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Parties and stuff [Zell]

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Arcana January 15th 2016, 9:51 pm

The time of day was somewhere around noon, nothing that Sean at the moment had really put too much thought into. Normally he would have barely woken up by now, but strangely enough he was wide awake, a miracle within its own right, It was that time of day when the sun was shining brightly, and the sunlight was just that type of warmth that made you want to lay out under it. That would have been what he did, however there was something a little more important on his mind as far as that was concerned. Nothing important on a cosmic scale, but what did he care about stupid things like the cosmos? Not like the cosmos did anything for him lately, or so Sean would say since he didn't know any cosmic entities to get angry at him for saying that.

In the end it came down to something that he noticed lately, likely having something to do with the fact that Zell with without those Archon powers. How that happened was somewhat of a mystery to him, but all he knew was that they were gone and it depressed Zell. So in usual fashion, he would try to do something to lighten their mood if only a little. How he would do that was a question Sean had been asking himself for the past few days, putting that mind of his to work as he thought over the possible solutions to his given problem. While they both had their drinking problems in common, not like drinking oneself under the table would really help lighten the mood, as something told him Zell was not exactly the happiest drunk. There however had to be something that he could do, no matter how small it was. With his favorite past time of drinking out the window, that meant he would have to think of something else.

Eventually the simple but somehow brilliant idea of a party hit him like a ton of bricks. With that idea came another problem that needed to be thought through, such as who to bring into the planning of this party and what to do with said event. Chewing on his lower lip gingerly, Sean thought over all of these things very carefully until his head began to hurt from the sheer amount of thinking he was putting into all of this. It was a new experience really, but then again it all felt like it would be worth it, hence Sean doing it anyway. He would have asked Silus for their help, but unfortunately they were terrible at keeping parties secret, which meant any attempt to surprise Zell would have lead to disaster.

Either that or he would have avoided the party altogether due to some mopey reason that Sean just did not want to deal with. Since Michael was not exactly available to help him out, he went with the next best thing in the form of a certain Jordan. Not the dumbass dragon one, as they would be terrible for any kind of ideas, so he went with the short one that grew wings occasionally. "You want me to help you plan a party?" Jordan asked slightly skeptical of the whole thing.

"Well...yeah. That is why I just asked you that, instead of blowing everything up." Sean responded sarcastically.

"Well...I guess there are worse people you could come to." Which there were, though Shael insisted that he help them, even though when it came to creativity he was not known for it particularly. "What kind of party are you even doing? Because....I doubt it's a birthday party since none of  us even know when that is." Something he had to admit was true, but then again something told Sean that was just something that Zell did not want known.

"I...have a few ideas but nothing concrete really. Zell is kinda tough to pan parties for."

"Just invite a bunch of people he doesn't hate, have lot of food, music and then things usually take care of themselves. It's not that hard." When they said it like that, well it wasn't exactly difficult but Sean was too obsessed with the whole breaking convention. As soon as he had said that, Jordan had dug a phone from his pocket and was scrounging up a few numbers.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ahold of the people he doesn't hate. I gotta make sure everyone isn't busy on..."


"Yeah yeah that. Don't wanna have everyone busy, that just spells disaster." With that done, he walked away to leave Sean sitting there in the kitchen slightly confused but also feeling a small amount of accomplishment. That was when he realized he had a certain Fera just looking at him.

"Don't gotta ask. I'll be there, probably with some kind of fancy present." And like that she sat down, seemingly eating what looked to be some manner of pasta dish.

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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Humanity January 17th 2016, 5:31 pm

Silus hated this place, but he certainly loved these faces. These walls, this house, this mansion was something he had actually grown to despise. It was confining, captivating in a way that wasn't amorous or in anyway attractive. This place was nothing but bad memories. Honestly Silus was beginning to think this place was turning him Emo. He had the hair like Sean used to, just a bit lighter. Well a lot lighter. But honestly Silus was starting to realize just how sad he really was. then again it was always like this at the first of the year. Mostly because that's how Zell was. Zell tried so hard to make the month a good month for Silus, but in doing so he didn't realize that he was just making himself miserable...and that misery spread right to the little guy.

  As he wandered he actually managed to overhear something that Sean had said and it made his attention twitch. He turned his head and peeked out around the coroner of the wall, looking right at Fera whom was sitting down to eat, Jordan whom was on the phone and Sean whom seemed to be doing what he did best. Getting ideas and inadvertently relying on everyone else to make them happen. Sean was best at coming up with great ideas. He just tended to try too hard or things didn't line up and they fell through. But this idea...this was one Silus wasn't sure about. It was great on paper. Sean was a genius as far as it was concerned. Don't quote it, but it was pretty true. It was a great idea...but it was for Zell and the word Present just made Silus cringe and go "eeeeehhhh" before walking around the corner.

 "Well if it's tough for you to PAN for parties then at least you've got Pan right here to help." Silus said as chipper and happy as could be. He also managed to slightly utilize his father's slight flustered-speak in a way that comically allowed him to enter. Well actually Silus just believed Sean knew he was there and was using it as a cue for him to enter and make himself known.

 You're giving him WAY too much credit. The tanned Texan said sitting himself on the table next to Fera, though Silus paid him no mind. He was but a hallucination, and one of those memories that Silus was beginning to regret.

 "So...what kind of thing were ya thinkin'?" Silus asked, hoping Sean had a response, though quickly his eyes widened as he heard footsteps behind him, footsteps that he knew immediately to be Zell's. His eyes sparked and lit up a slight bit brighter as he turned around and opened his arms. Zell was looking down a his tablet and literally walked right into the smaller male.

 "Hey, morning." Zell said groggily. Of course it wasn't exactly usual of him to be this messy this late in the day. Losing his powers seemed to have really, really take it's toll. It just made Silus' stomach sink as he let go of Zell, whom didn't even really look at him.

 "Morning Sean, Mornin' Jordan. Mornin' Shael." Zell said. While he didn't actually SEE his grandson that didn't mean he wasn't there. Statistics proved the likelihood of his presence. As Zell meandered towards the basement door he disappeared for his breakfast...which was alcohol...and more alcohol. Silus just remained silent and buried his hands into his pockets before looking to Sean.

 "Don't uh...don't tell me anything. Just...if you need something...warped or something let me before I can't...ruin anything." He said with a little giggle and walking off. At least he knew he ruined party secrets. Meanwhile Zell appeared back from the basement with a long necked bottle and a chilled glass.


Parties and stuff [Zell] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Arcana January 17th 2016, 9:06 pm

Sean felt his heart skip a beat as Silus apepared from seemingly nowhere. He hadn't thought of the fact that Silus actually lived with him, but then again that may have been his ability to forget something even if it was obvious. His granddaughter however seemed not to care as she  continued to eat her food with a soft smirk, as if knowing that Silus was there and just was testing whether he knew that was the case. "Crap." Sean cursed under his breath, hopefully low enough that Silus didn't hear him but he was counting that he wouldn't. "I dunno,I'm still kinda thinking that over." Just as soon as he said that, the sound of footsteps could be heard and suddenly Zell appeared in all his likely hung over stupor. Not that he had much room to talk with the whole drinking thing, but then again his whole looking pathetic qouta had been filled long ago.

If he could do something for Zell, well he would have but that was just something else entirely. Not like he could magic him some super powers, if only because magic had nothing to do with him. Magic was lame though, so he didn't put too much thought into something like that. "Mornin beautiful." he said with a smirk, resting a single elbow on the table while raising a single eyebrow while his mind still ran over the whole what he could do for this party thing. Jordan turned from their phone call quick enough to offer Zell a small smile and wave before moving to another room to make his call a little more private. Well it was that, and all the negative emotions were just getting to him, which did good for no one in the end and he was in a mood that could be considered good.

"Mornin." Shael would then seemingly say as if appearing from nowhere, sitting down while chilling out with his sister. Silus promised his help while Zell was getting his drink, and then left before likely he would have to deal with that. Well since his son was off doing their own thing, likely being adorable and saving kittens from trees if he knew anything about Silus anyway.  Since he had nothing better to do, Sean would produce himself a drink as well. The difference being that he would likely have a harder time to actually enjoy the effects of drinking rather than just drinking slightly burny tasting fluid.  

"Do you want any food with that booze or have you evolved to subsist on alcohol and self pity?" She said, not quite pulling any punches but then again she was never known for that. That statement had been enough to make Sean cringe, but then again should he have expected anything less?

"Speaking of, I made breakfast." Jordan said appearing from the other room, with pride visible in his tone.

"Well I hope he cooks nothing like me, or we might all die before the days over."

"Well he cooks for me and this little guys all the time, and no one's dead so there's that." Fera then added, patting Shael on the head as his lips curled into the usual lovable smile.  

"I'll um...take that as a compliment."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Silus January 18th 2016, 2:20 am

Ah Fera. She and Zell always did have a special relationship. One of those ones that had a lack of all the bullshit most families had. No drama, nothing short of love, though as blunt and plain as it may be. Hsi Grandaughter of course just so happened to choose the wrong day to mess with her grandfather, because immediatly a memory of all he had just recently gone through triggered and kicked in. Closing his eyes he actually managed to shed a tear, though quickly building a metaphorical bridge and getting over it. Though he moved to the area above the sink and withdrew a fifth of jack, reinforced glass and went over to the sink, examining it.

Zell took the wine bottle in one hand, then took the jack in the other. As he walked past he brushed the backof Shael's head with his knuckles, trying to somehwat show affection while his hands were full. Then in the next breath eh let out a full force, home-run swing into the back of Fera's head with the bottle of Jack. The force alone was likely enough to propel her a good flop forward, if nothing else he hoped she would be out cold. if she were, then his suspicion...then a snap back to reality. standing over the sink? What the fuck was going on? Why was this happening to him!? This life, these people all of this was total bullshit. They needed matter how sassy they were.

"Ah...sorry. I forgot you can smell self-pity." He took the wine bottle in one hand, and the bottle of jack in the other. He had made this walk before...he had done this all before but his body was lmost as if it were on auto-pilot. Walking up he brushed his grandson as he had before but this time when he stopped at Fera his thumb slid with a good amount of force, spining he cap so quickly it propelled off the top of the bottle where he proceeded to pour it on Fera's head.

"Theeere ya go. Theeere ya go. That should cover up the smell for ya." He said before calmly walking back in the direction where he originally came. He wasn't quite convinced he wasn't in for an argument..or a fight, but the bottom line was that he honestly didn't give a fuck. He already failed them at this point. All he could do now was focus on his initial plan. To make this all right again.

Now back in his room he took the wine and his change of clothing to the shower, where he proceeded to drink and bathe. From there he exited and put on his regular clothing, simple black shorts and a white shirt, stepping out with his laptop and sitting himself on ne of the several couches in the living room, typing away furiously at something. He needed to keep going. He needed to do this. It wasn't an option anymore. Unfortunately he didn't know exactly what kind of day the others had planned for him.

Parties and stuff [Zell] Lucife10
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Arcana January 18th 2016, 6:36 pm

Sean would have said that he was surprised by Zell's reaction but he was far from it really. That didn't stop him from gaping slightly shocked at seeing Zell just pour an entire fifth of jack on Fera, who was obviously angry. Her eyes were glowing practically, as she contemplated putting the fork in her hand into someone's thigh. Before that could happen, they were walking away to leave her to fume. Shael however just ended up wincing as the smell of alcohol hit his sensitive nose, eyes watering as he let out a small whine. However, that could have been because he was aware of how angry Fera actually was. All she did was when was standing up, hands clenched into tight fists and she looked to Sean with barely contained rage. "I'll be going home now. Don't worry I'll be here Friday, but I do hope the pet manchild starts acting a little better." She growled, patting Shael affectionately on the head before making her leave.  

"Well that went....nowhere good fast." Sean sighed, sorta just letting his face whack against the table with a loud thud. All Jordan could do with meekly say nothing and continue his breakfast/lunch cooking while hoping nothing bad would happen from here on. So the room at in silence while the sound of something cooking was the only thing that could be heard. Well there was that and the sound of Jordan humming to himself as if that would somehow break the tension, though that just added to the overall awkwardness.

"and the foods done." He said after a few minutes of awkward humming, portioning things out and everyone had their food. While lunch food would have been better, Jordan was feeling much better about breakfast for lunch so that was what he did. Shael was happy, but he just liked food so it was an excuse to shovel said food into his face while Sean did something along those lines. In essence just take anything you would expect from a breakfast plate, and that's what Jordan had made really. If anyone had a problem with what he made, well they could have cooked something themselves, and considering no one except the drunk could they would have to get over that. Picking up one of the plates, he walked into the living room where Zell was furiously typing away on their laptop, likely something pretty important. "Aaaand here you go." He said setting the food down in a place Zell could eat it should he actually want to before returning to the kitchen to join the others with their food eating.

"So we were talking about a party before, right?" Jordan asked in a voice low enough for the only three people at the table to be able to hear it, unless of course there were anyone else in the house with the sudden ability of super hearing.

"Well yeah, but I'm still stuck on the planning part of the whole thing." Sean admitted with a sigh.

"Wait, we're having a party?"

"Eyup. For a certain someone, but we gotta keep it secret right now so they don't get mad or anything like that." Shael nodded in response to that, mostly because he didn't want any alcohol dumped on his head. Whether that was actually something that would happen was unknown but he found himself worrying about that nonetheless. "Well you should probably think of something soon. I don't think we have all day, except luckily the list of people he doesn't hate is rather short."

"Really? Who would that be?"

"Well anyone who had the last name Atterrius it would me anyway." Jordan then added with a shrug, slowly eating his foot with what looked to be a pensive looked on his face. "Well anyway I have an idea, but it requires you get other dad out of the house for a bit. So if you can somehow talk him into going out with you to do something, well then I can actually do the whole preparing thing."

"You sound like you've had this...plan for a while now." Sean said sounding somehwat suspicious of what they were saying.

"I guess it pays to always be prepared. So just do that thing you do and let me do my thing."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Silus January 24th 2016, 10:32 pm

"Stupid bitch." Zell let out a little sigh as he sat down in his chair and continued to think over what had happened. It was something quite new to be honest. Seeing himself the way he had. It was true. This event was something that Rozmer and the other Zell's of the omniverse did in fact envy. But to be powerless like this... it wasn't a matter of power. No Zell was not some tyrannical overlord of the Omniverse. He was a protector. A guardian. For the love of all things mankind regards holy...he wasn't useful. Rozemr was wrong. He could do whatever he wanted, he could wish to be powerless or to have things return to normal all he wanted. Rozmer's excuse was despicable, and Zell would be lying to say that he didn't find Rozmer a little more pathetic for it.

Being powerless was aweful. Because to have all this knowledge. To know all the threats that are out there, to know all there is to know. Rozmer could never be a "nobody", even if he lost his gifts. Even if somehow he were to exist again. He'd still know. He'd still be forced to worry and wonder. Or perhaps he wouldn't. Perhaps he was really that laughable. Then again Zell had to admit...who was he to laugh or look down upon Rozmer? To admit that "nothing" was more pathetic than you was not exactly a compliment. Actually the fact that Nothing was as pathetic as him was quite the sour note to contemplate as well.

"Son of a twat has me beat in powers AND in semantics. I need to find that fuggin sword." He grumbled as his mind moved to unpleasant thoughts, like for maybe once being able to use just once find Rozmer in a place where he knew he was untouchable, where nothing could be done to him...and rip that security away from him. The same way as Rozmers existence, or lack thereof, tore his security away from him. Was that really how he felt? As the Archon he always quantified and rationalized his relationship with Rozmer. Hell, he even called Rozmer his closest friend. But in the end all it was....was this really what he felt about Rozmer?


He missed Thorgron. He missed Anaxii. He missed Elixe, Dante, Sadrtih and Silus. Hell he even missed Karav, Kyros and Shara at this point. He loved the woman to Death, he really did. he loved Elixe too...and his sons. All three of them were the most precious thing he'd ever had. Karav, Kyros, Akbal, Sadrith. He missed Aelroz too. How that thought takes him back. Two little blonde boys sitting in a room, in an underground haven away from the world. The only thoughts on their mind being if they'll ever get the honor of being chosen to advance to the rank of Geist. Two friends lost in darkness....

...lost in darkness...

Parties and stuff [Zell] Lucife10
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Alpha January 24th 2016, 11:51 pm

Sean watched Zell walk from the living room, likely to their study leaving the food that Jordan had cooked so lonely there. "Well...the little guy's not gonna like this." Sean muttered to himself as Shael appeared from behind the couch with usual cheery expression. He had smelled the food, and catching sight of a lack of Zell eating he would likely fall upon it like a lion upon a gazelle. Well that was what he did as he plopped onto the couch, taking ahold of the food and beginning to eat it much like the hungry child that he was. That was his grandson, and if it didn't make him feel so old, well he would have been proud to admit that. Still, something told him that trying to talk to Zell would have lead him to nowhere in the state they seemed to be in. However, well he had no idea what he would do about that.

So rather than just running into that can of worms and fire, well he pulled out his phone and dialed a rather familiar number before sitting down. That was when Jordan sat down beside him, looking at Shael who was still in the middle of the whole food eating thing. "Oh great. He's not eating again is he?" Jordan asked, sounding more concerned than anything else, resting his hands on his lap as Sean could only nod. That seemed to annoy him more than anything else as he stood up, taking out his own phone and dialing in a number. That being of one Matt. Stepping into a room alone, he pressed the phone to his ear until he got an answer. "Hi Matt." His voice for a moment took on a cheery tone before getting down to the slightly important matter at hand. "I might need your help. dads being a little....mopey? .... Yeah that sounds about right. Anyway, you know what to say so could you help with that?" Asking in the hope that he would actually say yes, otherwise this would not go well at all.

Parties and stuff [Zell] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Silus January 26th 2016, 1:08 am

The phone rang and Matt groaned a bit, rolling over and picking up his Cell phone before checking to see who it was. Of course as it was Jordan he let his mind wander just a little bit. He contemplated not answering. He really did. But he couldn't do it. Pressing the button he placed the phone on speaker, rolled over onto his back and let out a little cough to clear his throat.

 "Hello?" He asked, slightly elevated and cheerful tone, as if trying to pretend as if he's been awake for a small while. In truth he hadn't been resting well. Nights were sleepless since he inherited a position to Thrones. He couldn't say he regretted it, though he certainly wasn't sure it was the right decision. Alas, he didn't have much choice in the matter. Samhain had his balls in a vice, almost literally. Then he gets a call from this little shit-lord which informs him that his dad is having a bad time. Matt just sighed and rubbed his eyes.

 "Soooo...uhm. I mean if you think he'll listen to me..." He said aloud, though in his mind he immediately came to a new realization. He did a lot for these people. He ripped Zell from depression, he was literally the one to befriend Shael, save the other Shael from danger and even went out of his way to save both Silus and Zell from several disasters. Fuck it, Sean even ripped Yamm's father away from him. What did he owe these people? "It's gonna have to wait though. I can't get there today. Might have to wait a lil' while. I got work and stuff...actually I'm trying to sleep now." He brought up rather casually. Okay, so maybe he didn't have the desire to lash out. That's right. Desire. It wasn't compassion that kept him from doing so...or at least that's what he told himself. But still; if he had to go out of his way to cull the proliferation of self-loathing and stupidity of the Atterrius-Collin family then he was certainly going to do it when he wasn't tired.

 Certain that Jordan would understand, and perfectly aware he would be too kind to argue, Matthew wished him a good day before hanging up and turning over to his pillow, and closing his eyes. Now sleep would never come. His mind plagued and blighted, a wound quite fresh to him...


  "I'm going to the study. If you guys need me, I'll be there. Okay?" Zell called into the other room. He sighed and slapped the laptop closed, keeping his eyes from the screen holding the sensitive information he really didn't want to think about. Wait...wasn't he already in his study? Oh this was just getting worse and worse, wasn't it? Wait...there was silence. Where the fuck was he!? Where was Sean? Shit couldn't be quiet with him around. Quickly but quietly placing the laptop aside he stood up and started to silently approach the threshold.

  Was it a genuine threat? Impossible, Sean was A.P.E.X for Christ's sake. Even if he didn't have those powers, he was a badass in his own right. Of course when he turned and looked over he couldn't help but see absolutely everyone else frozen in place. Was, His perception was fast but this was stillness. Total and absolute frozen time before his very eyes. He couldn't hear it, but he felt it. He felt it and he turned around, eyes widening for a moment before he swallowed back his fears and confronted the source of this enigmatic event.


   Time lapsed a bit for everyone as Zell came back through the kitchen, part of him seeming different than before, Unfortunately he still reeked of booze, but that was his lot in life at this moment. "Looks good little guy." Zell said with a smile, the first genuine smile in weeks with a glimmer in his eye before turning around and looking at the area and sighing.

 "What's everyone up to today?" He asked, pulling the question from thin air. Once again this was the first time in weeks that Zell had done something this particular thing being starting a meaningless or trivial conversation.

Parties and stuff [Zell] Lucife10
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Alpha January 26th 2016, 6:47 am

The answer to his call was quick, and a dismissal came even quicker. Not that he could blame them for doing it, Jordan was after all observant enough to pick something up. It was likely they were a little too busy to deal with their continual problems, so he couldn't push for anything beyond attempting to ask for help. Getting a sometime later was enough for him really.Not as if he had it within him to argue, especially when his friend likely did not have the luxury of independence from the actual need of sleep. "Oh...sorry about that," He said with a slight nervous chuckle, not needing to be told that he had interrupted his friends attempt to sleep. As patient as they sounded, his own personality made it impossible not to imagine that they were annoyed with him to some extent. Wishing his friend a good day as well after apologizing for waking them once again, Jordan looked down at the phone once more before sliding it back into his pocket.

Well that didn't go exactly as planned. He though to himself while releasing a sigh, returning to the small family gathering still going on in the kitchen, granted it was only Sean and Shael now that the younger was eating what had been intended to be Zell's brunch. Holding something like that against the little guy was difficult however, as he just couldn't. It was that kind nature of his, something that likely would only backfire on him eventually. "Okay, so that did not go exactly as planned."He admitted with a sigh, disappointed but then again that came with expecting too much.Matt had done a lot for them, so asking more even now felt somewhat like taking advantage of that kindness.

"Well....I guess we'll just have to make this work on our own." Well that was something that Sean was very certain he could do, or rather he was hoping that he could do anyway. Silent brainstorming followed, but eventually Zell seemed to rise form their room of their own volition, there was even something different about them. Jordan could feel it, while there was the tinge of guilt who's origin he could not ascertain, happiness was present there as well. Something about is was refreshing, even if the smell of booze was still as strong on them as ever. Granted Shael was likely the only one that was bothered by the whole scent thing, superhuman olfactories considered.It was obvious by his nose crinkling up upon seeing Zell, though otherwise their mood didn't dip in the least. He was after all the type to love nearly everyone, Zell being no exception to that.

Sean gave him a surprised look, though it was accompanying a feeling a pleasant surprise more than anything. "Same shit, different day." He said with usual humor, already taking on the usual smirk that he had. Normally one wouldn't be so happy about someone initiating small talk, but this was not the normal instance, nor was it the normal for their less than normal family. Overall the atmosphere lightened for Jordan, who was now smiling rather than dealing with a line half inclined towards acting like a smile. "I was thinking of getting out and doing something. Was wondering if you'd be game to join me?"

Parties and stuff [Zell] CjhXQha
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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Silus January 26th 2016, 11:59 pm

"As much as I'd love to... I'm gonna have to ask what we're doing before I promise anything. Because I'm really, REALLY not feeling up to going to the park...and I've pretty much filled my inferior abdominal pouch with alcohol so..." Zell made the comment of. Of course it was understandable to Silus, but Silus wasn't there. The fact Silus was even mentioned was an oversight and due to sheer refusal to hit the backspace. But still, Zell's entire life was seemingly revolving around practicality. That being said, random walking out into the streets like a lost puppy wasn't a thing he had a ton of motivation for. That and a tummy full of alcohol tended to lead to sickness with over-activity.

"Let me get a shower...and a mint. I'll be back shortly." He said before disappearing for a little bit, walking on his way to his room, taking a shirt and a pair of cargo pants and heading off to the master bath. His mind raced while he was in the shower, even intoxicated and he managed to try and figure out a list of impossible problems before stepping out and drying off. Then using enough Listerine to sterilize a surgical wing, Zell stepped out, took a mint from his desk and walked out to find Sean. Hopefully there was a good plan in place, because while Zell was too drunk to give a fuck...he wasn't drunk enough to forget that Sean had a knack for danger.

Parties and stuff [Zell] Lucife10
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Parties and stuff [Zell] Empty Re: Parties and stuff [Zell]

Post by Arcana January 27th 2016, 7:35 pm

"Well shit, there goes my entire plan." Sean chuckled, grinnining toothily as he made it obvious he wasn't being too serious with that comment. Granted he hadn't intded to go to the park, but their whole being full of booze thing made his other plan difficult to come to fruition. So that meant he would have to get  little creative with things, which sounded harder than one would think if it involved avoiding having Zell release the contents of his stomach all over. So while they took their shower, Sean found himself sitting there racking his brain for some kind of possible answer. There had to be something they could do in LA that did not constitute walking aimlessly around, but...he was really bad at planning these things out. Well it looked like Jordan could read that much, as all they could do was smirk upon seeing the intense expression on his face.

"Need some ideas?" He asked, sounding a bit...was that amused?

"Naaaaaah, I got this." Sean replied with an awkward roll of the eyes, nervously tapping his fingers on the table while...he realized he was possibly fucked.

"Come on dad. I got this, just get dressed into something better than ya got on." Sean would open his mouth to argue, but Jordan just ended up making these noises to cut him off until Sean gave in. Changing only took at the most three minutes, Sean changing into a pair of tan cargo shorts and a shirt that he had gotten only a few days ago. It had something to do with one of those new bands that were both popular and happened to fall into the realm of his musical taste. Once that was done he walked back into the kitchen to see Jordan thinking deeply to himself.

"Have any ideas?"

"Well you could drink...a lot like he did and see which one of you get arrested first?"

"Erm...well as fun as that sounds I'm gonna have to pass on that. I doubt it would look good on Zell if he's thrown in jail for public intoxication." Even if the mental image was amusing.

"Well good thing that's not my only idea." Jordan said, pausing for a second as if flipping through a mental folder of ideas. "Movies are out, the beach is out, boardwalk is out... I have a feeling he just said he wanted none of this without even saying it." Jordan finally concluded, sounding rather sure of that assumption.

Sean sighed, audibly grinding his teeth. "Well isn't that just great. Really makes this tough when most of what there is to do involves some kind of walking, or something he doesn't want do." This required creative thinking, and he just became aware of the fact that he couldn't hear the sound of a shower. Granted he couldn't fully hear it anyway, but that likely meant that either Zell was done with his shower, or Sean had become selectively deaf.

"Weeeeeeell...just try something that doesn't involve the park or food, you can go from there."

"Ya know what? I might go with that one idea I had." Sean resolved to himself with a nod, thinking this was perhaps the most logical idea, but then again his grasp on logic was not always firm. Within a few minutes Zell would make their appearance, clean and not smelling of booze surprisingly enough. When he wanted to, at least he could clean up very nicely. They were likely still drunk, but that worked for Sean as far as his whole plan was concerned. otherwise they might actually make valid points against it, and that just ruined everything. Standing up with a fluid motion, Sean rested his palm agaisnt the table, giving Zell a once over. "Huh, ya clean up pretty nice." He said with a smirk, hoping the compliment itself wasn't misconstrued as they sometimes did end up. "You know your terms covered...a lot actually. BUT, I think I have something in mind we can do, so come on. We don't have all day....well technically we do actually, but I'm impatient so come on. It's nothing that involves the park, dicks drawn on your faces or anything like that." Sean remembered things, maybe that was the reason he wasn't quite feeling up to that.

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