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Rex vs Forcewave

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Rex March 7th 2013, 9:29 pm

The stage was set as the random drawing put him with a name, that name was Forcewave. A person he hadn't met before but was eager to face him. Rex walked onto the average arena, a large circle with a red circle stripe. Rex was wearing a black leather jacket with a black button up skin tight shirt and matching dress pants with white lines and boots. His hands came out of his pocket as he walked into the large arena, hands working the jacket until it dropped behind him. The young man stepped onto the battlefield and ran his fingers through his black spiked hair. he stod at six one and weight two hundred and sixteen pounds of power and solid muscle. The crowds cheered as a fighter stepped into the arena obviously ready for the battle ahead.

Rex looked around the arena and breathed in deeply than let it out, he wasn't use to such large crowds watching him fight. Most of the people kinda cleared out whenever a super battle commenced. The terrain was white square slabs that spread out across the entire battlefield for solid footing. There was no open sky since it was an arena. The people were eager for the battle to commence and to be honest Rex would feel better once the match had begun. Walking to the center he turned full 360 watching the people and just for their benefit he lifted his fist to the roaring approval of the crowd. Inside Rex couldn't believe that such a spectacle would attract so many.

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Forceaus March 7th 2013, 9:49 pm

Forcewave had now been given both the location of his first round match-up and the name of the opponent for it. Somebody named Rex. Whomever that was. He had looked around at the other participants when the name had been stated to see who would react to it but failed to see anything. Must have missed it. That or they did not react at all when their name was announced. Whatever it was did not matter all that much. Since he had no clue whom exactly it was he was up against he had no time to prepare for them. The main reason he wanted to face somebody he knew in the first round at least. He will just have to make due with what has been put in front of him for now. He grabbed all the things he would need for this fight and proceeded to the arena.

The trip to the arena was short but would have been quicker had he not taken a wrong turn at one point. Eventually he made it there and there stood his opponent awaiting him it seems. The place resembled a stadium of sorts with a ring in the middle. He stepped forward to the roars of the crowd and entered the ring. Forcewave looked directly into the eyes of the man standing across the battlefield from him. He looked a few years older than Forcewave himself and was certainly larger. Forcewave himself was rather average for someone his age really. A small robot was flying about and around them watching their every move and acting as the announcer. Forcewave made a slight bow towards his opponent as the robot's countdown to the start of the fight began. 3...2...1...Fight.

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Rex March 11th 2013, 4:37 pm

Rex watched his fellow fighter enter the arena to the roar of the crowd, he closed his eyes letting the sensation they felt wash over him as he tried to understand what about violence brought out the primal nature of humans. Sophisticated until challenged than they were no more than animals. The young man bowed and Rex returned the gesture and awaited his opponent to fully enter. The robot above was kind of annoying. A idea came in to "Accidently" Wreck the robot if he got the oppurtunity but it was just a side not for the battle. Breathing in the large warrior set his body into a Wushu stance and flowed from one stance to another finding the perfect balance.

The terrain under him gave him a idea and since he didn't know what his opponent culd do he had no plans to giving a clear battlefield. A large fist came down with a roar and smashed into the ground causing a huge shockwave that ripped the ground apart. Huge slabs rose up at odd angles as smaller rubble flew through the air. A half dome surronded the Warrior before the shockwave spread outwards in a blast of physical power. The entire terrain from wall to wall now looked like a Sidewinder missile had struck it. Huge slabs, places to take cover, broken bits, and unsettled footing. Now the battle was going to be interesting.

His eyes looked back to the other and waited, the spectacle wasn't a show of power though some would think it so. This was only to allow a better and more dynamic field to work with. The crowd had gone silent at the destruction but if it was fear or awe Rex wasn't sure and he didn't care. It wasn't about fame or fortune but living up to a Legend and becoming the next super powerhouse.

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Forceaus March 11th 2013, 5:18 pm

The battle had begun. Forcewave was more than ready for it. His energy surged through every part of his body in preparation of its eventual use against the man standing across the arena from him. His mind was racing with ideas. Ones that he had come up with prior to this match starting and ones that had just come into fruition. Figuring out which option to choose with so many available was no easy task. His preferred option involved first figuring out just what this person was capable of in order to determine what was the best course to undertake. Mere seconds after the start signal went off he was given a pretty good idea as to what the answer to that query was.

His opponent brought down his fist and the ground shaked as it split apart at the surface. Forcewave stepped back in order to properly keep his footing throughout the trembling ground. Now he knew this man was strong. How strong though was a different story. He had felt the shockwave and how powerful it was. It was strong yes, but not the strongest he had ever felt. The one unleashed by the mighty caveman were much more devastating than this. This shockwave wasn't even an attack. It was a strategic move to alter the battlefield in his favor. Whether or not it would work would only be determined in time.

Forcewave studied the ground all around him in order to know what he would be walking upon. It was uneven now sure, but nothing he was not used to. He had mountain climbing experience so this should not be too much of an issue. His opponent was probably thinking this would make him wary of his movements. That would be what he used first. Forcewave propelled himself forward at a slightly altered angle as to not be charging directly at him and moved at a high speed but not his greatest towards the man ready to attack him. The distance was closed quickly and once in reach Forcewave gathered his footing once again and struck at him from the weak points of the dome that had risen around him. He was wearing his gauntlets of course and those hit a lot harder than he normally could without use of his powers. As for his powers. They were ready to be unleashed instantly if need be.

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Rex March 11th 2013, 6:14 pm

Rex watched the man speed across the ground and brought his arms up in a guard as metal guantlets smashed into his flesh. His stance blocked him from movement and his iron body style minimized the damage on top of his endurance. Stepping to the left and altering his postion four inches while turning his body he managed to evade the fourth punch and lash out a large dragon strike forarm for the man's torso in the attempt to send him flying backwards. Rex now knew the man was fast and those guantlets gave a edge, a thought occured that maybe he should get something to boost his speed but that was for later.

The energy he felt around the man worried Rex for he had dealt with energy users before and they were major buzzkill strong. Depending on the wielder of course, he remembered Pains kids the one who liked to use ice well that had been simply breaking it apart. Than there was Paine a sweet psychopath with her daddies gifts who was as tough as she was cold. Pain didn't just dominate the stage he had to have kids that followed. Off topic Rex came back to the fight, one thing the warrior had learned was the ability to detatch his mind from the body and allow instincts and muscle memory to work while his mind worked something else. The man was going to be a battle, now the attacks stopped the tingling in his arms from the blocking vanished as his body healed.

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Forceaus March 11th 2013, 7:55 pm

Forcewave launced several strikes straight into the man's torso but were instead blocked by the man's arms. He was barely flinching from the strikes and after a few hit his arms was able to attempt a counterattack. Forcewave ceased his attack in order to block the counterattack. He caught the elbow strike between his wrists and even though it pushed him back a bit he used the inertia to try and pull the man forward and cause him to lose his footing and stumble towards him in preparation for another quick strike. It would have to be a pretty strong one to do anything. His initial attacks had demonstrated that his opponent was a pretty tough individual overall and could take a fair bit of damage. Perhaps the kind he might need to unleash his power upon in order to beat. Time will tell.

He pulled the man forward but could not get much momentum in it. Forcewave wound up giving up on this seeing as he would not be able to get in a powerful enough strike in this position. So instead he took what movement he could get out of the guy in order to get around his arm and strike at him unblocked. He moved quickly, faster than before yet still not as fast as he could fully move. At this point he was moving faster than any normal human could move at about sixty miles per hour. Hopefully it would be fast enough. He stayed low in order to dodge any swinging of his arm and then struck at the man's ribcage and prepared another strike just in case it worked.

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Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Rex March 11th 2013, 11:25 pm

Rex felt his arm get caught and the man try to pull him, his own legs locked and refused to budge as the man pulled again. His eyes stared into his opponents and felt the shift as the man went from tactical to physical. The man went low under his arm for his mid torso and the first punch slammed against his body but not even a rush of paun answered. His right fist balled and went under aiming for the man as he came in for the second strike his arm would aim to collide with the others arm. Rex felt the power of the punches as they collided and already knew his strength and endurance was capital in the phsyical confrontation. It was something but it wasn't the match and his opponent was a Energy user not a physical fighter.

The collision if the two fists met would cause a minor shockwave and whatever amount of damage the difference in strength and endurance would cause but possibly a broken if not heavily bruised and numbed arm. Rex felt a little confidence enter him in the hopes that maybe this wasn't a complete lost. The counter if worked would leave Forcewave open where Rex would attempt a grab on the smaller mans back and throw a full knee forward aiming for the solar plexes where the ribs met together and cause massive damage. If it worked it would help if not than the battle continued evenly.

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Forceaus March 12th 2013, 1:11 am

The efforts to pull the man forward with use of his his own momentum in order to unbalance him were for naught. The man was just too strong for him to do so. Standard tactics just would not work for him here. No, it seems he would have to use his powers to defeat his opponent. Such a shame. He was hoping to hold off use of them for at least a little while longer. He had gotten underneath the man's guard and struck him dead on in his ribcage but it had little impact on him. The blow barely caused his opponent to flinch and it kind of left Forcewave feeling a bit vulnerable and discouraged.

He saw his shoulder dip down and knew what was coming. Forcewave used his momentum to push himself forward and get around and behind the man as he struck out at Rex's right calf with his foot. This time some of his energy was apart of the attack. There would be more power behind this attack than anything his gauntlets could ever hope to produce but still not his full power. He figured this would be enough to effectively damage his foe without running the risk of seriously maiming him or something similiar. He took his last steps and was now several feet away from Rex and looking at him to survey the results of what he had just attempted. He could tell already that he was faster and capable of dodging his attacks if he stay focused.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Rex March 12th 2013, 1:20 am

Rex missed his opponent and lost him than felt the blow to the back of his leg backed by that energy he had worried about. A jolt went through his leg causing it to stumble and nearly lose his balance as electricty ran up his calf muscle causing a spasm. The electricity gone his leg healed and the big man turned around and smiled. His opponent just got a lot more dangerous from moment to moment. Lightning was bad and his only consultation was his body could heal some major damage even fatal damage quickly. Rex shook off the effects and with a strike he slammed his palm down an angled it forward.

The strike on the ground sent the terrain forward as up rose large earthen spikes the impact shoving them quickly out of the ground and spread across the ground. The spikes rushed forward closing the distance almost as fast as Forcewave moved across. The spikes spread out and grew longer so by the time they reached Forcewave they were twenty feet spread and four feet out the tips super sharp thinning than bulging out the further back they went. Rex raised his hands preparing more for the mans power not sure if that attack would have been enough.

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Registration date : 2010-12-05

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Forceaus March 12th 2013, 3:53 pm

Forcewave's wee little hit and run maneuver he did there worked. He successfully struck the man in his calf with a powerful blow and generated some distance between the two of them. Just as he had hoped. So far he was faring well enough to have taken the initiative and holding an early advantage in this here fight.Yes, things were going quite well for him. Though, they could be going better. The damage done did not seem to be all that much for whatever reason. Forcewave had seen his opponent's leg buckle but he just recovered from it like it was nothing. Seems like he would have to increase the power behind each attack. At least he knew he could hit him when he needed to. That tiny bit of information was sure to help him later on. Now it would be easier to figure out exactly how to defeat his opponent.

As for now he had to deal with the attack coming his way. Another strike to the floor and causing shockwaves along the ground beneath them. This time the shockwave was being used for an attack. The dislodged ground caused by the shockwave shot out and the effects were quickly towards him. The effects were so widespread that dodging would be extremely difficult to do and might leave him open to a second attack. Instead he did something else. All that energy he had been storing up over the course of the fight. Well now he unleahsed some of it. A devastating wave of energy was let forth at the upended ground and blasted its way through the spikes directly towards Rex. Forcewave charged behind it hidden by the attack itself to follow up whatever the blast managed to do with another burst of power ready. Even if Rex were to dodge the blast he would be wide open to Forcewave's direct attack.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Rex March 12th 2013, 10:15 pm

Rex watched his attack shatter under the energy unleashed by the man who released his own return shockwave of super charged power. But looking at it the power didn't seem to have unleashed as much. Rex waited than bringing his fist together created his own super shockwave that slammed into the oncoming shockwave causing a stall of power between the two. Rex spotted the man coming behind the shockwave and knew he only had a moment to do his next attack. The young man was incredibly powerful and now he was close, close, closer. Rex slammed a foot on the ground causing a massive earthquake that shook the entire terrain into rolling waves in the attempt to throw Forcewave off the ground and into the air.

Rex had other plans for when the ground was stomped on huge rocks and tile lifted up some as big as a orange others from the shockwave like pillars about seven feet in length. The stomp lifted up the entire debris field in front of Rex. Bringing his hands together behind the raised debris before they fell back he sent a full on super missile barrage of rocks and tile some blunt force objects other sharpened by the terrain and force of both men. Rex raised his hand into a Wushu fighting stance for counter attacks in case the man found a way around or through the hundreds of earthen missiles. For added effect Rex slammed his fist down again but this time localized to match with the sudden rolling of the ground it jerked up the terrain like a huge shield of stone in front of Rex. Now the object in the path a good seven feet in height and three feet across Rex positioned himself low and to a side.

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Forceaus March 12th 2013, 11:42 pm

Forcewave was charging forth behind his energy wave which had cleared its way right through all the upended ground that his opponent had caused and straight towards him. The wave reached the man but was blocked by another shockwave this time released through the air as he drew closer. Forcewave continued closing in on him ready to attack even despite this and fired forth another even more powerful attack directly at his torso mere feet from him as his foot hit the ground causing another shockwave. More uprooted rocks coming now. Forcewave got caught by the moving waves of terrain and staggered backwards and rolled back to get back to his feet as more energy was channeled through him to protect him from any attack that may come during all of this. He looked back to the man to see what he was doing and grimaced a bit.

There was now a misshapen wall of debris in front of his opponent caused by all the damage. That wall was now flung towards Forcewave himself. He took off to his right and sidestepped all the incoming stones and looked at the new wall of debris standing in front of his opponent, acting as a barrier of sorts against any attacks he might send. He could see that simply blasting through it would probably weaken any attack that pierced it some and thereby making it less effective against him. Forcewave prepared his next attack as he spoke to him really for the first time. "You are going to run out of ground to just upend and sent at me. Eventually the ground simply won't be able to provide anymore for you." he told him as he fired forth a bunch of small blasts in all sorts of different shapes and sizes that spread around and pretty much blanketed the air around them in electrical energy. A few of these combined together into a couple larger and more powerful spheres of energy hidden by all the others and shot forth at his opponent at incredible speeds from both his sides and behind and above him all at once. Immediately after that Forcewave launched an even more powerful attack at the wall of earthly debris to blast right through it and knock all the rocks and tiles onto him as well.

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Rex March 13th 2013, 12:09 am

The static in the air made Rex's arms stand up and his plan jumped into action a moment before Zeus's prodige rain down lightning oblivion on the earth. Lightning big and small shattered the ground causing crushing force that sent lightning waves across the ground, his stone wall crumbling under the power of the Energy user. The terrain was now filled with smoke and dust that cascaded around the arena blocking out sight all over the terrain. The ground was littered with debris and destruction from the rain of power that was pure destruction.

A huge fist erupted under Forcewave and up with it came Rex. The power he used in the attack the ground didn't even hold him back he came out full force under the unexpectant warrior aiming to use all his strength right under the jaw. The smoke and dust hid the presence of him being gone but now those higher in the stands could see a hole that had been ripped into the ground before the lightning storm rained down.

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Forceaus March 13th 2013, 1:13 am

Forcewave's two attacks that were used in a combination were to no avail. Yet he was not surprised. He had expected something like this. That last attack essentially forced his opponent to attempt this. If he had not he probably would have been finished off by that combination attack. He could sense that neither attack had made contact with his opponent and as he could still see through all the static in the air could tell that he had not managed to jump out of the way. There was only one way that Rex could have dodged it and Forcewave had anticipated it. He crouched down and brought back to him the energy floating aimlessly around in the air and formed it all into a small compacted sphere. He waited there listening carefully for any sound of movement and could hear the sound of burrowing coming towards him. As it drew closer he got ready and the instant the ground before him started to come up fired a powerful beam that merged with the sphere to form an attack of devastating power right where his opponent was emerging out of the ground from.

The resulting shockwave from such a moment as that sent him out of his crouching position and knocked him back onto the ground. The blast left a massive pit where it had occurred. That tunnel his opponent had made was a lot bigger than it had been before. Forcewave rolled over and got back to his feet several yards away from where he had previously been surveying the results of what had just happened.

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rex vs Forcewave Empty Re: Rex vs Forcewave

Post by Rex March 13th 2013, 3:00 pm

As rex came up he found himself for a word the barrel of a super beam that collided directly with his unguarded chest and cratered him down through the arena where he laid on the ground feeling the lightning heat. His clothes were smoking well what was left of his shirt was smoking. Burns crossed his chest while muscle spasms contorted from the electricity shock. The crowd stared down in astonishment at the sheer power unleashed. As the crowd went silent a hand rose up grabbing the edge and pulled its way out of the crater. Rex stared ahead at the man in front of him and grinned as smoke rose off his burned flesh that was already healing away.

Standing tall he stumbled slightly from the sheer power he had just come into contact with and it hurt like flaming dickens. Rex dropped to one knee as the healing took over on his body now he needed a couple of minutes to fully recharge. The wounds weren't lethal enough to kill him so major wounds healed quickly enough. The spasms ceased and Rex was able to pull himself back onto his feet and shake off the rest. "Damn dude, term swatting a fly mean anything to you?" His voice was joking as he readied himself for the next attack. His eyes looked at the crater and a idea formed into his mind. It was a too edged attack but it would be spectacular. Bending his knees Rex leaped high into the air all the way to the rafters, his fist balled as he dropped towards the ground at full speed.

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