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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 8:58 pm

He looked at her with a surprised expression on his face as he felt her touch his face. He felt his eyes close as he felt the softness of her skin. Damn these emotions. Why couldn't he just be a sociopath? At least that way he wouldn't have to feel the painful reminder of their leaving him. He opened his eyes again and looked at her, extending a tentacle outwards to wrap around her body and pull close until they were chest to chest. He stared at her with a lecherous leer on his face as he grinned psychotically at her. "I suppose I can find it in this twisted black heart of mine to place just a bit more trust in relationships again" he said with a psychotic smirk on his face as he extended another tentacle outwards to slap her on her ass in a joking manner.

Hana Saku
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 9:07 pm

Amelia smiled at him as a tentacle slid around her waist and pulled her towards him. She met his psychotic grin, with her own, her pearly whites glistening in the twilight. She hugged him tight and grinned happily, she had never thought it would come to this with Chaos. It was almost too good to believe. "Really? You are going to give me a shot?" She laughed softly and looked at him contentedly. "Thank you Chaos." She jumped slightly and laughed as he slapped her ass. "Careful Chaos, you don't know what you are getting into with that sort of playing. "She winked at him and grinned.

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 9:12 pm

Chaos snickered to himself when she winked at him. He figured that if she was a fan of him, then she wouldn't mind going on a murder spree with him. That would certainly consummate their relationship. He never had a girlfriend of his go on a murder spree with him. "Well then my dear, I think to celebrate our new relationship, you and me should find some unsuspecting squishies to slaughter. We can show the world that a new power couple is in town and their names are Chaos and Discord" he said with a mad, insane cackle that sounded like it would break glass as he cackled psychotically in the night. The thought of having a lover that shared his love of crazy really got him excited, not only to do the nasty but to also commit more crime. It made him very excited, yes indeed. So excited, in fact, that he could sing.


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Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 9:26 pm

Amelia couldn't help but laugh and grin at his offer of celebration. " I think that would be a great idea, I always enjoy that activity myself." She chuckled softly at his excitement. She was sure he wanted to stretch his legs too, after being confined underground for as long as he had been. She cracked her knuckles and stretched, sliding her tongue along her lip to catch the blood from her still bleeding bottom lip. "They won't know who hit them Love." She laughed, throwing her head back to take in the morning sunrise. She got goosebumps from her excitment as she pulled Chaos's clawed hand in urgency to get started.

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 9:32 pm

He grinned at her and pulled her onto his back, giving her a piggyback ride. "Hold on love, we gotta make an impression on the squishies. Let's be discreet to start things off. As soon as we kill some squishies, let's get out of this city. I don't want Pain to stop us so early on" he said to her as he morphed into his human form and started running full speed into the streets of New York. He knew that even with the early hours, there would still be some gangs or other two-bit crooks around to slaughter. After all, there are an abundance of those ickle amateurs and they never learned to stay out of trouble, what with Pain being the hero of the city and all. Only a fool would commit crime around here, either that or someone really confident in their abilities.


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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 9:42 pm

Amelia held him tightly as he hoisted her onto his back. She squeezed him a little and laughed. "I have never gotten a piggy back ride!" Her grin was as wide as could be and her laughter rang in the air. She fell silent as he spoke and she nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "Whatever you say Chaos. You know these things better than I do." She rested her head against him as he morphed and began to run, her thoughts on the upcoming fun ahead. She wanted to impress him very badly, and she hoped she didn't make a fool of herself. "Were will we go when we leave the city? Someplace far away?" She didn't really have anything to worry about leaving behind, so the thought of just up and leaving didn't bother her one bit.

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 9:51 pm

Chaos laughed to himself in a jolly manner as he slowed down to a slight jog to insure he didn't knock anybody over. He didn't want to bring any attention to himself and his new lover just yet. No, he wanted to be discreet until it was time to show these squishies the funny side to life. He whistled innocently to himself as one of his hands moved up from underneath her thigh to give her right asscheek a quick smack. He snickered to himself as he moved hand back down and continued jogging through the streets. The people around them gave them wary looks, the two looking like one of the weirdest, strangest couples they've ever seen. He mentally sneered at them, disliking the disturbed looks they sent him and his new partner. "Yes, some place where ickle Scarface won't be able to interfere. After all, surely there are no heroes in the world that could ever be as tough as ickle Pain" he said in a more deeper-pitched voice that came with the form, trying his best to keep his insanity at a minimum. After all, he couldn't let people know of his disguise.


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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 10:01 pm

Amelia jumped and then laughed as he smacked her ass again. She bit his ear softly and smiled. "You really don't know what you are getting yourself into with that kind of attention." He voice was silky and suggestive as she whispered into his ear. She ignored the people around them, they weren't worth her time and effort to think about. They only tried to be negative towards her and Chaos, so what did it matter if she gave them the satisfaction of caring. "Are we going to go someplace cold? I don't care for the cold much, but I would go anyways if that's where you are going. Maybe I could get a fur coat." She hummed to herself as the continued onwards. "My my, it's busy out here, too bad we have to be so cautious about this cause of Pain, I see so many victims." She cackles softly and rested her head against him once more.

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 10:13 pm

He laughed softly at the statement she whispered into his ear and commented back to her. "Maybe I do. Maybe I want to get that kind of attention" he shot back to her as he stopped in his tracks and looked around. He found silhouettes of humans in a dark alley. He grinned to himself as he ran into the alley and stood in the shadows. He morphed back into his mutant form and placed Discord on her feet. He recognized the men as members of the Cycles of Apocalypse, a gang of bikers. They weren't anyone really special, in which no one would miss them. "Look, a bunch of leather-wearing biker dudes waiting to be slaughtered" he whispered to her in a sinister manner as he snickered to himself. He was in such a jolly mood today. After all, he got himself a nice piece of ass for a girlfriend and one that loved to kill every bit as much as he did. What more could a twisted, black-hearted freak of nature like him want in a girl?


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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Alpha September 22nd 2011, 10:25 pm

"Well, well well, what have we here? Chaos, and what I would assume is his little plaything." Elena sadi amused, as she walked around a corner. hands held on her hips, as the blade of her katana tapped lightly against her skintight suit. Two, small looking revolvers were strapped to her shoulders, as she examined the two with predatory green eyes. Red hair catching the stray lights of a streetlamp, heels of her special suit clicking ever so lightly. A simple satchel was slung over her shoulder, as she approached the two slowly.

"I was somewhat suprised when I heard you had declined on your killings. Someone like you would never do something like that, so I expected you dead. Now I find this, and i'm proven wrong, which is a rare occurence I admit." She paused for the briefest moment."So, what was the cause of that little discrepincy in your activity? I'm absolutly interested. Also, whos the girl with you? Some sort of slave?" She smirked, eyes narrowing coldly. Elena had a small bit of respect for the villain, but this girl was just that, a girl.

She was really testing the two. Even if one was a stranger.

The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 CjhXQha
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 10:35 pm

Discord grinned maliciously as he set her down. She eyed their prey with a predatory gleam, her tongue slding along her lips. "Looks like the are asking for it darling." She snickered and crouched, about to launch her first attack when the sound of a woman grated against her ears. The sound of mockery made her only laugh as she straightened forgetting about the prey the had picked out.

Discord eyed the woman up, the could have almost been sisters. She raised an eyebrow but said nothing, only scoffing at the words as Elena spoke. She crossed her arms and gave Elena her sweetest smile before finally speaking. "You obviously speak of things you don't know. I'm not a slave of any sort. Not unless Chaos enjoys a little SnM." She giggled and looked at Chaos, figuring he would answer the rest the way he saw fit.

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 10:40 pm

Chaos turned to look at the new arrival and he recognized her as that witch that was recruited into S.C.A.R a while ago. He raised an eyebrow at her statement and narrowed his eyes at her. "No. I got into a fight with Scarface Pain and he crushed half of my skull and knocked me into a temporary coma. He thought I was dead and buried me but he should know the Big Bad cannot be stopped, only delayed" he said with an evil snicker as he laughed to himself. He heard Amelia's answer to the slave question and stared at her with a surprised expression on his face before he grinned nastily at her. "Baby, let me say that SnM is something I think we'll both enjoy" he said with a perverted leer.


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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Alpha September 23rd 2011, 4:36 pm

Elena raised an eyebrow at Chaos' plaything, an ugly smirk coming across her face."I suggest you choose your words carefully girl. You may think Chaos is the only dangerous one here, but you know nothing of me." She said coldly, fingers tapping against the blade on her thigh. Emerald eyes narrowing onto Chaos. As she was both prepared,and at complete ease. "So you fought Pain? Well, that was unexpected, yet i'm not too suprised.' She shrugged, leaning against a wall, as she listened to the men not to far from here."So, are you going to try again?

The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 CjhXQha
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 23rd 2011, 5:11 pm

Discord looked at Chaos and grinned as he agreed that they both would probably enjoy a little rougher playtime. She returned her gaze to Elena and winked at her, a sly grin on her face. "I will say what I want, your threats don't scare me one bit. You don't know what I'm capable of either." She fell silent again as she addressed Chaos, her green eyes flickering with excitement. She wouldn't give anything away to this woman, she hadn't earned it. If Chaos wanted to share, Chaos could do it on his own.

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 23rd 2011, 5:21 pm

Chaos looked at Elena with an 'Are you serious?' look on his ugly face. Of course he was going to try again. He made it one of his life ambitions to kill his one time friend and he wasn't going to stop now just because he almost died. That would be so hypocritical of him if he would stop trying to kill him after 20+ years of trying. He will never give up his goal to kill Pain. He would rather die then stop trying, which is ironically what almost happened. "Hell no. I've been trying to kill Pain for over 20 years. I'm not gonna stop now" he said with a hiss of anger as he narrowed his ghoulish eyes. To even suggest that he would give up after all this time was blasphemy as far as he's concerned.


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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Alpha September 23rd 2011, 6:36 pm

"Do as you wish. I don't honestly care what threats you make to me." She dissmissed the villainess. Eyes narrowing onto Chaos with an amused smirk, as she regarded his statement."I won't argue with how you conduct yourself. I just thought you should consider the fact he could've killed you. Though him being the great hero he is, I doubt he would kill willingly." Elena shrugged, tilting her head to the side in a calculating manner as a thousand thoughts raced through her mind.

The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) - Page 2 CjhXQha
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