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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Samael Christensen July 31st 2014, 10:12 pm

Ryan yawned gently, rolling over onto his side and feeling the blankets pull away from his body. A rush of cold air would dance over his skin, and cause the male to shudder as the large black wings folded against his back would do the same, two small white spots on the back of one standing out amidst the black. Even in his sleep, the wings would remain mostly folded against his back, only occasionally twitching as something in his dreams caused him to stir in his sleep, and sometimes even mumble. Yet it was around noon that he woke up and around that time that his body woke him up, the young ethereal yawning as the blankets fell away and he was left only in boxer briefs. He was considering texting his parents of the past, but he remembered that Brandon and Niall were apparently on some vacation thing, a cruise it was.

His Uncle Aaron and grandmother were busy elsewhere and that left him with his sibling along in the Hale mansion. Not that he minded it really, seeing as how Aaron was the responsible one and they had Brandon’s golems to deal with anything that needed to be done, and them looking human helped. Running fingers through his hair slowly, he rolled out of bed, wings ruffling against his back slowly and slightly tired before becoming more compact, male stepping from his room and walking down to the bathroom that he was most used to using, stepping through the door and closing it. This was followed by his daily cleansing ritual, shower, deodorant and fixing up his hair. This took around thirty minutes and then he was out, blond hair dripping wet and the male for the most part not dressed, not that he needed to worry about it anyway.

”Now what do I want ta eat?” he muttered to himself as he slipped into the kitchen, digging through the large fridge for something to catch his interest.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Goliath July 31st 2014, 10:24 pm

Aaron sighed gently to himself as he looked up at the ceiling of his bedroom. He hadn't gotten much sleep, but that was quickly becoming the norm for the young Ethereal. Too many bad dreams, most of them involving his younger brother becoming fatally wounded. Ever since being sent back in time, Aaron had been experiencing a large amount of self-doubt. He should have been able to prevent them being forced back in time. He should have thought of a way. Aaron tried to push these thoughts from his mind as he got up from his bed, and pulled on a pair of boxer briefs. Nearly all of his family members were gone at the moment, and he wouldn't really care if Ryan saw him in only his boxers. He wondered if the younger Hale twin was awake yet. If he wasn't, maybe Aaron would make him breakfast in bed. He was used to spoiling his little brother, and he doubted that would ever change.

After going through his own morning routine, he gracefully jumped from the top of the stairs, to the bottom. He let his wet wings flap a little bit. He hated when they were wet. Aaron trudged into the kitchen were he saw his similarly dressed twin brother and smirked “You should probably let me handle breakfast if we want to live to see lunch” He quipped, but gave his brother a kiss on the cheek—their standard good morning greeting. Though their personalities were like night and day, the twins had been inseparable since their birth. Aaron firmly believed that the two balanced each other out, and needed each other to function. He grabbed some eggs from the fridge, and looked around for the skillet and cooking oil. “How do you want your eggs today, Ry?”

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Samael Christensen July 31st 2014, 10:42 pm

His head would snap to the sound of his brothers voice, one that was less drowned with the irish accent and the only trace was a small lilt that many would consider attractive, as where he laid it on pretty thick. That however could be chalked up to him trying to emulate Niall mostly, seeing as how most of what he did was just that. He did not really react to the peck on the cheek, save for a small blush as the male closed the fridge and looked to the male with only a slight frown. ”Well, you are a better cook than I am.” he admitted letting the frown turn into a smile as he leaned against the fridge door with arms crossed over his chest, considering a few scars that adorned his brothers chest. Battle scars as Ryan had come to call them and they made the male look badass mostly.

His brother would however reach to open the fridge and Ryan would move out of the way, turning to leaning on the counter while watching the male do his thing. ”I was thinkin scrambled would sound fine.” he said with a nod, lifting himself up and sitting on the counter whole watching his brother do his domestic thing. ”So hows my favorite strong man this morning?” he asked with a raised brow, crossing arms over his chest with legs that dangled over the counter and toes barely brushing over the tile of the kitchen floor. His wings would involuntarily rustle, doing that every once in a while much like a muscle spasm of sorts, considering that these wings were pretty damn new; luckily however Aaron had been trying to help him out with them, so there was that.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Goliath July 31st 2014, 11:19 pm

Aaron smiled at the sound of his brother's thick Irish accent. Whilst Ryan took after Niall, Aaron took after their other father, Brandon. He was about twice the strength of Aaron, and Aaron strongly idolized him. Aaron noticed his brother's slight blush, and chuckled a little bit. He never knew why his brother blushed like that, since Aaron had been greeting him that way since they were young. Aaron was usually the domestic one, when they were by themselves. It was simply easier for him to take over cooking when they were away from home, which wasn't very often. He sprayed the cooking spray onto the skillet and let it heat up before cracking two eggs and letting them sizzle a bit before beginning to scramble them.

“So how did you sleep?” He asked curiously as he cooked. Aaron hoped that his younger brother slept better than he did. Aaron waited a few moments before answering his brother's question. “I'm fine. Just had a bad night's sleep—as in, I didn't get any sleep at all.” He yawned as he finished up the eggs and put them on a plate for his younger brother. Aaron really hoped his brother didn't ask what was wrong, or think too much into this. He was too tired to think up some kind of believable excuse. He set the eggs onto the table and grabbed a yogurt for himself.

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Samael Christensen July 31st 2014, 11:35 pm

’How did I sleep?” He asked, miming the question before giving an answer, though one could mostly call it thinking out loud. ”I slept pretty good, had a long night of hero stuff and you know how that is.” he said with a smirk, pushing off of the counter and landing on the tile floor silently. He wondered if his brother was sleeping any better, or if he was sleeping at all, considering that something told him that he wasn’t. Not that he really needed to sleep, but it might have just been that the dwarf blood was stronger in his brother than in him, which might have explained the strength. ”Havin trouble sleeping? Doesn’t sound good at all, I know how much you like your sleep.” He teased lightly, twirling on the heel of his feet for a moment before looking to Aaron.

The smell of the eggs however caught his attention, as his eyes shot to the food, snatching it up and moving to the table, where he began to eat art it hungrily. He wasn’t really hungry, but the male did enjoy food, and he devoured almost anything placed before him, so that was a plus. ”Mmmm food is good as always.” he noted with a wide grin, swallowing another mouthful of the eggs, as he noticed his brother deciding to only eat himself a cup of yogurt, not that he was planning to judge him based upon his food decisions. ”So, wanna hear about the weird dream I had last night?” He asked with a raised brow, resting an elbow on the table wand waiting for an answer.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Goliath August 2nd 2014, 1:24 am

Aaron rose his eyebrows, looking a bit annoyed all of the sudden. He didn't like when his brother went out heroing without him. Not that he didn't think that his brother was capable, it was just the fact that he didn't like not being able to protect him “I thought we agreed that we hero together?” He said with a slightly inflected tone, indicating that he was a bit annoyed with his brother. He really did love sleeping, even if they didn't have to do it very much. It helped him clear his head and become refocused and recharged. Lately, he was lucky if he got an hour or two of sleep. He yawned as he sat next to his brother at the kitchen table, knowing that his thoughts would soon be off of the conversation, and focused on food. Which was something he liked about his brother.

“I was going to say dig in but you see to got that covered just fine” Aaron laughed a little bit and ate a bit more of his yogurt. The older twin didn't enjoy food as much as his younger brother did, but did like the taste of mild things like yogurt, fruit, and bread. His brother seemed like a dumpster, when it came to food. He'd devour everything in sight. At the mention of a weird dream, Aaron gave him an interested look. “Weird dream?” He hummed out curiously “Sure, what was it about?” Aaron took another bite of his yogurt, waiting for what was sure to be a very vivid and long story.

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Samael Christensen August 5th 2014, 7:21 am

Ryan smiled weakly to Aaron, apologetically almost as he continued to eat his food, wolfing it down as if he had not eaten in a while, even though food was not required. He knew Aaron was protective of him, but as Ryan always tried to get across, he could take care of himself well enough. He didn’t need someone looking over him all of the time, even though it was much appreciated. Now however he was busy enjoying the good food, shoveling more and more into his mouth until it was almost all gone. ”Yeah a weird dream….well and a little wet.” He added with a chuckle, playfully nudging Aaron before returning to eating at the food. He would let his tongue lick over his lips, the taste of the eggs even lingering there.

”Well I was fightin these werewolves, which is not really  weird for my dreams but that’s not the point.” He said with a dismissive gesture and a chuckle before turning to his story. ”Anyway, then one started doin some kinda dance, I think it was a jig and then all the werewolves broke into a musical number and then there was dance fighting. Then there were vampires, zombies and Michael Jackson, it was all kinda crazy really.” he went on smirking a she finished off his eggs, and then rested his elbows on the table, looking to Aaron.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Goliath August 5th 2014, 11:40 pm

Aaron knew that his brother thought he could take care of himself, but he wasn't really sure that he believed him. Not that he didn't believe he was strong or anything like that, Aaron just knew that his brother tended to either be too trusting of people, or too curious. He felt like that if he wasn't there to reel in his brother's lofty thoughts or ideas, it could end badly for the younger twin. “Wet?” He tilted his head and finished up his yogurt. He loved yogurt. It wasn't too strong in taste, and was very smooth. Simply perfect for Aaron. He licked the spoon with a satisfied grin and turned back to his brother, curious to hear about the dream.

When his brother finished explaining his story, Aaron couldn't help but laugh loudly. “That has to be the weirdest thing I have ever heard in my life” He leaned back on the chair. “I wish that I had interesting dreams like that” He admitted and picked up his brother's plate, and moving into the kitchen to put the dishes into the dishwasher. “What should we do today, baby brother?”

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Samael Christensen August 7th 2014, 11:15 pm

”The weirdest dream you’ve heard in your life? Then I guess I didn’t tell you the one about the pirates.” he added with a chuckle and a wink, reclining within his seat and feeling his wings fold tightly against his back, feathers rustling ever so silently. His brother would take the plates once they were clean and work on cleaning them thoroughly, Ryan resting his elbows on the table and looking to Aaron with a lazily raised brow, twin asking what they had planned for today and he was likely to answer that after a second of stray thought. What could they do anyway? He had not really thought about that until now, and the thing that came to mind was mostly something that he could do alone, considering that it did not seem to be his brothers thing.

”Lottsa things we could do in Chicago.” He said out loud, licking over his lips absently, trying to keep the chapped lips moist. With a motion he produced chapstick and applied it to his lips, hoping to keep them from getting all dry and cracked. ”We could probably go walking around that park not too far from here, or we could get some flying practice done. Oh, maybe we could like watch that new superhero movie that came out or something.” Ryan found himself just suggesting, not really putting a limit on what really. ”Sound good to you big bro?” he asked accent still rather pronounced.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Goliath August 11th 2014, 7:16 pm

“No, you didn't,” Aaron laughed. What he adored most about his little brother, was that he always had that light, happy, and playful attitude, that almost always made Aaron's mood improve. Aaron had a tendency to be very serious, and get absorbed in his work. His brother often pulled him out of this state, and encouraged him to lighten up. Which was okay every once in awhile. When he finished washing the dishes, he looked back to his brother, expecting him to give an answer. He was good at knowing fun things to do. Aaron was sure that he'd have a list of about 3 million things that he would want to do in Chicago. Aaron would just go to the library, if he had his way, but knew that his little brother would not have any of that.

“The movie sounds nice, then we could do something afterwards? Maybe lunch or an early dinner? I know how much you like your food” He chuckled and came back to the table, sitting next to him. “Then we could also have some kind of movie night?” Aaron hummed a little bit, leaning over to his younger twin brother, and gently pinched his nose. “I'm excited. It'll be fun to spend some time with my baby brother” He hummed.

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Samael Christensen August 15th 2014, 1:48 am

”After the movie would could like go to a cool Italian place, and eat a lot of pasta.” Ryan said with a smile, the idea of eating a large amount of pasta alone more than enough to excite the male. ”I’m getting hungry already thinking about it.” He noted then stretching as his joints popped. His mind would then move to his favorite food, which was pizza and how he had not eaten it in a long while, which meant he would have to get one of those soon too. ”Yeah, I’m so ready to go out now.” He said standing to his feet and yawning loudly.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Goliath August 15th 2014, 6:00 pm

Aaron could feel the excitement from his younger brother. Aaron double checked his wallet, to make sure that he had enough money to cover both a movie, and his brother's gourmand appetite. He stood up and stretched, letting his wings spread a bit before hugging them close to his body. With a soft hum he began walking towards the door, pulling on his shoes and walking out. “Hurry up” Aaron said with a small laugh and began walking down the street. He waited at the stoplight for his brother, looking him over to make sure that he was okay—which he would have no reason not to be alight, it was just an old habit.

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Samael Christensen August 16th 2014, 3:56 am

”I’m hurryin up.” Ryan said with a chuckle rushing to his bedroom and slipping into clothes, light blues colored shorts and a pink tank top with dark grey lining, running back down the stairs. He had slipped his wallet into his left back pocket, running back next to Aaron with a wide smile. With that done the two would begin to walk down the street, walking alongside Aaron with both hands behind his back, a skip in his step and overall happy. ”Wow, it’s a nice day out. All sunny and stuff like that, still a little windy though.” He rattled off in his accent.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Goliath August 20th 2014, 5:16 pm

“Wish it was a bit colder. I'm more of a cold guy” Aaron said gently and walked next to him. He had been feeling a little weird as of late. It probably had to do with him not taking his antidepressants, which if his brother knew, he'd probably get very mad. He didn't talk for awhile, staying close to his brother. “So, who's even in this movie? I don't know a lotta actors,” He knew that if his brother wanted to see this movie, there'd probably be a lot of hot guys, which Aaron was definitely okay with, though wasn't as pronounced about it. When they got to the movie theatre, he paid for the both of them and walked into the theatre after buying popcorn and pop.

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Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath] Empty Re: Dreams of werewolves and pie [Goliath]

Post by Samael Christensen August 21st 2014, 6:34 am

”I like the heat, reminds me of the beach and I love the beach.”” Ryan would say in regards to his brothers statement about the cold, hands held behind his head while he walked along. His brother asked about who was in the movie, and this actually forced Ryan to think about who was in the movie before he could answer that question. ”I think there’s that one actor that I really like, the cute one with the nice jawline. Also that actor who can’t act and looks like she’s constipated or soemthin.” He would rattle off as jovial as he usually was, the movie theatre in sight and the male only growing more excited.

When they reached the place, his brother decided to pay for both of them, Ryan deciding to carry the popcorn and his large Coke, sipping on it slowly while they walked to their movie. ”This movie is gonna be sooooo good.” Ryan would say with his grin still prevalent upon his face as he walked alongside Aaron.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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