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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Shadowoof January 19th 2015, 2:35 am

In the distant from Los angeles a small crack in the ground, an opening from one realm to another a man rose from it. Feardorcha thought the entrance was a little too flashy even though the surrounding area was empty.  Fear looked himself up and down, seems like he hadn't changed much during his sleep. As soon as he was done, Fear started walking down towards what he presumed was life seeing as it was a few buildings. "Seems, humanity has changed quite a bit." Fear said to himself as he made it closer and closer to the city.  Upon entering, Feardorcha was quite surprised. The architecture and the people were different, Fear could already tell this time would be interesting.  Fear walked to the closest human he could find and asked a few questions that he needed. Like the year and a few others. Thanking the human once he was done Feardorcha continued to walk in one direction, looking at the people and the buildings turning when he got bored.

Fear didn't have any money as of now so he knew food would come later, first he would need a job. Fear turned into an alleyway, those didn't change much the prime examples being dirt, trash and trash, the second trash being four lively gentleman with knifes, one with a bat it seemed holding another up. "Humans do not change do they." Was all Fear said to himself, he could help the man but why bother. He was just a human and Fear a demon that was once human. Feardorcha sighed to those thoughts, the thoughts that were maybe the only reason he didn't just use his powers to kill everything.  Seems that within an hour, Feardorcha was going to be doing what he was good at.

Last edited by Shadowolf on January 19th 2015, 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Red January 19th 2015, 3:59 am

Lucius had been in LA for a few days dealing with a certain group of teenage vigilantes, and quite frankly he hated nearly every second of it. But that was all done now, and he had a few other things to do before he left. There was a man somewhere in the city that Lucius had been tracking. What interested Lucius in this man was his incredibly rare blood type, one similar to mundane blood types on the outside yet truly extraordinary with closer scientific inspection. His blood had certain properties that made it perfect for melding with the meta gene and allowing Lucius to make anyone superhuman with much less effort then usual. More meta humans meant more improvement, if he couldn't get rid of all the humans he would simply make them meta humans, at least that was the idea.

He drove his car down the streets of LA to where he tracked the male. He rolled up next to an alleyway his tracker led him too and saw there were four armed goons surrounding his target. "Picked the wrong guy to mess with tonight...." Lucius said as he stepped out of his car and into the alleyway. With a thought he sent four razor sharp knife constructs that materialized from thin air flying toward the goons necks. The constructs hit just the right spot, sticking in their flesh and causing near instant death. The four muggers, or whatever they were, dropped silently to the ground as Lucius approached the amazed man standing up against the wall.

"I need a favor." He said calmly through his masks techno filter. Lucius' scanners picked up a heat signature likely from another human just outside the alleyway. Lucius simple charged his hand with energy and waited to see if this person was dumb enough to come down the alley after hearing the confrontation.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by The Bolt January 19th 2015, 5:44 am

”Why do you need me to go to LA?” Colin asked rather plainly, rolling his eyes and looking into the screen, the face of Travis Masters on the other end. He seemed to smirk, in that ever so charismatic fashion of his.

”I would love to do so myself, but I have more pressing matters.  A press conference about all the metaphobic junk, nothing glamorous really.” It sounded right for Travis Masters, humanitarian extrordanaire.  He was probably going to comment on the many things metahumans had done to harm humanity, how they did need something or other, though Colin tended to nod off after a certain part. While he was a genius in his own right, Travis was just on his own level when it came to that.

”You sure its not some kind of date? Knowing the famous Travis Masters, there must be some girl vying for your affection.” Colin teased, drawing a smile from the dirty blond male.

”Alright alright, I may have a date. Though it's not anything as obvious as you would think. I might even send you a picture of the date.”

”Lucky me.” Colin said sarcasm obvious, rolling his eyes. The vehicle stopped, Colin nodding as he stepped out, more than aware he would only need to walk a block or two to reach where he was supposed to be going. In the distance he could see the hotel, where he was supposed to be representing Travis Masters and perhaps improving his whole corporation. Why he could not be dropped off on the front was a question he had been asking himself, but then again Travis was his superior, so he went along with it.

Sadly this left him without that suit of his, being left back in Chicago of all places, as he was assured he would not need it. Adjusting the tie of his rather dapper looking suit, he did the whole walking thing.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Shadowoof January 19th 2015, 12:19 pm

(ooc. it's LA Van, not chicago.)

Feardorcha was ready to fight for the human but then this happened. Fear most of all was quite amazed at the humans ability to drop four men with red constructs, but now the human was showing a red like energy at his hand. Fear turned his head to see if their was another person but was met with nothing. He chuckled to this, the human saw him as a threat most likely. That or an annoyance he didn't want to deal with, Fear understood both thoughts but this was a new world and Feardorcha wanted to know more. He walked towards the man, his white buttoned shirt was clean and his long black pants had pockets so Fear placed a hand in each. "You are an interesting human. What is that red you construct?"  He said to the man, stopping out of arm's reach to show he was looking to get close. His eyes staring into the red.

Feardorcha wondered if the wolves could deal with this threat, Red energy. They dealt with many things in the past but not with the likes of powered humans. Fear smiled slightly to that thought, it would be a change to cower for once.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Red January 20th 2015, 1:02 am

Lucius looked to the figure as it came out of the night shadows and into the light that a street lamp cast on the alleyway, listening to the man he considered what he said then let out an arrogant chuckle. "I'm not exactly human, and from the way you refer to them i would guess your not as well. I have business to attend to, get out of here before i use the energy your so fascinated by on you." Saying this Lucius removed a syringe from his belt and stuck it in his targets neck, forcibly taking a sample of his blood. "Expect to see me again." He said to the cowering man before turning his back to both males. He took no chances with the mysterious man that approached him, you never know what a seemingly normal person could unleash on you nowadays. He telepathically activated his repulsive field to shield himself from any attacks the man may make after his back was turned, the invisible shield would go unnoticed until something hit it.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Shadowoof January 21st 2015, 11:33 pm

Fear gave a slight laugh to that, to the words. "You humans are so violent. Does not matter though, even if you could hurt me. I pose a great threat." Fear said those words before turning around, seems he would not find much here sadly. What a waste of time but their were other places to go and explore more people to meet. This encounter was an interesting one indeed, a human who claimed to be not exactly human, what had Fear missed when he fell asleep.

He would find out with time but for now, he wanted to try out the food humans have. See if anything caught his attention.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Red January 22nd 2015, 3:11 am

Lucius walked out of the alley eying his sample and scoffing at what the man said. It was a curious encounter, and Lucius made sure to note his face in Hectors databanks. The way he handled himself and spoke meant he was more then just human, he could be of use on a later date. As Lucius got to the end of the alleyway a man rammed into his repulsive field. He was lucky that he just grazed it, the sheer repulsive force of Lucius' creation had killed humans instantly before. Lucius just stared at the downed man through red optics, quite amused by him laying on the ground. "That would be my kinetic repulsion technology. You hit my field, your lucky to be as unhurt as you are." Saying this Lucius held out his hand to the male, offering help in getting to his feet.

Lucius ran a quick facial recognition on him out of pure habit and found several connections to rich families and companies, looks like he just stumbled onto potential profit. He had already made a plan to capture and ransom the male before he got to his feet, this night turned out to be quite worth the effort. Although money wasn't Lucius' goal most of the time, he was running low and needed it for research and creating new tech. "So....I'm capturing you for ransom, it will be over before you know it if you don't fight." Lucius said quite plainly as he extended his hand forward and formed shackle constructs near the mans hands and feet that immediately attempted to grab a hold of his limbs. If he was successful in trapping the human he would lift him up using his energy constructs and slowly bring him back to his car.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by The Bolt January 22nd 2015, 8:34 pm

Colin had not been expecting to run into anything strange tonight, but then again this was a world of metahumans, so that tended to happen. The collision had been enough to send a shock of pain through his...everything. Looking up, he found himself looking at a strange masked man, which only meant that likely he had a problem. All the dark colors belied them possibly being a villain, or some kind of vigilante with a love for the color black. Dammit, kinetic repulsion fields were pretty annoying, though considering he was not dead then that was always a good thing. Not even thinking about it he would accept the hand, only to find himself with handcuffs around his wrist, blinking a couple of times. ”You have got to be kidding me.” He muttered, seeing the situation now and hating it. Travis would not be too pleased either.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Shadowoof January 23rd 2015, 12:21 am

Fear turned when he heard a new voice. The human from before seemed to have cuffed another human with the red energy. This of course reminded Fear of the time back when he was still human and this made him want to help the other human. He started a small jog back to the human's Until he was close to where the first human was getting robbed. "I do say human, put the other human down. I don't want to have to use my hounds on you." Fear really didn't want to cause a fight now but this he didn't seem to have much of a choice. This red human was more of a demon than himself the way he acted.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Red February 14th 2015, 2:56 am

"Nope, not kidding." Lucius said with a smirk hidden under his mask, for some reason he found the situation amusing. This guy was just walking along, and in seconds he's being kidnapped. Oh well, with how rich this guys family was he would be home before he knew it. "Seriously, you should have confronted me about the sample i took from that man that was about to get his face knocked in, its far more valuable then what I'm going to take from this one. I'm just trying to make an easy profit, don't trouble yourself with unleashing your "hounds"." Saying this Lucius lifted the man above the trunk of his car, opened the hatch, and stuffed him inside. "Sorry about the tight squeeze, these mustangs don't have very much trunk space." Lucius said before shutting the man inside and turning back to the emo adult who threatened him. "Why are you still here? Do take leave before something bad happens."


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by The Bolt February 15th 2015, 6:00 pm

This was perhaps the worst thing that has ever happened to him, well second worst but we are not getting into that one. All Colin knew was that he was being kidnapped by some masked madman, well a masked madman with red energy, one he had never seen before. From what he could tell, the guy was...going to throw him into his trunk. Great, his back was going to hate him for this when it was all over, if it was all over anyway. Something told the male that he could possibly not even come out of this alive, a terrible prospect when he thought about it. Okay, he should have brought the goddamn suit with him, but no, had to be stupid. With a little effort, he was painfully shoved into the trunk, tired up by the same strange goddamn energy. ”Travis...I am going to kick your ass for this.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Shadowoof February 17th 2015, 1:17 am

Fear watched as the red energy man placed the human inside the trunk as allowing this, Fear only had to not hit the car which should have been simple enough. For a metal machine it was very pretty. He walked a little closer but kept a small distance for this shield of invincibility now had him at edge. "So before we do this fighting business you must tell me what machine that is. I would like to aquire one of such taste later." As Fear said this he started to unbutton the white shirt he had one. "I like this shirt, the pants tend to stay during this." Fear explained as he threw the shirt away and started to transformation. It was simple transformation with more hair growth and bones shifting under his skin. "Considering to let the human go?"

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Red February 17th 2015, 12:04 pm

Lucius listened to the odd man with great amusement, who the hell was this guy? ".....You've never seen a car before?...Seriously, get out of my hair, you will likely die today if you don't." After saying this the man started to remove parts of his clothes, this was getting a bit weird. Lucius then was shown the reason for this, the mans bones started to transform and he grew move hair....a lot more. Looks like another werewolf type, oh bother.

"Not in the slightest. I'm not impressed." Lucius said in response to the males question. Unfortunately he was going to have to fight this thing, oh well. "Give me a boost Hector, type 2." He ordered telepathically to the AI. In an instant he felt the serum course through his veins, giving him the extra power he needed to finish this quickly (+1 ABL red energy). With the serum administered Lucius let out a wide pulse attack, about 30 feet across and 30 feet high it enveloped the area where the man was standing. Unless this guy was some kind of speedster he wouldn't easily evade this large attack. The pulse tore at the street and practically incinerated anything it touched. After his attack was over Lucius looked around to see how well the male did against his energy, and put a barrier in front of himself just in case.

(OCC NOTE: This thread was made before Lucius got 10 abl, so he is using his old 9 abl grid, However he is still boosted to 10 for the next two posts via his serum)


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Shadowoof February 20th 2015, 10:31 pm

Fear letted the transformation go with time but was unexpected was the man's pulse attack. Fear felt his skin burning away and some muscles and in the end, after the attack the red energy man would only see a man whose chest was missing a chunk of meat and well is entire body all but the bones and organs, those stayed. Soon the skin and muscles that were missing were growing back and Fear let out a small chuckle once his ability to talk came back. "So.. thats what you can do." Fear finished as soon as his he felt the shift complete and what would stand before Red was a above average wolf.

Fear howled and out of a building came a wolf covered in shadows, a pit of fire erupted from another building and a wolf covered in flames appeared. Finally a lightning bolt struck behind Red and there was a wolf with blue currents flowing freely from it. Fear howled and the wolfs all used their abilities to send torrent's of fire, tendrils of darkness, lightning strikes from the sky. If Fear could smirk as a wolf then he would as one would have to be very powerful to survive the might of the three hounds of hell.

(Occ. So being a Dm right here, it's been 4 post.)

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

Post by Red February 21st 2015, 6:34 pm

The next 10 seconds were a bit of a surprise to Lucius, though you wouldn't know it from his demeanor. The man had took his attack, and he seemed to have been killed in one shot as Lucius expected. But then he started to heal.....regeneration was so annoying. After that Lucius saw what the man meant by 'hounds'. Three elemental wolfs appeared out of no where, surrounding him. Ok, it was official now, LA sucked. His repulsive field was now down, so that wouldn't save him this time. But he did have plenty of other tricks up his sleeve. Right before the three wolfs attacks hit Lucius was gone, dissapearing in a flash of crimson light.

He had teleported to a building over looking where he had just been, which gave him the height advantage. "I can also do that." He yelled down from atop the building. His next move was quite simple, all he had to do was rain energy down on them. He held his hands out at the sky, conjuring up energy above the street where the wolfs resided. After a large cloud of smoke like energy was made he brought it down on all of them, the attack was large enough to envelop the entire width of the the street. All the wolfs were in the radius of his attack from above, it was highly unlikely all of them would evade it. Once the attack was finished the entire area would be nothing but a crater, except for the car of course, he had willed his energy to leave it undamaged. "Had enough wolf man?!" He said amused by the whole situation.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)  Empty Re: another demon in town. (Vanguard, Red tide.)

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