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A Viper's Nest

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A Viper's Nest - Page 3 Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte June 6th 2012, 6:48 am

The caveman snarled as he leaped towards the golem-like rock-man, even though he could barely make out his sillhouette from within the dark, forebodingstormcloud that envelopped him like the dark, omnious black smoke that heralds the comming of a volcanic eruption. However, there was one important difference between the two, and that was that no volcanic smoke-cloud that he had ever seen had been crackling with electricity like the way this magical stormcloud did. He could not help but to squint as he approached the thick, almost solid-looking surface of the cloud, and even though he was half-expecting to bounce back as he made contact, it seemed that this was not the case. However, as he broke through the surface of the cloud he felt a moist sort of chill surround him. Like being draped in a wet blanket. He could smell the static electricity in the air, and could feel the ample amounts of hair on his arm stand out straight.

He felt sand underneath his feet as he landed, a sure sign that he had not managed to hit the target of his attack directly, but there was still a chance he could find him and pummel to gravel. After all, he had not yet encountered any type of rock that he had not been able to punch into dust if he had been sufficiently antagonized. The sillhouette of the rock-man was less than ten feet in front of him now, a multitude of sparks and occasional small bolts of lightning shooting from the stump on its left arm where its hand had been severed. Gwharr rushed towards it, raising a massive fist to punch it, its body getting clearer as he approached it. Hairline cracks was spread all over it, like an intricate tattoo, and here and there its once perfectly sculpted body had been chipped and cracked. Its left side seemed to be more broken than its right, indicated that it had landed on it when it fell. Despite its damages, its face still had that expression of extreme serenity and un-fathomable wisdom, although the timeless, eternal quality of it had been ruined by a rather nasty-looking, jagged crack that ran all the way across the face like a small canyon of its own.

It quickly raised its remaining hand and lo, a lightning-bolt shot out of it, zapping Gwharr violently, sending him flying backwards, out of the cloud. Although, to be honest, the dry desert-air made him feel alot more comfortable than the heavy damp atmosphere that seemed to prevail within the stormcloud. As he rose from the ground he heard flapping from above, it was the lion-man, one of its legs crushed into a useless bag of broken bones and unmendable muscles. It was swollen and shapeless, almost like a club-foot, and Gwharr could not help but ot feel a slight ting of sympathy for the once-arrogant flying fiend. The loss of its companion and the ruination of its leg seemed to have robbed the creature of its concieted, haughty expression of contempt and replaced it with a mask of pain and uncertainty.

Gwharr quickly decided that even though both of his remaining opponents were crippled the remaining target should be the golem. He was the most powerfull of the three, and despite the heavy damage he had suffered his determination seemed to be all but unnaffected. The Lion-creature in comparison seemed to have most of his fight squeezed out of him by Gwharrs earlier attack as well as the untimely demise of his bear-headed companion, and he was fairly certain that the once royal-looking, humanoid feline would have fled already if he had been able to.

Suddenly, Gwharr heard a loud crashing sound lying somewhere between a broken boulder and a wine-glass being dropped. And as he looked towards the sound, it seemed a rather impressive blocke of ice had hit his primary foe. Bliss! It had to be bliss! Gwharr gave out howl of joy at his friends intervention, as this meant that she was still alive, and not only alive at that, but good to give these poor suckers what they've earned too! The cloud surrounding the golem seemed to be somewhat disturbed by the ice-block that had collided into it, causing it to dissipate just slightly enough for him to see the sillhouette of the monster that was just about to get back on its feet again, slowly and awkwardly turning around to see what was happening to it, its slightly gimpy leg seemingly limiting its movement a bit. Gwharr leapt towards it once again, since it was now otherwise occupied. He once again felt the static and heavy damp of the cloud, but it was not botherering him, like it was before. He landed just behind the creature, and as it clumsily turned around once more to face him, Gwharr grabbed ahold of its bald, serene-looking head with one hand, to prevent his punch from simply sending it farther away from him again, and utilized his other hand to deploy a devastating bodyblow, wich was forcefull enough to shatter the torso of the golem, sending bits and pieces flying out into the canyon. He then proceeded to clench the hand in wich he still held the head of the golem into a fist. Sand and gravel poured between his fingers and as he opened his hands nothing remained but dust and shattered, uncrecognizable stone.

He heard a bestial roar behind him, and as he looked to see what it was, he found that the cowardly Lion had seemingly managed to get itself trapped in the ice. He quickly looked away, having no desire to watch the pain of the creature, nor did he felt that he had the right to mercy-kill the poor crippled creature. This was Bliss kill and she had the right to perform it as she wished.

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A Viper's Nest - Page 3 Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss June 6th 2012, 6:14 pm

Standing in the midst of her actions brought her safety, but the cold air stirring within the canyon would not offer safety for anyone else. A condition of her condition; she could survive at the expense of others and leave the most macabre situations with a coat of frozen power. A paragon of self preservation the like of which would stand next to none. Ice built up around the lion creature to ease its pain, while dropping its body temperature into a state of hypothermia. The death would come more easily and less violent than the rest.

A few moments after the ice encapsulated the lion Bliss made her way back to the edge of the canyon. Tired, and somewhat bloody from her tussle with the witches, the sooner she could put this debacle behind her the better. All of the excitement compounded off of the miniscule and uncomfortable amount of sleep she got the night before. Driving tired still looked better than letting the caveman behind the wheel. She would just need to get a few hours in and then she could let her adrenaline fade in the comfort of a hotel that still existed.

Whatever happened with this event and whatever celestial and supernatural events transpired out of the reckoning could wait until tomorrow to sort out. For now she needed some rest for the coming confrontation. Waiting on the actions of others never set well with her, but she could only hope to plan and react. But now she needed to drive and sleep. "Let's go."


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Viper's Nest - Page 3 Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Troglodyte June 22nd 2012, 3:05 pm

Gwharr could not help but to feel like a Savage, Sadistic Slayer as he watched the way that Bliss put the lion-man out of its misery. he merely moved slower and slower as he was therer, the expression of pain dissapeared from his once proud face, being replaced with a heavy.lidded drowsiness. His eyes no longer blinked in unison, and his breathing slowed as he triedto keep them open. However, it was an uphill battle for the poor creature, but the life was slowly draining from the body, its movememt slowed and became more sluggish and uncoordinated as frost accumulated around its mouth and in its in mane. he nodded respectfully to bliss to show his appreciation of the method. She had shown restrain and mercy when he had only been capable of rage, bloodlust and violence of the most astounding degree.

"You go, Primordial follow." Gwharr said as stated that it was time for them to go. She was obviously worn out from the shenanigans going on around here, and so was the Crude, Cannibalistic, Caveman himself. The primordial had been too consumed by his rage and battlelust to actually realize that this excersize had worn him out something fierce. Maybe it was the fall, the fighting or the strange magics floating about this place, but he also suspected it was something else. Something that was very hard to identify.

He quickly ambled up to the side of the canyon and started to pull himself up, probably far faster than any normal man would have been able to, but fairly slowly for the primordial. He could pretty much leap outta the canyon in a single bound, but he fealt a bit weary and drained. He probably could muster ennough strength to leap outta the canyon, but right now he simply felt that it simply wasn't worth the effort. Climbing was slower, but he had no intention of performing anymore feats of strength for the moment.
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Registration date : 2011-11-06

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A Viper's Nest - Page 3 Empty Re: A Viper's Nest

Post by Bliss June 22nd 2012, 3:41 pm

"I don't know where you plan on going after this..." As she moved along the edge of the canyon and the adrenaline subsided, a growing pain in her hip became more pronounced. "But you should head to New York." She remembered thinking Gwharr would work well against the coming assault moving towards New York, but couldn't remember if she told Gwharr of what would happen in that city. To be honest, she really didn't know, but that wouldn't stop her from trying to get whatever she could or whoever she could. "Once you get there wait until something out of place happens. You'll know it when you see it." Explaining what Necrodium would do required her to out think his methods, a feat she wished not to possess, but she knew he set his sights on the most populated city for a very precise reason.

Once she climbed her tired legs out of the ice laden canyon she looked wearily upon the small car. Her choices in hotels disappeared by one, but something on the road would open up for her. If she made it down the road without driving into a ditch. But, the task at hand needed risks, and if she did get in a crash she would have plenty of ice at the crash scene.

With a shaky mentalscape Bliss set out into the night arguing with her GPS.


Mitsy's Boutique


A Viper's Nest - Page 3 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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