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Jason Masters [Beta NPC]

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Jason Masters [Beta NPC] Empty Jason Masters [Beta NPC]

Post by Alpha March 10th 2015, 6:12 pm

Jason Masters

Jason Masters [Beta NPC] EQlPzAW

Basic Biography

Real Name: Jason Masters
Renegade Name: Beta
Title: Travis' Favorite
Alignment: True neutral
Age: Physically 15
Gender: Male
Race: Homo Superioris
Hair: Dirty Blond
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5’4
Weight: 112
Blood type: 0+

The Looks


The Legacy

Personality: Jason is a perpetually curious individual, always questioning everything that he sees. If there is something that he has never experienced before, the male will go out of his way to try and understand what it is that he is seeing, even if that means staring at it, letting his mind analyze it. Unlike his sibling who is seemingly amoral, Jason is more naïve than anything else and his morality is mostly a blank slate, yet he listens to anything that his “big brother” tells him, including how he should conduct himself and things of that nature. If he sees a person in danger and has nothing better to do, he is likely to help them out but Jason does not go out of his way to help people.

History: Jason Masters was born as the result of an experiment by Travis Masters, in the form of a "test tube baby".  It took him approximately four weeks to develop into an infant from the experiment,  and his post fetal growth was likewise accelerated, taking only two weeks for Jason to  grow into the body of one who was fifteen years of age. Along with the accelerated aging, he had excellent physical capabilities, and showed great capabilities intellectually and with telekinetic prowess. The first week of his life not confined to a glass prison was spent examining every one of his abilities, and it became apparent that, while not excelling his creator in skill, he came close to Travis' level, and as such was quickly announced to be the older brother's favorite "Sibling" he had created.

The Powers and Weaknesses


Telekinesis: Jason is capable of remotely controlling substances with only a thought, allowing him to for example throw a large car with a casual motion and erect barriers around him to avoid being damaged. Along with this he is capable of creating mental blasts, usually facilitated with a motion of his hand, though that is not required.  Jason is capable of achieving free flight with little trouble, and also is capable of lifting what he is standing on to allow a similar effect, as well as other gravity defying tricks. Overall the limitations of his telekinesis and how dangerous it is all depends on the users creativity, and he is very creative.

Mind Control: Jason Masters can, by first initiating eye contact, "take over" the mind of someone else, forcing them to his will. He does this by slipping under or around their mental barrier and coercing them from within, not by simply taking control with brute force.  As such, anyone under his control can technically resist, if what he is trying to get them to do goes strongly against a belief of theirs. It is more as if they were heavily sedated, yet still conscious, and told what to do. Unless they have a firm reason for not doing so, they will comply.

Telepathy: The last, and yet most developed, of his powers is telepathy. Using this, he can transfer thoughts to and fro from another person to himself (though, like with speech, it is only what they wish for him to hear that he does). Along with mere phrases or brief thoughts, he can transfer any amount of knowledge he has, along with his entire thought process, emotions and mental state at this point in time into the person, allowing for an efficient way of spreading information instantaneously and feeding adversaries lies.

Gift of the mind: Another side effect of the strange experiments done to him is that Jason is superhumanly smart, capable of thinking hundreds of times faster than any human could. What has blossomed from this change is that he is capable of performing complex calculations that any human would be left confused with in a matter of seconds, learning and memorizing languages within less than a day, figuring out strategies and even predicting a person’s movements and actions based upon minor clues normally ignored. 

Overuse: Overuse of his telekinesis can cause nosebleeds, migraines and even unconsciousness

Concentration: broken concentration can cause whatever attack he is throwing to either weaken or cancel out

Eye contact: His mind control is limited by eye contact, and as such sunglasses can protect someone from it.

Naive: Beta is not too knowlegable of the world, despite his great intelligence, and this can be used against him

Telepathy weakness: While doing anything beyond communicating mentally, Beta will have to concentrate, this meaning he cannot dig through a persons mind and use his telekinesis.

Still only human...sort of: Despite his amazing psionic abilities, Beta can still be hurt by human means.

Blinding: Any means of blinding Beta can disable his mind control.

Alpha knows best: He is mostly dependent upon Alpha to help with most situations, and without him to command him, Beta is nowhere as effective as usual.

Voices in my head: Beta's telepathy sometimes goes out of his control, and he tends to hear the thoughts of everyone around him, disorienting him for a short time.

OCD: Despite it not being as severe as Alpha's, beta has a form of it and if things do not follow a certain mold for him, he will go out of his way to fix that.

RP Mechanic(s):
He is in possession of hypercognition, pamnesia, parallel processing and an eidetic memory. 

The Perfect body: Due to the research placed into his body, Jason is easily capable of matching a male his age and size as far as physical prowess is concerned. His muscles produce marginally less fatigue toxins, and allow him to perform for longer than the average male of his build without tiring out, as well as lifting considerable nearly twice his weight, as well as placing more force behind his fists. Not only that, but Jason is capable of reaching sprinting speeds of around 30 mph when pushing himself, and can strike with a frightening quickness. Along with this, he has a minor amount of enhanced reflexes, not making him by any means superhuman but he is beyond the average human. Finally is body is monumentally efficient, aging rate having slowed to the point that one consider him biologically immortal, body processing food, water efficiently. He is capable of going on with around eight hours of sleep a week. His genetics are also considered nearly perfect bearing almost no defects, and the few that exist are minor enough to not warrant any concern

A minor regenerative factor, that allows for a healing rate twice as fast as the normal human. Meaning he can recover from a wound that would take a week within three days.

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)

Jason Masters [Beta NPC] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Jason Masters [Beta NPC] Empty Re: Jason Masters [Beta NPC]

Post by Forceaus March 10th 2015, 8:41 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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