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And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Shadowoof April 29th 2015, 12:09 pm

Today had been a simple day for Marcus. It was just a long walk then eating and more walking, making the city of Chicago almost quiet and peaceful. But other then that, Marcus had his eye on this one place where an apparent mind reader lived and gave sessions for a fee. Marcus knew that their was a fifty-fifty this guy or gal was an actual reader of minds so he had decided he would go at some point and with the city as quiet as it was, seemed the time was now. His legs carried him to the small building with the sign psychic readings out front, a couple walked out before he reached the door, talking about her she knew what they were thinking. Seemed she was legit, so far of course.   Entering, the place didn't look like it normally did in movies he had seen which sort of made Marcus disappointed in what he thought he would see, bats and glass balls all over the place and darker shades of curtains and such but non of that. Guess that only improved the woman's chances of being a telepathic meta.

"Your mind is.. troubled." The female voice came from a room across where Marcus stood and quietly he went over and opened the door. "Your mind is very.. strong. I can barely enter and what I can see is only."

"Darkness." Marcus finished her sentence as he stood across the table she sat at. Her eyes were pure white, yet she stared right where Marcus stood. Like she could see him.

"You wish for me to see what lies behind?" Her words spoke Marcus's thoughts, yet he felt this was only a guess, then again. He didn't know what was blocked in his mind and what wasn't. He hadn't really thought of what he had to do to stop Dark from making any headway.

"Why not. It would be an adventure." Marcus tried to reassure himself, not knowing what could happen if she broke though the mental wall he had placed it seems to stop Dark. To himself or her but as he said, it would be an adventure.

"Then please sit." As Marcus sat on the chair, she stood and moved towards him, her thumb touched his forehead and she placed the other one at her own forehead. Marcus didn't know what would happen from here until he felt something. A stinging pain that stretched from his head to the rest of his body in a matter of seconds. "Something Evil resides in you."

After those words she backed away, a look of horror filled her face. "Would have been me darling. I thank you for what you've done." Darks demonic voice rang about as Marcus sat their with a emotionless expression on his face. His mind being broken and torn and sewn back together all at once by the demon. He had a chance to try and take control, he did but the demon wanted to see his host broken and gone from reality. Plagued and tortured for all the years he kept him locked away.  And all Marcus saw was horror, his memory's flashed about and pain surged though him, his mind summoning hellfire as to purge the pain with fire but all that came were the screams of the woman and crackle of fire as the building lit like a torch. Now. This is the beginning of a wonderful creation. The shadow of a shadow or maybe we should call you shade now. If that's what I brought you down too. The demon was delighted with what he had done and it was time to release this shade into the open world.  

Shadow walked out the building as people converged to look at it. Flames that burnt hotter then normal had melted even the ground that the building was built near. He looked up to see copy's of himself all converging on him, evil glints in their eyes. Shadow thought to protect himself and summoned more fire to burn them away. The screams of men,woman and children didn't reach the broken mans ears. Only the laughs of the Darkness. "Burn... Burn.. Burn."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus April 30th 2015, 12:30 am

"So, there's a fortune teller in town that may actually be able to read minds and see the future." John said as he looked away from the computer screen. "I'm not sure what the big deal is."

"You're not sure how someone possibly capable of actually seeing the future is a big deal? What?" Alisa asked sounding she was about to laugh hysterically.

"Girl, calm down. You've had too much sugar today." Patricia said looking at her friend with some concern.

"I know I know, whatever. I promise I'll cut back from now on. Anyways, go on John. Tell me why it's not a big deal." Alisa said trying to sound calm.

"Because we live in a world full of superhumans and other things, duh." he said trying not to sound like he was ridiculing her. "A fortune teller just doesn't seem very impressive."

"He's got a point." Kyle said as he was helping himself to a bag of chips.

"Hey, I didn't say you could have those. Those are mine." Patricia yelled as she got out of her seat and ran at Kyle to grab the bag of chips from him. Kyle was refusing to let go of the bag though. "Joshua, help me over here." she called out and Joshua ran over to help her try and wrestle the bag out of his hands.

Alisa was laughing at the sight of this as John went back to reading through stuff on the computer. "Hey, you should go. It's not that far from your place. Think you can keep your little secrets from her" Alisa said through stifled laughter.

"I'll think about it." he said as he tabbed away from this little story of a fortune teller.

"I have an idea." Patricia said after having finally gotten the bag of chips back. "John you should go and let the rest of us listen in on it. We can all give you advice on how to answer whatever questions get asked."

"So we're going to pull one over on the fortune teller?" Joshua said as Kyle passed by them and sat down looking a bit ruffled.

"Oh, I can work with that." John said now actually interested in this whole thing. "I'll go tomorrow then."
(The next day)

John was on his over to the address of this supposed mind reading fortune teller. He had his phone on and hidden under his clothes and an earpiece hidden behind his left ear so that he could hear whatever his friends said to him over the line. His superhero costume was on under his clothes to hold the phone in place since they were the best thing he had equipped for this. Oh this was going to be fun.

"Hey, reporting in. I'm almost there. It's just around the corner." he spoke into the phone and awaited responses.

"Alright. Good luck." Kyle said as he heard murmuring from the other end, but didn't know who it was.

John turned the corner to see smoke rising from a building. The same building that housed this fortune teller. "Guys, the building is on fire."

"What? Are you sure?" Alisa said sounding concerned.

"Yeah, and somebody's walking out of it and attacking people." John reported in instantly figuring out what was going on. "I got to hang up so I can call the police." he said before ending the call. He knew at least one, if not all of them would call the cops so instead he took cover and changed into his costume.

Forcewave was there quickly after getting into costume, and summoned forth a large amount of psionic electricity that formed a barrier to block the fiery attacks from hurting anyone else, and allowing all of them to get away. He then looked directly at the person responsible for what was going on. Nobody he recognized, but that didn't matter to him. "You're going to stop this, now." he said to this person, not expecting them to actually stop though. No, Forcewave was expecting this to be a fight, and he was ready for whatever came his way.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Shadowoof April 30th 2015, 4:40 am

Shadow held still as emotions came back, fragmented and broken memorys took place abd even hid subconsious had already built a mental defense for the demon. You won't hide forever from me Human. I'll find and rid of you for we are both cellmates now. The demon said coldly and followed by a dark laugh only Shadow could hear, the voices in his head. The pain but then, there was another voice, Shadow's head turning to see some sort of custumed man. Why was he in a custume. Why were the voices there.

Shadow took a few steps back in fear from what the man could possibly do. Did he have a weapon? he didn't know. "Look. I don't mean... any trouble... can you hear? the voices." Shadow asked as he looked around, why was it so bright and hot. Pain came with this heat but then subsided just as quickly. His hands rose and with it the flames followed and the confused human waved his arms to rid of the fire only for it to spread about more, some hitting.. something.

Ohh. The poor thing is scared. Shadow looked around for the voice, it sounded like it was coming from inside him but that was impossible. Nothing could live inside whatever he was. It just didn't feel right. Heh. You think what you want to think. I'll just sit and watch as your burn away. Dark finished with a sinister laugh that he made hearable to any who was close. Time to watch the human burn indeed.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus April 30th 2015, 5:53 pm

Alright, so what was the point of what this guy was doing? What, did he not like the fortune he was given. That's no excuse to burn the place down and go on a rampage. Seriously now, this person has issues. Serious issues that he was trying to resolve in all the wrong ways. Because of that, Forcewave was going to have to fight this guy and beat him. Then something else would happen, presumably. He'll worry about that later.

Forcewave listened to what this guy was saying, and what he was saying made little to no sense. He means no harm, yet he just burnt a building down and had been clearly attacking people all while laughing like a maniac. "You don't mean any harm? Then what do you call all of this?" he asked indicating the burning house and fires around them. Yeah, he clearly didn't mean any harm. This guy was definitely mad. His talk of supposed voices kind of confirmed it.

More flames appeared and the fire began to spread. Okay, so he could control the fire. That's one power Forcewave now knew this guy had, and had to watch out for. Not feeling like finding out what else this crazy guy could do, Forcewave fired a beam of concentrated lightning directly at him.

Whatever result came from that attack was something he would take care of momentarily. There was also the matter of the flames. He was keeping them contained as of now, but wasn't entirely sure how to put them out. Right now he was kind of wishing he had a fire extinguisher on him, though that might not be good enough. Yeah, containment was probably the best option for the time being. The police and fire department were probably on their way anyways. He could just keep this under control in the meantime.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Shadowoof May 3rd 2015, 9:44 am

Shadow kept looking about at the flames. They were elegant and alive yet they destroyed everything they touched and for no reason but to survive yet these flames didn't go out. Yes they seem to be your flames as I never had any control of the flames of hell. It was very interesting. Their the voice was again, it was everywhere now, beside him, behind him, inside of him and the pain never stopped. He turned to face the man that had said something about what was happening but then he felt a force push him to the ground a few meters from where he was standing.

At first Shadow couldn't find a reason for what happened but he also couldn't move and soon he felt unbearable pain in his chest. Feeling his hand, he moved it to where the pain seemed to originate and only felt the burn of seared flesh which caused Shadow to scream out in pain, a pulse of flame emitting from his body and going in all directions while burning him even more. But soon he felt something move whiten in him, something cold and numbing of the pain and Shadow sat up to see a shadow like substance had covered most of his body, some disappearing and leaving his skin normal yet the pain could still be felt, only less. "Why did you hurt me. What is all this. Who are you?" Shadow called and asked to both the man and the voice he could hear.

I am the darkness and right now your only friend. This man just tried to kill you but I was able to heal you. You should hurt the man back for what he did to us. Dark said to the broken Shadow before backing away to let the human think. In turn Shadow stood up and thought for a moment. How the man had tried to kill him for no reason and how he had to be hurt.

"He hurt us, now we hurt him. Burn.. Burn." Was all Shadow said while he looked at the flames and thought of how to use them, how to use his flames.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus May 4th 2015, 2:17 am

Forcewave could tell from here that this crazy and most likely, psychotic person was trying to expand the reach of the flames that they had produced and used to burn down the building that had belonged to a fortune teller and attack people that just happened to be in the area. He could go ahead and try to make this fire spread, but Forcewave wasn't going to allow them to go anywhere. No more devastation was going to be allowed, at all. He was going to keep these flames contained until they could be put out. He just wished a means of doing so would come soon. Hopefully the fire department doesn't take too long.

While waiting for the firemen to show up, Forcewave would keep the flames contained and attempt to deal with the one responsible for making them. He fired a blast of electrical energy at him to subdue him and stop his attempted spread of flames. The blast hit him square in the chest and knocked him to the ground. Well, that seemed to have worked. Normally it wasn't that easy. It usually takes two attacks, or some manner of trickery, but not in this case. Here it only took one shot and the crazy guy was down. If only that would be how things would turn out today. Things just weren't allowed to be easy. For some flames would kind of crawl over the guy along with a strange shadow of sorts. Okay, so he does have other powers besides controlling fire. Something involving shadows and darkness, and it looked like he can recover really fast. Oh, this should be fun.

The fire controller sat up and was still talking like he was mad. He asked Forcewave why he had hurt him and who he was. Forcewave paused to consider his reply as he prepared to attack again or defend himself just in case that guy tried something. His response was relatively curt. "To stop you from hurting anyone else. I'm a superhero. It's what I do."

After answering the misplaced questions that were asked of him, Forcewave saw the crazy fire manipulator get back to his feet and start raving about burning Forcewave for attacking him. One of those types it seems. Enjoys hurting others, but gets upset when someone retaliates. "Sorry, but you have left me no choice but to hurt you. If you don't want me to hurt you again, then get rid of all this fire. There's no need for any of this." Forcewave told him, giving him the chance to surrender peacefully. Let's see if he takes it or tries to continue this destructive spree.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Shadowoof May 4th 2015, 6:24 pm

Shadow looked around in response to the 'hero's' words about him hurting people and indeed, charred corpses could be seen all about and with his ability to control fire, he could only guess. He lies, his power burnt them. He just uses you to blame. Darks voice sounded so assuring for a demon. The human didn't understand much but felt like he knew the word superhero. Something like a memory.

"Hero? I don't know what a hero is, I don't remember burning these...people. And the flames.. Hellfire. I don't know how to rid of it. But you, you burnt me. Maybe you brunt them like he said." Marcus thought for a bit, lifting his hand to watch as the flames followed suit and aimed it at the 'hero.' "maybe they disappear when used?" Marcus said as he looked at the still moving flames, ready to strike but he had no clue as to fire them. Moving his arm in confusion it was only until he focused on them and willed them, did they all move under his control. The flames that were wild before all retracted to move around Shadow, tamed and ready. He focused them into a rather large Orb. One that looked like the yellow thing in the sky only a more brighter color and much larger before aiming it at the hero and shooting it. His ears hearing a dark laugh.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus May 4th 2015, 11:18 pm

Even though this fire and apparently shadow controlling guy who seemed to be out of his mind had burned down a building and killed a few people, Forcewave was giving him a fair chance to surrender peacefully and avoid being harmed. It seemed like it was the right thing to do after all. Unfortunately trying to do the right thing didn't always end the way it should. This may be one of those times.

Whomever this guy was started talking again, if talking meant rambling on. The fire controller said for one that he didn't know what a hero was. That was kind of understandable. Then it started to get weird when he said he doesn't even remember attacking people with those flames, and got even weirder when he mentioned someone else telling him that Forcewave was the one that responsible for what had happened here. Okay that made no sense, and hearing that 'how dare you attack me' stuff was just ridiculous. Anyways this meant either one of two things. Either he was completely off his rocker, or some unseen entity was messing with his head. Right now Forcewave was leaning towards the former though. Regardless of which it was, he had to stop him.

The flames he had been containing rose up into the air and came together to be launched at him. Forcewave brought the electrical barrier inwards to block it in midair. He then ran forward to take the fight right to this guy. First he would attempt to kick him square in the chest before trying to punch him right in his face.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Shadowoof May 5th 2015, 4:58 am

Again the flames were blocked by the a barrier yet Shadow watched as the flames burst apart into wisp and then gone, seemingly whatever was left of them had seemed to go under the ground. Eyes front human. Dark warned and so Shadow looked forward only to be kicked in the chest, a blow that winded him and another to the face, sending him to his knees with trouble breathing. Soon a black mist began to emit from his body, appearing in vision Shadow wondered what it was as the pain from the mans attacks began to subside. It wasn't as bad as the burning pain from before. Not knowing what it was, he heard the demon sigh and felt a tug in his body as the mist took form to create another Shadow only a shadowy version of what he looked like.

"Excuse the human 'hero.' He just suffered from a mental breakdown. And I guess you are now too." Darks demon voice was loud and demonic to the hero as he lunged back into Shadow and tendrils of darkness solidified from the rising mist, some going along the ground towards the hero while others went right at him, the ground ones hoping to chain themselves to his legs and keep him still for the main attack while also extending into his legs with growing spikes.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus May 6th 2015, 2:07 am

Seeing as he had no other choice in the matter, Forcewave went ahead and took the fight right to the fire controlling crazy guy. After stopping the giant ball of fire dead in its tracks, he dashed forward and struck at the guy head-on. His combination attack of a kick to the chest and punch to the face would work wonders as they dazed the crazy one and downed him on his knees. Forcewave acquired his balance and pivoted on his left foot as he lifted his right leg to try and kick him in the side of his head. What he would wind up hitting was a dark vapor that leaked out of the guy. Forcewave quickly recovered his footing after spinning about ninety degrees and took a couple steps back.

The strange gas took a physical shape resembling the person it had come out of. It then briefly spoke before reentering the body it came from, and began to attack using the strange gas as a weapon. They took the form of a bunch of chains or something and were running along the ground towards him. Forcewave fired a lightning blast the swept the mist heading towards him away. He then surrounded himself with energy as he ran forward and attempted to strike the guy while he was still down.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Shadowoof May 7th 2015, 11:46 pm

Shadow got up, unknowing of the attack Dark had sent at the man and turned to see said man running at him. A little scared, Shadow raised his hands up to defend himself or mainly his face when he felt the heat of flames for two pillars of hellfire rose in reaction to his thoughts. He wanted to defend himself and in turn the flames rose to defend him. Arr. Finally realizing how to control your power, don't expect it to save you human. Your still just learning. Darks voice was demonic and gave the confused Shadow a slight headache in turn.

But he did speak some truth, now he was able to get a hang of the power he grew more interested in it and what he could do with it. Forgetting that the man was coming at him for a few seconds as he thought about the flames. The pillars stood in-front him still, not moving yet still bright and hot he moved to touch it but felt pain as his hand burned and turned a red color but soon enough moved back to normal. "Interesting."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus May 8th 2015, 12:20 am

With what looked like a clear path directly towards the person he was being forced to fight with due to their murderous ways, Forcewave charged forward while brimming with energy to strike him while he was still down. Right now his attack was essentially an electrically charged knee to the face. Pulling a trick from straight out of Captain Falcon's bag right here. The crazy guy had put his arms in front of him to try and block the incoming attack, but Forcewave knew that wouldn't be enough. As he got closer and was about to hit him, a pair of flame pillars arose to try and defend the crazy guy from Forcewave's attack. "Oh right, he can control fire. I should have seen this coming." he told himself in his mind, and decided to attack anyways even with those things there.

Despite the pillars of flame now right in front of him, Forcewave continued to attack by increasing the amount of power going into it. Energy surged through him as he threw his leg straight through the flames and right to where the crazy guy's head was. The energy he had around him kept the flames from doing any damage to him, but he could still feel the heat from being this close. Let's go ahead and try to end this quickly. With that in mind he released a surge of energy that would dispel the twin pillars of flame.

Now with the path clear again, Forcewave quickly fired a couple of blasts of electrical energy each aimed at the crazy one's hands. Then he fired another aimed directly for his torso. He figured those attack would be able to incapacitate the guy, even with the rapid healing power. Scratch that, despite that power. Forcewave knew that he could hurt this guy faster than they could heal if he needed to. Hopefully he wouldn't need to, too much.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Shadowoof May 8th 2015, 2:10 am

As he watched the flame, he saw it separate along with a sudden pain to the face. Feeling his bone crushed and his body jolted he backed away with a hand to his nose and mouth, already he could feel them regrowing which scared him a little. Not even after that, he felt shots of energy hit his hands, practically going though them and into his mouth and out the back before feeling another break though his torso. His body was only slightly human and due to this the damage he took from multiple shots basically to the head and the torso broke Shadow and he collapsed from the shock of the pain. His body covered itself in shadows as the figure Forcewave saw before appeared again from the mist.

"Weak but then again, I broke the Shadow of Chicago. Which I was sure they called you." Dark said as he turned to the hero, a smirk rested on the darker form of Shadow. "I must thank you for the pleasure of watching my host get beaten and ripped like that, something that hasn't happened since his death. I love how you heroes just fight, he actually shot that fireball at you because he saw how your ability could dispel it and I of course messed with his head a little. Just wanted to clear that up. Unless of course your like that Red fellow and won't accept I'm real then so be it." Dark said to get at the hero. He knew that the term meant to save the weak which Marcus quite was just then. He was weak and confused but because the hero didn't wait he was beaten almost to death. Giving off the sinister laugh the hero would have heard before, the demon would walk back to the body where he would just rest and wait for the human to come back from his sleep of pain. There are no strings on me.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus May 10th 2015, 7:19 pm

Okay, that was it. After a series of attacks that were designed to be effective hit the person that were being used on, the practically psychotic guy was incapacitated, and they would not be creating any more of those flames any time soon. That was a good thing for he just used them to attack others. Because of those actions they got knocked out and even shot in the mouth. Hitting somebody right in the mouth was usually a good way to mess them up, even when it's not entirely intentional. Forcewave had been aiming for his hands as part of his attempt to incapacitate the guy, and one of his hands had been over his mouth and well, let's just say he looked like he needed to go to the dentist.

Now Forcewave just had to wait for the police or somebody to show up and take this hellfire controlling nutcase away to one of those prisons designed to hold metahumans. He said hellfire right, or was that something else? Did that mean he was from that place Tyuki's aunt and other relatives were from? Meh, doesn't matter anyways. What mattered was that this guy had been stopped before he could hurt anybody else. The only shame was that he didn't have a chance to stop the guy from killing anybody. Nobody here should have died and why was there more smoke coming out of the guy? Oh right, the talking smoke thing. He forgot about that.

The evil thing made of smoke was making another appearance and talking, and talking, and talking. Okay, enough of this. Forcewave didn't even let the foul creature finish running its mouth before firing an energy blast to dispel it. He then created a barrier of energy around the person that it came out of to try and prevent it from going back in. "No, I'm not letting you escape." he told the shadowy thing and would immediately proceed to fire another energy blast at it. Forcewave was sure as can be that he was not going to allow this thing to do what it pleased.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

Post by Shadowoof May 14th 2015, 12:47 am

Before Dark could move back to his host for effect, he felt a force of energy separating the mist and dispelling it. A barrier formed around his host and again another shot went though him, leaving the mist figure half broken yet Dark gave a cold laugh to what the hero did. "I see what you did their. To tell you that what you've done achieved nothing is what I will do. I mean I'm just showing myself in shadows for the effect. Isn't that what you humans call it?" Dark said as the mist would simply separate into nothing as Dark never left nor could he leave his host.

No he was stuck in the humans body for as long as the humans mind could keep him their but now was time for another leap of faith as Dark took control of the humans body for but a little short time and focused on it until he melded the body into a shadow that would move past the barrier and towards one of the many apartments that he would go though before unmelding the human in what seemed like a kitchen. Get up you stupid monkey. Dark said in hopes the human would awake soon so they could leave, his wounds seemed to have been covered in the shadows but now it was just taking it's time to heal.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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And now he's mad.(Forcewave) Empty Re: And now he's mad.(Forcewave)

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