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A heart gone cold [Silus]

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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Alpha July 9th 2014, 11:47 pm

Ryan shuddered, a cold wind blowing across his face and sending the chill up his spine in a certain way, one that annoyed him more than pained him. The male had been thinking lately, though of what he could not quite tell, mostly of the unimportant and immutable truths of the world. Well, mostly about death and things like that, a small pain aching within his chest as the male let out a loud and pained cough. Nothing came of that one other than a small amount of spittle and mucus that clung to his palm, Ryan looking to the sky and feeling the soft snow fall against his face. It was a light snow, not one of the heavier ones but snow nonetheless. He hated the rain, especially considering that it followed him around for years, no, ever since he was born and because of that he had never seen the sun; it was nice to see a little snow.

Sure the rain would occasionally stop, but the clouds were always there, but snow was a rare thing for him to see. Many would walk past him without a second glance, and those that did would still do nothing; only look once and walk on. Not that he could blame them, no need to pay attention to some dirty homeless kid. Streams of melting snow ran down his face, some of them attempting to run into his eyes, and perhaps blind him; not that it would do any good. He was dressed in a jacket a few sizes too large for him, with a battered shirt underneath, with faded jeans that had a large hole in one knee.

Honestly he looked bad, and some rain falling down on him did nothing to change that, even some dark grime beginning to cling to his left cheek. His neck underneath the collar of his jacket was dirty, probably black from everything that had accumulated, though the rain did keep him from smelling absolutely awful. Hands would find themselves buried into his pockets, as he walked onward, looking around more out of habit than actually for something. While it was partially him that caused the snow, he could not make the temperature take it, and thus it would only melt on contact with the ground. There would be no snowball fights, something that the young male was looking forward to.  Only the small flakes of white turning to cold water upon contacting with anything warm.  

Some would make note of the strange weather pattern, yet it was not as if they had any idea it was artificial more than anything else. Personally, he was surprised people had not tried to look more into the whole thing, but people were as they were. A racking cough ravaged his body, pain radiating from his chest as he brought a closed fist to his mouth. ”Ew.” He muttered, wiping the slightly blood tinged substance against his jeans and walked on.

A heart gone cold [Silus] CjhXQha
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Silus July 10th 2014, 7:21 pm

Silus had decided to take a day to himself really. Sure he loved his "temporary" family, but even a perfectly unified family like the Alai's needed to take breaks form each other. While Amir tried to tail along with Silus all the time, today Silus broke free as Doctor Alai required Amir for a doctor's appointment. This means that Silus was free at last, and so he decided to take the day to run outside and roam about. He wore his hoodie that was two sizes too big, and he ran around as his sneakers splashed through puddles and the boy put his full effort into running to the park.

The day at the park quickly grew boring, and even painting didn't seem like an idea that Silus would like. He even tried to chalk-up some stuff on the public sidewalks, but nothing he could manage to think of caught his muse. He relocated two, maybe three times as he tried to find the muse. He found himself sitting on a bus bench, waiting for something, anything to save him from his boredom. The clinging of the bell rang out and he turned his head to see an ice cream store, and walking out was a small kid, no older than about twelve, and an even older one, about sixteen or seventeen. They were horsing around a little, laughing even as they poked and prodded at each other verbally and physically. Silus tilted his head to the side as he found that situation oh so familiar...but so different. It made him think of Michael and he remembered Michael's laugh. Not his typical "hmph" with a smirked but the full blown laugh. It made Silus smile, and is overly creative mind played tricks on him, replacing the people he saw with himself and Michael.

Silus felt cold as he shot up and ran, as fast as he could, ignoring his human stamina through means of adrenalin and other emotional factors. He found himself tearing up, but he coked them back, realizing that his going missing didn't matter to Michael, in fact it probably made him elated. Silus remembered getting a whole blown in him for Michael...and yet he was convinced that Michael still hated him, still thought that dying was too good for him. He shuddered from the intense chill down his spine as he contemplated Amir and Dr.Alai. They were good people, but Amir would never be Michael, and Doctor Alai could never be Sean.

He soon noted the snow and he found himself awestruck, having never actually seen it before. He'd seen it sure, but felt and experienced it? He ran about and opened his moth, sticking out his tongue as he tried to catch the flakes. It wasn't long before he was lost and he heard a violent cough as he turned and looked to it's source. He walked up cautiously and scanned the male over with entrancing indigo eyes as he approached, curious of the person in question.

A heart gone cold [Silus] Lucife10
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Alpha July 10th 2014, 9:21 pm

So he needed food, or so his stomach would tell him in an angry growl, Ryan looking down and frowning at his belly demanding sustenance. However, whether he would be able to obtain that sustenance was another story entirely, as he lacked the money to do so and stealing was out of the question. Deluge may have been desperate, but something within him did not want to stoop to that level, not when he could find other ways to get what he wanted. What caught his attention however was what appeared to be a young male, perhaps around the age of eleven approaching him within this cold weather and the strange orbs within his head looking over Ryan strangely. A small blush would have been noticed if his cheeks were not slightly grimy, mostly due to his not being used to anyone really paying him much attention.

He was homeless and people tended to ignore the homeless, something about getting a job and they would get out of their situation. Honestly it sounded like self righteous drivel, but then again that was his mind wandering again. What would he say to the little guy that was starting at him strangely, though it seemed obvious that he was looking pale and for the most part sickly. ”What? Something wrong with my face?” Ryan asked with a grumble as the snow began to pick up, white flakes beginning to remain, and the puddles that were forming along the street had begun to ice over. It was undetectable at first, appearing only as small amounts of frost that had formed, snow beginning to stay in certain places but nothing of importance.

A heart gone cold [Silus] CjhXQha
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Silus July 12th 2014, 12:55 am

"'m cold..." He said a slight pout as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked to Ryan. To him it seemed as if Ryan had been snarky, though it may not have been the case. He just stated that he was cold and thus Silus had the strange look on his face. Granted that was not entirely true either. He was actually just astounded at how...ragged the other kid looked. Silus felt bad for him, he looked...neglected. Silus looked up to the snow as it fell, a flake touching the tip of his nose before melting. The boy looked back to Deluge, wondering how this boy felt. His clothing didn't seem to be the best by any standard, and he just looked sickly.

"A-are you okay?" Silus asked warily as he scanned over Ryan, the orbs in his sockets glowing slightly as he studied the other young man in the snow. Silus had hoped for some reassurance that the male was fine and that it was nothing serious, but Silus knew better. He had spent enough time with Doctor Alai to know a healthy cough from a sickly one, and this one was just filled with a rattle of sorts, the sound of liquid being blown. His eyes narrowed in concern as he watched the male, pity taking hold of him as he instantly found himself sympathizing with the homeless child, remembering that he himself was homeless not just months ago. He remembered what it meant to fight for survival, to beg and be kicked, berated and shooed away. But Silus wasn't like that. He knew what it meant to fight, and survive... so here he was now, unsure of what to do.

A heart gone cold [Silus] Lucife10
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Alpha July 12th 2014, 1:10 am

The child pouted, and then stated that he was cold, which was understandable considering that the snow was enough to cause someone to be cold. Part of him found himself jealous of the child, how well clothed, and perhaps well fed he seemed in comparison to the sickly feeling metahuman that was standing before him. He looked into the indigo eyes as they seemed to glow for a moment, the male looking down and perhaps wondering to himself what has caused the small glow anyway. Was this kind some manner of metahuman or just someone with eyes that looked strange in certain lighting? A questions of id he was alright would be asked, and the male let his lips part as if considering the answer before snapping shut.

A single finger traced along his own cheek, feeling a few granules of something, and letting the nail drag along it, scrapping away some of the grime. This grime would form what appeared to be little rolled, some being caught within the space behind the nail as well. 'Y..yeah i'm fine.” He said averting his eyes, as a sensation racked through his chest, Ryan coughing loudly into his fist again, pulling away to see what appeared to be like mucus with a small amount of red within it, the male quickly rubbing it against his pants leg. ”Nothin wrong at all.” He would then add weakly.

A heart gone cold [Silus] CjhXQha
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Silus July 12th 2014, 1:41 am

He was lying. You didn't need ungodly perception to figure that out. And as it was said earlier, he lived with a doctor. He could tell when someone was sick and when someone was just tired. This guy seemed to be both. Silus' wrist began to glow, but it was hidden beneath the arm of the hoodie. His little tattoo covered his arm black, as if the tattoo ran down his arm, and then the tattoo itself converged into a glove on his left hand. The Palette was activated and he stepped forward. His drawing instrument of choice was a glove, each finger tip lined with a different color, so it would streak with endless ink when pressed to a surface.

   Thankful that he was saved by the mysterious mechanical-man with the power-glove (where Silus took the glove idea from).  He then looked to the male and asked quite simply: "What's your favorite color?" He asked, patiently awaiting a response, and keeping his glove concealed with his arms still folded. Upon hearing the answer he would walk over to the concrete and press a finger to the ground, the desired color streaking a line as if the sidewalk were Microsoft paint. He created a rectangle about 4 foot by 6 foot, and then filled it in with color. Then he shook his hand, and like magic the color turned as he shaded it slightly, the strike turning it into a soft looking, rounded edged and hemmed blanket. Silus blinked and looked to Ryan. He then  reached down, and with the gloved hand he pulled the blanked out of the concrete!

  Silus walked over to Deluge with a fuzzy, fleece blanket of the same size painted, in the color the male had said was his favorite. Silus extended his hand to the homeless male, offering up a blanket with blinking eyes still glowing slightly.

A heart gone cold [Silus] Lucife10
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Alpha July 12th 2014, 5:14 am

Ryan had a feeling the little kid could see through his attempts and deception, and it annoyed him. Granted he was not doing the best job when it came to lying, and the fact that the coughing probably sounded terrible. ”My favorite color?” he looked to the young male with a look that asked what his favorite color had to do with anything, but he would answer. "Its' blue I guess.” He said looking to the child still, just noticing that his fingers had become different colors, or atleast the tips as the male seemed to skip over to somewhere else and begin work on something. The male would press a finger to the concrete and begin to draw what appeared to be a rectangle, blue in color or so the outline showed.

Within an instant it seemed that the child had produced what looked like a blanket, and then walked over to him, offering it. Ryan looked at him somewhat surprised, hazel eyes wide open as if wondering what this kid was playing at. Why was he helping a perfect stranger? Especially one that had not been the nicest to him to begin with. A small smile played across his lips as the male took the blanket, examining it before letting it drape over his shoulders, keeping the flakes off of his shoulder, not that cold was an issue. ''Thank you....I guess I needed that.” He said with a smile as the snow seemed to lighten up some, flakes becoming infrequent and perhaps coming close to letting up.

A heart gone cold [Silus] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Silus July 12th 2014, 11:43 am

Silus smiled again, happy to have helped the struggling male. Unfortunately Silus was entirely unaware of the fact that the male was unaffected by the cold. To Silus it was an attempt to bring a reprieve, because being homeless in the cold was no way to live. Silus wished he could help him, but what could he do? Besides, even though this kid wasn't the nicest to him one had to keep in perspective who he came from. Zell and Sean weren't exactly mean people, and almost nothing Ryan had said thus far came close to putting up with Michael on a good day... well, he was acting nicer before Silus vanished, and it scared him. He felt like he was blessed for his disappearance in that sense, he didn't get the chance to get close to Michael. But wasn't that what he wanted? To be understood. His little fist clenched and his eyes fixated on the blanket. He blinked, a deep inhale as his chest grew heavy and his eyes had the preemptive feeling to them, the one he loathed.

"S-so... Uhm... What are you doing out here?" Silus asked his voice breaking slightly. He might have been able to shove it off on puberty if he had been a little older, but all he could do was try and change the subject. "Where are you from?" Silus asked as he seemed to take small little steps to the side, looking to the ground about a foot and a half away from the homeless male. Silus was hesitant, unsure of how the man would react. He felt compelled, and his feet hurt, so he decided he would sit, despite the risks. His mind began to rumble and turn as he began to recall every do or die situation he went through, his bout of partial amnesia preventing him from ever recalling his powers to any real extent. Without knowing he had powers, and without having control or even the ability to summon them, his surviving the streets for the few months he did was astounding for him, especially some of the crap he had to do in order to survive.

His reason for thinking this all out though? He wanted to help the male. He was thinking of things that he had needed. Water, there was enough of that if he were resourceful. The blanket might help with his cold (what Silus assumed the young man had.) and he needed shelter and food.... which should Silus make though? He would debate this as he listened to the male speak.

A heart gone cold [Silus] Lucife10
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Alpha July 12th 2014, 4:49 pm

What was he doing out here anyway? That for some reason begged a snarky remark, but he would hold that one back in favor of one that held less snark, simply because he was dealing with a kid, and they tended to ask questions about the obvious. ”Walking. Not much else to do out here, except sit.” Ryan answered absently running his tongue over his lips and looking to the sky. The dark clouds still hovered over him, seemingly the same clouds that had haunted him for as long as he could remember, and ones that had almost become like the only constant. Next came the question of where he was from, and that was a hard one to answer, because Ryan was not rightly aware of that answer. ”Where am I from?” He asked outloud, looking down and scrunching up his brows as if in intense thought.

”Its been too long, and.....” His frowned slightly before shaking his head. ”So what are you doing out here?” He would ask changing the subject and flipping the question upon the male. ”Isn't it a little too cold?” he asked not aware that the kid assumed he would be affected by the cold himself.

A heart gone cold [Silus] CjhXQha
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Silus July 12th 2014, 7:15 pm

The boy didn't answer his question. Okay, so he didn't want to talk about it. It was fine, Silus did the exact same thing when Amir found him. The boy then quipped back another question about it being cold or not. Silus then proceeded to scoot a little closer and picked up part of the blanet and then draped it over his own shoulder. He smiled, and that in it's own right was indication that Silus was able to give his own "Walking. Nothing else to do" kind of response. Silus giggled a little even before he took the blanket off himself as well and let Ryan have it all back to himself. He shrugged and then looked to the sky like Ryan, just seconds before.
  "It's complicated." He sighed. He didn't know what he should do, but he had begun to wonder if the child near him was hungry or not. Regardless, Silus was. He groaned and grunted as he got to his knees by Ryan and began drawing. The color started out white, and he made a perfect square. Then he brought up his hand, shook it out and then went back down to make a red circle that was divided up into eight pieces. He then filled the pica in with red, yellow and some orange. Over all this took a couple minutes, but he finally put the word "Pizza" on the box, under the picture of Pizza. He pulled the box up as if it had always been three dimensional, and then he proceeded to open it, and made a golden-tan circle and filled it in.
   "You hungry? What do you like on your Pizza?" He asked the boy. He treated him as if he were just another person. Nothing Silus hated more than when people treated him like he was different, just because he didn't have a home at that time. He decided it would be best to just not make a big deal and "be cool, like Mike...but less of a dick" as Shael would have said. Silus drew a slightly smaller red circle over the golden-tan, and then he brought his hand back. He stuck his tongue just outside of his mouth and he snapped his wrist, as it snapped the pain in mozzarella and Monterey jack colors spews from his gloces' finger tips, decorating the circle with cheese like colors.
   At first it probably seemed like a joke as the kid just seemed to draw whatever the kid would add to the pizza, unless it had anchovies, then Silus would just go "bleh" and shake his head and omit them. When he was finished he closed the pizza box, lifted it up off the ground, turned it to Ryan, opened it and the warm pizza was there. Silus then proceeded to wiggle the box with a smile, urging the kid to take a slice.

A heart gone cold [Silus] Lucife10
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Alpha July 12th 2014, 8:02 pm

The little kid took the blanket and let it drape over himself, chasing off the cold of himself, and perhaps putting himself out of danger for a moment. The idea of some little kid freezing to death did not sit well with the male, even if he did not know him very well, it just did not feel right. However within a few moments the male would remove it from himself, and then return to to Ryan, who then let it fall over his shoulders again, holding the blanket close if just for the warmth that it offered. It felt strange having someone be so nice to him, but he did not dwell upon it for too long, or his mind just did not feel like thinking over it too long. With a grunt the child would get down, and start drawing again, this time making something else. He leaned over and watched the male draw until it was more obvious what he was drawing, and his eyes widened. He was drawing  pizza?

Would the kid be able to make food just like he made the blanket? ”I...pepperoni would be fine.” Ryan said a little abashed, somewhat jealous of what the child could do. All he did was control water, and make it rain, no matter where he went. An image ran through his mind, and Ryan winced for a moment, coughing into his hand loudly then looking to the pizza with a raised brow, taking one of the slices carefully, experimentally biting into it. He let out a low moaning sound, one that someone would make when tasting something really good, though that was just because he had not eaten something in a while. ”Wow, this is.....pretty good.”

A heart gone cold [Silus] CjhXQha
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Silus July 12th 2014, 8:53 pm

"Uh...uhm...uuuuhhh... glad you like it!" Silus said, embarrassed that someone enjoyed his creation. He found himself wondering why that was embarrassing to him, probably because he got attention from someone new, it was kind of exciting to have a new interaction for a change. "So uh....what's your name?" Silus asked, grasping for straws to talk, or get in any interaction he could. He noticed the coughing and the surrounding weather, but he found himself still curious as to the cough more than anything. He would wait for his answer obviously, but he was still focusing in, his indigo eyes glowing faintly now that he was in a better mood than he was when this male was semi-hostile.

A heart gone cold [Silus] Lucife10
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Alpha July 12th 2014, 9:22 pm

Ryan nodded and continued to devour the pizza, not realizing how hungry he was until it was almost all gone, his lips smeared with the pizza sauce and tongue licking that away as his stomach growled angrily for more. The male would then ask for his name, and his attention snapped to Silus for a moment as he took another slice of the pizza. ”My name? Its Ryan, whats yours?” He asked in a better mood, despite the fact that his body was still hurting some. It seemed this day was going a little better, a magic boy with a strange power had fed him pizza, which was not the norm really but then again he was not the type to complain really.

A heart gone cold [Silus] CjhXQha
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Silus July 12th 2014, 10:28 pm

"I really like that name..." Silus said. It was trye, Ryan was more common than his name, but still scarce enough to be cool, and it had a Y in it! That was cool enough for him to get behind. Though he found himself asked his same question in reverse. It made him wonder. This may be his chance to give himself a whole new name! He could be someone else entirely! No more Silus, no more Atterrius. He could be something cool, like Ralph! Wait what!? Ralph what am I thinking. He smile and looked to Ryan. "I'm Silus." he said with a mental boot to his face, hoping that the person didn't make fun of his name.

   "Are you sure you're okay? You keep coughing. I can help you...if you want." Silus said meekly, embarrassed and scared he'd be berated. He was just a kid, what could he do? He had an idea...but it was a long shot. But it could help this kid...and right now that was all Silus cared about. Helping this person. He felt a little whisper in the back of his head... [color=darkorchid]You're a Titan...feed...revel in this. But he didn't. He didn't want anyone to die. He was scared, what could he do? He began to shake a little, but it seemed just like he were cold and nothing more. He bit the inside of his cheek gently as he refocused. He was going to help this kid. He had to. He was a hero...or he was

.      ..once.

A heart gone cold [Silus] Lucife10
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A heart gone cold [Silus] Empty Re: A heart gone cold [Silus]

Post by Alpha July 12th 2014, 10:43 pm

Well it seemed someone liked his name, which was a plus within the males book as he never really had someone say they liked his name. Actually he had not given his name to anyone ever since he met Bernadette, and that was a while ago, when he was helping stop this chick that was wrecking things. This caused a pelasant smile to bloom across his face as he considered the male that was so kind as to compliment him, even though it was something that he was not used to. It was usually someone telling him to get the hell out of here, or not noticing him at all, and the idea that someone was noticing him was nice. The male would then give his name, which was an interesting one. ”Silus eh? I kinda like it. Its all unique, Ryan’s are a dime a dozen but not everyone is a Silus.” He said with a smirk finishing off his next slice of pizza.

Then came the subject of his coughing, which was growing worst by the week but it was not like he was worried about that. He offered the kid a weak smile. 'Cough? I...don't know whatcha mean.” He would try to deflect,, only to cough loudly into his hand once again, this one rattling his chest painfully. ”Alright, I guess i'm...not all fine, but what do ya think you can do?” Ryan asked looking to Silus. ”Got anything for a cough on ya?” he would ask, a wave if dizziness hitting him and nearly knocking on his knees, but he stayed standing.

A heart gone cold [Silus] CjhXQha
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