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Ezekial Hataro AKA “Medium”

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Ezekial Hataro AKA “Medium” Empty Ezekial Hataro AKA “Medium”

Post by Zonkes August 24th 2018, 3:04 am


"My family is always with me."

The Bio

Real Name: Ezekiel Hataro
Hero Name: Medium
Title: Cap’n Spooky, Ghost Boy, Hamtaro
Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: College Student/Pizza Delivery Boy
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese American
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 167.2 lbs
Blood type: B-

The Looks

The Personality

Zeke is an awkward, but genuinely kind guy. He’s quiet usually, keeps to himself. He’s very driven to get his work together, and tries to get things done at the cost of his own health and sleep schedule.

Having your parents be a part of your powerset makes fighting crime an extremely difficult prospect. As such, Zeke does his very best to never commit a crime and help everyone he can.

The Story

The Hataro family line is a long and illustrious one. Almost every Hataro has died in some heroic fashion. In ancient times, they were samurai and bodyguards to be emperor. In modern times, the last true Hataro is a pizza boy...truly a worthy successor. Perhaps we should get into his history, of which there isn’t much to tell outside of major bad luck.

Ezekial Hataro was born in Washington D.C. on October 31st to June and Riku Hataro at exactly midnight.

Ezekial was relatively normal, outside of a few isolated incidents where Zeke would scream in the middle of the night about bad men, and shadows; but otherwise normal. At least until he hit 3 years old. His uncle had recently died; and Zeke started talking to his imaginary friend “Neddy”. Both Zeke’s parents and Therapist considered it a coping mechanism for the loss of his uncle. Zeke and Nedry weren’t particularly close; but it seemed logical.

Zeke never really grew out of this stage, and by the time he turned 10; he was actually considered the weird kid in his class. Zeke didn’t really care. He had Ned, Joe, and Roku to keep him company. Eventually, Ned’s parents decided to try and put him into therapy full time. The doctor tried to send him to a facility that handled kids with mental issues full time. However, before they could discuss it; the Shadow made its presence known. It tipped over a candle in Zeke’s childhood home, and though Joe, Nedry, Roku, and Zeke’s grandfather; John tried to fight it; the shadow batted them away like nothing. The last thing Zeke remembers was being lifted telekinetically by John and hefted our the window as he died for a second time.

Zeke escaped with minor wounds and severe trauma. He was raised from this point on by his grandmother, and while the Shadow appeared periodically; he never caused too much trouble. It’s bloodthirst seemed to be partially sated. Every now and then, new “imaginary friends” would appear.

It wasn’t until Zeke was able to use his ghosts as abilities that his grandmother believed him - or at least believed he was a metahuman. He was 18 at this point, and had in fact, been using his ghosts to pack the truck with boxes for college. His grandmother had already paid his first year of tuition; but after discovering this, she pulled her funding and support. Grandmother wasn’t exactly meta friendly.

Zeke had to work two jobs just to sustain his lifestyle, but he couldn’t keep it up forever. Zeke ended up being kicked out of his college after the first year, unable to continue paying. That was when he had found out about Infinity University. A college for metahumans not too far from him. Zeke wound up heading that way, his shadow not far behind.

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Endurance
3. Reaction
4. Strength

The Powers

“A family of ghosts” - Ezekiel has displayed the ability to summon phantasmal facsimiles of people he is related to that have passed away. It is unclear whether this is a genetic ability - and thus making them embodiments of memories from Ezekiel’s RNA, and not actual spirits - or true magic. Ezekiel is unsure of this himself, but nonetheless; they seem to have the same memories and personalities of the original. At least, as far as Ezekial can tell. These “ghosts” have many different abilities they can use to aid - or hinder - Ezekiel in battle.
The Ghosts of the past still haunt me:

Possession - All the ghosts that Ezekiel can summon have the ability to possess human forms. They do this by pushing the human spirit from the body and then taking the place of the human spirit would reside. When in a human body; the ghosts get increases to their spiritual powers, and the body gains increased strength. Doing this forces the opposite person into an astral form themselves and they have to find an empty body.[Permission Based]

Astral Projection - Zeke can astral project by allowing one of the ghosts to push his spirit out of his body. While astral projecting, Zeke can fly through objects, possess people himself, and fly at the speed of thought. [Permission Based for the possession]

The Weaknesses

Iron - When Zeke’s ghosts possess a body; the best way to exorcise them is the use of iron. Iron makes it incredibly painful to stay in the body.

Death throes - Each of Zeke’s ghosts are weak to damage that simulates the way they died. Joe is weak to getting shot at. Roku can’t handle explosives. Both of his parents are incredibly weak to fire. Betty dissipates in water higher than her ankle. Nedry cannot handle electrical attacks.

Salt - Throwing salt into Zeke’s families wounds causes them to disappear completely for 3 posts.

Astral Projection - None of Zeke’s spirits are able to possess his body while he’s going astral. As such, Zeke is incapable of physically defending himself in the astral plane and has to rely on allies to protect him from physical threats.

Astral Projection p2 - Zeke is open to possession by outside entities more readily when astral projecting. While Zeke can fight them as if it was a physical battle; he can still be defeated by anything that’s stronger than he or his ghosts can take on in the physical world.

Disobedience - Unlike true spellcasters, Zeke relies heavily on his ghosts cooperation

The Items

Infinity University Watch - A standard piece of gear for any student at Infinity University. It looks like a normal watch; but it tracks the vitals and location of the student. On top of this, it also acts as a communication device similar to a cell phone without the need for a cell tower.

The Fluff

Zeke is an atrocious actor, and can barely lie.

Every time one of his family member dies, a new spirit appears. Though they may not immediately show abilities.

Shadow - Summoning any spirit brings with it the chance to summon the shadow. If the Shadow is called and not somehow forced back into its spirit realm; it will attack Zeke and his ghosts until a fight is able to put him down again

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Ezekial Hataro AKA “Medium” Empty Re: Ezekial Hataro AKA “Medium”

Post by Dubloon August 26th 2018, 10:13 pm

Approved until stated otherwise.

The Characters
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "...."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2015-07-20

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