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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by The Nekromonga September 30th 2013, 3:16 am

Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Philippine-island-hopping-samar-53

Neptune Underwater Resort, Private Island Docks

The Private Yacht that brought the Resort Guests arrived at the docks of a small, private Island with a few huts and a large dome structure on the other side of the island. The water around the island was crystal clear, allowing one to see the reef below.

“Uwaaaah~ It is so beautiful here, Ellie!” A tall asian girl in a tropical dress and flip flops exclaimed, holding onto the railing and looking around. The air was fresh and smelled of the sea, the tropical sun very warm.

“I know. Sometimes I forget it’s a big world, not every corner of it having... problems.” Right behind Xiaolongnu was a smaller, older woman in tropical business casual, wheelchair bound and wearing glasses. The lenses of her glasses darkened slightly at the sunlight. She had a colder, more rigid attitude, though around her ward, she warmed up significantly.

“...The flight alone... lasted so long.” Xiao yawned and stretched her arms, still shaking off the long international flight that eventually got them to Fiji.

“That’ll change soon, if I have anything to say about it.” Ellie said, confidently. She too was discomforted by the length of the flight, despite taking first class.

On the main deck, a young blonde Australian woman in a sharp blue uniform and skirt began her introduction, the screen behind her providing visual aid as she spoke. “Welcome guests, to Neptune Underwater Resort! We are happy to welcome you to this location, and look forward to entertaining you for the next five days.” The crowd applauds. Xiao helps Ellie climb down; yacht’s not quite friendly to paraplegics.

The screen cuts to a 3d presentation of the entire underwater complex; apparently there were two elevators from the island down to the resort- main and the service lift, which doubles as an emergency elevator in worst case scenarios. “The Resort features all the amenities to make your stay unforgettable, including a host of underwater activities! The commercial dome also has a library, gym facilities, spa, and the world famous Neptune Restaurant, Bar and viewing Dome.”

The presentation zoomed in on the habitation pods on the sea bottom.“Past the Commercial Dome are your personal underwater suites- and villas, for our premium customers- where everyone will have all the amenities they’ll need to have a comfortable stay... Now, are there any questions?” she asked.

“Yes. I am to believe that this Resort has connections to the Neptune Maritime Research Facility?” Ellie raised her hand and asked, her tone becoming significantly friendlier.

“Why yes, that’s actually correct. The research facility is financed by the same owner of the Neptune Resort, Robert Poseidon, as he is a staunch advocate of Marine resources conservation. A tour of the research facility is not part of the standard package, but is available on request.” The attendant explained.

“What projects is Mr. Poseidon looking into, in particular?” Ellie asked again. She was definitely not reading from the brochure. Xiao noted Ellie's ever-present curiosity.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not familiar with the research projects ongoing at the moment. Anyway, while the Resort staff transfers your luggage to the bus, please help yourself to complimentary refreshments.” Several kitchen staff emerges with carts, filled to the brim with sushi, sliced sea food, and dried seaweed, of all makes and kinds.

“These are... free?” Xiao asked, eyeing the sushi hungrily, grabbing a plate. The other guests follow and help themselves.

“A $75,000 tour package? I wouldn’t expect less.” Ellie said, a slight grin on her tired face. She felt slightly at ease seeing her ward smile at something as simple as food. Right then, Ellie’s phone rang.

“Hello? Excuse me Xiao, I need to take this call...” Xiao’s guardian excused herself, leaving the young dragon girl to her own devices. The food greatly helped.

Xiao decides to look around the boat a bit, as usual getting glances from men, being a usually tall asian girl, though a few more level headed tourists- mostly the women- point out she looks a tad too young. The clientel were international and most if not all seemed well-off types; businessmen on their phones, Saudi royals who groaned at the “small” yacht, pretty celebrities, a few top athletes and actors. Those who came by winning a lottery ticket comprised a fraction of the group, and kept to themselves- though a few had the guts to mingle with the stars, and some even got to take pictures with their favourite personalities.
Xiao focuses on the seafood snacks, quickly refilling after looking at the reefs and sea life over the boat. Looking at fish made her only hungrier for more fish, and this tropical fruit drink was so delicious and sweet. Thoughts of her troubles at home- School, work and hero work, seemed a world away now.

Last edited by Nekromonga on September 30th 2013, 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Arcana September 30th 2013, 2:30 pm

Elena took in the rich sea air, a rich smile curling across her red lips as she hefted the baggage within her leg hand. Michael was dealing with any baggage that the Shade Empress had not chosen to lift, and that was of course less than what her darling husband was stuck with. Michael could have complained, but he knew that his wife was a strong personality, even if she has this new body of hers, and it was a rather youthful one at that. The red haired beauty would waltz across the deck of the rather well designed yacht, dressed in a floral skirt and conservative shirt that seemed to both match her skirt, and convey tropical vacation, even if she knew that she was not going on any cruise.

The diminutive Asian male that was her husband would only lag behind a good foot, thinking over many ways that he would make his wife pay later on, though he kept a thin smile all of the way. He was dressed in khaki colored shorts that stopped only an inch below the knees, with a ridiculous floral patterned button up shirt, and sunglasses over his eyes. ”Elena, slow down, the ship is not going to toss you off if you don’t see everything.” He would huff following after the buxom woman that found it fit to make sure that she at least introduced herself to everyone there. The Crimson Witch would float about, talking to anyone that would talk to her, and they all seemed to warm up to her more than magnetic personality.

Michael could only lag behind her until he found a place to but the luggage, and of course someone kindly offered to take it, and he was more than pleased with that. She would go about her socialization until it someone would address the crowd about something and what caught her attention was mentions of the amenities for the high rollers like her. There was a question section, with one of the people going about with the whole putting them through the ringer with questions that Marie did not fully understand, but then again she did not care for what was being asked. If she did, the woman would have noticed a slight undertone that suggested something else was going on here, but then again she was sure that her magical power was sufficient for anything that could happen.

“Mam, your luggage.” A kind service boy offered to take her luggage along with what they took from Michael, and Marie agreed with a smile With that minor burden gone, she could focus on more important things, like getting to the resort and enjoying her time off from trying to overthrow governments, or something. Refreshments were carted around with large amounts of food, and that was Elena realized that she was hungry, or at the very least puckish. So she would reach out and pick on the many sushi rolls and popped it into her mouth, smirking as she chewed it up and swallowed. Expecting that she would want more than just a small taste, Michael grabbed two plates, and handed one to his wife.

”Thanks dear.” Elena chimed digging into the rather exquisite looking plate of food that she now held. The seafood slices were good, though she was more partial towards the sushi, and as all raw fish, it was a bit iffy when taste was concerned, but that was how things were. In the end it came to Marie breathing a small amount of fire upon the food, not too much considering that these people liked to gawk, and with the food now slightly cooked, it had a better feel to it if nothing else. Michael however couldn’t help but smirk at her insistence on cooking the food that was supposed to be raw, but then again he could not quite help it now could he? The Asian male pressed a kissed on her cheek and decided to try his own food, though he remembered that his mother made better food upon first taste.

”Elena, you know you’re supposed to eat it raw. Otherwise it’s just fish wrapped in seaweed .” Michael noted coyly continuing his eating.

”Well either way its fish wrapped in seaweed, but now I don’t have to worry about any kind of diseases. You know what they say about eating raw meat or whatever, and don’t start with me, it came from a fishes flesh; so its meat.” The red haired female explained, taking another bite of her “sushi” as she waited for anything else to be announced or something to happen. She would enjoy the sight of the reefs over the edge of the yacht and internally scoff at all the dignitaries complaining about how small the boat was, but then again she had already made a mental note that she could have gotten a larger boat if she wanted, though the more common folks would have been left out of the fun. The lithe red haired female would mostly walk around the yacht, allowing her to listen to a lot of conversations, and what caught her attention was a single asian female within her teens. Elena felt a throbbing from around her neck, the choker now only a pretty looking necklace seeming to act up, though nothing visible was shown, but Marie could feel it.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Prime September 30th 2013, 7:54 pm

Neptune Underwater Resort, huh? Arizona Thorne made a substantial effort to look both bored and irritated, as she stepped off the yacht and onto the ground of the island. Truth was, apart from all the rich and frivolous that were gathered here, she liked the place. Tropic climate, in the center of the ocean, with water going on and on for miles in most directions. Riz felt like taking a swim and following the ocean to its deepest depths. She had always wanted to do that, but unfortunately, she knew that her corpse would probably float up, if she hazarded it. So, she would have to stick around these annoying moneybags and try to socialize, if she needed to.

She waited patiently as the... (what was that woman with the australian accent again?) travel guide began explaining things and informing them about what the resort had to offer and stuff.

"Seriously? Most of the suite is underwater? Well, isn't that nouveau? I just don't wish to be here if an accident was to happen..." she thought, harboring the fact that she just might be the cause of the accident, since the M.A.S.T. was a terrorist cell group, and were capable of anything. Perhaps that might not be the case, though, as her current objective was to mingle and have fun. She had been informed that as time went on, she would be debriefed on what next was to be done. Inasmuch as standing around moneybags sounded stupid, it was surely a welcome break from stealing things, sabotaging pipelines and doing other uncivil stuff.

She wandered about, eventually picking up some assorted dish for herself that looked more puzzling than a Rocket science equation. Deciding to ask for help, she looked around and found herself standing next to a very tall Asian girl. Not so far away, there was a young woman with striking red eyes, who seemed to be watching the Asian girl, but Riz couldn't be sure. Anyway, she decided to try her hand at 'networking'.

"Um, hello, miss. I'm sorry, I know this sounds stupid, but how do I start eating this?" she gave Xiao a soft, friendly smile and gestured to the plate in her hands.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 28
Location : Under your skin, where you can't bite me.
Age : 110
Job : Doing jobs
Humor : My favorite DC character is the Joker. Know why?
Registration date : 2013-08-06

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Madame Versailles September 30th 2013, 9:12 pm

Ever since her departure from that organization, Madame Versailles had been laying rather low. Picking up a few well paying jobs here and there. From celebrity makeup jobs to secretary assistant all the way to bodyguard. She mostly enjoyed the makeup jobs. It was a chance to use one of her most mundane skills to benefit her. She enjoyed this industry because of how low key it was. Her name was not very highly known, and those that did contact her were only the best of the best looking for her services. It was flattering and put her in a high rank amongst this dimension's race of humans.
There were a handful of traditions that Madame had decided to participate in, such as smart phones and the internet. However she found no use for a house or a bank account. Her belongings were perfectly safe in her personal private dimension. She did however create a legitimate location at which she could be reached or when an address was required for registration for something. It had simply been a small area of land which she purchased and gave a mailbox. This location was easily accessible from her pocket dimension so it was very simple for her to check the location. Besides buying the custom cuisine of the planet and what taxes she needed to pay on her small area of landshe did not spend her money so she had quite a bit saved up. Her 'friends' in her pocket dimension were her personal tellers, bank safe, security and insurance.. They would count the money, organize it, store it and protect it. Not that anyone could access her personal pocket of space, it was just for her own personal peace of mind, and something for her friends to do while they remained in her pocket dimension.
While on the set doing makeup for a upcoming movie, she was invited to attend a vacation getaway only catch being that she needed to pay her own way. There was no arguing from her, she had all this money saved and nothing to do with it. A few days later she spoke with the travel agent and her trip was booked.

Unfortunately, a lot of the payment for this trip had to deal with the customary forms of human transport which required her to purchase miniature and temporary storages for her belongings, or at least some of her belongings. She needed to at least blend in with the rest of the crowd. Thankfully for what she had paid for this trip, she was getting the best kinds of treatment. It seemed that the airport she was attending knew of this vacation, the crew of the plane, and even at the landing gates there were individuals welcoming her and leading her towards the next step of transportation.
Madame was brought to a yacht which took her and the other guests to a very remote location. It was an island with a couple of manmade objects on it. Madame took her time exiting the ship, but was not the last one off. Upon making it off the nice boat, a young gentleman awaited to take the luggage she had brought along with her. Very kind and efficient staff that they had running the place, that was for sure. It was like she was back in her own universe being treated like the royalty she was.

There was a nice lady who began to explain the resort and how they would be spending their time underwater. Fascinating no doubt that the people of this time were able to come up with this on their own. It was impressive to Ms.Versailles. One guest asked about a research facility that was connected to where they would be staying, which ended up being true. Also interesting, she did wonder as to why they would connect a research facility. She could only imagine it would have been to save money. Must of been awfully costly to construct an underwater resort, they were clearly still trying to make up for it judging by the cost of this vacation.
Madame began to mingle a little bit as a tray of hors d'oeuvres went around. A couple of the guests had been celebrities she had done the makeup for. Whether they had been form a television program, or a commercial there were a couple of people who she recognized and who had recognized her. Ever since spending more time in a social environment, she has adapted quite well to the lingo and different phrases that people use. A great deal of this had been from the 'social media' she had been a part of.

Overall, this looked to be a very promising and memorable experience. Rewarding too, in some aspects. The previous clients she had were talking to the other celebrities there letting them know of her work, so her name was spreading even further. And the individuals on this trip were not chumps. She paid for a ticket, and assumed that at least most of them had as well. She could tell, however, that there were a few here who must have gotten lucky on their possession. It could be seen simply in the way they stood. There was one man in particular who did not seem interested in any of this trip at all. MV couldn't help but feel a little bit of suspicion towards this man. Maybe once everyone got settled and things turned a little more social she would try to interact with him. Mostly for her own conscious so that she would have nothing to worry about. This was going to be a relaxing time, just as she thought earlier. Relaxing and memorable.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 104
Registration date : 2012-06-03

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Zell September 30th 2013, 9:37 pm

      So, an underwater resort is it? This was going to be interesting. Granted, Ouroboros was used to being surrounded by the sea, ever since he created the elusive Ethereal Isles. Speaking of the Ethereal Isles, he was suddenly being shoved out of his own castle! The red cloaked man with black hair and the same unnerving smile was forcibly dragging him from the castle. With rooted in feet and a tug, Ouroboros attempted to defy the will of his seneschal, but in the end he found himself persuaded to their side of their side of things. Ultimately, Ouroboros turned himself around and waltzed right back into Valhalla, The Black Castle to pack and actually prepare himself for an actual vacation.

       "...Remember, it is the utmost importance that none are alerted of my little 'recreational pursuit.' Also, be sure that Zakaken does NOT abduct the children in the city for food or test subjects. If he does, do not attempt to reason with him, simply inform me as soon as possible and I will come back and deal with him..." Ouroboros began as his councilors, he dismissed the elder, Bastion and the champion Akirva, leaving Austrathin, whom Ouro called Austin, and the Femm Fatal, Xarlessa at each of his sides as he cleared through the doors to his chambers. Once in there a little figure hopped up and looked around, frantically as if he were expecting something to up and attack him. The muddy colored hair was flat on his head and he was covered in water, a few scales spawning at random locations on his arms. "Also, make sure you keep him away from Sean. Failure to do so shall have catastrophic results that will likely result in the Death of all you hold sacred...and THEN I'll get to work." He warned the remaining councilors.

      "Of course. The Titan shall be none the wiser." Xarlessa said, almost as if she were too confident. Though if ANYONE were able to keep a secret form Sean, it would be Xarlessa. The method she decided to harness her Ethereal energy made her very...manipulative.

     "Yeah, he's all good here." The other said with a smile. Ouroboros felt more assured knowing that his two favored councilors were both perfectly aware and ready to take on the Titan should he attempt to snoop around. Snooping was unlike the Titan...but Ouroboros would never be too careful.

      Ouroboros met Cyril outside the Ethereal city, just where the green grass met The Final Frost. The large Dragon lowered itself, allowing Ouroboros to mount it, and within seconds they took off high on wings of crystal ice. The winds too and the howling chill of the region of The Final Frost. Before leaving sight, Ouroboros looked back to the beautiful city with the streams of glowing waters. He was uneasy...this was the first time he was leaving his first born in the care of others. Granted, Jordan WAS an accident...but he was a powerful little tyke. Perhaps Jordan could have come with him, and trained his hydrokinetic abilities. It was too late now, the large Ice Dragon was too far gone, and knowing Cyril it would take far too long for Ouroboros to convince him to return him to the city.

       The Ethereal king found himself at the resort, Cyril had dropped him off secretly and Ouroboros took the short trek the rest of the way there, allowing him to procure transportation. The boat that took them where they were headed was rather elaborate in it's own right, it was truly an upper class vessel. Then again, The Ethereal King expected no less. He slightly grumbled when he realized that there were no proper weapons on the ship, making him feel vulnerable, especially with his "old friend" probably in the water somewhere trailing after him. The formalities done, Oruoboros found himself in a dining hall, where he would eventually find a seat alone. A small glass of red wine to remind him of Zakaken and thoughts of home lingering in his head, he would begin to relax, and try to enjoy himself.

      Ouroboros found himself with a plate of hagfish, a Korean delicacy and some extra sushi wrapped in seaweed. The animal within him highly enjoyed seafood, though Ouro would confess, the desire to grow a tail and play with the hagfish was rather tempting. Taking a sip form the wine he overheard a rather humorous question.

 "I know this sounds stupid, but how do I start eating this?" The voice asked. Ouro leaned forward and some of the wine dribbled from the side of his mouth through the smile that suddenly formed. He cleared his throat, picked up the napkin and properly wiped his mouth. Before he fixed the collar on his nanite-created button down and pulled the sleeves of his blazer.

     It took a serious amount of discipline for Ouroboros to not turn his head and answer her with a smart assed remark such as "With your mouth.". It was tempting...but he didn't say it. This vacation might actually be interesting...Humans always did have that ignorant charm.

Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by The Nekromonga September 30th 2013, 10:07 pm

Xiao was a bit too oblivious to being watched, but Ellie took note of Elena's interest... the spy's paranoia ever present. Perhaps her demeanor was caused by her crippled state, but not even useless legs discouraged Ellie from being protective and observant, taking note of all the people who she didn't recognize. She moved over to the buffet table... how long had it been since she last ate normal food, rather than protein shakes and supplements?

Xiao meanwhile, still had half of a large piece of sashimi sticking out of her mouth when Riz approached, as she had to slow down to chew and look a bit more civilized. She was still a kid after all, and needed all the nutrition she could get to grow!  

Slurping in the fish, she apologizes to Riz. "....oh, sorry about that. I just love seafood. Well, sushi is usually eaten by dipping it in wasabi." Xiao said rather meekly to her, showing her the green paste mixed with soy sauce. Xiao pops another sushi into her mouth, smiling back to Riz. Of course, to the uninitiated, real wasabi was a very sneaky spice. having even moderate amounts of it tended to have amusing effects of foodies- one moment it would be like a cold paste... then out of nowhere, a ninja kicks your nasal cavity from the inside! Xiao though was used to the spice, reacting by fanning her mouth when she had just too much.

Ellie too, having an extremely bland palate, reached for some iced tea when she tried wasabi for the first time with her sushi. Xiao giggled at her guardian's reaction, and Ellie smirked as well.

Once everyone's bags were on the bus, the tour guide came back on the socializing deck. "Ladies and gentlemen, the bus is ready to go." The other tourists, numbering no more than 3 dozen, climb onto the large, spacious buses.

Xiao wipes her hands on a napkin and again helps Ellie onto the transportation. She was even considerate enough to let Ellie take a window seat, sitting next to her. "This is so exciting..." She said, being a foot taller than her guardian allowing her to still get a view of the island. All the support facilities were up here.

The bus ride would be quite short, barely fifteen minutes, as they took the scenic route around the island towards the Lift building. The seats were arranged to maximize interaction, arranged to face each other. Ellie behaved fairly socially, and Xiao was friendly with whomever she sat across from.

The Lift

Once they arrived at the Lift Chamber, there was a short walk across a glass platform that afforded a view of the entire Resort below, lit up in the darkness of the ocean floor. The tourists were all ooh's and aah's and other amazed sounds, as the large commercial dome seemed suspended in the water, while the suites and villas appeared as tiny specks of light. All of the luggage would be stowed in secured carts near the center of the lift, to reassure the guests their items were well taken care of.

The elevator ride down to the underwater resort in itself was a spectacle; The elevator shaft was transparent structural glass, with all the machinery and equipment in the center, so everyone could get a nice view wherever they sat on the lounge-like lift. Some of the guests go and begin taking pictures with cameras and cameras-in-phones, though the tour guide warned them. "No flashes please."

Of course, a few flashes here and there were unavoidable, startling some of the larger... specimens swimming by, causing them to bump into the shaft. The glass was, thankfully, very strong, and the fish's antics only made the tourists laugh.

Xiao marveled as they begin their descent beneath the surface, the clear water filled with all sorts of sea life, internally wishing she could go for a swim out there and meet all the delicious, er, wonderful sea life... Ellie's expression though, remained unchanged as ever, as she remained deep in thought.

"Smile!" Xiao said, trying to cheer her up. Ellie smirked again, and contented herself to watch the fishes. Xiao sighed and walked around again, making eye contact with a few of the 'special' guests.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Arcana September 30th 2013, 10:50 pm

Lithe fingers would curl around the pendant hung around a pale throat, while those on the other hand kept hold of her plate perfectly. Something within her had senses something, the dragon seeming to roar and trash as if it wanted to come out. Marie however knew that would do no good when there were so many people around, and doing so would only cause unneeded panic that she could not afford to deal with. Michael noted the strangeness within his wife’s behavior, a little worried that somehow her new body was acting up, or maybe someone was harming it somehow.

Michael popped some sushi into his mouth, enjoying the food far more than Elena it seemed but that could just be appearances. In a few moments the pulsation within her chest would stop, and she could relax once again, though perhaps cursing her Celestial people for placing such a bothersome thing within her in the first place. Marie would trail her fingers through the fiery red hair before returning attention back to her food, which still sat there sullenly upon her plate. The Crimson Witch then began to dig into it, this Wasabi sauce she had heard so much about not as bad as expected, granted that it did nothing to one that could spew fire through any orifice.

”You like it?” Michael inquired taking another bite of the fish he had swiped from one of the carts, tasting some kind of seasoning but not sure what it was exactly. That was of course when Marie felt it for a brief moment, something that caused her very soul to revolt and a chill to crawl up her spine. It was an energy, and a strange one that she could not quite place. Her eyes darted about but no one really seemed to stand out, other than one male but then again she was on vacation, no need to worry about details like that.

”It’s okay, I’ve had better but not bad,” Marie said with a shrug now digging into something that she could only guess was cod. Tasted better than the sushi and that had the woman eating more of it than before, red orbs still seeming to scan the small yacht after feeling that strange energy, and causing a slight rise within her own energy. Then the bus was announced to be ready, and that everyone could get to it, which meant that Marie could get closer to the destination, and begin gawking or whatever it was she was expected to do; because if anything, she was good at playing dumb’Finally, I was beginning to grow bored.” Elena noted finishing off her plate, and placing it on the nearest cart before making her way to the bus in question with Michael in tow.

She would end up sitting across from the same Asian girl, though Elena mostly ended up conversing with Michael. He said it would be like a second honeymoon or something like that, considering that their first was interrupted by a large cat demon, but then again that was how  it always went. For now they were the happy married couple, both looking in their mid twenties, and young enough to not really have any children, seeing that Elena was as thin as a twig, but considering how Arianna held onto her figure, exceptions were made. They held hands, smiled at each other and did all the lovey dovey stuff that she remembered doing.

It was once they arrived at the lift chamber that Elena found more interesting sights, and she rarely found things interesting. They would walk across a glass platform that would lead them into an elevator, where all luggage was stowed underneath, while they stood there and were lowered into the ocean, where one could see the lights of a burgeoning city underneath. When everyone was on, that was when the descent was made, and she could see all of the marine life swimming by them. ”Wooooah, amazing.” She would say with false stars within her eyes as she clung to Michael, and they descended into the depths.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Prime October 5th 2013, 12:09 pm

OOC: I'm late. Sorry. Really.

The Asian girl replied courteously, and explained to Riz how the sushi ought to be eaten. Okay, that didn't sound too difficult. She watched Xiao for a second, then smiled gratefully. "Thanks a lot." Taking a pair of chopsticks, after having watched enough people closely to be able to try it out herself, Riz picked a sushi, rolled it around in the wasabi, and then put it in her mouth. It proved to be rather tasty, if not almost too spicy, but Riz liked spicy foods, so she sure could manage.

It was interesting having a vacation like this... especially when vacations were not part of your every day life. Riz understood that she could not dwell on the luxuries and pleasantries for long, because she had another agenda from most of the people that were here. Perhaps it was best to start by asking questions. However, here was not the right place for all that; most, if not all of the people here, were just guests and would know nothing much about this place. Now, where was that tour guide...?

It was just at that point that the guide returned and announced that it was time to take the bus. Placing her plate down (she was just about done with eating, anyway), she made her way into the bus along with the other tourists, and the journey to the lift began. The island was a pretty one, and Riz thought idly how all these rich folk actually managed to procure all these little land masses in the center of the ocean. Did they just stumble on it and pitch a flag, or would they have to find some Organization of Isolated Islands and register up with them? In a short time, the buses arrived at their destination, and Riz got into the Lift chamber. She was actually surprised, when she looked down and saw the resort below them, like some thing out of a science fiction movie, beautiful and mysterious. But beyond that, it was like the cold, shadowy ocean depths were calling to her...

The journey down into the sea only increased Riz's longing to become one with the murky water way below the earth's surface. She wondered at this feeling, because she had never experienced anything like this. It was almost like she was longing for... home. Maybe it had something to do with her ability to control water, but since Riz had had an amnesia, she still believed that she had always belonged to the surface world.

Eventually, she made some serious mental effort and pulled herself away from the longings that she felt, her eyes glancing this way and that, for the tour guide. Ah, there she was. Riz made her way to the woman, and asked politely,

"Pardon my interest, ma'am, but as a scientist, I'm very interested in knowing how such a large and powerful resort can manage to power itself. It can't be fossil fuels, because the by-product of the energy generation would most likely cause pollution. Could it be Geo-thermal energy, perhaps? Or tidal power?"


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 28
Location : Under your skin, where you can't bite me.
Age : 110
Job : Doing jobs
Humor : My favorite DC character is the Joker. Know why?
Registration date : 2013-08-06

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Madame Versailles October 6th 2013, 1:25 am

Everything was running rather smoothly. The socialites were social, The food had been prepared perfectly, and was spot on with the environment. It was almost exactly what Madame had been craving. She did not fill up too much on what was provided, as MV expected there to be quite the exotic amount of cuisine more than likely located in the water's depth.
The conversation was momentarily interrupted as the guests and tourists were instructed to proceed to the transportation busses. They had a nice, friendly set up which encouraged the conversation. Madame tried to sit with the fellow she had been curious about earlier, but unfortunately she was seated and surrounded by her peers too quickly. The busses took a scenic route around the island to showcase the untouched nature of the environment. It was very lush and almost inspiring. Versailles took a couple of pictures with her camera phone as the colors were just so natural and bright. She had been working on developing her own makeup line after the popularity she had gained from working in the industry, but that was a different story.

The little ride was a short one as they arrived at what appeared to be the lifts that would take them down to the main attraction, the underwater resort. Madame only hoped that this whole experience would be worth the hefty price of admission. The lift was glass and very spacious. All of their belongings had been placed in the center of them all as they descended. The view was very impressive, space age technology to say the least. It did in fact remind Versailles of the technological advancements that they had made in her own now lost universe. The wild life swam casually around the the glass column they carried the visitors down to their temporary homes, who began to take pictures even though they had been instructed to refrain from any flash photography. The water seemed calm and refreshing. MV definitely looked forward to the relaxation portions of this vacation.
Once they reached the bottom they all dispersed and the guides began to show them around the resort. Things were looking up. Things were looking good. Madame was looking forward to her stay at this over priced luxurious underwater human gimmick.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 104
Registration date : 2012-06-03

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Zell October 6th 2013, 5:47 pm

    Sneaking off for a moment, Ouroboros retreated to the restroom, where he pressed a small chip inside the right sleeve of his Hydra-skin, disguised as his button down and blazer. This button snapped and a hologram popped up from the very button, projecting images of other disguises it could take on. The first design made Ouro shake his head with concerned eyes, it didn't exactly suit him.  The second design was more to his level, but perhaps a little too overdone on his part. Leather jackets were his typical wear, and wasn't a vacation meant to get away from the norm? The third design was a little too casual, but definitely something to consider at a later date. The fourth  design offered to him made him laugh as he noted the marks on the left arm. "" He said, The left arm with markings was already trademarked by a certain someone he knew, and it didn't really suit him anyway...even as clothing. Instead he opted to the next one. The final design was something of interest. It was an old French military attire that took a more humble Italian twist with a let armed stole, similar to that of a priest. It wasn't exactly practical, but Ouroboros liked it. "Make it traditional, get rid of the annoying sheen, turn the gold threading and design to emerald green and turn the rest black...chop chop." Ouroboros said. Within seconds the nanites buzzed around and with them the entire attire with a faint glow. After altering form and color in unison. He now wore more formal black slacks, and a chain watch from the left side down to his pants pocket. He stepped form the bathroom and he made his way back to his seat.

      Ouroboros boarded the bus, picking a seat, with none other to fill the area next to him. He was perfectly content to be alone, it was a feeling he had conditioned himself to as of late. He was growing into a rather isolated member of society, even to his own people, though none truly knew why. Perhaps it was just a phase, or perhaps there was an underlying issue. Regardless, he silently sat, only observing a rather young couple off to the side. Ouro growled to himself as he looked out the window, almost feeling physically ill.

      Tidal power would be interesting, utilizing underwater currents to fuel the facility. Geo-Thermal is not as interesting, but certainly just as effective...if not more so. It could in all reality be the process of cold-fusion. After all, the hydrogen atom is quite convenient in such a setting. It would be a one time cost and even excluded through taxation if written off correctly. It would also explain the rather large cost of such a resort....then again it could be- Ouroboros thought to himself. He would prattle on in his mind, giving of hundreds if not thousands of different complex ideas and theories as to how an underwater resort such as this one could survive. Instantly his mind began running with possibilities, adaptations to be made in order to further advance his own people. He watched around as they descended into darkness. Ouroboros contemplated the reactions of little Jordan when he returned home and told him of being in a place surrounded by nothing but water and sea life. They descended for a short time more before he heard a question that was similar to his earlier. Though his mind had processed so much so quickly that he had already placed it in the back of his mind.

       "Pardon my interest, ma'am, but as a scientist, I'm very interested in knowing how such a large and powerful resort can manage to power itself. It can't be fossil fuels, because the by-product of the energy generation would most likely cause pollution. Could it be Geo-thermal energy, perhaps? Or tidal power?" The voice came from a young woman. One whom seemed to follow his line of thinking. With beautiful white hair and icy eyes, Ouroboros had began wondering exactly what the deal was with this particular woman. She was obviously a person of interest, and as such she would be watched. But that was only busy be done if Ouroboros bored of his stay under the sea.

      Ouroboros only partially listened to hear the answer, as he had already formulated new and better concepts that would probably have been more efficient and practical...though to simply have his original question answered would be nice. He began looking around at the other guests, seeing very few of interest, but there was one that seemed to stick out above the others. Perhaps it was the strange colors, all forms of pastels or the elegance and the proper posture. She was another one to watch out for...not because she was intelligent, that was something Ouro did not know, but she was certainly someone who stuck out. There was also the hey would soon reach the resort. For now Ouro was content to return his attentions to the glimmers of light around the descent.

Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by The Nekromonga October 6th 2013, 8:14 pm

“Well, for secondary power sources, the Island above has solar panels and windmills, while the resort itself has geothermal power supplied by the excess generated by the research base. Oh! And there is excavation work ongoing for the resort to have its own power, soon.” The pretty blonde tour guide explained, her accent giving her Australian heritage.

The lift stopped at the lavish elevator lobby of the mall.

“We’re here, ladies and gentlemen.” The tour guide opens the railing, and the tourists, Ellie and Xiao disembarked. Ellie herself seemed slightly moved- she had to mildly scold her tall protégé to close her hanging mouth.  Henceforth the tour was a walking one, to the chagrin of some of the more rotund guests. The Australian tour guide walked with a very elegant gait, and gracefully showed her guests around.

Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) 351zdhz

The Neptune Aqua Mall was, for lack of a better term, a large donut-shaped structure suspended midway between the island and the suites. A three level structure with a generous atrium, skylight and glass floor for maximized views, and a great many high-end stores lining the outer ring, it is frequented by many more foreign tourists and visitors from Fiji but not staying at the resort proper. The center of the mall was dominated by a large caged aquarium, lit up, the fishes attracted to the lights and feed, caged as to provide the Neptune Restaurant with fresh ingredients.

The Neptune Restaurant was the most prominent, commanding a dome extending from the main structure itself, having a grand entrance way and spanning three levels, with a walkway connected to the ‘Aquarium’.  The menu alone featured an international cuisine, though of course their specialty was seafood, boasting grills with wood imported from Osaka. It was a world class restaurant indeed.

“We have numerous amenities for your stay here; we have a media library, wedding chapel, stores for all your needs, arcades, complete gym facilities, and 8 GBPS wifi throughout the resort. The beach above is accessible at any time, though you might also enjoy the beach down here.” The tour eventually reached the other side of the mall, where another massive dome –housing a fully functional beach! – was situated. Where there was supposed to be sky, there was instead structural glass and the sight of the currents.

“Complete with diving tours in mini subs, jet skiing, and other sports. For those more adventurous academic types, you can sign up and pay for a tour of the research base there.” The tour guide continued. At the entrance to the beach, uniformed employees awaited.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your stay. Your baggage will be sent to your suites, and here are your room keys.” The employees hand out electronic key cards with personalized guest names.

“Again, welcome to Neptune Resort- I’m your tour guide, Harriet. For more information, visit me the concierge desk by the lift. G’day and enjoy your stay!” She leaves the group to their own devices, and sure enough the guests go their own ways.

“Where do you wanna go first?” Ellie asked her protégé, pocketing their keycard.

“Gift shop!” Xiao said almost instantly, somehow even more excited than ever.

“The stuffed toys?” Ellie asked with a wry smile, a sharp deduction.

“Yes ma’am!” Xiao responded, enthusiastically pushing Ellie’s wheelchair, the occupant telling her to slow down.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Arcana October 7th 2013, 5:29 pm

Marie’s ears caught wind of what sounded like one of the many guests, though they asked a rather interesting question concerning how power was distributed to a place of such size. Her hair was an unnatural looking white, one that could be easily mistaken for being bleached, and for a moment the Celestial Sorceress believed just that. However such notions were easily brushed aside as she remembered that she had seen much crazier colors of hair within her home realm, so that took away some of the surprise. Red orbs would swivel about as they took in the details of everyone of importance within this elevator, which came down to a strange blonde male that radiated interesting energy, the woman with hair as white as snow and then one painted rather generously with makeup.

Keeping an arm hooked around Michael’s, Marie kept up the façade of the young married couple, and Michael seemed to do just as admirably. Keeping an ear out for the answer to such a question, Marie let her attention stray back to the city below them. It was different than how she kept her small city within the sky powered, but then again not all had access to items of nearly infinite magical energy. ’I think I’m going to like our stay here.” Marie mused only loud enough for Michael to hear, which pulled him from contemplative stupor. Part of her noticed the facial hair clinging to his chin carefully and then back to the city/ resort. Soon enough they made their stop, elevator opening out to what looked like some sort of mall.

Still the ocean was visible around them through glass, and to anyone with slight paranoia, this was a perfect hell. Fish floated about. One thing that however caught her interest was the many stores that filled this mall location, filled with the many wares that came with such a place. One thing that especially caught her attention was a large restaurant, one that even had its own dome in comparison to the mall section. Either it was some high quality cuisine or someone had the money to demand that they have their own section made, but either way it was already on her mental checklist to see while they did their vacationing. Still the idea that there was a wedding chapel amused Elena even more. Michael noted the smirk that crossed her lips upon its mention. ”What are you thinking?” He questioned raising a raven eyebrow.

”I was thinking as soon as possible we get you out of those dorky clothes, and do something fun. Like shopping, maybe eat out at that fancy restaurant and whatever.” She mused running a perfectly manicured fingernail along his shirt pensively. After the tour guide finished her explanations, keys were handed out and Marie took one of them before gluing herself back to Michael. ’Now that we’ve thrown off the ball and chain, how about we have some fun?

”You’re not having fun already?” Michael teased slightly.

”Well as fun as it is to hear an Australian woman chime off information, I was here to relax. I am feeling hungry though, the sushi did not really do it for me.” What came with being a Celestial was an increased need for food, and that meant she could eat twice as much as normally without feeling as bloated. Part of her hated it, but then again to keep a figure, one had to eat as well as make sure to keep a proper exercise regimen.

“First I thought you wanted to do some shopping or whatever.” He reminded her. ”Since in your great foresight, you forgot to bring me any formal wear, or anything that’s not absolutely horrific. I swear I wouldn’t even make a dog wear this crap.” Michael huffed.

"You act like this is some elaborate form of torture.” She noted innocently, resting a head on his shoulder. "Fine, we can get you something more…..fashionable.” With that she drug the poor male off, perhaps to work on getting a better wardrobe picked out.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Prime October 7th 2013, 6:13 pm

Arizona nodded sagely as the tour guide replied. It was expected that there would be power sources on the surface and deep within the complex. And of course, such a place with high standards demanded back up power supplies. If her mission involved her having to cut off the power, she would either have to find a way to disable the solar panels and wind mills, which was not as realistic as simply excluding the underwater complex's circuit system from external power supply. With any luck, it wouldn't get to that. Something in the guide's reply interested her though: the resort intended to have its own power. That, and deducing from the guide's words, the research base generated enough Geo-thermal energy to run this place. Riz was sure by now, that M.A.S.T. was interested in whatever the Neptune Maritime Research Facility was working on, or producing.

And then the tourists arrived at their destination, which was awe-inspiring, to give it to the Neptune guys. Riz drank in the sights with her eyes, fascinated at how the ceiling and floor were transparent enough to show the flora and fauna of the ocean, but solid enough to withstand all the pressure of a thousand feet walking on them. "Some glass variant or crystalline polymer, no doubt. Interesting. It is rare to see such advanced technology all around... and here I was, thinking I was really smart."

As she paced around, looking for all the world like she was gaping at the surroundings, her mind was already working on the next stage of actions. Was there any security present? Certainly, there would be mounted cameras, most likely hidden, for surveillance purposes. But what she wanted to know was the method by which the Neptune security officials (for they were bound to be present) would attempt to stave off terrorists and such folk, who could at some point in time, strike at this resort. She couldn't really see any weapons around at the moment, but she was sure to keep her eyes peeled for anything that looked similar to a defense measure.

Riz received her electronic key from one of the employees, looked it over, and scoffed at the name written on it. Melissa Grant. Like that was her real name. But of course, it was a safety measure; it was basic knowledge to come up with a fake alias when doing all the clandestine and spy missions. Slipping the card into a pocket, she headed straight for the concierge desk.

"Good day, ma'am. I heard you mentioned a tour of the research base. Well, apart from enjoying the exquisite hospitality, one of the reasons I'm here is to learn more about the wonders of science. That being the case, I am, of course, interested in the scientific tour. May I make a reservation now, and if yes, when does the tour begin? I would like to cool off and freshen up first."


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 28
Location : Under your skin, where you can't bite me.
Age : 110
Job : Doing jobs
Humor : My favorite DC character is the Joker. Know why?
Registration date : 2013-08-06

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Madame Versailles October 12th 2013, 2:31 pm

This was nice. Madame was very much enjoying her time so far at this resort. One of the workers took her bags and went off in a separate direction, taking her luggage to her room wherever that might be. Only a little while later she was handed a personalized key card. It read "Madame Versailles". It was the simpler things that added the more luxurious touch to places like this. She waltzed off with one of her celebrity friends that she had made over to their shops. The little gifts and trinkets the offered were cute, but nothing really caught her eye.
"I'm going to go check out the rooms, so I'll meet up with you later okay?"
She said with a smile as she exited the shops and began making her way towards the suites.

She stopped a couple of times to ask employees where she was headed, as this establishment was large and confusing. A map or directory of some sort would greatly come in handy. Eventually she found it and used her special card to enter her room, and Madame was impressed to say the least. There was a gorgeous view of the crystal clear waters, marine life swimming buy. The bed was enormous, and the bathroom fit for a queen, or Empress rather. Versailles unzipped one of her bags and took out a smaller cosmetics bag and scurried over to the vanity where she began to touch up her make up. Reapplying blush, touching up her lipstick, refreshing her mascara. Basic things that faded as the day went on. After that was finished she stood up and walked back over to the door and locked it, walking back into her room she vanished completely.
Madame reappeared inside of her personal pocket dimension greeted by her pets, protectors and friends. All five of them.
"Oohh Vorxx, Flower, My Buttons and Kit. This place is wonderful!"
A chair materialized beneath her as she sat down.
"Most definitely worth the money. It's been strange though. Adapting to this world's currency. It is surprising what a large role that it plays in this world. But oh well, to each his own."
She spoke to her company as she relaxed in her chair. 
Time passed a little differently in this place, so she could take all the time she needed to relax before returning to the real world. There was no doubt that there would be other events planned for the evening, so After a few minutes in her dimension she returned to her room and began to unpack the rest of her suit cases. Handing up all of her outfits and taking over the bathroom with an unnatural amount of cosmetic products. Afterwards, she grabbed a little clutch with a couple of small items, her phone, room card, mascara, lipgloss and a compact, and set back out to rejoin the other vacationers.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 104
Registration date : 2012-06-03

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Zell October 12th 2013, 9:56 pm

What was Ouroboros to do? They were in a mall, and Ouroboros had no real interest in many of the places there. He did however find himself keeping tabs on the members he had seen that interested him. The young couple kept close as to be expected, the snow haired scientist made her way to ask about touring the research center, the young Asian girl took off, wheeling someone towards a gift shop of some kind. The last guest stuck out like a sore thumb, the woman painted with make up and an aura of sophistication as she walked gracefully away with another figure that others seemed to recognize with ease. They all went their own ways, and it was now up to Ouroboros to make his own way. With some time to kill, he cleared his throat, pulled on the sides of his fine shirt and positioned his regal uniform into perfect placement. As he fixed himself to looking his finest, he stepped out, and began walking towards any old store.

       He passed many different stores, he even managed to pass a hardware store. If Ouroboros didn’t know any better, this place was almost designed to be an underground city, or maybe a prototype. It was probably his paranoia, but he was immediately turned sour by the prospect that he was taking part in a potential failing experiment. Then he realized that the law suits and the prices were enough to tell him that he was simply paranoid. Besides, who would have the audacity to do such a thing…him aside that is. He passed the hardware store, resolving that he would come back to it later. He first made his way to another store, one with a large mortar and pestle. How wonderful, there was an apothecary. Good to see that medicinal drugs were available.

       The pharmacist was the first place he would visit and his first purchase was an Epinephrine auto injector as a contingency, as well as gather other supplies that he deemed might be crucial in a pinch. Of course, he was careful to watch the prices. While he was not cheap, he was certainly responsible with his wealth. The rich do not remain rich by squandering it all. By the end of his little escapade through the mall, collecting items and hording supplies, he had accumulated an Epi Pen, emergency inhaler, a canister of bio-foam which could seal just about any wound to prevent blood loss, heavy duty gloves, and a security lock that reacted to finger prints, a ten foot cable of copper wire, a box of waterproof matches, and gallon bucket with some lead wool. With all of these materials, he felt a little more at ease with his surroundings. He made his way to his room, the wonderful service of the facility being able to take the purchased good there ahead of him. He took liberty to go to his room, room number seven. He strode in, shedding only the stole that draped over his shoulder, and he placed it on the coat rack at the entrance of the elegant room. He stepped in, and smirked at the accommodations. This truly was worth every penny.

       A nice living space, a Bedroom with an excellent view of the ocean, the lights given off by the facility simulating a daylight that allowed a small distance to be seen. The place was practically a small house or apartment, which was perfect for him. Without hesitation he made his way to the delivered bags and he poured the contents out upon the tables, taking a nice empty brief case he had brought with him and placing the contents inside, being very space conscious as he did so. Opening the bags that he had brought with him, it revealed that he had smuggled in syringes and a small tank of oxygen, all claiming that they were instrumental to maintaining his health. With his entire inventory in check, he made his way back to the public. He entered the elevator, and soon he would rejoin the remainder of the upper class patrons whom had arrived with him.

Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

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