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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 21st 2011, 7:18 pm

Laying six feet underground in a coffin in a small gravesite unknown to those but to Pain, lay a hideous mutant known as The Big Bad, Chaos. A creature that desired total genocide to get rid of all fear in the world. He lays there silently, his life flashing before his eyes, not knowing that in just a few moments, he would make his return. The last of the damage of his skull finally healed, the severity of it taking a long time to heal. He groaned to himself as his ghoulish eyes snapped open, taking in the pitch-black darkness. He rubbed his head as white hot pain flashed across his skull. His eyes look around, wondering where he is. He feels the material with his hands and then the top. As he took in the shape, he finally realized that he was in a coffin and most likely buried deep underground. Pain probably assumed getting half of his skull crushed would kill him. Under normal circumstances, it would have but he was The Big Bad, he's survived worse. It was gonna take more then that to kill him. He morphs his arms into blades and cuts through coffin, causing the dirt laying on top of him to land on him. He spits out a mouthful of dirt and starts digging his way out of the grave. He managed to finally reach the outside and pulls himself out, looking at the sky to notice it was nighttime, perhaps around 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. He pumps a clawed fist in the air and says "You haven't seen the last of me Pain. I'll keep coming until you lay there dead at my very own hands. Why? That's because I'm Chaos, The Big Bad. No one can kill me and no one can beat me. I am unstoppable" he yelled out to the night sky. He was going to make his big return and no one was going to stop him. He would kill Pain one of these days and no one was going to get in the way of that.


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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 6:14 pm

Amelia didn't know why she was here at this time, she had awoken and been unable to sleep. That was odd in itself, she always slept well. She had grabbed the roses she had intended to bring to the grave of Chaos in the morning before she left, her footsteps automatically carrying her to his final resting place.

Amelia walked for what seemed like hours, even though it was only a few blocks. Her feet drug across the pavement, her head low as she thought of Chaos being killed once again. She reached the unmarked grave and crouched, putting the roses by all the dead ones that she had brought over time. She hadn't painted her face in weeks, and vanity was something that she possessed.

She stepped back into the shadows quietly, just standing and watching. She was good at that, her patience was a remarkable thing. The sound of crumbling from underneath was heard, and she stepped back even farther, hiding behind a dark object. It had to be something big that was happening down there, and her heart raced with the possibilities. She knew she would find out soon enough.

Chaos erupted from the earth before her, and she almost shouted with happiness at the sight of him. She bit her lip until it bled trying to keep silent. She couldn't believe it! How could he be alive? It didn't matter much, all that mattered was that he was back. Amelia's grin was huge as she watched him proclaim his anger at Pain, she felt the same hatred for the man. She took a small step backwards and caused a can or something of the sort to rattle. She cursed herself silently and hoped he didn't hear. That would not be a good thing for her if Chaos found her.


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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 6:20 pm

Chaos was just about to leave when he heard a can get knocked over and make a loud clang sound as it impacted against a rock. He stiffened up at the sound and turned to look around him, trying to see if anyone was there. He saw the source of the noise and turned to look at a shaded area. It didn't seem like anyone was there but he was going to check anyway. He skulked over slowly and reached a scaly, oily, gray-colored clawed hand out and grabbed a handful of red hair. He raised two non-existent eyebrows and pulled a 30 year old red-haired, green-eyed woman out of the shadows. "Well well well, what do we have here? Do I see a squishy? No, it can't be. Pain wouldn't disclose my burial sight to any lowly bag of blood like a weakling squishy. No, a superbutt? Or maybe a super villain? Well, what say you, girl?" he said to her with as he narrowed his ghoulish eyes at the woman.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 6:43 pm

Amelia stiffened as she felt him grab her hair, it wasn't quite how she pictured meeting Chaos. She looked him in the eyes and made not a sound as he spoke to her. With a small smile and a quick laugh she answered him. "I have nothing to do with Pain, I hate him for doing what he did to you. My Villain name is Discord, but you can call me Amelia." Her eyes never wavered from his narrowed ones and she kept her grin plastered on her face. She had dreamed of talking to Chaos so many times, and if he decided to kill her, she would happily die by the hands of Chaos. "I'm glad to finally have the chance to see you up close and talk to you, I have waited a long time to."

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 6:48 pm

His suspicious look changed to that of a curious one, tilting his head to the side as he absorbed her statement. She hated Pain for nearly killing him? She always wanted to talk to him? That was interesting. People never wanted to talk to him nor were they ever concerned with his wellbeing. This required further investigating on his part. A sick, psychotic grin made it's way to his ugly face, his long, serrated, dagger-like teeth glinting in the moonlight as green saliva dripped down them and onto the ground, his toothy grin looking like his lips stretched around to the back of his bald, scaly, oily head. "Discord huh? As in a reference to my own name, which also happens to be a reference to Eris, the Greek Goddess of Chaos and Discord? I like it. Is it, by any chance, relating to my own excellency?" he asked her as he let go of her hair, deciding that she wasn't to be worried about.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 7:38 pm

Amelia had him interested now, that was a good thing. He wasn't going to kill her yet at least. She met his toothy grin with one of her own, ignoring the green drool. As he responded, he released her hair, and she rubbed the back of her head for a moment. "It is in relation to you Chaos, who wouldn't want to be associated to a name of power?" She stretched and winked at him, a smile still on her lips. "You are the most powerful person I have yet to see, you impress me. I want to be a part of what you are doing." she twined her fingers in her hair and looked at him shyly. "You don't know how badly I wanted Pain to suffer for what he did to you Chaos."

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 7:44 pm

Chaos's grin became just a little wider at that statement, appreciating the ego boost. It was nice hearing how awesome he was coming out of the mouth of someone other them himself, and a sweet little tart such as this red-haired woman in front of him. The last sentence she said got him confused however. She wanted Pain to suffer for what he did to him? Why would want that? It's not like she knew him or anything. Becoming even curious of this girl, he pushed on. "Why did you want ickle Scarface to suffer for nearly killing me? I find that a bit silly. It's not like we've ever met because I'm sure I would remember you" he said as he looked at her in a confused manner. This girl sent off alarms in his head, but what the alarms were being set off to, he was unaware. He had no idea of this girl's interest in him, obsession with him. He would admit to himself that he was completely stupid after all. Crazy beyond all rational thought yes, but very stupid.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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Registration date : 2011-03-02

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 7:57 pm

Amelia only smiled at his words. "I know a lot about you Chaos, let's just leave it at that. Pain almost killed you, a strong person like yourself. I saw it as unjust and it made me angry. You don't have to have met me before for me to know about you." He seemed confused, but Amelia thought this might be best. She didn't know how he would react to her being his stalker, it might not end well for her. "I just think he should pay for trying to bring down The Big Bad." She resisted the urge to touch him, that would most certainly not end well for her. She tried to continue boosting his ego, he would be more willing to talk to her if she praised him.

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 8:01 pm

Chaos frowned at her and his suspicion started to grow. Granted he knew that a lot of people have heard OF him, maybe made a few mentions from time to time but no one actually knew that much about him. Pain barely even knew that much about him. To know that this girl could claim that she knew a lot about him surprised him yet also set him on edge. The ego stroking she was doing to throw him off track wasn't working to distract him any longer. "Who are you and how do you know me girl? Don't distract me by trying to boost my awesomesauce and incredibly manly ego because it's no longer helping. I know nothing about you except that you gave yourself a villain name that coincides with my own. I demand you tell me who you are and why you even know me as well" he hissed as his long, 2 foot, purple, snake-like tongue slithered out of his mouth and licked her across her cheeks and nose, as if he was tasting her.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 8:18 pm

Amelia looked at him wide-eyed and innocent as he questioned her, not flinching as his tongue roamed her face. She silently cursed herself for getting caught, and the fact that he no longer responded to her boosting his ego. "I told you who I am. I'm Amelia." She fell silent for a minute and then continued. "I have followed you for a long time, that's why I know about you." She looked down and bit her lip, waiting for a blow of some kind, be it verbal or physical. She was actually a little afraid now, she had waited for a long time to be able to talk to him, and it was getting destroyed, it was supposed a good conversation, not one laced with suspicion.

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 8:22 pm

Chaos looked at her with surprise etched on his face. She followed him for a long time? That means that she has been stalking him for a while, which would mean that she was interested in him in a romantic yet obsessive way. That though shut his brain down for a moment, wondering why this girl was even interested in him. He thought over the possibility that she might be just be completely insane and he was her psychotic obsession. If so, that would explain a lot. That very thought warmed his cold, black heart. He grinned at her in an excited manner. "So, I have my own stalker do I? How exciting. Perhaps this old mutant isn't so undesirable like I thought" he said as he leaned in close to her face and stared into her green eyes with a practically perverted, borderline psychotic leer.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 8:32 pm

She looked up as he spoke, almost surprised to see his grin and they way he reacted to her stalking him. "Yes, I suppose I did stalk you, and I enjoyed every minute of it." She smiled looked down again. "I don't think you are undesirable Chaos, I think people just don't know who they are looking at. They can't appreciate you. I can." She looked up at him again, and he leaned in as if to observe her closer. She met his gaze and smiled prettily, wanting to impress the Big Bad. She couldn't believe how the conversation had turned around into her favor. He seemed almost excited that he had a stalker. Her heart raced as her hopes increased, maybe he would like her too. "You aren't mad at me, are you?"

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 8:38 pm

Chaos stared at her with an amused expression on his face. She enjoyed stalking him, did she? That just made him giggle uncontrollably that someone would stalk him and enjoy it. It just proved to him that she was insane in some fashion if she was so obsessed with him. When she said that she was the only one who could appreciate him, his heart raced for a few seconds. He had two lovers in his time. Tenshi and Alruna. One turned her back on him and left him for some stupid superbutt by the name of Shamgarel, the very thought of those two made him grind his teeth in rage, at least in hid mind and Alruna disappeared a few years ago without warning. He had completely closed off the idea of ever getting into another relationship of anyone again but hopefully this girl might be different, if her obvious psychological obsession with her was to be looked at. "I'm not mad my dear. If anything, I'm excited though I'm sure if you stalked me for as long as you had, surely you must know of my rather time trusting any other women after that worthless whore angel Tenshi and that damned succubus Alruna left me alone" he said as a rather heartbroken expression made it's way to his face.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Amelia September 22nd 2011, 8:53 pm

Amelia tilted her head as he began to giggle, she had obviously amused him somehow. She smiled slightly in response to his giggling and then proceeded to bit her lip until it bled. She couldn't possibly know what he was thinking, and the thought made her a little nervous. He was as unpredictable as she was. She knew of the women of whom he spoke of and she nodded. "I know, and hopefully I can earn your trust. I'm not like most women, as I'm sure you can tell. I'm just glad you aren't mad at me, you don't know how long I have waited for this." Her green eyes glittered happily as she looked at him, almost tearful in her joy. She saw his expression fall and she frowned, touching his face softly. "I'm sorry."

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The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE) Empty Re: The Return of The Big Bad (PRIVATE)

Post by Hana Saku September 22nd 2011, 8:58 pm

He looked at her with a surprised expression on his face as he felt her touch his face. He felt his eyes close as he felt the softness of her skin. Damn these emotions. Why couldn't he just be a sociopath? At least that way he wouldn't have to feel the painful reminder of their leaving him. He opened his eyes again and looked at her, extending a tentacle outwards to wrap around her body and pull close until they were chest to chest. He stared at her with a lecherous leer on his face as he grinned psychotically at her. "I suppose I can find it in this twisted black heart of mine to place just a bit more trust in relationships again" he said with a psychotic smirk on his face as he extended another tentacle outwards to slap her on her ass in a joking manner.


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