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The City of Dreams...or not(invite only)

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The City of Dreams...or not(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: The City of Dreams...or not(invite only)

Post by Forceaus December 30th 2012, 3:59 pm

Pierre was attempting to properly converse with the flying one and convince him to come along with the trained agent and get him to join Dominus.Pierre was sure that this bold young man would be up to joining such an organization.He was even being honest with him and it seemed to be working.Well mostly.The flying one could not seem to decide as if he were having immense trouble processing the information that was being provided.The woman that had paralyzed him with her power and then walked through the wall in order to get away from him was still focused in on his mind it seems.That same woman had returned to the scene.She was now demanding to know of the things he had mentioned to the young one.How she had heard any of what he had said he know not the reason of.Not like he was left much time to ponder on such an intriguing query.She had reused that paralyzing technique again.This time on Pierre himself.He was finding himself barely able to move as she questioned him.His agents seemed to have notice and were now calling in for a signal to notify them what course of action to take.

This was a tough call to make for the highly trained operative.Being paralyzed such as he was now had made things quite tough to manage.He was being forced to think quickly on this one.Agent Ruptor knew that he simply could not allow the order to fire to pass and thus needed to make a different one.He was sure he could convince the one to join and this other one seemed interested as well but mainly out of defiance.Finally he decided on what to do."I will speak." he told them both."There will be no need for any form of violence at this time.I will answer your questions young lady.I will not answer them however under these exact circumstances.I will say nothing until you have freed me from this whatever you call it that has me unable to even move.We shall talk only under circumstances that are fair to all three of us.Is that understood?" he asked boldly of her and as he waited for her to respond he planned out what he was going to say.

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The City of Dreams...or not(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: The City of Dreams...or not(invite only)

Post by The Phantom December 31st 2012, 11:18 am

Maximum waited in the air flying above the two people on the ground as he processed everything that was being said. He knew he wasn’t the smart one of the group but he wasn’t dumb either, he would have made it through collage with a master’s degree in business had he not been accepted into the National Hockey League and then sprouted wings a year or so later. He raised an eyebrow when the lady who paralyzed him asked if the men who were sent after her were underneath the control of the man in the suit. He wasn’t sure what men she was talking about but if the man in the suit had sent some people after her than there was a whole other side of this story to consider.

When he was waved over to the ground by the paralyzing girl he considered it for a moment then did so and landed beside her, his wings folding back behind him and settling down. He wasn’t quite sure what to believe right now but he did want to hear what each of them had to say. The first being what exactly the man in the suit was talking about and then the second being what the girl had meant by people being sent out after her. If he didn’t like what he heard from either of them or one or the other than whomever it was wouldn’t be too happy afterwards either. When the man in the suit agreed to talk and tell them what was going on he nodded his head. “Let him go miss, paralyzing him isn’t going to do you much good when he will not talk like this.”

It was true too, if the man wasn’t going to talk being paralyzed then un-paralyzing him was the only sensible thing to do. If he still didn’t explain himself after that, well Max was sure he could get the man to talk he wasn’t called the brute with wings for a reason. Sure, he may only be a boxer an ex-hockey player but he was pretty sure this guy couldn’t take more than one hit from him before his bones snapped in ways he didn’t even know they could. He wasn’t going to actually do anything like that of course, but making the threat never hurt either. That or taking the guy and dangling him by his hair five hundred feet in up in the air never seemed to fail either. Everyone said they were not scared of heights until they were actually up there with nothing to protect them from the long fall down.

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
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The City of Dreams...or not(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: The City of Dreams...or not(invite only)

Post by Millenia Murcielago January 2nd 2013, 8:13 pm

Millenia rolled her eyes, whatever happened to decent interrogation methods these days.
"Ugh, fine..." She casually waved her hand and released the spell causing the red glow tp fade completely. She glared deep into this mans eyes as she still did not trust him or his motives. He was up to something, but just could not quite put her finger on it. Letting her guard down is exactly what he wanted her to do, the other heroes guard had been down from the get go. However, attacking either of them would prove her point. This man was in quite the situation and best had a tongue of silver to get himself out of this one.
Millenia pointed her index finger at him fully extending her arm, her finger was still a few feet away from his person. A green glow emanated from the tip of her finger condensing into a small sphere of energy.
"I'm sure you understand. You can move freely, even run away if you please. But try anything funny and I will send you into the void."
She did not have the powers to send anyone into the 'void' so to speak, honestly it just sounded cool. If the man knew anything about the void he would probably assume her very powerful, maybe even more so than he thought now. Worst case scenario is this agent looking talks the winged hero onto his side and uses him against her. He may have been tricked once by her magic, she would have to get lucky to get him again with the same trick. Even so, he did not seem like the fellow that would take to being fooled twice too lightly. Though her focused remained on the man in the suit waiting on his response, prepared to blast him into oblivion at any moment...

Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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The City of Dreams...or not(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: The City of Dreams...or not(invite only)

Post by Forceaus January 6th 2013, 7:26 pm

Pierre made his claim for having the woman release him from her spell. He simply waited for her to either do so or force him to order the attack.A couple of his agents were still in sniper position hidden atop a couple of rooftops and ready to fire if need be. He was always one for having backup plans prepared. Pierre prepared what he was going to say to them both once he was released from the spell.Assuming he was released at all that is.There was no telling if she would agree to free him. He might have to figure out how to break free of this all on his lonesome.Pierre was sure he could break out of this whatever it was if he were to try but at the moment any effort on his part would surely be noticed and possibly cause the woman to attack him while he was mostly defenseless.

He merely stared boldly at the woman as he awaited her response.Eventually it came. He was freed with the condition of telling them both more about the organization he had mentioned to the flying one.Luckily Pierre had figured out just what to say.He was not sure at all if he would successfully convince either one of these two with what he was about to tell them but it was worth a shot."As I was saying earlier, I work for an international organization dedicated to dealing with major threats worldwide.I'm a part of a unit that recruits superhumans to participate under the concept that all of us want to keep the world safe.Even those that aren't always treated like they belong in this world. I was merely extending an invitation to this young man after having heard of his heroic actions in this fair city and came here to ask him about joining.The reason I did not ask you miss, is simply because I did not even know who you were or that you may have been interested." he told them and let that all sink in for a moment.Pierre took a second to breathe before concluding"So tell me, are either of you interested?"

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
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