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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

Post by creator November 12th 2014, 9:35 am

karah looked over to see that another person had appeared.  She was about to attack him when something hit her in the gut.  She flew back and slammed onto the floor rolling for a few feet.  She used the momentum to roll onto her feet then looked at the culprit.

Two swords appeared in her hand.  Her left hand held a sword with a purple ribbon on the end.  This sword was known as nightmares.  Her right hand held a sword that was attached to a bright green ribbon.  this sword was known as basilisk.  Karah stood up and staired at the trio then smirked.  She thrusted nightmare forward and a wave of sound boomed forward.

While pushing the sound from her sword she stabbed basilisk into the ground.  9 large snakes erupted from the ground beneath her and also surged forward bent on constricting and breaking anything they could touch.  She looked at her opponents as she watched the destruction take place.

her weapons are found here, look under the evil set of weapons

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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

Post by Wolf Girl November 14th 2014, 8:52 pm

Ok, she can summon serpentine. Wolf Girl thought. It appeared that this girl was one of those magical girl types. that meant she had to watch out.

The good thing was that now Wolf Girl was not alone, Marcus was there, calling out to the girl while some other person had come out of nowhere to punch the attacker. But with the snakes on the ground, they now had some new problems.

"We Need to take out the snakes and take the girl down!" She yelled at the other two, while preparing to fight for her life.

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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

Post by Shadowoof November 15th 2014, 10:52 pm

"Man.. I love snakes." Marcus sighed as he moved forward while allowing his arm to be formed into a large blade or at least the blade formed on his hand. Moving towards to snake it went to constict him but Marcus easily just sliced the snake in half and finished it with a slice to the neck killing or at least he hoped it was dead.

He turned to another that was a little too close for his liking and summoned four tendrils of darkness around him that moved to constrict the snake and slowly but surely rip it apart after some crushing. Hoping his allies could deal with the other snakes he captured another of the Snakes with his tendrils and said to the girl. "You know we don't have to fight. You could simply just say sorry or fly off on that creature of pure awesomeness."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

Post by Red November 17th 2014, 5:59 pm

((OK, this is just getting out of hand now, if we don't get this orderly it will be locked and no one gets the xp. So please, listen to me. The mods don't care, and frankly nether do i, if you have 2 separate fights and you want to post after the people involved, use this order or the thread will die.

Wolf Girl
Red Tide

This is the new posting order, it is now jeisens turn.))


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

Post by Jeisen November 22nd 2014, 2:53 am

Jeisen: "Well, it looks like this has turned out to be one hell of a meta gathering wouldn't you say?"

Nolan: "It is official a crap ton of metas in one area. Metric of course"

Jeisen: "This is America, are we allowed to use metric here?"

Nolan: "I'm not switching to their backwater system"

Jeisen: "I believe their backwater system put a man on the moon."

Nolan: "I do not believe that"

Jeisen: "you are a self automatic floating A.I. And you don't believe humans put a man on the moon?"

Nolan: "Nonsense. Aliens did it"

The two were bickering pleasently back and forth from inside a building Jeisen broke them into. It was right inbetween the two fights breaking out, giving Jeisn an excellent view of both from the secod story. Nolan was peering out one window at the summoners/dragon girl vs two heros fight while Jeisen was watching the red tide vs 16 fight break out.

The moment Jeisen saw red tide and his crew on the scene, Nolan dowsed all of heir own signals. It wasn't hard but Nolan had to limit himself to make sure he wasn't going to be pinged again by whatever Technology red had been using before. Jeisen's suit wasn't giving off any life signs either and as long as he stayed up in the second story shadows, it should be hard to be spotted through the window. Did mean he had to stay still though and that wasn't much fun.

Jeisen wasn't just sitting in the widowsil watching the fights though. He had backed up into a dark corner as far back from the window as possible. With as little light hitting him as possible, his cloak would naturally break up his shape and help him blend into the darkness to be nothing more then a shadow. With Nolan's on the fly modifications to the suit, it was temporally holding in most signs of life ranging from thermal to electrical to match the background of the house. Infrared wouldn't be much use with how light it was outside, creating a blurred out bright image. Hopefully it would be enough to hide him

Nolan: "shouldn't we be helping?"

Jeisen: "we need to know who we should help first. I can't be in two places at once and I doubt you could help them very much."

Nolan: "how rude, I could go help that snake girl right quick."

Jeisen: "we'd be helping the other ones"

Nolan: " ah..... brief pause.... Jeisen?"

Jeisen: "hmm?"

Nolan: "think snake girl is single?"

Jeisen: "No"
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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

Post by Red November 22nd 2014, 3:12 pm

Lucius knew there were other metas in the area, the dragon was kind of a dead give away. They would need to get moving or risk being intercepted by god knows what, Lucius motioned for his crew to hurry but at that moment his fears came to pass. "I'm detecting a human sized object moving at least the speed of sound, take cover" the AI warned, Hectors sensor system was of great use, along with giving Lucius energy and speed readings directly to his lenses. "Speedster! Get down! He yelled and then telepathically gave Hector the commend to raise his personal shield. He had fought speedsters before, although he usually came out on top it was only because of clever tricks. Speedsters were immensely powerful and some of the hardest enemies to face, the others would likely he dropped quite easily.

In the next few seconds Lucius would see a faint blur run through a news truck with sparks of electric in its wake, then shortly after use the energy on Daniel and Leo. The two were taken off guard and knocked to the ground, yet not to badly injured by the attack to be out of the fight for more then a few minutes. After that the blur sped up a building, Lucius likely wouldn't be able to see him without his masks targeting system. A blue ball was fired directly at john and the device, Lucius stood next to him shield raised. The ball made contact and exploded with electricity, knocking john to the ground and making him drop the device while attempting to pick it up. John was pretty thick skinned so it was unlikely he was completely out of commission. Henry was only hit slightly but still got knocked to the ground, yet Lucius didn't flinch, his shield took the blast quite easily.

Suddenly a familiar face appeared standing on top of the device, it was 16, a speedster he had met only a few weeks before. 16 spoke about training and not letting them pass without fighting him, this was truly hilarious. "What are you doing here kid, this is a society operation, your in direct violation of our code. Stand down!"  Lucius said to him as he helped the others up, kinetic finally got to the action and put a shield around herself and the group. If it was needed they would take him down, but Lucius didn't like losing powerful allies by such petty means. He knew the others would be horribly blitzed if Isabel's shield came down, he had ways of stopping such things from happening to himself but not the others. Hopefully it would hold him at bay long enough to talk him down.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

Post by 16 November 25th 2014, 2:03 am

16 did something very unusual. Sixteen bursted in laughter after Red Tides command to stand down, as his laughter got more scary his body changed into a offensive fighting stance. Sixteen don't laugh, it was something terribly wrong going on with him. 16 forearms began to gather electricity from behind him from a nearby telephone booth in a swirling effect. The sounds and visuals were amazing, his mind and focus however was on Ride Tide, the star of the show was in his sight and it was time to party. Sixteen stopped laughing the exact moment when he had enough electricity to play with again, it was time to give up the final show! "Sixteen is currently out of commission, I plan on using this body for all sorts of fun. Starting with YOU!"

His voice grew dark and unlike the original Sixteens! In an instant the body of Sixteen was gone from the immediate view of the machine. He found the new target with the danger senses, he had visual on everything within his movement range like spider in his web. Spiderman ain't had shit on him. Once Kinetic moved within view before she could signal she was right behind them ready to help them she was brutally blitzed from behind by an unknown enemy. First strike was a forward finger strike to the middle back spine sending literal electricity to her body, if it were to connect.

The other arm would quickly come around her neck in a choke hold while the shocking is in place to choke her - if this connects as well. This process was quick and would knock her out and could fatally injure her spine. Picking her up quickly dashing with her knocked out probably coma like body he dashed ontop of the previous building he was on before making his way down to the machine. Dropping her body in the most disrespectful way, his attention shot back at the group. It was their move, she was still alive. What they do from this point determines her fate. "Now arn't we having fun?" His head cocked as he placed his two fist together before launching a large ball of lightning at the group that Red Tide so call, army has coming. The spirit, witch, or whatever thing inside of Sixteen was taking over his body every minute he could. Can Red Tide stop him? Lets find out.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

Post by Bonjove November 28th 2014, 3:02 pm

Quick scanned the girl a bit confused as how and why a little girl could cause so much trouble over a machine. It was a good thing he decided to care about it and make the trip to this town. Seeing her summon swords to her hand he knew she was readying her attack. After sending her attacks, he took action and ran at her again. But this time he would phase though her attacks until he got in front of her. He would take her by the legs and spin her around at superspeed then throw her at a random direction.
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The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Secret of the Ray [Bonjove, Jeisen, Wolf Girl, Red Tide, creator, 16]

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