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Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item

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Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item Empty Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item

Post by Detective Stone November 16th 2017, 9:57 am

(An Item)

Item Name:The 'Equalizer': A Smith and Wesson Model 460 XVR Revolver (5 inch barrel)

Item Description: The Smith and Wesson model 460 XVR (Extreme Velocity Revolver) is among the largest and most powerful production revolvers in the world.  It is built on the company's strongest frame, and fires their highest-velocity revolver ammunition, the .460 S&W Magnum.  This cartridge contains a 200 grain slug propelled at 2,330 feet per second, essentially producing the energy of a hunting rifle from a handheld revolver.  Designed to stop a bear in its tracks, it is an overkill weapon for almost all other purposes.  This can be made moreso with the use of tungsten alloy slugs, which grant the already overpowered bullets an armor-piercing quality allowing them to penetrate up to 12 millimeters of steel plate.   The revolver has adjustable sights and a five-chamber cylinder.   It is a double-action/single-action revolver, with the most accuracy found in single-action firing.  Detective Stone purchased the weapon and a variety of ammunition for it when he found that his trusty .44 special snub-nosed revolver had insufficient power for use in 'Special Investigations' (and later, in H.O.M.E.) where superpowered criminals must often be confronted.  He now uses his older revolver as a backup piece in an ankle holster, while The Equalizer has pride of place in his shoulder rig.

Item Power(s):Kinetic Energy Blast, with Stun and Armor-Piercing Options: Just a big damn revolver that can fire rubber bullets, regular bullets, or tungsten armor-piercing bullets.  Although technically an 'ordinary' piece of equipment which is available in the real world, it is uncommon enough and powerful enough to be noted as a superpowered item.  Using rubber ammunition, the weapon delivers an impact not unlike that of a hammer, capable of creating terrible bruising and even the fracturing of bones.  Using standard ammunition, the weapon will tear right through a bear, creating all of the associated ugly internal trauma and shock.  (It will essentially kill the ever-loving heck out of any normal man or beast.)  Using Armor-piercing ammunition, it can poke holes in armored cars and bulletproof vests which have been rated to stop assault-rifle rounds.  

Item Power(s):Tracking Ammo: The revolver can be loaded with low-pressure cartridges that fire a magnetic 'tracking slug' which is designed to embed into clothing or magnetically adhere to ferrous metals.  This slug allows the tracking of the target via a U.S. Government satellite GPS network.  

Item Weakness(es): The Equalizer has all the standard big revolver 'weaknesses.'  (More properly 'limitations.')  
Limited Capacity It can only hold 5 cartridges at a time before it must be reloaded.  
Weapon Mode Delay The 'mode' of firing can only be changed if ammunition is swapped.  
Unsuitable for Use Underwater Range and penetration in water is limited to a couple of meters.  
Limited Ammunition Supply The wielder can only realistically carry three or four reloads of ammunition on their person without an ammo box.  Once all ammunition is expended, the user must go to some supply cache location or shop to resupply.  
Limited Ammunition Availability The ammunition is not casually available just anywhere, and must sometimes be special-ordered.
Difficult to Conceal The weapon is so large and bulky that it can only be concealed under a big coat or similar voluminous garment or suitcase.

Item Price: I am thinking 5XP, but I am unsure how this is calculated.  Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item UMDPiL3
Detective Stone
Detective Stone

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Quote : "You haven't really failed until you stop trying."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Age : 49
Humor : "I get knocked down, but I get up again."
Registration date : 2017-10-19

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Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item Empty Re: Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item

Post by Detective Stone November 24th 2017, 9:54 am

Psst.  Should I be contacting someone to have a look at this?  Still a bit unsure on the procedures.


Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item UMDPiL3
Detective Stone
Detective Stone

Status :

Quote : "You haven't really failed until you stop trying."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Age : 49
Humor : "I get knocked down, but I get up again."
Registration date : 2017-10-19

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Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item Empty Re: Detective Stone's First Upgrade Item

Post by Dubloon November 26th 2017, 12:04 am

Approved until stated otherwise. ^_^

The Characters
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Retired Moderator

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Registration date : 2015-07-20

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