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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 4 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 12th 2014, 6:33 am

Arianna cringed for a moment, not expecting the show of affection that proceeded from this Lucifer character, something about it seeming strange and yet right at the same time. As if she should have known him, and yet her memory carried nothing regarding him. ’I…am alive.” She would mutter pressing a few creases out from her clothing as the Hale matriarch would rectify herself, looking to the male with a curious expression, as if silently wondering what he was. Now came the explaining, something about needing a powerful ethereal presence to create the rift, and they would need a powerful rift to do so. The whole thing sounded legitimate enough, considering that holding open a rift like that would require quite a bit of power to do so.

Niall’s own question about it seemed to cause Arianna to shudder, a frown forming upon her lips as she thought over the possibility of someone dying for the venture. While they should be aware of the whole needing to be prepared for sacrifices, Arianna just never liked the idea; save when she were said sacrifice anyway. It was Niall’s speaking of a connection to death that interested her, though she had a feeling she knew who exactly this connection was, not that Brandon and Pat would know anyway. Aaron raised an eyebrow at the smile directed towards him and Pat….well he did the usual playing shy thing. Brandon chuckled lightly, flicking something at the metahuman while all of this continued.

”The death incarnate would do that for us?” Aaron would ask, as if not really believing what was said, seeing as how he was unsure of the male really would grant the request.

’Well I know of an ethereal that could perhaps help, but I don’t know where he is at the moment.”

”Well, you could just call.” A familiar voice noted as a blonde seemed to appear within the room, a blur really but Arianna could keep track of him. ”So what did I miss?” Yupp, and like a magnificent blur Naes appeared, and yet Arianna did not detect him coming.

Samael Christensen

Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 4 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac February 12th 2014, 10:29 pm

" got something on your face." Silus said, the inability to stop the smile on his face form forming was a dead giveaway that he officially was owning up to what happened to Naes' face earlier. He giggled and then cocked his head to the side. The fact he was there means he saw Zell, which means it would be odd if he didn't question what the hell happened. If he didn't say anything it would almost like he was in on it. Which he was but can you blame him? Silus just wanted his daddies to be together, regardless of which parts of them they were. He was still convinced that Naes would be with "Max" even if he knew he was Zell... then again Ouroboros knew best...supposedly.

    "What about his face?" Niall asked, seeing the motions Silus was making.

    "Hehehe... He fell asleep and I had a marker..." Silus giggled as he seemed to cringe up a little, expecting Naes to either spazz out or laugh about it. He shifted slightly and wiggled his eyebrow at Naes, one of the few people who knew the TRUE reason why Silus was called "Loki". "So uh... How's the other one? Your little look alike friend?" he let out a hmmmmm in satisfaction as he looked back to Luci, who continued to look around and smile.

     "Right... I'm from another dimension. One where Ouroboros never saved Arianna or Aaron. His soul was never divided into-mhhhm...ffhmm hmmmm" Luci said, as his eyes shot to the corner of his head, Silus leaping onto his back and covering his mouth. He whined and Silus sighed, the call was far too close for comfort. Silus moved his hands form Luci's mouth and Luci had a slight grin at Silus. Silus just scoffed and hopped off and cleared his throat.
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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 4 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Samael Christensen February 12th 2014, 10:53 pm

Naes frowned lightly at the male as he made a note of his face, one hand snapping to it as it dragged down his cheek. Of course he would mention something like that now, but then again he was called Loki for a reason, so it made sense. Niall acting like his usual dopey self perhaps did not help any, but luckily nothing was elaborated upon regarding the anecdote. ”So, am I interrupting anything?” Naes would ask, looking to Pat with a raised brow as the male seemed slightly confused by this newcomer. Granted he had met Naes before, the guy was kind of younger looking when he came upon him and they had gotten along for the most part. Arianna would be the first one to really say anything, shaking her head side to side.

”Not at all.” This perhaps was more than enough reason for him to relax, as he reclined against the nearest thing that one could lean against and then considered Lucifer, a person that he was unsure of. The faux ethereal knew nothing about this newcomer and that made him uncomfortable, and it was the strange aura that radiated off of him. It was definatly ethereal, but the texture of it alone bothered him for some reason. It was the last part that Luci said that caused his head to snap towards the strange ethereal even more, speaking of other dimensions and things like that, where Arianna and Aaron had not been….saved?

”No, do go on.” Naes would suggest with a perked brow as if silently directing him to go on.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 4 Empty Re: Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall]

Post by Zodiac February 14th 2014, 12:11 am

. "I can't because a certain somebody doesn't like my loud-mouth I guess." Luci pouted, and it was almost instantaneous that one would see that Silus felt bad. Though he stood by his convictions. Luci could for NO REASON tell them about Zell. In any fashion other than "Ouroboros is hunting him down to devour his essence" or some bullshit excuse that makes them believe that Zell wasn't the bad guy. Luci knew this deep down, but he was about to ruin everything anyway.

"Luci...we're not supposed to...this could have serious consequences." Silus said, though Luci only arched an eyebrow, in summer just asking the boy why he should care about the repercussions. Silus noted that he was telekinetically moved by the creature, his arms having glowing red-electrical-water looking "sleeves" on them, suspending him. "Luci...please?" It was a desperate attempt, genuine worry and concern in his eyes. I was impossible to tell, but Luci's heart sunk at the pathetic sight, but regardless he turned to Naes.

"Yeah. Zell Atterrius saved both Aaron and Arianna by overriding Ouroboros' control. It began this phase of their existence where they both began to meld and merge into one being. The tick? Zell overriding Ouroboros caused a large portion of Zell Atterrius to break off...leaving Ouroboros and being "reborn" into the world as another person, completely unaware who he is or the fact he has a very, very Primal Ouroboros who just kicked Death in the balls in order to come back, devour the goodness of Zell Atterrius once and for all... because if he doesn't devour Zell Atterrius before the Synthesis catches up with them, they'll merge back into one persona and the Hero Zell Atterrius and the evil Ouroboros will become one person, and he'll be a good guy with some...slightly questionable methods." Luci said. The best part? Utter fucking lie, but being the being he is, and how good Silus' acting was, no one could possibly know the difference. The truth was that Zell Atterrius the Hero knew who he was. But he was actually trying to cause the Synthesis, unbeknownst to Ouroboros...and thusly recreating the good man he once was...he hoped.

"So Zell is back!? Where is he!? I gotta help him!" Niall said, spazzing out a little at the thought his best friend was still alive.

"We don't know...I don't know what "My daddy" looked like before he was Ouro... I really wanna meet him... trying to keep my family of whack-jobs in line is hard..." Silus whined. Niall looked to Brandon, elated almost as if he didn't care about his own soul anymore. Silus then jumped in and continued on about the whole Soul thing. "I know Shi...he owes me... BIG TIME." Silus said to Aaron to reassure him that Shi would play along.

"Uhm, not that this isn't lovely, but I need to find Zell. Silus come bear you beautiful little braniac. I still want my soul back, can you make it happen while I look for Zell? Thanks love ya lad!" Niall said as he kissed Silus' forehead and ran for the door, leaving Silus both concerned and yet satisfied that he managed to make someone else that damn happy. Niall went running out as he felt the sun on his face. "Alright, if I were a Zell where would I be? Hmmm,...Where could I science?"

Punching werewolves and things like that [Niall] - Page 4 Guilty10
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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Number of posts : 643
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Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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