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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Zell October 12th 2013, 9:56 pm

What was Ouroboros to do? They were in a mall, and Ouroboros had no real interest in many of the places there. He did however find himself keeping tabs on the members he had seen that interested him. The young couple kept close as to be expected, the snow haired scientist made her way to ask about touring the research center, the young Asian girl took off, wheeling someone towards a gift shop of some kind. The last guest stuck out like a sore thumb, the woman painted with make up and an aura of sophistication as she walked gracefully away with another figure that others seemed to recognize with ease. They all went their own ways, and it was now up to Ouroboros to make his own way. With some time to kill, he cleared his throat, pulled on the sides of his fine shirt and positioned his regal uniform into perfect placement. As he fixed himself to looking his finest, he stepped out, and began walking towards any old store.

       He passed many different stores, he even managed to pass a hardware store. If Ouroboros didn’t know any better, this place was almost designed to be an underground city, or maybe a prototype. It was probably his paranoia, but he was immediately turned sour by the prospect that he was taking part in a potential failing experiment. Then he realized that the law suits and the prices were enough to tell him that he was simply paranoid. Besides, who would have the audacity to do such a thing…him aside that is. He passed the hardware store, resolving that he would come back to it later. He first made his way to another store, one with a large mortar and pestle. How wonderful, there was an apothecary. Good to see that medicinal drugs were available.

       The pharmacist was the first place he would visit and his first purchase was an Epinephrine auto injector as a contingency, as well as gather other supplies that he deemed might be crucial in a pinch. Of course, he was careful to watch the prices. While he was not cheap, he was certainly responsible with his wealth. The rich do not remain rich by squandering it all. By the end of his little escapade through the mall, collecting items and hording supplies, he had accumulated an Epi Pen, emergency inhaler, a canister of bio-foam which could seal just about any wound to prevent blood loss, heavy duty gloves, and a security lock that reacted to finger prints, a ten foot cable of copper wire, a box of waterproof matches, and gallon bucket with some lead wool. With all of these materials, he felt a little more at ease with his surroundings. He made his way to his room, the wonderful service of the facility being able to take the purchased good there ahead of him. He took liberty to go to his room, room number seven. He strode in, shedding only the stole that draped over his shoulder, and he placed it on the coat rack at the entrance of the elegant room. He stepped in, and smirked at the accommodations. This truly was worth every penny.

       A nice living space, a Bedroom with an excellent view of the ocean, the lights given off by the facility simulating a daylight that allowed a small distance to be seen. The place was practically a small house or apartment, which was perfect for him. Without hesitation he made his way to the delivered bags and he poured the contents out upon the tables, taking a nice empty brief case he had brought with him and placing the contents inside, being very space conscious as he did so. Opening the bags that he had brought with him, it revealed that he had smuggled in syringes and a small tank of oxygen, all claiming that they were instrumental to maintaining his health. With his entire inventory in check, he made his way back to the public. He entered the elevator, and soon he would rejoin the remainder of the upper class patrons whom had arrived with him.

The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by The Nekromonga October 14th 2013, 9:28 am

The clothing stores at the Mall were many and varied, featuring only the best names from around the globe, with selections guaranteed not yet released anywhere else- this mall apparently was important enough to warrant a season pass to designers’ creations. There were also many aquatic themed clothes, and actual wetsuits and body fitting apparels.

Aside from a few uniformed staff to offer assistance the security here in the mall was hidden in plain sight, but an experienced eye could likely single them out. There were lots of taller than usual Australians who weren’t here as tourists, in plain but slightly bulky clothes. There were several ‘staff only’ doors hidden cleverly in the Architecture, including one right behind Miss Harriet’s concierge desk. The large size of the mall complex meant there were plenty of support areas. The speaker systems meanwhile, were not any recognizable model available on the market, and the floors and walls definitely had grooves and lines blending seamlessly into the mall’s design. If the mall did have defences, they certainly weren’t advertising.

The Suites could be accessed by another lift at the elevator lobby where Harriet’s desk was situated, going down to the little glass spheres dimly lit on the ocean floor.

Harriet smiles as Riz approached, being assisted by another staffer who did the computer work, updating her clientel profile. Harriet Poseidon was the face and voice of the Resort, which was only appropriate for her large role with the Neptune establishment.

“...First tour is after lunch, 2pm, while the second tour is after dinner, 7:00 pm. Tour is US$500, inclusive of the Research Tour and the Exploration Tour.” Harriet handed Riz a bill, waiting for her to pay with either cash or card.

12:30pm, Neptune Restaurant

The Neptune Restaurant was large and round, so that every seat had a commanding view of the ocean. It was large enough to have a mezzanine level as well, allowing people on the mezzanine to also look down upon their fellow diners. The center of the establishment was dominated by the kitchen area, the cooks preparing all the food in plain sight. Nearly all cuisines were available here, be it American roasts, barbecues and steaks, Italian pizzas and pastas, French and danish pastries, Chinese short order, ocean chilled desserts... but seafood was of course the most popular fare, people actually climbing up to and picking out their meals from the large aquarium connecting to the restaurant. As a result, unless the sea creatures were dismembered and thoroughly cooked, the food tended to twitch.

Ellie and Xiao as always had lunch together and the waiters came with their orders. They helped themselves to very large grilled king crab, apparently grilled on wood imported all the way from Osaka, Cantonese style steamed grouper, seaweed jelly, and fried seafood rice. Xiao also ordered an extra plate of freshly sliced koi, the head still twitching, trying to breath. She looked at the animal with a bit of pity, but ate the still gasping head first anyway. Ellie’s seaweed jelly slipped off her chopsticks, as she simply looked at Xiao blinking as she ate the head, and Xiao couldn’t help but giggle as she chewed.

Just as Xiao was about to crack open a crab leg the size of a pig’s femur, the lights blinked on and off, and tables were shaken, a few wine glasses placed carelessly on the edge of tables falling over. A gasp rose from the tourists, and more than a few quickly stood up, seemingly ready to sprint for the exit.

“Uuuhh... Earthquakes underwater?!” Xiao said in a panicked mandarin, standing up from her seat a bit too quickly and moving the table forward. Ellie was hardly moved though, keeping calm even with the threat of a seaquake while inside an underwater structure... while she was paralyzed waist down.

The speaker system echoed throughout the mall, Harriet the tour guide’s friendly ozzie voice reassuring everyone of their safety. “...Ladies and gentlemen please be calm, it’s just mild tremors from the nearby drill site for the resort’s geothermal rig. Looks like they’ve run into an underwater cavern of sorts, and the drill punched through pretty deep. The tremors are expected to continue, but don’t worry, the Resort is built to withstand 8.5 magnitude earthquakes.”

The crowd slowly returned to their seats, relieved. A few people were talking about leaving early, ‘just in case’; most people complained loudly about why there was drilling activity near enough to the Resort as to cause tremors. After a few minutes, things were back to normal, and people resumed their day-to-day activities. Xiao helped herself to several more plates of fresh sea creatures, though Ellie was more than kind enough to foot the astronomical bill.

1:30 PM, Adventure Area: Submarine Tours

The sub tours seemed to be among the more interesting things to do for the adventurous types, actually taking a mini sub towards another underwater complex our out to the ocean floor. However, most of the guests had an aversion to touring a research facility, and preferred instead to go exploring the life on the bottom of the ocean; both tours would also apparently take them near the dig site for the future geothermal station.

Ellie and Xiao were of course, signing up for both tours, and they’d go take the exploration tour after supper. They had changed into semi-formal wear, since the temperature down here was much cooler than up in the tropical sun.

“...You look like you could jump into the water right now. Ever swam this deep before?” Ellie asked, noting that Xiao had her wetsuit underneath her skirt and blouse ensemble.

“Once, in the South China Sea. It was when I discovered I could actually breathe underwater. Oh, what I’d give to be able to swim out there and meet the fishes.” Xiao said, enthusiastic but not too loud, as to not give away she was some kind of super diver.

“...And giant squid. And whales. And volcanic vents. Maybe next time.” Ellie said, as they reached the submarine pen, greeted by, again, Harriet the tour guide.

“I just hope there will be no more quakes...” Xiao said, quite unnerved by the earlier tremors. Statements like those were just tempting fate.

Xiao and Ellie waited patiently in line, the younger girl smiling at whoever was behind her in queue, as they went aboard the large tourist sub. Once again, it was slightly cramped, and conversation would be hard to avoid with people close to each other. The sub would wait until it was filled to capacity.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 36
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by Arcana October 31st 2013, 4:44 am

”Are you sure this looks good.”Michael questioned, as Elena looked over the dark colored suit that he was being fitted for, something that she thought would work perfectly for a romantic dinner in the underwater city. It was some kind of pretentious Italian suit that sold for a ridiculous sum of money, but when you had an infinite amount of wealth, it was but a small expense really. The red haired female ran a single painted finger nail down the span of the tie, inspecting it with a careful eye before giving a final verdict.

”It looks lovely on you, perhaps even more than that suit I left back in the home.”Sure she meant the castle, but then again it just sounded more normal when you spoke about homes instead of your floating doom fortresses above destroyed cities. ”I think I’ll take it, and everything that comes with this little suit.” The young looking male attending them, dressed just as finely, and with a nose pointed towards heaven nodded and walked away. Michael grumbled to himself, rolling his shoulders as he looked down on what he was wearing, remembering why he hated to dress formally in the first place.

With a click of her manicured nails, Marie produced what looked like a small credit card from her purse, one that had everything fixed before she would use it in the first place. Hefting the small bag with her purchased dress along in the crook of her left arm, Marie motioned for Michael to follow after he changed back into his clothing. There would be plenty of time for them to change into formal wear when they were cozy within their room, but for now it was time that they enjoyed the wonders of an underwater city, after she purchased the item anyway.

This little spree would last for only an hour, leaving them what felt like enough time to prepare in their little suite. The couple approached what looked like a lift one that led to the higher class suites, ones that they had paid for with copious amounts of cold hard cash. It was a short ride, and the two found themselves in the room, one that held a rather amazing view of the sea through hopefully well reinforced glass. Michael chose to sit down on the king sized bed, leaning back as Marie ran a finger over the glass that separated her from the sea beyond. ”I think I truly am going to enjoy it here.” She said with a small smile, trailing a single nail along the dense glass before turning upon her husband, who was kneading one of the pillows with a consistent fist.

”Are you sure it was smart to leave the castle in the hands of those goons working under you?” Michael wondered, turning to look upon her with a quizzical expression, one that made her unable to repress her lip falling into a flat line. ”I mean you do run with psychopaths after all.”

”Believe me; I have nothing to worry about with them. They may be dangerous, but if anything I can trust Xelek and Lyra with keeping my castle safe from the more destructive members.” Marie plopped into the bed, tackling Michael within the process. ”Don’t sell me short darling.”For a brief second, she kissed him, a brief sense of elation running through her body, before the asian male pulled away somewhat breathless.

”Of course, your second in command, can’t believe I forgot about him.”

”Well he isn’t one for loud pointless words, the man is concise and that is something I value in my allies, which I have a precious few of.” Michael was fully aware that the woman considered most of the members of her shadow organization nothing more than disposable pawns, being that she could throw away if it came down to that. ”But enough about business, we are having a second honeymoon.” She pressed two hands against Michael’s shoulders, forcing his head back against a pillow, mischievous expression decorating her face. ”So I’m sure you know what couples do on honeymoons.”
Within a few hours of them settling down within their hotel rooms, and that, hours had passed. Marie had tried on her dress, and considered every conceivable style of makeup that would accentuate her features even more; all in the hope that she would look good for their fancy dinner date tonight, and for now they would first scope out the restaurant in question, dressing in their best casual clothing, which consisted of a simple blue jean shorts that cut off above the knee, and what looked like a simple white graphic tee, standard fair for the couple, though Marie found her clothing more form fitting than Michaels.

All ready for a wonderful lunch, the two would make their way to The Neptune Restaurants personal dome, one which indeed impressed. No matter where one sat, they had a wonderful view of the ocean, which seemed to show that this entire place was nothing more than a sightseeing tour of the ocean, but that was not a bad thing. Within the center of the area was what looked like an impressive kitchen area, chefs of all kinds preparing food, from American favorites to any sea food that one could imagine. Everything spoke of the amount of money that went into this amazing bit of architecture, but then again when one spent large amounts of money on something, you would bet that it was obvious. While Michael found himself hungering for some of the seafood, Marie chose something more familiar, or at least not something that was breathing only a few seconds ago. She would have been a vegetarian, but the taste of a good steak was what kept her from that, or any well prepared meat for that fact.

The sound of something shaking the facility caught her off guard for a moment, body seeming to stiffen as if she were ready to do something. As if within a minutes she would set off to fight an unknown foe, unleashing torrents of the celestial flame, but in the end the reassuring speaker voice would tell them all was well; though she felt that was not all true. Still, with a smile upon her face, Marie ordered the largest steak that they served, ordered medium rare, while Michael chose something that looked strangely like an octopi, eating the wriggling tentacles with a relish that made her want to vomit. Sure his inhuman body would not get sick from anything, but the sight of it was something that made her feel squeamish. However, once they were finished with the small lunch, and both were satisfied, that was when the real fun could begin, in the form of some kind of underwater tour.

It was the underwater tour that they had jumped at as soon as Marie had heard about it, delving into the ocean floor in a rather spacious sounding mini submarine that her money was more than able to foot the bill for. Marie had decided to change into something warmer, forcing Michael to do the same. They found themselves standing behind the rather excited looking Asian girl from before, and her paraplegic guardian. All they had to do was wait in the line until the sub filled to capacity, and hopefully that did not happen until they made it on.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater Resort Vacation (NOW CLOSED)

Post by The Nekromonga December 3rd 2013, 9:19 pm

((Prematurely terminated due to loss of interest.))

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 36
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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