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A Viper's Nest

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A Viper's Nest Empty A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss February 15th 2012, 5:30 pm

Bliss stepped in it. Two consecutive run ins with some kind of group of witches in Los Angeles made her know something big needed fixing. Instead of sitting in L.A. to figure this thing out, Bliss did what felt right and left. Hours of driving wore on her, but at least she lasted longer than the sun. Tacking on ten hours of driving to the darkness seemed dumb, but Bliss needed to get across the country while making a stop in Texas. Recruiting two new contacts brought a fresh wave of accomplishment over her as she corrected her posture. She could feel herself slump over the wheel as her eyes drew closer to closing. Every few seconds she snapped out of her trance. Need to stay awake. She kept on and on, but knew she couldn't. If she could barely make it down this desert road for five minutes without knocking off, how would she make it another six hours.

Giving in to her sensibilities, Bliss pulled over before she left the last town for another seventy miles. The town looked dead for nine o clock. Low population or possibly just a boring town could explain it, but Bliss really didn't want to think it over right now. All she wanted to do involved a bed and late night television. After a small five minute drive through the town her notions of small town life proved wrong as the city hosted a population of seventy-five thousand. Not L.A., but not exactly something Thomas Kinkade is painting. With a population around a good economic size the sounds of screaming children should fill the halls of the hotel fresh off of their trip to the Grand Canyon. Instead, she found a night manager who could barely stay awake. "I need a room." Bliss pressed her credit card across the counter. Miya Otaku sounded good enough when she made up the fake identity.

"What?" The response really came as no surprise after it took him five seconds to mutter. His clumsy hand grabbed the card and swiped it unfailingly. "Can you wait til tomorrow to do this?"

"I won't need the hotel in the morning." Kind of the purpose of a hotel was for the night, Bliss thought.

"Fine. Here's a key; I'll just do this tomorrow." The forged credit card still remained under his palm. Maybe collateral, probably just too lazy to return it. Better to ask in the morning.

The smell of cleaning product mashed well with the sound of cooling units blasting in rooms. Those things felt normal in a hotel, a man sleeping in the hallway did not. Awakening her senses, a door slammed further down the hall. "Rude much." She muttered while making her way down. An oddly dressed woman hit the crash bar on the side door to vacate the hotel. As she came closer to the door she could see whoever left failed to close the door behind. Odd considering she heard the thing slam. Just across the hall from the ajar room stood the door her key swipe worked for. Bliss reached over and pulled the door shut before turning back to return to open her door. As the locking mechanism opened for her, she could hear the feint sound of the door pushing against its hinges.

Bliss threw her bag in the room and tucked her key card into the pocket of her sweat pants. This town just got interesting. Bliss pushed against the door and hit the light switch. This town just got very interesting. The fatigue she felt and the others felt must come from something related to what occurred in this room. Symbols and markings like the ones she saw L.A. littered the walls and floor. The dark red marking ran down the wall, tempting Bliss to examine her findings. Blood. But where did it come from? Realizing whoever left this room would give her more information than examining it, Bliss bolted from the room and hit the crash bar to the outer parking lot.

The woman continued on her way towards a building no more than four hundred meters away. Very odd. Bliss swiped herself back in and ran to her room. She dug out her phone and dialed the number to send Gwharr a distress beacon. With the message out she tossed her phone on her bed and changed out of her sweats and into a pair of jeans with a black sweater. No message came back while she zipped up her suede calf high boots. He probably forgot to message back the code and just started running Bliss thought.

Still tired from what she now believed the work of a witch, Bliss made her way across the parking lot and towards the row of buildings on a business row. Unlike many villains these witches kept a taste for bland, boring office buildings over run down warehouses. Examining what she could through glass windows took some time for her to do. She moved across two buildings before she felt a sudden wave of fatigue overcome her. This must be it, she thought. She stumbled into the entry way of the building, keeping herself away by slapping her cheeks. Her ninja skills may need some work, but a few quick pictures would help her out when she could get a good night sleep.

Chantings came from down the hall. Not just one or two, but quite a few numbers in the room. She moved down the hall and took a knee outside of the room. As she reached into her pocket to grab her phone she remembered she threw it on her bed to let Gwharr know where to go. Her plan of snapping pictures and running now needed some changes to it. The use of the fatigue spell to put the city to sleep meant these witches needed some time to perform this spell, so maybe she could go back and grab her phone. Bliss turned to begin her movement when a hand wrapped around her throat.

"You're getting very sleepy." The harsh voice mocked her as Bliss gasped for air. Her hair curled around her shoulders like a nest of vipers turning against her earth tone skin poised to attack. The single hold over her neck under normal circumstances would barely matter, but under the wane of the spell, Bliss felt herself go limp. The witch threw Bliss into the room as though she weighed nothing. Her eyes closed and opened to a much different scene. A few hours had passed and Bliss examined her surroundings. The witches tied her hands and feet with a black tape and wrapped her upper legs and body in the cellophane she remembered the other witch using. The same black tape holding her hands behind her back held her mouth closed. The only good thing she could find in this situation looked like the witches hardly noticed Bliss for the moment. They didn't even look like they noticed anything in reality. The chanting of the ritual drowned out Bliss's probing of her bonds. She tried rubbing the tape on her mouth off against the ground, but aside from a rug burn to her cheek the tape wrapped around the back of her head.

They obviously needed her for something; judging by her knowledge of them they didn't keep prisoners for too long. The ritual ended in anti climactic fashion. To Bliss at least. A wave of resurgence came over the nine witches in the room. "Now sisters. We only need remove the evidence of our existence and move to the next location." On more than one occasion an organization needed to remove of Bliss as evidence, but so far none had succeeded. Her head still felt too woozy to summon any ice, and for a split second she forgot she could even use powers. It felt like something you would dream of. Until the hand of the witch grasped her neck and pulled her up. "I've just the way to do it too. Leave me. Head to Arch Sister's Cove." Leaving with joy and exuberance the other eight witches left the lone sister with Bliss. "Now you will see true power. The power to remove you from existence."

Bliss fell hard to the floor while the witch drew out a circle. The same circle she saw in the hotel room. She could now know why she didn't find a body next to all of the blood, but that revelation took a backseat to the whirling ouroboros creeping towards her. "Experience non existence for what it is." The viperlike witch left Bliss with a frail taunt and a fate worse than death etching for her.


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte February 15th 2012, 7:06 pm

Gwharr was in a fairly good mood tonight. He had eaten well, and even had the rare opportunity to slay the wicked and act as a bastion for everything that was right and true in the world of today. In short, he had managed to heroically stomp a pidgeon to mush after it had tried to take a crap in his magnificent hair. His hair had enough trouble to deal with without adding "pidgeon.crap" to the list of said things. Unfortunately there was little meat on the birds. And even Gwharr find it unapetizing as it had literally been turn into a pile of liquid goo with some broken bones and a whole lot of feathers and feathers floating around inside of it, so he had for once forgoed his principle of eating what he killed. Especially since he still had a whole lot of those modern so-called "chips" in his den from his last trip to the surface. As well as some of those delicious 'burgers' wich he had managed to snatch from the so-called "Burger-King" He believed that his majesty the king owed him since ha had singlehandedly fought his arch-enemy "The stupid guy in silver-pants who is silly" despite the fact that the kings own minions where to scared to do anything themselves. He had expected to at least be made a baron for his services to the crown.

However, his musings on what duchy he would choose if the Burger-King decided to knight (or baron) him, was disturbed by an odd beeping sound. even more odd was the fact that it came from one of the piles of coats, pants, bones and assorted "knick-nacks" he had picked up at various locations and places for no more reasons than the fact that they looked really neat. He quickly proceeded to shovel some of it aside to find the source of the extraordinarily mysterious beeping sound. I would be lying if I did not say that Gwharr was more than a bit puzzled when he found the small box that he could only describe as being some sort of "device". It kept beeping, no matter how much he tried to shout at it, but something in the back of his head told him that hitting it was probably going to end badly. The hairy caveman scratched his head, as he furrowed his massive eyebrows and looked intently at the device.

Then he remembered! Captain Wombat had given him the device, because. . . because. . . Gwharr whined in frustration, why had the ridiculous little man who made such a boastfull claim of captainhood tell him?. . . Oh yes! Bliss! The nice little girl whom he had defeated the forces of darkness wich a month or two ago! He remembered it all so clear now! This device was a way to find her if she needed him. It would beep, and he would follow the arrow towards her. and whatnot. It was a fairly simplistic design! Gwharr giggled to himself as he marveled at his own cleverness! Even though he considered brainwork to be exhausting and an unmanly past-time Gwharr could not help but to feel rather proud of his achievement!

Gwharr grabbed the fiddly little device and pressed the central button and the beeping stop, and instead a small arrow formed in the middle of the screen, pointing in the direction of his friend, and revealing him the distance to her person in meters. Despite our Pre-historic, Primordial Primate's dislike for technological wossnames he had to admit that this thing was rather usefull. Or rather, that was when he thought untill he viewed the distance between him and bliss. It was. . . well, it was several didgits, wich meant that she was way, way waaaaaay off. And that he had to travel a long way away to get to her. It also seemed that the place she was in was named Oh-klah-Homo. . . Or something like that. Gwharr could read, but he still had some problems with pronounciation. Still, it gave him a pretty good idea

He had seen that the big flying metal things where good for transporting people for one place to another. Heck, he had even leapt onto one just so see where they were all going, but he now regretted it. It didn't really lead to much good. However, he recognized the word on his screen from a word he had once seen on the little billboard that displayed where the big metal fly-things where going. He quickly grabbed his coat and hat and got onto the street through the closest manhole. Then he moved towards the airport, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, swinging himself forward on fireescapes and whatnot untill he reached the airport.

He quickly rushed into the airport, quickly noticing a line to some sort of counter. He figured that this was where people asked where they should be going to get to the fly-thing that took them where they wanted to go. Gwharr thought it was a fairly straight-forward system. He quickly rushed through the line, pushing people aside, and occasionally bowling a few of the less perceptive or stubborn males over before he reached the desk.

The woman behind the desk shrieked as he aproached. the desk, shrieking for security in a voice so high-pitched it could probably break glass. Gwharr adjusted his coat, and brushed some of his mane of reddish hair out of his face, and carefully assumed what he would have considered a 'buisness-like' facial expression. "To ask where fly-thing for Oh-Klah-Homo is?" The caveman asked, his voice carefully modulated and surpsisingly gentle. The woman behind the counter however, kept blaring for security, who seemed to just arrive.

"P-p-please r-remove th-th-this man. . . Please?" the woman said sheepishly as five security-officers steadily approached in a confident manner, untill they laid eyes on the bothersome Caveman customer. Then the five of them formed a circle and discreetely started whispering amongst themselves whilst sending the occasional glance in Gwharrs direction. After a minute had passed Our Crude, Calamitous Caveman had lost his temper. He raised a melon-sized fists and brought it down on the counter, causing ing it to collapse like a poorly built house of cards. "OH-KLAH-HOMO!!?" the caveman roared furiously, droplets of saliva flying from hsi mouth, ending up in the face of the poor airline-employee. At that time one of the security-men that had currently taken the role as spokesperson for their little group stepped forward. "Well, jennifer. Unfortunately, our contracts say nothing about ejecting giant, superpowered customers. We ain't liftin' a finger untill we hear from the union about this. " he said in a buisnesslike-tone, followed by nods of agreement from his colleagues.

Jennifer looked at the caveman, then at the backs at the security-officers who who had turned around to wait for their union-representative in another, undisclosed location. Then she looked back at the seething caveman. "T-t-the plane has just left, I'm afraid. . . It-it-it w-was in g-gate four. . . t-that way"

Gwharr quickly rushed off in the direction that the woman had pointed, and saw a rather massive plane, just taking off. Gwharr ran after it and with all his might he leapt towards it, narrowly managing to grab ahold of the fin of the plane. The strong aircurrent would probably have ripped a lesser man to peices, but to Gwharr it was nothing but an invigorating breeze. He held on to the tail of the plan with one thing as he watched the "device" with his other hand.The distance between him and bliss was rapidly shrinking.


A few hours later the distance between him and his friend had shrunk to four didgits. This was good. Only a few kilometers off then. He quickly leapt from the plane, hurtling towards the earth in mindnumbing speeds before crashingi nto the ground. As he had risen from his newly made little crater, he brushed himself off and started walking in the direction the device told him to walk. Soon he saw an exceptionally boring-looking little hamlet on the horizon. As he aproached he noticed that it was not a creature stirring in the street, wich did little to change his opinion on the small hamlet being boring. At first he thought it might be abandoned, but there were still lights in some ofthe windows,wich he counsidered as a certain sign of habitation. Another thing was the fact that he saw quite a few people shamelessly sleeping in the middle of the streets for some strange reason. He snorted at them in contempt for their strange unfathomable ways.

His caveman-senses where tingeling. . .there was something fishy going on around here. He looked at the device again. Less than a hundred meters from Bliss. That was good. If Bliss was here she could probably explain everything to him. As he approached a big building in the middle of town, he realized that was where his best friend must be, but at the same time he felt the ample amount of hairs on his neck and shoulders prick up just a teeny tiny bit. There was some form of 'static' in the air, and it was comming from the hotel. It felt familiar somehow. It felt like trouble.

Gwharr moved swiftly through the shadows, trying to carefully avoid being seen from the windows. It seemed as if not a creature was stirring, wich would limit the amount of people that could see him quite substansially, but at the same time, he figured that someone must be behind this thing. Someone with some seriously bad superpowered mojo too. He normally wasn't someone for the stealthy approach, but a caveman always knew that you survive longer by choosing your battles, and he was pretty hesitant to confront whatever it was that was behind all this without the help of Bliss. She could probably figure everything that was happening ,but he couldn't. He was just a caveman, frightened and confused bythe modern world.

The device told him that Bliss was somewhere on the second floor, so he leapt up onto one of the garishly designed balconies, and climbed from balcony to balcony, swinging between them in a manner far more similar to that of an ape than that of a modern human. When he ran out from balconies he swung from windowsil to windowsil without losing speed, trying to pinpoint the location where he would have the least distance between herself and Bliss. . . He carefully looked into each window he climbed past, seing nothing but the occasionall sleeping human, untill he found the one he had been searching for.

The room was dark, and he could barely make out the outline of the sleeping bliss, but there was no doubt about it being her. However, there were at least one sinister figure creeping about in there. Even though he was still more than a little nervous, the greatest emotion tainting the heart of our little caveman was happiness and relief. Happiness that he had found his friend, and relief that she was still uninjured. The sight of his old friend in toruble filled the heart of our Cowardly, Crestfallen Caveman with courage and he swiftly punched a hole in the wall and leapt into the room, roaring like a savage beast, before striking a menacing pose!

Nobody messes with his pals and gets away with it!
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss February 16th 2012, 8:16 am

Nothing gets blood going like a giant smashing through a wall. Bliss stuck the soles of her shoes into the ground to try and push herself away from the creeping doom as a piece of debris fell onto the crawling marks along the ground. The material oozed away simply into the crevices that should not exist within the floor. While she felt slightly relieved her phone call did some good, she would withhold celebration until she could properly talk and move her arms.

"You're a big one my friend." Light dropped from behind the woman's shoulder, bathing her in a silhouette of shadow. Bliss shook her head in negation to Gwharr fighting the woman. A mumbled plea to save her first came from behind the tape. "And so strong." The woman spoke in a sensual fashion to slip her words into the giant's mind life a knife to a kidney. "I feel something different within you. A nothing." So, this man killed our sister. "Do you truly understand 'nothing' or do you merely just exist outside of our realm? I would hope it could be the former. Maybe your friend does as well." Her gaze moved down to Bliss.

The poor girl scooted and maneuvered her best to avoid the fate, but found herself cornered against a wall. Within the shallow markings of the tendril like appendages moving from the center circle laid a compendium of lost worlds floating against a tranquil nothing. Ancient temples built of stone with wooden structures lining the upper levels floated behind the unfinished works of unknown artist. From what Bliss gathered, these witches trapped people in there, but Bliss couldn't see anyone. Only buildings. Where were the others?

"Oh the Arch Sister will be so pleased when she speaks with you." Her tongue slithered a silky whip of her tongue. "So pleased." A drop of acid overflowed a single drop from her fanglike nails. She would readily fight the caveman if need be. Maybe a dead caveman would work as well as a live one. In any way a caveman would prove more exciting than some Asian girl. A stay of execution came to Bliss from the caution of the snake woman. Bliss tried to move herself away from where the scuffle would take place, but knowing Gwharr it would soon occupy the entire building.

Poised to strike and ready to show her surprise powers, the woman struck out to Gwharr to pierce his skin with the vicious edge of her bladed nails. In preparation she assumed the man who burst through a wall could take a punch or two, but she greatly underestimated just how impenetrable his skin felt. No matter. She just needed her venom to get beyond the first layer of skin, so she just needed to peel back the layers with some help. Out of the palm of her hand slithered a scaled face. Teeth like daggers showed their promise and lunged for Gwharr's forearm.

While she attacked with her right hand a slow swarm of snakes began to fall to the floor. One by one they slithered to take their chance to poison the indestructible man. "You're a strong one. Too bad your friend does not share your fortitude." Creeping to the eerie threat of the woman, a cobra and two coral snakes. Just as the woman neglected to take into account how strong Gwharr's acted against blades, she truly failed to account for the ability Bliss possessed to strengthen her skin with ice. It probably would not phase Gwharr of the ability Bliss could use to save herself, and Bliss shaking her head probably came off as a sign to save her, but in a situation like this she could only really hope for one thing.


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte February 16th 2012, 4:50 pm

Gwharr roared ferociously as he slammed through the wall in a surrounded by the debris that came as a result of his preffered method of entrance. A cloud of pulverised plaster, Broken Bricks and Wrecked Wood. The windows in the room shattered too as large and dangerous-looking cracks formed in what had once been a sturdy wall. It did not take Gwharr long to locate Bliss in the middle of everything, lying on the floor tied up like. . . Well, pretty much like last time, except that this time they had used more traditional tying-people-up gear, such as rope and tape, rather than the more exotic "shadows and light" that Sarah aka Shadow-Bitch had used

The silky-smooth voice of the witch did not have the desired effect upon the Ferociously furious Fighter She had kidnapped his packmate and apparantly done something rather nasty to her in order to make her so weak and sluggish. And not only that, the witch had also decided to use her to power some sort of annoying magical ritual for some reason. Gwharr quickly glanced over to The sluggish but seemingly uninjured Bliss who seemed to be shaking her head furiously, apprantly trying to communicate with him somehow. Gwharr had no idea what she was trying to say, but he'd ask as soon as he had dealt with the witch.

The sorceress was mighty fast as she tried to stab Gwharr in the chest with a pair of razor-sharp metallic blades somehow attatched to her fingers. . .or maybe they were her fingers. It was hard to tell with these accursed magic-users. No matter what she had tried to stab him with, it did not work, and all that happened was that her precious nails collided with his skin, to do no damage whatsoever. Gwharr raised an eyebrow in a "bitch, please" type of gesture, so ancient that even cavemen knew how to pull it off. The caveman snarled and raised a hand to punch her so hard her grandparents would feel as if they where kicked in the privates, However, once again she was fast, and suddenly a snake seemed to detatch from her arm, flying straight at Gwharrs own limb of choice, not entirely unlike a "spring-snake" from those joke-jars.

Despite the fact that Gwharr had a skin harder than diamond and flesh more durable than anything on earth, the snakes fangs pierced it, no doubt imbuned with some strange sorcerous powers. Gwharr grunted in pain and quickly swatted the snake with the palm of his opposite hand, like a lesser man would swat a mosquito, reducing it to a red stain.

"To think you'se stupid. To be all talk, talk, talk, talk! To kidnap Friend of Captain Caveman, to think yous'e stronger! But wrong! Captain Caveman stronger." Gwharr told the witch, his deep voice filled with fury and indignation as he scraped what remained of the snake off his arm. He snarled as the witch backed away, a virtual river of snakes dropping from her person slithering over the floor towards Gwharr, presumably ready to nibble on his footsies. The Increasingly Infuriated Ignoramus looked in bliss direction and saw that she was more than far away enough to not take any damage from what he was planning to do. He knew that he could take a building falling on top of him without even getting a bump on the head. However, he knew that this was not true for bliss. He suspected it was not true for the witch either, and he was fairly sure it was more than enough to deal with the snakes."To ask about what Captain Caveman knows about nothing. To tell you'se. Nothing is what can beat Captain caveman!!" The Perturbed, Primordial Primate roared as his hands shot up, his fingers boring through the roof, as if it was made of paper. Then he pulled with all his might, causing it to collapse on to p of himself, the approaching snakes as well as the witch, whilst the other side of the large room, where bliss was currently occupying remained without 'cave-inss'.

The fact that no snakes came crawling out from besides the plaster, concrete, wood and plumbing that had descended upon them, made Gwharr conclude that this had been more than enough to crush them into goo. He was uncertain about wether this was sure for the witch, but honestly he did not care enough to find out right now. He had a friend to rescue.

Gwharr leapt out of the rubble-heap landing next to bliss, crushing one of the snakes bothering her under his feet, bringing his fists down to turn any remaining serpents into wet stains on the floor. Getting the restraints of the little asian woman was no challenge for a big strong caveman like himself, although he was pretty sure he might have roughed his companion a bit in the process. No matter, it was probably nothing serious anyway. However, for some reason he was beginning to feel slightly woozy. Like someone had stuffed cotton somewhere behind his eyes for some reason. . .
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss February 16th 2012, 10:38 pm

Glimmering liquid poured from the wound in Gwharr's arm. With a shine of the red from the wound shimmering in her eyes the snake released the venom it could muster into the open wound. Slowly the venom would eat away at the cellular lining of the skin, but even the toxicity of the venom found its power of cellular destruction at odds with the incredible power of the man's body. Feeling the taste of flesh within its powerful jaws, the snake retracted its fangs slithered along the arm to attempt to constrict the muscles into a more tense state to deliver a more damaging blow. As a drip of venom fell from the keen fangs poised to strike the snake felt a vibration move through the air around him.

Unable to turn off the animal instincts they honed through millions of years of evolution within the planet, the snakes moved to depart the room as quickly as they could. While Gwharr pulled at the ceiling of the room the vile snake woman lunged forward to strike quickly at the man's vulnerable tendons under his arms. As her blades moved to strike the massive muscles pulling on the ceiling, she joyfully pushed a secretion of venom into her fingers to help tear through his thick carcass. The desertion of her minions mattered little, and she disregarded their wise decision to leave in the face of the coming reckoning. For her sisters to know she killed the last of the primordials would carry her through the twisted nether of the unobserved unconscious.

Her snakelike face contorted in the wake of the falling debris. Bones turned brittle as the weight of creation bore down and crushed them. Her venom shot from her claws like water escaping from a crushed bottle. The clear liquid splattered along the room running a acidic line sizzling down the white walls. Dry wall lay stripped bare from her administration of her final gift to the pair.

While furniture and inner lining between floors rained into the newly renovated room, Bliss struggled to avoid the snakes. Fangs clashed with the sole of her boot, leaving the fang just centimeters from tearing through the lining of the sole. While the snake tried to retract it's fangs from her foot, Bliss slammed the head of the snake into the ground from a side angle to keep the fang from pushing into the bottom of her foot. A cobra slithered over to take advantage of her inability to maneuver to her sides. His hissing forewarned of the strike, but with her hands behind her back Bliss stood no chance of flipping over in time to avoid the incoming strike. She flung her feet at the head of the cobra to keep something not directly apart of her physiology in between her and the viscous creature seeking her death.

While the cobra found its first attack spurred by her boots he rose up to take a height advantage to the girl. Unbeknownst to Bliss, the second coral snake slithered around with an eye for her wrists. The soft skin and frail bone structure would part like the Red Sea to his fangs, and the poor girl would slowly die as the venom turned her own skin into nothing more than a hollow casing of dead tissue. Bliss took notice of the loud commotion the caveman brought upon the room, but in all the excitement parleying with the cobra brought her she failed to notice the wall holding the bathroom above her came out as well. A bathtub slowly slid closer and closer to the edge, echoing a wale through as the floor cried and groaned from the shifting weight.

Just as the coral snake moved to strike at Bliss, the bathtub fell from the second floor. The weight fell hard upon the sinister coral snake coming from behind her. The grout broke into a cloud of dust that slowly set on the squished remains of the vile little assassin. Feeling safe from the falling bath tubs, Bliss turned her attention to the cobra. As the cobra struck from above, Bliss threw her boots up to block the above attack, while her feet raised her back up, she slipped her hands out from under her lower back and fired off a blast of ice to hit the cobra square in its mid body. She reprieved the assault of the cobra just long enough for Gwharr to fly over and crush the reptile under his massive fists.

For a moment Bliss felt relieved. Then Gwharr grabbed her and tore the cellophane from her body. Her frail form could hardly stand up to the power of his might. Her adrenaline continued to rise during a time she felt should be more of the cathartic point of the fight. His might hands could barely get in between her wrists to rip her hands from, but he, almost literally, ripped her hands free from the tape. With her hands free Bliss motioned for Gwharr to stop while continuing a muffled plea from beneath the tape. Not understanding what she was saying, Gwharr made the next step to remove the tape from around her head.

She breathed easily in heavy bouts. "Stop!" She yelled. "I can take care of untying everything else. Trust me; you've done enough. Good Captain Caveman." Bliss drew a ray of frost down the center of the cellophane around her legs and ankles and merely pulled away to break the bindings around her. Still feeling groggy, but with a strong touch of adrenaline, Bliss stood to her feet. "We need to get that credit card back from the front desk before they try and charge me for all of this."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte February 18th 2012, 4:14 pm

The restraints broke between the massive, superpowered fingers of Captain caveman as easily as a box of cereal in a car-compactor. Bliss might be a bit roughed up, but she was young, she'd mend fairly quickly. Well, fairly quickly for one of them regular human types at any rate. As he got the restraints around her arms loose, she seemed to prefer getting them off herself. This suited Gwharr perfectly, since his massive mitts were unsuited for such delicate mission. Sure, he could have easily ripped of the ties, but then one of Blisses arm's might just follow along with them, and unlike his own overgrown excuses for forelimbs Blisses limbs did not grow back. She would probably be less than pleased with such a result, given that she would survive the bleeding for long enough to actually realize that she was now a literal "one-armed bandit." Nah, it was probably better to let her deal with it herself, whilst he stood guard, in case one of the other witches had decided to check out the noisy noise of the roof falling in along with a bathtub.

He could not help feeling a stupid amount joy and satisfaction of rising from somewhere within his ample gut, spreading its metaphorical warmth throughout his body. He had apprantly done good, and like quite a few cavemen he was a sucker for positive reinforcement. A big, stupid grin spread across his face and his blue, pig-like caveman eyes where twinkling with the joy of a job well done.

The Death-defying Dashing, Dusty, Dullard's gaze shifted between the door and the former prisoner liberating herself by freezing some of the flexible celophane to stiffen it enough to break free from it. However, her actions seemed uncharacteristically slow and sluggish compared to the Bliss he had encountered when they fought the shadow-lady. Or the villanous witch. Especially the part about her rescuing Captain Wombat from a plunge into the acid-pit came to mind. No doubt about it she used to be alot faster and more well-coordinated than this, but on the other hand there was no telling how long she had been captured here. Maybe she had been tied so hard that the bloodflow into her limbs hadn't been flowing as well as it could have. As she was done, Gwharr noticed how her balance seemed to be a bit lacking aswell, and so, whilst barely looking, the Surprisingly Softhearted Superstrong, Sluggish Slayer offered her an arm for support. An arm so packed with muscle, so massive that it probably weighed in at twice the weight of Bliss herself.

As the woman stood up, she expressed a desire to head down and get somethign called a 'credit card' wich seemed to be an important artifact of some sort. Apprantly they would charge her if she left it behind. Gwharr briefly thought about who would charge her. Maybe they where some sort of rhinos lined up somewhere ready to attack if she left the artifact behind. Gwharr could probably defeat those rhinos, but he decided that the easiest thing would be to go along with her first idea. That would probably make her happier than simply killing those that would dare attack her.

Gwharr nodded and grunted, opening the door to the room, gazing out in the hallway. It was dark, but it seemed clear. It took some effort to squeeze his half-a-ton frame through the door without compromizing the doorframe ,but Gwharr was fairly used to this sort of acrobatic manouver. The trick was in moving sideways, getting a shoulder through first, before the head, and then the rest of the body. "To be unhurt?" Gwharr asked bliss after edging his way into the hallway. Maybe it would be easier for her to stay here whilst he got her artifact. Provided she could give him a detailed description what it looked like. . . "To think there more witchie-sorcerersesses?" he asked by nervously gazing around the seemingly empty hallway. . .

Aeroplanes, witches, snakes, rhinos and strange artifacts. . . this turned out to be quite an adventure.
Posting Master
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss February 18th 2012, 6:05 pm

Under the material of her sweater laid many bruises of which many people could take blame for. "It's nothing I can't handle." She responded to the main source of her injuries. "It's a little plastic..." After the word "a" she knew Gwharr stopped listening and started running. "Good lord." Maybe she would get her card back, but most likely Gwharr would simply destroy all of the evidence of her ever staying in this hotel. Which considering the bath tub in the entry way and the witch crushed under a caved in ceiling, Bliss took it as a good thing.

Time to start packing. "Did I ever unpack?" She thought as she turned around to see her sweatpants laying on top of her bag nestled in the cove of her closet. At least those witches knew how to give someone a really good night sleep, she thought to herself, before lifting her sweater up to her nose to take olfactory clues as to whether or not she should wear something a little more fresh. Come to think of it she may have worn this when she crashed Cosmos's lab. She should just burn this thing. Too bad she didn't know any fire manipulators; she just kept a caveman with an appetite for destruction in her retinue.

Not knowing the depth of these witches powers Bliss filled in the destroyed rubble mound with a crystalline sheet of ice. Sharp edges tore through the mound and peaked with jagged edges damp with blood and venom. "Not coming back from that." She laughed a little at her own comment. "I need to stop talking to myself."

"Then talk to me." Fingers edged like a blade struck at Bliss's throat. Before her stood a woman with hair like a fox with white tips forming at the bottom. Her nose peaked into a rounded point softening her face. She raised her hand to make a blunt hit against the side of Bliss's neck to incapacitate her. The force she generated fell into a deadly trap as her hand impaled itself on an icy barb jotting out of Bliss's neck. Bliss tried summoning up an insult, but literally choked on her words.

Another swipe came from the witches leg behind the swirling momentum of her spinning attack. She moved with swiftness and grace, outmaneuvering the defenses Bliss could summon up. "Foxes don't fall for the same trap twice." Cracking against her ice fortified shell, the fox dealt a blow to bludgeoning through the ice and impacting in Bliss's side. She fell to her back with the fox taking aim to deliver a round house kick over Bliss's head. Knowing the witch would keep good on her promise Bliss needed to make sure she could trap this witch once and for all. When the fox's leg fell to break against Bliss she found the elongated stroke led her to a horrible resolution. Bliss slid to her side, leaving a spike in its stay. With the force she brought down the impact shaved the point into a more lethal weapon. Instead of sliding off of the blade, she forced her leg entirely through, leaving her leg impaled and her trapped.

Ice continued to grow from her leg and encase the woman in a barrier of ice. Her masterful use of attacks fell fell under the rapid growth the ice brought with it. Bliss felt tears swelling up as she tried to make a curt suggestion to the fox. "This isn't over." Bliss started to shake her head nodding "yes" to the fox she trapped.

"The thing..." Bliss spoke in a course voice. "About pressure points and force generation, is that you need..." She wiped the moisture from her eyes during her bouts of choking. "To be able to move. Are you going to generate that force through your head or something?" The fox began moving her neck.

Her movement from her neck allowed her to move force down her arms and into her hands. Ice shattered from the impact of her blasts. The gestures proved futile as ice merely continued to encase her, but it did give Bliss a new measure of insulting and giving advice. "Now I want to know who you people are and what you are up to, and I would like to know before my caveman gets back to smash you."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte February 19th 2012, 9:12 pm

Gwharr listened to blisses words about a little plastic thinger, but the horrid combination of his impatience with people talking about things he did not really care about at all (AKA anything unrelated to hitting people over the head with stuff, sob-movies at the cinema or edible objects, prefferably meat-based with lots of juice and spices) his over-eagerness got the better of him. He wanted to do stuff! Get stuff done so that Bliss would tell him he did a good job once again. Plus, Getting Bliss and himself away from the witchy-folks was of course also important, although getting bliss out of her would be made alot easier without charging rhinos and other similar misunderstood nonsense.

Besides, Bliss seemed too sluggish to move on her own right now, and Gwharr figured that giving her a few minutes to do rest and do whatever she needed to do to get her strength back would probably be a good idea. She was looking a little "green around the gills" so to speak. The Big, Brutal Boisterous Bruiser had become rather attatched to the young woman for some reason. It was not that he was the type that was slow to warm up to people. In fact, had a tendency to be rather gregarious, becomming fast friends with those who managed to avoid annoying him for a few minutes, but Bliss was an unique case indeed. Their personalities meshed pretty good, sure, but it was the way they could work together that was what had gotten Captain Caveman to be so attatched to her. They had teamwork, their strengths compensated for the weaknesses of their counterparts. As amazing as it might sound to those that had met Gwharr without knowing him all that well, The Calamitous, Cranky Caveman was actually a rather good team-player, it just took the right kind of Teammates. And like any good teammate he looked after his team.

Gwharr dashed aound another corner, and almost stepped on a man sleeping on the floor in the hallway. he thought it was a rather strange place to find a sleeping man, but he assumed there had been a party of some sort. People ended up sleeping in strange places after parties. It was one of those things that had remained the same from Gwharrs hayday back in the mesopotamic era throughout the ages auntill today. It was good too see that not all things changed when society decided to modernize itself. As the Caveman made his way down the stairs he noticed that there where een more sleeping people in the lobby. a few of them were sitting in chairs, a pair of young ladies were snoring noisiy on the floor, and one particurlarly impressive specimen had managed to fall asleep whilst standing up straight. Gwharr instantly forgot everything about his quest to retrieve Blisses thingamajigger and slowly approached the sleeping, upright man with the somewhat awed, yet curious facial expression that a young child might get the first time they manage to see an elk up close and personal. He carefully approached the man, carefully poking him with a finger to see if he would wake up. He didn't. Instead he swayed a little and muttered something intelligable in his sleep. Gwharr whined in frustration and poked him again, slightly harder, causing him to collapse in a heap.

Gwharr leapt back slightly, expecting the man to wake up, and right enough, he did, but even thoughhe opened his eyes and made a peculiar loud yawning he once again sank below the surface of the sea of dreams a few seconds later. The Curious, Confused Cavedweller thought this definately could be characterized as mighty suspicious behaviour. He Carefully bent down to examine the man, gently patting his cheek without successfully waking him up. However, a snort from the guy sleeping near the counter caused Gwharr to suddenly remember his purpose. To grab blisses. . . Thingamajigger.

Apparantly these people had problems staying awake, so he figured he had to go about this in a more cerebral manner. the components of a plan started flowing together in Gwharrs confused little excpse for a brain, and soon became a plan consisting of an equal blend of three main ingredients: Low cunning as well two of his personal favourites. . . Loud shouting and Extreme violence. He chuckled smugly to himself as he approached the guy behind the counter. He was so clever and this plan was so smart!

He grabbed the lapels of the man's design hoisted him into the air untill they where eyelevel, and then decided to execute the plan. He roared viciously like a raging bull elephant, shaking the man as if he was a ragdoll. Despite the powerfull magic at work, the man soon came awake, shouting in fear and surprised due to the fact that he was not waken in the manner to wich he had become accustomed. When he noticed what it was that had awoken him, the shout became a shriek. And when he noticed the stench of Gwharrs rancid breath and the size of his muscled he fell silent in fear.

"CREDIT-CAAAAARDS!" Gwharr roared at the top of his lungs, causing the terrified man to get a headache as well as an involuntairy shower of caveman-spittle.

"On the counter! On the counter! Lemme go please! please, I have a goldfi. . . I mean wife and two. . . wait eight kids!" he cried desperately, trying to dissuade the Caveman from ripping him apart.

Gwharr glanced down on the counter, and there it lay, just where the man had left it when he put it the minute after Bliss had handed it too him. "Okay." Gwharr said, calmly, gently putting the man down on the counter as he grabbed the card and calmly started to walk back to the room.

"So, you aren't going to eat me or anything? Slap me around a bit maybe" The man asked drowsily, his heavy-lidded eyes blinking at the caveman in an unsnchronised, somewhat confused manner.

"No. To get card for friend. She forgot. Sorry" The caveman answered apologetically as he made his way to the stairs with the card.

"Oh, Okay." the man said rather drowsily as he sluggishly made his way back into the seat wich he occupied untill a few seconds ago "This has been quite a cool adventure. I wish I had my goldfish here, so that I could tell her about it." the man said, already toeing the line between the waking world and the world of sleep. as Gwharr made it up the stair.

To maybe come here later. To let you'se tell Captain Caveman. Gwharr answered as he walked up the stairs.

"Would you? Oh, I'd apreciate that mister" The man said, his already slurred with sleep. and as the last words said Gwharr could hear the receptionists snoring once more. He had once again fallen asleep.

Gwharr made his way up the stairs, rushing through the halls, making his way back to the room from whence he came. However, when he returned he met a sight he had not expected. The Wicked Witch was back! Gwharr roared loudly, beating his chest in a formal challenge! He was not gonna let her survive this time. . .
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss February 20th 2012, 5:21 am

"That doesn't make sense. You're talking like something from a poorly written Joss Wheden script." Any attempt at gaining information from her prisoner failed in what Bliss thought as a way of using innuendo to buy time. "You said something about..."

"I've told you all you deserve." Wit shot to Bliss with a quick severity, bringing her back to the danger of her adversary. "Your death will come soon enough. In the crags, between the gorges, you'll lie broken and utter your last breath for miles to come."

"What does that mean?" Bliss almost squealed with anger as she tried to grasp at the hints left in the woman's words. "Why are you guys so gay for this whole notion of understanding the truth of nothing?" It took a few moments for the silence to set in. Bliss knew her frozen informant either didn't want to tell her, or possibly didn't know what to tell her. "Maybe if you knew you wouldn't need to run around doing all of this stupid..."

"You don't know the absurdity you speak of." A fire sparked within the ice. "You don't understand the duality of nature, the unforgiving forces alert to our existence. The very things that grant life take it. We seek to understand the duality to existence, so that we may know life as more than existing."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Great force pelted back into the room with feral might. Gwharr beat his chest while Bliss looked over with a disapproving eye. "Not now Gwharr. We're having a talk about..." She sighed heavily. "Descartes's grandmother."

"You dare to mock us when you don't even know who you tread against. If you had gone into the 'nothing' you would have learned what we have spoken of. You are an ignorant child who blinds herself with vanity and selfish desires. Your sacrifice to nothingness would have been more prudent in bringing life to Earth that you merely living here."

"Wait. What is that portal exactly?" Crossed arms acted as support to keep Bliss's neck from completely falling off of her body as she turned her head to question what she heard.

"I've said enough." Water dripped down the ice barrier. Every few minutes Bliss applied a layer of ice to the barrier to keep her from escaping. So far her plan worked well, but the eerie chance of death from the dangerous woman split Bliss's attention.

"Gwharr can you make heads or tails out of what she is saying? They seem to have some kind of disdain for you being, well, you. Maybe you know something about this existence through nonexistence trip she's going on about."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte February 23rd 2012, 5:16 pm

Gwharr snorted and squatted down as Bliss told him off. She was obviously comfortable enough around him now to tell him off so unhandedly, not a thought in her head seemed to indicate that he could easily strike her down here and now for making such a rude comment to the "King below the world of lights". He smiled slightly as he gazed at their prisoner. Apprantly the chilly woman was trusting him enough to allow him to see her back. Even though he was normally very keen on making sure that those that 'stepped' on his honor did not repeat their mistake, this one time it actually brought a slight but noticable amount of joy to his caveman-heart.

"To know nothing about nothing. To think there is nothing to be known of nothing." The supersized, simpleminded Simian said with a slightly indifferent shrug. He was not really interested in knowing why these witches did anything, his main goal was to make sure they where too dead to try it again, and to do that he needed to know nothing about why they tried to do whatever it was they were trying to do. All he needed to know was that he could kill them, and as far as he knew that theory was already tried and true. After all, knowing that these people where the sort that utilized magic, their motives would probably be not only incomprehensible to mere cavemen like himself, but also completely uninteresting as well.

However, it was something these people seemed to know that Gwharr was interested in knowing. Something that had to do with him. They had used a certain word to describe him, and they had been suprised to see him, seemingly believing that they were none of his sort left. The normal folks called him a caveman, a word they used to describe their ancient forebearers, but the other witch had used a different word for his kind, and that word had been 'Primordial'. A world that he had never heard before. He was pretty certain that it would not provide to be the explanation he was hoping for, but he knew that he would keep wondering for a long, long time if it might have been unless he asked now.

"To have question. To have called Gwharr primordial. To wonder what that be. What it mean." he said, his voice dripping with restrained fury but also curiosity. Maybe being a primordial was the reason he had remained forever young and vital while everyone around him turned gray and faded away. The reason he was as powerfull and durable as he was as well as an answer for why he looked so strange. Even amongst his own, nigh-extinct race he had stood out like ant-eater among antilopes.
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss March 3rd 2012, 11:28 pm

"Yeah that is a good question." In the past few encounters the witches always seemed more interested in Gwharr over Bliss, and always provided him with a tag to his name in the form of "Primordial." "In Layman's terms it means you are the beginning, but..."

"You can stop trying to strain your feeble mind." A gleam began to take root in the eye of the witch. A dire, sinister opportunity began to swirl. "It means you travel with a specimen who used to have immunity to our power due to his timeless feature."

"That's what I was about to say." Bliss motioned with a circular motion of her hand to sway any discourse in the matter.

"You could only wish to understand the depths of your own stupidity girl." While the witch rebuked Bliss for her display of posturing, the familiar gaps of nothing began to emerge from under the ice sculpture.

"I'm not stupid enough to be trapped in an ice cube." The banter coming from Bliss's refusal to allow someone else to be the smartest person in the room moved the idle conversation to distract from the pressing matter. "And what's the deal with not being afraid of primordials anymore?"

"I believe you can figure that out." Ice fell through the cracks of oblivion, slowly pulling the witch away from the hotel room. The shift in materialism away from the room faded into the nothingness the witches threatened Bliss with before. "You'll have plenty of time to recourse in nothingness." Slowly the witch faded away from the world as the swirling arms began reaching to encapsulate the room.

"We gotta get out!" Bliss exclaimed as she made her way for the makeshift door her caveman made with his arrival. Walls fell into the pit that ate away at the floor. Gaps in reality expanded in girth into the hallway, giving chase to the departing duo. Drywall crashed and caused the support beams in the ceiling to wale, acting as a harbinger to the collapse that would come at hand. Bliss darted through the hole and fired off a blast of ice with enough power to dislodge the door its hinges. Glass shattered along the concrete and cracked under the weight of Bliss's shoe.

When she turned back to witness the aftermath of the prodigal spell she felt the exhaustion begin to lift. Several room of the hotel fell to nothing, leaving a a pallet of dirt where the plumbing and electrical lines used to sit. Whatever hole caused the destruction closed up. "Well..." Bliss leaned over to catch her breath. "Asking what to do not would be a little redundant. Do you think you can track them down?"


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte March 8th 2012, 8:52 pm

Gwharr listened intently to the witch as she explained what she and her unwholesome compatriots meant when they called him a primordial. He couldn't help but to think it was more than a bit creepy that they knew of his immortality, just by looking at him. Most humans seemed to react with disbelief when he told them, even with the proof of him being a caveman yet still alive staring them right in the face. He caught himself wondereing how they had figured it out, but quickly gave up on that particurlar line of thinking. He knew that his feeble excuse for an intellect and his lack of patience would have no chance to deduce such a secret without help. He would probably ask Bliss later. Bliss was clever and could figure things like that out easily. That and the fact that he had grown quite fond of her sarcastic yet surprisingly friendly attitude was one of the reason why he hung around with her. That and the fact that they had pretty much saved eachothers lives a while back of course.

Even though the Witch was the one saying interesting things Bliss still managed to impress him by telling him that Primordial meant "The beginning". It was a word that was very appropriate for him, since he had been around since the beginning of the modern human species as well as the beginning of their society, he had also fathered a whole lot of children throghout his years, so maybe he could be considered something of a "beginning" for quite a few things. Maybe he aught to call himself "the primordial" rather than "Captain Caveman". It seemed appropriate somehow.

However, it seemed that this witch was no longer as concerned with him as she had been earlier. It seemed as when she had gotten over her initial shock of seeing 'a primordial' she had ways of countering him as well, unlike the earlier witch they had encountered. The way seemed to cause a wave of what could best be described as "the essence of nothingness" devour her and everything around her. Gwharr hardly needed blisses instructions that running in the opposite direction of the all-eating nothingless might be a good idea before, but he could inform her of that later, when they were at a safe distance. Bliss quickly leapt through the hole in the wall, seemingly to safety, but Gwharr had no such luck. Bliss was faster than he was, and he was alot heavier, and he could already feel the floorboards giving way benath him. However, he used the last precious seconds before he fell throug hthe floor to grab ahold of one of a metal girder that had once been built into the collapsed floor above him. It felt solid, well-anchored and more than durable enough to carry his weight, at least for a while. This would have to do. . .

Gwharr tightened his grip on the pipe and pulled up, hurling himself into the air, craihing through two floors before smashing through the roof and into the cold, fresh night-air. he felt oddly free as he was propelled upward by the last vestiges for force from his escape. He closed his eyes for the quarter-second he stopped in mid-air before gravity dragged him back towards the earth.

He landed on his feet with a loud, violent 'THUD' and a cloud of dust rising around him, about fifty yards from the hotel. He waved happily towards Bliss to let her know he made it unharmed before knucklewalking over her. Bliss seemed to be slightly less drowsy but still somewhat exhausted right now, but Gwharr thought of this as a good thing. A minute or two of rest and she would be right as rain.

The caveman smelled the air noisily, trying to catch scent of the witches. He was not entirely sure, but he smellt something faintly to the east. "That way!" The caveman said, pointing out the direction to Bliss with a massive hand. "To think I'sa call self Primordial now. Good name. Better than Captain Caveman. . ." The Thickheaded, Thunderous Thrasher said thoughtfully whilst scratching his bearded chin.
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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss March 9th 2012, 3:00 am

"Yeah, that name will work." In the midst of a destroyed building Gwharr could only think of a new name for himself, and with her time with him Bliss found agreeing with his minor observations time saving measures. "I'm guessing these witches have some power beyond even what these ones had." After her initial snooping failed, Bliss at least positioned herself to take view of the area around her. She yawned lazily and sought out the building she attempted she began her search with. Maintaining the contracting muscles her yawn, she turned to see where half of the hotel used to sit. Might be something to this.

Performing these activities in hotel rooms and meeting rooms in business offices made calling them odd completely unnecessary. Finding where these witches headed off to would probably show itself if Bliss could find out where they came from. In her past run-ins with this group she gathered they used a geometric formation to harness power. Judging by the vastness of the spell they used to put the town to sleep, they would need to perform the ritual in an area corresponding to create a shape. Three points within her immediate vantage point didn't give her much of a figure to go on.

She looked up to the corner of the office building under the low light of the buzzing lights of the lightly industrialized city. From the points she could see she could make out an initial triangle, but she needed a bigger picture. These points probably correlated to some other markings, but what importance would a small town in Arizona, or anywhere in the Southwest play into some greater plan. "Do you know anything about what kind of geometry these old hags are using? Do you remember seeing any of this stuff or were you too busy being Primordial?"

Bliss nodded off as her eyes closed. Gently she let her head roll back and rolled it around. After her eyes opened she surveyed the rolling ground as it faded to the backdrop of the sky. Against the empty horizon she could gaze out until the curvature ended her view. Looking for miles along the horizon gave her a sense of perspective when she saw the twinkle of stars resting just over the desert sky. No doubt many of the twinkles came from the decadence of thousands of satellites, but the stars still shining through the night gave her the absolute feeling of depth against the space between the horizon and space that almost felt like a singular being.

Stars. "Primo, do you know anything about using stars as roadmaps from when you used to hunt or whatever?" The celestial order surely would give some guidance to their investigation. Any of the stars from the night tonight would seem familiar to a skilled hunter like Gwharr, or at least Bliss really hoped so. Feeling she may need something a little more concrete while her friend stargazed, Bliss pulled out her phone and opened up a star map she kept on her phone from an application she downloaded five years ago to show people who would find her interesting for caring about astronomy. "I think the stars are the points that I'm missing when I'm looking at these shapes they are making."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte March 12th 2012, 6:44 pm

Gwharrs wide, somewhat distastefully large mouth twisted into a huge, uncompromizingly happy grin as Blisses approval felt him with such uncompromizing, bubbling joy! In fact, he was so happy that he was unable to prevent himself from making a somewhat inignant little leap of pure joy. He really liked his new neame, and it would be a shame if his current "best friend in the whole world for today at least" would not agree with this sentiment. However, Bliss didn't seem to share his joy, apparantly still thinking about the witches. Unfortunately this pus something of a wet blanket over his own joy, as it reminded him of the fact that the witches were still a very real threat. The one in the hotel had seemingly died whilst utilizing that Disturbingly Distastefull Demonstration of DoomsDay-Demolition, but one could never be too certain when it came to witches. Besides, it seemed that there was plenty more of them elsewhere, at least according to the ones they had encountered so far.

"To think they's bolder now. To think them's power is like tide, rising and sinking. To think they' power soon reach its . . . bestest times" Gwharr said, his deep inhuman voice confuddled as the Marvelously Muscular Megasized Massive Monstrosity seemingly tried wrap his mind as well as his tounge around the more difficult words of the human language. The caveman scratched his head, trying to think of something useful to contribute, but thinking to him was like wading through syrup. It was a thankless chore, sticky and pointless and better left to somebody that might enjoy it. This is why he shook his head vigorously as she asked him wether or not he knew anything about what sort of geometry they used to cast their magical spells and similar antics. At first he felt like it was a good idea to point out that even though he had no good advice to provide, he had understood the word "geometry", but before he had time to say it he realized that such a comment would probably make him look like an even bigger fool. . .

. . . Fool. . .


"Oooh! Oh! Oh! Maybe wife knows! Her is Shaman of Primordials tribe know! Him is talk 'boot dem magics all times!" The caveman said triumphantly, his brightly smiling face beaming as brightly as a sun. However, the sun of Gwharrs face quickly entered a metaphorical eclipse as he realized that the particurlar wife who had been a shaman had been dead for about fifteenthousand years now. "Oh yeah. Her is dead. Sorry, forgot" The caveman said dejectedly, his massive shoulders slumping slightly due to his loss of enthusiasm.

However, he perked up again after she asked him about the stars. At least he knew them well! Back before the age of maps and GPS:es you hadn't much alternatives than to utilize the stars when traveling into distant lands. It might be some times since he had used them, but Gwharr still knew them by heart. "To know stars. To be good if need knowing how to go " The caveman said with a somewhat enthusiastic nod. He felt as if he had redeemed himself.

Gwharr looked up at the sky, scratching his noggin carefully as he noted the position of them all. They where like old friends now, since they had been pretty the same since he had been young. However after a minute or so the caveman gave of a surprised snort.. "Taht un' new. Un' a dem Com-mets mebbe?" he said, pointing to a small celestial body indistinguishable from most stars, but seemingly a new arrival on the night-sky.
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A Viper's Nest Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss March 14th 2012, 4:52 am

"Hmm." A comet. "You had a wife? I guess that makes sense when you think about it, but I generally don't ask you questions..." Thinking of this man taking, or more accurately dragging, a woman back to his cave gave Bliss more insight into this creature past. "because I fear the response." Wanting to keep things from getting to personal Bliss flashed an overly toothy smile to alleviate pressure. "Big chunks of ice floating through the skies give these bitches massive power trips." She could relate to many of the words she just said, but let the moment slip while she gazed at the charting of the skies on her phone.

"What did you think everything up there was made of when you were with your tribe?" Closing the silence between the two passed the time while she tried to make heads or tails of all of the numbers pouring through her head. Women had a knack for multitasking; she read it in a magazine while making breakfast once. For Bliss the stars began to align. She gazed over to the corner top of the ruined building and saw how it aligned with the vectors of the how the lines ran behind them. "Saturn." She turned to let the to gain a full perspective on the constellation. "Vindemiatrix to the right, and Spica to the left..." Compiling the information kept her searching for something other than the names of stars. "That's Virgo, and the star Vindemiatrix from this spot would form a triangle with these coordinates just as any three points would, but that comet is moving towards a different angle than Spica."

After giving a brief yawn from her exhaustion, whether real or magically induced, she found a more relevant shape to the feature. "That comet is moving to create a star shape. The comet's coordinates don't really relate to directly to the angle of where these witches are, but it does signify a time table. If I can figure out the angle of this point to the stars, I can find the angle of the congruent triangle that will point to where we need to go next." Her counterpart gave her all she needed to know to get the solution to this problem, now she needed to finish it up. With her greatest superpower.


"Okay Primo, the exact location of this is something I'm not going to get us, but it looks like the second point is in the Grand Canyon." She looked up to her companion who may or may not know the names assigned to things from his time by newer humans. "Judging by the angle of that comet we have about half a day before that comet gets to its approximate angle."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

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Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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