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When told to leave demons Alone

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof August 26th 2017, 10:52 am

You know what sucks? Being fifteen. What sucks more? Being fifteen and a hybrid of angel, demon and human. Even worse? Not long enough ago, your mother go's mad because of some thing that happened while she was pregnant with you, leaving you with a man who you only really know because his dad was a prince of hell and tried to kill the two of you... Life was starting to get better from there. Samael was a distraction, he was kind. Cool, and he knew so many interesting and strange people that your life was just constantly busy.

So busy you didn't have to deal with the fact your own mother tried to stab your face with a knife, her eyes a pitch black, and while Samaels could be unsettling, but the kind of unsettling you can get use to, to have your own mothers eyes stare at you with such anger and darkness... It hurt. But now? First someone comes along, hired by Sammy's own father to kill him along with a perverted speedster demon, and possibly, while failing to kill Sam or Jake himself, had maybe managed to kill Samaels boyfriend. Which was not great. Then Samael went and got in trouble with the police after committing some murder. You learn such things when police burst into the house you're living in and forcing you to run from confusion and fear on the fact that your a runaway, living with a murderer. Yea life was turning to the terrible side of... well, life once more.

However, now Jake stood alone, his knuckles sore after punching a rather hard skinned demon for information several times. Yet he was no closer to finding Samael. Mostly because demons didn't mess with Malphas. And when your looking for the son of the Raven, it's not very easy. Letting out a tired groan, Jake rubbed the back of his neck along the nape, pushing into the skin with rather nice feeling results. He was sore, which was nothing new. He was also getting a little tired, which was also not new. Ever since he decided to try and use his powers for better reasons he found that these feelings were not going to get old any time soon, and now that he got himself in the affairs of several demons, he wasn't going to find himself any peace any time soon. A lust demon, a demon prince, a asshole and a fire speedster, several other creepy crawlies that went bump in the night and he'd yet to get started on the good sister and the whole mystery around her and her goal which had been slightly identified by Lily, the daughter of the missing vampire. Man was he good at ignoring good advice.

Even so, with Sam missing to Jake's knowledge at the very least, he felt a need that he had to find the cambion. Wherever he is, whatever mess he's in. Jake was worried about him. He was the only guy that could help him in this situation right now, the only person why really understood what he was going though, even if Jake didn't show it often. He was hurt, sad, tired over everything that had happened. He just wanted to find the man and bring him to Razeth or just someone, even if he would just sit down to talk to him. Something had to be done. So he was going to find Sammy and do whatever that was... Just had to find him first.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Samael Christensen August 29th 2017, 6:25 am

Knuckles cracked against cold, pale flesh as the blood splattered across the wall. Knuckles were displaced, pain shattering through his hand and even his arm. Too much more would have broken his bones but Samael at this point had only one interest in his head. A narrowed focus that would not allow him to think of anything else, and that was not good for anyone that wanted to be comfortable. The vampire was broken, legs snapped off and arms dangling on threads that could barely be called muscles, grotesquely  there and wanting to break away. ”So, do I need to go through this line of questioning again you damn leech?” He twirled the dagger, glimmering silver mounted upon a simple leather bound handle. Nothing touching him, but it could easily stab into the person he was holding, instead letting the side of the blade rest against their flesh.

That same pale flesh began to hiss, bubbling and releasing steam upon contact. They howled in pain, trying in vain to move and get away, but no legs remained for them to stand upon. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The vampire  cried, trickles of bloody red fluid streaming from tear ducts, crying as they would call it. “I don’t know who this Adam guy is.” A whimper as Samael considered him for a moment, driving the weapon into their shoulder. Shattering the bone and causing another howl, one that wouldn’t have broken beyond the rune that kept sound from escaping the building.

”You know. I can tell when a sire has forced their progeny into keeping a secret. Simple compelling really.” Whipping around he flung the vampire into a wall, shattering the wooden paneling of the old styled room. Leaving a deep red smear along the wall,  approaching the downed creature and looking at them with the black voids that were his eyes. ”We both know you don’t want to piss me off more. I know how to make you suffer. Make you wish you were dead.” twirling the red crystal within his hand, the howls were loud enough to faintly pierce the soundless barrier.

As for Jake the demon had slumped, beaten with superior force and left weakened from the overwhelming force. Knowing nothing of the cambion and likely wanting nothing to do with him. ”Useless little shits aren’t they?” A voice spoke up, female in sound as someone leaned against a wall. Jeans, sleeveless shirt and dark colored hoodie tied around her waist. All tan skin and long flowing dark brown hair, giving Jake a small smile. ”Had heard someone was looking for Samael and I wasn’t the only one. Been following him ever since I heard Adam had apparently died.” She moved from the wall, filing her nails with a file.

”Name’s Emilia, the cambion you’re looking for is that stupid boyfriend of mine. I know, confusing but I want to know why you’re looking for him. What is he to you?”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof August 29th 2017, 6:53 am

The voice both surprised and made Jake tense as he spun around, eyes lighting up with a red glow. He spotted the woman and gave a quick glance around, noting that no other beings were in the vicinity... Well, being's the mattered anyway. As the woman, Emilia introduced herself, Jake turned off his red vision, getting a proper look at her, which all he got was a vague memory of having met her before, but he pushed the thought back till she was done talking.

Even with her statement of being another of Samaels lovers, Jake didn't let down his tense state, these past few days had been a lesson. Don't let your guard down. "Name's Jake. And I'm looking for him... Because while not one of his... Far too many lovers." He would give the woman a pointed look as he said this, the man had way to many for norms... Then again. He wasn't normal. None of his boyfriends were normal. He suspected she was not any different. "I'm worried about him. After Ada.. Adam.. And this whole manhunt thing." Jake felt best to leave it at that, not giving a whole what Sam was to him, for he didn't fully know himself. He was a friend, yes. But he was also someone that helped him with everything stressful about his mother with just his presence.

"Also. So you don't have to worry. I'm a... Half angel. But I do care for him. Not as hell-bent as his brother is. Mind if I ask what blood runs under your skin?" Jake didn't want to divulge the whole mutt business, something he had been akin to using when describing his strange blood. Demon, angel and human. It was just better to go with half angel, as that was the side that seemed most prominent, but there was no telling how much of his powers were really demonic or not. A thought that had been a new one, he hated it none the less.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Samael Christensen October 17th 2017, 5:53 pm

The odd female didn’t flinch from the glowing eyed male, seeming to arch a brow as if amused somehow. ”Slow down there amigo.” She smirked, looking to the odd male with a focused glare as if wondering why some kid was looking for Sammy. Not like she was going to make any unfounded assumptions, considering how stupid that would have been. Besides the kid was a little too young from what she assumed for his taste, but then again maybe that was just laboring under a false assumption about who she was dating. ”Oh good, wouldn’t want him doing anything like sleeping with kids.” A small smirk worked itself on her lips, joking tone itself obvious as she looked down at the demon which the kid had beaten up.

Walking over to the demon, she rested the heel of a boot on its skull and forced it down with a minimal amount of pressure. Causing it to try with all its might to escape, only proving to be even more pathetic than before. ”So little demon. Why don’t you tell us where the cambion is, I start turning you into toast.” An odd golden flame lit up within her right hand, flickering and casting odd illumination across the alleyway. This seemed to cause a fear within something that otherwise would have been fearful of fire.

“Wait...i’ll tell you anything you need to know. Just don’t use that.” This seemed to please the odd female somewhat.

”I’m a phoenix little whatever you are...mostly anyway.” A foot kicked the demon agaisnt the wall and held them there, awaiting further information than that.

“I’ve heard things...about him attacking local vampire groups. They don’t know why but by the time anyone notices anything they’re all burnt to ash.” Now that was odd.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof October 18th 2017, 12:52 am

Jake gave an amused huff of a laugh to the Emilias jib about sleeping with Sammy. Of course, humor aside, Jake studied the woman as she went to the demon, who seemed to try and escape Emilia just as soon as she forced it down. At that, she released a golden flame into her hand, something the demon feared because of how it quickly gave her information Jake himself could not gather from it.

He felt a little jealous of the woman, while also weary. She had golden flames and so far the only things he knew had that kinda flame was a half angel with a very hard hatred for Samael. Luckily however, she gave him an answer that raised his eyebrow and let his muscles relax from there tense nature, worried he was going to have to deal with another overly dedicated half angel. "Phoenix... And here I thought Razeth was the coolest thing I'd ever met." Jake said as he began to pay attention to the demon and then his own thoughts... More vampires...

"Seems demons won't get us anywhere. However... Say, would those flames scare vampires just as well as they do demons?" Jake hoped the woman understood what he meant behind those words, that she would offer to help him look for Samael. She already said she was, now if they were to work together... That would be useful. "Wouldn't have to worry about finding them. I can do that." And it was true, as long as he had a general area, he could see a den of undead beings thanks to his red vision. Of course, he could also manhandle them as much as possible, but manhandling only went so far.

There was another factor. Jake already knew he wasn't the only one looking for Sammy. That demon with the speedster demon hunted him. Razeth was most likely looking for him. But talking about half angels... Jake hadn't seen Nate since the day he had tried to kill Sam, and Jake had given him that book of runes as a sorry to what he had to do to stop the angry half brother. What would he think now? To know Jake new Samael really well, that he himself, was part demon along with being part angel. Whatever it was, Jake would feel better working with one of Samaels friends in finding him just in case he ran into any of them. This slice of his life was making him a little suspicious of everyone these days. The Good sister and her weird prophecy, that lust demon that meddled with him from time to time. Helios and just so much more. He needed help, good help. Emilia seemed to be that. Now he just needed her to say yes.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Samael Christensen November 8th 2017, 4:00 pm

”So, you met the fat ass lizard too? He’s cool I guess but doesn’t leave that cave too often. A little boring if you ask me.” She stated with a shrug, seemingly knowledgeable of Razeth which gave some credence to her knowing Samael. Giving the demon a kick, it would skitter away to be as useless as usual, Likely trading for the souls of humans that did not know what they were doing. Not that she cared much for what humans did or the stupid things that they did with their souls. A question about vampires and flames came about, the phoenix letting the odd golden fire spark once more. ”Fire is normally a deterrent for vampires. Just a good enough size flame and they light up like gasoline.” With a snap of the finger the flame itself went out, letting the glowing aura of light fade with it.

”You can find them? How would you do that?” She seemed interested enough within the statement, though that was something else entirely. ”Besides, I know where the local coven resides. Let’s just say I might not be the most welcome there.” She stated motioning for the boy to follow behind her, leading to what looked like a rather small car. ”I know. It’s not cool like his motorcycle but I don’t really like dealing with those things. Asking for broken bones with those damn things.” She sat in the drivers seat and once Jake took his seat, they would go through a little drive of Chicago and end up before a rather sizable looking home. A veritable mansion, though it needed to be to hold an actual coven of the blood suckers.

The front metal gate would have looked fine, save for the fact that the bars had been bent outwards as if by strong hands. ”Okay, looks like he’s been here.” She sighed, stopping the vehicle and stepping out to go through the broken gate.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof November 8th 2017, 7:01 pm

She knew Razeth and his cave, that already was a good sign. He chose to ignore the jab about the dragon being a fat lizard however, for there were many reasons to call such a being that, being a... Phoenix herself. That and she gave a pretty good hint in flames and vampires. Something he was going to pay attention too next time he encountered one, which seemed to be coming to fact soon enough.

"I've a keen eye for the living and dead is all." Jake said with a shrug, hoping to let his red vision when they got there tell the rest of that tale. However, when he learned she already knew, Jake held back a relieved sigh. Hunting vampires wasn't an easy chore in a city of alive people. Jake could normally ignore the bright lights in the distance, but try to focus on them he found nothing till he got closer, and if no walking dead people were nearby then it was normally a waste of a trip.

Following the woman, Jake saw her car and decided to silently thank his luck, jumping from roof to roof was starting to get repetitive, and being able to just sit down and think was looking like a good idea. "Any transport is fine." Jake offered as he got into the passenger seat, sliding in smoothly. During the trip, Jake did take the moment to think, mostly about what he was going to say. Like. Why did cops want you and where the general hell have you been. Of course Jake couldn't hate him too much for it. He had met a interesting Spider for the second time because of what happened. And he had gone though a interesting transformation during that. He might even surprise Sam with the fact his body was no longer a mass of muscle, having been slimmed down into a more athletic and toned state because of whatever that clown did.

Eventually, they made it to the house hold of vampires, something Jake chuckled to himself at the sight of. Fricking mansion for a coven of vampires. No wonder he had no luck finding anything like it, he was looking too small, not isolated enough. Getting out of the car, Jake noted the bent metal bars after Emilia made them noticeable. Seems someone strong had been here. Not exactly Samael... But she and he could hope.

Following her though the broken gate, Jake would stop her from going further with a hand to the shoulder. "Hold up, I can see who's inside. How many." Jake said as he stepped in front of her and turned his red vision on, eyes lighting up with that brilliant red light he had shown the woman earlier. Moving as he scanned the building from left to right, up and down, looking for all signs of life, dead and alive.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Samael Christensen November 9th 2017, 4:13 pm

The young man gave a vague statement about having a good eye for the living and the dead. Likely that meant something important, but she did not inquire further about what exactly it meant. The two of them drove to the mansion that served as the vampires lair, barely past dark but enough that they could be considered active. As she stepped through the gate, it would rattle slightly as the hinges gave way and caused the whole thing to clatter to the ground with an iron sound a few feet behind them. Someone had been rather rough with it, going along the lines of someone angrily breaking it. Emilia only stopping when Jake told her to stand back, eyes glowing a red and scanning over the home.

Even with his sight he would only see one thing, a shape slumped against the wall, barely moving but alive in the sense a vampire was. Once that information was relayed she suggested they get this over with and go in already. There was an odd scent within the air, something that she could not quite place. With a hand held up to tell the boy to walk behind her, the phoenix reached to open the front door and find that it did so without any issue. Either they were confident that no one would rob them or no one had time to actually lock them damn place.

Either way as she stepped through the front door that odd scent hit her in full force, causing her face to crinkle into a look of disgust. ”Okay, I think I know what that smell is now.” She muttered, the wet sound of something squishing underfoot drawing her gaze to something on the floor. Removing her cellphone from her pocket, Emilia cast some light and suddenly felt sick. It looked like gore, thick and settled against the floor as well as splattered across the walls with scraps of clothing.

”W...what the hell is this?”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof November 9th 2017, 10:37 pm

This was meant to be a coven... So where were all the vampires? As he had scanned the building, he only saw one body. A dead one, but seeing that vampires tended to look dead to his vision, well he assumed it was one such being. But still. Alone? This made no sense. "Only one." Jake relayed the information to Emilia. Before following the older woman into the mansion, keeping his pace slow. His vision hadn't failed him before, but he felt suspicious of the quiet and empty home, meant to be home of a entire coven. There was also this smell, something he felt he knew, but couldn't quite catch.

Upon entering the house, Jake felt the smell harder now and backed away in disgust before walking back in, seeing the light come from Emilia's phone, where he spotted... Everything. Gore, clothes. Blood. It was... He closed his eyes for a moment, taking the sight away and did his best to ignore the smell, before remembering that at least one was still... Complete. His eyes snapped open, itching to shut once more at the sight of all his gore that surrounded him. Turning his red vision on, Jake looked to the still complete body, noting where the body was.

Deciding he'd rather see them then this, Jake turned off his red vision as he rushed ahead to where he saw the body from outside, knowing that Emilia would follow him because she would not have a clue as to where to go. Till he found the room in which the body slumped, hoping they at least survived...

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Samael Christensen November 10th 2017, 2:45 pm

The phoenix kicked off what clung to her boot, looking disgusted as she continued onwards. Following the course of direction that seemed right, leading to a door that had been smashed inwards. Reduced to nothing more than shattered remnants of wood that were scattered across the floor beyond the threshold along with long smears of blood along the floor. Within the room was a form slumped against the wall, seeming to have crawled from under the gaze of a window that would let the sun fall over him by morning. A rather cruel means to do things but then again someone did not seem to like vampires. The gore that coated the hallway leading here also covered sections of the floor and wall, Emilia approaching the weak form which reacted to her presence.

Upon closer inspection she could see burns within their flesh which was inscribed into odd symbols, demonic in origin if she could guess. Though she doubted the boy would know anything about it. “A phoenix huh? Come here to finish the job?” He managed with a low, croaking voice as he shifted within his leaning position. The wounds he bore did not close up like one with a vampires healing capabilities should, which seemed odd in a sense.

”No. I was hoping to question the head of the coven about the whereabouts of...a certain half demon. Ginger, black eyes and has a thing for leather. See him around?” This seemed to cause him to flinch, looking around before his eyes snapped back to the female.

“Yeah, i’ve seen that psycho. He stormed in and killed everyone here...except me I guess and the humans who live here.” It seemed to pain him to even move. “Said he was looking for some guy named Adam, but I have no idea what the hell he was on about. I guess you can see the result of that.” A weak motion to his body, though Emilia more than anything looked perturbed by that suggestion.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof November 11th 2017, 5:54 am

Jake had not liked what he'd seen on the way here, gore splattered everywhere. With each step his hope that this couldn't have been Samael rose and dropped. He didn't want this to be the work of the cambion, hell he was happy to not learn anything about Sam as long as he wasn't the one to do this. But he also had the fact that if this was Sam... Sam could do this, Sam would do this for someone he cared about, someone like Adam.

When he saw the body of the vampire, Jake lost all hope this wasn't Sam. It wasn't the badly hurt vampire that gave it away, nor the gore around them, but the strangely written runes. Sam had said he had found some runes in the book of Ravens. Jake had studied the book that was given to him by the angel, the one he had given to Nathanial, but he had yet to see any from Sam, but the look of them, the differences... The demonic feeling of it.

Jake remained off to the side, watching the vampire and Emilia interact. Seems the vampire didn't give Sam what he wanted, the location of Adam, hell even the words proved it was Samael that did this. Now Jake wasn't sure what he felt was worse, the sight of all this or knowing the person who was capable of doing all this. Stepping in closer, Jake would kneel down beside the damaged vampire. "Well. Where did the ginger cambion go then? Got an idea?" Jake asked, keeping his voice light, not threatening. He didn't want to stay here for much longer, and the quicker they found out if this vampire knew or not, the faster he could leave. Even if it was out the window.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Samael Christensen November 11th 2017, 4:33 pm

The vampire looked up to Jake, frowning with a look that got across annoyance more than anything else. Talking looked to be painful for him, but he would do so anyway. “Why the hell would he tell me where he went?” The vampire coughed, the blood coming out in a small glob, suggesting his lungs were logged with blood to an extent though that did not seem to impede his ability to speak. “He didn’t get what he wanted here so he left. End of story.” A low growl worked from him, shifting his sitting position as the lights themselves began to flicker. On and off in rapid succession, until finally deciding to stay on.

”So, he didn’t say where he was going?” Emilia asked, kneeling down beside the vampire, eyes glowing like hot coals. ”You know how things will go if you lie to us vampire.” She said, tone holding a certain level of threat within it.

“Kill me if you want. I still don’t know anything about the freak. Probably off to kill more people for all I know.” They could no longer muster enough strength to move, simply laying back against the wall with this look of acceptance that they would die. That was when Emilia noted with her hearing something, the sound of foot falls issuing from the hallway behind them. Metal scraping against wood, as a figure appeared through the shattered wooden doors.

Female, early twenties with long flowing black hair dressed in the approximation of biker gear with a scythe resting on her shoulder. ”Well now, what do we have here? I came here following a powerful demonic signature but I come upon two anomalies and a half dead leech. Interesting.” As soon as she spoke the lights all shattered at once, bathing the room within darkness.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof November 11th 2017, 9:04 pm

Jake frowned at the vampire, but kept quiet himself, not wanting to piss off the nearly dead man. Still, he held himself still as Emilia spoke, as the vampire seemed to die mentally. Accepting the fact that whatever unnatural strength it had was not going to do anything to preserve it's life. The sight nearly made the young boy feel sorry for the undead being. Nearly.

However, the attention on the dying vampire was driven away at the sound of... Footsteps. Metal scratching wood. Jake narrowed his eyes at the sounds. He had looked this place up and down, how had he missed... He didn't miss someone, they just got here. Turning into a stand, Jake spotted the woman, eyes darting from her feet to head, clothing, shape and... Scythe? Her words didn't help much, stating she was following a powerful demonic signature, which Jake tried to theorize that it must have been Sam she was talking about, only he hadn't gotten any further when the lights suddenly blew, blanketing everyone in darkness...

Not wasting time, Jake turned his red vision on, red eyes lighting up the room slightly as he stared at the scythe wielding woman, one of his hands rose in a defensive stance, two fingers jutting out from his right hand, prepared for the worst. "I hope your intentions for said demonic person are kind, cause I won't be as kind to you otherwise." Jake laid the threat out clear as day. He was getting really tired of all these distractions, all these threats, and two fingers, a hand. He would risk those to deal with any threat that faced down Sammy. Of course... The chance this woman might be able to find Samael was high, if she could track demonic signatures... But the threat... He would have to wait for an answer, before deciding anymore.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Samael Christensen November 11th 2017, 9:46 pm

”Kind intentions? No one has ever accused me of that.” She let the tip of the scythes blade, light beginning to return to the room in a faint sense. ”Though I doubt you could do anything little boy. So why don’t you just scuttle off to do whatever it is you kids do these days.” Emia stood between the two of them, lighting up a fireball within her hand and flinging it at her. Dissipated by a swing of the weapon, with sparks dancing around the odd female.

”I don’t know what you’re doing here but I suggest you leave now.” She growled, conjuring up more flames as if preparing to turn this into a fight.

”Oh Emilia, I would have thought my brothers whore would know better than to threaten me.” She was gone from vision for a second before appearing between Jake and Emilia, weapon drawn into the air. ”Why don’t you learn your place?” The blade sang through the air, slamming through her back and being drawn back out in a quick motion. With a swift kick she was thrown to the ground, the odd female jumping backwards with an impish smirk remaining, glowing blood dripping from her blade.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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When told to leave demons Alone  Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof November 11th 2017, 10:37 pm

Jake kept his eyes on the woman, keeping silent as the strange woman talked, talking very big indeed. That ether meant she was very sure of herself or she was indeed strong. Great. With Emilia in front of him, Jake stepped back for moment, almost prepared to try and lunge at this woman, only for her to just... Vanish.

His eyes blinked for a moment, only to see this woman was now right in front of him, and right behind Emilia, the blade of the scythe already in the phoenixes back. Jake hadn't accepted it happened yet, with his mind kinda trying to work out who exactly the brother was. Jake knew this woman might be in a relationship with Sammy.. Was this woman a sister of Samael? Questions for later. She could teleport.. or move fast.  He preferred the latter at this point, he could kinda see fast movement if he kept an eye on the mover.

But now he had a woman who just stabbed the woman who has been helping him, demonic tracking or not, she was not getting away with this if he could help it. Pressing his foot against the wall, Jake pushed off it with a crack of the wood from his kick off, moving to shoot himself quickly into the woman with a shoulder charge. If she survived this well enough, then he might be forced into using his red energy, something he wasn't looking forward too.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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