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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Augsp June 28th 2013, 3:44 am

Maybe.......maybe it wasn't a real bomb. Seeing their faces, it was pretty pbvious that none of them wanted to die. If it was to be real, it would be a suicide bomb. She could just drench the bomb-if the robbers had been stupid enough to not make it waterproof. Maybe it was worse for her to drench it.

Then the robbers began to run. Her first real work as one of a superhero group, and all she did was stand by as the robbers retreated. Really? Maybe she should have just acted impulsively and tried to do something. Sure, it could get her shot, but hey, wasn't that worth it? Inside, she wanted to scream. Not in fear. In fustration.

Right then there was a flash that blinded her momentarily. Then-the bomb! Had it exploded? Was she dying? What was going on?

It wasn't! She was alive! Just a neutralized bomb. No visible threats now. They had to disarm and knock them out. In the corner of her eye she spotted Forcewave knock out a robber with ease. Time for her to act as well. Seeing one of the last few of them come, she spotted one of the smaller robbers. Stretching her hand out, a jet of water from a fountain shot and blinded him. Then she took the on the guy with pure impulsiveness. The man seemed to get angry but before he could punch her or something she tried to hit the man once between his eyes with the hilt of her throwing knives.
It missed but she tried again and managed to hit him. Luckily he seemed to pass out. Time to get him disarmed. But then she heard footsteps behind. Before she could react, a robber held a gun to her head. Trying to hold her hostage, huh. Oh boy. This was going to be a radical expirience.

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Riccto June 30th 2013, 11:38 pm

Campeon rolls his neck and listens to the pops as he glances at his downed foe, eying the downed big man. Campeon began to step into his fighting stance and as soon as the man laid still Campeon relaxed. He was pleased on how he had done so far on this run, taking out the opposition's big man and and funneling the rest of the robbers toward his teammates. He was being awfully productive in stopping this robbery, all he could hope for is his team mates bringing down  the remainder of the robbers as easily as he did. As he glanced over his downed opponent he couldn't help but notice the broken shades of the bigman laying on the ground, he couldn't help from picking up the split eyewear up and tucking them away in his pocket. He couldn't help from notice that the entirety out the outfit was wearing similar shades, so if they could pick up some info from the shades maybe they could offer the team some information on the outfit or something, Campeon isn't a detective or something. He shrugs as he walks into the bank to help sweep up the remainder of the robbers although Campeon is confident that his teammates had driven out the robbers. He couldn't be more wrong.

As he slunk around (as well as he could) sweeping up whatever he could, not encountering anything up until he came into the lobby, where he saw something that shocked and enraged him. One of these scumbags was holding the youngest member of his team at gunpoint. He was seething, how could any man do this, the cowardice! But Campeon couldn't charge the guy, the scumbag would shoot. He had to be crafty.  He took one of the lens from the split shades and flung it as a child flinging a stone towards the man, aiming towards the back of the man's head where the lens shattered. This gave Campeon the opportunity to move forward to take out the robber with a hip throw in a flash. He glanced towards Droplet Okay?

El Boriquen

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by The Ranger July 1st 2013, 2:35 pm

With the bomb disarmed and the mercenary holding the bomb taken care of knew it was time to make a move, to end this here and now and not allow anyone else to come into harm that night. Forcewave had easily dispatched the man who controlled the bomb leaving four other mercenaries left, and Droplet took on one by herself only to be held at gun point. Startled by this event The Ranger moved to draw an arrow from his quiver only for it not to be needed. It seemed Campeon had sense dealt with the brute of a man outside and had made his way inside to join the rest of the group and he proceeded to help Droplet, taking the man out. This left three more bank robbers to deal with, should be easy. At least that’s what Ranger was telling himself as he drew two tranquilizer arrows.

Quickly he spun his body, notched the arrows and released them at their intended targets watching as they fell helplessly down to the ground and out for the count. Leaving the final member of the robbers awake The Ranger sped forward as fast as he could and quickly seizing the man to the ground and hand cuffing him. When the police arrived to round up the gang of bank robbers The Ranger figured that it would more than likely be necessary to have someone awake to question than to have to wait for them all to wake up. That and there was the fact that Ranger believed he knew who these people worked for, and he certainly didn’t want them waking up and getting away to tell their boss what had happened that night before the cops came in and did their end of the judicial system.

Standing up The Ranger nodded his head and went back over to where his team had gathered, they had all done good tonight in his eyes. No civilians were harmed, the property damage was kept to a minimum and none of the bank robbers got away. All in all everything seemed to have gone pretty well for their first mission out as a team. He was glad nothing had gone wrong and hoped that it stayed that way, the team deserved a good night’s rest after what they just went through. “Alright, well that certainly went better than I expected, though with the time it took getting you altogether I expected nothing less.” He said with a smile on his face, that couldn’t really be seen because of his hood. “We’ll take one last loop around our end of town and then head in for the-“He was cut off by an explosion behind him.

Done with the new group called Knightwatch the world was not. For they still had another foe to face and this one was not to be taken lightly. He was a part of the same group that the bank robbers were which was evident by the black sunglasses and it seemed he was here not only to collect the money from his fallen comrades but also to let it be known to the heroes that they would not be taken down so easily. A couple feet behind the small group of Knightwatch members stood, or more so flew in the air, a man with his hands fueled with fire and ice. A grin spread across his face as he received the information needed from his boss through the ear piece. He was to take the group out and hopefully take one back, alive but unconscious, to the base so he or she could be studied.

The duel manipulator was more than happy to comply. With a quick flick of his wrist ice shot out at the ground beneath him and over to where the group of heroes stood, this was not intended to harm them though, rather it was there to make sure the speedsters could not get enough traction to move at speeds so fast he could not gauge what was going on. His next move was more of an attack as he singled out the smallest member of the group throwing a fireball in her direction, with one flying quickly behind it headed for the brute of the group. He was just getting started and this group was about to get their first real trial. The boss was amused with them but did not believe they would truly stand up to his tests. Not yet at least.
((His grid
Fire Manip:8
Ice Manip:8

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Forceaus July 2nd 2013, 12:01 am

The collective lot of them that were these heroes who were working together as part of a newly formed group known as Knightwatch had just gotten out of a bit of a tight spot caused by a bank robber with a bomb. They were saved from that potential crisis thanks to some clever thinking. Forcewave had come up with this idea for disarming the one robber with the bomb. Just give in to their demands. Or at least make them think that the heroes were. It was really him just letting them ease into a comfort zone. Once their guards were down and the moment came he acted upon it immediately. The robber had been disarmed. Now they could go about attempting to capture these guys once again. Forcewave had dashed forward quickly after the successful disarming to take it to that one particular robber.

He turned to see what the other were doing. How they were doing against the robbers. His eyes scanned the ongoing scenario as he looked around. That's when he saw something distressful. Droplet had been put back into a precarious situation. He prepared to attempt to save her but feared that he would fail because they had already seen this trick once before. He was worried now. He felt he could only stand there watching as a lens came flying in and hit the guy causing him to lose hold of her. Campeon then came rushing in to knock the robber out. "Good timing." he called out to him. "Real good timing." he thought. Another robber had been defeated and the rest were soon to follow.

The entire gang was defeated. They were a clever bunch. That was for sure. They had been well armed and backed up by a metahuman of their own. This was not the first time Forcewave had encountered a group like this. It reminded him of past incidents. One of which was in Wilkes-Barre when he had ran into Darren. Perhaps they were connected. That, or this was merely a coincidence. Gangs and criminal organizations employing metahumans did not seem all that unusual or strange of a thing to do. Circumstances given it was probably a good idea to do so. Provided they don't use their own abilities to take over the organization for themselves. High risk, high reward.

With the criminals now captured and subdued, the team gathered together once more to discuss what it is they should do next. "Hey, we're all alive and okay. That's great." he said meekly to the others. He did feel relieved. Forcewave was not used to working with others at this particular thing. Even when he did things did not usually go as well as this did. He was starting to feel better about agreeing to becoming a member of this team. As his doubts slowly went away an explosion occured nearby. Forcewave glanced around quickly and looked up to see a man floating down towards them.

Speaking of employing metahumans. This one seemed to be far more dangerous than the one that Campeon had dealt with. This one was quick to demonstrate such a possibility too. The ground was quickly overcome with ice and fire was hurled out at them. At Droplet in particular. Forcewave generated an electrical bolt of energy with which he blasted away the fire and had whatever was left of it continue on towards the one in midair. It missed however as the guy flew by it towards them. Forcewave created a barrier in between them and the newcomer. He was also using the barrier to slowly melt away the ice.

Mega Poster!
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Augsp July 2nd 2013, 4:08 am

Droplet breated slowly. Theman seemed as if he was all reay to shoot her. Great. See?That was what he gt for tryin to join such a team. Droplet groaned. This would obviously be recorder in her mind as the number one time droplet had felt useless in her superhero career.
Then he felt the man collapse as consiousness decided o leave him.
She stood,traumatized as the others took out whoever was still there. Inside he urederself to move. Herboy reuse to comply. But then the myseious force lockin her soul broke and e shook her head.
"Thank you." she said to Campeon. Who knew about what would happen lest he ha not acted in time? For all she knew she could be yin on the ground, bleeding her life away.
"Thank you for saving my life," right then, the man flew over te four heroe and began to attack. And it was mostly headindg toward her.
The new opponent took her by suprise. But this ime she'd act.
droplet took a deep breath and manage o form a decent shield made of water. Just in time, too. Whtver sparks Forcewave's hield has missed died away. But a large amount of ice was still left. Her powers. Maybe.........
She sht a hand out, and a jet of streaming water shot out. First she directed it at the ice, trying t melt it away. Then e tried to direct the water twards the man. I ht guy had powers, he should ight it out on te ground ,fair an square.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Riccto July 3rd 2013, 6:45 pm

Campeon smiles as he replies to Forcewave I try he said with a tinge of good natured cheeky-ness and a slight shrug, then he turns to the recently rescued Droplet and crouches to match his height with hers, with his smile weighed down at the corners with  tinges of concern but still the smile persists No need to thank me,  thats what companeros... He glances up towards the ceiling searching for the word he wants, then when he plucks it from the ceiling his gaze shoots back to her Teammates! Thats what teammates are supposed for each other. Right? He glances towards his fellow teammates before popping back into action mode, glancing around for more threats with the smile shrunk to a degree, more of an minor upward curve playing across his lips.

And then, of course, someone new and dangerous has to enter the picture. But this new dangerous person was particullarly new for Campeon which left him all the more dangerous. This guy was flinging both fire AND ice Thats pratically cheating Campeon thought to himself as he faced off with this new foe, who quickly put together quite the display, a fireball that was well neutralized by Forcewave and Droplet doing what she could to get rid of the ice, oh, and there was a fireball flying towards himself as well, sadly Campeon could not project fist but he could protect himself. He bent downward and ripped a pair of tiles from the bank floor and held them up as a double layer shield. But still, the stone didn’t insulate him from the heat and flames licked around the small shield, burning his forearms and hands, leaving them a nasty red. He dropped his shield and went on the offensive, running in the areas that Dropplet had atttempted to melt, when the range was short enough, Campeon lept at the man, holding his righ hand tucked in as to telegraph a punch but in actuallity   he was planning to extend his arm into a lariat to bring the flyer down.

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by The Ranger July 15th 2013, 11:00 pm

The Ranger let a small smile reach his lips as his team came together quite well after the fight they had just survived. It seemed he truly had chosen the correct people to be a part of the start of the newest super hero team that was here to try and replace what was once G.U.N. He noticed Forcewave quickly take control of the situation, being the first to speak and takes note of this as well as everything else that was going on trying to learn even more about the team when he noticed something that truly was not what he wanted to see. The man flying towards them wore the same black glasses that the other members of his group did and from what Ranger could see carried no weapons on his body. This of course meant he had some sort of physical or ‘elemental’ power.

What the power, or more accurately, powers he had were displayed not long after the man arrived within shooting distance of them. Quickly was the ground they were standing on covered in ice and the fire balls were fired off at Campeon and Droplet. Ranger figured Droplet could take care of himself but he was worried about how little Droplet was going to handle the situation and so went to move and snag her but it was of course taken care of by Forcewave. Nodding his head he turned to load a tranquilizer arrow as Campeon himself moved jumping from spot to spot, that was melted by Droplet’s efforts, before flinging himself into the air headed out at the flying man. Which upon sight of the man ‘flying’ through the air towards him the duel manipulator quickly soared to the side and shot a duel stream of fire and ice at the ex-boxer gone super hero.

Watching the scene take place before him Ranger knew they were in for a run for their money, they would not be able to take this man down by themselves. But, if they worked together on this they might actually be able to end this quicker than what the glassed man hoped. Reaching into his pack pockets he removed two pistol seized high power flamethrowers and tossed them over to Droplet calling out her name. “Droplet try these out on the ice instead, they might do more damage and should be quicker.” He called out to her before finishing loading the tranquilizer arrow and taking aim at the flying man. “Forcewave, watch Campeon try and make sure he’s alright when he falls down. Watch his back and make sure he watches yours. We aren’t loosing anyone to some no name bank robber.” He called out to his team. Trying to encuourage them even though he was pretty sure this guy wasn’t just some bank robber.

The tranquilizer arrow that was fired off by the archer and leader of this band of misfit heroes was seen by the duel manipulator and he had just enough time to move out of the way and watch as the tranquilizer arrow flew by his shoulder and back past him. Grinning he turned towards the four heroes and raised his hands into the air throwing a ball of fire out at each of them and then of course flew ahead of where they were and sprayed more ice on the ground not wanting them to get any traction and being able to keep up with him for he knew that he wasn’t truly that fast. So, limiting their movement was the one way he would be able to finish this fight.

The Ranger
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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Forceaus July 19th 2013, 9:20 pm

These criminals were really well organized. The heroes had just managed to subdue the bank robbers which included a guy with superhuman strength and toughness, only for another guy to show up and take the fight to them. This one was also a metahuman. He could control both fire and ice. Such an unusual combination. What with fires tendency to melt ice and all. Together they could make water. Though he had to wonder if this new attacker could control that. He doubted it though. It would fit in with how well these guys were organized if it did however. Generate a surprise flood after an onslaught to finish off whatever was left.

Despite this guy's attack power he was being kept from doing any damage. Forcewave took it upon himself to try and protect them all against whatever came their way. His barrier was holding up against the onslaught. They were being protected well enough for now. He did not know what any of his new teammates were doing. He was focusing on keeping this newcomer's power in check. He was completely unaware of their courses of actions until he witnessed them. Campeon charged forward and leapt into the air at the guy. He turned to Ranger as he heard him talking to see him and Droplet preparing for something. The ice on the ground was practically slush by now. Slush was much easier to walk around on than ice. Still slippery though.

Watch out for Campeon. Should not be too much of a problem. The guy seemed to be quite good at keeping himself from getting harmed. His charge did not work out too well. The newcomer both dodged and initiated a counter attack. Forcewave blasted away that attack to protect his new ally. He spoke back to Ranger all while keeping an eye on the opponent. "If you could get rid of this ice, I could probably do something that defeat this guy really quickly. I'll just need the traction to attempt it." He had an idea. It was something he had tried before and had proved to have a solid success rate. It hadn't killed him. That was clearly obvious.

Mega Poster!
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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Augsp July 20th 2013, 5:29 am

Droplet kept melting the water, but the ice kept coming quickly. The force and heat of the water was slowly getting lower and lower. She needed a replacement. Soon. She looked down at the slush on the ground. It would be way too slippery soon if it continued to get bigger and bigger. If she could only get rid of it, and somehow detach the man from at least one of his abilities right now. Ice and fire, huh? She didn't know about the  ice, but maybe.....just maybe........

She almost didn't notice the two things thrown at her but caught them in time.
"What-" She started to ask but somewhere in her brain, a word was whispered to her. The triggered the weapon and directed it at the ice.
Flamethrowers. They worked much faster than her water. Right then, a burst of fire came. She couldn't battle fire with fire. She stuck both of the guns in her pockets and generated a water-based shield in front of her. It stopped the fire-most of it- and she jumped back to avoid the shards of ice thrown at her. She then pulled out the flamethrowers again and melted the newest shards of ice that surrounded them.

She needed to be on her guard more from now on. The last little bout had been a mistake. There wasn't time for a second chance.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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