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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by The Ranger May 20th 2013, 5:42 pm

When his little ‘group’ of the recruits found their way over to where he stood Ranger nodded his head in greeting to each of them, letting him know that he appreciated each of them staying on board with the idea in his own way. Sure, it wasn’t the best way to show it but it was sort and subtle which was just the way he enjoyed doing things because it made life simpler, at least in his own mind it did. “We start now Droplet, our group will be out on patrol in the northern section of Chicago, and although it isn’t as crime filled as the southern section that doesn’t mean we go off and ignore it.” He said making sure each of the three people standing in front of him heard what he had to say. He needed them to understand that they would not let crime go by unnoticed in his city, they would put a stop to whatever was going on at that time.

Nodding his head to Nathanial The Ranger picked up his bow turned to his teammates and nodded off in the direction of which they were to go. Usually he’d pull a dick move and say something like ‘keep up if you can’ but tonight he wasn’t going to do so. No, not on the first night of their recruitment when it was all about seeing just what it was they could do. So, instead he took off down the street then up the fire escape and onto the top of the building, where he would then proceed to hop from building to building, at about regular sprinting pace. Ranger looked back every now and then just to make sure he hadn’t lost anyone but still continued on the path he was going, he wasn’t sure exactly what he would have them do tonight but God had a way of throwing things at him that just seemed to fit, and so he would leave it up to the bigger powers.

At least, that’s what he was thinking as he stopped on one building overlooking an alley way that connected to a bank, and in the ally there stood around four to five people, what these four to five people were doing exactly he didn’t know but he did know it didn’t look to good. Especially when they were dressed up in all black, had on masks, were caring bags, one carrying a bag and talking on a walky talky, oh did he also mention that they were behind a bank and looked to be doing something that they obviously shouldn’t be doing? No, well then he probably should have mentioned that because just as he was telling everyone to stop an explosion went off. Now, I’ll give you three guesses where it came from, and two of them don’t count. Yes, that’s right, it went off in the ally where the masked, now obvious, criminals had recently resided. “Seems our job was given to us easier than usual…” Ranger said reading his bow as he made sure everyone else was ready to head in as well before he himself took action.

Last edited by The Ranger on June 3rd 2013, 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Forceaus May 20th 2013, 7:04 pm

Gathered together at the abandoned warehouse and officially formed into the group known as Knightwatch, and quickly finding out they were already being sent on their very first mission. A simple one really. Traversing the city to keep watch over it. Stopping any criminal activity that may be occurring that they happen to come across in their scouring of it. A test of their capability to work as a team and form a proper dynamic.

This half of the team would be exploring the northern section of the city. The other of course would be going south for their part. Forcewave stood by Ranger as he looked north, towards the very direction they would soon be heading off in. He took a deep breath and started walking forward. His pace was pretty steady. It would allow for the others to all stay together as they ventured through the city. He then saw Ranger dash past him and on to a fire escape, which he climbed up all the way to the roof. Guess they were travelling via the rooftops. "Running across rooftops is so much fun." he thought to himself sarcastically. Despite knowing how to do so and having had experience enough for him to be able to do it effectively it still frightened him. It was mainly the heights, and the fear of falling. One slight mistake was the difference between making it across or injuring yourself. Perhaps something even worse. Twas something that required a bit of concentration even if you knew what you were doing.

Forcewave quickened his movement pace in order to catch up. He too dashed up the fire escape and hurried along the rooftops until he caught back up with him in no time. At least Ranger was not moving as fast as he knew he could. Forcewave had seen how fast this guy can move before. They all dashed along the rooftops scanning the area for any sign of something that any superhero would naturally take action against. He looked up ahead and saw that Ranger had come to a complete stop. Forcewave slowed down as well as he approached and looked down to see what was going on. As soon as he started to look a loud banging sound rang through his ears. The dreadful sound of an explosion. He saw that is was a bank. It was obvious what was going on. They had stumbled across an attempted bank robbery.

The time to take action had arrived. Forcewave made one more jump. This time he jumped on to the roof of the building, and made his way towards the location of the explosion. The structure beneath him was still solid. The explosion was clearly a controlled one. These robbers knew what they were doing. He looked towards the others with an expression curious as to what each one wanted to do.

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Augsp May 22nd 2013, 11:52 am

((Ooh third.......why is ranger especially noting Elle?>_<))

Elle floowed behind the man who she remebered as Ranger. What a day. Being recruited into this little superhero group, and finally testing out their skills. As she fell a litle behind she debated on wether to form a could and follow them up high. But that was too risky and most of the time she used it for traveling a far distance.
She sprinted harder and ended up again behind Ranger.

The night wind excited her as it whistled by, toying with her hair and surrounding her with some sort of an uncommon warmth. She felt lucky, and grinned. She loved to be outisde. Especially in the night. Better if it was closer to nature. But whatkind of villan lived in the outskirts of town? Most liked to live inside the heart of a city. Elle was a small town girl at heart but she rarely got to spend much time at those place.s

The explosion brought her back to Earth and she stopped abruptly. Woth a knife in hand, she prepared to jump down after ranger. Time for the showdown. Maybe sheed get to use a little hydrokenisis too.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Riccto June 3rd 2013, 10:42 am

Campeon was happy to be on patrol. Campeon especially enjoyed Patrol with others. He always fell under the thought of the more the merrier, so to be going on a patrol with three others of the fresh group of Knightwatch. He hardly knew them aside from their names and a rough idea of the capabilities of the others in the group. But Campeon found the best way to learn of someone's character and personality was through combat, He made some pretty good friends through the amateurs so this patrol would give him a rough idea of whom he will be dealing with.

Because Campeon was not exactly fleet of foot he lagged behind a good deal behind the head of the group, but that hardly bothered Campeon as with each of his leaps he was able to keep up, anyways bringing up the rear was an important task in any patrol. Atleast thats what he told himself. But when he noticed that they all leaped down off of the rooftop onto the street he knew something was up. He stopped at the ledge that everyone jumpped off at. He gave a moment to survey the situation. Best prevent them from getting away he thought. So Campeon promptly leapt off of the ledge onto the engineblock of the getaway car. He turns to the would-be-robbers with a grin.

El Boriquen

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Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by The Ranger June 3rd 2013, 12:09 pm

From his perch on the building Ranger closed his eyes then opened them once more using his hawk like eyes to take a better view of the situation. There seemed to be about ten masked robbers occupying the bank, eleven if one wanted to count the big man in front who seemed to be running the show. The only difference between the ‘head honcho’ and the others was the fact that instead of a mask he was wearing shades, and looked much stronger physically. Now, Ranger wasn’t sure how this would be much of a problem especially seeing as there were not just one or two super humans here to stop the bank robbery but four of them. As far as he could tell four of them were more than a match to take down eleven normal bank robbers or ten bank robbers and one not so normal bank robber.

Nodding to Forcewave and Aug to move in, as Campeon had already made his move, Ranger loaded his bow with an electric net arrow. Taking aim at the two closest men he fired off the arrow and quickly snared them in. If they tried to force their way out of the arrow’s net they would be in for the shock of their lives. Taking the first shot Ranger jumped down from the building, doing a barrel roll to lessen the impact of his fall before standing up and accessing the situation as it now was. The eight ‘normal’ sized men had taken notice of the four super humans and were now firing off their guns in each of their directions except for Campeon whom had to deal with another distraction. As the big man was now slowly walking towards the group’s boxer.

Although they were certainly outnumbered the new members of Knightwatch were certainly not out of this ‘fight’ per say. With only eight remaining, armed, robbers and a ninth member solely focused on Campeon the little scuttle should certainly be over in no time. Which of course was perfectly fine with The Ranger as this is how he had planned for this transaction to occur. Yet, throughout the entire time he had a strange feeling that he had seen something like this before, the robbery with obviously trained mercenaries and the ‘leader’ wearing black shades while all the others wore masks. The only thing missing was the hostages and for the Ace to come flying in with some super power that the others didn’t have…

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Forceaus June 3rd 2013, 8:13 pm

Forcewave walked across the roof of the bank carefully. Each step was taken cautiously feeling as if it might crumble beneath him at any moment. The building should not be so damaged that such a thing should happen, but he was still taking the precaution. The alternate entrance in to the bank made by the robbers was their access point. Well, for three of them. Campeon was standing guard at the front door to block off that escape route. He should be able to handle the task. Hopefully at least. Though he would still have to deal with the one robber he had met out there. Forcewave did not like the thought of leaving him alone out there. Still, he would have to be confident in his new teammate to take care of himself for the time being.

There were a grand total of eleven individuals in on this crime. That seemed like an excessive amount for a bank robbery. These guys were probably a well organized group. They probably had other allies as well. Maybe there was backup located locally. That could be trouble. They were already outnumbered as is and with no real coordination to speak of. He saw an arrow fly by as it split apart to form a net around two of them. Two down, for now. Only eight more to deal with, and they might not maintain the element of surprise for much longer. The three of them started to move in only to be met with a slew of gunfire from the remaining thieves. Eight different firearms being unloaded upon them at once was a serious matter. Forcewave generated a barrier to block all the bullets. The shells were blasted apart upon making contact with the barrier. His energy crackled along the walls towards the thieves. The electricity quickly blasted the guns out of the arms of five of them. The rest were surprised by this and all of them retreated deeper into the bank.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Augsp June 4th 2013, 3:28 am

Droplet took a step back, scanning the others.
Maybe a jet of water at the opponents would help. For one, it'd certainly show their identity. Perfect if the fools ever found a way to escape.
And it would also piss them off, and get her a bullet in the head....just like right now.
The shower of bullets coming towards her made her numb. She tried to make a water shield to block it. Luckily Forcewave's barrier did the work for her. otherwise she would have been lying on the ground with a bullet in her head. She flashed him a quick thanks-you look as the others scrambled back in.
Why were they retreating? it wasn't as if they didn't have anything to use at their disposal.
With one hand she pulled the baseball cap on her head lower.
These guys were go home not just crying for mommy,but drenched to the bone, too.

OOC:Redone! Better, right?

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Riccto June 6th 2013, 7:19 pm

Campeon glances up from his perch well, inside the engine block of the vehicle he had totaled with his body. It seemed like a good idea at the beginning of the scuffle but now his legs were tangled up in what remains now of the engine block, which wasn't much of a barrier for Campeon's immense strength, he never skipped leg day, but it was an annoyance for him. With two mighty tugs he was free of the engine block to notice the next challenge ahead of him, an incredibly large man, looking much larger in person than on the roof top. and it appears that he is singling him out to tango? Wonderful.

Campeon glanced him up and down, sure he was large...but was he powerful enough to offer a challenge for Campeon? He could just be jack up on roid's. But that doesn't matter, Campeon tosses a handful of stiff jabs into the man's face, each tossing his head back slightly, this brought a slight smile to his face, this man was tough enough to withstand Campeon's expanded arsenal. Campeon throws a jab that seems to miss, going behind the man's head. This is the intent as he gets a grip on the man's back and his front with his other hand, then Campeon rotates with his hips and hurls the man into the semi destroy'd car. Campeon had been taking some Judo.

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by The Ranger June 10th 2013, 8:32 pm

The team acted quickly after Ranger fired off the first arrow; good this meant they actually had a chance at this whole thing. Forcewave’s well…force field protected the three on the ground from the hail of gunfire and then turning it into an attack he knocked five guns free of the thugs, leaving two, not counting Campeon’s new friend, of them as the only true threats left. Two was easy enough for The Ranger to take down on his own. Notching a snare arrow he fired it off from his position in front of the three armed thugs and when it hooked around the item he was aiming at, a lodged pole, he pulled the trip. The two mercenaries went down smacking their heads onto the ground. From what he saw they were out cold, this of course left them left with the five unarmed, yet highly skilled men.

The man Campeon was dealing with was no different than his other counter parts. He was skilled an strong, just not suited to take down such a highly skilled fighter. The first couple of punches that were thrown at his face bugged the big man of course, and even cracked his glasses which the boss certainly wasn’t going to be happy about. As he made for his own counter attack he was thrown against a car before he even knew what was going on. Grunting he shook his head standing up and getting off the now broken getaway car he picked it up and chucked it at the boxer that had so easily ‘dispatched’ him. It was embarrassing and he certainly didn’t enjoy it. He was not to be taken down so easily, that was not the bosses plan. No, he was to last long enough for the boss to assess the situation and send in whatever he believed to be best for this situation. A group effort was not what any of them had planned on though.

The five remaining unarmed mercenaries slowly backed into the corner, and the darker part of the bank where they had Intel the archer on the roof across from them couldn’t see. Sure, the man was an astounding archer who could see a mile away, but he wasn’t able to see through walls and where they were standing was exactly the place they needed to be to be out of his sight. Their boss had dealt with this man before and so knew everything there was to know about him, yet the three the archer were working for was a mystery and they were not filled in with information non and so had to be careful not knowing their true abilities. One mercenary removed from his bag what looked to be a bomb and he rose it into the air as the exits were sealed off by cars continently moving in the way. “Let us go or the whole place goes…” He yelled out having a feeling the heroes wouldn’t risk it with hostages…

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Forceaus June 11th 2013, 6:42 pm

This new group's first mission was going well so far. Nobody had died. That was always a good thing. The three of them that were taking on the ones gathered in the back of the building were doing well so far. Forcewave had no clue how Campeon was doing at the entrance against that one other guy. He really wished he did as he saw the bank robbers retreat into the bank now that their firearms were lost. They were getting desperate. Not that he could blame them. Being unarmed against superhumans was just cause for feelings of fear and desperation. Some of their group had already been incapacitated as is. In response to this one of them pulled out a bomb.

A bomb, and a pretty big one too. That thing probably packed quite the explosive power. According to the thief that had pulled it out it would destroy the entire bank. They certainly came prepared and knew what they were doing. The crafty ones were always harder to deal with. Forcewave came to a complete stop in his bit of a pursuit of their retreat. He stood there with his left hand against the wall and turned slightly away. There had to be some way for them to get that bomb out of their hands. The possible ideas flowing through his head were numerous, but none stood out as the best of options. He would be able to at least protect them from the impact of the explosion were it to go off. These robbers were not suicidal though. They sought to escape.

Perhaps they should allow them to retreat. Just as a ruse however. Allow them enough comfort room that it allows the heroes a chance to disarm them of the bomb. He wanted to somehow convey this plan to the others. There was no way to do so. He took a couple of steps back to allow them some space.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Augsp June 12th 2013, 5:32 am

Lily faceplamed inside. Just what were these guys thinking? They definitely wanted to get out alive......But all the exits were blocked off.....except for the one the four superheroes blocked. Surely it was a ruse. But stiill.......
Millions of thoughts swept over Lily. Maybe she could drench them cause the bomb to malfunction. But it could be waterproof, an so many things could backfire.
So would a knife. She was pretty much powerless here, and she was on shaky ground. One wrong move could ruin her rep.

What could they do? it wasn't as if they could just let them go.......Maybe if they caught them off guard. Maybe...........Maybe there was something she could do. Maybe a knife. maybe a well aimed jet of water. the possibilities were endless. And along with that, a mountain of ways that could make this go terribly wrong. It wasn't safe for her to move rashly. early in her career, she had tried that and failed. She had woken up days later at a hospital. But now was different. So much more different. with bigger threats and more situations that could happen. She needed to think. She needed time. But fate was cruel.

She just didn't know what to do.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Riccto June 23rd 2013, 3:55 pm

Campeon  was pleasantly suprised to see his opposition come up and retaliate with a thrown car of all things. He was up against another metahuman, which was what he was hoping for. In retrospect if he had hit just a roided up man the way he had hit him  he would be in an awful lot of trouble. Plus his throw was rather sloppy, all and all a potential poor situation. But luckily he isn't in that alternate reality. We are here and this man is standing up rather annoyed and Campeon now has a car flying towards him, which he must deal with despite how much he would much rather ponder alternate realities.

Campeon clasps his hands together and takes a few steps  backwards, looking like a volleyball player looking to set a shot, which was what he was fully intending to do. except with a car. He sets his feet, leans back and catches the bulk of his car against  his mighty forearms although some of the broken side view mirror scratched rather annoyingly across his face, creating a small nick by his jawline. He frowns, plants his feet and launches the car up in a high arc back towards the buff man. Campeon follows behind the car, assuming that the man would be distracted with the high arcing motor vehicle to not notice him. Once Campeon was in range in attempted to land one of his favorite combination, a harsh uppercut to the sternum followed up with a brutal chopping right to the head.

El Boriquen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by The Ranger June 24th 2013, 1:06 pm

From his position on the roof The Ranger could not see what was going on, he was out of the loop and the thieves were out of his line of sight. To make matters worse Forcewave and Droplet seemed to have stopped what they were doing and were instead simply standing their ground. Not liking the looks of things Ranger ran all the possibilities of what was going on through his head, the most obvious one of course was that they had a hostage situation on their hands. But, from what Intel he had gathered on Forcewave alone he knew that a simple hostage situation wasn’t enough to keep the young hero down for the count. Which meant it was something much more than that, something of a bigger threat than a simple hostage… a bomb.

The mercenary who was holding the bomb motioned for the four robbers next to him to make their leave as he spun the bomb in his hand. All of it was a ruse, the bomb was no true bomb as the boss didn’t want any more damage done to the bank than what was planned but that certainly wasn’t for the heroes to know. No, the only person who knew the bomb was fake was the boss and the mercenary holding it meaning the ploy on the faces of his ‘teammates’ thinking the bomb was real wasn’t just acting. They truly believed what was being held was a bomb and this made it all the more scrutinizing for the heroes who now had to deal with the threat. Adjusting his sunglasses the bomb wielder slowly started to back out as a gust of wind was felt in the room.

The gust of wind was only just The Ranger speeding in the room and stopping next to Forcewave and Droplet. As the team leader he couldn’t really allow the two of them to have to deal with this situation on their own especially if what he thought was true about the situation was true, which from what he was viewing it was. Upon his arrival the mercenary’s hand flew closer to the trigger which would ignite the bomb yelling at Ranger to drop the bow, which he complied to. Not having control of this situation was certainly not something he wanted but if letting these people go was what they needed to do to save the lives of innocents than they would. They’d let them go until Ranger believed they were far enough away that they could easily dispatch the situation and keep the civilians lives safe.

Campeon on the other hand had other things to deal with as the man he was fighting against was not going to go down as easily as he had hoped. Not yet at least, and not without a fight. The car flying towards the dark sunglasses brute was of no importance, the man rushing at him though was. When Campeon moved so too did the brute he faced. The right hand chop was stopped with an arm thrown in the direction to stop it however the uppercut to the sternum landed and sent the brute flying into the air and back onto the ground. The wind knocked out of him he tried to get up only for the boss to tell him to stay down. This man’s strength, speed, and skill had been gauged enough; it was time for phase two to take place as the last mercenary with the bomb ran out after his fellow bank robbers.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Forceaus June 27th 2013, 7:59 pm

A bomb. A bomb being held by one of the bank robbers. It was the only thing stopping the group of heroes from putting an end to this bank robbery attempt. It was quite simple really. They did not want to die. Not yet. Forcewave was not willing to die here. The thought of doing so made him think of those he knew and cared for. He was wary of executing the idea he had in mind. The lights just were not close enough for it to be a guaranteed successful idea. Forcewave was planning on sending his electricity through the wiring in order to surprise them. There was just only a small chance of it succeeding in disarming the one who was holding the bomb. He had already sent the energy into the wall. Guiding it through was proving to be difficult. He could not find any wiring. Perhaps he had chosen the wrong place to try this.

They were being forced to let them go. It was merely a ploy of his though. The second the opportunity arose he would disarm the thief of the bomb so that they could proceed in their efforts to capture them all. He was just waiting it out patiently. When the moment came he would go forth with it. Now was merely time to play the waiting game. Oh, what a fun game that was. Especially when you could die at any moment. Forcewave stood ready as Ranger ran into the room to join him and Droplet. More than anything he was actually worried about the young girl. She was definitely scared. No denying that one.

Finally the time came. The robbers started to retreat. They ran by the three heroes one by one. Forcewave watched them intently as they passed. He was glad they did not attempt to attack them while having them caught up with the bomb situation. Things would have gotten really complicated. Such a course of action by them would surely have led to the bomb getting set off since they would of course had retaliated if deadly force were to be involved. This possible fear passing made his next course of action easier.

As the last robber passed, the one who held the explosive that endangered them all, Forcewave made his move. A flash flew by in an instant as the explosive trigger was neutralized. The robber was disarmed of any means of setting off that thing. He then ran forward chasing after them. He managed to catch up to one quickly as they all kept retreating. He skillfully dodged under the crook's full swinging punch and kicked him in the side of his ankle then punched him to the ground. He turned round to see how things were going for the others.

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Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2 Empty Re: Knight Watch Recruitment Part 2

Post by Augsp June 28th 2013, 3:44 am

Maybe.......maybe it wasn't a real bomb. Seeing their faces, it was pretty pbvious that none of them wanted to die. If it was to be real, it would be a suicide bomb. She could just drench the bomb-if the robbers had been stupid enough to not make it waterproof. Maybe it was worse for her to drench it.

Then the robbers began to run. Her first real work as one of a superhero group, and all she did was stand by as the robbers retreated. Really? Maybe she should have just acted impulsively and tried to do something. Sure, it could get her shot, but hey, wasn't that worth it? Inside, she wanted to scream. Not in fear. In fustration.

Right then there was a flash that blinded her momentarily. Then-the bomb! Had it exploded? Was she dying? What was going on?

It wasn't! She was alive! Just a neutralized bomb. No visible threats now. They had to disarm and knock them out. In the corner of her eye she spotted Forcewave knock out a robber with ease. Time for her to act as well. Seeing one of the last few of them come, she spotted one of the smaller robbers. Stretching her hand out, a jet of water from a fountain shot and blinded him. Then she took the on the guy with pure impulsiveness. The man seemed to get angry but before he could punch her or something she tried to hit the man once between his eyes with the hilt of her throwing knives.
It missed but she tried again and managed to hit him. Luckily he seemed to pass out. Time to get him disarmed. But then she heard footsteps behind. Before she could react, a robber held a gun to her head. Trying to hold her hostage, huh. Oh boy. This was going to be a radical expirience.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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