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Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Shadowoof October 1st 2020, 9:33 am

"Any and all things not human." Penny mumbled in answer, crossing her legs as she tried to ask the sword if there was anything near human it didn't want to kill. She didn't get an answer. Perhaps that was an answer all the same, knowing it. "And I will have you know, I didn't have much of a choice in picking it up... Or at least, I don't think I did. I kinda just. Did it. I can't say I was thinking... Anything. In that moment at least." Rubbing her temple, she stood up from her chair and walked to the nearest curtained window. It was still night out, so she took the moment to open up the curtain and then the window, allowing fresh air to waft in.

That was better. She needed this. She needed to think. Was this sword just some magic project? For some reason, she doubted it. Projects aren't put hundreds of feet under the earth in a tomb, protected by a familiar to make sure it isn't removed from such a tomb. They're kept. Used. Why wasn't the sword being used. Who put it there. Who made the thing that killed her. Too many questions she wasn't going to have answered any time soon. Leaning her head out the window, she looked down, noticing the shadows of the night dancing along with the lights. It unnerved her. "Ahem." Leaning back and away from the window, she turned back to Adam, taking a step.

And nearly going off balance as a wave of magic wormed through her body, down her legs, spreading throughout her feet and escaping from every angle. The pulse raced in every direction, and she expected the feedback to hit her suddenly. To find Adam and dance back into her thoughts like a hammer. It did indeed hit like a hammer. But it wasn't Adam. She felt a presence. Across from them, to the left. In another room.

Her golden eyes flashed brilliantly with a deeper gold as the sword, left in the bathroom form itself into her hand, the weight already dragging her arm down. Instinctively, her other hand grabbed a hold of the hilt and she raised it in the direction of the pulse. "There is another thing here... A hotel for vampires. I'm sorry. I just felt a sudden urge to hunt. And it scares me that I want to give into that urge." Lowering the sword to the ground wasn't too much an issue. The weight of it worked in her favor in that regard. But she couldn't find the fight in her to let go of the blade this time.

Her eyes kept shifting however to the direction of the thing she sensed. "Go" The voice urged. It was something to feel. That drive to fight, like your blood was boiling. "Why go far. There is a monster right here." Honeyed words had never been sweeter, and her eyes shifted from the figure she could feel, to the figure she could see.  

But she didn't want to hurt Adam. "Adam I think I might... Mmm" Stepping away, she put her head out the window. She needed to breathe. She felt constrained. But looking out the window, she noticed the shadows once more. They were getting closer. Jumping back, she held the blade up, strength coming to her where there had been none before. "Somethings coming. I saw it. Shadows." It might have been her. But she swear she saw a spider.

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Adam Johnson October 2nd 2020, 10:25 pm

All things not human? Well that set the net quite wide and likely included himself. How many humans wanted him dead simply due to his inability to avoid having to drink human blood. There was just something about the make-up of the substance that forced him to drink it if he wanted to not die. Even then sometimes his body fell into states of ravenous hunger that forced him to drink. Innocent or not. Those were the times when he starved himself in the attempt to remain morally pure or something to that extent. When his sire was still around and doing what he willed. She didn’t have a choice in her cursed sword it would seem. ”I’m sure. It just seems you sword doesn’t understand I had no choice in what I am now. If I did I would be mortal instead of whatever I am now,” Was all he said in response, mulling over the taste of blood clinging to his lips.

While he didn’t say anything, Adam could scent something in the air. A shift that made him change how he sat slightly, able to leap from his seat the moment something happened that needed avoiding. ”I wouldn’t call it a hotel only for vampires. More like…well anyone normal hotels wouldn’t work for,” Even still he allowed himself to prepare for whatever might have been here as well. Had something followed him or the girl holding the sword, likely seeking vengeance for some reason. The girl opened the window and looked out it, muttering something about a spider. Without thinking he rose to his feet and was on the other side of the room, hands buried into his pockets but knuckles clenched vice tight.

”Have a problem with spiders? Well that’s not something I want to think about but something tells me I don’t have much of a choice,” He still had the bottle, though that made him wonder if it would do anything against a spider of reasonable size.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Shadowoof October 6th 2020, 7:23 am

"I understand the choice is no longer the monsters. But his death is a worthy sacrifice. Tell him that. When we're done with whatever it is you seem so afraid of." The sword rasped what felt like in her ear, but she choose to ignore it. It was a strange sword. One she didn't always know how to react too, to feel about. She hardly was alone in her thoughts as it was. And right now, all she wanted was for what she saw to not be real. She couldn't deal with dying again. "And I can't bring you back if you die again. So don't do that." The sword spoke, and she felt like yelling at it.

"You say that now, but you keep making me hunt." She barked at the sword, looking odd as she did to the vampire in the room. Penny let out a breath, and strangely the air seemed to grow colder, her breath visible in the air as whatever light might have been coming through the open window darkened as a black shadow came over it. It looked too big to enter through the window, impossibly so, yet it seemed to bend within the confines of the window, stepping into the room and expanding back into what looked to be a rather large spider.

Perhaps what was strangest, was the figure atop of the spider, a shadow like the creature. if somehow more defined, they stood and stepped down from their mount, floating to the ground like the shadow they were. It looked between the girl, who was almost frozen in place, her face that of horror. She was looking at the thing that had killed her. Perhaps not the same, but that didn't exactly matter. She could remember the explosion of pain as her chest was stabbed through from her back. The darkness that followed.

The figure looked to the vampire, who was ready for a fight. Its attention didn't remain as it looked back to the girl, holding it's hand out towards her. It's face was shaped like a mask, but still a voice seemed to peer from it. "It isn't too late... Hand the sword over. You need not suffer anymore." Its voice, spoken to the girl and vampire, was masculine in origin and odd to see from the feminine shadow, whispered through the room, in much the same way the sword spoke to Penny. It didn't seem to manifest a sound, but rather speak to your mind directly. Penny wasn't sure which one it was herself.

Penny looked between the shadow and the sword. Could she really let it go? Was it not too late. The sword seemed silent, as if waiting for her to make a choice. Maybe it recognized this creature itself. Knew what could happen... She could let it go... Yet that felt like a betrayal. She promised the sword she would hunt. She promised herself to be more then a simple thief. And now she knew what was out there. Vampires. Demons. Shadows. Dragons! What was she in that world? Nothing. Nothing without the sword. "No..." Penny replied, her eyes producing a bright golden glow as she spoke, her voice didn't seem entirely her own, as if someone else was speaking with her.

But then the glow simmered, and with it, Penny was alone again. "I promised to hold this sword. And I shall hold it, and use it. But I will choose how. And that includes fighting you." The girl declared, settling into a pose with the sword facing towards the shadows. Now she was ready for a fight. The shadows themselves said nothing, only standing there for but a moment... Then the humanoid shadow seemed to vanish as the spider charged forwards towards the girl, catching her completely by surprise as she she stumbled back, falling the ground and leaving herself open to the creatures approach.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Adam Johnson December 13th 2020, 2:42 am

The girl spoke again to the sword, likely demanding his blood once again. Adam pursed his lips in annoyance, though he didn’t vocalize it for concern that it may make the sword somehow control her body and make her strike out at him. Conflict with a human was not something he was looking forward to. It made him think of times he would have rather not looked back upon. Cold didn’t really reflect for him, so he didn’t feel the change within temperature. Well not in the way that a human might feel the change, instead smelling how the air become much more biting. Something was coming and he did not like the sensation. It made him tense up, brown eyes darting around for the sense of danger that he was feeling.

It extended a hand for the sword, speaking as it knew what the weapon was and he was all too ready to defend the human from whatever this thing was. Something within him compelled him to do so, akin to a human protecting a lamb. The girl denied the shadows demand and yet was unprepared for its charge. Falling back and without thinking he was in motion. Catching the spiders movements with a pale fist to the face that sent it reeling, flying across the room and into the wall with a solid thwack. To Penny it likely didn’t look like there was any motion between him standing and then striking the spider, though the obvious result was there.

”Well said. Hope you don’t mind if I give you a little help here, ”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Shadowoof December 14th 2020, 12:44 am

The spider didn't stand a chance. Sharpened legs aimed for the girl, ready to pierce her flesh and tear apart at her body. The fist from the vampire caught it entirely off guard. It was already falling apart before it hit the wall, the shadows turning into wisps of supposed power and as it smashed into the wall, it all but popped into scattered darkness.

Penny stared, jaw slack at how easy Adam had killed the thing. She could hear the sword scoff but she easily ignored it in favor of staring up at this amazing vampire that had saved her twice in one night now. "Maybe I shouldn't help. You seem to be handling this by yourself quite well." Penny joked with half a heart. She was still scared, panicked by the sudden attack from the spider. Standing on shaky lags, she held her sword to the shadowy masked figure, that seemed to be considering the vampire quite seriously.

"A vampire... A strong one too. My... Hehe. My... Haaaa. Oh screw this." The feminine shadow seemed to reel over in mock laughter, and the two watched as the shadowy skin began to peel away, replaced by pale red skin, brown silky hair that curled down to his lower neck and sharpened ears matched by forest green eyes, his appearance was translucent, as if he was never there to begin with. He easily stood taller then the two in front of him, but he seemed almost... Small in stature, delicate. "You may call me a fiend. A dark fey. Whatever you desire or whatever I make you desire... But seeing as I have sent my shadows into a den of vampires, I realize my mistake. So I give one final offer. Give me the sword. A lot of demons do not want that dangerous thing out in the world. And if not me. One of them will come for you. And they won't be as kind." The fiend spoke with a pout, his voice soft, smooth and enchanting.

But despite that, the girl remained strong in her belief. She held her head high in defiance. The fiend recognized that, so his green adoring eyes looked to the vampire instead. "How bout you. Unnatural to unnatural. I'll give you whatever you want. The girl? Without the sword I can make her a willing puppet for all desires. Wealth? Endless blood? Your humanity?" Whispered promises, the fiend's voice seem to be heard only by Adam, as Penny held herself firm, seemingly unaware.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Adam Johnson December 22nd 2020, 8:03 pm

Adam hadn’t expected what happened when he struck  the spider demon, though tension did leave him the moment he did. At times he found himself wondering how strong he was, and this moment was enough to prove that very question. ”Oh…um…I thought you were supposed to be doing the whole monster slaying thing,” Adam responded with an awkward smile, realizing that he might have done something that made the girl feel all too useless. That was when the shadowy voice spoke, seemingly unbothered by the fact he likely would have broken its jaw with that punch. Chocolate brown eyes widened and the narrowed into slits, moving himself between the girl and the spirit. If it leapt he would have been in the way to defend the human.

That was when the shadow shifted into something else, though nothing he had seen before. Like an airy spirit but without any real understanding of who they were. ”I wonder if The Queen of Air and Darkness knows what you’re doing.” His eyes narrowed into their form as if trying to intimidate them with known information, only to the fey. ”I know how your people work. You’re all about dark tricks and malice, you couldn’t give me what I want. So leave before I get it into my mind to scatter you to the winds,” His fangs slid from their sheaths, past his lips as if making that point known.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Shadowoof December 23rd 2020, 2:27 am

The fiend raised an interested brow to the vampires dismissing. And their threat. His smile seemed true, but it was easily filled with the malice of a creature that had been denied what it desired. Opening their arms wide, they rose into the air a little, their transparent form growing even more so. "Bold of you to assume things greater then you. And bold of you to assume I wouldn't do anything to make sure that sword is taken... But. As I am now, I'd rather not deal with so many vampires I can only assume are hiding here... Perhaps another time?" He smiled towards the vampire, less malice in his smile then before. "Toodles." His final word came as his form vanished completely. Silence followed for a moment.

"That was-" Penny started, cut off as a window shattered, glass flying towards the two, pelting them with tiny shards, her face turning to the window in their room after she had turned away from the sudden explosion of glass. It was blown open, the blind missing, as if taken. This was followed by several smashes that could be heard from the neighboring rooms and perhaps some floors down. "Petty asshole. Couldn't do anything so he acts like a child. What even was that thing?" Penny asked out loud. She had expected some sort of answer from the sword. But it remained silent. Strange. Normally it was so violent whenever they saw something like that.

"But umm. Thank you Adam. For saving me. Being here. Doubt I'd have been able to handle that alone, ah jeez. I think glass is in my hair." Penny smiled at Adam, before letting out an annoyed sigh as she started to pick glass out of her hair, open and wild as it was. She didn't seem concerned for the glass shards that had cut into the skin of her arm, only really noticing it as she had started to pull glass from her hair. "Ah shit. Sorry." She then apologized, unsure if her blood could somehow be an issue for the vampire. He seemed fairly collected. And seemed to follow rules. She'd be fine.

It was only then that the sword whispered doubt. He was a vampire. She was bleeding. What did she expect would happen. She shook her head and ignored the whispers. She didn't believe it.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Adam Johnson December 26th 2020, 8:12 pm

The fey as it called itself blustered a little before fading into nothing, leaving him watching the space where they once were with narrowed eyes. It sounded like more vampires were expected and he didn’t disabuse them of that notion. Any fight he could avoid was one that he would avoid happily. Deep within he never felt the compulsion to violence like his sire once felt. ”If I had my guess it was some kind of fey, Unseelie maybe. An evil faerie if that makes no sense,” he answered, wondering that one of the Unseelie were doing going after that weapon. There’s was something special about it, though he couldn’t put his finger on it exactly. The girl spoke more, mostly thanking and apologizing all in the same sentence leaving him frowning slightly. Being human had its own downsides didn’t it? Still, he didn’t want to see anyone get hurt.

The scent of blood cut sharp through the air and for a moment he felt the pang of hunger. Not sharp enough to cleave through his own self control thanks to the meal he had not too long ago, though he knew someone like Osiris was much better at it. ”I’m nowhere near starving enough for that to bother me.” he walked over to the shattered shards of the window, picking one up with an annoyed look. ”shit. The hotel staff is going to have a few good words with me aren’t they?” They knew about the concept of the supernatural but that didn’t mean they hated having to pay for more windows. Luckily he had a patron that was more than willing to pay for things like this. With a vestigial sigh he turned back to the girl and let the shard of glass drop to the carpeted floor.

Walking over to a cabinet he dug around until pulling out what looked to be a bandage. ”Once I talk to the management you might want to talk with someone who knows a little more about magic wouldn’t you?” He questioned, motioning for her to approach so he could bind the injury. Well, he didn’t seem to really ask, coming to her if she didn’t come to him and wrapping it up to make sure it didn’t bleed more than necessary. ”I know someone skilled in magic, even skilled enough in artificery to give you a little information about whatever that weapon is.” He wondered if that was good enough, though this woman seemed new to the world of magic. So he would have to take things as slow as possible.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Shadowoof January 6th 2021, 11:25 am

"Unseelie? I think I'll just stick to fey." Penny muttered as she tried to fish the last of the glass out of her hair, frowning as she then had to pick the shards from her fingers, the small ones were extremely annoying. At least her concerns were unfounded... Somewhat. Good thing he wasn't starving apparently. Even letting out a surprised huff as he pulled bandages out.

She stepped close and allowed him to bound her cut skin. It wasn't really needed... But she didn't mind being babied like this. "Do not allow this to become a weakness. We must be able to look after ourselves." The voice in her head growled at her weakness, but she shook it away. Sometimes, life called for weakness.

"You make a excellent argument Adam. Someone knowledgable in magic would do me wonders... Albeit at this point I might need knowledge in demonology or... Whatever makes talking swords that can return you back to... Nothing." Penny stopped herself, her hand reflexively going to the tattoo on her chest. Her back tingled, the scar feeling itchy all of a sudden. Did she need to breathe? Breathing was a good idea.

Exhaling a held breathe she hadn't meant to keep, she smiled in the vampires direction before making the sword vanish from where she had dropped it. "If you don't mind introducing me, that'd be good, thank you... I might need a minute to just make sure my hair is good and safe from glass. I need put it back into a battle pony... I know I should cut it but... I really like my hair. Maybe I should style it... Mmm. Never really done that before." Penny grumbled, stroking her hair and letting out a hiss as she caught another small piece of glass in her finger for it, so tiny that it wasn't deep enough to really cut, but enough to let her know she had found it.

"By the way. Is this really a den of vampires? Or did that fey just assume it because you were a vampire." She asked somewhat jokingly. But the slight tinge of worry was still present. The idea of a nest of blood sucking people was... Strange. And while Adam was nice, those vampires from before were the ones fresh in her mind when it came to associating every other vampire she could imagine.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Adam Johnson January 7th 2021, 7:20 pm

”Whatever works with you. Some of the fey can be very…proud when it comes to what you call them,” Luckily he didn’t have to learn that the hard way, though Lily was quick to give him a crash course when he came upon them. He didn’t really even respond to her reaction to him binding her injury, instead doing what he learned through years of raising a child. Sometimes even now she felt like his child, despite maturing a lot since that time. Once he was finished he was mentally working through what she would be doing around this time, licking his lips and looking over the shattered glass littering the floor.

That was of course when the hotel room door opened and a middled aged looking man with salt and pepper hair stuck his head through the doorway. ”Johnson, what’s the meaning of this?” He eyed up the shattered shards of glass scattered across the room and figures were likely on his mind.

”I…rogue fey decided to attack us…” He sounded almost cowed by this man, who glared at him with daggers and sighed.

[i]”Osiris will have this on his tab you know?”[/b]

”Yeah, I know,” Without any more he just closed the door behind him. ”that was the manager. Let’s just say we end up talking a lot,” That was when he turned to Penny, smiling an apologetic smile that he hoped didn’t look pathetic.

”Demonology is something this person’s studied too. She knows a lot about the things we might need.” With that he brushed away a few shards clinging to his jacket and looked around. ”Well let’s give the staff the chance to clean this mess up. I know I’m going to hear about this in the future, ” With that he opened the door, arcing a brow when she seemed to question if there were other vampires were here. ”oh, if they got too rowdy vampires would have been the least of their concerns. I hear dragons hate being woken from their naps,” With that they were off to Lily’s shop.

It was a short taxi’s ride across the city, Adam paying with a swipe of a finger. Technology was utterly amazing when he thought about it. The shop was essentially a hole in the wall, sandwiched between two buildings easily five stories larger than it, A sign worn with weather above the entrance said “”The Secret Garden”. Adam walked through the front door, hearing the ring of a bell as he stepped in. Taking in the scent of incense filtered through the air, pleasant but also burning his nostrils. Anti-demon scents?

”So who’s this? Don’t tell me it’s another pretty person you scooped up,” A latino woman in a fine fabric shawl that enveloped her arms, smoking on a clove cigarette groaned.

”No. Lily, this is Penny. Penny, this is my daughter Lily,”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Shadowoof January 21st 2021, 11:21 am

Penny stared at Adam as he finished his explanation of the manager, barely able to hold a snigger in. "Johnson? Adam Johnson. Your name is so plain." She laughed, before catching herself and putting on a serious face. "Sorry. Cool. Hopefully they don't mind if I leave bits of glass on their floor as we go." Penny grumbled, trying to imagine a dragon staying at this hotel... Maybe she needed to come back and check it out.

"Oh we certainly will." The sword growled in her mind, forcing her to try and push back the almost intoxicating thoughts that came with the words. Whatever lived here, seemed too in good sense... But if she knew of any that stepped out of line... Biting her lip, she tried not to think about it as the two left, Adam getting them a taxi so that they didn't need to walk. She could only say thanks again as she settled in and watched through the window, her arm itching from the many small wounds on it now. Gonna be a lot of new scars most likely.

But it wasn't long before they arrived, a nifty little shop in the middle of nowhere. The kind of place you walked by and stared at the window longer then others, but nonetheless ignored because it was too weird for you. Well, it wasn't that weird anymore.

Stepping inside, Penny's eyes widened at the smell. It was almost disgusting, but she put it aside when she noticed the woman who owned the store. Pretty lady. Her eyes widened further when Adam introduced her as her daughter, but rather then let surprise rule her, Penny put a hand to her chest in mock insult. "Adam! Am I not the first pretty person you've saved from vampires? And here I thought I was special. Nice to meet you Lily." The young woman turned her shock to a smile as she stepped forwards and held a hand out to shake the other woman's.

"Adam said you might be able to help with this really strange thing." As she spoke, hand shaken or not, she'd step back and hold her other hand out, the sword forming into it with a golden flash from both her eyes and the sword, before she went to catch it with both hands, not wanting to damage the woman's floor. "This thing in particular." She muttered, wincing. Sword didn't like being called a thing.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Adam Johnson January 23rd 2021, 7:07 pm

”I know, disappointing name for a vampire,” Adam grumbled, rolling his eyes and leading the young woman to the shop. He wasn’t sure how Lily would feel about another guest that specifically needed her help, but then again perhaps that wouldn’t be an issue.

”Well, vampires maybe but he has a habit of bringing the pretty ones around,” Lily seemed to quip back, stepping around the counter with hands set deep in her pockets. ”he’s not wrong. If you need something appraised and don’t want to mess with those stuck up magical families, I’m probably the most knowledgeable person in the old and new worlds,” She was bragging a little though Adam wouldn’t argue with her boast. Ever since the disappearance of The Crimson Witch she was perhaps the most knowledgeable mage around.

”Yeah, it has something to do with a demon sword or whatever, ” This caught her attention.

”A demon sword? What is a pretty thing like you doing with such a dangerous thing like that? Last time someone walked in with a weapon like that was one of the ancient blood swords,” She noted, approaching the weapon with a certain interest. ”has it started demanding the blood of innocent mortals lately?” Her eyes took in a lime green glow, looking over the length of the weapon and stroking her chin. ”if it’s sentient we need to figure out the extent of that sapience and what it demands from the user.”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Shadowoof January 23rd 2021, 8:02 pm

"Bold claim." The sword whispered in response to Lily's boast of being most knowledgeable being in regards to magical entities. Penny didn't bother trying to respond. Whatever the sword seemed to think, she'd rather it kept to itself. She wasn't going to be rude.

"Blood sword? Sounds like a thirsty weapon." Penny joked, taking the words in, thinking of a reply. The sword had it's own vested interest in having a word about it's own appraisal. "Yea yea..." She mumbled in response, before frowning a small bit. Right, sometimes it was annoying to remember that she was the only one who could hear it.

"Well. Not exactly the blood of the innocents... Quite the opposite." The young woman smiled, but it wasn't a smile easily made. It was one of exhaustion. "It wants demons. It wants vampires. It wants ghosts. It also wants dragons now that those have been mentioned. Anything not mortal, it desires the death of. Even Adam here. Albeit me and the sword have a understand-" She winced, unable to finish her words at the swords protest. Understanding was not the right phrase, no.

She was the only reason they were not trying to stab the undead being near them. "Every hour or so I can sense the direction of the closest supernatural being and I feel an urge, and the sword's own rushing, to hunt. Sword doesn't remember much. Apparently it was in a cave for all it can remember. And just before we were accosted by a 'dark' fey of some kind that said many a demon would prefer this sword back in said cave." Penny explained, stepping to the counter and placing the sword down with a huff. Stupid thing got too heavy to hold onto while she did her best to explain what she knew.

"I really wish I knew more. All I have is that sword hunts... And that it made my eyes gold. And left this." Penny pointed to the tattoo like mark on her chest, trailing the mark that seemed engraved into her chest, right where she had been stabbed by the shadow like creature that had been there when she had found the blade. A memory she really didn't want to share right now.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Adam Johnson February 6th 2021, 1:50 pm

”You have no idea. I’ll have to show you one of them some day.” Lily winked, ignoring the wilting glance from Adam. He didn’t like the idea of a mortal having access to such corrupting weapons, though Penny was already holding such a weapon already. Instead the vampire followed along with the conversation and pursed his lips, as if wondering where this was going. ”so a sword that craves the slaughter of anything not human? Sounds like an evil sword if I ever heard of one. Well, if it ever threatens me I promise I’ll smash it into pieces,’ She smiled, a flash of green sparks issuing from her fingertips.

Now Adam was giving her a look that suggested she not threaten dangerous swords. ”Well, if you met a dark fey I suggest you be careful. They can be powerful allies but if you get on their bad side they can be an equally deadly enemy. Specially their queen. She’s a real piece of work and not one I want to mess with again,” Lily sighed, and massaged the bridge of her nose.

”So what can you do about the sword?” Adam spoke up, arcing a brow curiously.

”It all depends on what your friend wants me to do. Do you want me to break the connection with that sword of yours or do you ” She leaned close to examine the mark on her chest, eyes narrowing. ”my best guess on this mark is that it’s some manner of brand. Did something lay claim to you?”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Shadowoof February 7th 2021, 12:16 am

"The slaughter of evil cannot be compared to evil itself." The sword murmured. Seems it did have quite a bit to say and the only one listening was Penny.

"Might have to smash it over about four or five times for the amount it has threatened Adam." Penny rolled her head with a smile in Adam's direction, before looking back to Lily. Nodding along to the information being given. Don't mess with the Queen of Dark Fey. Got it. Penny had to mull over that thought. Just how many things were off the list of things she should face. Good people were already on it, but powerful creatures? Even vampires seemed too far out of her league.

"You just need to be better." The sword drawled, leaving Penny wanting to kick herself. Wasn't that easy and the sword knew it. No matter how much it pretended to ignore that fact.

"Easier said then considered. Even the fey gave me such an offer... But I don't want to let go of it... Might be the sword influencing that... Might also be that I just don't want to let go of this thing that has a dark fey after me, and demons apparently. Nice to be in some sort of limelight." The young woman laughed, but somewhere, digging at her thoughts, there was another reason she could never let go of the sword. Be disconnected. Her death. "Fuck." Muttering the swear under her breath, she rolled her head side to side before deciding that nothing was going to be answered if she didn't explain everything.

"I never considered it a brand... But it makes sense. As to what could have 'laid' claim to me..." She would trail a hand over the length of the blade. "This... The sword... When I had found it. I had only held it for a second... Before whatever was defending the blade..." Her lips quivered as the memory almost brought the pain back. It only lasted a moment. A moment of death. Before being swallowed by it all. Stepping past Lily, the young woman would place the sword on the counter, her back to them as she grabbed the hem of her shirt and raised it until they could see. Almost polar opposite of the brand was a scar... A very big scar. As if a circular metal rod had cut a hole into her back and it had healed over. "That spider thing Adam? Something like that had speared me with one of it's legs. I never saw it coming. I just felt it... And then I felt nothing. Until the sword brought me back." She allowed the scar to be shown a bit longer, touched if need be, before lowering the shirt and recovering some modesty as she turned back to face them with a light shrug.

"Sword said to me that it had consumed its own power to bring me back and that the very act bound us together. It doesn't want me. It wants a warrior. A fighter. But I'm all it has. So that has to be enough for it." The sword had remained oddly silent as she spoke. As if just allowing her to state everything that needed explaining... There was no breaking this connection.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

Post by Adam Johnson February 11th 2021, 11:59 pm

”People threaten Adam all the time for reasons I can’t comprehend,” Was all Lily said, shrugging though he could tell she actually did understand why that was the case. His daughter tended not to speak about things that weren’t here business, so long as she wasn’t inconvenienced by it. What would Penny care about his position in vampire politics or his relation to the king? Many things told him she wouldn’t care one bit, though he didn’t feel like prodding that aspect.”are you sure you want to hold onto something so dangerous? Soon you might have something more than a minor fae coming for you. Perhaps something not even the weapon can save you from,” She warned, eyeing the blade and then turning her attention back to the woman.

Despite all of them looking around the same age, the other two had more experience than likely the sword wielding girl had. ”The sword brought you back?” He questioned, Adam seemingly more concerned now than he was before.

”It must be quite a powerful weapon to undo death like that, even if it  consumed a vast amount of power to do so. Not many mages are capable of spells to bring the death back to life…not truly,” Lily explained, thoughtful expression forming. ”if the sword did bring you back to life, breaking that connection might actually kill you,” She added, speculating with what Adam assumed was all the magical knowledge she had. ”I can’t tell you if it can be done, if you even want to be separated from the weapon.” The woman leaned against the counter, looking to Adam.

”Well, I just brought her here to see what you knew and if you could help her,” Was all he said, resting hands on his hips and looking around in an awkward fashion.

”Well, if you truly want to stay with the weapon we’ll need to make sure you know how to use a weapon. If it wants you to kill monsters, perhaps I can arrange making that a little easier for a human like yourself,”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Hunter's first Nest. (Featuring Adam the Vampire.)

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