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Toxic love

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 15th 2017, 5:13 am

So he had met Samael at some point within his life, recently was also a possibility. It didn’t really make him hostile towards Jake in particular, because he was cute but the mention of his brother did make him suspicious.  There were mentions of hellhounds and various demons, something that tended to happen around his brother no matter where he went. There was mention of the demon lord Malphas, someone that he also wanted to get rid of, but that would have to come later really. Just thinking of demons was something that made him angry, but he had to control himself lest this place be set up in flames.

”Be careful about associating with him. He might seem agreeable, but demons are all evil. Even those half human end up being corrupted.” He stated, sounding as if he had seen the fact firsthand before, with a sort of sadness within his voice. It was a sad existence, but one that he knew did happen. ”Sorry, probably made things too serious now.” He said with a chuckle, feeling his hand throb, fingers digging into the palm but not opening the wound.

His silver eyes fell to the able, before snapping back to Jake. Other people were having better conversations but that came with normal people in general. ”You must be pretty tough to have not been killed in The Pit of Ravens.”

Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 15th 2017, 5:33 am

Jake narrowed his eyes at Nathanial, as he spoke of not being able to trust demons, even half ones. This most certainly confirmed that he wasn't a half demon, but his eyes told Jake he was something. It was worse when Nathanial had stated the Pit of Ravens cause that meant he was knowledgeable in that part of hell, which just made Jake even more curious as to what he was.. Unless... He was what Jake was. A Nephilim.

Hearing Nathanial state that Jake was pretty tough made him want to share the news of his race. Not just cause he felt like he could trust Nathanial but because he had to tell someone, he couldn't ask his mom because she would ether not answer or question why and he wasn't ready to tell her his daily activity's and talking to normal people about being a son of a angel just.. it wasn't normal, they wouldn't understand.. So maybe the brother of a half demon, a possible half angel... Maybe he could. Maybe he could help Jake understand.

"Well... Samael said that a couple of the Ravens were.. well. Calling me a Naphilim, and to be fair. Some things make sense with it.." Jake stated ever so quietly but loud enough that Nathaniel could hear, hoping that he was indeed another Naphilim, so that he didn't have to bear this thought alone.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 15th 2017, 6:03 am

The word Nephilim did eventually come up in the conversation, something that caused Nathaniel to perk up rather noticeably as he looked to the male in a new light. He had never met someone that was like him before, though he had a feeling this person was maybe more natural than he was. He tried to think of a way that he could say that he was the same, and yet the words themselves did not readily come out, Nate furrowing his brows as he worked over what he could say. ”Well I guess that would make two of us.” He said with a ponderous hum, tapping his chin and looking up to the ceiling, wings now nervously twitching and causing a commotion around the front of his shirt.

”Don’t know what it is about this place, but I feel something dark about it.” He then added, rubbing his forearms which were suddenly sore in this odd fashion. Nathaniel made sure no one was listening before leaning in and whispering to his newfound friend. ”Something…demonic maybe.” He then added as if that would hold some weight with the male.

”I want to look into it, but that requires sneaking away from whatever this is.” With a motion around the room, he would let Jake offer any ideas or even feelings on that.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 15th 2017, 6:23 am

Jake gave a sigh of relief to Nathaniel's answer, glad that he wasn't alone, but now he had to hold back the wave of questions he wanted to ask. Like how do you fly with wings, and if there was any cool power he didn't know half angels had. However, the wave was silenced by Nathaniel's words, of how this place felt dark. Jake wasn't sure what he meant, or if he was meant to feel anything.

His words however did hold an impact, that Nathanial felt something... demonic. It was this, that Jake began to smile, which kind of surprised him as he came here wanting peace yet found the idea of exploring possible demonic activity. Exciting him. And his smile grew wider as Nathanial asked him for any idea on how to get away. "I got an idea." Jake said with a smirk, grabbing the table and pulling upwards on it to rip a small chunk of wood out, waiting to make sure no one was looking, Jake looked for a light bulb and upon sighting one, Jake quietly aimed the chunk of wood and threw it, the chunk flew though the air, crashing into the light bulb with a thunderous crack as the wood continued into the roof, glass raining down onto the floor below. Surprised heads turning in the direction of the distraction, away from the two half angels.

"Go now?" Jake said as he stood up and walked away, lagging behind so that he could follow Nathanial, who seemed to have better senses for this demonic energy then he did.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Job : I write and occasionaly mod
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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 15th 2017, 6:26 pm

The make mentioned having an idea and promptly ended up throwing the chunk of wood upwards as it shattered a light and continued to fly through the ceiling. It was a distraction, though he did not feel too right about the concept of such destruction of public property when he thought about it.  His mind then snapped to the idea that if there was anything going on, it would involve some manner of basement or underground location. So, that was where he would look for, likely entered through a room behind the scenes really. So he took off running in that direction, moving rather quickly, a little quicker than one would expect from his size or build. Keeping up would have been a little difficult for Jake, but likely he would manage.

Maneuvering around tables and chairs was a thing he had to do, though Nathaniel managed it mostly fine without knocking anyone over as he slipped through what looked to be a backdoor. With their speed of progression through the room, both of the managed to get through without anyone stopped them, or rather Nathaniel anyway. He couldn’t account for the physical abilities of the metahuman going with him, but he did find what looked to be a door with a sticker indicating a stairwell down, as well as a closed save for event staff sign.

Despite being heroic, he was not one to ignore the distinct feeling of darkness within an area, as that feeling was never wrong. So he pushed through the door with enough force to knock it off its handles, running into the dark hallway with gold flames dancing off of his shirt, and casting light over the corridor. Now he wished for Samael’s perfect night vision, but not everyone could have what they wanted. He would continue to descend into the basement level as the feeling of darkness grew stronger.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 1:18 am

Jake learned one thing about Nathanial, he was very fast. If Jake wasn't prepared himself, he might have lost the older half angel midst his speed walk slash run. Avoiding the mess of bodies that was in his way while making sure not to run into anyone and accidentally knocking them down, Jake kept after Nathanial, slowing to a stop along when he did at the stairs. Jake waited for Nathanial to move ahead, a little surprised when he suddenly pushed on the door, knocking it off the handles.

Chasing after him, Jake noticed that the light source seem to come from Nathanial himself, in fact, it seemed to come from his shirt. "Yo. What is that light?" Jake asked as he continued to follow, hoping to keep conversation while they went so he could chase away any thoughts of doubt on what Nathanial was looking for.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 1:46 am

As expected he heard something about the light, though Nate did not pay much mind towards the question as the flames continued to illuminate their way. It was likely they would have tripped some manner of alarm, if his assumptions were correct anyway. Eventually they went down a few flights of stairs, coming to what appeared to be a door that would lead them further into the belly of the beast. ”It’s my fire.” he would then say, letting it come to life above his upturned right palm in the form of a brilliant white orb of fire ringed with gold.

”We don’t have time to waste turning on lights, so I improved a little.” He explained, cracking his knuckles and looking onwards at the door that stood as an obstacle. With a firm kick the door gave way, and sailed forward as it skidded along the ground and he walked through as a hallway stretched out before them. ”Yeah, we’re getting closer.”  He said with a sigh, breathing something that sounded like Lucifer as he drew a hand in a sweeping motion and produced what looked to be a blade made of crystalline metal.

Turning around, he took note of the fact the door he had kicked down was back in place without a scratch.

Last edited by Grigori on February 16th 2017, 2:04 am; edited 1 time in total
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 2:03 am

Jake slightly frowned at the motion of being ignored, his question going unanswered for several flights of stairs till they finally made it down to the door, when Nathanial finally had decided to answer the question by showing him, a brilliant white fire, much like his eyes. This was in question followed by his explanation before he suddenly kicked the door down, citing a surprised gasp from Jake. "Don't have to break every door Nathanial." Jake stated as he followed him though the door and down the hall. Staying close to Nathaniel, Jake thought he heard the half angel mutter his middle name, Lucifer when suddenly a sword formed in his right hand.

"Whoa. That's awesome." Jake said as he looked at the crystalline sword. Taking in the neat look of it before turning to look around, noticing something... not quite right. "Nathanial. I think the door you broke.. Umm." Jake didn't really finish, his feet already taking him to the previously broken door, aiming to grab the handle and open it, to see if that the stairs remained on the other side, or if something, far more dangerous happened. The mere fact the door was suddenly repaired already spoke of something bad, but he had to be sure.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 2:30 am

The Nephilim breathed their surprise at him summoning the weapon, casting its own heavenly light upon the space. A true holy weapon meant to slay demons, of course one would be in awe of such a weapon. Jake did notice that the door he broke was back up, but what he noticed was that he felt….physically awkward looking at Jake. His chest ached, cheeks turning oddly red and overall things became uncomfortable, making Nate curse under his breath. Rather than continuing to make things awkward, he looked away with a frown. Honestly anything that let him turn his attention elsewhere was nice, but keeping one’s mind distracted was another story.

”Let’s just keep on moving. I think someone doesn’t want us leaving this place.” He answered, looking around with suspicious silver eyes as he continued to walk onward with a frown. ”So we have a demon we need to deal with.” With that he continued onwards, the hallway feeing longer than it should though the ominous energy that flowed through the air was likely palpable even by Jake now.

Shadows rose and twisted, forming vaguely female forms. “Two nephilim…The Mistress will be pleased.” They cackled with wide mouths of needly teeth.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 3:12 am

Jake was stopped from opening the door when Nathanial said they should move on. Hesitantly, Jake let the handle of the door go and turned to to Nathanial. Only sighting his back as Nathanial spoke of what he expected to find. "Might not be a demon. Why would a demon want to set up a Speed date thing? Doesn't seem demony." Jake said as he jogged to catch up to Nathanial, just now noticing what the half angel meant by dark presence, a ominous feeling overtook him, like they were being watched, something about the feeling felt slightly familiar, hell familiar.

Jake's suspicions were confirmed when the shadows twisted from there resting place and rose into what looked like a female form that spoke of the two half angels. Made of Shadow's, Jake wasn't sure if punching would exactly work and so he didn't rush ahead but rather stayed his place. Sizing the shadow up. "Mistress. Well. If she will be pleased to meet two strapping Half Angels. I'm sure you will quite happily lead the way to her then? Don't worry. I'll save the punching for when we get there." Jake said in a light snarl, seeing if the demon was brave, stupid or smart depending on there response. And how his fellow Half angel would react himself to the ominous presence.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 3:24 am

One of the shadowy demons chuckled, voice holding the hissing quality of the snake. “Even with all the strength in the world, you cannot harm a shadow anyway little nephilim.” They taunted, Nathaniel hefting his weapon with a glare at them.

”My blade will serve fine to smite you, won’t it?” This caused them to shrink like shadows from a bright flame. While normal physical strikes would do nothing to them, he had the power to wipe away any demon with little problem. ”So you have ten seconds to explain what you’re doing here before I strike all of you down.” As if believing the, both of them tried to break off, but his blade came in an arc, slamming into the ground and pinning one by the shadowy leg.

She let out an inhuman piercing shriek that made Nathaniel’s ears ache, glowing eyes narrowing upon it. ”What does this mistress of yours want?” He spat, the demon just spitting at him, hitting his cheek with a thick black substance that may have been saliva.

“It doesn’t matter if I tell you. Soon enough both of you will be nothing more than her puppets.” And with that she was filled with the holy flames he wielded and faded from existence like ash.

”Well, it seems I was right about this place.”
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 3:35 am

Jake glared at the two, already assuming what they thought would be a taunt of his inability to damage them, however he was not alone in this place and Nathanial came in to prove to them that there was something they could do. As the two demoness's made a break for it, Jake watched as Nathanial caught one with his sword, the fire the broke away from the crystal like sword memorizing and seemingly very dangerous to the shadowy creatures.

Jake covered his ears at the inhuman screech of the creature, but however remained silent as Nathanial questioned it and it spoke, thinking about each word that was said between the two and about there current situation. It was after the demon was... killed? That Jake looked to Nathanial, pointing a finger on his own cheek where the creature had somehow spit a liquid substance onto the half angel. "Seems you were. By the way. You got a little something on your cheek." Jake said before walking the way they were before they were stopped by the two demons, eyes forward and watching for the barest hint of a shadow's movement.

"Demoness said we'd be puppets.. And today of all days... What's the chance you think this demon will be more scary then Samael's dad?" Jake asked, knowing that Nathanial had a greater knowledge of the supernatural world then he did but also knowing that the question was a good one. That thing back in hell was a monster, he wanted to make sure he wasn't running into another one and if they were, he would be prepared at least.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 4:05 am

Remembering the spit that had hit his cheek, Nathaniel wiped it away with the back of his hand and glaring disgusted at the darkness ahead of them. It was then that all of the lights within the hallway turned on in one go, a single door standing at the end of the hallway. ”Not sure about more frightening than The Raven but  I would keep my guard up if I were you.” he said as they walked down the hallway, eventually reaching the end and stepping through the door. Beyond was slightly what he expected and at the same time not.

The room was decorated with valentines paraphernalia , massive hearts decorated along the walls and pillars with a massive heart shaped bed in the center with a black skinned woman lounging luxuriously on it. Nathaniel raised his weapon, glaring at her but quickly averting his eyes as he noticed she was mostly naked, save for perhaps the most private bits covered. This caused the demoness to grin. ”Do I embarrass you child of angels? No,  it does not seem that way.” She shifted, eyes like black voids tainted with red shifting to consider Jake.

”I hadn’t thought I would attract Nephilim, let alone two. Such delectable morsels.” Without thinking, he raised his weapon as he felt something slipped from his mind and rise like black tar. ”So, why don’t you two join me and skip the fighting bit?”
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 4:18 am

Jake hummed in agreement at that fact, not much could beat the Raven King. Following Nathaniel, Jake quietly entered the room to sight something he could not have expected, ever. Hell didn't even prepare him for the sight before him. He took in there surroundings, Valentines most certainly had a affect on the demon's choice of design for the room, with hearts everywhere along the walls, the bed she laid on also a heart. The theme was most certainly strong in this room and it made Jake slightly unhinged because of how the Demon looked.

Averting his eyes to not see the woman too much, who's showing off of bare skin beginning to slightly embarrass Jake, he held a steel mind and closed his eyes. "Sorry... Whoever you are Demoness. But how bout you put some clothes on and go all the way back to whatever part of hell you belong to. Much easier and better way to skip the fighting." Jake said, opening his eyes and looking to the demon, glaring into those eyes of void. If he could make the demon run, it would be less trouble for as harmless as she looked now, Jake knew demons were nothing to joke about, no matter how... naked or harmless they might seem.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shael Atterrius February 16th 2017, 4:26 am

Embarrassment was shared between them, though he couldn’t fight the feeling of something flowing through him. ”You can feel it, can’t you child? Suppressing basic, natural urges only serves to destroy you.” The sensation was akin to darkness that had begun to slip through whatever normal barriers he had, a wet sensation coming down from one of his nostrils. ”It’s what makes you angels so amusing. You act so holy, but you’re all just like humans, especially the ones who are only part angel.” She motioned with her hand, a faint black sparkle as Nathaniel felt his sight glaze over, realizing that his nose was bleeding.

”I’ve no need for clothes, but I do like cute playthings.” His limbs moved without his willing them to, swinging the blade around to cut a leg out from under Jake and yet the weapon phased through as if the male were not there. An odd instance for the demoness, though she didn’t seem bothered by it. ”Ah, so it’s one of those weapons.” She shrugged, and he cast it aside, his eyes now like hers down to the fine details of red lines within them.

”Now dear, won’t you kindly beat your friend up?” As if following the que, Nathaniel swing at Jake with enough force to send him flying if it connected.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic love

Post by Shadowoof February 16th 2017, 4:35 am

Jake only stared at the woman in confusion as she spoke, unsure of what anything meant till he realized that she was ignoring him, she was aiming this conversation as Nathanial. Turning to face Nathanial to ask what she meant, Jake noticed that his new friends nose was seemingly bleeding. He also took note that Nathanial had swung his sword at his leg and Jake had not felt a thing, no bounce, so pain, no sound.

Backing away in surprise, Jake looked down to see his leg was not harmed and looking back to Nathanial, he noticed that his normal, silver eyes were now black like the voidless eyes of the demoness. "Nathanial.. Come on man, Snap out of it." Jake said, hearing the woman order the older half angel to strike Jake, he was prepared, Jumping back as Nathanial's fist came towards him, hitting air where Jake once stood.

Continuing to back away, he felt his back press against a pillar and so he swung around to hide behind it. "What did you do?" Jake called to the demoness, hoping Nathanial would break out of this trance, and that the shadow demon from before wouldn't appear to aid there new Allie, or bring friends in that matter.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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