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Pleasant Point

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Pleasant Point Empty Pleasant Point

Post by Zonkes May 7th 2024, 8:01 pm

The Antarctic City of the Past

Welcome to Pleasant Point, new neighbor. We brought you a jello mold! Our lovely city is maintained and watched by the neighborhood watch, a group of volunteers like myself who make sure that everyone has a great experience here! I’ll give you the tour.

Shops and Hangout Spots

Mrs. Miller’s Bakery: Mrs. Miller makes the best pies in all of Pleasant Point! Her apple rhubarb is a particular favorite of mine. She loves giving free samples to the local children.

Riverside Diner: Frank at the diner downtown is an absolute master chef. He’s been slinging burgers since as long as most of us can remember. Remember to ask for it Pleasant Style for the best experience!

Main Street Park: A picturesque park located at the heart of Pleasant Point, with towering oak trees, winding pathways, and a charming gazebo where local musicians often perform. It's the perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a romantic picnic with a loved one.

Sunflower Market: This cozy market is a favorite among locals for its fresh produce, artisanal cheeses, and homemade preserves. The friendly staff always greet you with a smile as you browse the aisles filled with locally sourced goodies.

The Liberty Theater: Step back in time at this historic movie theater, where classic films are screened on the big screen every weekend. With its vintage marquee and red velvet curtains, The Liberty Theater is a beloved landmark in Pleasant Point.

Whispering Woods: Just outside of town lies Whispering Woods, a serene forest where sunlight filters through the canopy of trees, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. It's the perfect place for a nature hike or a quiet afternoon of birdwatching.

Pleasant Places to work

Pleasant Point Elementary School: For those passionate about education, working at the local elementary school is a rewarding experience. Whether as a teacher, librarian, or administrative staff member, helping to shape the minds of the next generation is a fulfilling endeavor. Of course, there’s also the Tsuru Academy but they tend to hire non-residents!

Pleasant Point Library: The library is not just a repository of books but a hub of community activity. Working here as a librarian offers the chance to foster a love of reading, organize events like book clubs and storytime sessions, and assist patrons in their quest for knowledge.

Pleasant Point Hospital: Healthcare professionals can find employment at the town's hospital, providing vital medical care to residents and visitors alike. Whether as a doctor, nurse, technician, or administrative staff member, working here means making a difference in people's lives every day.

Pleasant Point Bakery & Café: Joining the team at the local bakery and café means being part of a bustling and friendly environment. Baking fresh bread, pastries, and cakes, serving up delicious meals, and interacting with customers who come in for their daily dose of caffeine and sweetness make for a fulfilling job.

Pleasant Point Gazette: For those with a passion for writing, journalism, or graphic design, working at the town's newspaper offers a chance to inform and entertain the community. Reporting on local events, interviewing residents, and designing layouts are all part of the exciting world of print media.

Pleasant Point Hardware Store: Joining the team at the hardware store means being at the heart of the town's DIY community. Helping customers find the right tools and supplies for their projects, offering expert advice, and being a friendly face in the neighborhood make for a fulfilling job.

The Truth

Pleasant Point is in reality a secret high tech government prison. There are chemicals and nano-machines in the water that ensure cooperation and complacency by the residents. The town, while a real town, is populated by 70% supervillains that can’t be contained through typical prisons and 30% employees, robots, and members of the Tsuru academy.

Everyone that enters Pleasant Point is given an NDA that ensures secrecy through a contract that has black magic written directly into it. If anyone breaks the NDA, all members of staff are notified and deployed to shut down the leak.

The town explicitly writes out all thoughts of violence, moral failing, and bigotry from their inmates mind. This means no cursing, no fighting, etc.

All inmates are tracked at all times, with their homes being bugged to ensure no thoughts of dissonance are being explored.

Point Pleasant is not a rehabilitation center, it is explicitly a location where people are placed and forgotten. Those interned here will never see the light of day again - at least not the real one - and thus only the worst of the worst are placed here.

Occasionally, a resident may pair up with another. In this case, the staff are not to interfere. If children result from this Union, they are taken either to the Tsuru school or to the local elementary school depending on their parents crimes.

The children are given a full psych evaluation upon reaching 18, if satisfactory, they are given a choice to either stay and become a member of staff to keep the illusion up, or they can leave and never return given a full work history and entryto their choice of Ivy League schools including the Tsuru academy. If they break the NDA, they are returned to Point Pleasant as a prisoner.
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