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Jenna Empty Jenna

Post by Quinn August 9th 2015, 12:19 am


Jenna 149466329539046Human Name » Jenna Rose
Fae Name » Nessa Cryso
Villain Name » Darkheart
Alignment » Lawful Evil

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

Age » 16
Gender » Female ♀
Race » Fae
Hair » Brown
Eyes » Brown
Height » 4'10"
Weight » 107 lb
Blood Type » AB+

The Legacy

Personality » Jenna tries to act emotionally dead to everyone around her, trying to act like a boss, and is mostly able to do it rather well, having a decent amount of practice at it. However, with someone she trusts or something that causes a big shock or surprise will have her revert to her normal personality. Normally Jenna acts far younger then she looks, which comes from her lax upbringing and the trauma of seeing what happened to her parents. She is likely to have a fit when something doesn't go her way as long as she isn't trying to pretend she doesn't have any emotions. Jenna likes to enjoy the small things, and by that I mean pudding, which is by far her favorite food. Jenna has a habit of relying on people who she trusts that do not fall under the effect of her power, trying to regain some sort of parent figure in her life, though only as long as they continue to be nice to her, turning on them quickly if they try to abuse her in any way.

History » Jenna was a normal child in her younger years, not yet manifesting her powers. As such she was a rather normal child, adorable is a way to describe her in one word. She listened to her parents when they told her to do something and was generally a good child. That, however, all changed when she finally had her power awaken at the young age of eight, right on her birthday. It was very weak at first, only working on her parents. Jenna didn't notice any real change at first, misunderstanding her parent's sudden desire to give everything she wished for as a birthday present. They were nice parents after all, normally kind of their child.

It wasn't until she noticed that other people started doing the same thing that she started to think that she was different. Other children would suddenly just start giving her toys because she said that she wanted them. Adults would buy her anything she wanted. At first it was just people that were within a certain distance of her, and once she left it would wear off, but as she aged the distance started to increase. Jenna was, after all, constantly using her ability, therefore constantly training it. At first, Jenna didn't use her new found power much, trying to make sure that she didn't force people to do weird things, but you know what they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Jenna managed to hold off on abusing her powers for a good two years, but by the sixth grade she was the leader of her own personal gang of minions. She wasn't exactly stupid, making sure that they went home at night, but during the school day she basically ran the whole school, having control of some of the teachers even. The fact that she had the looks to be one of the more popular people helped hide her power from the people Jenna didn't control. She wasn't exactly on the low end of the grades. All and all things were looking up for Jenna.

Things continued that way for a few more years. It wasn't until eighth grade that everything changed. Jenna was, at heart, still a nice person and the control she gets from her powers was starting to annoy her at this point. She didn't know how to turn off her own power though, and as such was forced to live with what it gave her. She made an offhand comment about how it would be nice to have parents that didn't listen to everything she told them to do. Jenna meant for it to be a complaint, not a wish, but that wasn't how the people around her that she controlled treated it, quickly gathering together and leaving right away. Jenna was confused, but just treated it as some new weird thing her power did. It wasn't until she got home and saw what was left of her parents that she understood how awful both her and her power was. To make matters even worse it happened on her birthday.

In a fit of rage and sorrow she made all of the people go and turn themselves in to the police. Operating more on shock then anything else she grabbed some clothes and fled, thinking that she was going to also be arrested because her power was the reason that her parents were dead. Plus she was a teenager and they aren't known for doing smart things under pressure. For the next year, Jenna lived under the radar, having the people under her control help her out whenever she needed it before having them return to their normal lives, never staying in the same place longer then a week. It was during this time that Jenna saw the bottom of the world. The hidden section of crime that is hidden from the public eye. It was then that she decided that she belonged there and started planning on how to clear out a space for her, where no one that was after her would find her.

Powers and Weaknesses


Name » Once her transformation into a fae was complete, Jenna gained control over her ability to control minds, finding that it is a nearly invisible dust that she was subconsciously releasing from her hidden wings. She can now send out this dust at will, or even collect it and place it in different objects or even food. As long as someone weak of mind inhales the dust, they have a chance to fall under Jenna's control. They obey any command that Jenna gives them, even if is to jump off a cliff or to dive in front of a bullet for him. (PC Permission)

Name » The moment that someone speaks any lie, no matter what kind of lie it is, Jenna can instantly tell that they are speaking false.

Name » Jenna is able to instantly grasp any language she hears, gaining the ability to talk to anyone who is intelligent to actually speak words that have meaning.

Name » Down Jenna's back is a tattoo that are seemingly modeled after a pair of wings. Whenever Jenna wills it, the tattoo transforms itself into a pair of fae wings, just big enough to carry her around. As long as Jenna is using her wings to travel, she moves rather quickly and is very nimble, unlike how she is on the ground.

Name » With her newfound fae powers, Jenna is now a master of illusions. She is able to seemingly bend reality around her, though everything she creates is completely fake. These illusions seem so real and lifelike that someone could almost feel them.

Name » Jenna is able to pull life essence from one living being and push it into another, using this to heal the person that the life essence is being given to. (PC Permission)

Name » She is able to change her size between her normal human size and a tiny one, which is about six inches tall.

Name » Pulling power from the elementals around her, Jenna is able to make a shield from them to protect herself with. The shield itself is very sturdy if you consider it from a mundane point of view.

Name » Using the power of the elements around her, Jenna can pick people up around her and carry them. Those she carries have to stay within a meter of her or they lose the ability to defy gravity. (PC Permission)


Name » Just being Jenna is able to tell that someone is lying, it does not mean that she is able to tell what kind of lie it is. She completely unable to tell a small white lie from a blatant lie designed to mislead.

Name » A combination of her upbringing and ancestry has caused Jenna's body to be weaker than normal. Even if she was to go through training, her strength would also be below average.

Name » Jenna's fae psychology makes her immune to effects that would increase her physical abilities. Anything that would normally buff her physically just seems to wash over her without causing any effect, though she does know that something tried to do so.

Name » While Jenna's gift to quickly learn any language that she runs into, she has to actually hear the language to learn it. If the language is not spoken, then she is not able to learn it and cannot speak with the person.

Name » The amount of weight that Jenna is able to carry is limited. She is only able to lift at most two or three people with her power, forcing any extra to find their own method of transportation.

Name » When Jenna is changing from her small form to her larger one, she has to have enough room to do so or it refuses to take effect. If she is in a small place or is trapped in a cage, as long as she continues to be in there she is unable to go back to her human size.

Name » Jenna's illusions, though powerful, are still just illusions. While they can make it seem like someone is getting hurt or things are happening, none of it is real. They can feel the pain as if the damage actually happened, but the moment that the illusion drops or is broken, the pain also vanishes.

Name » Though Jenna is now able to focus her mind control in a way, the dust she creates is still just dust. If someone wears a gas mask or has some other way to stop it from being inhaled or consumed, then even if they are weak minded enough to fall under Jenna's control, they would still be immune.

Name » Like all fae, cold iron causes Jenna's skin to blister and burn. It acts like an extreme allergic reaction, though it only works if the item itself is made of pure cold iron. Steel and other such things do not seem to cause this effect.


RP Mechanics

Name » Whenever Jenna is sad, mushrooms grow up around her and form a faery ring.


Item » What the item gives you
What weaknesses the item has

Physical Priority
Reaction » One
Agility » Two
Endurance » Three
Strength » Four

Last edited by Quinn on August 8th 2017, 1:51 am; edited 9 times in total
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Jenna Empty Re: Jenna

Post by Odien August 9th 2015, 8:56 pm

I only read the name.

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Humor : [19:30:11 19/01/15] @ Bliss : It's like holding someone's head underwater and forgetting they aren't a fish
Registration date : 2014-04-11

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Jenna Empty Re: Jenna

Post by Atlas August 21st 2015, 4:11 am

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Jenna Empty Re: Jenna

Post by Atlas August 21st 2015, 5:34 am

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Jenna Empty Re: Jenna

Post by Alpha May 15th 2016, 9:56 pm

moved for edits

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Jenna Empty Re: Jenna

Post by Alpha May 18th 2016, 2:08 pm


Jenna CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Jenna Empty Re: Jenna

Post by Dubloon August 8th 2017, 1:56 am

Reapproved until stated otherwise.

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Jenna Empty Re: Jenna

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