeds racing towards the boy who punched it through said wall. Groaning The Ranger took off at super human speeds, not as fast as he could move but at around four hundred miles an hour at that short of distance it didn’t truly matter.

Closing the gap before the monster was able to grab the boy Ranger jammed the electric arrow into the monster’s scaley stomach and grabbed the boy with his other arm racing off to a reasonably safe distance. Setting the kid with shock gloves down Ranger loaded an exploding arrow into his bow took aim at the beast, who hopefully was still at least feeling the effects of the electric arrow, and let loose the exploding arrow upon it. “So, as I have no idea what this thing is and you charged in head first, care to explain?” Sure he had no idea if the guy with black gauntlets that could shock a giant monster and send it flying into wall had any more clue as to what the thing they were fighting was, but it never hurt to ask. That and the kid seemed to be a magic user, random monsters appearing out of nowhere usually went hand in hand with anyone who used magic. At least in his experience with these kind of things.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
My how things have changed...and how little too TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by Samael Christensen May 30th 2014, 11:11 am

Ryan had not expected to be lifted off of his feet, and yet here he was, being lifted off his feet like some kind of damsel in distress. All he was missing was the long billowy dress, and that outfit would have been complete, or so his mind considered as he was being placed down. The Imperfect however was dealing with something that had been jammed into its impressive scaly carapace that had sent painful electric jolts through its body, yet something was wrong about this whole thing. If there was a lone imperfect, usually the protocol for this kind of thing was to send another ethereal to tend with it, and Raziel was known for having a decent supply of those ethereal servants around with him. So either someone was 86ing the protocol or they should be expecting to be hit from behind by some kind of ethereal assault.

”I know what that thing is, all too well actually.” Ryan explained at first slamming the gauntlets together as he glared at the Imperfect which was seemingly now in pain. ’Not so good at the whole explaining things while monsters are trying to eat me thing, so I could save the explanation for later. What I can tell you is that thing is called an Imperfect and it….wants to eat us.” He explained matter of fact with a thick irish accent managing to mangle some of his words. Granted he never really used the dialect itself, but one could tell what it was simply by the way that he spoke certain words and such. It took notice of the exploding arrow and flicked its tail at it, causing the explosion to go off regardless and damage it considerably, or from what he could glean of the pain roars.

”I suggest we get ready, it’s getting reaaaally pissed.” True to the dumb blonds word the Imperfect darted from the  smoke thrown up by the exploding arrow and charged for Ranger first, which gave him some time to react. Within an instant he disappeared in a burst of sea foam mist, and appeared above the monster, both fists above his head and with a single swing at full speed released a shockwave point blank at its face as it attempted to react. As his attack struck, the tail would whip around and slam into Ryan, throwing him into a car with the sound of breaking glass.

”Bloody hell!” Ryan cursed as the Imperfect went face first into the ground and that gave The Ranger enough time to do whatever it was he was planning on doing.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by The Ranger May 30th 2014, 11:57 am

“Imperfect, want’s to eat us…that sounds great. I’m going to assume it isn’t human, correct?” If it was in any way shape or form a part of humanity this would make things a hell of a lot harder. But, it would also make things that much more interesting as well because it would mean he’d need to invent something on the fly that could hold it down and allow him to take it back to Knightwatch Lair where he’d be able to test the thing and see if it was at all possible to revert it back to being a human or anything of the sort. However, with the way it was acting he hoped to god it wasn’t human and was just a mindless beast.

For half a second he was scared when he noticed that the beast seemingly swatted aside the exploding arrow, the strongest arrow he had in his arsenal, but when it made contact with the beast’s tail it set off the arrow and did considerable amount of damage. Or so he was lead to believe by the blood churning roar of what he hoped was pain. “Is it? I hadn’t quite noticed…” The Ranger muttered to himself, but just loud enough for the boy to hear, as the smoke cleared and the beast charged for him at a pace that would be fast by most standards but still slow compared to the speed Ranger was capable of achieving. With his body moving at said speeds The Ranger pushed off with his legs leaping backwards into the air all the while removing another electric arrow from his quiver and notching it onto his bow.

However when he landed back down on the ground the attack orchestrated by the boy whose name he still did not know was enough for Ranger to decide to change tactics. Releasing the Electric Arrow into the face of the beast he sprinted forward and jumped into the air spinning over the eight foot beast in quick succession he released three exploding arrows at strategic locations on the ‘Imperfect’s’ body before landing on the other side of its tail. Unsure if the damage was enough for the thing to still react he quickly got out of the reach of the imperfect’s eight foot tail and placed one hand near his quiver, counting how many arrows he had left. Having used four exploding arrows, two electric arrows, an EMP arrow, one snare arrow, and two tranquilizer arrows he was left with fourteen arrows as he had only brought his small quiver with him. He hoped it was enough.

(( ))

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
My how things have changed...and how little too TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by Samael Christensen May 30th 2014, 12:18 pm

The Imperfect had little time to react and apparently that was more than enough time for the scarlet archer to do what he did best, which was release painful exploding arrows into it. Within its prone, and wounded state the thing had little time to react, and so that meant certain death, or so one would assume from the way that it was being made light of. Controlled but powerful explosions would bloom across its body as the thing roared dumbly in pain, tail attempting to lash out at the archer that was causing it such pain and splashing blood everywhere as it went. Ryan however attempted to pull himself from the car that he was thrown into, looking to the woman that was behind the wheel of the vehicle with wide eyes and mostly a deer in the headlights look about her.

The Ethereal rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off of the vehicle and turned to the red archer for a moment before turning back to the damaged car. ’Sorry about that, I’ll um getcha a new one.” He noted before getting ready to reacquaint himself with the fight that was in progress, unless it was already over, which he would be fine with as well. What he saw however was that the thing had been mostly subdued, beaten and bloody as it lay on the ground, tail lazily flicking around occasionally as he turned to the archer that had taken his lead. Feeling over his own shoulder, Ryan muttered a curse as he pressed on what seemed to be a rather nasty bruise in the making.

Looking down to the large black creature, he whistled lightly, impressed by how easily he had managed to actually take down one of these things. True it was once a person, but then again one grew to have little sympathy when groups of these things tried to kill you, even if this one was slightly stronger than the normal Imperfects he faced. Usually it took more than a swat of a tail to do damage to his durable hide, but then again things do happen. ”Its not dead.” He noted absently, looking down to the thing that had fallen unconscious on the concrete and then looking to Ranger curiously, wondering why he had let the thing live. Did he have the hope that he could revert the thing to what it once was?

While it seemed possible, the only way of doing so probably involved that black blade that Raziel carried and use to create such creatures. Unless the bastard felt like helping them out, there was no way that they were getting the blade. ”So, do ya plan to carry the one ton monster off to some kind of secret lab and research it now?”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by The Ranger May 30th 2014, 12:52 pm

‘It’s not dead.’ Came the voice of the boy whom had helped The Ranger defeat the monster that laid on the ground in front of them. A smirk slowly formed onto the face of the crimson archer, stepping forward he pinched the bridge of his noise wondering just what he should do with the creature. There was no way in hell any prison, even a prison built to contain super-humans was going to allow it to be held there. Yet, killing it didn’t exactly seem quite like the right thing to do, even if it was a mindless beast with only the thought of wonton destruction on its mind. A nagging voice in the back of his head told him not to kill the thing, and whether it was stupid or the greatest stroke of genius ever he decided he wouldn’t kill the monster. Because you know that always turned out great in the movies.

“Actually… I, wait hold up one ton?” Ranger stood there looking at the eight foot monster dumbfounded. How could something only two feet taller than him way a ton when he himself, standing at a reasonable height of six foot one weigh only a hundred and ninety pounds? Running scenarios in his head he thought of all the ways he would be able to subdue the beast until at last he found one that he hoped would work. Quickly pulling four arrows out of his quiver, leaving him left with only ten now, he quickly tore them all a part and then put them back together into one arrow at super human speed. The four arrows in question were the electric arrow, the electric net arrow, the snare arrow, the tranquilizer arrow.

They were used to create one arrow with the sole purpose of securing the beast with a snare strong enough to hold it down, emit an electrical charge powerful enough to subdue it should it re-awaken and lastly using the tip of the electric arrow and the substance in the tranquilizer arrow would stab into the beasts scaley hide as soon as it started to struggle which was the same technology used in the electric net arrow. Sure, it didn’t solve the problem of how he was going to move this monstrous beast all the way from where they were to the Knightwatch’s Lair but it did solve the issue of how he was going to get it there without it waking up. Speaking of which, Ranger loaded the arrow and fired it off at the beast, the snare opened perfectly and wrapped around the unconscious monster, seemingly working without a hitch.

“To answer your question though, yes I do plan on taking the beast back to…a secret lab and studying it as you put it. How I plan on getting it there I still am unsure of, but I will eventually get it there.” Walking over towards the kid whose name he still didn’t know The Ranger held out one of his gloved hands to said boy. “What you did back there was some pretty good work, all you need is some proper training and you could make a great hero one day. I’m The Ranger by the way, and you are?” If only he had known what speaking his ‘name’ would open up.

The Ranger
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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by Samael Christensen May 31st 2014, 10:34 am

Someone had actually managed to capture an Imperfect, not something that many could do and that only made the hero standing before him really impressive. Part of him wanted to put the thing down, but then again he had a feeling that this male would not appreciate such killing in front of him. Not that he ever enjoyed the act of killing himself, and usually he would go out of his way to not kill things, but the Imperfects were usually at best animals; at least the ones that Raziel had created. The blond crossed arms over his chest as he looked down upon the physical monster, then turned to The Ranger as he seemed to work out some manner of arrow that could contain the thing, or so it looked like to Ryan as he watched with immense fascination. So this guy was some kind of hero that worked with arrows?

’It might weight one ton…or a thousand pounds I dunno.” He admitted with a shrug, the whole one ton thing being an expression that he thought the people of this time period used to describe something that weighed a lot. The black beats was breathing slowly, much like something that was unconscious or so he could assume, cocking his head to the side as he considered how one would be able to move the thing without having some kind of super strength. It was times like this that he wished he had his dads strength, but then again that might have hindered his own magical capabilities somehow. The male would answer his question, which was a yes and that made Ryan even more curious. Was he planning to return its humanity to it?

If so, then he was curious as to how the hero would do something along those lines with only what he had available to him. Did he have some sort of quantum science that went beyond what the world’s greatest mages could do, or was he thinking of something else entirely? The ethereal blinked a few times upon hearing the males name, eyes widening as he looked at the Ranger with a now wide grin as if someone had told him something absolutely amazing. ”Wait…you mean like THE Ranger? Oh wow I would have never have thought I would meet The Ranger in person.” Snapping his figners and shaking his hand a couple of times, Ryan seemed to produce a small leather notebook and an ink pen, licking his lips as if they were dry and then motioning towards the hero.

”Could I have like your autograph? That would be so awesome if I could, I mean it would mean so much to me. I am like a huuuuuge fan of you, especially when you defeated Elena Marie and stopped the whole global invasion with the soul army, and the time you defeated the origin of evil itself, that was amazing!” He continued to blabber on, as if he had recently ingested a large amount of sugar….and he were five; it was strange almost to see how his attitude switched.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by The Ranger May 31st 2014, 1:12 pm

“A thousand pounds is a little better, there is still no way in hell I can lift that…but it is a thousand pounds less than a ton.” The Ranger thought aloud taking another look at the beast as he waited for the kid to shake his hand. When the kid did shake his hand however it certainly was not at all what Ranger had been expecting. His hand was being squeezed and shaken up and down, up and down more times than he could count with excitement one would only see at a concert where fan girls got to meet their favorite band members. When he finally had the opportunity to retrieve his hand and place it back down by his side the boy was thrusting a notepad and ink pen in his direction.

An autograph? Hesitantly taking the pad and pen The Ranger held the notepad in his right hand and using his left hand, which was his non dominant hand when it came to writing but he had taken using it for just these sort of occasions, he wrote The Ranger on the paper before handing it back. Motioning for the kid to follow him Ranger backed away trying to get out of the crowd of people that were now forming. This is the sole reason why he never stuck around after stopping a crime or ‘saving the day’, because humans tended to gawk and crowd around the most interesting thing going on. Even if said thing was so dangerous it could kill them. There was that and of course the fact that Ranger didn’t exactly want to be in the lime light that was Campeon’s thing.

“The Ranger? Kid I haven’t done any of those things you just mentioned. I have defeated Elena Marie before but nothing at all in that victory had anything to do with a soul army it was just her and two of her lackies…as for defeating the origin of evil as great as that sounds I haven’t done that yet either.” It took even his super enhanced brain to come to a conclusion on what in the world the kid was talking about, mainly because he did not truly want to believe another time traveler had found their way back into the past but it was the only logical explanation, and wasn’t it terrible that time travel was now a logical explanation for things to him? “Unless of course you are from the future I assume? Because none of those things have happened…the New York Assault was only two years ago…" 'I think.'

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
My how things have changed...and how little too TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by Samael Christensen May 31st 2014, 1:32 pm

While Ryan may have not been intending to shake The Rangers hand as hard as he was, his excitement was comparable to some manner of puppy, except a few unimportant details. A large grin was implacable from his face, white teeth flashing from between his lips as he watched the hero in red scribble his name down on the pad, right next to a few other names that were big within the future. One of them being in big scribbly letters Loki, though that name had a different significance altogether. When he was done signing the pad, The Ranger would motion for Ryan to follow him out of the public eye and like an obedient pup he would obey. One could say that it was incredibly strange how he seemed to shift so completely from his usual personality, but then again people tended to also think his lack of need fo oxygen was strange, which helped when he wanted to release long sentences without a single pause.

However upon reaching that more private location, he found himself mentally face palming at his own incompetence. How could he not remember that he was far too back in thr past for any of this to happen? He was not even born yet, let alone old enough to remember all of those fantastical things. Ryan muttered something to himself as he dismissed the pad and pen, rubbing his chin very carefully as if he was thinking something over, but not really worrying about the details too much. ”Oh…yeah I’m from the future, around like twenty something years in the future. If you’re The Ranger, then you must know my dad; I think he’s in Knightwatch or something by now.” He thought this over, mulling that over and over until his brain hurt.

” His names Brandon Hale, but I think he goes by Sampson or something stupid like that. Blond, looks a little like me and a bit dopey at times…wow its weird to see you with legs…well anyway yeah I should have probably thought that over before spouting a lot of future stuff. I might end up like ripping space time a new one, or something like that, can’t go around messing with reality or something bad might happen. Like me never being born, or spray on tans actually looking real, or even spray on clothes, I mean those are like so awesome.” he once again found himself babbling, rolling his eyes as the lilting irish accent continued to flow through the air with a certain jovial texture. ”Wait, so New York isn’t even rebuilt yet? Pffffft, well that blows.” He noted while rolling his eyes.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by The Ranger May 31st 2014, 3:29 pm

Twenty something years into the future? Ranger couldn’t even imagine what it was like being forty-three years old or the things he was going to experience in the twenty years that passed from now until then. Yet here standing in front of him was someone whose entire past was still to come as Ranger’s own future, and the things the boy claimed he was going to do…well that was nearly as mind blowing as finding out you have a daughter with one of the women you still think of as an enemy. Okay so maybe finding out that you somehow defeat the origin of evil was a tad more mind blowing than simply finding out you have a daughter in the future, but the comparison was still essentially the same.

“Yes, Brandon Hale is currently a member of Knightwatch….which of course he has told you about.” The Ranger replied to the question, or rather statement that he knew the boy’s father. The fact that Knightwatch was still a thing in the future made Ranger a little more at ease with himself knowing his ‘brain child’ and way of honoring The Black Knight lasted through the ages. However the fact that Brandon Hale did not keep his identity and ‘hero business’ a secret from his child had Ranger questioning how secret, secret identities truly were in this future. Before he could make a comment on the subject though young Mr. Hale continued to speak his mouth and the words produced from it as if moving at super human speeds.

Yet, Ranger was just barely able to hear one tiny smidge of information come forth from the mouth of the Hale child that he was not at all happy about hearing. “Yes, yes divulging too much information on the future can be bad; what do you mean it is weird seeing me with legs though?” Did he somehow loose his legs in the future? How was he still a hero to the world without legs…these were the important questions one needed to know if they were to prevent things in the future from coming to pass. He also of course wondered how exactly he lost his legs as the boy seemed to believe he had, the most obvious possibility was that it was in a fight of some sort. Would be a shame if he lost his legs in some normal ‘ever day’ accident.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
My how things have changed...and how little too TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by Samael Christensen May 31st 2014, 11:32 pm

So he was right about his dad being a part of Knightwatch, though his omitting the part about him having been some kind of honorary member may have slipped mention at first. So while one may have thought that Brandon had lapsed in judgement as far as identities went, Ryan knew something about them, but nothing when it came to The Rangers identity, as he ket even that rather iron clad. Well either that or it was some sort of my old self is dead thing, which also made an equal amount of sense to the male as he considered these things to himself and nodded a couple of times. ”What about your legs? Oh, that? Well its not anything too important, I mean you losing them and replacing them with robot legs might not even happen. I dunno.” He seemed to consider to himself before realizing that he had once again said too much, slapping himself in the face with the palm of his hand; or facepalming as some called it.

”Way to go Ryan, you just keep saying too much.” He muttered to himself as he absently turned on his ethereal eyes, blue orbs glowing a seafoam color as they seemed to scan over the area, falling upon The Imperfect that was still prone. Yet something else had caught his interest, a dark aura that was approaching the fallen beast, one that was darker than the imperfect. Ryan blinded a couple of times as he took in a deep breath, unsure of what to do, as the feeling of the energy was one that he could call famialir. ’no…it can’’t be him, not here. No no no no no.” Ryan muttered lowly, seeming to panic as he paced around with a worried look on his face. One could tell that the male was worried when he began to chew on his lower lip, and his eyes began to dart around like a puppy on crack.

”Dammit.” With that he turned to Ranger and his face turned really serious for a moment. ”I think we may have a larger problem than the Imperfect on our hands, like an apocalyptic problem.” Ryan explained still as worried as before, running fingers through his own hair as the sound of a gunshot went off. Without even needing a prompt he would run in the direction of the shot, only to see what looked like…a short humanoid figure, that was either covered in a red armor, a demonic aura seeming to radiate from the armor itself. It leaned over the unconscious Imperfect and seemed to examine it, one finger reaching out and running over the blackened scaling. Tyan froze for a moment, wondering if that was the same one as before. The only way to make sure was to break their mask and find out.

”Hey….you…step away from that!” He called to the being that then turned to him, cocking its head to the side curiously as if wondering what he planned to do. Okay, this did not go as intended, and the police seemed to be just as standoffish about this guy as he was.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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My how things have changed...and how little too Empty Re: My how things have changed...and how little too

Post by The Ranger June 6th 2014, 3:37 pm

Losing his legs and replacing them with robotic ones might not even happen. Well that was certainly supposed to somehow make him feel much better about his own future. Shaking his head Ranger smiled lightly when the boy face palmed and finally revealed his name only to tell himself that he kept saying too much. Although Ranger did not know too much about future events and what telling those people involved with them meant it was usually frowned upon, at least in the movies. Something about stepping on butterflies if he remembered correctly, change one thing here and it changed everything everywhere else. But there was the saying or belief in quantum physics that even if something was changed in the past time would re-align its self in some way shape or form so that the event would happen anyway, even if it wasn’t exactly the same way as it happened before.

His mind was still focused on this up until the point where Ryan mentioned something about ‘oh no it can’t be him’ which caught Ranger’s attention enough to ask. “It can’t be who? Apocalyptic problem?” Before he could ask any more questions to find out what was truly going on Ryan took off at the sound of a gunshot, which peaked Ranger’s interest even more. Something was definitely up and he didn’t like the feeling he was getting about it. Following the boy back to the ‘scene of the crime’ where he saw what appeared to be a being in blood red armor standing over the ‘Imperfect’ and running it’s hand along the unconscious monsters body.

Removing an electric arrow from his quiver and notching it onto his bow he held the thing at the ready but pointing towards the ground as he stood next to the kid. “I’d do what the kid says Mister…or Miss, step away from the unconscious Imperfect and walk away I don’t want to have to hurt you. There is nothing to see here.” He hoped the new comer would take the warning and do as he suggested, but a part of him also wanted the thing to test him. Ranger had not had a good fight in quite some time and that part of him was itching for a good fight something that tested his skill a hell of a lot more than the unconscious monster did that he took down with relative ease.

Raising his bow so his arms were stretched out in a firing position he pointed it towards the new comer in red. “Last warning, walk away now and nobody gets hurt.” Would the new comer heed his warning? Probably not, did it hurt to ask…not at all.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
My how things have changed...and how little too TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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