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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 2nd 2014, 2:25 am

Aaron was the only one who really seemed to react to the news of Sean being turned into an eleven year old, snicker out loud as he pressed a hand against his mouth. It was…rich to him that somehow the male was once again forced to grow up, stuck within puberty or whatever it was. Brandon was mostly shocked at the sudden revelation and Arianna shrugged it off, possibly not expecting to really understand what had happened in the first place. It was Misha’s sudden appearance with the young Travis that caught his attention more than that, something about her annoying him slightly. The one that had broken Brandon’s heart a year or so ago, before he met Niall and all of this happened. Yet she continued to come into their life like nothing had happened, dropping off their child and then disappearing from his life once again. He hated the bitch.

”Hello Niall.” She said before turning to Brandon with a controlled expression, tghen smirking.. ’Also, a friend of yours is here I think. He said he was here to see you or something like that.” The child seeming to shrink back amused her, if only because it reminded her of Elena Marie’s child, the one who used to cling to the Crimson Witch’s leg so long ago. ”Hello Silus.” She also said to the young man seeming more pleasant than one would expect of the necromancer, looking to Travis and then his father, something within her expression shifting for a moment before correcting itself.

”Well if you’ll excuse me I have places to be, I’ll be back within a week to pick him back up. Make sure not to do anything stupid Brandon.” With that another voice seemed to speak out within the din of conversation.

”So, am I interrupting anything?” A brown haired male stepped in, Arianna raising a brow before relaxing.

”No, by all means join us. I made pie.” The male smirked widely and took the only seat not taken, as the Hale matriarch handed him a slice of the pie.

”Oh, his name’s Travis” Brandon said answering Silus before turning to the male in question. ”What brings you here?”

’Well if I do remember correctly, you scheduled a game night tonight and so I came over…tonight.”

”Um…that was tomorrow actually.” Brandon said somewhat awkwardly running fingers overe the back of his head, while still managing to hold the young child, who reached out for Silus hand with powerful grasping fingers.

Samael Christensen

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac February 2nd 2014, 5:22 pm

Silus heard Aaron laughing and he was immediately embarrassed byt what he had done. Not because he felt bad, but because it brought attention to himself in a manner that brought laughter. Granted, Silus loved making people laugh, but not at something like that. He felt almost like Aaron was laughing at him....but he immediately pushed that thought to the back of his mind, remembering what Zell had told him. He found the child grasping for him with a rather powerful Grip. One that startled Silus. The little creature was as strong as he was and was probably quite a multiple younger. He smiled down at the child and his head cocked off to the side a little in curiosity. It was strange contemplating the fact that Brandon had a son...but it also made him a little jealous. The kid had something Silus didn't exactly have. Granted, he wouldn't trade what he had for anything else...but it had to be nice to have a mom.

"Well she's pleasantly not trying to kill me. Now if we could just convince the res of the Anti-Niall fan club." Niall said as he brushed the child's cheek with a finger and a smile before turning to the random stranger whom entered the house. Of course Arianna welcomed them openly. Niall began to think about the concept that the Hales were just naturally a warm-hearted family... and that Ailill was either just really hard to warm up to, or adopted after spending his life locked in his parents alchemy basement or something. He chuckled at this though. He may not have had the best first impression with that guy, but he did know his stuff and he knew how to get stuff done... something Niall, unfortunately, admired.

"Well I'd say start a petition but they'd probably just De-Niall it." Silus said as he let out a cozy and satisfied hmmmm as he looked at the baby. Silus suddenly shrunk away a little, trying to pull himself away from the child. "I gotta go for a sec." He said, excusing himself swiftly as he departed to the other room, following the path that his wolves took before him. He needed to warn the little pup Yancey. He was still young but he himself might accidentally end up smushed by the strong child.

"Wait, uhm. I know I'm not exactly new to the concept of lost...but I'm there again." Niall stated as he looked around with a curiously arched right eyebrow and a smile with his lips pressed together. He looked to the littlest Hale and then to the random man standing in the room with them now. The one what claims to have been there for a video-game thing. Niall almost worried that the little guy was going to be left to stay with Arianna (what would have been tomorrow) as Brandon had organized this video-game thing. Niall smiled, noting that this was his chance to meet Brandon's child for himself....and meet one of Brandon's other friends.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Guilty10
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 2nd 2014, 5:57 pm

Pat smiled weakly, looking to the people around the kitchen awkwardly. It seemed that he had come at the wrong time, and yet here he already was, looking upon the family of the blonde brute, as well as a few new faces. The young Travis smiled lightly at Silus, something about the ethereal making the infant happy. ”There’s an Anti-Niall club? I guess they just don’t know anything about Niall.” Brandon snickered listening to Silus little joke. ”So erm…Pat this is Niall.” The male’s expression shifted lightly with a wide smirk, and one of recognition.

”So this is Niall, the one I’ve heard so much about? Wow, so he does have the accent.” He asked with a raised brow, looking to the irish male with a raised brow, a small look of wonder etching itself across his face.

”Yupp, this is Niall.” He said cradling the young child, Pat letting a finger hover the child as it snatched up for his finger as well, nearly pulling him down, the dark haired male grimacing lightly.

’Anyway, yeah I’m Brandon’s friend. He’s told me alooot about you, all good things I promise you.” He said pleasantly taking a seat and a slice of one of the pies, biting deeply into it. ”So am I interrupting anything?”

”Not really…I think.” He looked to Niall as if wondering if that were the case, Arianna letting the two decide this.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
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Samael Christensen

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Silus February 2nd 2014, 6:47 pm

"OH, This is Pat! The one that ran over Yam!" Niall said with a little chuckle. He immediately warmed up to the guy as if it were some form of "secret inside joke" that only friends and friends of friends would know. He walked over and wrapped his arms around the "Pat" person and hugged him. Niall was occasionally too friendly for his own good. He let Pat go with a smile, as if he didn't see anything wrong with it. He was slightly taken back when the man asked if he was interrupting anything. They were eating, so it was obvious he was...but Niall was getting the vibe he was talking about his actual existence being the bother.

"Not really…I think.” Brandon said. Niall seemed to be the one catching the looks. Niall's expression was clearly one of confusion. He chuckled nervously as he looked to Arianna. He held out his hand and basically pointed to the Hale woman before clearing his throat. "Herm... dunno what you askin me for. It's her Manse. I'm just the Irish leech." He said with a laugh. He had almost no doubt that Ariana would permit the stranger-friend to stick around, after all apparently he was more known than Niall.... which made him a little nervous. He'd shake it off though, too blonde to keep the thought readily on hand.

"H-hey uh...where's-"
"Ri-ight here." Silus said, a light hearted drawn out part on the I as he walked around Pat and took his seat back at the table. "Sorry, had to warn Yancey"
"Oh, speaking of! Where's Abra, you never answered me." Niall stated. Silus very calmly...trying to hide the deep emotional wounds that radiated off of him.

"He went home." Silus said as if he were completely calm, but the words were something Niall knew all to well. Lourishna's mother "Went Home" too...or that's the expression Zell used. Something about spiritually returning to the love of ones maker. Niall was sad for a moment, but saw how composed Silus was trying to be. He looked from the wounded child to Brandon and smiled as happily as he could.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Lucife10
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 2nd 2014, 8:17 pm

Wait, he ran over a yam, or did he run over someone named Yam? Pat found himself being hugged by the strange irish male, Brandon only grinning widely as if some great joke had been told at his expense, yet all he could do was smile awkwardly. ”Yeah….hehe good time.” He chuckled lightly rubbing gingerly on his fore arm as if suddenly nervous. A lightbulb flickered for a moment before it seemed to stop. Yupp, it seemed that his friend still could not conrtorl that power of his, and perhaps it would be the end of them all eventually. Like that time he conjured up a tornado infront of the Hale Mansion by accident and Arianna was forced to calm it, while he freaked out trying to control the winds.

”He already knows my opinion. I like the guy, when hes not nearly destroying my home anyway.” The metahuman in question turned away when the statement was said but he knew it was more of a backhanded kind of praise. Brandon turned to Silus who returned to Niall asking questions about Abra, and that ended with Silus saying that he went home. There was a somber look about how he said it, and Brandon found himself frowning slightly. He wanted to comfort the child, if only that was what seemed right, but he found himself unable to do it. A small breeze blew along the kitchen, brushing along Silus face softly. Well more of a calming breeze than one would expect of in the Hale mansion.

”So…great pie mom.” Brandon noted taking a bite of a chocolate pie slice.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Silus February 2nd 2014, 10:20 pm

"Yeah, it was great. I'm...gonna disappear now. Bye!" Niall said as he Ethereal warped himself into the other room and kept himself away form Silus, sitting down on the couch as he buried his face into his hands. How could he be such an idiot. There should have been a warning about all of this. He should have figured it out when it was a pup and not Abra. He hated himself right now, canhe seriously be that goddamn stupid? He must be...he was stupid enough to let the Lych control him...(well dub enough for the Lych to easily control him) and he now just hurt Silus...again. Oh how he hated himself. Maybe he could him a cake or something. No...Niall can't bake, scratch that.
"Oh god..." He sighed.

Silus however was too busy looking at the kid. He felt the brush of wind across his face, part of him smiled and he put his head down a little as a tear trailed down along his nose and around his cheek. Silus rubbed it, trying to remember what Abra told him about crying. He had to be strong too. Whenever Silus got Sad, Yancey did too...and he'd whine until Silus sang to him. Silus didn't want to sing...too many people. "The pie was perfect by the way. It all was" he remembered to remind Arianna about her great cooking. Betwene her and Zell he wasn't sure who was better. But he was certain of one thing, his tastebuds were spoiled as all Hell. Silus looked up and noticed Pat, blushing and repositioning himself. Damn strangers embarrassing him.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Lucife10
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 2nd 2014, 10:35 pm

If things got any more awkward it would be…well there wasn’t an anecdote to compare how awkward it would be, but damn would that shit be awkward. Now Niall used that magical whatever to teleport out of the room, and that left them with the sunshine kid. Oh god he was regretting coming over here, but then again that tended to happen when he visited the Hales, so it was business as usual. Well, save for that time he tried to hit on Aaron and got denied so hard that it wasn’t even funny, it was just kinda sad. Swatting Brandon lightly on the forearm, Pat motioned with a turn of his head to something, probably where Niall had retreated to. "Go do whatever it is you do, I’m sure your mom won’t mind holding the baby for like….a few minutes.”

”Not at all, I would like to wash away the influence of his mother.” All it took was a few minutes for Brandon to find Niall, who was curled up on the couch looking rather downcast. That alone brought up a rather sad look on the Hale’s face as he sunk down into the couch and leaned against Niall, one arm slinging over his shoulder.

”Don’t be so hard on yourself Niall.” He said calmly, hand there on the males shoulder more to reassure than anything. ”You made a mistake, everyone does that. Not like you blew up the house or anything” Okay that may not have been the best example but he was horrible when it came to trying to cheer people up.

Arianna heard the compliment about her pie, and smiled to the young ethereal. ’Well you can have as much as you want.” In that motherly tone as Aaron seemed to slink into his own little world. Pat made a swirling motion with his right index finger as what seemed like a swirling maelstrom of wind swirled from his fingertip, about a foot in height. He was slowly gaining control of his power, but it was still a gradual kind of thing that still needed time before he had full control. With a flick of the wrist, it would slowly make its way towards Silus, sending a cool breeze across his face. With a last sputter of air that ruffled the kids hair it would fade away.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Silus February 3rd 2014, 1:56 am

"Brandon...the house blowing up was MY fault. If I hadn't fought Zell he wouldn't have snapped." Niall said, deadly serious, and highly uncharacteristic of the Irishman. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. "I-I'm just... I dunno. I feel useless. I feel bad for Silus, he's stuck with two dad's, well is dead. His brother's are all at odds for whatever reason, his dog dies...I don't even know." He said, proving that he was not exactly as torn up about it as he should have been, but he was still a little uprooted.

"You've got a pretty good set there." Silus said. Though he seemed to focus mostly on Pat's eyes. He smiled slyly as he cocked his head to the side. Silus had concluded something rather interesting. He concluded that the man had little to no control over his own powers. Perhaps he had SOME control, seeing as a one foot wind funnel seemed to be under total control as it made it's way to him and messed his hair up. Now Silus absolutely hated having his hair messed up. In a slightly bittersweet voice he spoke "Too bad you can't control it entirely..." He said "oh so conveniently" as he yawned and fixed his hair back into place. The flickering lights was a good indication...especially when he rubbed his arm, which was a general sign of nervous behavior. Silus had good grounds to assume, but Loki didn't like to assume. Loki made sure to keep a gauge on Pat's reaction, because his reaction would be what finally told Silus for certain.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Lucife10
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 3rd 2014, 2:34 am

Brandon found himself frowning at the negativity that poisoned Niall’s tone, as if he were expecting the male to fall into a pit of self-despair once again. Yet that did not happen, only more blame being placed upon himself, something about him being useless. ”Wait…he has two dads? Like biologically or are we talking adoption?” His mind seemed to snap from that to something else. Something about that seemed to catch his attention, considering that if something like that were possible, then that would mean Niall could do something like that.

Pat found himself within a staring contest involving the ethereal child, rubbing his arm lightly as he averted his gaze. Something about the child unnerved him, and even made him want to walk away, but he was stupid; so he did not. ”I have a good what?” He muttered raising a brow as he looked down for a moment, as if looking what he was talking about. Feeling over his chest, he smirked lightly. ”Really? I was always afraid I had a small set in High School.” He said jokingly, though the whole thing about not being able to control his powers was unexpected. He blinked harshly as the light bulb blinked rapidly and then with a loud shattering sound it burst.

Arianna let out a deep sigh and left the room, probably to get a replacement bulb.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Silus February 3rd 2014, 3:31 am

. "I-I...don't know. We  would need to ask him." Niall said, slightly shocked and dumbfounded by the idea himself. He THOUGHT that Ouroboros just magic-ed the kid into existence with Sean. But if Silus WERE the biological child of Ouroboros and Sean, then wouldn't that mean that his old friend found a way to overcome the natural laws of nature? Would he finally and truly have sound a way to make something like that possible. He found himself hopeful. If not for his own relationship than to give the single finger salute to anyone else who looked down on people like him because it was 'unnatural'. Meanwhile, Silus was still in the kitchen...

    "Knew it." Silus said with a large smile growing on his face. He looked to the remains of the shattered bulb and giggled as he activated his telekinetic power and caught all the pieces in mid-air. He then pulled all of the glass towards him and deposited it safely in the trash. He walked back over to this "Pat" fellow and tugged on his shirt, as if trying to get him to sit down. Pat would comply probably, which let Silus sit down too, as he moved a random pen and paper over to his location, allowing Silus to draw out a few little things.

   "It looks like you're powers are directly related to your emotions. Like for example, you're feeling nervous, and what do you feel like? Probably jittery and like you're gonna fire off at any second right? Well, bam electricity is the emption that seems to be most tied with it. You WERE just calm and easy going there a second ago, and you managed to make the wind stir up pretty easy, because the wind was small and calm. Now if you were angry, I can see that being tornado or even hurricane styled winds, and don't even get me going on the electricity.... you should talk to my dad...he could help he helped me... my powers kinda work like that too.... then's kinda a villain" Silus said with a little hum, standing up form his seat and just walking along to the high-chair where Ariana had left the little child. Silus hid his face behind his baggy sleeve and slowly peered up with a little smile, seeming to cause the baby a little form of enjoyment. Silus giggled and shrugged, walking off towards the living room, about to pass Brandon and Niall.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Lucife10
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 3rd 2014, 7:00 pm

Pat found himself within another rather awkward situation, considering that he just proved the kid right with his powers. Luckily no one was hurt by the falling glass of the light bulb, and  Arianna changed it quickly enough. So that was fixed, and yet he only found himself confused by what the kid said when he spoke of having a villain father. Was he like some kind of super villain spawn too? Pat cocked his head to the side, unable to make heads or tails of this kid. Before he could even ask any questions regarding what was said, Silus kinda walked away. So here he was sitting down at the table and then he turned to Aaron, who glared at him. ”Don’t even think about it.” He grumbled lightly.

”Think about what?”

”You know what. I can read your mind, and no you once again are doing it all wrong.”

’You’re no fun.” Pat grumbled lightly, resting his chin against the back of his hands.

”So I’ve heard.”

”Well I totally will.” Brandon noted with a rather wry smirk, noticing Silus walking through the room they were in. Reaching out to grab Silus by the sleeve, Brandon attempted to garner his attention. ”So Silus, I have to ask. Niall says you have two dads, so is that like true?” Silus would question what he meant by that, so Brandon would have to reiterate his question. ”I mean like biological.” He explained, waiting for an answer.

Last edited by Brandon Hale on February 3rd 2014, 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Silus February 3rd 2014, 7:42 pm

Silus' attention was caught as Brandon tugged his hoodie sleeve. He looked to Brandon curiously, head cocked to the side slightly with a slight trace of a smile. He was never really sure what kind of question was going to pop out of the blonde's mouth. There were times Silus was actually scared, because Brandon was so sweet and nice...but he would tend to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. OR he would just word things funny and it made Silus uncomfortable. He listened to what Brandon had to say and he found himself perplexed really. Apparently he was inquiring about Silus' biological lineage. That was something that made him blush a deep red, mostly because he found himself having to recall the fact he was in fact their spawn.

     "Well yeah...Ouro and I WAS BORN FROM DADDY!" He cried out, slightly squeamish about the situation. He shifted himself as he tried to get a little more comfy, though he was half expecting Arianna to pop in and see what the hell this outburst was about. Silus looked to Niall and Brandon, turning away and rolling up his shoulders to help hide his face which was smothered with shame and embarrassment. "...E...Ethereals can have kids...I-if they learn how to..." Silus said, almost as if he were about to cry. Damn he felt odd saying all of this. He just stood there and waited....knowing exactly where this was headed.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Lucife10
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 3rd 2014, 9:10 pm

Brandon found himself looking confused at the young male, as if he had said….well that two men somehow had children together. They did the usual baby making thing and then suddenly there was Silus, which made Brandon smile somewhat, as if he had said the most amazing thing ever. He and Niall could perhaps even have children, which was a middle finger to those that said they could not reproduce. Looking to Silus and then turning to Niall, he raised a brow as if silently asking the question before asking it. ’So does that mean Niall could like, have kids too?” He asked poking the irish male in the stomach lightly, hoping that thee would be a pleasant answer to what he asked. The idea that he could have a child with a dude was amazing, even it was strange.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac February 3rd 2014, 11:17 pm

"I-II dunno, can I?" Niall asked. Silus shook his head sadly as he looked to Niall, almost mourning having to tell him the bad news that he was going to HAVE to share. Silus was almost scared Arianna or Aaron was going to walk in and listen in out of interest. He cleared his throat as Niall cocked his head to the side, as if someone just shot his puppy. "W-w-Why not? Is there something wrong, was it magic or...what?" Niall asked, almost pleading for an easy fix answer. Silus groaned and rolled his eyes. Silus was being very loud and he didn't like brought too much attention.

    "N-Niall calm down're being loud." Silus said, sinking back a little as the Irish guy stood up off of the couch. He knew he was scaring Silus a little bit but he really needed that answer. He slowly walked up to Silus and squatted down, looking into the young Ethereal's eyes hands gently placed on either shoulder.

    "Please...." Niall said. Silus sighed.
    "Because you're an Ethereal construct. You're not an actual Ethereal're....kind of lacking a soul..." Silus said oddly, Niall's face went stone cold, almost as if he were hurt but then he just stammered.

    "What does that have to do with kids?" He asked. Silus rolled his eyes. At the sound of not having a soul one would be was not being like Zell or Ouro that hurt Niall the most.
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 3rd 2014, 11:46 pm

Brandon was surprised by the notion that Niall could not have kids like every other Ethereal, and part of him was even slightly depressed. He was really excited about that whole thing having kids with Niall idea, and here it was being smashed to bits. Niall out of all of them seemed more distraught by this news, which in turn caused Brandon to look to Niall with a concerned expression. He would have offered a comforting hand but something told him that would do no good, yet he would try to be there for him anyway. Arianna hovered about the threshold of the room, raising an eyebrow at the scene that was playing out. Something was happening and Niall did not sound happy at all, seeming like something that Silus said was the catalyst within that turmoil. ”Yes I am curious about that too. What does the soul have to do with creating children?” She asked stepping into the room with a raised brow.

Meanwhile Aaron and Pat found themselves alone with the young Travis in the kitchen. The young hale looked to the dark haired male and then back to Aaron, large curious eyes watching over them carefully, though only Pat was really paying attention to the baby. ”So…um.” Pat said awkwardly running fingers through his hair out of a nervous tick, Aaron turning towards him with a raised brow as if already knowing what he was going to ask or say. ”What ya doin?”

”That’s a rather plain question.” As a book seemed to float from somewhere and rest within the palm of his hand. ”I’m reading, if it isn’t obvious already.”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zell February 4th 2014, 2:16 am

"Because Niall is just an Ethereal construct. He is a fragment of a soul preserved by Zell Atterrius and brought into reality through his Ethereal energy. It would be like you using Nether to create a pseudo human and expecting to have children with it. Ethereals reproduce because of the body absorbing DNA from another creature of any gender, species or race. Ethereal energy is souls form the Etherium BUT when an Ethereal is "having a baby" it uses it's own soul energy in conjuring a life form that has both genetics of itself and the other parent. In the forming of the child the other parents genetics alter the life form." Silus explained to Arianna, mostly because he knew she would likely be more apt to at least comprehend what he was saying, maybe even understand. He looked to Niall, whom seemed to nod and understand, what amazed Silus was when he actually had a follow-up question.

"So...I don't have a soul?" Niall asked...the gravitas of the situation finally seeming to fall into place. He looked to Silus, broken eyes almost as he looked into the young Indigo eyes. "I...I'm just a one of Ouro's puppets? I even ?Niall?" He was taking it harshly, but Silus tapped him on the shoulder, stealing his eyes back for a moment.

"Yeah. That's what Zell Atterrius did. When he gave up and became Ouroboros he made a deal with Ouro that bound a part of your soul into Ethereal energy. Eventually the Ethereal energy would become a construct. The fact you still have a sliver of your soul makes you're just a rather...empty form of him. You're still Niall though, Zell made sure. He promised you you'd have your own body...and in the end he gave his life up for his promise..." Silus said. He suddenly looked as if he realized something. He looked a little sad before smiling at Niall and walking over to the little chair not far bay, still so comfy that he couldn't stand it.... because if he stood it then he couldn't sit in it...and Arianna would likely yell at him for bouncing on furniture, which was understandable. He yawned as he leaned back and settled in.

"So...I'm only part of me? But still pretty much all of me..." Niall said, not even pretending to understand.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
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