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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Hana Saku March 4th 2011, 4:54 pm

Chaos, who's tentacles were sucked into his body and his mouth was nowhere to be seen making it appear as if he was only some dude in a costume, walked through the dark alleys of Tampa Bay, Florida. He had heard rumors of a villain in the area and he wanted to check it out. The gray-skinned mutant still couldn't believe that while being in this form, no one could recognize who he was. What was it about this not much different form that seemed to confound people? Eh, it was probably the lack of mass-murdering, gruesome teeth dripping with green saliva, flailing tentacles and wanton destruction. Whatever it was about his current form that made people not think much of him, he was a little thankful for it. After all, sometimes discretion was the better part of valor, as he heard from someone else, who he couldn't say but it didn't matter as because they were probably one of his many unfortunate victims. Anyway, he was starting to get off track, he was looking for a super villain after all though considering what he's heard about this one, he had a feeling it would be a little difficult to find.


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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Sergiy March 4th 2011, 5:08 pm

Toxic Vengeance had been wearing his mask, and robe. Moving quietly, Past the Crowds which seemed in different and Unnerving the Locals, Had even had a nerves look down. And it was also not Toxic's nature to Go in public like this. He sighed and keep going, The sun dizzies, like a Toxic wasteland. He was in search, for someone or something to hunt and eat. His Knowledge around the people was radically strong, and his well smartness was near Outmatched hopefully, He moved to a Dark sunny side alley way. And Move on the Wall, leaning on in a semi crotches Position, looking at the Sky, enjoying the flare, In hopes something or someone, or even the police to come and show up. It was just a matter of time, as he sat there and de coded his time.

Sam Largewood:

Human Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Humanformong

Werewolf Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Werewolfform

Toxic Vengeance:

Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Toxicfoo2

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 87
Location : New Bedford MA
Registration date : 2011-02-20

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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Hana Saku March 4th 2011, 5:13 pm

Stopping in his tracks, the Big Bad of villainy himself stopped in his tracks and looked around. As he stared through the crowds of people, he managed to spot a man in a mask and robe. Chaos felt something unusual about the man and silently wondered if he was the person that the gray-skinned mutant was looking for. After taking a shot in the dark, he followed after Toxic Vengeance into the alleyway. He saw the man get into a sort of sitting position and just stare up at the sun. Tilting his hairless gray head to the side, Chaos carefully made his way to Toxic Vengeance and made two clapping sounds with his hands to get his attention.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Sergiy March 4th 2011, 5:23 pm

Toxic, Ignored the clapping sound and spoke." The Mouse, has finally come to the Lion." He said slowly, still looking at the sky. His gaze remained there." I assume, you are not a civilian, if you were you would have run away, or even dared to come next to me or even breath at my presents, So this is quite interesting, a Mutu-Human, Shapeliness, In human Mutual, And ETC? So, who Are you." He said calmly. The being around him, was not a Human that much he knew, The Amount of Acid produced in his body was inhuman, So he could not be a Human, Which left his three options, Toxic Vengeance Eyed the sun and then the sky. Before speaking again." Wondrous people, do not seek there Death, They aim to explore and find people, or treasures, Various of Items, and Lands over the world. My Dear Friend." HE spoke in half riddles.

Sam Largewood:

Human Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Humanformong

Werewolf Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Werewolfform

Toxic Vengeance:

Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Toxicfoo2

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 87
Location : New Bedford MA
Registration date : 2011-02-20

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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Hana Saku March 4th 2011, 5:40 pm

Even though Chaos had no visible mouth in his current form, he seemed to grin one of his creepy, psychotic ear-to-ear smiles as he started chuckling to himself. This was obviously the person he was looking for, at least based on his unusual speech pattern. However, just to make sure he found the right person, he had to reveal his true form. So, he made his mouth that was wide and long, filled with long, sharp and serrated teeth that dripped with green saliva, a long, thin and snake-like tongue slithering between his tongue as he chuckled. His tendrils slowly came out of his body and started waving erratically around in the air behind him. "Hm, now that IS a good question isn't it? I am the Big Bad, I am a villain of such legendary status that I've even been called the rival of the legendary hero Pain, the first major threat to the world and the only surviving villain of yesteryear. I am the Founder of the organization S.C.A.R, or the Secret Criminal Association of Rejects, the once biggest threat to the world ever as because even the legendary superbutt group G.U.N, or the Guardian Unit of Nations, had trouble taking us out, the only person to fight all three leaders of G.U.N all by himself, Chaos, at your service rookie" he said as a wide, ear-to-ear psychotic smile slithered it's way to his ugly face as he gave Toxic Vengeance a sort of mock bow.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Sergiy March 4th 2011, 5:53 pm

Toxic, did not lay his gaze at the being relieving itself, rather making a statement." Is it really pessimally?" He asked himself it seemed Toxic was talking to himself, he could pin point the creates being just by the sound of his moving tendrils, Saliva dripping, And body movement even through he was still. The Man spoke. Or should I say being, and finished. He made a Justice Bow. And Toxic, brought his hand over his mask and stood up, still staring at the sky, turning his way, towards the Being. He eyed the man and placed his hand down." I am Humored by your Pride, Chaos. Allow me to Humored yourself. Boss." He spoke because he would mostly be recruited by Chaos, It was without a Doubt." I am Toxic Vengeance, I and I am smart." He gave a self fake laugh. Before he spot again." You seek to rebuild a Group of Fallen Villains, Records, of your cords, Tell me, you are looking for not just me but People. If my contraction are wrong then please correct me, Chaos. You are existent, Fought three leader, Only Villain to survival, You are dieing, to Rebuild This Organization, I'll Gladly Join, But for a Price, I am a valued person, I need money to sacrificially your needs, a Lab, And a Warfare Military Base Unit, underground. Lastly, do you have our members of people, helping you rebuild this Thing?" He asked Chaos, nodding his head.

Sam Largewood:

Human Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Humanformong

Werewolf Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Werewolfform

Toxic Vengeance:

Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Toxicfoo2

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 87
Location : New Bedford MA
Registration date : 2011-02-20

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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Hana Saku March 4th 2011, 6:03 pm

Chaos looked at him with a blank expression on his face as his mind registered the words of the 'Doctor' in front of him. How did this hatchling know all of that? He had to either be psychic or could see the future and past if he could actually know all of that. This boy in front of him had actually made him go speechless, even if it was only for a few minutes. "Well, yes, you're right on all of that. While it will take a rather long while to get you an underground military base, it shouldn't be any problem for me to get you money and a Lab as those two are things I can supply with ease. Do we have a deal Toxic?" he asked the up-and-coming much younger villain in front of him as he grinned at him in excitement, proud of the fact that he managed to get a new member for S.C.A.R, his pride and joy.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Sergiy March 4th 2011, 6:12 pm

Toxic, looked at the expression and examined." You speechless? From what I have just said, it's shocking? Maybe, It's just simple Logic, And How my brain works, unlike others. If you ever Discover or try to research my history, I am not or no where on record, so don't try. But My Dear Boss, Or Should I say Lord Chaos. In my respects. I did do my end of the Bargain, Just to join yes. But When you said."Do we have a deal." You did not seem to state your end other then my membership. Is there a Catch Lord Chaos." He asked his new Boss. Wisely, And smartly. But the voice was very calm, which would drive a crazy or annoyed person insane at the his calm, voice. Toxic seemed not to even acknowledge the tendrils in the natural.

Sam Largewood:

Human Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Humanformong

Werewolf Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Werewolfform

Toxic Vengeance:

Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Toxicfoo2

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 87
Location : New Bedford MA
Registration date : 2011-02-20

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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Hana Saku March 4th 2011, 6:35 pm

Chaos grinned crazily to himself as he realized he wouldn't rope Toxic into his clutches until he told him what he had to for him when he joined. He kind of liked it, since that meant the new generation of villains aren't as stupid or gullible as they were back when he was young and brash. That just meant that he had more worthwhile villains to choose from rather then the cannonfodder he had to choose between back when S.C.A.R first made their appearance. "I want you to help me and the rest of my members to TAKE OVER THE WORLD" he cackled out maniacally, making sure not to cackle too loudly and bring any of the law enforcement or curious pedestrians into the alley to see where his cackling was coming from and letting himself be discovered. That wouldn't be good at all, well, it wouldn't be good for the squishies at least, oh no it wouldn't.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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Number of posts : 283
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Registration date : 2011-03-02

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Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Empty Re: Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY)

Post by Sergiy March 4th 2011, 6:47 pm

That expression again, Made Toxic smile. He eyed Chaos. As he spoke and finished before Toxic spoke, by himself." Hehehe, You drive a false bargain, You to need give me more information about the thing you are trying to archive." Chaos, Earned Toxic's trust, Yet Toxic had his doubts about Chaos. Until he fully exposed what he was truly trying to get Toxic in to. You see Toxic was no fool, or idiot, as a Villain he is very Knowledge. Waiting for an reply.

Sam Largewood:

Human Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Humanformong

Werewolf Form:
Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Werewolfform

Toxic Vengeance:

Recruiting for S.C.A.R - Toxic Vengeance (PRIVATE - SERGIY ONLY) Toxicfoo2

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 87
Location : New Bedford MA
Registration date : 2011-02-20

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