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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen January 29th 2014, 12:32 am

All was well within the Hale house, even with the lack of the little blonde Sean clinging to Aaron like a plague. Aaron Hale was reclining on the couch, blonde hair within a slight mess as he read over the black words printed over the pages, green orbs darting about rapidly, as if soaking up each one carefully. One could smell something akin to baked goods wafting from the kitchen, pie if Aaron remembered correctly, head perking up before burying back into his book. Brandon appeared from one of the doorways, dressed in a simple wife beater and gym shorts, hair wet from what looked like a shower. ”Still sitting around the mansion?” Brandon asked quizzically with a raised brow, running a towel through his messy blonde hair before tossing it into a basket set in the corner.

Aaron turned to his sibling for a moment before ignoring him. ”Helloooo Aaron.” Brandon said leaning over the couch and tapping lightly on his twins head, causing him to flinch before reacting telekinetically. Brandon found himself pressed against the wall for a moment before the hold wad let down and he slid to the ground. ”Could have just said you didn’t want to be bothered.” Brandon grumbled with a certain pseudo pout before pulling himself to his feet, running a hand along his back as if soothing some kind of pain, but that was more of a reflexive thing. He knew that his brother would not risk harming him, nor would he risk harming the mansion.

”I don’t know, would you have listened?” Aaron asked turning the page before continuing the reading process. Brandon frowned, shrugging lightly as if unable to argue with his sibling’s logic.

”Probably not.” He agreed shaking his head as small droplets of water flew from his wet hair. ”Well I’ll go bother someone else I guess.” He noted walking to the kitchen, the sound of his foot falls nearly silent as he followed the smell of something good baking, Arianna like a sprite twirling around the kitchen as she seemed to be preparing something. Almost as if through a sixth sense, she turned to Brandon and embraced him before returning to her preparations.

Spreading seasonings over food that simmered within a pot and then checked on another thing in the oven, before pulling face away from it and then turning to Brandon. "Need anything dear?” She asked with a sweet smile wiping away a small bead of sweat from her forehead, while one gloved hand would move one of the pots from the stove to likely cool.

”Not much. So what’s the occasion?” He asked with a raised brow, waiting for an answer that involved some kind

”I just feel like doing a little cooking.” She answered simply. ”So will Niall be able to join us? I made more than enough for everyone.” She added with a wistful smile.

”Yeah, he should be able to join us, I think.” Brandon mused over this before returning to whatever he was doing.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac January 29th 2014, 3:18 am

. Niall was enjoying his day, just like every other day he wasn't dying or under control of near immortal entity named "The Lych". Well in certain circles he was known as "The Bych". While Niall favored that latter FAR more than the previous, he was forced to sensor himself for the time being. Silus was coming for a visit and he wasn't going to send him back to Shael cursing up a storm in any language other than Ethersong and those curses would be the enchantments for pure benevolence. For some reason Niall imagined Silus cussing at a random object and it suddenly being enchanted with random benevolent effect. Like yelling "Damnit" and suddenly your wedding ring cures cancer. That would be EEEEPIC!!! A flash of light appeared, and before Niall stood a little shaggy haired boy that looked around sheepishly, lost and almost foreign. He noticed Niall, and a wide grin spread on his ace, a grin that flashed Sean's likeness suddenly, causing Niall to shirk a little.

"Heya lad!" Niall laughed as Silus ran up and jumped into Niall. Niall wrapped his arms around his Nephew cousin thingy ma bobber. Silus was all too happy to see his Irish guardian as he giggled while Niall picked him up. "Ni-Ni-Ni-Ni!" Silus chanted. Niall laughed as he hoisted the boy up.

"Si-Si-Si-Si!" Niall said through his thick Irish accent. Within a matter of moments Silus' pack arrived, there was a difference in the rainbow one however...he was much younger. Niall allowed it to slip, because he noticed Kaisses wearing a baseball cap that said "Warn a Brotha" at a forty five degree angle. Niall rolled his eyes as he let out a little chuckle. He wasn't sure exactly how Brandon or Arianna would react to the wolves...granted Niall knew them well enough to know they wouldn't be expecting free bored...they would make themselves useful one way or another...just as Silus tried to do every time he ended up staying with them. Niall turned and shook his head, and put Silus down, walking with the boy and his wolves to the Hale Mansion.

"We're here!" Niall cheered as he went to find his favorite blonde. Silus himself wandered about, looking around quickly, hoping to perhaps run into Aaron or Ailill and find them in the middle of some crazy reality-tearing experiment. Silus had heard that Ailill somehow once got Girl Alive!'s Tyuki trapped in a portal. Silus, being a rather avid Girl Alive! fan wouldn't mind getting the chance to meet the pop star. He blushed, shamed that he actually liked the artist. He followed his nose, the little pup with him. He found his way into the living room, Niall taking a glass form the table. "Aaron, you want more?" Niall asked the blonde with the book as he slowly inched towards the kitchen, under the assumption the glass belonged to him. Kaisses and Hocus entered the room as well, followed by the pup Yancey and Silus. Silus waved to Brandon and Aaron, though he was probably ignoring him, before he moved into the kitchen himself.

"Hello Miss Hale!" Silus almost literally sang out, Arianna being one of his more liked people, though that was probably because she agreed to house him after his "exile" which turned out to be one of the pivotal points that ultimately saved his life. Silus would have hugged her, but she was looking rather busy, instead he'd smile sweetly and pose the question. "Can I help somehow?"

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen January 29th 2014, 7:41 pm

Aaron perked up slightly at the sound of a rather familiar irish accent before plopping back into reading his book, Niall was here. He was expecting the male to come, but then again it was more Brandon anticipating it, and him picking up upon that. ”No, I’m fine.” Aaron said simply turning the page within his book telekinetically, before returning to reading. Notice was taken of the small kid accompanying him, yet Aaron didn’t really care much about that. Sins of the father not being held towards the children and jazz like that. What he was expecting was his twin to appear in three….twoo…one.

The blonde seemed to materialize within an instant, wrapping Niall in a crushing hug and planting a kiss on his lips. ”Sup.” He said with a smile, placing the irish male down. Aaron found himself snickering lightly as he shut the book and stood up. ”Goin somewhere?” He turned to Aaron, who simply ran a few fingers through his own hair.

”Forgot I had something to do.” It was probably something magical or whatever, yet he seemed to be walking towards the kitchen. He looked to the young ethereal with a pleasant expression.

’No thank you dear, I’m fine.” She said with a certain sing song quality to her voice as steam rose from one of the pots.

”Hello Silus.” He said, ruffling the kids hair, the refrigerator opening and what looked like a small cup of yogurt floated out of it and landed in his hands, a spoon following suit. Taking a seat on one of the stools that surrounded the bard in the center of the kitchen, Aaron would slowly begin to devour what he had acquired.

”Don’t eat too much, or you won’t be able to eat any of the pie.”

”Are you on something mom? That’s the twelth pie you’ve baked this week.”

’Well Brandon ate the last ten, and I think Silus might want some.” She noted once again checking on the pastry within the oven. It was then that she took notice of the pack, or rather the three strange people that followed after Silus, one seemingly younger than the rest. ”I mean, unless Silus doesn’t like pie.” She considered this for a moment before shrugging it off.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Silus January 29th 2014, 9:27 pm

Niall found himself picked up as Brandon planted one on him. Niall laughed a little as he held on to the blonde brute. He wasn't gone very long, only a day or so. Or was it a few hours? Time seemed to all the exact same thing without Brandon or the Hales around. Granted, Silus and him could have some damn good misadventures, but alas the poor little mop-headed child never seemed to enjoy things like football, American football or basketball. "I'll be back in a sec." He said as he moved to the kitchen

"Heya uncle Aaron." Silus giggled, all happy and warm as he tried to fix his hair. After he finished a dark slightly concerned face fell over his features. He was uncertain if Aaron was alright with that title. Silus instantly began worrying if that would sully his decent relationship with the intelligent Hale patriarch. He was quite easily distracted when Ariana accused Aaron of being on something. Silus stood back and watched the events unfold, knowing when it was best to simply shut ones mouth. Niall on the other hand laughed. He was apparently rather useful around the house, which he tried to obviously, then again it wasn't exactly hard to mooch off of Ariana. Niall continued to "clean up" a little after little messes that were made. Silus wondered how exactly this living arrangement worked. Niall didn't need sleep, or food, so it wasn't like he'd be too much of a hassle to deal with...but still. It would be like Silus living at his best-friend's house with her five siblings or whatever else. There was soon a question directed at him and he quickly piped up with an appreciative and adorable smile. "I like pie!" He said, the sheer crack in his little voice made him blush as Niall snickered.

"That's adorable." Niall said. He then took himself away from the situation, turning back to Silus. "Si, gotta keep Kai from Brandon, Aight?" Niall asked. Silus held up his arm, little hand barely showing through the sleeve in a thumbs up as Kaisses made his way into the kitchen and sat between Silus and the exit. Niall made his way out with Brandon now and brought his arms up a little, then letting them fall to his sides, slapping his thighs. "So you alright?" Niall asked. It hadn't been too long ago that Niall had told him about the whole "Killing Aaron" accident, and it looked like Brandon was fine, but Niall....Niall wasn't. He really wasn't. He was guilty every day since, and it had slowly eaten him away up until this point. He finally broke down and against Aaron's advice, he told Brandon.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Lucife10
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen January 29th 2014, 9:57 pm

Even if he did not admit it, Aaron liked having the little child around here. It was like having a little Sea walking around, even though he was far more intelligent than the little scamp that was Elena Marie’s son. ’You do?” Arianna’s tone took on a chipper quality ad she checked the pie once more before then turning to Silus.”Good. I’m making three, since Brandon could eat one pie by himself. I just don’t know where he puts all of it.” With a snap the stove seemed to turn off and the steam itself would slowly abate, as if by magic…haha..she had done so. The smile that Silus made was even more adorable and Arianna had to contain herself, top stop from crushing the little ethereal in a tight hug. ”You are just precious.” She cooed as Aaron flicked something at her.

’If you like him so much, why don’cha adopt him?” he said with a certain undertone that was possibly a joking one.

”Can’t, too much exposure to that level of adorable might give me diabetes.” When in actuality she didn’t feel like taking a certain fallen titans child from him. Even if the Hale family found itself feeling rather sore towards him, especially a certain blonde sitting down the table from where she stood. Niall mentioned keeping Kai from Brandon and one of the wolves moved, seemingly the one in question. It was then that Arianna remembered his rather severe hatred for werewolves, or was it just a racist opinion towards them? She remembered him meeting that poor girlt hat Elena took care of and he didn’t punch her.

Brandon on the other hand was simply playing with the small  golem that was following him, in an attempt to be stealthy. The sound of hands slapping against thighs catching his attention, Brandon turning to see Niall. His expression improved before dipping slightly, the questions confusing him slightly. Was he alright? That was something that he did not quite understand really? ”Am I not supposed to be alright? I mean I once thought I had a lump on my chest and freaked out for a good week until my mom stated it wasn’t breast cancer, but I’m fine.” He said stumbling into an anecdote. He had a feeling it had something to do with Niall’s killing Aaron, but his brother was fine.

Even if that were true, Brandon could not be mad at Niall. He could make an angry expression but anger was not something he could feel towards him, hurt maybe but that passed. It was all the skeleton guys fault, so that also helped.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Silus January 29th 2014, 11:52 pm

"alright..." Niall said as he stepped over towards Brandon, standing next to him with his arm over the brutish blonde. He looked around for a second, looking at all of the dogs that had managed to maneuver their way around, the little pup finding his way to Niall. The pup attempted to scale Mount Niall as he claimed Niall's foot as his own little bed, laying across the sneaker. Niall lifted his foot up and brought his hand out and caught the little pup that looked around dumbfounded and yipping as he was drawn closer to the little blonde dimwits. The puppy happily jumped onto Brandon and began assaulting his face with his tongue Niall laughed as he watched his favorite guy get assailed by a puppy. Meanwhile, Hocus seemed to be doing damage control, looking around to the other wolves and keeping everything in perfect Focus.... ever since Abra was gone he was the watch dog. Though Niall would soon need to ask Silus where Abra was, since he was Niall's favorite.

"Uh-uhm. Thanks?" Silus said in an unsure manner, after Ariana called him adorable. He moved slightly as he tried to stay out of the way. A most interesting concept was brought up when he least expected it...and from whom he least expected. Aaron made the comment about Ariana adopting him. While he often times did think he could use more estrogen in his life, he wasn't sure that he could deal with the lack of intellectual stimulation for that long. He might legitimately turn into Niall, and being a gay blonde guy with no brain wasn't on Silus' agenda. Given how he didn't understand the one concept and the second concept he despised with a passion. He snickered at the comment. "I dunno. You might get annoyed if I kept borrowing your books." Silus said slightly jokingly as he recalled both he and Aaron had a rather fond love of reading.

"Cocolate and Coconut Cream" Kaisses said dreamily as he began panting. Silus glared at the wolf, shocked that he had spoken in public. It was almost a bit of an "you're in so much trouble" look, but Kaisses was apparently prepared for it. "Awe relax. These guys have probably owned talking dogs before. Sheesh. Not everyone we meet is gonna think I'm a freak of nature." Kaisses said as Silus ripped off his "Warn a Brotha" hat.

"Being able to talk isn't what makes you a freak Kaisses... you've got a strange obsession with peoples' clothing. You are the cross-dressing uncle in this little pack. Talking is relatively normal compared to your usual." Hocus called form the other room, his voice having it's natural oriental tone.

"Oh, okay... NOW we're gonna talk!? Dangit, where's Ailill, no, no He's gotta see this. He WILL see that i'm not crazy damnit!" he laughed, snuggling into Brandon a little.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Lucife10
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen January 30th 2014, 4:28 pm

’If I were going to, I wouldn’t have started letting you borrow them in the first place. Just remember what I said, make sure they stay in pristine condition.” Aaron said thinking over that for a second. ”Not like that one time I lent your father a book and it ended up missing over half the pages.”

”You’re still sore about that?” Arianna asked with a raised eyebrow, and a small smirk.

”It was my only copy, of course I’m still a little sore.” One thing that Aaron was rather serious about was books, well those that were already hard enough to come by atleast. ”It took me five years to find another copy in as pristine of a condition as that one.”

Meanwhile Brandon and Niall were dealing with the rather adorable looking white pup, who found itself assailing Brandon’s face relentlessly with its tongue. The blonde brute chuckled lightly, holding one to the pup as he tried to pull his face away, before he began to smell like wolf breath. Which probably smelt like elk meat or something like that. What did Silus feed them anyway, or did they kinda just eat whatever? For some reason the thought of a wolf eating a cheeseburger amused the brute slightly. ’Haha okay okay, enough of the licking little guy.” Brandon laughed, pulling the wolf away and placing him on the ground gently, scratching him behind the ears before turning to Niall. ”Ooo is that pie I smell.” Brandon said taking a deep drag of the air…and it was.

”Talking cat actually. Brandon brought home a stray once and we didn’t find out until two weeks in. Apparently even warlocks cursed to be cats don’t like being forced to take baths.” She said opening the oven as the smell of pie seemed to grow only stronger. ”Though Aaron had an idea already from reading its mind.” She added snapping as a strange looking glove appeared on her hand, and seemed to easily grasp the pies and place them on the stove where everything else was.

Brandon and Niall joined in the room, the irish blonde saying something about talking, though Brandon already had an idea about the wolves talking. ”I don’t know if Ailill will care much about the talking wolves. Seemed more like a talking cat kinda guy to me, didn’t take too well to that talking cat we had though.” The blonde seemed to note one arm wrapped around Niall. ”So I was right.” His eyes like precision lasers fell upon the pies in question.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac January 30th 2014, 6:17 pm

"Oh, sorry...wait.. Which dad... I mean. Which one?" He asked, not entirely sure that they knew he was a true born bio-child of the both of them. In fact, the way Niall teneded to describe his birth he apparently described it as Ethereal Bullshit which made Silus giggle a little when it happened, but he maybe thought it was...jealousy. Silus didn't really want to go into it though, so he simply allowed Niall to make it seem as if he were Sean's biological son and Ouroboros' "magic" that made it possible. Looking back at it...his question "Which one?" might be a little shady.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you were right." Niall said as he pecked Brandon on the cheek. He looked to the pies, noting that there was three of them almost ready, and knowing Brandon, the would soon be used in the past tense. He scratched the little pups ear and looked to Silus. He seemed to be trying to keep Brandon at bay from the pies for a moment in order to warn Silus."You might want to get a slice before he takes the bakery." Niall warned him, speaking from first hand experience. He clung to Brandon...almost as if his near weightless self would be able to do much. Niall looked to Silus, unsure how much Brandon really knew about it.

"Ailill likes cats? Oh wonder he hates me." Niall said. Silus looked to him with the face that just asked "da-heck?". The poor child wouldn't get an answer either. Because while that comment wasn't fully formed, in his mind it made total sense that because Ailill liked cats he'd hate him. "Imma make an enchanted chain to hold ya back." Niall snickered, joking with the blonde behemoth. Silus rolled his eyes and seated himself on the nearest available surface.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen January 30th 2014, 8:04 pm

Aaron looked to Silus as if he had spoken within a language that he could not understand, and it took him a while to figure it out. He likely considered Ouroboros a father as well, so that meant that he would have to specify something along with his statement. ”Oh….I meant Sean.” He said before tossing the yogurt cup into the nearby trashbin. Whatever this ethereal bullshit was about, Aaron had a feeling that he could not completely understand it, so he would just have to try. Brandon smirked with the kiss against his cheek, eyes still boring upon the pie.

If Niall wasn’t barely holding him back, he would have found himself falling upon the pies and at least devouring one. Okay, he could have dragged the irish male along, but Brandon as being….nice. Silus was suggested to get a slice before it was all gone, and all he could do was snicker. It was a true enough statement however, no one devoured the pies his mother made faster than him and probably even quicker than she could bake them too. So there was sense in trying to keep him from going crazy right now and murdering the poor pie.

”Enchanted chain? I don’t know, I might like that too much.” He said sounding rather innocent before simply bursting out in laughter, perhaps at his own rather childish jest. A hand striking across his the back of his head rather sharply.

”Not infront of the eleven year old dammit.” She grumbled as the food seemed to be more than ready now. Brandon offered a large toothy grin of apology before sitting down, resting his elbows on the large bar where his twin was sitting, offering a stool next to him for Niall to sit on. Large containers of food were prepared, different kinds it would seem, One harboring a rather large thing of lasagna, as well as just various things. ”Okay everyone foods ready.” With a snap the food seemed to levitate and arrange itself upon the large bar that everyone was seated at, serving as both table and over all place to set stuff.

Brandon found his stomach growling lightly at the sight and smell of everything around them. ”Mmm smells great.”

”Try not to drool all over the food, unlike some people I would rather not taste your spit.” Aaron noted with a small joking tone as the pate flew form the cabinets and placed themselves infront of the guests of the Hale household.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac January 31st 2014, 1:56 am

"Brandon!" Niall said, hushed with a little giggle before Arianna swatted the back of Brandon's head. Poor Silus just looked mortified before shaking his head. Niall took to his own plate and freed himself form the bonds of Brandon for a small while as he sat down and began eating. His taste buds filled, flooding with flavor as the smooth noodles, spiced sauce and wonderful meat all put together into a work of culinary greatness. The smell was wonderful, but did not an once of justice to the food prepared. Silus closed his eyes for a second as he seemed to look to the ground as if he were texting.

"Yancey, no. You're not allowed at the table." Hocus said kindly to the young pup, almost as if educating him. Kaisses sniggered as he nipped the pup's tail and dragged him back. The pup whined as it looked to Silus with big puppy dog eyes. Silus seemed a bit sad at the little pup's reaction. Silus was practically this thing's brother, and he was risking becoming a mean jerk to the newest addition of his own little familial unit. His pack looked up to him. Kaisses sniggered as he looked to Silus, wiggling his right eyebrow a little.

"Silus you're soooo meeeeean" Kaisses said a false whine to his voice. Silus seemed to turn away slightly, obviously feeling guilty.

"Enough Kaisses. They have graciously allowed us into their home and I refuse to let you make a bad example of us. Silus, don't worry. We're fine, we're wolves not people." Hocus corrected, reassuring the young Ethereal prince as he nudged Yancey and led the remainder of the pack away.

"We were humans before we were wolves." Kaisses snapped from the hallway, it seemed as if he and Hocus, whom calmly and softly stated that that was beside the point. Their voices faded and Silus returned to the meal at hand, enjoying a little of everything he could get his hands on.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen January 31st 2014, 7:24 pm

Brandon smiled childishly as Niall seemed to take enjoyment within what Brandon said, a small hushed chuckle emanating from his mouth. If Silus were not here, then he would have pursued within his joking but that looked that formed upon the kids face stopped him. Didn’t need to make him have nightmares or anything like that. ”Alright, alright I’ll stop.” He said chuckling to himself hands pressed against his stomach as he looked to everyone gathered within the room; including the talking dogs. One of them seemed to be talking to the other about not eating at the table, the pup being lectured about that actually.

Part of him felt sorry for the pup, considering that anyone would love to eat some of his moms cooking, she was like the best in the world or something. That was what Brandon thought anyway, as he chowed down on the lasagna that he piled upon his plate, eyes narrowing as he hummed in delight. Turning to Niall for a second, he returned to the food in question. In fact Arianna found herself pitying the pup, but he was right, wolves could not eat at the able, otherwise Brandon would want to bring his cats.

’Brandon, not to spoil your good time or anything, but you are aware that you have to take care of your son this week.” Arianna said out loud chewing one what looked like a large slice of ham. Brandon found himself choking lightly, before couching and slamming a fist against his chest.

”Did you forget that?” Aaron asked with a wry smirk.

”Nope, I totally remembered that.”” Brandon muttered awkwardly looking to the side, as his twin found himself chuckling lightly.

”Father of the year right here.” Aaron noted rolling his eyes.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac January 31st 2014, 10:02 pm

"Good boy." Niall said finishing off that little exchange there. Silus was sitting next to Niall enjoying the food prepared for him and the other residents of this home. He kept his elbows off the table, his napkin readily available and was VERY careful to not get any mess on the table itself. He took small sips, making his drink last, showing that he himself came form a well-mannered upbringing. It was moments like this that Ouroboros would have been pleased with...instead of Shael dumping his drink down Jordan's pants or a clump of spaghetti ending up on Sean's head. Everyone seemed to be getting along for the most part, which was good. Arianna brought up the fact that Brandon was getting his child today, which made Niall nervous. This would be one of the first times meeting the girl that Brandon has a child with...a thought Niall....despised? Was despised the right word? He didn't know really...he never despised anyone other than Sean.

"I dunno...I'm being raised by an eleven year old." Silus said with that drawn out "I don't knnooow" tone a little in his voice. The poor little kid couldn't cut a break completely forgetting that while he loved these people, they weren't as involved in his life as his regular family was. Niall's eye rose and his nostrils flared a little as his forehead scrunched. He looked off to the side and down to the child like he was expecting him to go on. Silus, however, was busy looking at his food, taking a little bit of it onto his fork and eating it.

"Anybody know what he means? Speaking of kids, who's the new Pup, is he Abra's or something?" Niall asked. Silus froze up, not moving, slightly alarming Niall as Silus' pupils constricted. His mouth closed and he put the fork down, looking over his shoulder for the pup. Sadness radiating out of his heart and making his body shiver a little, though he didn't let it show too much. He cleared his throat and placed his napkin on the table, the proper signal that signifies one is done with their meal. He would not excuse himself though, he'd simply play it off like he got lost in thought.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 1st 2014, 4:30 pm

Brandon had a feeling that Niall would not like to meet Misha and part of him would have rather not seen her today either, not when Niall was around anyway. So instead he looked to Silus with a confused expression, something about being raised by an 11 year old. How does that happen anyway? Did Ouroboros like dump Sean for a younger model, one that wasn’t getting old, or one that wasn’t as used? ’Wait, what do you mean by that?” He asked Silus with a rather curious tone, raising a brow a she leaned forward slightly. He would have asked more about that power, but then again someone caught his attention.

”Quite the party you’ve got here Brandon.” The female voice lilted, Misha seemingly appearing in the room, with a wriggling child in her arms and something slung over her shoulder. Arianna scowled lightly at the blonde, though she ignored that. As far as Misha was concerned, she was here for one reason and one reason only, not even paying much attention to the other two in the room. ”Don’t look at me like that Brandon, you were expecting me weren’t you?” She noted adjusting how the infant was resting upon her arms, Brandon realizing that he was scowling.

Turning to Niall for a moment, she then nodded to Aaron. ”Well this is a first for you, usually you just wait at the front door and drop him off there.” Aaron noted taking in another bit of food, before coughing lightly.

”I think its been a while since I saw the place, and I had heard of the renovations.” She said pleasantly as Brandon stood from his seat and took a hold of the young male, cradling him as the made sure that he also took the rest of the stuff. ”So who’s the kid?”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac February 2nd 2014, 2:06 am

"I mean I accidentally...turned Sean...into an 11 year old.. Eh-heheheheee." Silus said, scratching the back of his head with a nervous laugh. Suddenly before too many interactions could be registered, there was a sudden "interruption" of sorts. Apparently some pretty lady with a baby or something was supposed to drop the thing off at the front door. That sounds like what his brothers used to say about him...some stranger dropped him off on the palace doorstep.

"Yup....hey Castor lady." Niall said, trying to sound rather pleasant and happy to see her. He stood up for a moment and smiled as he looked at the baby, almost as if he were trying to avoid irking the already (possibly unstable) bitch not nice woman. He seemed to genuinely adore the little child that belonged to Brandon, but he also had a bit of a slight depression under the guise. Silus could feel the shift in his Ethereal energy, perking his interest. The Castor woman looked to Silus and mentioned him, which made him shy away by nature. "His name is Silus." Niall stated very matter of factly as he ran a hand over the shaggy brown hair.

"Uh...what's his name?" Silus asked, actually moving about and walking up to the baby, seeing the exchange, looking in awestruck adoration at the cute little guy. He was definitely one who looked like his mom...probably to the dismay of Arianna. He seemed to marvel at the little thing called life... it was hard to believe that just six months ago, Silus looked a little younger than this. Now here he was...eleven and proud. "He's cute..." Silus said with a warm little hum.

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 2nd 2014, 2:25 am

Aaron was the only one who really seemed to react to the news of Sean being turned into an eleven year old, snicker out loud as he pressed a hand against his mouth. It was…rich to him that somehow the male was once again forced to grow up, stuck within puberty or whatever it was. Brandon was mostly shocked at the sudden revelation and Arianna shrugged it off, possibly not expecting to really understand what had happened in the first place. It was Misha’s sudden appearance with the young Travis that caught his attention more than that, something about her annoying him slightly. The one that had broken Brandon’s heart a year or so ago, before he met Niall and all of this happened. Yet she continued to come into their life like nothing had happened, dropping off their child and then disappearing from his life once again. He hated the bitch.

”Hello Niall.” She said before turning to Brandon with a controlled expression, tghen smirking.. ’Also, a friend of yours is here I think. He said he was here to see you or something like that.” The child seeming to shrink back amused her, if only because it reminded her of Elena Marie’s child, the one who used to cling to the Crimson Witch’s leg so long ago. ”Hello Silus.” She also said to the young man seeming more pleasant than one would expect of the necromancer, looking to Travis and then his father, something within her expression shifting for a moment before correcting itself.

”Well if you’ll excuse me I have places to be, I’ll be back within a week to pick him back up. Make sure not to do anything stupid Brandon.” With that another voice seemed to speak out within the din of conversation.

”So, am I interrupting anything?” A brown haired male stepped in, Arianna raising a brow before relaxing.

”No, by all means join us. I made pie.” The male smirked widely and took the only seat not taken, as the Hale matriarch handed him a slice of the pie.

”Oh, his name’s Travis” Brandon said answering Silus before turning to the male in question. ”What brings you here?”

’Well if I do remember correctly, you scheduled a game night tonight and so I came over…tonight.”

”Um…that was tomorrow actually.” Brandon said somewhat awkwardly running fingers overe the back of his head, while still managing to hold the young child, who reached out for Silus hand with powerful grasping fingers.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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