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Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave)

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Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave) Empty Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave)

Post by .ANONYMOUS. January 5th 2015, 6:20 pm

A new body for a new perspective. Terrorizing people through wireless devices, taking their information, their identity all of it was maddening fun but the manifested cyber-intelligence known as ANONYOUS craved more. So it created a body for itself and an array of weapons and gadgets to better serve its purposes, bringing bringing hid trolling and inflammatory internet behavior to the physical world. And with this new body ANONYMOUS wanted to make an entrance, a grand reveal of his perceived superiority. It would be a difficult task, one that took weeks of prepping and planning even for the highly advanced AI. He would pour over file after file of data on the man he felt should be his target, a hero of sorts and symbol of good to the people. Someone who had been there for New York and someone who had shown themselves as battle hardened and tested. ANONYMOUS was going to send a message to the world and he was going to do it in Chicago with Forcewave's corpse.

Somewhere in one of the harsher Chicago neighborhoods...

"No please don't!" a young blonde woman would scream, arms crossed over her chest and the slightly revealing red dress clinging to every curve of her body. Hovering over the woman was a behemoth of sorts. Standing almost eight feet tall and covered in smatterings of grey calloused skin, the thing was grotesque its shadow engulfed the entire form of the woman before him. One of its gargantuan clubbed arms blocked the exit to the alleyway that the two figures stood in. Its other hand floated brutishly over the woman's waist as it lowered its grimy yellow maw down to her ear.

"Don't worry baby" it spat out in a mangled attempt at seduction. It's right hand would clutch as the woman's abdomen forcibly drawing her close to its foul body. A petrified whimper escaped her throat as she stared into the vile creature's pale eyes. Writhing and wriggling she would try to escape its clutch but to no avail. "Keep it up baby" it cackled in a guttural voice. "I like it when they fight back!"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2014-12-04

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Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave) Empty Re: Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus January 6th 2015, 5:33 pm

The day began at 12:01am because that's technically when a day starts. John Capore was still awake at said time, and would continue to be awake for a while longer. He couldn't sleep right now because not too long ago, Forcewave had been involved in a battle with a local supervillain whose name he could never remember despite having met him on a few occasions, and the villain liked to talk about himself. Then again, that was what a lot of supervillain were like. Can you blame him for not being able to remember his name when there were so many others just like him? Anyways, at least he was home again and could try to get some sleep. He had school in the morning to get ready for.

Lunchtime during school that day had him involved in a discussion about superheroes and villains with his friends. Did that count as ironic? Maybe he'll ask Alanis Morissette. She was clearly an expert on the subject of irony.

"What I'm saying is that most supervillains are pretty much bad cartoon characters." Kyle said. He was the one with the 'most' encounters with people with powers. Something he liked to occasionally brag about, unfortunately.

"Yeah, because destroying a major city is something a cartoon character would do." Alisa responded sarcastically, clearly indicating New York City. She was the only person in this conversation that was actually born in Chicago.

"I said most." Kyle replied defensively. Just like John, Kyle had also previously lived in New York before the assault. They had been friends even back then. They had both moved to Chicago within a few months of each other.

"So you're saying we should be laughing at them instead of avoiding them?" John asked Kyle This was amusing coming from him as he didnt exactly avoid them, but for the sake of this conversation, had to pretend he did.

"Well this city is pretty well protected with all the superheroes that seem to live here. I'm saying that we don't need to be terrified just because a few supervillains also show up here a lot." Kyle explained optimistically.

"Don't tell me you're actually a superhero." Joshua said jokingly

"You know what, you could be one. I mean you're from New York and a few heroes that used to primarily reside there now do so here. Bit of a stretch on being a coincidence, don't you think?" Alisa said actually sounding serious. She had noticed how suspicious such a situation would be.

"It's a coincidence, trust me." Kyle said laughing. He apparently found the idea preposterous.

"Yeah, Kyle's way too much of a loudmouth to be a superhero. Those types would be more quiet and secretive." Joshua stated.

"Fair point. So, what about you, John?" she asked now looking at him. "I mean you are kind of, as Joshua says 'quiet and secretive' and you're like always tired." She concluded sounding really suspicious.

"John? A superhero? Please. He's a total wimp. Don't you remember him nearly crying when his shoes got milk spilled on them. He literally nearly cried over spilled milk." Kyle said laughing more than ever.

"Shut up. I like these shoes. They were a present." John said defensively

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. All four of them got up to head back to class.

The schoolday would eventually come to an end, and so would the actual day soon enough. Night was about to fall as the sun began to sink below the horizon. Forcewave was currently out on the streets trying to do that whole hero thing. He was honestly expecting that villain from the night before to show up again. When he heard a scream from about a block away he set off in that direction. He would find a woman being attacked by some weird looking thing. He didn't really have words for it. Not that he was interested in describing it anyways. He saw it grab her as he was getting closer and was mocking her efforts to struggle and get free of its grasp. "Hey." he called out to it. "If you like it when they fight back, then you're going to love me. Leave her alone." he told it as he prepared to attack.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave) Empty Re: Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave)

Post by .ANONYMOUS. January 7th 2015, 3:07 pm

A sound, came from the other end of the alley, a voice, alerting the large grotesque creature to the presence of another. Turning its head, it would stare at the hero, pale eyes giving him a once over before laughing to itself. "Puny little human" Its yellow teeth would bare in a crooked smile as it threw a fist directly into the woman's head. A crunch would echo down the alley as she fell to the ground, her chest heaving as she clung to life.l Without its eyes ever leaving Forcewave it lowered a hand to forcibly pet her head. "Quiet baby, I'll get to you later. Right now daddy's got to deal with a little pest." Then the monster would take off towards Forcewave, its lumbering gate betraying its lack of speed, but power coursed in its every step. And as it reached Forcewave it would raise its massive hands above its head attempting to smash the man beneath them. Luckily for him the monster was not a very skilled fighter either and there would be little chance that the blow would make contact. But all the while another danger lurked. ANONYMOUS was monitoring the entire situation, waiting for the proper moment to strike.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2014-12-04

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Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave) Empty Re: Enemy at Your Door (ANONYMOUS vs Forcewave)

Post by Forceaus January 9th 2015, 6:45 pm

((Does this creature have a grid or can I just defeat it in my next post?))

Today had started off as a relatively normal day for Forcewave. Come nightfall, it was still a relatively normal day for him. Here he was trying to save somebody and fighting off some evil something or another. Okay, so what was this thing exactly? It already seemed to be the overly talkative kind. He really didn't care who or what this thing was. What mattered was the woman it was endangering. Forcewave had to get her away from this thing before he could do much else.

He acted almost immediately after making his presence known. Energy leaked out of him and traveled about as he saw the creature attempt the strike the woman. Forcewave managed to create a very thin barrier in between the woman and the creature's fist as it came towards her, and though the impact was lessened, the woman still fell to the ground hurt. She was okay though, mostly. He would still have to help her. In the meantime there was this thing to deal with.

The creature charged at him, its arms raised and ready to mangle him if it managed to get a hold of him. Forcewave could read its attack with ease and proceeded to dodge around its grasp and get behind it and then out of its reach. He fired a blast of energy at it that would reach it right around the time the creature turned around, and then ran over to the woman to check up on her.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" he asked her. She was conscious, but hurt. He looked back over toward the creature to keep track of what it was doing as he said "Come on, we have to get you to a hospital. Can you walk?"

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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