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Toxic love

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 4:35 am

Jake only stared at the woman in confusion as she spoke, unsure of what anything meant till he realized that she was ignoring him, she was aiming this conversation as Nathanial. Turning to face Nathanial to ask what she meant, Jake noticed that his new friends nose was seemingly bleeding. He also took note that Nathanial had swung his sword at his leg and Jake had not felt a thing, no bounce, so pain, no sound.

Backing away in surprise, Jake looked down to see his leg was not harmed and looking back to Nathanial, he noticed that his normal, silver eyes were now black like the voidless eyes of the demoness. "Nathanial.. Come on man, Snap out of it." Jake said, hearing the woman order the older half angel to strike Jake, he was prepared, Jumping back as Nathanial's fist came towards him, hitting air where Jake once stood.

Continuing to back away, he felt his back press against a pillar and so he swung around to hide behind it. "What did you do?" Jake called to the demoness, hoping Nathanial would break out of this trance, and that the shadow demon from before wouldn't appear to aid there new Allie, or bring friends in that matter.

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 4:42 am

The fist sailed through the air, managing to miss Jake by precious few inches. ”he can’t hear you darling. He’s under my spell of lust, and can’t escape.” The demon said in lou of Nathaniel saying anything as he continued to advance upon Jake. The pillar stood in his way, and so he backhanded it violently, shattering concrete and taking out a massive chunk from the pillar itself. Whether Jake was also hit by the attack was something else entirely. ”Self hatred only makes me spell stronger, though it was much easier with the ley lines criss-crossing under this building.”

Regardless of whether he managed to hit someone, Nathaniel would continue to strike at Jake with a rather efficient manner of combat. Aiming for weak points with just enough pressure to wear him down with each hit, it was obvious Jake was dealing with a skilled fighter.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 5:03 am

Jake looked to the Lust demon for a second before his cover violently exploded, chucks of stone bit at Jake to no real effect, however it was enough to distract him so that Nathanial's first hit stuck Jake and caused him to groan in pain. He didn't suspect Nathanial to be this strong, strong enough that whatever Jake's durability mounted for, it was nothing.

Trying to back away, Jake found that Nathanial kept pushing, every time Jake tried to block, he was hit at another angle and whatever attack Jake did manage to block merely lessened the impact by a little. Nathanial was faster, stronger and more skilled then Jake and this only seemed to prove so as the pain Jake felt started to take his course. Throwing a flail of a punch towards Nathanial, Jake felt contact, only to recoil away, his fist stinging as if he had punched a brick wall that could withstand his strength. Nathanial was that brick wall.

Getting stuck hard in the chest, Jake was flung back into the wall of the room. He couldn't beat Nathanial, not by any normal means, no his normal means would prove to be utterly ineffective. The only way Jake saw a chance to win was his end energy punch, but that.. Jake knew the horrors that his ability could produce with that, striking Nathanial would possibly kill him no matter his durability. Striking the ground would prove ineffective most likely and while he considered aiming for the lust demon, he also knew that Nathaniel was much faster them him...

That was when an idea formed in Jake's head, as Nathaniel seemed to loom ever so closer, Jake dropped to his knee's in a resigned defeat. While Jake did enjoy the relaxed sensation of not standing he, in reality had a plan brewing that he was hoping would draw attention away from his fist, the red energy gathering there but rather then normally encasing his hand. Jake focused it to two points, his thumb and his index finger, unsure of the power contained in the smaller mass, nor how much damage he could possibly cause to the two fingers. Jake looked up to find Nathanial loomed over him.

Bracing, Jake lunged from his knelled position and pressed the two red covered fingers at Nathanial's chest before he got the chance to react to it with with a quick blink of his eyes, he flicked Nathaniel in the chest.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 5:14 am

The demon watched with unveiled amusement, as Nathaniel continued to overwhelm Jake with sheer force, While the younger Nephilim was impressive physically, the other was simply on another level when it came down to it. A low chuckle emanated from her throat as the fight continued. ”Quite the friend you have there. He’s holding back and yet you can’t even keep up with him. I suppose not all are created equally.” The demoness shifted in her bed, letting slender legs dangle over the edge of her ornate bed with eyes focused on Jake now. Their battle would continue for a few more minutes before she even grew bored of watching one person beat up on another.

”Now Nate dear, finish off this pathetic excuse for an angel.” A fist was raised to do so, despite the fact he was down, but then the unexpected had happened. Pain spread through Nate’s chest, feet leaving the ground and he was thrown back. Within a second the wall came to meet him, shattering from the immense pressure as consciousness itself began to fade rather quickly. The last thing he did awake was cough up a little blood, red tinged with silver as the female demon gaped at the young male. This was unexpected, and in a sense something worthy of fear.

”Impossible…what…the hell are you?” She hissed, wings like a bat growing from her back and propelling the demon back a good ten feet as fangs grew from her mouth. Her voice shook with fear. ”You’re no Nephilim…what are you?!”
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 5:37 am

Jake didn't know what to expect from the strange attack, first he noted was that his fingers stung like nothing else, a quick glance saw them bruised and red, he didn't know if they were broken but.. They hurt and that was enough to worry him. Glancing at Nathanial, Jake's eyes widen at the sight, his friend was slammed against the opposite side of the room, blood seamed from his lips and the wall behind him... the wall was completely shattered.

Hearing the she demon, Jake turned to her, seeing that her true form was showing, bat like wings, fangs procured from her mouth, and while the half naked vamparic sight would have been worth something to possibly fear, Jake saw the fear that emanated from her. And he knew he had to take advantage of that, less she grow brave. Standing straight up, Jake grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, bruises layered his muscled body from the previous beating but it wasn't the point of removing the shirt. It was rather he didn't want to ruin it.  

Letting his wings sprout from his back, he let them spread to there full length, the ugly grey feathers seemed to be pointing on end and to top it off, Jake focused his eyes, letting them shine a bright red, the lust demon becoming a red figure in his sight. "I am a Nephilim, Lust." Jake responded to her apparent non belief of him not being what he was, while raising his one good hand into a fist and covering the whole of it in red energy. "I am Zaapiel, Demon. And less you escape my sight. I shall punish you with the whole of my strength." Jake threatened the demoness, feeling proud of scaring her, feeling righteous. Scott was right. He needed this. May not be what he had originally thought of. But it was a hell of a lot better.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 5:50 am

Jake’s speech had worked, drawing doubt and the desire to flee within the demon. ”This is not over Nephilim. I will make you pay for this.” She hissed, becoming like smoke and mist before fading from this plane. The air had been filled with the scent of brimstone, tainting it as Nathaniel could faintly be heard groaning as he tried to pick himself up from the depths of unconsciousness as well as the wall.  His body was sore, but nothing that wouldn’t heal within a few minutes. Angelic powers were something that he really enjoyed, despite the fact that his hand was still as injured as ever thanks to his bastard brother.

”Wow, you sure scared her off good.” A male voice stated with faint pleasure. Should Jake turn in the direction of the voice, it would be a male around Nathaniel’s age with a face that suggested oriental descent, black hair with streaks of magenta and purple through it, faint glitter apparent through these colored streaks. His eyes were an odd slotted gold much like a cats, ears lined with rings and a single stud on their lower lip, dressed in a rather comfortable grey sweater with khaki slacks along with well kept converse, looking from Jake to where Nate was.

”Been trying to chase down this group of demons and their worshippers for months but the demon usually proved more annoying than the cultists. So thank you mysterious shirtless stranger.” he said already waling over to examine the damage done to the other Nephilim.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 6:06 am

Jake smiled as the demoness vanished from sight, but left his nose twitching to the strange scent, brimstone. Something he had smelt before when he entered hell with Samael. Stepping away to turn to Nathaniel, Jake continued his turn when the stranger's voice appeared. Eyeing the newcomer, Jake took in a the little things.  Like how he looked young, and strange hair color, and for some reason, glitter. Strange. He also had a lot of jewelry, which just added to the strangeness that was this stranger.

Jake listened to the guy, how he explained he had been chasing down the demoness they had just fought. But that was when he noticed the stranger was walking towards Nathanial. High from the previous bout, Jake rolled up his shirt and ran forward towards Nathanial, flinging his shirt right towards the strangers face with force a thrown shirt normally shouldn't be thrown at. While also getting in the way of the stranger's path to the older half angel.  "I don't know you. In fact. I don't and quite frankly can you blame me? Trust you right now." Jake said, bright red eyes trained on the stranger, his eyes glancing over the strangest thing, most people were red colored in this sight, the dead were black, so why was it that this man, living and colored red, had trace amounts of blackness seeping along him. This only further worked to make Jake trust the stranger less, his wings curling around to block any passage around Jake to the fallen half angel.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 6:18 am

The shirt itself stopped in midair, as if held aloft by an invisible force. It stood still for a second before dropping to the ground, the unknown man considering the shirt for a moment and giving Jake the time to stand between him and Nathaniel. ”No, can’t blame you for not trusting me, but I don’t really care about that. Was hoping to fix any damage that little stunt did to your friend there, unless you’re against that anyway.” Those odd eyes considered Jake curiously, but not unappreciatively. He made a dismissive motion with well-manicured hands, expecting that to do something.

Jake would then be lifted by the same force that stopped the shirt, being moved over to the large heart shaped bed and plopped onto it as the magic wielder knelt over the damaged Nephilim. ”Huh, so you were here for the thing too.” He muttered, removing Nathaniel’s tag, which was ripped and considering it before letting what looked to be faint violent energy flow form his hands and wrap around the injured areas of the male, including his chest and hand. It took a few seconds but eventually he regained consciousness, coughing a few times with no blood.

”Good morning sunshine. Feeling any better?” The male asked, Nate pushing him back and jumping to his feet.

”Who the hell are you?” He snapped irritated, glaring at the unknown.

”Just call me Helios. Could do with a little gratitude, since I healed you.” The decked out male frowned, hand son his hips as he stepped away from Nate.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 6:26 am

Jake let out a gasp of surprise as he felt his feet lift from the ground and while he has been off the ground a million times before, not falling back down to it was strange. In a matter of seconds, Jake found himself plopped on the bed that the demoness had been before, landing on the many pillows she had for some odd reason. Letting out a disgusted groan, Jake crawled off the bed and run over to the two men, slowing down as he realized Nathanial was.. well awake, and seemingly healed.

He also heard the name of the stranger, Helios. Strange name but at this point, names were not the strangest thing he could encounter. "Seems nothing to worry about Nathaniel. Guy... Seems good." Jake said, evaluating Helios before walking over to pick up his shirt that had failed to reach his target and turning back to Nathaniel, red eyes looking at him. "Scared away the Lust demon. Seemed to have taken control over you but you should be fine." Jake finished before actually realizing how strange he must look to Nathaniel right now, his ugly gray wings fell at his sides but looked uncomfortable, his eyes were still bright red, and he had his shirt off, the many bruises inflicted by Nathaniel present.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 6:48 am

Nathaniel looked from Jake to the unknown male, narrowing his eyes suspiciously as if expecting this person to reveal they were some manner dangerous demon. ”Good huh.” He muttered to himself, standing to his feet and rolling his shoulder, undoing the bandage on his hand to see that the deep cut itself was gone. Well, at the very least he had gone out of his way to undo the damage that his demon brother had done to him, so that made the guy not all that bad. One thing Nate did see was that the male had strange red eyes, rather than the blue ones he had no so long ago. It made him uncomfortable, though all he did was shiver as he shook it off pretty quickly. They were still not as unsettling as Samael’s eyes by a long shot. He did however also notice the many bruises that decorated Jake’s still impressive physique, looking away with shame.

”I…I’m sorry for…” The words themselves were hard coming out, but that was mostly because he sounded as if he were choking on them. He had hurt someone that was helping him, something that brought around a large amount of shame within him, and he wondered if Jake would even want to associate with him ever again.

”While the waterworks are cute and all, can’t we wait until we’re out of here?” Helios suggested with slight impatience as he motioned and a violet rip opened within the air. It displayed a simple alleyway, and Helios stepped through first, Nathaniel after him as they were now in the open air and the silver eyed Nephilim still looking somewhat down.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 8:11 am

Jake remained silent as Nathanial seemed to stumble on words when he noticed the bruises which made Jake want to laugh, for these bruises were literally nothing, compared to what could have been. The demoness had said he was holding back, in fact Jake could almost feel that he was indeed holding back during there fight. He also glanced at Helios who had rudely rushed the two angels, creating a rather interesting portal that he soon entered, followed by Nathaniel.

Relaxing his wings, Jake let them slither away into his back along with focusing on his eyes to turn off the red sight. Putting his shirt back on, Jake looked to the portal and walked towards it before spotting the crystal sword that was Nathanial's. On the ground, thrown away when proven to be ineffective on Jake. Quickly walking over to it, Jake would pick up Lucifer, feeling the strange feeling that he received from the angelic weapon before continuing back to the portal and entering though it, finding himself in a unfamiliar alleyway.

Sighting Nathanial, who still seemed upset over what had happened, Jake walked beside him and gave him a sly shove on the shoulder before handing him Lucifer. "Dude. You were taken over by the Lust demon. There was nothing you could have done. If it's anything, you were holding back. As strong as I am. Your far stronger then me." Jake said with a smile, having already forgiven the Nephilim the moment the fight had started.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 5:20 pm

”Lucifer.” Was the thing he said as the blade disappeared from jake’s hand and into Nathaniel’s, before seemingly disappearing back to whatever realm that it was kept in. Helios appeared morbidly interested with the trick, though Nate didn’t really pay much attention towards that.

”Lust demons are some pretty nasty business.” Helios agreed with a nod, though nate continued to be quiet for a few more seconds, seemingly unphased by the tap against his arm.

”I know…it’s just….that feeling of losing control wasn’t a good one.” He admitted, rubbing his forearm more out of nervous habit than anything else. When not in the heat of battle, he ended up being nothing more than a really awkward eighteen year old. ”Strength still didn’t really help fight the whole mind control…though punching myself in the head would have helped.” He added with an attempt at humor. He untied the jacket around his waist and put it back on, the mid sections of the sleeves looking a little more wrinkled.

”Well since you two seemed to have done my job for me, I’ll be off.” Helios made a motion with his hand, and pressed a card into Nathaniel’s chest. Odd runes were inscribed across it, likely meaning nothing to Jake but meaning something to Nathaniel as the mage walked off.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 17th 2017, 12:55 am

Jake remained silent as Nathanial spoke, not wanting to make him feel any worse then he was right now with words such as don't worry or it's fine. Sometimes those kind of words, as kind as they were, just didn't work. He was a little intrigued by Helios's action of planting a card into Nate's chest but he didn't pay all the attention that it should have gotten to it, rather looking at the walls to figure out where he was, waving a simple bye to Helios as he did so.

"Well. Seeing as my day has been pretty awesome. Besides two... Possibly broken fingers. I should head back to school. Tenth Grade isn't going to pass itself you know?" Jake said to Nathanial, backing away from the wall to prepare a jump, giving one last glance to Nathanial just in case he had something to say.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Job : I write and occasionaly mod
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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 17th 2017, 1:09 am

Nathaniel huffed, burying the card into his left pocket and watching the strange male walk off. This day had become rather odd when he thought about it, though his stomach was full and that was all that mattered. He turned to Jake with a single perked brow, though nothing did come to mind. The male had to get back to school, to a life that was likely far better than his own. Not exactly something he liked to think about, but then again that was how things were. Denying them would make nothing better in the end.

”Well…um…good luck with the school.” It was the only thing that he could think of, then leaping off after that. If the other Nephilim could do it, not like the act within itself was too vulgar for him. He landed on a roof top, removing his shirt along with jacket, tying both around his waist and letting wings, tinted gold spread out. Feeling free now, he gave them a flap and took off into the sky.

He wouldn’t be leaving New York yet, but enjoying the skies was something he could do.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

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