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Existentialism [Red Tide]

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha April 22nd 2015, 12:51 pm

topic starts off  from this post:

Alpha chuckled softly at the metahumans surprise upon seeing him. Following them had been easy enough once he had gotten the information about the battle that was happening in New York of all places, something that the complacent people of the city had gotten riled up about. It was obvious within his tone that the guy was surprised by him, perhaps even slightly mistrustful, but then again he didn’t quite care about what he trusted. His ally seemed to be in a state that was worse for wear, bleeding from rather nasty looking wounds and overall flustered. Not that he couldn’t tell that from the mental ques from earlier. Not that Alpha would let Lucius know he was watching the little fight in progress, which would have been taken absolutely wrong. ”You’re right, you look terrible Lucius.” Alpha stated simply, though not rudely.

His appearance was something that was worrisome but to seem like he was pitying the male would only lead to trouble. ”Considering who you were fighting, I’m surprised however you got away at all.” How he said this was as if it were a surprise. While his information on the person Lucius was fighting had been limited, he knew well enough that they were not someone to take lightly. Being unable to learn more about the powers they held, well he couldn’t really think of counter measures should he be forced to fight him. Regardless, he considered Lucius a sort of friend, if that was what he could call him, so he mind as well help him.

”But I think that’s another thing for another time. There’s something I was hoping to bring to your attention.” he then lead on to, pushing off from the wall he was leaning on, considering Lucius for a moment before turning to Daniel. ”However I don’t think this is the right place to talk about that, and I’m sure you would want to rest after your long ordeal.” With a snap of his fingers, a car would drive around the corner, sleek and black as one of the doors opened for him.

Existentialism [Red Tide] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red April 22nd 2015, 1:27 pm

Odd, it seemed Alpha was familiar with who Lucius had been fighting. A curious thought, but as Travis had said it was for another time. Whatever Alpha wanted Lucius to know must have been important otherwise he would have simply contacted him. Although he was curious about the whole thing, Lucius wasn't one to ask questions he knew he would soon learn the answers too.

"I agree, after all that I'm going to need a drink before i discuss whatever it is you want to bring to my attention." Lucius said as he examined the damages to his gear. Damn, that guy sure did a number on his shiny things, bastard. Lucius would watch as a car that was obviously Alphas pull up, its door opening for them. Lucius staggered into the vehicle, grunting a bit as he did. He was mostly healed by now yes, but those freezer burns were quite painful to regenerate.

Daniel followed behind, actually walking rather then doing the whole teleporting thing. It had made him lazy, so much so he would teleport just to grab something a few feet away. He slipped in, scooting Lucius over. In a few moments they would drive off, Lucius keeping quiet and Daniel starting the conversation as always.

"So whats this about?" Daniel said after a minute or so of silence.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha April 22nd 2015, 11:02 pm

As the door opened, Alpha would wait until Lucius sat into the vehicle before slipping into it himself. He wanted to give Lucius a chance to sit down before making him want to take action, no, he would likely only push himself then. ”A drink? I think I can arrange that.” Alpha noted with a soft chuckle, making idle conversation more than anything else. If anything, getting a drink he could do easy enough, even if something told him he would not exactly get intoxicated. However, it seemed that the little meta-human was the chattier one, as he had asked the question Lucius was likely thinking.

”Quick to the point.” He stated with a roll of his eyes, looking at them from the comfortable seat that was across from their own. Wealth had it perks, like these very comfortable vehicles. ”I was originally looking for you in regards of information I think you would find very interesting. For someone so concerned with the welfare of meta-humans anyway.” Likely this would catch his attention, but as Lucius had said, he would need a drink before they could really start talking about it. ”As for what that is, well we have to reach a more suitable location before we can discuss that.” With that he brushed the male off as the vehicle came to a stop before rather luxurious hotel.

”This is our stop.” He said with a nod, stepping out and opening the door for Lucius. Once that was done, he would lead them through the lobby, no one even sparing them a second glance.  Why that was the case no one knew, but it was either way. Stepping into an elevator, within a matter of seconds they were on the penthouse which was lavishly decorated for someone of his notoriety. Admittedly, he had a safe house of this level in each city he considered important and a few he did not. ”Welcome to my little hide away in New York. It’s not home but…it serves.” He stated, a few bottles of vintage as well as stronger varieties of alcohol were already ready for them.

”Sit down, I’m sure we will have much to discuss.”

Existentialism [Red Tide] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red April 23rd 2015, 6:10 pm

Lucius would sit in the car, not saying much. It wasn't that he was being impolite or rude, he just truly needed to gather himself after that situation. Daniel had just conceded to the fact he wouldn't get any answers yet, so he too sat quietly, only speaking a little to keep everyone comfortable during their car ride. It was clear Lucius and his underlings weren't very into small talk, they were either straight forward and to the point or reserved at any given time. Of course, that didn't apply to Isabel. After a good ten minutes they would arrive outside a rather up scale hotel, very public looking. Lucius wasn't sure what Alpha was thinking coming here, but knowing him he had probably turned it into a sleek white sci fi facility.

As the group casually walked through it was clear Travis had bought the place out, no one even acknowledged the fact Lucius and Daniel were obviously just in a meta human bout. Daniel couldn't help but grab a delicious looking cookie from a silver plate that was sitting atop the hotels desk, innocent as it was he got a look from Lucius. Whether anyone knew it or not the few glances Lucius and Daniel exchanged were a conversation, one that told the teleporter to drop the damn cookie and act like an adult.

They would continue walking to an elevator which then zipped them up to the higher levels which was where Alphas home away from home presumably was. In moments they arrived, stepping out into the lavish penthouse. It was nice, but nothing Lucius hadn't gotten used too.

"This is a bit more.....out in the open compared to my New York residence. But i guess having a public image allows that sort of thing." Lucius said looking around before spotting the alcohol. With a gesture and a look toward the bottles he would make sure he was welcome to take some before striding toward the case. Pouring himself a bit of bourbon he would walk back to where Travis was and take the offered seat.

"Alright, so what is it? I assume its an urgent matter considering the fact your here in person." Lucius said taking a drink from his square glass. Daniel had also sat down and poured himself a drink, whether he would interject in his mentors business though was unknown.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha April 24th 2015, 11:21 am

Alpha would wait for Lucius and his compatriot to get comfortable and sample the drink, as it had mostly been set out for them more than anyone else. He was not known for his love of drink, though he did on occasion dabble in the art of it. Granted, he didn’t bring Lucius here just to sample his wine, as that would have been counterproductive. No, what he had in mind was simply the transfer of information and a few more things should he find himself interested. All pertaining to meta-humans as he had so engrossed himself into the interest of them, perhaps simply because Lucius was one himself. ”A public image has many perks, for the people who take the time to maintain them.” Alpha stated with a simple incline of his head. As far as he knew, it seemed like Lucius didn’t quite care to keep one, though as to why he had no clue.

Perhaps the male had no patience for the subterfuge that was required, which could explain so much. ”but yes, I brought you here for a reason.” With a casual motion of his hand, a small manila folder would rise from a table and bring itself to his hand. ”These files might be something you’d find interesting.” With a flick of the wrist they would move themselves from his hand onto the table before Lucius neatly. ”Normally I’m sure you’re not the type to bust underground crime rings, but….the details might make it more personal.” How he spoke was almost expectant that his info would get a certain response from the male, not that he was too hard to figure out to Alpha.

As for the details, should Lucius look into it, he would see a list of metahumans being used for an underground metahuman fighting association. What would have likely been the point that got on the males nerves was the fact that they weren’t exactly doing it of their own free will. Brainwashing had some lovely applications when done right, and did they do this right. ”I had wandered across information of the operation, and let’s just say I managed to get a few details on it.” If Lucius showed interest on stopping this, well that would work out for both parties.

Existentialism [Red Tide] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red April 25th 2015, 6:05 am

Sipping his drink Lucius listened to his ally, the mention of crimerings catching his attention. Setting down his glass Lucius grabbed the file and sat back as he read it, taking in all the information. Irritation could be seen on Lucius' face as he read it for many reasons. Meta humans were not to be used as little play things, especelly by humans. This was like evolution in reverse, the non powerful using the powerful for entertainment. What had this world come too? By whatever means they were controlling these superhumans it was clear it wasn't earned through intellect or racial superiority, this was like ants ganging up on something they knew they were below. Besides the fact it left a bad taste in his mouth, this could acquire him some valuable assets. He was going to do this.

".....Thank you for showing me this." Lucius said after tossing the file gently onto the coffee table in front of him. He truly was grateful for it, but his quite plain attempt at a thank you was all he managed to get out.

"Me and a few others will see to that as soon as we get regeared. Of course, if its your intent to reinforce us in this endeavor then your support is welcome." Lucius said sitting casually in his incredibly comfortable chair. Thoughts of other matters had now entered Lucius' head, and Alpha was here. They were now very close allies working two sides in a grander plan, they needed to communicate.

"Daniel, please go back to headquarters and ready everyone while i speak with Travis." Lucius said looking to the young man with command in his demeanor. In an instant the now partially rested Daniel disappeared from his chair, leaving the two to talk.

"I believe we need to discuss a larger move. Morale in my ranks is starting to dwindle, we need to set something in motion or i may lose things i have worked very hard for. I'm not suggesting anything violent, that would only cause backlash at the moment. However, our plans need to show some progress or they will die out." Lucius said taking a pause to gulp down the last bit of liquid in his glass.

"Your activity in the public eye has got me thinking. Perhaps gaining political power would serve me well."


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha April 26th 2015, 3:39 pm

With the information passed from him to Lucius, all he did now was examine the male’s reaction with silent appraisal. Of course it was likely the meta-human supremacist would be invested in something such as that but what they would do to rectify that was another issue. Something told him that he would use violence, but then again sometimes a simple solution was the most effective one. That much Alpha could agree on, not that he was ever one to enact violence in the first place. All he seemed to have gotten was a thanks, suggesting that it troubled him far more than he cared to show. Considering the display that had happened not so long ago, Alpha had gleaned that perhaps Lucius was far less in control of his emotions than he was. If that were the case, then he would have to help his fellow compatriot in controlling that.

”Initially I had no interest in this meta-human ring, but a small amount of information pertinent to my interests might make me have to check it out.” As for what it was, well he wouldn’t let that out just yet. He was sure that portion would be found out in time, unless of course what he was seeking was not there. With his information given, Daniel would be dismissed and that left the two to talk over whatever it was Lucius wanted to converse. It could’ve been how they would deal with this situation or something else that much had yet to be seen. What this lead to, was Lucius speaking about them needing to make a larger move.

So, you’ve come to see the use of a public identity?”” An idle question more than anything else, but he was pleased the man came to him with the idea. If it were anyone else, they might’ve done it wrong. Unless he was the only criminal that Lucius knew proficient in the art of acting the in the public’s eye as well as in the shadows. ”What do you have in mind Lucius? Running for some manner of political position of power? Do you want to cultivate a public image like i’ve done? While the second would be more likely, it would require….you not having fights much like earlier. Either way, you aren’t afforded the luxury of combat breaking out on that scale.” Which was true enough, it was how he kept himself as he was, rather than having heroes constantly hunting him down.

”However political power would serve you very well. Meta-humans with similar interests would naturally flock to you, and with support comes the ability to do more.” his support included of course, but that went without saying.

Existentialism [Red Tide] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 1st 2015, 9:30 pm

Lucius listened to Travis in total agreement. In the past few months he had experienced a few things that got him thinking about becoming more passive. He got his hands dirty way too much, perhaps because he felt the need to oversee everything important rather then having one of his underlings take care of it. The idea of a public identity had been with him since that night in Alphas facility, who would have thought a teenage actor was secretly the leader of some racial revolution? No one, that's who. Travis knew how to do it, so perhaps this was one of the few things the boy could teach him. Not that Lucius didn't know how to act undercover, he was very good at it actually. However, if things were to go smoothly it was always a good idea to consult someone with more experience at something then you.

"Perhaps just a public image for the time being, but eventually yes i intend on running for some form of political office. I realized today i couldn't be so active in my more......violent operations. Taking a back seat to pull strings rather then going toe to toe with powerful metahumans is definitely the kind of change i need. You see, if something like that happens again i could jeopardize much more then a few buildings." Lucius said as he set down his glass on the table in front of him. He was getting at something, and at this point Alpha probably knew. His rage issues were not a mere personality trait, they were directly connected to his powers.

"You remember when i first came across you? How i lost my cool and tired myself out because i worked myself up into a rage? That wasn't because i was offended by your insult or because you had the tech i wanted. My powers....the more i use them in a short period of time the more i lose control. I get blinded by rage and I'm liable to kill even my closest of friends if it goes far enough. This isn't just to gain some kind of advantage, its to clear my head and rejoin society." Lucius said pausing to remove a vile frome his now tattered belt. It was something he wanted Travis to look at, something he hadn't quite figured out.

"In this vile is a prototype microchip of my own invention. It will allow me to change myself physically into someone else entirely, temporarily of course. I could finish it myself, but i think it would take longer and might not be the best it could be. After all, your expertise is in genetics." Lucius said handing it off to the male in front of him. What he would think of this wasn't known, but Alpha didn't usually judge Lucius when he asked for help.

"So, shall we go take care of this......meta fighting organization?"


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 2nd 2015, 5:37 pm

Alpha could see it, Lucius would put in danger more than just his operation if he continued to act as rashly as he had done when they first met, and within that fight that had caused a bit of destruction to the beautiful city that they had rebuilt. In fact, it was a city that he had put some money into, granted he was expecting to gain more out of it than he put into it. An investment, now that was what New York was to him and so far it had no failed in yielding the cash. ”You could lose everything. I’ve already projected that much.” Alpha stated plainly, not yielding any sort of judgement but giving out cold hard facts. He was never the type to judge, there was no gain in it and so he would avoid it as much as possible, especially with a volatile element like Lucius.

True, his energy was a unique one, but being unique was not always the most favorable thing around. ”The first time we met, I remember ever detail about that.” he had a chance to kill Lucius then, a thought was all it took and he would have been no more. Just another self-important meta-human, but Alpha saw worth within them, so he let them live. Whether he was right about him was yet to be seen, but he would find out soon enough. ”It appears to me that your anger is your…Achilles heel so to speak. It nearly cost you your life on our first meeting, and I have a feeling the same could be said of this time. Don’t misunderstand, you are exceptionally powerful but power without control…can destroy you.” perhaps his own power would not destroy him but a lack of control had other ways of doing that.

Having turned away from Lucius for a few seconds, he would turn back upon him to see the vial being presented to him. Apparently it held something that would help him assume this identity, something that he wanted him to help with. His area of expertise was after all genetics, so it only made sense that he wanted him to make sure that everything was in order before using it. With a though the vial would come to him, floating through the air and towards him beckoning hand. He considered the thing within his hand, nodding a couple of times as if considering everything that he was looking over. ”I can do something with this. Just give me a small amount time and I’m sure this won’t disappoint.”

Then the meta-fighting ring was brought to attention once again. ”Of course, that is why I had contacted you.” Alpha said returning to the heart of the matter.

”So…am I interrupting anything?” Omega would question stepping into the room, much like him not wearing the usual mask.

”Nothing that isn’t already done.” He stated simply, finding his eyes turning upon what looked like Eta, except his arm was bandaged up and thrown into a sling. ”Is…that what you’re talking about?” He would then ask, only getting a nod from Omega.

Existentialism [Red Tide] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 2nd 2015, 7:42 pm

Travis was right, him losing control of his emotions had nearly cost Lucius his life on several occasions. He needed this for personal reasons just as much as he needed it for his cause. He was tired of fighting, at least physically. With all his power he still couldn't do it all with the sword, some things needed the pen. He had already set up a new name and identity, all he needed was the chip. He wasn't aiming to become a new person, he would always be himself, but he wanted a break from being a superhuman criminal.

It was good Travis had accepted to help him, Lucius could now focus on the task at hand. Little was known about the fire power of the group or if Lucius would even need to resort to violence, but the actual function of the organization told him he would need to be ready for a fight. Whether Alpha was going to get his hands dirty today remained to be seen, but if you were working with Lucius chances are you would do some fighting eventually.

Unexpectedly Omega came into the room, no matter, it seemed their conversation was already finished. Lucius looked to Omega at first, then realized there was someone else in the room. It was obviously the boy that showed up to help the man Lucius was fighting. He wore the same clothes and had a bullet wound.....looks like Daniel caught him with a shot. The question now was why he was here, who was he? After a second or two it hit Lucius, this boy was one of Alphas.

"Oh......this is too funny." Lucius said with a truly amused smile. He hadn't intended to harm one of his allies underlings, but it was the boys fault, trying to play hero.

"Sorry about the bullet, you could have gotten yourself killed. I don't know what you were thinking, trying to be all heroic, but i suppose that's none of my concern. I trust Alpha will talk some sense into you." Lucius said with disappointment in his voice. He had never thought one of Travis' siblings would go down the vigilante path, but then again they did have their own minds. Lucius hoped it wouldn't happen again, the last thing he wanted to do was kill one of Travis' family members.

Another person then walked into the living room area, one Lucius recognized, Theta if he remembered correctly. The male didn't look at all happy, it wasn't exactly anger, just disappointment. Lucius got a glare from the man, one that almost blamed him for this. He couldn't actually believe this was Lucius' fault could he?

"Eta.........What the hell did you think you were going to accomplish!? This guys an animal! He and his little minion could have killed you! Do you even use that brain of yours!?" Oliver yelled, looking concerned for the boy but still very much irate.

".......Are you alright?" Oliver continued after pausing to gather himself, speaking in a much calmer tone. Lucius just watched the whole thing in amazement, he had seen many things but this kind of thing just didn't happen. It was clear now that Oliver did have animosity for Lucius, that would have to be extinguished if they were to work together properly.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 4th 2015, 4:52 pm

If anything, Lucius had potential but these outbursts would squander that potential once he attacked someone he could not run from or outgun. That moment would have likely been something that he would regret until they put him down, and if anything, Alpha hated wasted potential. So he would have to teach his ally how to control his emotions, much like Alpha had learned to do so long ago. If that potential ever was used to it’s fullest, that was something that he would have to wait and see. For now, he would have to worry about one of the younger members of his family who seemed to have gotten themselves hurt by something. Luckily, Beta had not been hurt as that would have only put a dampener on his mood more than this already did.

It seemed from what omega had gleaned that Lucius was responsible for the males injury, but they would be fine with a little medical treatment. A broken arm was a small price for doing something as stupid as trying to stop a man as dangerous as Lucius. True enough he was not one to endorse heroism, as that ended up with him going against his family, but so long as he stayed out of their way, Alpha would have allowed his folly for a small while. Nothing truly went on around his family without his knowing, and without his leave to do so. That was just a talent Alpha had, for controlling everything they did and he in a sense could see where they needed freedom to properly develop.

Puppets were not what he was trying to make, so controlling them would have been counterproductive. Of course he would need to make sure that they avoided nearly dying like they did with Lucius and his gang of glorified thugs, as well meaning he assumed the leader of them was. ”It’s appears I’ll have to have a talk with him later.” Alpha noted simply, not betraying anything as a cool smirk played across his features. Eta could tell without it needing to be said that he would have a talk with Alpha later, but not as if he ever raised his voice. With Alpha, there was a coolness about him that made him seem almost like a machine when he was serious. Most  he knew him, knew the terror he could instill with words rather than action.

As for what Lucius had said to him, well they seemed to shy away from them more out of fear than anything else. Then Theta added their two cents in on the matter, seemingly caring more than Alpha had about them nearly dying to a psychopath. ”I told him not to do it, but no one ever listens to Zeta. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, then the dumbass gets shot.” Zeta added, stepping out from the kitchen in a pair of gym shorts and a muscle shirt. If one looked close, they could see the beginning of dirty blond roots peeking out from under his dark brown hair.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Eta said calmly, only loud enough for Theta to hear.

”He’ll be fine. I already removed the bullet, he’ll only need a few days to heal up. This might teach him not to rush into something like that.” Omega stated simply, not outwardly placing blame on anyone.

”We’ll discuss Eta’s rash actions later, for now I’m sure Lucius wants to deal with that metahuman fighting ring I informed him of.” Alpha dismissed with a casual motion.

”Wait…who shot Eta? As far as I know the Lucius guy doesn’t shoot guys, so….must’ve been the blondie.” Zeta cut in, drawing a glare from Alpha. ”hey, I just gotta know these things.” That did not sit well with Alpha. If anything, he knew that Zeta could be dangerous when provoked. Not that he was worried for Lucius, but that metahuman of his, the one he seemed to take as his second in command.

”That’s unimportant.” Alpha waved off, this time letting his tone grown firm enough to let Zeta know he meant it this time. ”If you need to prepare Lucius, do so now. We’ll leave in half an hour for this ring, that’s when the meta-humans will be there, and you can do whatever you need to.”

Existentialism [Red Tide] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 4th 2015, 9:31 pm

It turns out this family had just as much drama as a normal one, except this involved one extra bullet to the arm. It was almost like a weird sitcom, except everyone is a young boy and has superpowers. As amused as Lucius was by the situation he did feel a little bad for the kid, a little. Lucius definitely caught a bit of resentment in Zeta when he mentioned 'blondie' aka Daniel. Lucius would need to keep an eye on that one, he seemed a bit more.....violent then the others. Besides all that though, Travis was correct, Lucius wanted to deal with these pests.  

"Very well, I'll be back in a half hour with a couple others. See you then." Lucius said while telepathically telling Hector to contact Daniel. In a mere moment the teleporter appeared back in the room next to Lucius, not saying a thing as he grabbed his mentors shoulder. The two then disappeared, leaving the test tube siblings alone.

"I'm coming with you to this......meta fighting thing. I don't trust that Lucius guy." Oliver said bluntly before casually leaving the room to change his attire. He didn't actually have any kind of combat gear, but he wasn't doing this in formal clothes.

Lucius' HQ

"Those guys don't like me much do they?" Daniel said after Lucius and him appeared in Lucius' dark lab. A good question, most of Alphas siblings seemed to be rather indifferent to Lucius and his followers, but there were a few that presented a concern.

"I think two or three don't really care for me or anyone associated with me, but my business is with their Alpha, not them." Lucius said quickly making his way to a sleek table with various gear pieces sitting on it. One by one he replaced his gadgets and broken armor pieces, including his mask.

"Get Isabel and Leo down here, their coming with us." Lucius said clasping in his replacement chest plate. Daniel cringed at the mention of Isabel, she was always.......difficult. She wasn't like the others, she lacked discipline and really didn't care about the cause, or so it seemed to Daniel.

"Ehg, she's coming?" Daniel said as he reloaded his gun, pulling the rather special ammo out of a sleek box that was also on the table.

"Whats your problem with her anyway? She gets results." Lucius said now finished regearing. Thanks to his regenerative abilities he was fully restored and ready for whatever was to be found at this underground fighting ring.

"Results aren't the only thing that matters Lucius. She's a loose cannon." Daniel said clasping his gun back in its holster. This got no response from Lucius but laughter. He agreed yes, but loose cannons were never a problem if you knew how to use them. Shrugging, Daniel disappeared from view and in seconds returned with both Isabel and Leo.

"Warn a motherfucker next time!" Isabel yelled after materializing in the lab. She fumbled around for a second to try to grasp where exactly she was, once she did she simply pushed Daniel away. Daniel had a wide smile across his face, he found it quite amusing.

"Yeah, that's not cool dude." Leo said plainly, but pretty shocked that he just got sucker ported.

"Sorry for the short notice, but i need you guys for something." Lucius said standing up from his chair.

"Get ready."

30 minutes later

Lucius and his three underlings appeared in the same place Lucius had left only a half hour ago, presumably back in front of Alpha and his siblings. They had all gotten basic combat gear on, but as always Lucius was the most high tech looking. Oddly none of his followers ever asked for their own high tech weapons, maybe it just wasn't their style. Oliver was now sitting down in one of the rooms chairs in new clothing, more slim lined then what he had on previously.

"Alright, is everyone good to go?"


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 5th 2015, 1:51 am

Once Lucius was gone, that meant they could talk a few things over before they did anything about this meta ring that Alpha had been so kind as to inform Lucius of. ”So you’re actually helping this jackass out? I mean come on.” Zeta gave his two cents on the matter, though they were about the same as they always were. ”He’s a fucking psychopath, would probably kill us all in a second if it would help him out.”

While Alpha did not want to think about it, the possibility that their alliance was that paper thin did cross his mind a few times, though Zeta would be the one to vocalize it. Perhaps it was that outspoken nature, as well as his natural intelligence that had landed him his position, or just the power of his pyrokinesis. ”I doubt he would go that far.” Alpha stated simply, unwavered by the males statement. ”That aside, I doubt he could do anything like kill all of us. So if that were to happen, I suppose we would just need to kill him first.” Omega took notice of what looked like a self-satisfied smirk taking form, before being smothered.

”Well I’m comin with you guys anyway. Gotta keep my eyes on that goddamn blonde.”

”In more ways than one I bet.” Delta chimed in, seemingly already dressed for the mission, in black jeans and a black jacket over a white shirt.

”Shut up ya brick.” Zeta snapped, though all Delta did was smirk in response. Digging out a large jug of milk from the fridge, Zeta poured himself a glass and sat down at a large table that dominated what looked like a dining room. ”So who’s coming with us?” He would venture to ask, looking to Alpha who had final say in matters like these. Well, Omega also did but Alpha’s word was more official than their elder siblings.

”Zeta, Gamma, Delta and I will be going. Omega make sure Eta doesn’t do anything stupid to get himself hurt again, and....Zeta your roots are showing.” That statement was more than enough to make them understand his displeasure, though the latter drew a chuckle from most, as well as a growl from Zeta himself. Omega would only nod, and with that done, he would give his family time to prepare before they would meet up with the others. Once that was done, they were all dressed as usual for a job, Alpha adjusting the black leather jacket as he waited for Lucius to appear via the teleporter. Zeta sitting on the edge of a couch, the end of a cigarette burning red with smoke trailing from the end.

”We’re all good to go.” Alpha said with a nod, looking around to the others who only nodded in response. Zeta not saying anything, only taking a drag of his cigarette and letting a cloud of smoke out through his nostrils. Alpha was expecting to do the talk later, or in a few seconds.

”So, how we gonna get there? Teleportin or good ole fashioned driving?” He would ask letting the cigarette move over to the corner of his mouth

”Do you think Daniel could handle such a long teleport?” Alpha asked rather bluntly, looking to the meta-human with a raised brow.

Existentialism [Red Tide] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 5th 2015, 7:32 pm

Immediately the question of how they would get to this fighting ring was asked, it was a good question. Daniel wouldn't be able to take seven other people with him even if he was fully rested, but Lucius had that covered. Unclasping a small device from his belt he started inputting a few codes on its touchscreen, then pressed a button that 'opened' the device. It was now making a low buzzing sound and showing its bright glowing blue core.

"No. But with a little help from my tech, we can avoid that pesky driving. His powers leave a temporary scare, only for a few seconds. I made a quick modification to my own teleportation device that will allow us to keep it open. The scare will act as a kind of portal we can all walk through." Lucius said placing the device on the ground in front of him. With a simple look Lucius told Daniel what to do, which was simply teleport. In the next moment he was gone, but he had left something this time. A glowing blue portal, one that looked rather unpleasant but Lucius had ensured was safe.

"Lets go then shall we?" Lucius said being the first to disappear through the portal followed by the rest of his underlings.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 5th 2015, 9:06 pm

Once everyone was together, Alpha would wait for whatever to happen as far as them getting there. While it seemed that Dnaiel would not be able to teleport them there, Lucius had a means by which they could get there without tiring the metahuman out. From what he had heard it involved using the very thing that’s Daniel created in teleporting, and allowing them to create some manner of portal. Some of it made little sense to Alpha, but he could glean enough information to have a basic understanding of it all. Within a second, Daneil would teleport but leave behind a portal for them to step through. ”Well I’ll be damned, it actually worked.” Zeta noted with a smirk, being the first of their group to step through, followed by Delta and then Alpha, likely the last of them was Gamma.

”That’s an impressive piece of tech you have there Lucius.” Alpha noted simply as they stood on the outside of what looked like a slightly worn down brick building. Here and there were a few vehicles  out in front of it, but not enough to suggest anything was going on here. ”This is the place Lucius, not that impressive looking on the outside but I hear it’s much better on the inside.” Alpha noted with a smirk.

"There’s something underground.” Delta said with the utmost certainty, likely using that seismic sense of his to get a scope of the area. Kneeling down, he would press the knuckles of his left hand against the ground, eyes narrowing slightly as he seemed to scope something out.

”Give him a few minutes. We’ll go through the front entrance.” With that he would motion for everyone to follow him through the semi-rusted front entrance of the building. It would lead into the interior of the building, which was as one would have expected of it. Dusty, dilapidated and for the most part, though all it took was a bit of pressure in the right part of the wall for a secret passage for open up within it. It appeared as if it had just opened up from nowhere, but that was just the signature of one person Alpha knew.

”Awww shit, it’s this bitch again.” Zeta growled crossly, seemingly knowing who they were messing with. Flicking the ashes from his cigarette, Zeta removed another from a small pack and lit it with a flame from his index finger.

”Once we get to the end of the passage, we may end up needing to split up.”

”Splitting up are we? I call the teleporter.” Zeta called out, Alpha rolling his eyes.

”Very well. We will need to split up into two groups of three, and one of two, there are three arenas and doing so will save us a lot of time. If Daniel has no compunctions against it, he will go with Zeta. Lucius, you will come with me and Gamma, and that leaves Delta to go with…Isabel and leo.” he explained this while they stepped down what seemed like finely carved steps until they reached a large way point. It branched off in three directions from there, three different arenas that they would end up walking into.

”Well, it looks like it’s you and me.” Zeta noted with a click of the tongue, waiting for Alpha leave before choosing the walkway on the right. ”Come on, we don’t got all day.”

”Once we’re done without objectives, we should meet back at the safe house.”

”What is that objective exactly?” Delta would ask.

”Just a little metahuman liberation.” he responded and the smirk reached his tone.

Existentialism [Red Tide] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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